Antiques & Auction News 071516

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The Virginia Jewelry, Art, And Antiques Show

AAN Current News

New Show In Virginia Beach, Va., Will Be Aug. 5, 6, And 7 FRIDAY JULY 15, 2016 • VOL. 47, NO. 29

Premier Automobilia And Petroliana Sale Set For July 23 And 24 At Morphy’s

D’Amore Promotions is pleased to announce the addition of an exciting new show to its 2016 lineup - The Virginia Jewelry, Art, & Antiques Show. It will be held at the Virginia Beach Convention Center in Virginia Beach, Va., on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Aug. 5, 6, and 7. This show will feature over 100 quality dealers presenting antique furniture, fine art, estate jewelry, Asian art, Americana, porcelains,

textiles, crystal, silver, antique rugs, and objets d’art. The Virginia Jewelry, Art, & Antiques Show will be the largest antiques show in the Hampton Roads area which encompasses Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Hampton, Newport News, and Suffolk. With hundreds of historical sites and attractions, as well as miles of

“Of Surf And Sails” on page 2

Continued on page 5

Celebrate Patriotism At Grist Mill Antiques on page 4

Last Of Four Major Sales Featuring The Kyle Moore Collection Morphy Auctions is geared up to hold a 1,550-lot sale to be held on Saturday and Sunday, July 23 and 24. This auction will be the final sale of the legendary Kyle Moore collection. The previous three together have produced several world records and have generated over $12.5 million. All lots from this July event are on display in Morphy’s Pennsylvania auction gallery and available for preview. All signs suggest enthusiasts will have a hard time choosing favorites among this sale’s assembly of highly desirable vintage automobilia and petroliana advertising signage. Examples promoting national, regional, and long-gone brands will be sold. Bird’s the word with Lots #1080, a Polly Gas iconic parrot die-cut sign, estimated at $60,000-$90,000, and #364, a Sinclair Products with rooster logo porcelain sign, estimated at $8,000$12,000. Both have excellent gloss and color. Lot #939, two diecut Bear Aligning Axle and Frame Service signs will each hold a $10,000-$20,000 estimate. And Lot #363, a

Mobil Pegasus Cookie Cutter sign from 1960, estimated at $4,000-$6,000, is certain to take flight. Other sign highlights include a full spectrum of eye-candy imagery. It is heads up for Lots #500, a Red Hat Motor Oil Gasoline logo porcelain sign, estimated The Bear Aligning Axle & Frame Service sign will be estimated at $10,000$20,000. at $15,000-$30,000, and Lot #210, a Kelly Tires “Lotta Miles” porcelain sign, estimated at $60,000$80,000. Both feature attractive headwear as a central feature in their designs. Lot #3, a Packard Genuine Parts Logo die-cut sign, estimated at $25,000-$40,000, is the real deal. Things are twice as nice This rare Polly Gas iconic parrot image die-cut sign will be estimated at $60,000-$90,000. with Lot #403, a Case Implements two-piece porcelain sign, estimated at $15,000$20,000. And good things come in small packages with Lot #940, a 10-inch diameter Smitho-Lene Aviation brand gasoline sign, estimated at $8,000-$15,000.

Fooled By Fakes on page 10

Simple Gifts: Shaker At The Met The United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, also known as the Shakers, is a utopian religious sect that rose to prominence in the 19th century. The simplicity and utility for which Shaker apparel, furniture, and architecture are known stem from the sect’s religious beliefs and customs, which stress social, gender, economic, and spiritual equality for all members. “Simple Gifts: Shaker at The Met,” at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, will feature more than two dozen examples of primarily mid19th-century furniture, textiles, and domestic objects by Shaker craftspeople. Many of the works came to The Met from the collection of Faith and Edward Deming Andrews, leading collectors and scholars of Shaker culture from the 1930s

through the 1960s, who were heralded for stimulating widespread interest in Shaker design and antiques. “Simple Gifts: Shaker at The Met” focuses on the museum’s collection of Shaker furniture and textiles. Through pairings with related objects, the installation will show how Shaker design overlapped with other design styles while continuing to reflect those distinctive attributes that are rooted in the community’s beliefs. Aspects of this uniquely religious and craft-oriented community itself will be considered in the thematically organized installation. A rare red child’s cloak, multicolored oval boxes with shapely “fingers,” and a sky-blue blanket chest explore the characteristic Shaker palette that became

The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism And The Garden Movement (1887–1920) on page 12

Continued on page 2

Continued on page 2

Ask The Appraiser on page 14

In This Issue This United Products 13.5-inch globe lenses with an image of a ring-necked pheasant in flight will be estimated at $8,000-$12,000.

This Ben Franklin Premium Logo Gill globe lenses will be estimated at $10,000$15,000.

SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 This oval box, American, 1800-1900, made of maple, pine, was purchased with the Friends of the American Wing Fund in 1966 (66.10.36a, b).

SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . . on page 7 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 6

FEATURED AUCTION: Gateway Gallery Auction - Sports Cards & Memorabilia Sale in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania - Page 8

AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 6 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 15

Morphy Auctions Continued from page 1

It is “can do” with this sale’s remarkable selections of vintage oil cans. Collectors will strike black gold with Lot #109, a Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil one gallon can, estimated at $2,000$4,000, and Lot #262, a Silent Chief Motor Oil quart can, estimated at $1,500-$3,000. And Lots #999, a Golden Flash Motor Oil two This Packard Genuine Parts Only die-cut sign will be estimated at $25,000- $40,000.

This Bengal Green Gasoline 15-inch single globe lens will be estimated at $10,000-$20,000.

The Red Hat Motor Oil Gasoline 15inch globe lenses will be estimated at $8,000-$12,000.

gallon can and #1,000, a LorPenn Motor Oil two gallon can, may grease the wheels of competitive bidding. Both are estimated at $1,000-$2,000. Enthusiasts are certain to get pumped up over this auction’s great offering of collectible and desirable pumps.

It makes sense that Lot #122, a Starkley #C coin operated 10 gallon visible pump, is a highlight in this category. This hard to find gas pump with a good glass cylinder has been professionally restored. It is estimated at $10,000-$20,000. It’s time to focus on this sale’s worldclass selections of lenses and globes. Of chief interest are Lots #1171, Tioga Gasoline logo globe lenses in its original yellow globe body, estimated at $7,500-$15,000, and #1055, an Indian Gasoline with Running Indian logo OPE globe, estimated at $10,000$20,000. Lot #163, Ben Franklin Premium logo lenses in its A Starkley #C coin operated 10 gallon pump will be estimated at $10,000-$20,000.

P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 800-800-1833 717-653-1833 717-653-6165 fax e-mail: Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 e-mail: Advertising Sales John Barilla, Ext. 2536 Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566 Sample copy ........................... $2.50 1 YEAR, third class ............... $28.00 1 YEAR, first class ................. $80.00 6 MONTHS, first class .......... $48.00 All checks must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on U.S. bank OR add $7.00 to subscription price. Antiques & Auction News is distributed at shops, shows, markets and auctions throughout the Northeastern United States. Doing Our Part original copper screw base gill at $10,000-$20,000); and Lot globe body could make histo- #1461, a Gilmore Blu-Green ry and will have a $10,000- Gasoline single globe lens, $15,000 estimate. And Lots estimated at $8,000-$12,000. #1462, Red Head Gasoline “This final sale featurlenses in their original ing the legendary metal globe body, Kyle Moore colestimated at lection again $ 5 , 0 0 0 tempts $10,000, and enthusi#164, Red asts with Hat Motor some of Oil Gasoline t h e globe lensworld’s es in a HP finest metal body, gas, oil, and autoAn Aircraft m o b i l e Gasoline with plane related lens15-inch single globe es, globes, signs, lens will be estimated at pumps, and cans. The $15,000-$20,000. universal appeal of estimated at $8,000this collection is evident in $12,000, are head-turners as the huge following these sales well. have generated over the past Other wildly popular high- three events. We have in part lights in this category saved the best of the collecinclude Lot #621, tion for this last event, so be United Products prepared for some once-in-apheasant logo’ed globe lens- lifetime collecting opportunies in a new Capco globe body ties. I look forward to welcom(estimated at $8,000ing everyone to $12,000); Lot our Denver #622, a Bengal gallery G r e e n in July Gasoline single f o r globe lens in a this HP metal body (estimated at $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 $20,000); and Lot #626, a Bruinoil single A globe lens in a HP Smithmetal body, also o-Lene estimated at $10,000Aviation brand $20,000. The sky’s the gasoline sign will be limit with Lots #623, an estimated at $8,000-$15,000. Aircraft Gasoline single globe lens in a HP metal body, estimated at outstanding sale,” said Dan $15,000-$20,000, and Matthews, division head of #1054, a Rainbow petroliana/automobilia. Gasoline motor oil single Morphy Auctions is locatglobe lens in a HP metal body, ed at 2000 North Reading estimated at $20,000-$30,000. Road, Denver, Pa. For direcAnd Lot #800, the tions, call 717-335-3435 Independent Gasoline globe or email info@morphy lenses in a new HP metal Morphy globe body, are truly in a class Auctions is open seven days a by themselves. They are esti- week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. mated at $10,000-$30,000. For more information, visit For those who prefer to go it alone, this sale offers several fine single globe lenses without bodies. These include Lot #299, a High Hat Gasoline single globe lens (estimated at $15,000$25,000); Lot #1342, a Home Oil Co. Gasoline single lens (estimated This Kelly Tires with Lotta Miles porcelain sign will be estimated at $60,000-$80,000.


General Deadline for Shows, Markets, Shops, Auctioneer Directory, Services/Supplies/Specialties Every Wednesday At 3 P.M. Auction Deadline Every Thursday at 11 A.M.

Shaker At The Met Continued from page 1

highly desirable to 20thcentury collectors Faith and Edward Deming Andrews. The installation will also illustrate the lasting impact of the Shakers on modern


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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2016 C-7/15

Is there any better time than summer to appreciate the timeless beauty of paintings of the sea? The Old State Theater Antique Mall is proud to announce a selling exhibit titled “Of Surf and Sails” during the month of July. It is a This oil painting titled “Surf, Coast of Maine” single owner collection is by Jack Coggins (1911-2006). of quality renditions of ocean waves, sailboats, and marinas. With something for everyone by listed artists, this is a diverse and well rounded assemblage. The history of sailing dates back for centuries. The harnessing of the wind on the water made it possible for humans to traverse the seas for travel, trade, and warfare. Of course, today, sailing is popular for This watercolor painting titled “The Winner” recreation, fishing, and is by Howard P. Maeder Sr. (1886-1983) of Easton, Md. competitive racing. Long ago, artists recognized the beauty of early seafaring sailing vessels and recorded them in their paintings. The romance of the sea is as alluring as ever and maritime subjects, of course, still attract many artists today. “Of Surf and Sails” consists of oil paintings, The miniature oil painting depicting Bradley watercolors and prints Wharf, Rockport, Mass., is by Mildred consigned for sale to Gehman (1908-2006). The Old State Theatre Antique Mall. The earliest sale and guaranteed as paintings in the collection described, and can been are a stunning 19th-century seen and purchased in the Italian coastal scene by mall gallery or online at Emilio Donnini (1809-86) Planetantiques55 on eBay. along with a late 19th-early The Old State Theatre 20th century Impressionistic Antique Mall is located in an oil-on-canvas painting of two historic river town on the Susquehanna River in sailboats at sunset. Also included are a num- Lancaster County. It is locatber of 20th century American ed at 421 Locust Street, renditions of coastal scenes Columbia, Pa., and is open from Rockport to the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Chesapeake, by artists such from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by as Jack Coggins, Howard appointment. For additional informaMaeder, Mildred Gehman, tion, call 717-925-4204 or email and John Berninger. All of the paintings are for

1. Call: 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541

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New Selling Exhibit At Old State Theater Antique Mall Is Open

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“Of Surf And Sails”

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design and performance. Shaker artifacts will be grouped near key works by the modern artist Charles Sheeler (1883-1965), and a video projection will show Martha Graham performing the ballet Appalachian Spring. Choreographed by Graham to Aaron Copland’s timeless musical score, the ballet was performed on a stage set by Isamu Noguchi. All three artists were inspired by Shaker life. The installation was organized by Alyce Perry Englund, assistant curator of American Decorative Arts, the American Wing. It will be featured on The Met website, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Related programs will include a series of gallery talks. A complete Shaker interior - the North Family Retiring Room, from New Lebanon, N.Y., from around 1830–40 - is on view nearby, in gallery 734, within the American Wing’s suite of historic interiors. To learn more, visit

Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 3

COLLECTOR CHATS WITH PETER S. SEIBERT Diamond International Galleries Items Available For Sale This Week: Wearing It

In Central PA

The Power House




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toys and action figures. Every week DIG lists between 600 to 750 items for a week long auction in their eBay store, starting at $9.95. They also have over a thousand buy-it-now style listings that include brand new products on their website, on eBay, and on Amazon. One thing that sets DIG above other eBay stores is their commitment to customer satisfaction, achieved with their comprehensive listings, professional and high quality shipping, as well as keen and quick customer service.

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Diamond International Galleries (DIG Auctions) a sister company to Hake’s Americana, is the headquarters for an almost-limitless array of comics, original comic art, posters, animation cells and backgrounds, drawings, lithographs, and paintings. They have a comprehensive inventory of collectibles, both modern and vintage, that includes Disney, Westerns, superheroes, print media advertisements and magazines, political memorabilia, television and film memorabilia,

Antiques & Collectibles



For the budding collector, clothing and textiles do represent great opportunities. They are an area where a lot of knowledge in many areas can really help you immensely. I recall going to a quilt dealer and purchasing a large quantity of beautiful Scottish woolens from them at bargain prices. Why? Because no one understood the quality and rarity of the materials and so they sold them cheaply. It is an area, if you are prepared for the conservation/preservation risks, to be explored and collected.


There is an interesting line out there about collecting clothing. Are they vintage, are they antique, are they to be worn, are they to be locked away in an acid-free box forever? Collecting textiles has always been one of those tricky areas where the fear of deterioration can drive you up a wall. Yesterday we were out antiquing and spotted a very nice piece of antique Pennsylvania German clothing. We both stopped to decide if we wanted it. It was no bargain, but it was also not outrageously priced. What held us back was the damage to the textile. The holes were fatal flaws. To my mind, and for my collection, they become something that can never be properly resolved. The piece is not worth the high

Los Angeles designer-produced stage outfit. It is spectacular and the price was just too cheap. But now that I have it, what do I do with it? The rule about refolding things applies here and I would be forever doing that with this item. It is a synthetic, so no moth worth his salt would be able to eat it. And yet, I am watching the piece slowly deteriorate. What do I do? Well, it is stored for the moment and perhaps one of these days when I get to the point that my guilty conscience cannot be assuaged, then I will sell it off.


By Peter Seibert

cost of having it restored by a conservator so therefore it is a case where it probably just needs to be relegated to another collection or the rag pile. That is a harsh indictment of an old textile but condition and deterioration are everything when it comes to this area. There is just not much room for damage when it comes to these materials. And yet, how do you determine if the wear is fatal or not? I enjoy collecting antique clothing. Probably if I had the space, and I didn’t live in humid and mothy Virginia, I would collect clothing to the exclusion of most other areas. It is among the most personal of items and reflects ownership and taste so uniquely. One can collect military uniforms or Victorian dresses, Pennsylvania German antique finery, or ’60s mod items. It is truly a wide-open area that defies generation and gender. And yet, it is a bear to keep and store. When we lived out West, I purchased, at a thrift shop, a high end 1960s

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Of Lemoyne

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Take a break in ChloÊ’s Cafe— coffee, tea, desserts

Furniture, Jewelry, Art, Glassware, Pottery, Clothing, Postcards, and Primitives!

4 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016

Alderfer’s Auctioneers & Appraisers Ohio-Based Appraisal Firm Names Sherry S. Russell As Chief Expanding In The Midwest Operating Officer And Sales Director Wipiak Consulting & Appraisals Adds Two Appraisers And Decades Of Market Experience

within the 25-mile radius of Doylestown, Philadelphia, and Lancaster. Its mission is to ethically and creatively guide people through the maze of property in transition. For information, visit 501 Fairgrounds Road in Hatfield, Pa., online at or call 215-393-3000.

Celebrate Patriotism At Grist Mill Antiques

Far and wide, people attend parades, picnics, fireworks displays and concerts observing the country they call home and the unique and beautiful citizens who make it special. The United States began as a

unique experiment in freedom and self-governance, where people fleeing oppression or just looking for a better life could make their own way and go as far as their dreams would take them. Almost two and a half centuries later, it is still seen as the epitome of liberty and opportunity. The Grist Mill Antiques Center in Pemberton, N.J., is waving the flag all month long in honor of America with a special display of patriotic memorabilia. They have everything necessary for summer celebrations – Americana, presidential collectibles, flags, lapel pins, symbolic statuary, Liberty Bells, and even red, white and blue tableware. Whatever the festivities, to

decorate a home, or for gift items, the shop’s friendly dealers are happy to help shoppers find a special item. The Grist Mill would like to invite shoppers to its monthly Scavenger Hunt on Wednesday, July 27. Lists will be given out at 5 p.m., and the person who finds the most items by 8, will be awarded a prize. Light refreshments will be served. The Grist Mill’s next Flea Market will be held on Sunday, Oct. 16, so mark calendars now. This multi-dealer shop is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours until 8 p.m. every Wednesday. For further information, call 609-726-1588 or visit

Richmond. “When I was looking for a way to help people be more satisfied with the process of assessing or selling their possessions, this seemed like a good place to start.� Richmond founded Wipiak Consulting & Appraisals in 2016 to fulfill this emerging need and to provide assessment and advisory services to those making short- or long-term plans for their household goods and collections - plans where realistic estimates of value and a thorough understanding of the workings of today’s antiques and art marketplace are crucial for getting the best outcomes. After only a few months, Wipiak’s business is growing fast, and Richmond was thrilled when the opportunity to hire Johnson and Dillinger presented itself. “Don brings 30 years of experience in the antiques market and a sterling reputation for honesty and integrity, and Zach brings the keen eye

of a trained traditional cabinetmaker as well as a youthful energy and passion,� said Richmond. “Both gentlemen bring boundless enthusiasm for antiques and art, and, of course, a solid commitment to providing top-notch customer service. With them on board, Wipiak will be able to expand to meet the fast-growing demand for qualified and objective appraisal and advisory services.� About Wipiak Consulting & Appraisals Wipiak Consulting & Appraisals offers a wide range of appraisal and advisory services for antiques, art, and personal property to clients throughout the Midwest and beyond. From estate and insurance appraisals to sale planning and management, Wipiak can draw upon years of real market experience to ensure that your valuable possessions are well cared for and dispersed responsibly. For more information, contact Andrew Richmond at 740-760-1788.


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The country just celebrated its 240th birthday, but it’s just one of many holidays to honor the U.S.A. Summer is the most patriotic time of year. Flag Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and even the newest holiday – Patriots’ Day, all commemorate how proud Americans are of their country.

Wipiak Consulting & Appraisals recently announced the appointment of Don Johnson and Zachary Dillinger as Associate Appraisers, a move that not only gives the company physical presences in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, but places representatives within easy service reach of nearly a quarter of the United States population, including a dozen metro areas throughout the Ohio Valley and the Midwest. With more than 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 today - and every day for the next two decades, many are finding themselves with homes filled with possessions, some of which may be quite valuable, but without the information or the means to downsize or disperse their property. “Even knowledgeable collectors of antiques and art often lack the market perspective to evaluate items in their homes,� said company president and CEO Andrew


the worldwide arena of fine art, jewelry, sterling, decorative accessories, firearms, militaria, coins, dolls, books and stamps. The past narrative of human relationships is matched with the present technological advancements of online cataloging, bidding platforms and modern media marketing. Russell is expanding her high energy team with the additional hires of salespersons, appraisers, controller and support staff. “Alderfer’s is poised for growth, sustainability and the future,� said Russell. She vows to carry on Alderfer legacy saying, “We are the future of history and proud to serve the community, collectors and sellers with passion and compassion.� Alderfer’s 8,500 square foot gallery is located


Alderfer’s Auctioneers & Appraisers announced that Sherry S. Russell has been named chief operating officer and sales director. “We are fortunate to have Sherry’s energy and experience as CEO, business development, sales and marketing experience to add to this dynamic, complex and exciting industry of auction,� stated CEO, Sanford “Sandy� L. Alderfer. “With the appointment of Sherry, we are poised for sustainability and legacy preservation.� With its half century of history strongly rooted in Pennsylvania and Bucks County artists and Impressionists, Alderfer’s focus remains on high quality collections, consignments and merchandise. Its expertise has expanded into

Christmas in July! JULY 16-31 20% OFF All Christmas Merchandise

! "# $! % & & ' ( ''

) *" + , ##" + " ! ## ! " -

2205 Bristol Pike (Rt. 13), Croydon, PA


on the corner of Rt. 13 and Franklin Avenue






The new phone is

Same Friendly Faces, Same Quality Merchandise, Same Great Prices Come in and browse through yesterday‌


44 North Bedford St.


JH Antique Mall

Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-7 And Sunday 10-5

Hundreds of Quality Antiques! Antique Furniture • Royal Doulton Roseville • Weller • Fenton • Van Briggle Rookwood • Lenox • Hummels • Victrolas Radios • Military • Old Toys & Trains

OPEN DAILY TUES.-SUN. 11 A.M.-6 P.M. 3134 South Rt. 30 Hammonton, NJ 08037


™ Jim Holmes 609-801-0290


Estate Liquidations

Two Floors With Over 100 Quality Antiques & Collectibles Dealers

717-241-5309 S935456


Formerly of the Old Mill in Mullica Hill




19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Liberty Plaza. Now in Summer Hrs. Mon-Sat. 12-8, Sun. 12-5. Over 45 Showcase & Room Dealers selling quality antiques/ collectibles. 19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items. 19933 Bridgeville 302-337-3137 ANTIQUE ALLEY OF BRIDGEVILLE, Rt. 13 South. Over 20,000 sq. ft., 60 diverse dealers. Open 7 days 9am-6pm. Find great treasures and enjoy a break at our cafe. Like us on Facebook. 19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).

21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4 21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in Havre de Grace with 50+ quality dealers. Open 7 days, M-S 10-5, S 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles.



1 Mile S. of Historic Smithville Village and 9 Miles N. of Atlantic City

Select Dealer Space and Showcases Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 10 A.M.-6 P.M. The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op

Red Bank Antique Center

ANTIQUE CROSSROADS 20150 National Pike,

Hagerstown, MD 21740

Daily 11 a.m.-5 p.m.

I-70 To Exit 32A Route 40 E. 1.5 Miles



Handicap Accessible

Sundays 12 noon-5 p.m.


250 Antique Dealers Open 7 Days 9-5.

226 W. FRONT ST.

195 W. FRONT ST.

(732) 842-4336

(732) 842-3393


NEW JERSEY 07701 Exit 109 Garden State Parkway

PEMBERTON, NJ 08068 Limited Space Available Route 616, 127 Hanover Street

Pocono Peddlers Village


Antique Mall S936843

(856) 546-0555 (609) 726-1588

19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more.

★ S856696

110 South New York Road (Route 9), Galloway, NJ


Year-Round Hours: Wednesday-Sunday 10 -5


First Light right 1/2 mile on Main St. Dealer Business Welcomed



Exit #82 Garden St. Parkway Rt. #37 East

f Olde Antique Cente o s y r Da Come Spend The Day!

12,000 Sq. Ft. Shopping Space


★ ★

Over 40 Vendors

Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection


Open Mon.-Fri. 10AM-3:30PM, Sat. 10AM-4:30PM & Sun. 12-4:30PM

529 Rt. 49 • Salem, NJ 08079

Haddon Heights, New Jersey


PHONE: (732) 349-5764 ESTABLISHED SINCE 1969



21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.

07060 North Plainfield 908-222-2085 NORTH PLAINFIELD ANTIQUE GALLERY 1006 RT22 E Specialize in buying and selling Asian Antiques. Open Wed.-Sun. 11-5. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking. 08006 Barnegat Light 609-361-8039 THE SEAWIFE, 1901 Bayview Ave. at Viking Village. Country primitive antique furniture, quilts, folk art, architecturals & garden. Open Weekends. 08054 Mt. Laurel 856-235-1830 CREEK MERCANTILE 118 Creek Rd. Our vendors have excellent taste! Antiques, Vintage, Mid Century, Salvage, Industrial, Jewelry, Primitive, Handmade goods. Vendors Wanted. 08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-0300 YELLOW GARAGE ANTIQUES 66 S. Main St. Multi-dealer co-op, Wed Sun.11am-5pm. Fine 18th & 19th C furniture, stoneware, textiles, folk art, Americana, decoys, jewelry, dolls, etc. 08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs

A Hidden Treasure Awaits



Voted #1 in Northeast PA


VINTAGE MARKETPLACE Please Call 856-545-3187

570-629-6366 GPS 246 Stadden Rd., Tannersville, PA 18372

Over 100 Vendors

Rt. 80 To Bartonsville Exit 302, Turn Left Onto Rt. 611, 2.2 Miles On Left

Open 7 Days A Week Call For Holiday Hours 10am-5pm

08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.

16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome. 16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322. 17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 THE SHOP 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4. 18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad. 18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5.


Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave.

100 N. Water St. Lewisburg, PA 17837

Antiques & Things on Consignment

diverse demographic region. Show hours will be Friday, Aug. 5, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Saturday, Aug. 6, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on Sunday, Aug. 7, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission will be $8 and parking is free. For further information, call 757-430-4735.




Grist Mill Haddon Heights Antiques Center Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op

Open 77 DAYS Days OPEN 11-5 Daily 10-5



517 St. Mary’s St. Lewisburg, PA 17837

“We’re Bigger ★ Than We Look”


waterfront property and beaches that attract thousands of tourists annually, the area is also known for its enormous military presence. Virginia Beach is also only 40 minutes from the historic Williamsburg and Jamestown area and only an hour and a half away from Richmond. D ’ A m o r e Promotion’s history of presenting quality antique markets continues to grow with the addition of this new and exciting antiques show. The company’s motto is, affordable booth rents, aggressive advertising, and high volume traffic. There has not been a show of this quality and size in the Hampton Roads area for over two years. With the close proximity of the Virginia Beach Convention Center to the oceanfront, this new show will certainly attract many tourists, as well as the die-hard collectors and antique aficionados of this


Continued from page 1

18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm. 18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES 113 7th St. 2 large Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. 18612 Dallas 570-674-2646 HERITAGE GALLERIES/ HERITAGE COINS & STAMPS 52 Carr Ave. Tues. Sat. 10am-5pm. NE PA’s largest selection of quality postcards, coins, stamps, lead soldiers, autographs, Hist. & Pol. items. Buying - Selling - Trading. 18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking. 18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980” 18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST/ EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 215-536-4408, Multi-DLR shops. One Stop Shopping. 2 Fantastic Stores. Intersections Rts. 212 & 313. Shop where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days. 18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4

19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7. 19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30. 19365 Parkesburg 610-857-4700 WRIGHT’S BARN SHOPPES 3618 Limestone Rd. (Route 10). Selling High End Estate Furniture & Antiques. Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10-4. 19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6, 19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. “We invite you to come fall in Love”. Antique, collectibe, vintage home & garden decor.

To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211

AT T E N T I O N Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?

CALL 1-800-428-4211, ext. 2561 or

717-653-9848 Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day

E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition

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D’Amore Promotions

Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 5

6 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016


SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR PENNSYLVANIA 07/16/16, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Lock, 2300 Lincoln Hwy E, Lancaster Host Resort & Conf. Center

08/11-14/16, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center

07/22-23/16, MOUNTAINHOME, FRI & SAT 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 6680 Rt 191, Mountainhome United Methodist Church

MASSACHUSETTS 07/13-17/16, BRIMFIELD, WEDSUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 37 Palmer Rd, Heart-O-The Mart

07/30-31/16, CAMP HILL, SAT 9 AM-3 PM SUN 10 AM-1 PM, Wade Fest, Rt 15 N, Camp Hill Radisson Hotel

7/13-17/16, BRIMFIELD, WED 6 AM-5 PM THURS-SUN 8 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 30 Palmer Rd, New England Motel NEW JERSEY 08/07/16, BARNEGAT LIGHT, SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 19th & Bayview Ave, Historic Viking Village 08/13/16, BORDENTOWN, SAT 8:30 AM-3 PM, Stamp, 3 Municipal Dr, Bordentown Senior Center

08/13/16, SOMERSET, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antiques, Streets of Somerset 08/27/16, LITITZ, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, Lititz Springs Park VIRGINIA 07/23-24/16, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center 08/05-07/16, VIRGINIA BEACH, FRI 11 AM-6 PM SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Jewelry, art, antiques, 1000 19th St, Virginia Beach Convention Center

08/20-21/16, HARMONY, SAT & SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antique Show & Vintage Marketplace, Rt 519, Warren County Fairgrounds

07/16/16, NEW PROVIDENCE, SAT 8:30 AM, Real Estate, guns & hand guns, early wash machines, David Bradley equipment, fine antiques, great collectibles, Griswold, Wagner & Wapak ironware, American Flyer train items, toys, crocks, furniture etc., OnSite 532 Cinder Rd, Probst Family Auctions 07/16/16, NEW RINGGOLD, SAT 10 AM, Tractor, antiques, collectibles, house & home, hunting/fishing; furniture noon, OnSite 127 River Rd, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals

07/21/16, CARLISLE, THURS 3 PM, Antiques, collectibles, Mount Holly Springs Collection, Rowe's Auction Barn 2505 Ritner Hwy, Rowe's Auction Service 07/21/16, HATFIELD, THURS 10 AM, Military, 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfer Auction & Appraisal 07/21/16, QUARRYVILLE, THURS 3PM & 6 PM, Antique & Coin (coins 6 pm), 3164 White Oak Rd, PA Auction Center 07/22/16, SOUTHAMPTON, FRI 3 PM, Antiques & Decorative Arts, 1005 Industrial Blvd, Stephenson's Auction

07/30/16, BERNVILLE, SAT 8:30 AM, Antiques, collectibles, JD tractor, Toro"o" turn mower, horse trailer, tools, furniture, OnSite 9 Birch Ln, Wagner Auction Service 07/30/16, BERWICK, SAT 9 AM, Antiques & Collectables, 7588 Columbia Blvd, CW Odds and Ends 07/30/16, KINZERS, SAT 8:30 AM, Antiques, glassware, furniture, over 1000 postcards, linens, quilts, collectibles, Kinzers Firehall 3521 Lincoln Hwy E, Ron Funk, Jeff Knosp, Jim Lewis


Real Estate (13.7 A Farmette), Guns & Hand Guns, Early Wash. Machines, David Bradley Equip., Fine Antiqs., Great Collects., Lots Of Griswold, Wagner & Wapak Ironware, American Flyer Train Items, Toys, Crocks, Watches, Antiq. Furn., 1838 Yordy Coverlet, Tinware, Woodenware, Antiq. Tools, 14 Ft. Boat, Early Johnson Outboard Motor, Jaeger 2 HP Hit & Miss Engine, Early Maytag engines, Butter Churns Of


Loc.: 532 Cinder Rd.,

Real Estate to be sold at 2 P.M. Lot Good Pics., Full list & terms at

OREGON 07/16-17/16, PORTLAND, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, Portland Expo Center

SUNDAY, JULY 17, 2016


Sat., July 30, 2016, 9-3 Sun., July 31, 2016, 10-1 Saturday, Free Wade With $5.00 Admission Sunday, FREE Admission

Camp Hill Radisson Hotel PA Turnpike Exit 236 Route 15 N. 6 Miles On Left

18211 1950’s Jukebox, Vintage Pinball Machine, Vintage hanging traffic light, antique oak treadle sewing machine, oak rolltop desk, Large local milk bottle and diggers bottle collection w/rare bottles, Blue Decorated Chicken crock, green & red souvenir glass collection. Vintage ice cream trays, old clocks, old split oak baskets, primitive & country décor, Hess Trucks, Diecast tractors, furniture, box lots and much more! Check full listing & photos at ID #21038.





For Photos

LOCATION: 2228 Gettysburg Road,

CAMP HILL, PA Telephone (717) 737-0000

DEAN R. ARNER AUCTIONEER, LLC AY002077L 570-386-3389


Andi Charkow Presents:

Over 1500 Vendors D224157


ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE Fri. & Sat., July 22 & 23, 2016

Vintage Clothing, Accessories & Textiles Auction SATURDAY JULY 16TH, 2016

10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mountainhome United Methodist Church 6680 Route 191 (junction of Routes 191 & 390)

Mountainhome, PA

10:00 A.M. • Preview 8:30 A.M. Preview 7/15: 4:00 P.M. To 7:00 P.M. Air-Conditioned

“In the Heart of the Poconos” S936999

ANTIQUES ~ COLLECTIBLES Enjoy the day looking for that special gift or treasure for your home.

Coffee Shop - homemade lunches / pies / desserts DONATION $4 ($1 off with this AD)

LANCASTER LOCK SHOW Saturday, July 16, 9:00 to 4:00

Horsham V.F.W. Post #9788 324 Sawmill Lane



For Hundreds Of Photos, Full Listing & Directions, Go To:

Lancaster Host Resort and Conf. Center 2300 Lincoln Hwy. East

Auctioneer ID #10685


TERMS: Announcements made day of sale take precedence of all printed material. 15% Buyer’s Premium. 5% discount for cash or approved PA check w/photo ID. Credit Cards: MC, Visa or Discover. PA sales tax must be paid unless you hold a valid resale number and provide it to the cashier day of sale.

• Rare & collectible padlocks • Railroadiana • Restraints • Antique hardware • Doorknobs Admission: Adults $5.00, under age 16 FREE

Andi Charkow AU005294 S936823

For more info, early bird admission or to display

or call Joe Kingsmill 610-742-5372

Harrisburg Magazine Simply The Best Auctioneer

AUCTIONEER: Michael Costea AU-1759-L

Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3



TERMS: Cash, Visa/MasterCard, Checks. 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM.

Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES


11:00 A.M. • DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 A.M. Featuring local Estates and Quality additions Collections and Quality items wanted for Auction Phone 717-737-0000

Lower Allen Plaza,


Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ

Probst Family Auctions (717) 464-3700


Summer Wade Fest 2016 Camp Hill/Harrisburg, PA 17011

OHIO 08/26-28/16, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, FRI SAT SUN, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds

Rain or Shine

07/16/16, HORSHAM, SAT 10 AM, Vintage clothing, accessories, textiles, Horsham VFW Post #9788 324 Sawmill Ln, Andi Charkow

07/18/16, YORK, MON 9 AM, Antiques, furniture, collectibles, glassware, china, jewelry, personal property, two rooms of box lots, 240 Hatchery Rd, Toomey Auction Service, Inc.

07/27/16, KINZERS, WED 10 AM, Fine arts, antiques, fire helmet collection, Griswold cast iron and quality Asian a top-shelf online and in-house cataloged auction, 5336 Mine Rd, Embassy Auctions International

07/30-31/16, DENVER, SAT & SUN 9 AM, Firearms, 2000 N Reading Rd, Morphy Auctions

A must look at auction!


NEW YORK 08/15-21/16, BOUCKVILLE, MON THRU SUN, Antiques & Collectibles, On Route 20, Madison-Bouckville

PENNSYLVANIA 07/15-16/16, QUARRYVILLE, FRI 4 PM SAT 9 AM, 7/15 Session 2 antique tool & plane; 7/16 - Gun & hunting equipment (guns noon), 3164 White Oak Rd, PA Auction Center

07/17/16, HARRISBURG, SUN 10 AM, Consignment Auction including vehicle, art, house & home, collectibles, furniture noon; Coin, silver & jewelry auction 11 am, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals

07/23/16, MANHEIM, SAT 9 AM, Orientalia collection, antique china, early glass, metalwares, tin Wriggle-Work teapot, lighting redware & stoneware pottery, early 19th c & Victorian period clocks, paintings, textiles, quilts & coverlets, furniture etc., 768 Graystone Rd, Conestoga Auction a Division of Hess Auction

07/29/16, DENVER, FRI 9 AM, General Antiques, 2000 N Reading Rd, Morphy Auctions


07/15-16/16, BRIMFIELD, FRI 8 AM-4 PM SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 35 Main St, J&J Promotions

OHIO 07/16/16, WILLOUGHBY, SAT 10 AM, Premier vintage toys & mechanical banks, 3860 Ben Hur Ave, Milestone Auctions Gallery

07/17/16, CAMP HILL, SUN 11 AM, Local estates and quality additions, 2228 Gettysburg Rd, Costea's Auction Gallery

07/23/16, BOYERTOWN, SAT 9 AM, Furniture, antiques farm collectibles, glassware, pottery, trains, toys, tools etc., 142 Weil Rd, JR's Auctioneering Phone: 215-356-8413


07/14-16/16, BRIMFIELD, THURS-SAT 9 AM-5 PM, Antique Market, 10 Palmer Rd, May's Antique Market, Inc.

08/13/16, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-1 PM, Hunting & Fishing, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster Farm & Home Center

07/23-24/16, FULTONVILLE, SAT & SUN 10 AM, Real Estate, antiques, furniture, collectibles, glassware, china, jewelry etc., 20 Main St, Brzostek's Auction Service

07/17/16, ANDREAS, SUN 10 AM, 1950's Juke Box, vintage pinball machine, vintage hanging traffic light, antique oak tredle sewing machine, oak roll top desk, large local milk bottle & diggers bottle collection w/rare bottles etc., Andreas Station House 42 Andreas Rd, Dean R. Arner


GEORGIA 07/15-17/16, CUMMING, FRI 9 AM-5 PM SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques Market, 1321 Atlanta Hwy, Lakewood 400 Antiques Market

NEW YORK 07/12/16, EAST CORNING, TUES 10:45 AM, Steins from Stein Collectors International's Convention, Radisson Hotel Cayua Room 125 Denison Pkwy, Keystone Auction LLC

Bel Air Auction Gallery

Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS PENNSYLVANIA

BLUM’S AUCTION Adjacent To Black Diamond At The Schuylkill Mall FRACKVILLE, PA Monthly Bid Board Auctions 570-622-3089




Chester Heights, PA 19017



344 Valleybrook Road, Phone:

(610) 358-9515

Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)





For over 30 years no one has consistently helped more sellers realize more money for their quality BASEBALL MATERIAL than Robert Edward Auctions. Offering an unparalleled tradition of integrity, knowledge, and professionalism, and an extraordinary national client base.


We specialize in the very best in BASEBALL COLLECTIBLES. If you don’t check with us before selling – you won’t know what the market will bear. Let us tell you what we think of your baseball collectibles.

Furniture, Antiques, Farm Collectibles, Glassware, Pottery, Trains, Toys, Tools


Consignments Wanted

Two-Day Unreserved Real Estate & Contents



NAZARETH AUCTION CENTER Richard L. Dotta Auction Co.

SAT., JULY 23 - 9 A.M. 142 Weil Rd. (District Twp.), BOYERTOWN, PA

Saturday, July 30, 2016 AT 9 A.M.


Lic. #005635

517 Saint Mary St., Lewisburg, PA 17837 570-274-5103





Since 1911 Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M.



:((./< $8&7,216




Hatfield, PA 215-393-3000

CW Odds and Ends 7588 Columbia Blvd., Berwick, PA 18603

Auctioneers & Appraisers

Roller Mills Antiques Gallery

1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12-6pm

Antiques & Collectables Auction Phone

Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078

23(1 $335$,6$/ '$<




105 Chapel Street





Member Of The NJSSA For More Info. Call

Stephenson’s Auction Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182

Acc eptin g Con sign men ts


Â?–‹“—‡• ĆŹ ”–ǥ ‡”•‘Â?ƒŽ ”‘’‡”–›ǥ Â•Â–ÂƒÂ–Â‡Â•ÇĄ ‹”‡ƒ”Â?•ǥ ‡ƒŽ •–ƒ–‡ ’’”ƒ‹•ƒŽ ‡”˜‹…‡•


Phone: (570) 494-0170 Or: (800) 955-ROAN Fax: (570) 494-1911



6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!



Bodnar’s Auction Sales

5 Miles N. Of Williamsport


Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers

Exit No. 17, Interstate 295 PHONES: (856) 423-6800 OR 423-6801

AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME

CI kitchen stove; Oak farm/paw foot tables, thumbprint washstand/ server, stackable bookshelves; primitive bench table. Adv. items; Depr. kitchen utensils; buttons; fancywork; mantel clocks; tennis memorabilia; CI dog doorstops; marbles; vintage clothing; chicken nesting/ roosting boxes/feeders/crates; egg/market baskets; butter churn; crocks/ jugs. Depr. glass; Westmoreland/Bavarian/Nippon/Noritake; stoneware mixing bowl/pie plates, Hoppe Schiedman bottle. 25+ lots Lionel trains & acc., many OB; Roadmaster boy’s Luxury Liner bike; Buck Rogers Atomic XZ38 Disintegrator pistol; metal toys. 2001 Chevy Blazer 4x4 V6. Craftsman table saws/drill press; Husky toolbox; machinist/hand/power/lawn/garden tools; lumber/beams/seasoned firewood; Primitive Tools incl. long/short jointer, spiral auger, Staller Wein curved blade drawknife, Stanley #82 cabinet scraper. Much More!!! 2 Auctioneers No Buyers’ Premium!!! See our website for Details/Photos/Directions JR’s Auctioneering, AU3267L (610) 489-3661 E-Mail

We offer complete auction services, as well as free appraisals and comprehensive information about your material. We will not try to buy your material. We are not dealers. We are strictly an auction house – with unparalleled integrity, knowledge and experience in the field. We will give you the information you need to make the most intelligent decisions regarding your significant and valuable baseball material. When Barry Halper, the world’s greatest baseball collector, sold his legendary collection, he insisted that Robert Edward Auctions oversee the historic sale of his Twenty-Six Million Dollar Collection. Robert Edward Auctions offers the largest circulation of any auction devoted to sports collectibles in the world. Robert Edward Auctions always has millions of dollars available at a moment’s notice specifically for cash advances. We specialize in the very best in all areas of baseball collectibles. This includes: • • • • •

Baseball Cards Babe Ruth Items Tobacco Cards Uniforms Lou Gehrig Items

• • • • •

Buttons Autographs Documents Display Pieces Gum Cards

• • • • •

Photographs World Series Items Pre-1900 Baseball Posters ETC., ETC‌.

Please Note: Item pictured will be sold in a future REA auction.



3530 Lycoming Creek Road COGAN STATION, PA



Auctions every other Friday & Saturday Starting 9 A.M. Preview 8 A.M. S725323

1347 Naamans Creek Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Phone: Email: ! " Web: # $! " Weekly listings and hundreds of photos online every Wednesday

Auctioneers & Appraisers

Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit:

Thursdays: 4-7PM All-day Fridays from 9AM

NEW 15,000 Sq. Ft. Building with very large loading dock. LOW COMMISSION RATES CONSIGNMENTS ALWAYS WELCOME 15% Buyer’s Premium 356 Swedesboro Avenue

Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors


Landenberg, PA 19350




(302) 734-3441

7:00 AM - Glassware & Outside 10:00 AM - Furniture Large amounts of oak, walnut, mahogany, glassware and collectibles D211479

550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901

Public Estate Variety Auction Every Friday.


Auction Every Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.

1465 New London Road



Spence’s Auction & Flea Market






Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 7

ROBERT EDWARD AUCTIONS P.O. Box 7256, Watchung, NJ 07069, 800-766-9324


20 Main St., Fultonville, NY - (Exit 28 off NYS Thruway to 20 Main St.) SAT., JULY 23 & SUN., JULY 24, 10 AM- Preview: 9-10 AM

80 Smokey Hollow Road Baldwinsville, NY 13027 (315) 678-2542

ROWE’S AUCTION THURSDAY, JULY 21 • 3:00 P.M. Location: Rowe’s Auction Barn, 2505 Ritner Highway, CARLISLE, PA Between exits 44 (Allen Rd.) & 37 (Newville) off Int. 81.

ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES MT. HOLLY SPRINGS COLLECTION Early 10 cent Coke machine, elk head, 3 phonographs, oak wall phone, nice Royal Vienna portrait china collection incl. Chocolate set, slag glass lamps, GWW & hanging lights, decorated stoneware incl. Cowden, iron skillets, bisque head & china dolls, children’s items incl. Wood washing machine, cast-iron doorstops incl. Gnome, sm. Enterprise press, old kitchenwares, 2 carved mantel clocks, RR items incl. Lanterns cards - glasses - ephemera, Milk bottles incl. JS Kramer - HW Holler - Beaufort Farms - HL Whittle - many others, 6 drawer spool cabinet, postcards, lots Vict. - 30’s prints, Lincoln prints, German sword, kerosene lights, Cherry boy/girl statues, flue covers, Noritake Azalea set, 2 Sunflower Majolica syrups, wash bowl/pitcher set, stained glass window, nice cast brass deco chandelier & sconces, Ironstone, steins, few Indian items, pressed & colored glass, scales, old kitchenwares, kegs, crocks, pumps, butcher’s kettle, bell, old advertising & ephemera, lots old photographs, early wood box camera, madolin & Ukes, lots interesting smalls *** Extensive Mt. Holly Springs (PA) collection incl. Rare 1860 Washington Store Card Token (Paper Co.), Old Banknotes, tip trays, Hotel keys, books & ephemera, sm. Advertising items, Lots postcards incl. Laughlin, newspapers, Ruby souvenir glass, etc.*** Antique furniture incl. 2 oak iceboxes, carved oak hall rack, 3 dry sinks, Victorian sofas & chairs, 5 Vict. Marble top stands, fancy cherry corner curio w/carved lion’s head crest, oak & walnut china closets, chestnut wardrobe, washstands, 2 carved ladies’ desks, Sheraton chest, cherry cottage chest, Danish modern wall unit, Adirondak settee, sculpted Chinese room size rug, braided rugs, Vict. & other mirrors, lamps, etc. Misc. modern household - furniture & lawn & garden incl. Troy-Bilt Pony cultivator, Craftsman 9.0 snowblower, etc. Check website or Auctionzip for lots photos & updates. Note: Very nice auction, selling for Edward & Elizabeth Bentzel (Mechanicsburg), Mt. Holly Springs collection of Kathryn Rynard, and the late Bruce Reinhold (Carlisle). Mt. Holly Collection at 5:30, Furniture at 6:30. Check website or Auctionzip for lots photos & updates. Terms: Cash or Penna. Check, major credit cards w/3% surcharge, out-of-state checks w/prior approval. Preview: Wednesday, July 20 3:00-6:00 P.M. or 8:00 A.M. Morning of auction.






Auctioning @ 10 AM, Sat., July 23-Real Estate Features: 3,384 Sq. Ft.+/Brick 2 Story Victorian w/4-5 Bdrms. on 49’ x 202’+/- Cor. Lot w/5 Car Detached Garage. Auctioning approximately 11 A.M. Sat., July 23 following the sale of the Real Estate-Beautiful Antiques that have been collected over the last 70 years-over 800+ Lots of the 1st Floor Contents: Furniture: 1820’s Marquetry inlaid slant front desk; Tiger Maple Early Duncan Phyfe Empire sofa, Cherry & Tiger Maple stand, Tiger Maple upright Grand Piano from James M. Starr-Richmond & NY; Tiger & Bird’s-eye Maple Heppelwhite table,Tiger Maple tilt top table, Tiger Maple high carved top (William & Mary) arm chair, 5 Tiger Maple caned side chairs, Tiger Maple foot stool, Wal. Vict. Ladies & Gent’s chairs & sofa, Wal. Vict. oval marble top tables, Marquetry inlaid corner chair, Heppelwhite sofa, Empire loveseat, Rosewood Vict. Child chair, Sleepy Hollow chair, Heppelwhite inlaid table, tilt top candle stands, Gilt Vict. Pier mirror w/marble shelf, Oak stands, carved top cor. curved glass china cabinet; Sheraton reed leg table, Brass & Onyx stand, Mahogany Duncan Phyfe dbl. ped. table, 6 dining room chairs, sideboard & china cabinet; Oak curved glass sides china cabinet w/claw feet, Wal. Vict. marble top stands, Step back cupboard, Queen Anne rush seat chair, Mah. Empire Ped. table, Wal. Vict. curved glass cor. curio cabinet w/carved top, Pedestals, Wal. Vict. marble top server, Marquetry inlaid slant front desk, Verne Martin arm chair, Birdcage tilt top table w/Hoof foot, Cherry stands, Marquetry inlaid stand; Collectibles: R. Westall (R.A.) 17651836 Oil on Canvas of "the Little Shepherd Boy"; Kit Kat-Win a Kit Kat arcade game, Columbia 10¢ slot machine, frame w/32 uncut $1 bills, Piper Aircraft Co. sign, Planter peanut thermometer & collectibles, 1964-65 World Fair glass & plate, Indian & Bear Mechanical bank, Soldier & Canon mechanical bank, Uncle Sam Mechanical bank, 2 Pilsner Beer trays-Louis F. Neuweilers Sons, Allentown, PA; lg. RCA Nipper statue, Lionel train set, Louis Marx & Co. 200-5th race car, 1905 Profit Neujahr mug, Planter Peanut Collectibles-jars, banks, alarm clock; HiresRoots-Barks-Herbs sign, sgn. Oil painting of Lake Scene w/Children by Giuseppe Camino 1819-1890; Portrait on Man on canvas, Sarouk carpet & Serapi Oriental rug & scatter rugs, pedestal brass elephant banquet lamp w/glass jeweled green shade-6’h; Marble carved pillar clock w/brass flower; Majolica china & brass wall sconces, Elephant collection; Staffordshire figurines; Bisque figurines, Leather Bound books; Crosley radio, Sterling, brass candlesticks, inkwells, Brass & Onyx floor lamp, Cut glass table lamp w/14" shade, GWW lamps; paper weights, quilts, Wavecrest box; & more! Also Auctioning contents of the 6 car garage/barn & basement.Auctioning Sun., July 24 @ 10 A.M.- 2nd Floor Contents of over 800+ Lots: Furniture: Sheraton grad. 4 drw. chest, Full size Rope canopy bed, Heppelwhite 4 drw. graduated inlaid chest, Mah. swinging Cheval mirror, Tiger Maple twin rope beds, Empire chest, Heppelwhite wash stand, Mah. 1930’s Empire chest w/mirror, Sleigh bed, Chippendale inlaid dresser, blanket chest, Empire Tiger Maple front Cherry chest; Collectibles/Glassware/China: Bohemian glass, Hens on Nests, Murano glass Epergne & side vases, lusters, cut glass, Noritake, Azalea, Blue & White Historical platter, Gilt etched stemware sets, cut glass platter, Imari china, Copper Luster, Opalescent Glass Epergne, Early Flint glass, Hand painted china, Carnival glass, Orange & Blue glass vases; Vict. glassware, pitcher & bowl set; Blue cut to clear glass, Opalescent Epergne, Nippon dresser sets; Shirley Temple Dolls, Bisque dolls, Porcelain dolls; Jewelry: 14kt Gold rings, watches, necklaces & more!Terms on Personal Property: Full Payment due day of Auction by Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Debit Cards. Checks w/Bank Letter of Guarantee. Ten percent buyer’s premium. All items sold in “as isâ€? condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Driver’s License required for bidding number. Refreshments available. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Auction: #7268/16. S938391

8 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016

Gateway’s Sports Cards & Memorabilia Sale Delivers Gateway Gallery Auction of Chambersburg, Pa., held a successful Sports Cards & Memorabilia auction on May 7. Among the items sold were a 1972 Topps set in an album, including a Fisk rookie card.

The album sold for $975. A 1970 Topps set in an album, including a Munson rookie card sold for $950. An autographed baseball from the 1947 World Series Champion Yankees, JSA

authenticated, with letter, with 23 signatures on the William Harridge ball including such players as Joe DiMaggio, Larry Berra, and Phil Rizzuto, sold in a holder for $850. A Mickey Mantle 1954 Bowman No. 65, PSA-graded 6,

EX/MT sold for $650 and a Willie Mays 1954 Bowman No. 89, PSA-graded 5, EX, sold for $375. A 1973 Topps set in an album, including a Schmidt rookie card brought $525, while a 1971 Topps set in an album went for $410. Of local interest, a group

of vintage football equipment including two early Waynesboro Tigers jerseys and one set of leggings and a football from a Waynesboro Tigers/Chambersburg Cardinals game in 1949 (Game 6 of undefeated Tigers’ season), and also a yellow jersey

which belonged to Paul Decker Sr., longtime trainer for Tigers, sold all together for $390. To learn more about regular Sports Cards and Memorabilia speciality sales at Gateway, call 717-263-6512 or visit


Coin & Jewelry - Vehicle - Furniture - Collectibles - Art

SUNDAY, July 17 at 10 A.M. Preview Friday, July 15 from 12 Noon-4 P.M.; Sunday 9 A.M. through Auction

1500 Paxton Street,

A 1972 Topps set in an album, includ- A 1970 Topps set in an album, including a Fisk rookie card sold for $975. ing a Munson rookie card sold for $950.

This is an autographed baseball of the 1947 World Series Champion Yankees, JSA authenticated, with letter, and 23 signatures including such players as Joe DiMaggio, Larry Berra, and Phil Rizzuto. It sold for $850.


17104 10 A.M. CONSIGNMENT AUCTION VEHICLE: 2004 BMW 750 Li. VIN: WBAGN63444D546689; Approximately 78,000 Miles. Auto transmission. Tan Leather Interior, Navigation System, Power Mirrors/Windows/Doors, Remote Trunk Release, Controls on Steering Wheel, Heated Seats. FURNITURE (12 NOON): Mid Century Modern Table & Chairs; Leather Sofas; Bedroom Sets; Wingback Chairs; Needlepoint Chairs; Kitchen Table w/4 Chairs; Marble Top Round Table; End Tables by Heritage; Dresser with Bookshelf; Sofa Table; Twin Beds; Desks; 4 Piece Wicker Set; Sofa and Love seat; 6 Piece Rattan Set; Bedroom Set by American Drew; Wooden Shelves; Primitives: Blanket Chests; Washstand; Stoneware Butter Churn; Plank Bottom Chairs; Cherry Pitter. ART: Antique and Modern Prints and Paintings. COLLECTIBLES: John Wright Coffee Mill; Tonka T-9 Mighty Dozer; Neon Pontiac Sign; Pyrex Mixing Bowls; Noritake China; Candlewick; Cast-Iron Doorstop; Longaberger® Baskets; Carnival Glass; Sports Cards incl. Stars; Structo Fire Truck; Diecast Trucks; Horse Brasses; Wedgwood Jasperware; Pistol Lamp; Mantel Clock; Oil Lamps; Mikasa. HOUSE AND HOME: Panasonic Flat Screen TV; Ariens 520 Snowblower; Weber Grill; Kenmore Vacuum; Schwinn Bicycles; Craftsman: Lawn Mower 6.75 HP, 550 Edger, 8.5 HP Chipper/Shredder; Stanley Toolbox; Bench Grinder; Bissell Proheat Carpet Cleaner; Shop Cart; Metal Shelves; Honda Versamow HRX 217 Lawnmower. 11 A.M. COIN, SILVER, AND JEWELRY AUCTION COINS: Silver Dollars many Peace and Morgan, Halves incl. Barber & Kennedy, Quarters incl. Washington, Standing Liberty, Dimes. Nickels incl. war, wheat pennies, large cents. Currency incl. silver certificates and red seal notes, fractional currency, Foreign coins and currency. STERLING: Flatware, hollowware, weighted, souvenir spoons incl. enamel, Bernard Hertz nude mermaid miniatures, dresser set, tea strainer, candlesticks, child’s, coasters, serving trays. JEWELRY: Gold chains incl. herringbone, charms, rings, pearl/diamond earrings, Black Hills Gold incl. Harley Pendant, amethyst and other colored stones, diamond enamel pansy pin, 18k tricolor bracelet, Masonic incl. 10k ring ring, child’s bangle, Victorian incl. cameo pendant & earrings, cameo suite, 14k pear shaped diamond wedding set. Sterling men’s bracelet, Mexican modernist, turquoise cuff bracelet, rings, pins, more. Costume incl. large lots Watches pocket watches incl. Elgin, Gruen, Hamilton, Hampden, and 17J A. Rivalle, wristwatches incl. Bulova Sea King, 14k Hamilton Electric, Early Elgin, and Gruen 17J 14k, men’s and ladies, fashion watches. Other incl. pins, cufflinks, much more! Two Auctioneers Selling At Once! 10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off of Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg PA!




A 1975 Topps set in an album, including a Brett and a Yount rookie card sold for $675. A 1973 Topps set in an album, including a Schmidt rookie card sold for $525.


David Cordier, AU005321

This Mickey Mantle 1954 Bowman No. 65 card, PSA-graded 6, EX/MT, sold for $650.


600 lots of all kinds of early American tools, In-brands to include: Stanley, Disston, Ohio tool, Keen Kutter, Craftsman, Bailey Tool, Jogenson, Miller Falls, IH Harvestor, Belden, Goodell & Pratt, Irwin, Fulton and Dunlap, Armstrong, Starnett, Ford, John Adams, Martins, Russell Jennings, Kumz and much more.


GUN & HUNTING EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M. (Guns at 12:00 Noon)

This group consists of two vintage Waynesboro (Pa.) Tigers football jerseys; one set of leggings; a 1949 football from a Waynesboro Tigers/Chambersburg Cardinals game (Game 6 of undefeated Tigers’ season); and a yellow jersey which belonged to Paul Decker Sr., longtime This Willie Mays 1954 Bowman No. 89 trainer for the Tigers. The grouping card, PSA-graded 5, EX, sold for $375. sold for $390.


Saturday, July 30

8:30 A.M.

Kinzers Firehall, 3521 Lincoln Hwy. East, Rt. 30 East of Lancaster

Kinzers, PA 17535 Antiques, Glassware, Furniture Over1,000 Postcards, Linens, Quilts & Collectibles

Wanted!! Your complete collection. Call now for a no-obligation quote. All guns sold according to FFL regulations. Selling in AM includes ammo, clothing and archery, plus all kinds of hunting accessories. Gun highlights to include: J. Ames Phila. Kentucky Long Rifle, Winchester 42 skeet 410 high-grade, FN Browning 7.65 pistol, S&W 34rd model 32 cal., 1938 Enfield MKI 38 cal., Savage 1905 32 cal., Beretta 1934 380 cal., Grendel P30 22 mag., Colt Target 22 LR, Mag. Research MT Eagle 22 pistol, Kimber Eclipse Target II 45 pistol, (3) S&W M&P10 32 cal. revolvers, HK P2000 357 sig., Colt Frontier Bicentennial 22 LR, Winchester 64 Deluxe 30 WCF, Uberti Winchester 1873 44 WCF, (2) Spikes Tactical ST15 223, S&W M&P 15 5/56, BFI Car-AR 223 Vietnam commemorative, Glock 23 Gen. 4 40 cal., Marlin 782 22 mag. TERMS DAY OF SALE

Taking Consignments · Call Today!


THURSDAY, JULY 21, 2016 AT 3:00 P.M. (COINS AT 6:00 P.M.) Preview Thursday from 9:00 to sale time We specialize in antique estates down to the clean floors, pick-up services and more options available. Our sales include primitive and country items, painted furniture, pottery, metalware, woodenware, paintings, early toys, textiles, art glass, porcelain, and much more. Coins including gold, silver, some better dates and more. See complete list on (ID# 12084) approx. 4 days before the sale. Talk to us about all your auction needs. Schedule: Antique smalls: 3:00 P.M.; Box lots (Block 2) 3:30 P.M.; Furniture (Block 1) 5 P.M.; Coins (Block 2) 6 PM. Highlights include approx. 30 early American quilts, 1876 36-star American flag, early wooden farm tools, punched tin lantern, wrought iron posnet, Betty lamps, Pullman RR train step, Enterprise double-wheel coffee grinder, wood rocking horse, early eagle weathervane, cast-iron mortar and pestle, 61-pc Sterling flatware set, early painted tableware, group of Fostoria, half spindle settee, Anvil, Dirman 9x12 oriental rug, early jelly cupboard, good Pewter hutch, Seth Thomas gallery clock, slot machine, etc. TERMS DAY OF SALE

Terms by PA Auction Center AH001873. All major credit cards accepted. 3% buyer’s premium is waived if paid with check or cash. Auction day announcements take precedence over all advertisements …


3164 White Oak Road, Quarryville, PA 17566



View 200 Photos On #5346 Seller: Mrs. Marie Bassett - David Bassett Deceased Auctioneers Ron Funk AU314 Jeff Knosp AU-1710 Jim Lewis AU-1433


Inspection 8:00 A.M. - PA Check or Cash. 10% Buyer’s Premium.

Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 9

General ANTIQUES Friday, July 29, 2016 Auction begins at 9:00AM

2000 N. READING ROAD | DENVER, PA 17517 | MORPHYAUCTIONS.COM | 877-968-8880 S938472 It is important to note that edges may have been shaved either alone or along with off or cut down significantly. Currier & Ives’, another indica- Currier & Ives only produced not novelty The amount of trimming that’s tion of a reproduction. Also, lithographs, been done does affect the reproductions of Currier & Ives objects like glassware, calenprints began being made in the dars, etc., nor did the firm value of the piece. More obvious things that 1930s (and continue to the pre- authorize the use of their can sometimes be overlooked sent day), so signs of age are images on these items. chromolithographs because of the print being so not determining factors of Although many of their images issued). The hand-col- small are phrases like authenticity. In fact, Currier & do appear on such items, orists were typically “Reprinted from...,” “From the Ives prints are among the most including pieces produced in unskilled young collection of...,” “Courtesy of...,” heavily reproduced images in the 19th century and forward, women, and therefore etcetera; you may also see a history, according to Gary they are not original Currier & Continued on page 15 the coloring wasn’t different publisher’s name Kunkelman, Ph.D. always neat, straying outside the intended boundaries within the image and using a limited number of colors (the exception being their large folio lithographs, which were hand-colored by skilled artists). Handcoloring produced Preview: Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:00 ʹ 5:00PM,, Day of Auction 8:00AM brush strokes on the image; using magnifiApproximately 300+ lots of Military Collectibles with a focus on U.S. cation, you can someand German artifacts from WW I and WW II including Medals, times see tiny spots of white where the paper Badges, Insignia; Uniforms; Edged Weapons; Headgear; Flags and is naturally dimpled Banners; Field Gear; Ephemera; and much more. and the color didn’t reach. Lithographs that were displayed on walls were subject to fading, so you may see once-green tree colors looking more bluish - that’s because basic colors were mixed together to create more colors. In the case of green, yellow and blue were mixed and the yellow used by Currier & Ives tends to fade away completely, leaving a bluish tone where green originally stood. When it comes to Currier & Ives lithographs, size matters a lot. The majority of reproductions have the wrong measurements, though there are some that are sized correctly, so you still have to check for other issues. Compare the measurements of the piece you’re interested in against the measurements for that specific title given in reference books. A size difference of more than onequarter of an inch should raise the flag of caution. However, Applicable Buyers Premium Applies. many Currier & Ives lithoAbsentee bids accepted. graphs were printed on irregu-

10 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016

Currier & Ives Prints Fooled By Fakes By Anita Stratos

Military Auction

Thursday,, July 21, 2016 at 10:00 AM

for large folios and $6 for 100 uncolored black-and-white small folios; the firm only published images they calculated would sell at least 100 impressions. Their advertisements invited the public to view their “catalogue of cheap, popular prints.” They referred to themselves as “printmakers to the people” and their works as “engravings for the people.” One of the highest prices paid for a Currier & Ives print was for “A Tight Fix,” which sold for $63,000 in 1993. Some experts estimate that over 75 percent of the Currier & Ives prints in the market are reproductions, so it’s important to know how to recognize them. Original Currier & Ives lithographs were printed in black and white, then colored by larly-sized paper that wouldn’t hand (there were only a few fit into standard size frames, so AY-000115-L

501 Fairgrounds Rd. • Hatfield, PA 19440 215.393.3000 •


When I think of Currier & Ives lithographs, I think of serene country scenes and charming homesteads. But when Nathaniel Currier opened his own print shop in New York City, some of his first experimental lithographs were of disaster scenes, the earliest of which is believed to be “Ruins of the Planter’s Hotel, New Orleans,” published in 1835. He also published portraits and memorial prints, but the lithograph that really launched his business and his shop, N. Currier, Lithographs, was “Awful Conflagration of the Steamboat Lexington,” which was published in 1840 in conjunction with the “New York Sun,” then New York’s largest newspaper, under the banner “The Extra Sun.” The demand for this lithograph was the first major financial success for Currier’s shop (this is an extremely condensed history of Nathaniel Currier’s career). Currier hired James Merritt Ives as a bookkeeper in 1852; by 1857 he became a full partner and the name of the business was changed to Currier & Ives. Ives had a great understanding and knowledge of art, he knew what the public wanted and he was able to impart that to the firm’s many artists. Although the firm survived until 1907, it produced the most famous artwork and the largest volume of works between 1850 and 1880. Currier & Ives published over 7,000 images during the 73-year life of the firm. According to The Old Print Shop (, their lithographs sold for as little as 20-cents each for small hand-colored folios, $3 to $5

Like us @SanfordAlderfer









MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016 AT 9:00 A.M.




240 HATCHERY ROAD IN Located 5 miles east of York, PA, take Rt. 30 east to the Hallam Exit, go south to light and turn left. Go thru Hallam Boro to Accomac Rd. on left. Turn left and go 1 mile to Hatchery Rd. on right. Signs posted. Sofas, chairs, Sherrill chaise, blue leather office chair, 2 Salem Sq. mahog. end tables, Hammery cocktail table, ottomans, mahogany dining room suite, porc. top table, rockers, 15 drawer cabinet, card table & chairs, end & coffee tables, sectional sofa, Bush flexible desking system, glass top table & 4 chairs, floor & table lamps, 4 stools, Lane Eddie Bauer bedroom suite, lg. storage cabinet, hall seat w/mirror, oak chest of drawers, Howard Miller Grandfather clock, blanket chest, desk, music cabinet, bedding, floor model radio, kitchen tables & chairs, Splendide 2000 auto washer/dryer combo, commercial Kenmore upright freezer, Hotpoint refrigerator, Frigidaire chest freezer, sm. refrigerator, Heisey pitcher, glassware & china pcs. lawn & garden tools, power washer, garden statues, pictures & prints, Yard machine chipper shredder, Troy-Bilt mower, cuckoo clocks, sweater machine, Cabela’s slicer, H. Kister Free Whiskey bottle, KitchenAid mixer, crocheted items, 20+ bags of approx. 20 skeins of yarn, oak Gingerbread clock, seltzer bottle, thread, ribbon, 14k ring, SS bracelet & pin, 10k bracelet & costume jewelry, German DRL badge, Sony Playstation, X-box 360, 1949 Hellam VFW jacket, toboggan, Raleigh bike, microwave, fish, fox & misc. mounts, cameras, Hess trucks, Cutco, handmade dolls, Barbies & other dolls, linen, owl figurines, comic books, Boy Scout items, postcards, cookie cutters, Hummel figurines, Lionel #71 street lamps, tenders & other train items, Plasticville (HO), 8 Cosmos peanut butter glasslighters, cap guns, decoys, globes, face jug, buggy blanket, decoys, lures, graniteware, cookie jars, books, Longaberger® baskets & cookie molds, set of Haviland china, hankies, 1st day cover books, buttons, S&Ps, pocketknives, puzzles, jars, oil dry, lockers, electronics, lg. tarp, double tubs, hand & power tools, and much more not listed, two rooms of box lots. Check our website at or #1893 for additions and photos. Preview: Sunday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. TERMS: Cash or Approved PA check, VISA, MC, DISC, AMEX. Jewelry sells at 12 Noon, Furniture sells at 4:00 P.M.



ONSITE AUCTION Tractor - Antiques - Collectibles

NEW RINGGOLD, PA 17960 SATURDAY, July 16 at 10 A.M.

127 River Road,

TRACTOR: Yanmar YFC 15-15 Diesel 1684 Hours with Front Loader and Disc Harrow. EQUIPMENT: Demco Sprayer; 2 Ton Hydraulic Shop Crane; Suzuki King Quad ATV; Yamaha Phaser II; Snowmobile; Yardman Lawn Mower; Trailers: 14’ Pequea, 12’ Utility, 10’ Express Enclosed; Intek Brush Cutter; Scaffolding; Ladders; K700 Partner Concrete Saw. FURNITURE (12 NOON): Antiques; Dining Sets; Mirrors; Primitive Bench; Plank Bottom Chairs; School Desks; Set Fine Asian Carved Bar Stools; Beds; Antique Dressers; Large Antique Brass Bed; Lab Table; Mid-Century Desk and Tables; Corner Cabinets; Display Cases; Victorian Marble Top Table; Office: Furnishings and Equipment; Exercise Equipment: NordicTrack, Stairmaster. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: PSU; Longaberger®; Lladro; Waterford; Steinbeck Nutcrackers; Clocks; Antique Shutters; Crocks; Flow Blue; Milk Cans; Advertising Rolling Pin; Oil Lamps; Antique Oil Paintings. HOUSE AND HOME: 2 Drifter Bicycles; Cuckoo Clocks; Electric Fireplace Insert; Guardall Safe; Appliances: GE HD Washer and Dryer, Frigidaire Fridge/Freezer. HUNTING/FISHING: Camo; Compound Bow; Gun Rests; Knives; Boots; Clay Pigeons; Taxidermy: Incl. Deer, Fox. Selling for Jay and Sharon Linard 10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-ofstate checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Bring Chairs!


240 Hatchery Road, York, PA 17406 H Frederick L. Toomey, CAI Mark A. Toomey AU-1297-L Phone (717) 755-6105 AU-3266-L Phone (717) 840-1193 H H Auction Center Phone (717) 252-0289 “The Trusted Name In Auction Services” H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H S938475


David Cordier, AU005321

717-731-8662 S938566


Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 11


Winchester Model 64 Lever Action Action Rifle 25-35 WCF

High H igh C Cond.Winchester ond.Winchester Model M odel 6655 Rifle Rifl flee

Winchester W inchester 11876 876 D Deluxe eluxe 2nd Model Model Rifle Rifl flee 2nd

Custom C ustom D Deluxe eluxe E Engraved nggravved ngraved d Winchester W inchester Model Model 55

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12 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016

The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism And The Garden Movement (1887–1920) stained glass from the Pennsylvania Academy are blended with paintings, sculpture, prints, books, and photographs from the Florence Griswold Museum’s permanent collection, as well as selected private loans. Drawing on new scholarship, “The Artist’s Garden” considers the role of artists and designers in defining a cultivated landscape in an era of new attitudes toward leisure, labor, and a burgeoning environmentalism. “The Artist’s Garden” is the first exhibition to situate discussions of the growth of the Garden Movement within the politics of the Progressive era, with which it overlapped at the turn of the 20th century. The Progressive era was marked by intense political and social change. Along with the surge of nationalism and patriotic optimism came growing concerns over mass immigration, women’s suffrage, and urbanization. The Garden Movement proposed that the creation of public parks and the hobby of gardening could provide Daniel Garber’s (1880-1958) “Saint James’s Park,” beauty and balLondon, 1905 is a 15.5-by-11 15/16-inch oil-on-can- ance within this vas, from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, f a s t - c h a n g i n g world. The Philadelphia, a gift of Vera White, 1960.18.2.

peaceful oases amid the hectic frenzy of city life. The Progressive era was a time of important change for women. They became leaders of the Garden Movement who combined their creative interests in art and gardening with a passion for Progressive causes, such as women’s suffrage. By blending art, writing, and gardening in their careers, women like Anna Lea Merritt were at the vanguard of professionalizing women’s work. They used their public Philip Leslie Hale’s (1865-1931) “The Crimson Rambler,” circa 1908, is an oil-on-canvas, platform to engage measuring 25.25-by-30 3/16-inches from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, social issues like Philadelphia, Joseph E. Temple Fund, 1909.12. environmental conAmerican Impressionist works gardens from their travels servation and immigration in this exhibition demonstrate overseas. The outdoors through the metaphor and the profound impact of the became a major subject for example of the garden. Garden Movement on the Impressionists as they Professional artists such as American culture. “Not only is embraced painting outside, or Cecilia Beaux, Violet Oakley, the Florence Griswold Museum en plein air. Not only does and Jane Peterson participatan ideal venue for this exhibi- Daniel Garber’s “Saint James’s ed in these changes by coution because of its history as a Park,” London, 1905 (on loan pling their interest in modern boardinghouse for artists and from the Pennsylvania art with a love of the garden. its restored gardens, but also Academy of the Fine Arts) Peterson wrote that she because Connecticut women demonstrate the loved painting flowers for like Old Lyme’s Katharine Impressionists’ careful study their “prismatic hues of the Ludington played an important of light and quick, loose rainbow.” In “Spring part in Progressive-era causes brushwork, but an attempt to Bouquet,” circa 1912 (on such as women’s suffrage capture the tension within loan from PAFA) the steeply while also tending a much urban life between the reali- tilted perspective and sense loved garden,” said curator ties of development and the of patterning in the composiAmy Kurtz Lansing. desire for pastoral tranquility. tion are variations on the Many American artists Public parks like St. James’s stylistic principles of developed their interest in were praised by critics as Post-Impressionism. Locally,

practitioners like artist, gardener, and suffragist Katherine Ludington exemplified this trend. The exhibition will include selections from FGM’s Ludington Family Collection that acknowledge the expression of the Garden Movement in Connecticut, as well as around the family’s other home base in Philadelphia, the epicenter of the Garden Movement. Even as women were making inroads towards more equal status and finding personal and professional expression through the venue of the garden, images that presented a sentimental and idealized vision of women posed decoratively in nature were still very popular. Philip Leslie Hale’s “The Crimson Rambler,” circa 1908 (on loan from PAFA) embodies this simultaneous tendency to equate women with the beauty of flowers. He pairs a flowering vine with a woman by adding touches of rose red to the lady’s hat and sash, and by draping each across the porch or trellis. Hale’s blooms are considerably larger than the flowers actually grow, suggesting that he idealized the fashionable plant as much as the woman beside it. Hale’s painting also demonstrates his knowledge of gardening. Many artists combined their devotion to painting flowers with the Continued on page 15



10:00 A.M.

Excellent collection of Tin Windups by Marx, Linemar, Chein, Strauss, Katz, Unique Art, and More!!! Highlights includes Chein Popeye Waddler w/Box, Marx Popeye Roller Skater, Linemar Popeye Tumbler, Chein Popeye Floor Puncher, Marx Dagwood Driver w/Box, Marx Joe Penner w/Box, Unique Art Lil Abner Band w/Box, Marx Butter & Eggs Man w/Box. Marx Merry Makers w/Box, Marx Officer 666 w/Box, Marx Bunny Express, Strauss Santee Claus, Marx King Racer w/Box, Katz Soldiers on Parade w/Box, Linemar Superman Tanks, & MUCH MORE!!! Excellent selection of German Toys includes Issmayer Gordon Bennet Racer, 1904 Bing De Dion Auto, Guntermann Yellow Taxi, Ditsler Motorcycle, Tipp Motorcycle, Lehmann Masyama, Lehmann Tut Tut, Lehmann Dancing Sailor, Bing Double Decker Bus, Levy Express Truck, Hans Eberl Pao Pao w/Box, Tipp Airplane w/Box, Schuco Autos, Schuco 3 Little Pigs, and Many More Great Toys!!! Early vintage toys include Ives Mechanical Rower in Boat, Ives Butter Churner Woman, 1880s German Black Saxophone Player, Schoenner Hand Painted Cobbler Steam Toy, 1870s Clockwork Mammy with Child, 1865 Clockwork Automatic Dancers, French Bisque Man with Accordion, B&R Black Dancer, Jumeau Lambert Lady w/Lorgnette Automaton, Nouveau Jeu The Channel Crossing Airplane Set w/Box, Converse Greene Farm Set, and MORE!!!! Nice selection of Japanese Cars, Windups, and Friction Toys. Includes large collection of Japanese Tin Cars, TPS Gay 90s Cyclist w/Box, TPS Pango Pango w/Box, Circus Train w/Box, Monkey Motorcycle w/Box, Celluloid Orphan Annie, Celluloid Lenox St. Dancer, Prewar Harold Lloyd, BO Pistol Pete w/Box, BO Accordion bear w/Box, BO Teddy Champ w/Box, BO Hungry Cat w/Box, and MANY MORE!!! Nice collection of Cast-Iron Toys includes Kilgore Solo Motorcycle, Kilgore Motorcycle w/Sidecar, Hubley Motorcycle w/ Sidecar, Hubley Gas Truck, Harris World’s Fair Trolley, Dent Oversize Fire Ladder wagon, Pratt & Letchworth Hansom Cab, Pratt & Letchworth Doctor Cart, Wilkins Fire Pumper, and MORE!! Nice selection of Gas Powered Racers & Pressed Steel Trucks. Includes Gas Powered Bugatti 35G, Gas Powered Black Cat Racer, 1952 Toschi Ferrari, Erector White Truck Set, Buddy L Trucks, Tonka Trucks, and MORE!!! Mechanical and Still Banks includes Darktown Battery, White Owl, Spice A Mule (White Horse), Eagle & Eaglettes, Lion & Monkey, Frog On Lattice, Creedmore, Novelty, and More Mechanicals. Still Banks includes Mammy, Indian, Mosque, Victorian House, Indian Bust, Cupola, Radio, Skyscraper, Domed Bank, and MORE!!!




WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 (440) 527-8060

Auctioneer: Gary Heaven Apprentice: Miles King 20% Buyer’s Premium - 2% Discount For Cash or Check, Credit Cards Accepted



The Florence Griswold Museum (FGM) in Old Lyme, Conn., is the only New England venue for the exhibition, “The Artist’s Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement, 1887–1920.” The exhibition will run until Sunday, Sept. 18, and its presentation at this museum is supported by a grant from Connecticut Humanities. Organized by the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts (PAFA), “The Artist’s Garden,” tells the story of American Impressionists and the growing popularity of gardening as a leisure pursuit at the turn of the 20th century. Paintings and

Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 13

Stephenson’s Auction 1005 Industrial Blvd.,


Mid-Summer Antiques & Decorative Arts Auction Objects d’Art and Vertu

FRIDAY, JULY 22ND, 2016 - 3 P.M. Glassware, Porcelains, Bronzes, Etc. - Victorian ribbon glass epergne, large collection of Belleek Willets, American Belleek, and early Lenox hand painted porcelain, Baccarat enameled cameo glass biscuit jar, T&V Limoges hand painted iridescent porcelain center bowl, Italian case glass center bowl, J.C. Hoare American brilliant cut glass compote, pair of Japanese bronze vases with dragon surround, oyster plate collection including Majolica and Limoges, Royal Crown Derby #8687 luncheon set, Royal Crown Derby #1128 miniature tea set, Royal Crown Derby #1128 Old Imari dinner plates, set of Wedgwood dinnerware “Gold Florentine” service for twelve, three Meissen hand painted plates of Equestrian Royal Guards, pair of Continental faience platters, Venetian glass stemware, Chinese Export porcelain Canton serving platter, Copeland Spode’s Tower blue transfer platter, Moorcroft Pomegranate footed 81⁄2” bowl, Dresden hand painted oval bowl, Mikasa Mount Holyoke dinnerware set, set of Baccarat Montaigne-Optic claret wines, Brumm enamel on copper bird and floral sculptures, black glass dresser box with brass mountings, French bronze dore and green marble inkstand, Meissen figurines, art glass paperweight collection including five by Chris Buzzini, six John Deacons, and a Paul Stankard, Bisazza Vetro large art glass sculpture bowl Murano, collection of early American pattern glass, Meerschaum pipes, amber and gold cigar holders, pipe collection in advertising store display, Lladro collection, Lalique crystal figurines, Blue cut to clear center compote Elizabeth pattern, Purple slag Jenny Lind center compote, Mason’s Ironstone oblong dish, “Table and Urn”, Spode double handled centerpiece ca. 1805, Mason’s Ironstone tazza ca. 1813-1825, Mason’s Ironstone plates, Mason’s Blue Willow fancy bowl, Imari, Rollin Karg art glass sculpture, French opaline blue glass perfume, Chinese Sang-de-Boeuf vase, Japanese Kutani double gourd vase, pair of Baccarat opaline Japonisme vases, Continental porcelain mantle urns, Czech Amphora pottery ewer, pair of Royal Dux figurines, cold painted bronze birds, bronze elephant, signed art glass vases, Baccarat and Waterford crystal decanters, Continental cut glass decanter set in stand, set of Villeroy & Boch “Design 1900” dinnerware, set of Wedgwood “Philadelphia” dinnerware, Waterford crystal stemware sets, Moorland (England) Deco style tea set, (Roger) Guerin signed art pottery vase, and more. Silver - International Sterling “Minuet” flatware set, Gorham sterling “Chantilly” 101⁄2” bowl, Meriden Britannia Co. sterling five piece tea and coffee service, set of Gorham sterling fruit spoons, Georg Jensen sterling silver compote, two English sterling silver sauce boats, sterling silver four piece coffee service set, Durgin Division of Gorham sterling silver water pitcher, Poole sterling silver coffee pot, Preisner sterling coffee and tea service, Gorham sterling “Rondo” flatware set, set of Mexican sterling silver spoons, Amston sterling “Donatello” flatware set, International Sterling “Northern Lights” flatware set, set of six S. Kirk & Son sterling butter pats, Dutch silver repousse water pitcher, set of twelve Reed & Barton sterling “Burgundy” cocktail forks & pie server, Lunt Sterling “Mignonette” flatware place setting, Continental silver basket, Reed & Barton sterling silver oval bread tray, Georg Roth Hanau pierced silver bowl, Tiffany & Co. sterling silver 9” bowl, Whiting Division sterling silver 9” bowl, Reed & Barton sterling silver 11” platter, Poole sterling silver 12” platter, Otto Wolter German 800 silver footed center bowl, German silver repousse box, Amston sterling salad serving two piece set, set of twelve Whiting Division sterling bread plates, set of three International Sterling silver “Royal Danish” serving spoons, set of seven International Sterling “Serenity” forks, set of eight Rogers Sterling “Wedding Bells” flatware pieces, 1911 sterling silver presentation trophy, sterling silver presentation plaque Rising Star Lodge No. 126, groupings of sterling flatware serving pieces, German silver footed bowl with ball and claw feet and cherub decoration, Woodside Sterling Co. handled basket, Howard & Co. sterling silver desk blotter with gilt wash, German 800 silver reticulated vase, Wilcox sterling mounted rim and crystal pitcher, Gorham sterling and cut crystal bowl, sterling and cut crystal loving cup, Victorian silver-plated kettle on stand by Martin, Hall & Co., James Dixon & Sons silver-plated dome serving dish, Zee Sung Chinese silver bowl, and more. Jewelry - 14k gold and sterling silver necklace with enhancer, Movado stainless steel wristwatch, 14k white gold and diamond earrings, 14k white gold, diamond and emerald earrings, 10k white gold and diamond cluster ring, Franklin Mint 14k gold edelweiss ring, 14k white gold and diamond drop necklace, 14k gold, diamond and emerald ring, Iranian 1⁄4 Pahlavi gold coin ring, 14k white gold and diamond cluster ring, 14k gold, amethyst and diamond ring, 14k white gold and diamond drop necklace, 14k white gold and cameo drop necklace, Sajen mother-of-pearl and sterling silver pendant, Sajen carved heads and sterling silver brooch, 14k gold and opal drop earrings, three 14k gold antique hat pins, 14k gold pearl dome ring, Reja sterling silver phoenix pin, 14k gold and diamond cluster ring, 14k white gold and emerald cluster ring, 14k gold Victorian earrings, Judith Leiber hand bag, 14k gold and opal pendant, Elsa Peretti for Tiffany brass lighter, Dunhill gold plated cigar cutter, Marcel Boucher sterling silver bracelet, 14k gold abacus charm bracelet, 14k gold swirl pin, 14k white gold and aquamarine ring, 14k gold and pink tourmaline ring, 14k gold and sapphire ring, 14k gold and diamond airplane pin, sterling silver and lapis lazuli necklace & earring set, 10k gold cameo ring, 14k gold diamond leaf pendant, pair of Chanel “Birdcage” earrings designed by Karl Lagerfeld, Victorian beaded purses, Bailey, Banks & Biddle calendar clock, and more. Also - Frank & Heidecke Rolleiflex twin lens camera and accessories, German Wolfertz Solingen cigar cutter, pair of pewter whale oil lamps, mechanical bird cage, cobalt decorated stoneware pitchers, folk art bottle cap basket, Distelfink stoneware crock Adam Caire, American Bell candlestick telephone, early 19th C. pewter serving bowls and plates, Gautschi & Sons Swiss cylinder music box with six airs, Swiss 10 air music box, two Black Forest carved bears with glass eyes, and more.

Baccarat Enameled Cameo Glass Biscuit Jar

Continental Porcelain Oyster Plates Royal Crown Derby Miniature Tea Set

18k Gold Pin With Gemstones

Chanel Birdcage Earrings

Bronze Dore Mantle Urns

Silver Grouping

Belleek Willets Hand Painted Porcelain

International Sterling Northern Lights Flatware Set

Bronze Asian Bodhisattva Figurines Guilloche Enameled Compact And Lipstick

Mason Ironstone Grouping John Deacons Art Glass Paperweights

Victorian Ribbon Glass Epergne Bronze Desk Pieces

Meissen Figural Grouping

Sterling Silver Coffee And Tea Service Sets

Chris Buzzini Art Glass Paperweights

Lladro Figurines

Wooden Pipes In Linkman Glass Display

Inspection: Thurs., July 21st 4-7 P.M., & Fri., July 22nd 12 Noon-3 P.M. 18% Buyer’s Premium in-house with 3% discount for cash or check (in house only), 20% online at,,, and

AH 000130


215-322-6182 diorama or “monkey bar” as they are often called. The monkeys appear to be carved peach pits or another fruit maker’s mark, it is difficult to stone. Peach pit carving has attribute the maker; however been around for centuries it was probably made by a and it has been contended German maker such as Karl that the art first started in Griesbaum. While the cage China, where the peach is a would originally probably sign of longevity, in the midhave been gilded, two bird Song Dynasty (960-1279). Most American folk art examples are more desirable than single and it is in working peach pit carvings are in the condition. At auction you form of baskets, animals could expect it to sell for (including monkeys biting their tails), rings, and faces. $400-$600. For more information However this one is a large about the history of bird and impressive scene of boxes and cages visit, peach pit monkeys at a bar engaging in various activities. There are many others of /Singing_bird_box. these known to exist and they QUESTION #2 Can you give us some were made by prisoners, information and value on this including several attributed to peach pit “monkey box”? My one or more inmates at the grandfather got it in New New Hampshire Penitentiary England likely in the 1920s. Dave ANSWER Dear Dave, What a fascinating piece of folk art! This is considered a prison art carved scene/

Ask The Appraiser

QUESTIONS QUESTION #1 I am in possession of an antique singing birdcage and am trying to identify it in order to discover the maker and age of it, and what it might be worth. I am attaching some photos to this message to give you a better idea of the quality of the piece. Thanks in advance for your attention and any help you may be able provide. Stewart

ANSWER Dear Stewart, Your singing birdcage is what is considered an


Auction Location -

Radisson Hotel Corning NY, 125 Denison Parkway East,


SATURDAY, JULY 30, 2016 AT 8:30 A.M.

Auction Date and Time

Located at 9 Birch Lane,



19506 Traveling on Rt. 183, just outside of Strausstown, turn E. onto Old Rt. 22 for approx. ½ mile to auction on left. Owners downsizing/relocating. Visit for full listing, photos & terms. Auction For: Rex & Carol Kissinger

Wagner Auction Service

Preview: Monday, July 11th 10:30 P.M. and Tues., July 12th 8 A.M.-10:30 A.M. Hotel Information Phone Number 607-962-5000



Continued on page 15

Upcoming event, Keystone Auctions LLC has been invited to Auction off hundreds of Steins from Stein Collectors International’s 2016 Convention.


Dennis & Tracy Wagner Auctioneers AU-001427L, AU-003172L Phone: 610-741-3828, 610-562-7445

Prices vary for these monkey bars. This is a particularly nice example with great details and a beautiful marquetry inlaid display case and it looks to be in very good condition. I would expect it realize $2,000-$3,000 at auction. To view images of Patrick Culhane’s monkey bar presented to Henry Ford, visit https://www.thehenryford.or g/collections-and-research/ digital-collections/artifact/ 245190 or pick up a copy of “Henry’s Attic: Some Fascinating Gifts to Henry Ford and His Museum” by Ford R. Bryan. DISCLAIMER Please send your questions to emiller@cordier We regret that we will not be able to answer every question we receive; however we will read each one and answer questions of general interest in this column. Values given are opinions of value based on research of current market conditions, not a specific



By Ellen Miller

“automaton,” or a machine designed to follow automatically a predetermined sequence of operations. Automatons (from the Greek word meaning “acting of one’s own will) have a surprisingly long and fascinating history stretching all the way back to ancient times with many examples occurring in Hellenistic Greece and ancient China including complex mechanical devices and one of the first bird automatons - a water powered owl that moved and whistled, built by Greek inventor Ktesibios. Birds were also the focus of several medieval era automatons of silver and golden trees with moving and singing birds found in Islamic ruler’s palaces in Baghdad. The singing birdcage has its roots in singing bird boxes, first developed in La Chauxde-Fonds by Pierre JaquetDroz around 1784 and made up of an outer box with oval lid, typically highly decorated, and an interior mechanism which when activated opened the lid and allowed a small feathered bird to rise up and begin singing and moving. Such boxes have been produced since in Switzerland, France, England and later, in Germany. While Jaquet-Droz had produced a singing birdcage prior to 1784, the ones like yours developed during the 19th century and were produced well into the 20th century. By the style of the cage, birds and base, yours appears to be late 19th/early 20th century. Without a specific

during the early 20th century and approximately 70 that have been attributed to one individual, a Patrick J. Culhane who is known to have made them circa 1910-15 in the Massachusetts State Prison in Charlestown while serving time after being convicted of “larceny from a conveyance.” Culhane and the other prisoners depicted monkeys engaging in drinking, gambling and other vices because they believed these activities led to the downfall of many prisoners. In 1915, Culhane arranged to have one of his pieces sent to Henry Ford with the note, “Presented to Mr. Ford, as a token of appreciation and esteem for his benevolent and magnanimous acts toward, and keen interest in, prisoners. By a Prisoner.” According to The Henry Ford website, Ford probably helped secure Culhane’s release from prison and later gave him a job at the Ford plant in Cambridge. The piece remains in the museum’s collection today.

PA Auction License #AH001891



14 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016

Large Lladro



or 302-438-1217 E-MAIL WEB ID #4741 Charles Edmund Dana

1940’s Ludwig Drum


1930’s Leather Fire Helmet

WED., JULY 27, 2016 10 A.M.

Rose Medallion Bowl


PREVIEW MONDAY, JULY 25TH 10-6 P.M. AND TUESDAY, JULY 26TH 10-4 P.M. Pairpoint Etched Crystal Vase

Edison Diamond Disc Phono

1883 Blue Glass Fire Gernade


Large Erie Teakettle

Luftschutz WWII Helmet

Utagawa Kunyoshi Samurai

Swastika Armbands

Metal Banded Wood Water Cooler

Wurlitzer Petite Grand Piano


Early 19th C. Tea Caddy

Victrolas and parts, WWII German pins - medals - armbands, antique cameras, doorstops, Heisey glass, Gaudy Dutch, Lladro figurines, Wedgwood, Meissen, Quality books, PRR lanterns, Wood case Erector set, Railroad lock keys, pocket watch faces, Clocks, Carved duck decoys, Magic lanterns, Tiffany & Co. sterling silver lady’s dresser set of a hand mirror, brush and comb, International Silver 2 piece sterling silver brush set, large standing watchmaker’s cabinet filled with watch crystals and crystal setting tool mounted on top with foot lever. Pocket watch faces. Valvoline Motor Oil 1970’s illuminated wall clock. A collection of vintage Railroad lock keys. FIRST EDITION AND OTHER QUALITY BOOKS. 21 FIRE HELMETS FROM EARLY LEATHERS, COMPOSITES, PLASTICS WITH 2 WAY RADIOS. A RARE AND INTACT 1883 FIRE GRENADE IN BLUE PATTERN GLASS. CAST-IRON DOORSTOPS, GRISWOLD CAST-IRON COLLECTION. IMPRESSIVE EARLY 19TH CENTURY MAHOGANY TEA CADDY. COMES Hand-Stitched Leather Helmet COMPLETE WITH GLASS DISH AND STERLING SPOON. SEVERAL VICTROLAS, VICTROLA PARTS, AN EDISON TIGER OAK CASED STANDING DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH, EDISON DISC RECORDS. LLADRO FIGURINES INCLUDING TWO DISCONTINUED GEISHA FIGURES. LARGE 19TH CENTURY ROSE MEDALLION JAPANESE BOWL. SOAPSTONE CARVINGS. IMARI PLATES. WONDERFUL ANTIQUE CLOCKS. EARLY POCKET WATCH FACES. PRIMITIVES INCLUDING A PAINTED WOOD CHILD’S STOVE AND A GREEN PAINTED COMB TRAY. VICTORIAN STICKPINS. WATERFORD DECANTER. BACCARAT VASE, HEISEY GLASS. CHARLES EDMUND DANA (1843-1914) WATERCOLOR, TITLED “THE RISING SUN INN”. DATED 1890. A PIECE THAT WAS IN HIS PERSONAL COLLECTION THROUGH HIS STAYS IN DEVONSHIRE, ENGLAND. LABEL ON VERSO READS “ARTIST AND OWNER CHARLES E DANA”. A STUDENT OF THOMAS EAKINS IN PHILADELPHIA. NUMEROUS VINTAGE AND EARLY OILS, WATERCOLORS, Junghans Large Mantel Clock PRINTS, LITHOGRAPHS, AND ETCHINGS. ONLINE CATALOG STARTS AT 12 NOON. CONSIGNMENTS WANTED FOR THIS GREAT EVENT. CALL LEE AT 717-442-8529 exhibition, William Chadwick’s “On the Piazza,” circa 1908 private collection) by Louis (collection of the Florence Comfort Tiffany shows his Griswold Museum) shows a appreciation for color and pat- female model posing on the tern. As a glass designer, his side porch of the boardingdistinctive floral aesthetic house. Chadwick first visited defined the era and was per- Old Lyme in 1902 and soon haps cultivated in his own became a central figure in this Long Island garden where he artist colony, along with Childe Hassam, Robert Vonnoh, and enjoyed painting. The grounds of the other painters who sought the Florence Griswold Museum colonial-era architecture and provide the perfect accompa- gardens of Old Lyme and their niment to “The Artist’s nostalgic suggestions of a simGarden.” After walking through pler, earlier time, far removed the restored 1910 garden on from hectic, modern city life. A the museum’s campus, visitors walk to the Lieutenant River, will see first-hand in the gal- on the grounds of the museleries how artists captured um, provides further examples nature’s fleeting beauty on of vistas painted by the canvas. “Miss Florence’s” lov- nature-loving artists. Visitors can tour the hisingly tended garden was a favorite subject for many of toric boardinghouse – the 1817 the artists of the Lyme Art Florence Griswold House – Colony who stayed at her where the artists of the Lyme boardinghouse. One of the Art Colony lived, played, and paintings on view in the worked. Paintings in the home

Ask The Appraiser The Artist’s Garden Continued from page 14

Continued from page 12

appraisal, and should be considered for entertainment purposes only. We retain the right to use any supplied images in this publication. Ellen Miller Cordier Auctions & Appraisals Auctioneer, Senior Appraiser and Director of Catalog & Specialty Auctions Ellen Miller joined Cordier Auctions & Appraisals in 2000. In her current position, Ms. Miller heads up the firm’s Appraisal Department, Antique & Fine Art catalog and Specialty auctions. Ms. Miller holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Temple University, is a certified personal property appraiser and a Pennsylvania licensed auctioneer.

practice of planting and tending gardens. “An artist’s interest in gardening is to produce pictures without brushes,” Anna Lea Merritt observed in her 1908 book “An Artist’s Garden Tended, Painted, Described.” Artists’ gardens were personal laboratories for Impressionist studies of light and color. They were outdoor classrooms where painters could teach their students about form and composition. Special emphasis will be given in the exhibition to the many ways Miss Florence’s garden served as a space for creative expression, both for her as a gardener and for the artists who painted and taught there. Paint was not the only medium used to translate nature’s vibrancy. “Peony Window Panel,” 1908-12 (on loan from a

BUYING 1 PIECE or Collection- Lamps, Lighting, Coins, Books, Records, anything Vintage, contact Dan at South Mall Merchantile Allentown, PA 484-756-9772.

MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717.


Antique & Modern Firearms Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons

MILITARY & SPORTING Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer?

ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.

Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561

ANTIQUE TOY TRAINS, TOYS, COINS, STAMPS, BASEBALL CARDS, ENTIRE COLLECTIONS. PRIVATE. VERY HIGHEST PRICES. 215-520-6803 ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.

ANTIQUE/ OLD GUNS WANTED1 piece or collections. House calls made. Cash paid. PO Box 83, New Tripoli, PA 18066 610-417-0909. Serious buying since 1959. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321.

AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.

CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. EARLY SIXTY’S BOYS original Schwinn Speedster, 24” bicycle, two new tires and tubes, made in Chicago, very good condition, $250 or best offer, 814-467-7803, Windber, PA.

To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211

Asheford Institute of Antiques

Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904


SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail

MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969,

WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.


OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947

OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090. WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232.

GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.

A N Since 1966, The Asheford Institute of Antiques has been offering a Profit and T Pleasure Home Study Course that has tremendous financial and personal rewards. C PROFESSIONAL-LEVEL HOME STUDY I O Q U U R ASK HOW … HERE! E S Name Address State Zip Code E City Start your own business from your home. Choose the hours you wish to work. Become a Competent Appraiser. Simply make your home more beautiful. Learn to sell on the Internet. Complete a serious course with diploma.


1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521

Fooled By Fakes Continued from page 10

Ives pieces. At A Glance: Signs of a reproduction: 1. Incorrect size. 2. Dot matrix printing. 3. Incorrect or contemporary information in the fine print. 4. Differences in title wording from known originals. 5. Another publisher’s name alone or with Currier & Ives. Reference books, websites and collecting groups are the best ways to keep from being fooled by fakes. Here are a few: “Currier & Ives Prints: An Illustrated Check List” by Frederic A. Conningham; “Currier & Ives Lithographs: Value Guide” by George Cohenour; Currier and Ives (

STICKLEY BOOK CASE 1912-1916; Chippendale dining chairs- 6; Fancy brass andirons; Murphy bed- oak; Farm tables & other items. Call for info. 717-968-7096

TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124 $5 BOOK BOOTH, 272 Antique Mall, 1300 N. Reading Rd, (RT 272) Stevens, PA. No book over $5. Book dealer liquidating warehouse. Total 20 carton turnover by 5th of every month.

SELLING MICHTERS BOTTLE Collection King Tut, Queen Neffertitti, all sizes, Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Christmas Tree Bottle & Master mold, Packards, Doughboys, Pagoda, Fireman & others over 60, all in orig. pkg. for complete inventory email make offer on all. Will be at Shupps Grove on July 15 & 16.


Get the Word Out!!

WANTED: MUSIC BOXES, slot machines, old Juke boxes, any cond. Call or write Frank Zygmunt, PO Box 542, Westmont, IL 60559 630-985-2742

Advertise Your

SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618.

DO YOU COLLECT Old Paper, Ephemera, Advertising, Country Store, etc? Subscribe to "THE PAPER & ADVERTISING COLLECTORS’ MARKETPLACE", the monthly collector's newspaper that covers this specialty. For a FREE sample copy, phone 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541, 8am-4:30pm daily.

SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or

TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,


For a FREE booklet mail coupon to: ASHEFORD INSTITUTE OF ANTIQUES 981 Harbor Blvd. Ste. 3 Dept. #275A159 Destin, FL 32541



• • • • • •

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Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016 - - 15

continue the story of the artists’ love of the landscape. A new “Guide to the Historic Landscape” encourages visitors to walk where the artists created some of their most enduring paintings. The recipient of a Trip Advisor 2015 Certificate of Excellence, the Florence Griswold Museum has been called a “Giverny in Connecticut” by the Wall Street Journal, and a “must-see” by the Boston Globe. In addition to the restored Florence Griswold House, the museum features a gallery for changing art exhibitions, education and landscape centers, a restored artist’s studio, thirteen acres along the Lieutenant River, and extensive gardens. The museum is located at 96 Lyme Street, Old Lyme, Conn. To learn more, readers may visit www.Florence

16 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 15, 2016





Single Owner Orientalia Collection, Antique China Incl. Gaudy Dutch, Spatterware China, White Ironstone, Blue Wheat Ironstone, Green Wheat Ironstone, Early Glass, Metalwares, Tin Wriggle - Work Teapot, Lighting, Redware & Stoneware Pottery, Early 19th Cent. & Victorian Period Clocks, Ebonized Triple Fusee English Bracket Clock w/ Ormolu Trim, Playing on a Nest of 8 Bells, Circa 1800. Butterprint Collection, Abner & Aaron Zook 3-D Artwork, Numerous 19th Cent. Paintings, Ben Austrian Lion Oil on Canvas, Jacob Eichholtz Oil on Board Portrait of a Gentleman, Fraktur, Sterling Incl. Tiffany, Gorham Mixed Metal Vase & Tray, Textiles, Quilts & Coverlets, Oriental Carpets & Hooked Rugs. Furniture Incl. Tall Case Clocks by George Hoff, Lanc., PA, John Krouse, North Hampton, PA, Carved Mahogany Victorian Tall Case Clock in a Durfee Pattern #24 Case, Marked “J.E. Caldwell & Co., Philadelphia. American Cased Walnut Jewelers Regulator Clock, w/a Weight Driven 8-Day Time Only French Pinwheel Regulator Movement, Circa 1880. Chester Co., PA Chippendale Tall Chest, Dutch Cupboards, New Jersey Linen Press, Corner Cupboards, Country Furniture, Victorian Furniture, Chinese 19th Cent. Furniture, Partial Listing. COLOR CATALOGS $30 • POST SALE PRICE LISTS AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE ON BIDSQUARE & LIVE AUCTIONEERS

18% In-House Buyer’s Premium

Conestoga Auction Co. AH-001998 a division of Hess Auction AY000253L

S937995 717-664-5238 or 717-898-7284

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