Antiques & Auction News 091313

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The Most Widely Read Collector's Newspaper In The East Published Weekly By Joel Sater Publications


By DonaldBrian Johnson

ome folks collect teacups. Or thimbles. Maybe even swizzle sticks. Tiny keepsakes that are compact, easy to display, and even easier to store. Other folks collect washing machines. And dryers. And washer-dryers. These are definitely not tiny. Displaying (or even storing) them requires a generously-sized (and otherwise empty) basement or garage. But these jumbo collectibles and their colorful accouterments, from clothespin bags to dealer signs, vintage soap boxes to wicker laundry baskets, are cleaning up among today’s collectors. The reasons? For baby boomers, the answer may just be a fond rekindling of childhood memories. For fans of “mid-century modern,” the streamlined design of these machines is a tangible representation of the spaceage technology that fueled the 1950s and 1960s. For the rest of us, they’re just fun to look at. “Wash on Monday. . . Iron on Tuesday” Before the advent of the automatic washing machine, a housewife’s lot was not a happy one. Washing and ironing were just the first two of her assigned daily chores. On the list for the rest of the week: sewing, churning, cleaning, and baking. By Saturday night, the weary pioneer woman was more than ready for her final weekly duty: “Rest on Sunday.” When we watch an episode of “Little House on the Prairie,” “laundry day” seems wonderfully nostalgic, but way back when, “doing the wash” was actually a backbreaking, all-day affair. Prior to the introduction of indoor plumbing, water was hauled from the pump or well and heated over a roaring fire before it was ready for the wash tub. To cut down on pump visits, (about 10 per day, according to an 1886 survey), the hot soapy water was used until it simply could not be used any more. This meant that baby’s delicates had to be washed first; Dad’s grubby coveralls were saved until the end. After the soapy scrub, rinsing was

required in a tub of clean water. Each sopping item was then rolled and hand-twisted, forcing out excess liquid. Line-drying, (hopefully on a warm day with a steady breeze), meant the laundry would be ready, bright and early, for Tuesday’s task (ironing, in case you’ve forgotten.) Primitive? Well actually, this was a step up. In ancient times, just like in all those swords-andsandals movie epics, clothes were washed

VOL. 44, NO. 37 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2013

T h e W o r l d O f : Washday Collectibles

The first washer and dryer with “all push button” controls, from Maytag, 1960. $1,000-1,200.

involved in the budding business of providing industrial products for the home soon saw the light. Ads for the earliest “electric washer” date as far back as 1904, although Alva J. Fisher’s 1910 patent credits him as the originator of the first one, 1908’s “Thor.” (Earlier uncredited patents, discovered in recent years, have placed Fisher’s claim in dispute). By the late 1920s, over 900,000 homes in the United States had

Washday memories: an array of detergents from different eras. Where it all began: with the washboard! 1930s version, $50-75.

in a stream and beaten against rocks to remove dirt. Seafarers had their own variation: dirty laundry was stuffed in a cloth bag, the bag tied to a rope and thrown overboard. Dragged behind the ship and agitated by the ocean waves, the clothing emerged after its dunking somewhat cleaner (if saltier). Coming Clean on “Washing Machines” Eventually something had to give (other than the back and patience of the average housewife). As far back as 1691, a patent was issued in England for a “Washing and Wringing Machine,” although few details exist. The earliest welldocumented laundry day timesaver, the washboard, made its debut in 1797. No more scraping clothes over river rocks or scouring with sand! In the United States, Nathaniel Briggs was granted a 1797 patent for a “Clothes Washing” device, although no records remain of his invention. The first documented “Clothes Washer With Ringer Rolls” was patented by John F. Turnbull of Canada, in 1843. Tubs with crank-operated paddles meant that laundry could be more easily swirled through soapy water. The first commercially available machine of this type arrived in 1874, courtesy of William Blackstone of Indiana. Legend has it that Blackstone, (evidently a true romantic), came up with the invention as a birthday gift for his wife.

Before the automatics: the Maytag wringer washer, which remained in production until 1983, accompanied by advertising standee. $300-400.

That lonely guy, the Maytag repairman, oversees an array of mid-20thcentury machine miniatures. Some were used as sales displays, others sold as toys for the washer-minder youngster. $75-100 each.

Blackstone’s wooden “washing machines” retailed for $2.50. Later adaptations utilized metal, rather than wooden tubs, so that a fire could be kept burning below, ensuring continually warm water. Today, automatic washer tubs spin to remove water from clothing, but early housewives made do with the mangle. As each piece of laundry was fed between two handcranked rollers, the water was squeezed out (hopefully, without also squeezing a less-than-nimble finger). Free-standing “extractors,” rudimentary predecessors of today’s spinning washer tubs, followed the invention of the electric motor, but they proved cumbersome and unstable. With the dawn of the electric age in the early 1900s, those

electric washers. During the 1930s in the depths of the Depression, however, that number plummeted to less than 600,000. But as the economy picked up, so did life in the laundry room. All the Dirt on Automatic Washers The “automatic washer” combines the two major functions of water-based laundry cleaning: washing the grime from clothing, then extracting the water. Much appreciated extra bonuses: filling the machine, heating the water to a desired level, and draining it after use. In 1937, Bendix introduced its first “automatic washing machine,” much like today’s front-loaders in appearance and function. However, with no drum suspension, floor anchors were required; otherwise, the machine “walked” when in use. Sixty percent of American homes with electricity had electric washers by 1940, but further innovations stalled with the onset of World War II. Research continued, however, and after the war, the automatic entered its days of sudsy glory. The first top-loading automatics came courtesy of Whirlpool and General Electric in 1947. And, while many homemakers still preferred clotheslines in the fresh open air, the electric dryer also made

great strides during the late 1940s. Although on the market since 1915, electric dryers had been costly and inefficient. New and improved versions not only added an exhaust to remove moisture, but also included a cool-down cycle and front-mounted timer/temperature controls. This was a far cry from the “clothes dryer” of the 1800s: a laundry-filled vented metal drum, handcranked like a barbecue spit over an open fire. By the 1950s, no up-to-the-minute American home was complete without a modern washer and dryer. Even the intervention of the Korean War failed to slow appliance progress: in 1953, automatics finally outsold traditional wringer machines, becoming the biggest users of energy in the average household. Once simply utilitarian, washers and dryers were now important decorative components of the thoroughly modern h o m e . Homemaking magazines capitalized on this change of focus. Drudgery days were done! The smiling housewife in appliance ads was exquisitely dressed and carefully coiffed, her washday worries eliminated at the push of a button. That new arrival, television, provided visuals of additional must-haves. Consumers wanted their very own Westinghouse “Laundromat,” just like the one extolled by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz of “I Love Lucy” fame. And, when Ozzie and Harriet featured a Hotpoint washer/dryer pair as perfectly matched as the show’s stars, appliance stores were flooded with customers. There was always something new on the washday horizon. Futuristic machine control panels adopted the same silvery, space-age stylings popular in autos of the era. The similarities weren’t surprising: some of the best-known appliance (Continued on page 2)

2 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Washday Collectibles (Continued from page 1)

The new Bendix is here! Each tract home in Levitttown, N.Y., came with its own Bendix. This installation photo dates from the late 1940s.

The unsuccessful (and Maytag washer-dryer, duced from 1959-1962. three are still known to $1,500-2,000.

rare) proOnly exist.

Pretty in Petal Pink: a colorcoordinated 1956 GE washer and dryer. This was the first year for “filter flow,” which filtered the wash water constantThe Westinghouse “Laundro- ly. $2,000-2,250/pr. Magazine ad for the quickly mat,” popularized on the show withdrawn Maytag combina- “I Love Lucy.” Westinghouse trademarked the “LaundroA Bendix sales display, circa tion washer-dryer. mat” term; it eventually 1937. The individual arrows three are currently known to entered the public domain in light up, to highlight the prod- still exist. 1974. 1949 version, $400-500. uct’s different features. 4’ high, Although early automatics $400-500. took pride in their pristine towels? Nothing beats a

whiteness, the 1950s and 1960s saw the arrival of appliance colors intended to complement the home environment. Relatively innocuous coppertones and pastel pinks opened the floodgates for shades less appealing to today’s eyes: lurid lavenders and seaweed greens. Normal: “Just a Setting on a Washer” Automatic washers and dryers from the late 1940s through the late 1960s, and their accompanying paraphernalia, are what set the hearts of today’s collectors on spin cycle. While most of the bestknown vintage machines were U.S.-made, the interest in them is worldwide. Aficionados from locations as disparate as Minneapolis and During the 1950s and 1960s, many Trinidad, Russia and new washers came complete with a Boston, Omaha and complimentary box of detergent. In Australia, share photos this 1956 ad, the surprise is a box of and tips on websites Tide. devoted to automatic washers. (Which washers are best for a good scrubbing? Whirlpool and Kenmore. How about for

Tide, for instance, lurking inside that brand-new washer. The combination washerdryer also enjoyed a vogue, although this double-duty machine mashup met with varied success. Maytag voluntarily recalled its washer-dryer combo, produced from 19591962, after complaints that the drying power was roughly equivalent to that of a portable hair dryer. Nearly all the returned machines were then destroyed by Maytag; only

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The 1955 Kelvinator in all its glory. The machine was noted for its “magic minute,” a special stain-removing step during the wash cycle. $500-700.

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Space-age styling: closeup of the stalk-mounted control panel on a 1957 Frigidaire washer.

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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2013 C-9/13

Frigidaire.) The ongoing goal is the What they were made for: a restoration of these artifacts, restored vintage washer in (as closely as possible), to action. original operating condition household appliances of the and sparkling showroom same era, such as toasters and Collector in training: a washappearance. And, even though vacuums. There are even day aficionado at an early age. most washer and dryer collec- “Holy Grails”: that quickly tors are self-taught “garage abandoned, oh-so-rare Maytag Today, by a vast margin, mechanics,” the restoration washer/dryer combo, and the China leads the world in the process moves along fairly limited-production “Lady production of automatics. rapidly, ranging from just sev- Kenmore” dryer of the early Domestically, many familiar eral weeks to several months. 1960s. Regular collector gath- names (Amana, Maytag, Often joining in online erings are held. With storage Kenmore) are now all under the repair discussions are now- trucks in tow, attendees bring Whirlpool umbrella. retired service techs, who once along their latest restored Microprocessors handle the worked for the companies acquisitions for a super-sized entire washing and drying manufacturing the machines. show-and-tell. cycles with supremely preTheir memories and mainteAlthough calling for a cer- dictable efficiency. Soon, even nance hints are invaluable, as are highly sought-after original instruction manuals. “After all,” notes one collector, “if the machines don’t work, they’re pretty much junk.” Some collectors are interested in any and all automatics Store display clock promoting Crosley and Bendix, 1950s. $200-250. and their assorted trappings (soaps, sales displays, ads, laundry tain degree of mechanical apti- those geysers of gushing soaproom necessities, and so on). tude, (and, of course, plenty of suds may be just a misty memOthers specialize, collecting storage space), collecting ory: the Xeros, a 2008 washing machines by a specific manu- automatic washers and dryers machine prototype produced in facturer, those made during a offers a fascinating take on England, uses less than a cup of certain time frame, or mid-20th-century design. The water per load. machines that represent a technological advances that Ah, but does it come in “first” (for instance, the first followed World War II exemavocado? top-loading washer, or those plify the “can-do” atmosphere Didn’t think so! that are otherwise unique in of the times. Ingenuity and All washday collectibles design or function.) Cross-col- imagination were at the fore- courtesy of Greg Nunn. lectors seek out additional front. These simple-yetFor more info on the wonsophisticated everyday house- derful world of washers (and wares provide a valuable win- dryers, too) check out the coldow on the past, letting us wit- lectors’ website: ness just how that past moved boldly into the future. . . our Donald-Brian Johnson is present. the co-author of numerous Schiffer books on design and collectibles, including “Postwar Pop: Memorabilia of the MidTwentieth Century.” He makes do with an The 1960 all-porcelain “Lady Kenmore” dryer. Few were It’s laundry day! A modern apartment washer and dryer. sold, due to the machine’s high laundry room stocked with vin- Please address inquiries to: tage machines and products. cost. $400-500.

Find them at

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“Five Good Reasons for Buying a Bendix” magazine ad, late 1940s. The Bendix Automatic Home Washer 1947 “Commemorative” version was produced for dealers. $400-500.

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brands were actually auto company offshoots, including American Motors’ Kelvinator and General Motors’ Frigidaire. There were also teamups with detergent manufacturers, giving buyers a little something extra for their money: a brand-new box of

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Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 3

SHOPS & CENTERS ’s e H k! c a B

Peter Swift Seibert By Peter Seibert

It’s great to be back and writing my column after about a nine-month break as we settle into our digs here in Taos, N.M. I have spent a considerable amount of time since arriving here in searching out antique shops and other such places to indulge my collecting passions. Antiquing in the West is an

Peter Seibert’s Collector Chats Column Returns interesting endeavor, differing substantially from that of the Mid-Atlantic or New England, where shops abound. It resembles in many ways antiquing in the Deep South, as both places require hard work and perseverance to find great stuff. Also, like the Deep South, many of the antiques being sold here as from “local homes� have been trucked in from homes all across the country. Since arriving here, my own tastes have changed considerably. The abundance of contemporary and vintage Native American items is overwhelming. Everyone is selling “old pawn� and vintage jewelry. Consignment shops, the successor to the antique co-op, are everywhere. As a result, and with a young family, my focus has shifted toward buying contemporary items directly from the artists and focusing my buying of vintage and antique items from eBay.

Regular readers know of my love for eBay, despite the screams of old-schoolers who think it will destroy antiquing. Quite the opposite, as the Internet still remains the great equalizer when it comes to determining real scarcity and real value. A great example is how anything to do with Fred Harvey and his string of hotels will bring a fortune in this region. Yet, jump on eBay, and you can get a real sense of what the market is for those pieces. The antiques market is still shaking out here as it has been doing elsewhere around the country. My sense is that there are three factors driving the trade right now: 1) National anxiety about spending, which is keeping people’s hands in their pockets. Greatly reduced are the numbers of folks who go out on a Sunday afternoon to have lunch and hit a few antique co-ops. 2) The aging popula-

tion of collectors. We see this in the Southwest, particularly where the 65-year-old woman with the $63,000 yearly income who likes turquoise jewelry is simply not coming around like she did when she was in her 50s. 3) The collectors fear that the aforementioned two factors will mean that antiques are losing value. This is true, and let’s be honest about it, as we have all seen the rollbacks in the last five years. The bright side is that if you have the time to wait, things will change. They will not go back to the way they were. Sorry, but the genie of the economic collapse is way too far out of the bottle for all of us not to have some hesitancy about spending money. In fact, I think the parallel will be to the Great Depression generation, who were anxious that things would come economically unglued again as well. I have

a friend who found ration books under his parents’ refrigerator because they might just need them again. So, a full return to conspicuous consumption will not happen for a while, but people are collectors, and ultimately they will return at some level to buying again. So stay tuned for updates from the American West of collecting as well as perspectives on where

the market is going in the next few years. While I don’t have a crystal ball, I do think that each day the path is becoming clearer and clearer.

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John Hess Auction Service H e r i t a g e T o S e l l R e n o i r ’ s To Offer The Historic Coleman Personal Objects Estate Property Sept. 28

Saturday, Sept. 28. The auction will be on-site. A public open house will be held Thursday, Sept. 26, from noon to 8 p.m. The event will have a $20/person admission fee, and the proceeds are to benefit the Lancaster County Historical Society. A number of period antiques to be offered at the auction have been held for eight generations by this family. Much of the collection is original to the property and features several original artworks commissioned by the Coleman family. Among them are works by Thomas Sully and Jacob Eichholtz. Several pieces of period furniture will include an American Queen Anne mahogany block front desk and bookcase from Boston, Mass., circa 1745-1755; an American Federal inlaid mahogany tall-case clock by Simon Willard, Mass., circa 1805; and an American Chippendale mahogany card table from New York, circa 1775. To learn more, visit

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called “The Renoir Estate Collection Signature Auction.” During the 1970s, Renoir’s heirs moved from France to Canada and then to Texas, taking the artist’s belongings with them. The trove, which will be broken into 150 lots, has been stored in various spots across North America until now. Scholars are hoping that an institutional buyer will step up and make a bulk purchase, as the collection holds significant historic value. The collection was put up for auction once before in 2005, but it failed to sell. Following that sale, anonymous buyers from Arizona purchased the lot. They are consigning the material to Heritage. For more information, go to

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John Hess Auction Service of Manheim, Pa., is honored to offer at auction the historic Stiegel-Coleman (Elizabeth Furnace) estate, which has been in the Coleman family since 1776 and is a National Historic Landmark. The property’s exceptional buildings and amenities consist of five principal buildings and several unique outbuildings. The restored fourteen-room sandstone mansion boasts many original features, including six fireplaces, many with original cast iron fire backs; a dramatic open staircase extending to the third floor; and restored original wood floors, as well as many other historically accurate architectural details. The additional buildings consists of a fiveroom sandstone recently updated caretaker’s home; the unimproved original homestead, known as the Huber House; and a large sandstone stable and charcoal barn. Located at 2121 Furnace Hills Pike in Lititz, Lancaster County, Pa., the real estate, also to include 33 acres, will be offered at 11:00 a.m. on

70 Tollgate Rd., Quakertown, PA 200 feet east of route 309



This is a view of the Elizabeth Furnace estate owned by the Coleman family. The historic property outside Lititz, Pa., will be offered at auction on Saturday, Sept. 28.

In New York City, beginning on Thursday, Sept. 19, Heritage Auction Company will hold a sale featuring objects from Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s (1841-1919) personal archive. Items will include the artist’s eyeglasses, funeral receipts, clothing, paperwork, photos, medals, statues, and books. The sale will also include letters and writings by Renoir that detail his travels, inspirations for paintings and relationships with models and dealers. It will take place in New York City and is being

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Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 5

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Huge Selection

“We’re Bigger ★ Than We Look�


Open Daily 10-5 P.M. 1 Chesapeake Ave.




OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op

35,000 Sq. Ft. Over 130 Booths



Select Dealer Space and Showcases Available


"BIG CITY Antiques Antiques at Country Prices" (Buying & Selling)

A 40,000 sq. ft.


1 Mile S. of Historic Smithville Village and 9 Miles N. of Atlantic City



16,000 Sq. Ft. of Unique and Exciting Antiques and Collectibles


EMMITSBURG Open Daily 10-6 “Late� Thursdays ‘til 8 pm


de Antique l O f C o s Come Spend The Day! e


5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD

Open Every Day 10-6

Antique & Vintage Furniture • Jewelry • Sterling Silver Fine China • Crystal • Coins • Books • Dolls • Trains Decorative Paintings • Fine Art • Glassware • Figurines • Pottery Quilts • Rugs • Linens • Bottles • Tools • Musical Instruments Sports Memorabilia • Vintage Clothing • & Much, Much More.



OPEN DAILY 10-5, SUN. 12-5


er nt

Largest Selection Of Roseville Pottery In Ocean County

Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Quilts • Pottery • Civil War Books


608 Arnold Ave. Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ

Antique Furniture

110 Dealers a great source for ... ) Antiques & Collectibles

OPEN THURSDAY THRU MONDAY 10 A.M.-5 P.M. 717.533.1662

Point Pavilion Antique Centre



sets as the Historic Burlington Antique & Art Emporium’s special monthly display. All are welcome to come see this exhibit to bring back memories or to explore a fascinating hobby. The Emporium is a 65dealer cooperative covering 14,000 square feet of eclectic antiques and collectibles. It is located at 424 High St. in Burlington City, N.J., and is open daily from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Refreshments and snacks are always available.



In Frederick, Md.


for any Marx playset under the tree, open the box and carefully look through each bag at the bright new figures and accessories. These would be his favorites, not only for that day, but also for the coming years. He would spend untold hours exploring new worlds with his playsets and his imagination. Bob’s love for Marx playsets has continued and he is a passionate collector. During the month of September, Bob will show several set-up play-

2 Floors 2 Explore



resurrected briefly in the 1990s and made collector sets from old molds. Today there is a substantial collectors market that takes in the hundreds of vintage Marx sets, reproductions from original molds, and new creations by such companies as Conte Collectibles, Barzso, Classic Toy Soldiers (CTS) and Toy Soldiers of San Diego (TSSD). These new items are of the same quality and scale as Marx and complement the vintage sets nicely. When longtime Burlington Antique & Art Emporium pop culture dealer Bob Weidner was a kid, he could hardly wait for the new Sears Christmas Wishbook to arrive. He’d scan the catalog for toys, but he would focus on the several pages of the latest playsets and study every detail to test it out for Santa’s list. When he came down the stairs Christmas morning, he’d head straight

Da y

tombs and in many other cultures. Over the years, toy soldiers have been made of clay, tin, lead, white metal, wood, composition materials, and paper cut-outs. In the 1950s, toy soldier production was revolutionized by the “Toy King,� Louis Marx. Marx used injection molding of newly developed plastics to create realistic soldiers in large quantities at a low cost and developed the playset. A Marx playset

Space Academy, Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park, and the Flintstones. Historical themes included Fort Apache, the American Revolution and Civil War, Custer’s Last Stand, the Alamo, and various World War II subjects. Marx playsets peaked by the early 1960s with masterpieces like the giant Civil War Centennial, Wagon Train (TV series), and Ben-Hur (classic movie) sets. The 1960s also saw Marx enter the collectors’ market with hand-painted HO-scale sets. However, the popularity of playsets waned, to resurface only briefly in the early 1970s with the Sears Heritage Series, which reproduced earlier Marx historical sets. Marx


Since cavemen first fought with clubs and rocks, children have enjoyed toy soldiers. They have been found in ancient Egyptian


allowed a child to get in one box for a few dollars everything needed to re-create history or favorite television shows and movies. This included action-posed figures; terrain features (hills, rocks, trees, bridges and fences); tin litho buildings and walls; and vehicles, weapons, and other accessories, all in scale. Marx playsets evolved through the 1950s from simple farms, ranches, gas station garages, and military bases to elaborate works with tie-ins to popular movies and television programs, with figures representing main characters. This ranged from Westerns like Roy Rogers, Gunsmoke, Wells Fargo, Zorro, Johnny Ringo, the Lone Ranger, the Rifleman, and Rin Tin Tin, to Super Circus, Captain Gallant (French Foreign Legion), the Untouchables (prohibition gangsters), Tom Corbett

By Robert Weidner

& Lodging Directory


6 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013


All ads in guide are listed in zip code sequence within each state. All other ads have zip codes. To find out where advertisers are located, check the first three digits of the zip code against the locator list below. The first three digits tell you which part of each state the advertiser is located in. (We suggest you circle in advance the advertisers you plan to visit. Then locate and mark the towns on your driving map). CONNECTICUT 060-1-2 Central & Northeastern 063 Southeastern 064-9 Southwestern

DELAWARE 197-8 Northern 199 Southern D.C. 200-205

MARYLAND 215 & 217 Western 210-12 Northern 214 & 206 Southern 216-218-219 Northeastern

and Eastern Shore 207-8-9 GreaterD.C. MASSACHUSETTS 010-016 Western& Central 017-019 Northeastern

020-027 Southeastern NEW JERSEY 070-079 Northern 085-089 Central 080-084 Southern

19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 floors. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more.

21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furn., military, toys, silver, coins, comics, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.

07930 Chester 908-879-7836 CHESTER ANTIQUE MALL, 30+ Dlrs, no reproductions. 427 Rt.510 (old RT24) between Mendham & Chester, Tues -Sat 10:30-5:00, Sun. 11:30-5:00. Furniture, primitives, glass, jewelry, art, etc.

19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Liberty Plaza. Hrs. Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:305:30 Over 45 Showcase & Room Dealers selling quality antiques/ collectibles.

21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.

08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Prints, Civil War, Baseball, Chess, Blue Comet Train, Lincoln, Old Bookends.

19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items.

21921 Elkton 410-398-0954 IRON BRIDGE FARM, 2953 Appleton Rd. Antiques and collectibles. Three full floors. Seven days week, 10-5. Rush & cane chairs. Mins. from I-95 near Fair Hill area.

08006 Barnegat Light 609-361-8039 THE SEAWIFE, 1901 Bayview Ave. at Viking Village. Country primitive antique furniture, quilts, folk art, architecturals & garden. Open Daily.

19904 Dover 302-883-2243 A TOUCH OF GLASS 147 S. Governors Ave., hrs. Tues.-Sat. 10-5. Glass, antiques, gifts, collectibles & much more. 19933 Bridgeville 302-337-3137 ART’S ANTIQUE ALLEY, Rt. 13 South. 60 dealers. Open 7 days 9am-6pm. 20,000 sq.ft. Collectibles. A/C, restrooms, snacks 19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. Roseville pottery, furniture, books, dolls, china, glass, jewelry, art & more from 58 dealers! Always looking for new Dealers in the Beach Resort. 11-5 daily.

07701 Red Bank 732-224-0033 MONMOUTH ST. EMPORIUM, 27 Monmouth St., Voted Best Antique Store in Monmouth Co., Multi-Dlr 5,000 s.f. shop. Open 7 days/ wk. Space available. 07701 Red Bank 732-842-5400 RIVERBANK ANTIQUES 169 W. Front St. located in antique district of Red Bank. Open Mon. thru Sunday 11am5pm. Like us on FACEBOOK. 07712 Asbury Park 732-774-6800 MONMOUTH ANTIQUE SHOPPES, 658 Cookman Ave. in the Shoppes at the Arcade. Multi-Dlr. shop. Open 7 days 11am-5pm. Check out our website

08033 Haddonfield 856-429-1929 HADDONFIELD ANTIQUES CENTER, 9 Kings Highway East. Multi-dealer co-op, Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 12-4. Antiques, collectibles, vintage merchandise, art, books, brass, copper, furniture, glassware, jewelry, pottery, silver, toys, etc. 08037 Hammonton 609-567-1889 ANTIQUE MARKETPLACE of Downtown Hammonton, 109 12th St. Tues-Sat. 10-6, Sun. 11-5. 15,000sq.ft full of antiques, collectibles, used furniture. 08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers. 08530 Lambertville 215-300-1058 BIBLIOTHEQUE Shop#110 - Golden Nugget Antique Market, 1850 River Rd. Vintage & Antique Cameras, Rare & Out-of-print Photobooks, Cookbooks, Pens. Open Wed, Sat, Sun. 8am-3pm. Visit/ Like us at

21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4

07801 Dover 973-989-4470 DOVER ANTIQUE CENTER Corner of Warren & Bassett. Furniture, pottery, jewelry, toys, glass, books, records, clocks, art, trains, coins W 11-7, Fri., Sat. and Su 11-5.

21043 Ellicott City 410-465-4444 TAYLOR’S ANTIQUE MALL, Historic District. Cor. of Frederick Rd & Old Columbia Pike. 16,000 Sq.Ft. of Antiques & Collectibles. Mon.- Sat. 10-5 & Sunday Noon-5.

07874 Stanhope 973-347-7373 BLUE HERON ANTIQUES, 34 Main St. Roseville Pottery, Perfumes, Art Glass, Lamps, Jewelry, Paper Weights, Watches, Clocks. CLEARANCE SALE. Open Wed.- Sun. 10-6. Tues. by chance.

16159 W. Middlesex 724-528-2490 ANTIQUE AND FLEA MARKET OF WEST MIDDLESEX RT18 S. Open Wed. thru Sun. 9am-5pm. Monthly Auctions.

21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in Havre de Grace with 50+ quality dealers. Open 7 days, M-S 10-5, S 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles.

07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking.

16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Avenue. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 dealers. Open Daily 10-5, Sun 12-5. Dealers welcome.

Rare And Used Books For Auction On Sept. 13 A rare 1685 copy of the “Martyrs’ Mirror” takes center stage at the Friday, Sept. 13, auction of rare and used books at the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society. Other works on Anabaptist theology and history, as well as collections of Pennsylvania German history, family history, and more categories join it in the auction. The sale starts at 6:30 p.m. at the society, located at 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, Pa. “The Bloody Theatre, or Martyrs’ Mirror of the Defenseless Christians Who Baptized Only Upon Confession of Faith, and Who Suffered and Died for the Testimony of Jesus, Their Savior, From the Time of Christ to the Year A.D. 1660,” usually shortened to “Martyrs’ Mirror,” is a collection of early Anabaptist martyr stories compiled by Thielman J. van Braght. The vellum-bound volume up for auction is the Dutch version printed in Amsterdam that first featured the iconic Luyken prints illustrating 104 scenes. This was the version that translators used for the 1745 German edition print-

This rare 1685 Dutch printing of the “Martyrs’ Mirror” is a highlight of the upcoming rare and used book auction to be held Sept. 13 at the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society.

ed at the Ephrata Cloister. Flanking the “Martyrs’ Mirror” on the auction block is a host of other works on Anabaptist history and theology, ranging from “The Complete Works of Menno Simons” to “The Mennonite in Iowa.” Also included in this auction is a large assortment of Pennsylvania German materials, including works produced by the Pennsylvania German Society and the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. This includes such volumes as “The Trail of the Black Walnut.” Those interested in

Visit Us On Our Website To See More:

old Bibles will find over 20 options, including some family Bibles. Those interested in examining the 1685 “Martyrs’ Mirror” should make arrangements with David Sauder at or by phone at 717-393-9745. Bids can be placed in person or in absentia by mail, email, phone or fax. Absentee bids, starting at a minimum of $10, must be submitted by Thursday, Sept. 12. They will compete with floor bids during the live sale. Auction catalogs can be found at

PENNSYLVANIA 190-1 Philadelphia 189-196 Southeastern 100-109 Metropolitan 180-188 Northeastern 110-119 Metropolitan 170-171 Central NEW YORK & Long Island 172-179 South Central 140-149 Western OHIO 166-169 North Central 130-139 Central 120-129 Northeastern 437 & 455 East Central 160-165 Northwestern 441 East North 150-158 Southwestern & Eastern Central

16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17025 West Fairview 717-732-7680 WE DABBLE, 73 2nd St. (on Rt 11-15) Buying Antiques/ Vintage Marble Collections. 17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.

VIRGINIA 220-229 Northern 230-239 Southern 240-246 Southwestern

WEST VIRGINIA 254 Northeastern 260-268 Northern 247-259 Southeastern

18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.

19343 Glenmoore 484-888-1009 CRICKET’S GARDEN MARKET 1641 Horseshoe Pike. Antique & Vintage Garden Accents along with Plants Galore! Hours 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-7.

18938 New Hope 215-862-5454 COCKAMAMIE’S 13 N. Main St. Specializing in Art Deco lighting, Furniture, Home Accessories, Celebrity Autographs & 1950’s. Authors of Art Deco Lighting & Popular Art Deco Lighting: Shades of the Past. Open Thurs.-Mon., appts. call 215-534-2169. With Ad receive additional discount.

19355 Frazer 610-651-8299 FRAZER ANTIQUES. -Best kept secret on Phila. Main Line- Open daily 10am5pm. 2 mi east of Rte 202 on Rt. 30.

18042 Easton 610-258-8176 SALVAGE GOODS, Antiques with Urban Attitude, 24 South 3rd St. Antiques, vintage, industrial, repurposed, architectural & garden. Tue-Fri. 11-5; Sat 11-6; Sun 12-5

18940 Wrightstown 215-598-8837 NOSTALGIC NOOK, Rt413, Carousel Village at Indian Walk. New lg. bldg. China, Stangl, Pennsbury Pottery, Glass-Cut & Pressed, Silver, Primitives, Furniture, Lamps. M-Sa 10:30-5:30. Sun 11-5.

18080 Slatington 610-767-8400 BUS STOP INDOOR FLEA MARKET 8281 RT 873, every Fri., Sat., Sun. 9am5pm. Crafts, Antiques, & Flea Market items. Former Keystone Lamp Factory. New vendors welcomed.

18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. “Since 1980.”

18201 Hazleton 570-459-0037 MANJONE’S VINTAGE STORE 783 Alter St., furniture, kitchenware, primitives, collectibles, shoes, purses, & more. Hrs. Wed. thru Sun. 10-5. 18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm. 18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES 113 7th St. 2 large Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5.

18411 Clarks Summit 570-587-2567 RED BARN VILLAGE B&B located 5mi. W. of Clarks Summit, 15 min. N. of Scranton. Kitchenette with each rooms, whirlpool tubs, gas fireplaces available. Please visit 18914 Chalfont 215-997-3227 BUCKS COUNTY ANTIQUE GALLERY, 8 Skyline Dr. Just off Rt. 202, S of Rt.152. Antiques & more. Old/ new accessories, consignment furniture. 12,000 sq ft. of Bucks County’s Best. Tu.-Sa. 10-5, Sun 12-5

18947 Pipersville 215-766-7145 BUX-MONT CONSIGNMENT SHOPPE 6719 Easton Rd. Over 75 vendors with Antiques, Collectibles & Consignments. Ladies & Gentlemen something for everyone. Open Daily 9-5 closed Tues. and Wed. 18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST, Rts 212 & 313. Multi-DLR shop; EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 141 E. Broad St. 215-5364408. One Stop 2 Fantastic Stores. Shop Where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days. 18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main St, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring over 40 fine Buck’s County Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Sunday 10am to 5pm. 19147 Philadelphia 215-668-0194 BIZARRE BAZAAR 720 South 5th St. An Eclectic Emporium of Everything Esoteric! Specializing in: Odd Art, Unique Antiques, Cultural Cool-lectibles + Curiosities! See the ODDITORIUM! Open 12-8pm, 7 Days.

19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Tues.-Fri. 11-6, Sat.-Sun. 10-6,

AT T E N T I O N Shouldn’t your SHOP or B&B be listed in this guide?

CALL 1-800-428-4211, ext. 2561 or

717-653-9848 Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day

E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition

Special Back-To-School Display At Haddon Heights Antiques Center Times change, and schools are certainly one place where the technology revolution has had a tremendous impact. The days of “reading and writing and ‘rithmetic, taught to the tune of a hickory stick,” are long gone, but people can revisit a little bit of that long-ago time at the Haddon Heights Antiques Center throughout September. A special back-to-school display will jog the memories of those whose school days included Dick and Jane readers, manual typewriters, and metal lunch boxes. Collectors will find vintage textbooks and pencil boxes, old yearbooks and school photos, collectible lunch boxes, old prints, crayon boxes and tin paint boxes, and miniature school desks, as well as student tools such as rulers, pencils, and ink bottles, and more. Every visit to the Haddon Heights Antiques Center is a nostalgic trip back in a time machine. Whether a casual browser or an avid collector, customers are bound to find something they can’t live without, and it’s likely to be very affordable. Deep discounts on items over $5 are standard policy. The center, now in its

A college-themed piece of sheet music from 1911, some vintage early primers, old crayon boxes, and a metal Mickey Mouse Club lunch box are just a few of the many colorful and nostalgic collectibles that will be part of the Haddon Heights Antiques Center’s Back-to-School display during the month of September.

twenty-first year of operation, is conveniently located just off I-295 on Clements Bridge Road next to the railroad track where Haddon Heights and Barrington come

together. It is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours on Friday evenings. For directions or more information, call 856-546-0555.

Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 7

SHOWS & MARKETS ANTIQUE SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR GEORGIA 09/12-15/13, ATLANTA, THURS 12:45 PM-6 PM FRI & SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center 10/10-13/13, ATLANTA, THURS 12:45 PM-6 PM FRI & SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center MICHIGAN 09/14-15/13, ANN ARBOR, SAT 8 AM-4 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques Market, 5055 Ann ArborSaline Rd, Washtenaw Farm Council NEW JERSEY 09/15/13, BARNEGAT LIGHT, SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 19th & Bayview Ave, Historic Viking Village 09/15/13, RINGOES, SUN 10 AM4 PM, Antiques Fair, Rt 179, Hunterdon County Fairgrounds 10/06/13, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor 10/20/13, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor

PENNSYLVANIA 09/13-14/13, EAST WATERFORD, FRI 8 AM-7 PM SAT 7 AM-5 PM; PUBLIC AUCT 2 PM, Sportsman Show, Rt. 75 S, Tuscarora Valley Heritage Grounds 09/14-15/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN, Vintage Clothing & Accessories, 897 S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market 09/14/13, ALLENTOWN, SAT 10 AM-3 PM, Train Meet, 1901 S 12th St, Merchants Square Mall 09/14/13, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-5 PM, Flea Market, 4th & Washington, Outdoors 09/21-22/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Farming, Hunting, Fishing, Rt 897S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market 09/21/13, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-5 PM, Flea Market, Passyunk @ Morris St, Outdoors 09/26-28/13, KUTZTOWN, THURS 10 AM-4 PM FRI 8 AM5 PM SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectors Extravaganza, 740 Noble St, Renningers - Kutztown 09/28-29/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN 7 AM-4 PM, Homecoming Extravaganza, Rt 897 S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market 09/28/13, GETTYSBURG, SAT 7 AM-4 PM, Antiques, Streets of Downtown

10/05-06/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN, Pepsi, Coke & Advertising, Rt 897 S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 10 A.M.-4 P.M.

10/05/13, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-5 PM, Flea Market, 10th & South St, Outdoors


10/06-13/13, BOYERTOWN, SUN 10/6 NOON-7 PM MON-SAT 10/7-10/12 10 AM-7 PM SUN NOON-5 PM, Art, 1041 Reading Ave Rt 562, Greshville Antiques and Fine Art


10/12-13/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN, Music, Lighting, Supernatural, Rt 897 S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market 10/12/13, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-5 PM, Flea Market, 3rd & Pine, Outdoors 10/13/13, HERSHEY, SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Doll, 30 E Granada Ave, Granada Street Gym 10/19-20/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Tobacco, Beer, Tavern & Pewter, Rt 897 S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market 10/26-27/13, REINHOLDS, SAT & SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Animal Collectibles & Memorabilia, Rt 897 S 607 Willow St, Shupp's Grove Antique Market


RT. 179 (just off Rt. 202)




CONNECTICUT 09/14/13, MADISON, SAT 9 AM4 PM, Antiques Outdoor, Rt 1, Madison Town Green

Renningers Kutztown Antiques extravaganza September 26, 27, 28 +RXUV $GPLVVLRQ )HHV DQG ([KLELWRU 6SDFH 7KXUV $GP )UL WR $GP 6DW WR $GP


10/26/13, MANAYUNK, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Flea Market, Main St @ Pensdale, Outdoors

NEW YORK 10/12-13/13, STORMVILLE, SAT & SUN 8 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Flea Market, 428 Rt 216, Stormville Airport

09/28/13, PERKIOMENVILLE, SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 318 Colonial Rd, Henry's Field

VIRGINIA 09/14-15/13, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center

OHIO 09/13-15/13, COLUMBUS, FRISUN 10 AM-5 PM, Country Living Fair, I-71 @ Exit 111, Ohio Village

10/05-06/13, ALLENTOWN, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Advertising, Book, Paper, 1929 Chew St, Agricultural Hall Allentown Fairgrounds

10/11-13/13, FISHERSVILLE, FRI 10 AM-5 PM SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques Expo, I-64 & I-81, Augusta Expoland in the Shenandoah Valley

SCOTT ANTIQUE MARKETS America’s Favorite Treasure Hunt!

Atlanta Expo Centers Atlanta, GA UPCOMING SHOWS:

3,500 Booths!

Ohio Expo Center - Columbus, OH Monthly, Nov. thru March!


Renninger’s Kutztown

t 4IPX )PVST Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm t %JSFDUJPOT I-71 Exit 111 (17th Ave.) to Ohio Expo Center

For more information, visit us at: Scott Antique Markets P.O. Box 60, Bremen, OH 43107 ~ Fax: 740.569.7595



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4th Annual Juried Artists/Artisans

Antiques in Henry’s Field


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SAT. & SUN., OCTOBER 26TH & 27TH 10-5 S809541

Space is Limited, stop in for application any Sat. & Sun. 10-5 or go to & download application Hurry! Deadline is Oct. 1st - $30 Fee for Weekend Call Jack’s Barn 908-857-2054 |

Catch the antiquing bug!

The Great Lehigh Valley Train Meet Merchants Square Mall

Allentown, PA 18103 Saturday, September 14th

1901 S. 12th Street,

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.


Saturday, September 28, 2013 10 am - 4 pm All proceeds to benefit the Goschenhoppen Historians. The “1735� Antes House & Garden Is Open And Included With Admission 318 Colonial Rd., Perkiomenville, PA 18074

Info: 610.762.4034

or visit (30 miles NW of Philadelphia off Rt. 73, Upper Frederick TWP., Montgomery Co., PA) S806979

170+ tables of model trains and related items. Dealers from 5 states. Everything from Z to G scale. Parts, Vintage, New, DCC, Lionel, American Flyer, and more. Admission $5.00 Tables $20.00 in advance

Antiques Show and Sale

(Look For Signs) S805254


t 4IPX )PVST Thurs. 12:45pm-6pm, Fri. & Sat. 9am-6pm, Sun. 10am-4pm t %JSFDUJPOT 3 miles East of Atlanta Airport, I-285 at Exit 55 (3650 & 3850 Jonesboro Rd.)


SEPT 12, 13, 14 & 15 OCT 10, 11, 12 & 13 NOV 7, 8, 9 & 10 DEC 12, 13, 14 & 15

8 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013


Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers Bel Air Auction Gallery Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS Members Of AAM & NAA

NEW 15,000 Sq. Ft. Building with very large loading dock. LOW COMMISSION RATES CONSIGNMENTS ALWAYS WELCOME 15% Buyer’s Premium 356 Swedesboro Avenue

MICKLETON, NJ Exit No. 17, Interstate 295 PHONES: (856) 423-6800 OR 423-6801


Previews: Thursdays: 4-7PM All-day Fridays from 9AM AU-1105L




1600 S. Warfield Street

1347 Naamans Creek Road Garnet Valley, PA 19060 610.566.3138 (Office) 610.485.0412 (Showroom)

Every Friday Night Auction at 6pm Preview at 4pm

Pennsy Auction

1500+ Lots Sold Every Week!

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105 Chapel Street

LEBANON, PA 17046 Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078


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Auctions every other Friday & Saturday Starting 9 A.M. Preview 8 A.M.



(302) 734-3441

1465 New London Road

Weekly, Public, Absolute Estate Variety Auctions Every Friday at 4PM


Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182

HILL’S AUCTION Landenberg, PA 19350


7:00 AM - Glassware & Outside 10:00 AM - Furniture Large amounts of oak, walnut, mahogany, glassware and collectibles

Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors


LARRY RUTT, OWNER 3 miles East of BROWNSTOWN, PA SPECIALIZING IN GENERAL HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES 33 N. Farmersville Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone (717) 354-5095

AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME

Stephenson’s Auction



Auction Every Tues. & Fri. - 1:00 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.


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Spence’s Auction & Flea Market






Located at 1311 Newport Gap Pike Wilmington, DE 19804 302-668-7309 Delaware Estate Sales, LLC

Hatfield, PA 215-393-3000


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3000 Lots Sold At Every Sale 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise

Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)



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550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901




Advertise Your Business in the Antiques & Auction News Auctioneer Directory Phone Us TodayFor Details! 1(800) 800-1833 Ext. 2541

A&AN AUCTION CALENDAR 09/14-15/13, THORNDALE, SAT 5 PM SUN 1 PM, 9/14 - antique toys, soldiers, trains; 9/15 antiques, country memorabilia, vintage Indian baskets, Native American jewelry, other jewelry, furniture etc., Thorndale Firehall Banquet Hall 3611 Lincoln Hwy, Smith Auction Co.

NORTH CAROLINA 09/20-21/13, FLAT ROCK, FRI 5 PM SAT 11 AM, Antiques including art, fine estate jewelry, oriental rugs, outstanding Oriental collection, collection of clocks etc., 913 Upward Rd, Richard D. Hatch & Associates NEW JERSEY 009/20-21/13, LEBANON, FRI & SAT 9 AM, Antique furniture, guns, wooden planes, tractors, cars, Civil War letters, Lincoln etc., 97 Deer Hill Rd, Michael J. Stasak, Jr., Laurel Fox, Michael Stasak, III 09/14/13, AUDUBON, SAT 10 AM, Antiques including coins, currency, large mahogany breakfront, art etc., 100 W Merchant St, Audubon's Auctioneers 09/14/13, CHESTERFIELD, SAT 8 AM, Antique clock & Heisey glass collection, 79 Old York Rd, Sunrise Antiques & Auctioneers 09/14/13, EDGEWATER PARK, SAT 10 AM, Antiques, collectibles, furniture, jewelry, old coins, depression glass, postcards, pictures, prints, military items etc., OnSite 459 Warren St, Bob Brenner NEW YORK 09/14/13, ALLEGANY, SAT 9 AM & 4 PM, 9am Collectibles; 4pm Antiques including country antique furnishings, paintings, china, glassware, miniatures, etc. In the main showroom., Carter Auction & Event Ctr 2383 West Five Mile Rd, United Auctions PENNSYLVANIA

09/14/13, ABBOTTSTOWN, SAT 4 PM, Antiques, collectibles, tools, modern & antique furniture, dairy bottles, butchering equipment, fishing items, box lots, 38 E King St, Olde Tyme Auctions

09/16/13 ONLINE AUCTION ENDS, MAPLE GLEN, MON, Antiques; Preview Sat. 9/14 from 10 am-5 pm or by appt. @ 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, Online @, Locati Auctions

09/14/13, CAMP HILL, SAT 10 AM, Personal property, antiques, collectibles, costume jewelry, tools, box lots; furniture Noon, OnSite 1513 Chatham Rd, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals

09/17/13, BOYERTOWN, TUES 4 PM, Antiques, collectibles, primitives, clocks, glassware, toys, guns, bow front china closets, fishing equipment, Friendship Hook & Ladder Fire Co Friendship Room 10 Warwick St, A. L. G. Auction Company

09/14/13, ERWINNA, SAT 9 AM, Furniture, antiques, collectibles, crocks, household etc., 441 Headquarters Rd, Ralph D. Freed Auctioneers, Inc.

09/17/13, PALMYRA, TUES 2 PM, Antiques, collectibles, household goods, 35' storage trailer box, personal property, 208 Bell Rd, Harry H. Bachman

09/14/13, HANOVER, SAT 9 AM, Antiques, collectibles Sears Roebuck catalogs, posters etc., Annex 1958 Dubs Church Rd, Rick Kress

09/18/13, POTTSTOWN, WED 10 AM, Antiques including vintage & antique eclectic assortment of decorative & utilitarian objects & furnishings, Third Street Gallery 132 E 3rd St, Maurer & Wilson Auctioneers

09/15/13, CAMP HILL, SUN 11AM, Featuring local estates & quality additions., 2228 Gettysburg Road, Lower Allen Plaza, Costea's Auction Gallery

09/19/13, CARLISLE, THURS 3 PM, Antiques, collectibles, antique furniture, Steinway Baby Grand piano etc., Auction Barn Rt 11, Rowe's Auction Service 09/19/13, MIFFLINTOWN, THURS 4:30 PM, Antiques, collectibles, toys, tools, Longaberger baskets, books, ephemera, 1929 World's Championship baseball ticked Shibe Park, boats & equipment etc., OnSite 330 Moore Rd, Steve McLaughlin Auctioneering 09/20-21/13, PHILADELPHIA, FRI 11 AM SAT 10 AM, 9/20 Orientalia, decorative arts, paintings, rugs, continental furniture; 9/21 - 100 years of furniture design, 4700 Wissahickon Ave, Kamelot Auctions 09/20/13, GARNET VALLEY, FRI 3 PM, Collection of fine art by Brandywine Valley Artists, from the Reichert collection, 1347 Naamans Creek Rd, Briggs Auction, Inc. 09/20/13, SOUTHAMPTON, FRI 2 PM, Antiques & Decorative Arts, 1005 Industrial Blvd, Stephenson's Auction 09/21/13, CHAMBERSBURG, SAT 10 AM, Lesney, Matchbox, Diecast cars, Gateway Gallery Auction 643 Kriner Rd, John F. Kohler, Jr.

09/21/13, MILLERSBURG, SAT 8:30 AM, Antique furniture, collectibles, china, dishes, glassware, guns, gold/silver coins, paper money, 3-D hand carving, paintings, prints, harness racing pictures/programs, 614 Berryhill Rd, David Deibler & Ed Shoop

09/24/13, CHADDS FORD, TUES 11 AM, Antiques, Decorative, Asian & Fine Arts, One Hillman Dr, William H. Bunch Auctions Appraisals 09/24/13, YORK, TUES 3 PM, Firearms, 240 Hatchery Rd, Toomey Auction Service, Inc.

09/21/13, MOHNTON, SAT 9 AM, Antiques, collectibles,furniture etc., 12 Fitterling Rd, Horning Farm Agency, Inc.

09/25/13, EAST EARL, WED 5 PM, Antiques, art, jewelry, prints, Shady Maple Banquet Hall 129 Toddy Dr, Cabin Fever Expo & Auctions

09/21/13, NAZARETH, SAT 10 AM, Train, Nazareth Auction Center 330 W Moorestown Rd (Rt 512), Dotta Auction Co., Inc.

09/28/13, EPHRATA, SAT 9 AM, Catalogued Antiques including contemporary folk art carvings, artwork, collection early 1900s baseball silks, toys, cast iron banks, doorstops, furniture etc., 50 Durlach Rd, Horst Auction Center

09/21/13, PLUMSTEADVILLE, SAT 9 AM, Furniture, radios, collectibles, ephemera, toys, vintage cameras & movie projectors, collection/vintage 35 MM motion picture films, 2 vintage autos, Plumsteadville Vol Fire Co Fireside Hall 5064 Stump Rd, Robert H. Clinton & Co., Inc. Hahn Auction Co.

09/28/13, LITITZ, SAT 10 AM, Period antique collection including impressive furniture pieces; Real Estate 11 am, OnSite 2121 Furnace Hills Pike, John Hess Auction

09/21/13, SPRING CITY, SAT 10 AM, Modern era train & Renninger's Model 'A' memorabilia closeout, Ridge Fire Co 480 Ridge Rd, Maurer's Auctions

ONSITE AUCTION Personal Property - Antiques - Costume Jewelry

09/15/13, HARRISBURG, SUN 10 AM, Antiques, collectibles, housewares, art, grandfather clocks; furniture Noon, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals 09/15/13, TYLERSPORT, SUN 11 AM, Trains & Tools, Gallery 97 Ridge Rd, Rook Auction & Appraisal Service LLC

09/12/13, NEW HOLLAND, THURS 4 PM, Vintage sports, 1950's Bowmans, toys etc., 270 Grant St, John Hums Auctions

09/16-19/13, HATFIELD, MON 1 PM & 3 PM TUES NOON WED 1,2 & 3 PM THURS 10 AM, 9/16 online only on site piano auction bidding closes 1 pm; online only on site Collegeville, Pa auction closes 3 pm; 9/17 - firearms noon; 9/18 online real estate bidding closes 1 & 2 pm Quakertown, Pa; online only furniture, bidding closes 3 pm; 9/19 - Military 10 am, 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfer Auction & Appraisal

09/13/13, KINZERS, FRI 5 PM, Quilts, coverlet, hooked & braided rugs. linens, beaded pieces, china, glass, Lionel trains, art, toys, Schwinn girls bike, books, magazines etc., Kinzers Firehall 3521 Lincoln Hwy E, Nickel Mines Auction Co.

09/16/13, CHAMBERSBURG, MON 10 AM, Butter prints, Pen Mar memorabilia, Cadillac, vintage items, collectibles, personal property, furniture, Gateway Gallery Auction 643 Kriner Rd, John F. Kohler, Jr.

09/11/13, LEESPORT, WED 3 PM, Guns, primitives, lamps, scales, PRR stove, oak furniture etc., Leesport Farmers Market Rt 61, Diefenderfer Auction Co., LLC

09/16/13, LEESPORT, MON NOON, 1800's tall case clock, furniture, glassware, toys, clocks, lamps, C.I. items, copper & brass, antiques, collectibles, Leesport Farmer's Market Banquet Hall off Rt 61, Kenneth P. Leiby

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 AT 10 A.M. 1513 Chatham Road, CAMP HILL, PA 17011 FURNITURE AT 12 NOON: Antique and Modern; Fancy Oak Rolltop Desk; Corner Cupboard; Dining Suite; Gilded Mirrors; Drop Leaf Table; Bookcases; Miniature Blanket Chest; Bedroom Furniture; Rattan Sofa and Chair; Coffee and End Tables; Bird’s-eye Maple Chest of Drawers with Mirror; Chinese Cabinet; Ice Cream Parlor Set; 2 Oak Chests of Drawers; 60’s Sofa and Chair; Steamer Trunks; Table and Floor Lamps; Grandfather Clock by Howard Miller and More! ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Quilts Incl. Victorian Crazy and Appliqué; Imari; Satsuma; Cut Glass; Bobble Heads; Staffordshire Spaniels; Stoneware incl. Decorated; Oil Lamps; 35 mm Petra Camera with Lenses; Cast-Iron Boot Scrape; Marbles incl. Large Swirl; Clocks incl. Elgin Travel, Wall, Mantel; Large Rye Basket; Murano Glass Dog; Zorro Costume; Ernie Banks Baseball Bat; Tonka Trucks; Goebel Angels; Flow Blue; Perfume Bottles and Dresser Jars. COSTUME JEWELRY AT 11 A.M.: Large Accumulation of Good Costume Jewelry. Some Designer; Silver; Rhinestone Pins and Necklaces; Bakelite; Indian Rings and Bracelets; Cameos; Celluloid. HOUSEWARES: Dinner Services incl. Rosenthal “The Dresden,” Noritake “Goldlinda;” Etched Stemware. TOOLS: Full Workshop! Circular Saw; Hardware; Hand Tools; Wrenches; Victor Oil Seals Cabinet; Fuel Lines; Cabinets. BOX LOTS: 10 A.M. Sharp!

Selling for Jean Milus due to downsizing and relocation. Visit for photos & more details. 10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Bring chairs!

David Cordier, AU005321



MARYLAND 09/21/13, CRUMPTON, SAT 9 AM, Antique furniture, Eastern Shore Memorabilia, early books, smalls, artwork, Crumpton Auction Barn Cor Rt 544 & Rt 290, Ralph Russum Sr. & JR Russum


Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 9

“Elegant Glass: Early, Depression, & Beyond� Is Presented In Revised Fourth Edition


MON., SEPT. 16, 2013 AT 1200 NOON

LOCATED: Indoors at the LEESPORT FARMER’S MARKET BANQUET HALL just off Rt. 61 at the North end of

Antiques, Collectibles, Tools, Modern and Antique Furniture, Dairy Bottles, Jewelry, Butchering Equipment, Black Americana, Toys, Antique Fishing Items & Box Lots

Saturday, September 14, 2013 4:00 P.M. Doors open at 9:00 A.M. for Preview 38 East King Street, Abbottstown, PA 17301 See us at or Auctioneer ID #6276 Food available. Terms - No Buyer’s Premium Cash, PA Check, Visa, Mastercard. For more information call 717-487-6708

Auctioneer - Chris Eugene Sprigle AU-5329-L Accepting Consignments - Great Rates! Firearms, Antiques, Toys, Stoneware, Real Estate, Coins, Automobiles, Furniture, Tools, Civil War and Military. Services Offered - Onsite Estate Auctions, Liquidations. Auctions at Our Facility, Pick Up and Pack Out Service. One Piece or an Entire House


Schiffer Publishing Ltd. is pleased New Martinsville, and Paden to announce the release of the revised City are represented, along and expanded fourth edition of with their most popular “Elegant Glass: Early, Depression, & patterns. Introductions to each patBeyond,� by Debbie and Randy Coe. tern include production dates, patOver 1,000 beautiful color pho- tern and/or etching numbers, and tos display a wide spectrum of ele- original company colors. Full lines gant glass patterns, colors, shapes, of dinnerware and their companion and etchings in the new fourth edi- patterns are listed, along with bedtion. The book’s listings are also room, bath, and decorating pieces. updated, with over 100 patterns of Aiding collectors in identifying patelegant American glass. Several terns, a detailed image of each etchpatterns have additional listings. ing is provided in every description. Each pattern includes a complete Collector resources, a detailed biblilisting of all known pieces made. ography, and a glossary complete Detailed descriptions are given for this thorough revised guidebook. each item listed. Captions include For more information, descriptions of each piece pictured. readers may visit The major companies of Cambridge, Fenton, Fostoria, H e i s e y , Imperial, Weekly Pubic Estate Variety Morgantown,





SELLING: FURNITURE: Wood & marble top tables, Chippendale desk & others, chairs, cabinets, wicker, stands, vanities, chest of drawers, & other asst. furniture. MISC.: Porcelain, vases, fish bowls, china shoes, hat pin holders, hair receivers, many Christmas items (ornaments & crafts), Old World vintage lamp, dolls & doll furniture, Roseville, Hummel plates & figures, Snow Babies, music boxes, pewter, old utensils, spool cabinets, marbles, coverlets, knives, J.D. & Coke items, wrought iron, asst. furniture hardware, signs. Rockwell plates & figures, wall & mantel clocks, lg. selection C.I. doorstops & banks, many bronzeprism-leaded glass lamps, lg. animal figures, knickknacks, birdhouses, C.I. - tin - die-cast toys. GLASS: Carnival, Depression, cut, crystal, paperweights, Flow Blue, chamber sets, bottles, asst. plates, etc. Large selection of cases of new items. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Approx. 7-8 hour auction. Many items not mentioned. Something for everyone. Plan to attend. Much more not mentioned. TERMS: Cash or PA check; day of auction. - 6% sales tax applies. SALE FOR: FRED & DOTTIES ANTIQUES (Birdsboro, PA) AUCTIONEERS: KENNETH P. LEIBY (PA L#AU00541-L) / BRIAN GELSINGER (PA L#AU0005528) 610-562-3929 - - I.D. #5718


Start Time: 3PM Exhibition: 4,% + 5 ,! 2 6 2 8 # + 5 ' 0 ,! ) 6 Artists include: 5, +&, ))

" # (%$ ( ) , , % 6 # "' % , # 9 ' ( - #&, : 3# , $ 5, #$ ; - ' Also Featuring: <% " 0 9# 4 & : #=% > 8# 8% # % : % #=% > # # #? : & > 5 : 9 & #? > 8# : 8# & # ,# > : +# ? : ( 8# > # $ % @ -2 : & # : # : " : 4 : 4 : ( & #& : 9# & ? 4 " A 3 ' %&, '

Antiques & Collectibles, Furniture & More

1 .23 ! " #$$ %& # '& ( # ! # ) * #$$ %& # '& +, - ! ' ./' 0

From intersection of Rts. 568 & 625, take Rt. 625 North for 1.1 mile, turn right on Fitterling Road to auction on right. ANTIQUES: Furniture: Pine dry sink w/shelf & drawers; 5 leg oak ext. table; child’s rolltop desk; oak office chairs; 4 cane seat DR chairs; highchair; Domestic treadle sewing machine; National brass cash register. Miscellaneous: 2 Planters Peanuts Jars; umbrella stand & umbrellas; leaded glass piece; canes; pictures & frames; old tins; old bottles (Reading); marbles; jugs & crocks; dog statue; eating utensils; Gem Dandy elec. butter churn; Enterprise meat choppers; apple peelers; cherry seeder; balance scale & weights. Glassware: Hobnail; gold gilded pressed glass; Carnival glass; perfume bottles; dishes & platters; iris vases; lampshades; kerosene container & much more! Tools: Hand grinder; molding jack & block planes; lg. slaw cutter; lever feed cutter; brass blowtorch; alligator wrenches; baker/Dutch oven; wooden bungs. COLLECTIBLES: 1940’s-50’s elec. shelf clocks; elec. flat & sad irons; kerosene lamps; washboards; adding machines; wooden iron boards; Boy Scout water bucket; WWII leggings & canteen; Holfast fan belt cabinet; suitcases; toy pistols & holsters; 1930 Tootsietoy car; old newspapers; pewter pieces; flashlights; lanterns; salt shakers; Carnival Chalkware prizes; postcards; doll cradles; Marlboro Country Clock; old toasters; quoits; many old books & paperbacks, 78 RPMs & 33 LPs records; Sturgis Pretzel can, fishing gear; many knickknacks; paintings by number; wall hanging glass cupboard; plastic cigarette cases; cigar boxes; Budweiser adv. light. PA Checks & Credit Cards Accepted. Food Stand on premises.

Alvin Horning • 2417-L • C. Ivan Stoltzfus CAI


AMERICANA AUCTION ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★






★ ★




★ ★








★ Firearms starting at approx. 5:30 P.M. Items preceeded by (R) must be ★ registered. All Federal & State Laws apply. Registration is $10.00 per gun. ★ No Buyer’s Premium. Photo Driver’s License needed to purchase firearms. ★ For more information, visit or ★ ★ ID#1893 for photos & details. 240 Hatchery Road, York, PA 17406 ★ Frederick L. Toomey, CAI Mark A. Toomey AU-1297-L Phone (717) 755-6105 AU-3266-L Phone (717) 840-1193 ★ ★ Auction Center Phone (717) 252-0289 “The Trusted Name In Auction Services� ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★




FREDERICK, MARYLAND 21701 Coin-Op - Advertising Signs - Country Store - Drugstore - Soda Fountain Signs - Advertising Tins Soda Related Advertising - Showcases - Dental Items - Battery-Op Toys - Tin and Cast-Iron Toys - Early Board Games - Pinball Machines - Slot Machines - Windup Toys - Neon Signs - Gas and Oil Related Items - Trade Cards - Advertising Thermometers - Advertising Clocks - Trade Signs Store Displays - Cash Registers - Scales - Soda Machines - Light Up and Motion Signs - Old Space Toys - Spool Cabinets - Dye Cabinets - Syrup Dispensers - Ice Cream Related Items Advertising String Holders - Candy Jars - Planters Items - Victrolas - Catalin and Bakelite Radios - Phonographs - Beer and Whiskey Advertising, Etc.

Quick Payment To All Consignors. Call or E-mail Now To Consign! Phone: (301) 977-6741 • (301) 351-6544 • (301) 208-8947 E-mail •


610 286-5183



Merle Eberly

Terms by: Jay Heilman


Knauers Area

Saturday, September 21, 2013 At 9:00 A.M. 12 Fitterling Road, Mohnton, PA 19540

10 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013


Fontaine’s Auction Gallery To Hold Diverse Unreserved Sale On Sept. 21

Chicago Coin’s Band Box (“Strike Up the Band”) jukebox orchestra speaker deluxe model 1951.

clock sale on Saturday, Nov. 23. The Sept. 21 auction will feature musical items (rare Victrolas, gramophones, music boxes, phonographs, jukeboxes and speakers), automatons, coinop, country store, advertising, slot machines, toys, arcade games, vending and soda machines, cash registers, wall phones, trade stimulators, tin litho, signs and posters, display cases, scales, figural canes, bicycles and more. “The two major collections are certain to attract bidders, for two reasons,” said John Fontaine of Fontaine’s Auction Gallery. “One, they have been tucked away in homes for over 35 years and are just now seeing the light of day, so they’re truly fresh to the market. And two, both will be sold without reserve. These are wonderful items, many of them rare and very desirable.” Previews will be held on Friday, Sept. 20, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Saturday, Sept. 21, the date of sale, from 9 a.m. until the first gavel comes down at 11 a.m. For bidders unable to attend the sale live, Internet bidding will be provided by b o t h

Mills 1-cent floor model Perfect Muscle Developer (“Show Your Strength”) with index chart comparing average strengthto-weight ratios.

A 1941 Wurlitzer model 850 jukebox is also called “The Peacock” because it features a brilliant peacock reverse-painted on glass.

are a Seeburg “Shoot the Bear” arcade game with a bear figure that runs around a cluster of trees with a hound chasing it, and a rifle that fires a laser at the display; and a double singing bird-cage automaton with a pair of mechanical birds inside a brass cage that flick their tails, move their heads and whistle a tune. The Oct. 19 antique auction will feature furniture made by J.H. Belter, Herter Brothers, R.J. Horner, J. & J.W. Meeks, Alexander Roux, John Jeliff, Thomas Brooks, the Wooten Desk Co., and others. Lighting will be from Tiffany Studios, (Continued on page 23)

Hey Auctioneers! Don’t miss getting the best bids for any ephemera items you may be auctioning for your clients.

PACM™ gets the word out to ephemera and country store collectors. Call Arlene at 800-800-1833, ext. 2561 or 717-492-2561


Public Auction


Dec. 1898. Also offered will be a Graphonola DeLuxe with serpentine form floor-standing mahogany case holding a Regina music box playing 15-1/2-inch discs on a double combed spring-driven mechanism signed with a metal tag on the soundboard and a Chicago Coin’s Band Box jukebox orchestra speaker deluxe model 1951, with an animated band that plays when the curtain is open. Rounding out just some of the day’s expected top lots

TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 17, 2013 2:00 P.M.

ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES HOUSEHOLD GOODS 35’ STORAGE TRAILER BOX PERSONAL PROPERTY LOCATION: 208 Bell Road, Palmyra, S. Londonderry Twp., Lebanon Co., Pa. From traffic light on route 322 at east end of Campbelltown - south .3 mile on Forge Rd. (Rt. 117) - bear right on Bell Road for .9 mile to lane on left at woods. 35’ metal storage trailer box (no wheels); store hanging lamp; Dietz lantern chimney; showcase; (2) file cabinets; model A horn; fat & gas lamps; sadirons; flower frogs; case of chimneys; lamp parts; cast door bell; tinware; agate; banks; sewing supplies; bakery pans; toys; Ferry lights; medicine bottles; Armetale mugs; DMC thread box; asst. kerosene lamps; Avon Christmas plates; (2) metal file cabinets; lots of box lots and unlisted items still being unpacked. Lots of surprises as always. We are nearing the end after 14 auctions. AUCTION ORDER: mixture of small items all day. INSPECTION: 12:00 noon auction day only. TERMS: cash/check/credit/debit card. No out of state checks unless accompanied by a current bank letter of credit addressed to this auction. 3% buyer’s premium waived w/payment by cash/check. Announcements auction day take precedence over any previous printed or oral information. Plenty of parking. Food & toilet facilities. Tent if needed. AU-000033-L


Auction by: Beverly Koons

2051 HORSESHOE PIKE ANNVILLE, PA 17003-8850 E-mail: (717) 867-1809


fresh-to-the-market lots will be offered. The two collections, one from Jerry and Doris Soldner of Kingston, N.Y., the other from a collector in the Elk Mountain region of northern Pa., will headline the event. It is the first of three major auctions planned by Fontaine’s. The firm will also conduct a cataloged antique auction on Saturday, Oct. 19, and an antique

tom paint-decorated butler’s secretary cabinet with electric model Victrola, having a painted green cabinet with gilt carved moldings and trim and a fancy gilt carved base in scrolling legs; and an oak Victor Type V phonograph with a 12-inch turntable, rearmounted oak horn, black painted support arm with gilt stenciling and a nickel tone arm. Coin-op machines will feature a 1-cent floor model Mills Perfect Muscle Developer, with a portrait of a man flexing his muscles and reading “Show Your Strength,” over an index chart comparing average strengthto-weight ratios; and a circa 1939 C.R. Kirk & Co. free weight coinop scale, with a red hand pointing to the “guessed” weight and black hand for “actual weight.” Cash registers will include an inlaid National Cash Register (Dayton, Ohio) having a beautiful mahogany case with carved trim, 25 lever buttons and a domed lid with shell and swirling inlays. Also sold will be an early20th-century Royal Typewriter advertising display, a functional model mounted with a pressed tin store advertising display sign. Graphophones (phonographs for recording and Regina music box and token reproducing sounds on system designed to reward a wax records) will be lucky patron with merchanplentiful throughout dise from the store the sale. where the machine Examples will was displayed. It is include a one of only a Columbia handful known. Type BC Phonographs graphophone will feature a rare Burns & Pollack In this double Lampophone singing birdphonograph, with cage automaton electric-driven in brass cage, disc turntable with the mechanical Burns Capitol birds flick their reproducer, brass tails, move tone arm, three their heads and needle bins and whistle a tune. single interior with largelight socket; and a size oak case V i c t o r and large mahogany Type mechanicalVI phonograph ly amplified and stand in original finish, signed on a brass reproducer, as well as a tag “Victor Talking Machine Columbia Type AD Home Co.” and with a 12-inch Grand gramophone on a stand, having an oak case spring-driven turntable. Also sold will be a cus- with fancy dome, patented

LIVING ESTATE AUCTION Guns, Primitives, Lamps, Scales, PRR Stove, Oak Furniture

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 AT 3 P.M. Leesport Farmers Market - Diefenderfer Auction Gallery Rt. 61.,


(Off Rt. 61 halfway between Reading & Hamburg. Follow signs to the Leesport Farmers Market. Back side of market). Guns: Colt 22, S&W 357 & H&A 38 Revs.; Tikka 12-70 O/U; Winchester 12 Ga. Pump; 10 Ga. Dbl. Barrel; Higgins 30-06; Ammo.; Furniture: Dry Sink; Cherry Dressing Table; Oak Cupboard, Baker’s Cab., Icebox, Stack Bookcase, Table/Chair Sets, Store Cntr.; Empire Chest; Primitives: Grain Cradle; Carpenter’s Box; 1891 Slawboard; Wheelbarrows; CI Sink Pump, Troughs; Copper Boilers; Watkins Carry Box; Beatty Broadax; Stoneware: Link Crocks; Blue Dec. Cuspidor; Salt Jar; Yellowware Bowls; Lamps: Aladdin Table & Ceiling; Cran. Opal Swirl; Wall w/Bracket; Clocks: Oak RR Reg.; French Marble; Walnut Kit; Scales: Marble Top 2-Pan; Early Candy; Toledo Store; Antiques/ Collectibles: PRR Stove; Pickle Castors; WWII Nazi Wound Badge; 14k Pocket Watch; Oak Victrola; Wood/CI Horse Tricycle; Drill Bit Display; House Prints; Scissors Collection; Auto Harp; Fruit Press; Glass/China: Daisy Churn; (30+) Dep.; (14) Hummels; Too much more to list! Doors open at 1 P.M. Check Web at (Auct. #1241) for flyer & pictures Seller: Karl & Joy Klutschkowski, Birdsboro, PA Terms: Cash, Check, MC, Visa, Discover, AmEx - Buyer’s Premium 15% for credit card or checks, 10% for cash

Diefenderfer Auction Co., LLC Laureldale, PA - AU-3965-L - (610) 929-8215


The Sept. 21 auction will feature musical items such as rare Victrolas, gramophones, music boxes, phonographs, jukeboxes and speakers. and Phone and absentee bids will also be accepted. At least 30 floor model jukeboxes will be offered, to include a 1941 Wurlitzer model 850 jukebox, also called “The Peacock” because it features a brilliant peacock reverse-painted on glass. It also boasts an arched top with chromed filigree mounts. Also sold will be a Wurlitzer table model 71 jukebox on stand (1940), 58 inches tall and taking nickels, dimes and quarters. One item sure to wow the crowd is a circa 1900 Yale Wonder Clock, made in Burlington, Vt. The coin-operated mechanical marvel sports a roulette-type dial, spinning pointer, flashing lights, 15-1/2-inch


Two outstanding 35-year collections will be sold without reserve, featuring items in many categories, in a specialty auction slated for Saturday, Sept. 21, at 11 a.m. by Fontaine’s Auction Gallery at the firm’s gallery, located at 1485 W. Housatonic St. in Pittsfield, Mass. Approximately 450


Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 11


Hand-Written and Signed Note by A. Lincoln

SEPTEMBER SALE Online Bidding has begun! Online auction ends on

Estate Collection of Gold and Silver Coins

A Zinc Cigar Store Figure

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 Edward Hopper Sketch

French Orrery/Globe Soap Hollow Footstool

Large Folk Art Oil on Canvas

Preview: Saturday, September 14 from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. or by Appointment Where: 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002 Contact: 215.619.2873

X Angelo Asti (1847-1903) Oil on Canvas

Estate Silver

Antique Firearms

Locati Auctions 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002 PA License #TRA00011

Herend Porcelain


Furniture and Decorative Arts

Asian Art




FRIDAY, September 20th & SATURDAY, September 21st, 2013 AT 9:00 A.M. (Preview starts at 7 A.M. each day) We will be selling the estate of O.P. ROEDEL (Known throughout the country for his photography & work for Colonial Homes Magazines & many others)

97 Deer Hill Road,


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FRIDAY: 1962 Willys CJ 3B 4x4 Jeep w/plow (garage kept); 1981 Volkswagen Pickup (garage kept), 1994 Volvo 940 station wagon; Wooden planes; Misc. woodworking tools; (3) wooden tool chests; Wooden machinist’s chest & tools; 8’ cabinetmaker’s wooden workbench; Farmall A w/belly mower; Farmall Cub w/sicklebar mower; Misc. Farmall attachments, 1 bottom plows, cultivator, snowplow, etc.; Gravely walk-behind mower w/attachments; Alum. Rowboat; (3) vintage stage lights; Vintage photography equipment; Misc. antique furniture, as found in barn; General HH items; Picture frames & prints; Pressed & Dep. glass; Many box lots; scrap iron; Nice selection of antique books; Nice powder flask; Bob White duck decoy; Guns - 1858 Tower, 1812 US Springfield & precision musket; Swords - 2 Civil War surgeons swords & much more unlisted… SATURDAY: FURNITURE: 9 pane corner cupboard; Dry sink; Curly Maple Highboy; Hutch table w/2 drawers; Pine Welsh Cupboard; Tavern table w/stretcher base; (2) Windsor chairs; 2-drawer serving table; 4 drawer Sheraton dresser; Ladder back armchair w/bulbous turnings; 2 door wardrobe w/shelves; Banister back chair; Misc. chairs; 2 pc. Secretary desk w/bookcase top; Wing chairs; Washstands; Chippendale mirrors; Candlestands; 1 & 2 drawer stands; cobbler’s bench; 1 drawer drop leaf stand w/curley maple top; Oriental 4 fold dressing screen; Nice canopy bed; Dressing table; Misc. mirrors; Trunks; Blanket chest; Victorian dresser; Cast-iron garden furniture; Wicker porch furn.; Eames era wire settee; Misc. upholstered sofas & chairs; 2 door bookcase w/2 drawers; Rope bed; Grandfather clock… MISC.: Great folk art carved eagle w/gold gilt & paint approx. 36” L; 2 wheel coffee grinder; Decorated stoneware; Misc. sterling flatware; Approx. 50+ pcs. Flow blue china; Wallean Staffordshire England, Watteau Doulton w/turkeys; Delft-style candelabra w/8 arms; Wedgwood plates; pressed glass; silver plate; Mahog. Tea caddy; Brass jelly bucket; Copper apple butter kettle; Andirons; Barometer; Approx. 100+ pcs. Torbay Wedgwood Patrician dinnerware; Copper luster; Tole decorated tray; Oriental rugs; Royal Doulton dinnerware w/horses; Doorstops; trunks; Photography portfolio by Larry Colwell; Brass candlesticks and candle wall sconces; Tramp Art fretwork train clock in case; Brass stirrups; Lap desk; Liquor decanters; Collection of Colonial Homes Magazines; Oil paintings & prints; Seth Thomas crystal regulator; Weight driven Vienna regulator wall clock; Misc. clocks; Skookum Indian doll; Early US paper currency, stamps & coins; Cast-iron Victorian parlor stove; Oil lamps; Nice bronze farm bell; Cast-iron fire insurance plaque; Wooden kitchenware; Quimper dinnerware; 42” Barber Pole w/great paint; Crocks & jugs; Yellowware; Cast-iron kitchenware; Important signed Civil War Era letters by Abraham Lincoln, General Burnside, Major W.B. Slack, (?) Hunter, Col. 3rd Calvary. THIS IS ONE FANTASTIC SALE ~ Mark the date ... you won’t want to miss this one! See & website for photos! AUCTIONEERS: Michael J. Stasak, Jr.; Laurel Fox; Michael Stasak, III

(908) 763-3171


TERMS: Cash or NJ check known to buyer. Out-of-state checks w/bank letter of credit. 10% buyer’s premium on each lot sold. Auctioneer and owner not responsible for accidents. Bring lawn chair. Rain or Shine. Food available.


12 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 13

Stephenson’s Auction SOUTHAMPTON, PA Antiques & Decorative Arts Auction 1005 Industrial Blvd.,


Gold And Diamond Stickpins

Art Deco 1.4 Carat Diamond Solitaire Ring

Ca. 1920 13⁄4 Carat Diamond Solitaire Ring


Four Tantaluses

Furniture - Le Corbusier leather and chrome three piece mid C. modern living room suite, 1960’s Arco floor lamp designed by Achille and Pier Castiglione, set of four Frem Rojle Danish modern chairs, walnut Victorian needlework adjustable fire screen, inlaid walnut Victorian sewing stand, Lucite man’s butler, Lucite and chrome magazine rack, English three piece leather top faux book table set including coffee table and end tables ca. 1920, Kittinger walnut Chippendale style four drawer chest, 19th C. English cherry linen press, Henredon Federal style banded mahogany sideboard, Baker cherry writing desk, five piece mid C. modern teak bedroom set with wicker drawer fronts and marble top nightstands, pair of leather Chippendale style wing chairs, seven piece walnut Louis XV style dining room set, inlaid walnut bamboo carved drop leaf writing desk and chair, inlaid walnut framed mirror with electrified side sconces, Arts & Crafts oak desk, ca. 1900 oak double glass door bookcase with rope turned side columns, Larkin #12 mahogany double glass door bookcase with leaded glass top panels, round oak dining table with carved and paneled decoration on five legs, Baker cherry leather top writing desk, English mahogany secretary desk, oak dining table with four rope turned legs, pair of walnut cane seat stools-made in Italy for Lord & Taylor, wrought iron stand with green glass fishbowl, iron adjustable cellist’s stool with leather seat, Empire mahogany sideboard, oak Three $20 St. Gaudens Gold Coins - sideboard with large mirrored splashback and paw feet, Karges seven piece walnut Louis XV style 1925 And Two 1927 dining room suite, Carson’s white leather sectional sofa, and more.

Traveling Desk Set, Ink Stand With LifeSize Bird Figurine

Le Couer Pont-Audener Three Piece Inlaid Art Deco Clock Set

14k Gold Bracelet, 14k Bulova Watch, J.E. Caldwell 14k Pocket Watch

Le Corbusier Leather And Chrome Three Piece Mid C. Modern Living Room Suite

Artwork - Walter Frederick Osborne o/c interior with seated figure, Henry Campotosto o/c “A Spring Day at Loch Lubnaig,” Continental School o/c interior with figures, Pierre Le Boeuff o/c village scene “Honfleur Normandy,” Kerry Hallam acrylic on nautical chart “Atami Ko,” American School bronze head of an eagle, John Schackerman wood sculpture of a torso, Rodolpho Paoletti o/c mother and children in landscape, pair of Chinese ancestor paintings on silk, Continental School oil on canvas of mother and child, Paul Biemuller o/c landscape with elk, o/c crucifixion, Y.B. Henry o/c wharf scene with flower seller, Goya lithograph restrikes, botanical engravings by P.J. Redoute and P.F. Legrand, Giovanni Casadei o/c “The Italian Market,” Will Barnet woodcut “Irish Kids,” Will Barnet color serigraphs, Will Barnet artist’s proof “Midnight,” Raphael Soyer etching, William Unger etching, Jack Bookbinder lithographs, Benton Spruance color lithograph “Salome and John,” Hal Singer oils on canvas, Kathe Kollwitz etchings, Pierre Bonnard lithograph from original etching, Charles Parthesius two enamels on copper, American School oils on board, Charles Charles French Art Deco spelter sculpture on marble base, Jean-Louis Vergne oil on canvas landscape, mid C. modern plaster wall plaque of three horses, Louis Riche bronze Deco sculpture, 1880’s theatre poster from Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia) “Sol Smith Russell - Distinguished Comedian” (toured 1880 - 1884), and more. Porcelains, Crystal, Fine China, Silver - Black Starr & Frost sterling oval bowl, Watson Co. sterling footed bowl, Saart Bros. sterling five piece tea and coffee service, set of Dominick & Haff sterling silver flatware “Queen Anne, Plain” service for 12, set nine of Reed & Barton sterling bread plates “Hawthorn,” sterling handled 23” tray, Gorham sterling handled basket, Gorham sterling bonbon bowl, set of Fine Arts sterling silver flatware “Processional” service for eight, grouping of sterling silver flatware pieces including Tiffany, Storch & Sinsheimer 800 silver handled figural pierced bowl, Vienna Austria 800

Five Piece Mid C. Modern Teak Bedroom Set

silver 110 piece flatware set, Jennings sterling silver oval 12” bowl, pair of seven light silver plated candelabrum - branching arms with grape and leaf decoration, four oak tantaluses, pair of Old Paris porcelain urns, Armani figurines, Swarovski crystal figurines, Bing & Grondahl porcelain figurines including “Actor” signed Axel Locher, Dahl Jensen porcelain figurines, Royal Copenhagen porcelain figurines including 1145 color Wee Willie Winkie and color Sandman, Royal Dux, Blacz ivory and bronze figurine of a Castanet dancer, bisque head on attached inlaid wooden stand, carved ivory statue depicting birds, flowers and a tree, carved jade figural grouping, carved cinnabar box, Amphora vases, set of 10 Staffordshire 10” plates, Royal Crown Derby, 18” signed Abelman art glass Jack-inthe-Pulpit vase, pair of Heisey no. 71 oval 10” candlesticks, Murano Yalo Casa signed glass center bowl, Holmegaard art glass center bowl, 13” Royal Copenhagen vase, Lalique dancing double figurine, American brilliant cut glass vases, punch bowl and pitchers, Adams cobalt blue jasperware, Doulton Burslem “Madras” flow blue 15” platter, Meissen floral partial dessert set with crossed swords mark, 45 piece set of Royal Copenhagen dinnerware “Henriette,” set of Royal Crown Derby “Royal Pinxton Roses,” Bing & Grondahl “Blue Traditional” serving pieces, Chinese Export ginger jars, pair of Japanese cloisonné plates, Lenox porcelain with silver overlay, Royal Doulton seated fox, and more. Jewelry, Textiles, Furs, Etc. - Early 20th C. 13⁄4 carat mine cut diamond solitaire ring bezel set in 14k yellow gold mounting, Art Deco 1.4 carat diamond solitaire ring in 14k yellow gold mounting, 10k gold three stone diamond ring, class of 1960 University of Pennsylvania 10k gold ring, class of 1944 Roman Catholic High School 10k gold ring, ornate lady’s platinum wedding band, contemporary white gold diamond bangle bracelet, gold and diamond stickpins, gold chains, bracelets and earrings, Edwardian 9k gold and garnet lavalier, 10k gold filigree diamond and sapphire lavalier, 10k gold moonstone necklace and bracelets, hand carved cameos in 14k gold mountings, watches include Corum 18k gold cased wristwatch, Omega Dynamic wristwatch, lady’s Bulova 14k gold bracelet watch, lady’s Just 18k gold cased wristwatch with two tone gold filled band, J.E. Caldwell & Co. 14k gold pocket watch, Illinois Bunn Special railroad pocket watch, Art Deco pen holder with Elgin clock, ivory including hinged bangle bracelet, rings, carved pins and pendants, coral bead necklace, Mexican sterling silver, collection of Judith Ripka sterling silver bracelets, necklaces and rings, Hidalgo enameled sterling silver rings, faceted amber bead necklace, crystal perfume bottles, miniature glass perfume bottles, Austrian jeweled brass frame, ornately carved walnut Victorian thread holder, linen tablecloth and napkin set with cutwork, embroidery and crochet, full length mink coats, natural mink stole, and more. Also - Three $20 St. Gauden gold coins - 1925 and two 1927, Swiss music box with six airs, iron four piece fireplace set with hanging coal basket, pair of brass seated dog andirons, Bartlett & Sons Ltd. Bristol England iron and brass scale with porcelain plate, Henry Pooley & Sons Ltd. England iron and brass scale with porcelain plate, Louis XV style bronze electrified three light sconce, burled wood box signed Michael Elkan, marble busts, three piece inlaid Le Coeur Pont-Audemer Art Deco clock set, ca. 1900 leaded glass oak door with matching transom window, mahogany cased The Matchless Cunningham baby grand piano, Knabe fruitwood cased baby grand piano, and more.

Attributed To Walter Frederick Osborne O/C Interior With Seated Figure

Attributed To Henry Campotosto O/C “A Spring Day at Loch Lubnaig”

Continental School O/C With Figures

Continental School O/C

Continental School O/C


Sterling Silver 23” Handled Tray Swarovski “The Masquerade” Set With Stage

Kerry Hallam Acrylic On Nautical Chart “Atami Ko”

Pierre Le Boeuff O/C Village Scene “Honfleur Normandy”

American School Bronze Head Of An Eagle Royal Crown Derby R&M Co. Staffordshire Turkey Plates

Lalique Pair Of Old Paris Porcelain Urns

Set Of Dominick & Haff Sterling Silver Flatware “Queen Anne, Plain” Service For 12

Meissen Tableware

19th C. English Mahogany Linen Press Sterling Silver Tea Strainers

Karges Seven Piece Walnut Louis XV Style Dining Room Suite

B&G Figurine Signed Axel Locher

Crystal Chandelier

Iron Four Piece Fireplace Set With Hanging Coal Basket

Louis Riche Bronze French Art Deco Bronze Sculpture

Larkin #12 Mahogany Double Glass Door Bookcase

Inspection - Thurs., Sept. 19th 3 P.M.-6 P.M., and Fri., Sept. 20th 1 P.M.-2 P.M. 15% Buyer’s Premium in house, 18% online at,, 1960’s Arco Floor Lamp Designed By Achille And Pier Castiglione

Saart Bros. Sterling Five Piece Tea And Coffee Service

Blacz Ivory And Bronze Figurine Of A Castanet Dancer

Charles Charles Spelter French Art Deco Sculpture On Marble Base

AH 000130




12 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 13

Stephenson’s Auction SOUTHAMPTON, PA Antiques & Decorative Arts Auction 1005 Industrial Blvd.,


Gold And Diamond Stickpins

Art Deco 1.4 Carat Diamond Solitaire Ring

Ca. 1920 13⁄4 Carat Diamond Solitaire Ring


Four Tantaluses

Furniture - Le Corbusier leather and chrome three piece mid C. modern living room suite, 1960’s Arco floor lamp designed by Achille and Pier Castiglione, set of four Frem Rojle Danish modern chairs, walnut Victorian needlework adjustable fire screen, inlaid walnut Victorian sewing stand, Lucite man’s butler, Lucite and chrome magazine rack, English three piece leather top faux book table set including coffee table and end tables ca. 1920, Kittinger walnut Chippendale style four drawer chest, 19th C. English cherry linen press, Henredon Federal style banded mahogany sideboard, Baker cherry writing desk, five piece mid C. modern teak bedroom set with wicker drawer fronts and marble top nightstands, pair of leather Chippendale style wing chairs, seven piece walnut Louis XV style dining room set, inlaid walnut bamboo carved drop leaf writing desk and chair, inlaid walnut framed mirror with electrified side sconces, Arts & Crafts oak desk, ca. 1900 oak double glass door bookcase with rope turned side columns, Larkin #12 mahogany double glass door bookcase with leaded glass top panels, round oak dining table with carved and paneled decoration on five legs, Baker cherry leather top writing desk, English mahogany secretary desk, oak dining table with four rope turned legs, pair of walnut cane seat stools-made in Italy for Lord & Taylor, wrought iron stand with green glass fishbowl, iron adjustable cellist’s stool with leather seat, Empire mahogany sideboard, oak Three $20 St. Gaudens Gold Coins - sideboard with large mirrored splashback and paw feet, Karges seven piece walnut Louis XV style 1925 And Two 1927 dining room suite, Carson’s white leather sectional sofa, and more.

Traveling Desk Set, Ink Stand With LifeSize Bird Figurine

Le Couer Pont-Audener Three Piece Inlaid Art Deco Clock Set

14k Gold Bracelet, 14k Bulova Watch, J.E. Caldwell 14k Pocket Watch

Le Corbusier Leather And Chrome Three Piece Mid C. Modern Living Room Suite

Artwork - Walter Frederick Osborne o/c interior with seated figure, Henry Campotosto o/c “A Spring Day at Loch Lubnaig,” Continental School o/c interior with figures, Pierre Le Boeuff o/c village scene “Honfleur Normandy,” Kerry Hallam acrylic on nautical chart “Atami Ko,” American School bronze head of an eagle, John Schackerman wood sculpture of a torso, Rodolpho Paoletti o/c mother and children in landscape, pair of Chinese ancestor paintings on silk, Continental School oil on canvas of mother and child, Paul Biemuller o/c landscape with elk, o/c crucifixion, Y.B. Henry o/c wharf scene with flower seller, Goya lithograph restrikes, botanical engravings by P.J. Redoute and P.F. Legrand, Giovanni Casadei o/c “The Italian Market,” Will Barnet woodcut “Irish Kids,” Will Barnet color serigraphs, Will Barnet artist’s proof “Midnight,” Raphael Soyer etching, William Unger etching, Jack Bookbinder lithographs, Benton Spruance color lithograph “Salome and John,” Hal Singer oils on canvas, Kathe Kollwitz etchings, Pierre Bonnard lithograph from original etching, Charles Parthesius two enamels on copper, American School oils on board, Charles Charles French Art Deco spelter sculpture on marble base, Jean-Louis Vergne oil on canvas landscape, mid C. modern plaster wall plaque of three horses, Louis Riche bronze Deco sculpture, 1880’s theatre poster from Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia) “Sol Smith Russell - Distinguished Comedian” (toured 1880 - 1884), and more. Porcelains, Crystal, Fine China, Silver - Black Starr & Frost sterling oval bowl, Watson Co. sterling footed bowl, Saart Bros. sterling five piece tea and coffee service, set of Dominick & Haff sterling silver flatware “Queen Anne, Plain” service for 12, set nine of Reed & Barton sterling bread plates “Hawthorn,” sterling handled 23” tray, Gorham sterling handled basket, Gorham sterling bonbon bowl, set of Fine Arts sterling silver flatware “Processional” service for eight, grouping of sterling silver flatware pieces including Tiffany, Storch & Sinsheimer 800 silver handled figural pierced bowl, Vienna Austria 800

Five Piece Mid C. Modern Teak Bedroom Set

silver 110 piece flatware set, Jennings sterling silver oval 12” bowl, pair of seven light silver plated candelabrum - branching arms with grape and leaf decoration, four oak tantaluses, pair of Old Paris porcelain urns, Armani figurines, Swarovski crystal figurines, Bing & Grondahl porcelain figurines including “Actor” signed Axel Locher, Dahl Jensen porcelain figurines, Royal Copenhagen porcelain figurines including 1145 color Wee Willie Winkie and color Sandman, Royal Dux, Blacz ivory and bronze figurine of a Castanet dancer, bisque head on attached inlaid wooden stand, carved ivory statue depicting birds, flowers and a tree, carved jade figural grouping, carved cinnabar box, Amphora vases, set of 10 Staffordshire 10” plates, Royal Crown Derby, 18” signed Abelman art glass Jack-inthe-Pulpit vase, pair of Heisey no. 71 oval 10” candlesticks, Murano Yalo Casa signed glass center bowl, Holmegaard art glass center bowl, 13” Royal Copenhagen vase, Lalique dancing double figurine, American brilliant cut glass vases, punch bowl and pitchers, Adams cobalt blue jasperware, Doulton Burslem “Madras” flow blue 15” platter, Meissen floral partial dessert set with crossed swords mark, 45 piece set of Royal Copenhagen dinnerware “Henriette,” set of Royal Crown Derby “Royal Pinxton Roses,” Bing & Grondahl “Blue Traditional” serving pieces, Chinese Export ginger jars, pair of Japanese cloisonné plates, Lenox porcelain with silver overlay, Royal Doulton seated fox, and more. Jewelry, Textiles, Furs, Etc. - Early 20th C. 13⁄4 carat mine cut diamond solitaire ring bezel set in 14k yellow gold mounting, Art Deco 1.4 carat diamond solitaire ring in 14k yellow gold mounting, 10k gold three stone diamond ring, class of 1960 University of Pennsylvania 10k gold ring, class of 1944 Roman Catholic High School 10k gold ring, ornate lady’s platinum wedding band, contemporary white gold diamond bangle bracelet, gold and diamond stickpins, gold chains, bracelets and earrings, Edwardian 9k gold and garnet lavalier, 10k gold filigree diamond and sapphire lavalier, 10k gold moonstone necklace and bracelets, hand carved cameos in 14k gold mountings, watches include Corum 18k gold cased wristwatch, Omega Dynamic wristwatch, lady’s Bulova 14k gold bracelet watch, lady’s Just 18k gold cased wristwatch with two tone gold filled band, J.E. Caldwell & Co. 14k gold pocket watch, Illinois Bunn Special railroad pocket watch, Art Deco pen holder with Elgin clock, ivory including hinged bangle bracelet, rings, carved pins and pendants, coral bead necklace, Mexican sterling silver, collection of Judith Ripka sterling silver bracelets, necklaces and rings, Hidalgo enameled sterling silver rings, faceted amber bead necklace, crystal perfume bottles, miniature glass perfume bottles, Austrian jeweled brass frame, ornately carved walnut Victorian thread holder, linen tablecloth and napkin set with cutwork, embroidery and crochet, full length mink coats, natural mink stole, and more. Also - Three $20 St. Gauden gold coins - 1925 and two 1927, Swiss music box with six airs, iron four piece fireplace set with hanging coal basket, pair of brass seated dog andirons, Bartlett & Sons Ltd. Bristol England iron and brass scale with porcelain plate, Henry Pooley & Sons Ltd. England iron and brass scale with porcelain plate, Louis XV style bronze electrified three light sconce, burled wood box signed Michael Elkan, marble busts, three piece inlaid Le Coeur Pont-Audemer Art Deco clock set, ca. 1900 leaded glass oak door with matching transom window, mahogany cased The Matchless Cunningham baby grand piano, Knabe fruitwood cased baby grand piano, and more.

Attributed To Walter Frederick Osborne O/C Interior With Seated Figure

Attributed To Henry Campotosto O/C “A Spring Day at Loch Lubnaig”

Continental School O/C With Figures

Continental School O/C

Continental School O/C


Sterling Silver 23” Handled Tray Swarovski “The Masquerade” Set With Stage

Kerry Hallam Acrylic On Nautical Chart “Atami Ko”

Pierre Le Boeuff O/C Village Scene “Honfleur Normandy”

American School Bronze Head Of An Eagle Royal Crown Derby R&M Co. Staffordshire Turkey Plates

Lalique Pair Of Old Paris Porcelain Urns

Set Of Dominick & Haff Sterling Silver Flatware “Queen Anne, Plain” Service For 12

Meissen Tableware

19th C. English Mahogany Linen Press Sterling Silver Tea Strainers

Karges Seven Piece Walnut Louis XV Style Dining Room Suite

B&G Figurine Signed Axel Locher

Crystal Chandelier

Iron Four Piece Fireplace Set With Hanging Coal Basket

Louis Riche Bronze French Art Deco Bronze Sculpture

Larkin #12 Mahogany Double Glass Door Bookcase

Inspection - Thurs., Sept. 19th 3 P.M.-6 P.M., and Fri., Sept. 20th 1 P.M.-2 P.M. 15% Buyer’s Premium in house, 18% online at,, 1960’s Arco Floor Lamp Designed By Achille And Pier Castiglione

Saart Bros. Sterling Five Piece Tea And Coffee Service

Blacz Ivory And Bronze Figurine Of A Castanet Dancer

Charles Charles Spelter French Art Deco Sculpture On Marble Base

AH 000130




450 and a factory documented, first-year production three-digit number, special order deluxe Winchester model 1894 with case-hardened receiver. There is also a rare documented factory special order Winchester model 1876 .50 express rifle with saber bayonet and factory

finest condition examples ever before offered and includes a comprehensive study of the 1860 Army model and some fabulous factory engraved examples. The sale features two of the three known factory engraved 1871-72 open top revolvers as well as a factory engraved gold and silver plated Colt model 1851 Navy revolver Documented Conrad F. Ulrich signed with raised relief carved masterpiece relief engraved Winchester Ulysses S. Grant ivory grip. model 1866 rifle with fabulous deluxe factory engraved Continuing the theme of barrel. Estimate $300,000-$500,000. engraved firearms, the auccondition, quality, and rarity, letter and an early hand- tion features several works by but its greatest appeal lies in the engraved serial number 331 an artist many consider the freshness of what is being Winchester model 1873 saddle finest engraver of the 19th cenoffered,” said Hogan. In the sale ring carbine. In total, the sale tury, Gustave Young. The docare a number of collections features over 350 Winchesters, umented sharps panel scene from legendary names in which include over ten .50 Young engraved model 1853 firearms collecting, and with express 1876 and 1886 rifles, percussion sporting rifle is a those collections come some but also encompasses equally highlight. This rifle is not only truly stunning and rare firearms. rare model 70s, model 21s, a piece of high art, it is also his“Each auction we hold and model 12s and a collection of torically significant, as it has each collection we sell is total- 13 special order and prototype been identified to Sgt. Fredrick ly different. Like a fingerprint, rifles and shotguns from the Rose of the Pennsylvania no two are the same. Over the personal collection of John Shamokin Guards, participants years, many important collec- Olin. in the Second Battle of Bull tors have chosen to utilize The Colts in the sale are a Run, South Mountain, Rock Island as their preferred perfect complement to the his- Antietam (at the famous method of marketing and sell- toric grouping of Winchesters Dunker Church), ing their valued and cherished and are also associated with a Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, collections, and this sale is no prominent name in Colt collect- and later in Sherman’s march different. In fact, one name in ing, C.D. Terry. “The grouping to the sea. particular stands out above all of Colts is as complete as it is Another standout is the the rest,” said Laurence magnificent and covers nearly documented Gustave Young’s Thomson, RIAC’s executive every significant Colt produc- 1893 Chicago World’s Fair director of operaExposition factory tions. The engraved and gold inlaid The exceptional conditioned early pro- Smith & Wesson 44 double duction New Haven Arms Company Henry action frontier model revolver with Nevada gold iron frame rifle. Estimate $600,000-$900,000. mining lawmen history. collection referred to is the tion model, both in spectacular This revolver was commisMac McCroskie collection. condition and breathtaking sioned by S&W specifically for Throughout the world’s gun engraved variations. the World’s Fair. Subsequently, circles, McCroskie’s collection Everything from the Paterson the revolver was presented to has assumed cult status as the all the way to the Colt Thomson Mr. Claude Inman, the sheriff finest and most significant submachine gun and everything of the gold mining town named Winchester collection ever in between will be featured in Goldfield, Nev. This pistol is established, as well as the the sale,” said Hogan. It will part of the William H.D. home of magnificent Colts and start with the very pistol from Goddard collection of S&W Smith & Wessons. which Samuel Colt developed revolvers and Colt automatic Contained within this sale his rotating cylinder design, the pistols. from this fabled collection are rare collier “five-chamber” Goddard authored the two of the finest individual flintlock revolver, to the next definitive book on Colt firearms to come to auction in product of Colt’s design, the 1911’s: “The Government the last several decades. The Colt belt model paterson Models: The Development of first is considered the finest revolver no. 2 with extra cylin- the Colt Model 1911.” One of iron-frame Henry rifle in exis- der. The sale continues to fol- the most significant is a rare tence, serial number 49, in near low every significant model documented Colt model 1900 factory mint condition. Iron- thereafter, featuring some of the sight safety, Browning slide frame Henry rifles are considered the most sought after and rare variation of the Henry rifles. The second firearm, also from the McCroskie collection, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH AT 10 A.M. is the masterpiece relief PREVIEW AT 9 A.M. engraved Conrad F. Ulrich LOCATION: 459 WARREN ST., signed Winchester 1866 with engraved barrel. This rifle is the EDGEWATER PARK, NJ 08010 definition of a “steel canvas.” Lots Of Antiques And Collectables, Furniture, Jewelry, Old The engraving on the rifle conCoins, Depression Glass, Postcards, Pictures And Prints, tains borders, scrolls, patterns, Military Items And Much, Much More. figures, shading, and back10% BUYER’S PREMIUM. grounds, all exquisitely done. PHONE BIDS ACCEPTED, CALL BOB OR MARY 732-244-9896 “Both of these pieces offer colBob Brenner, Auctioneer lectors and investment buyers a chance to own, without ques732-244-9896 tion, the very best,” said Thomson. “The McCroskie collection was amassed during the golden age of gun collecting, and Mr. McCroskie was known to only buy the very ★★SAT. SEPT. 14TH AT 9 A.M.★★ best of the best. We are talking FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, about nearly half a century of CROCKS, HOUSEHOLD collecting,” said Hogan. 441 HEADQUARTERS RD., The two McCroskie rifles ERWINNA, BUCKS, CO. PA will be in good company, as the (From Rt. 113 & Rt. 611, follow Hollow Horn Rd. which becomes sale also features the collection Cafferty Rd., left on Headquarters Rd. of Mike Ginn, who put togethFURNITURE: Maple hutch, agate top, DL & farm tables; blanket er a staggering collection of chest, trunks, washstands, benches, high chair, youth bed, plant stands, Winchester model 1866s, early rocking chairs, bookshelves, CI lamps, mirrors, smoking stand, Maxfield Parrish & A. Fox prints, many pictures. ANTIQUES: crocks, 1873s, and the most impressive jugs, sterling & silverplate, McCoy, Stangl, Weller bowl, tinware, agate, and encyclopedic collection of scales, pewter, pitchers, Lenox Ming plates, collector plates, metal large frame 1876 rifles Rock bank, bellows, advert. tins, green & pink dep., milk & Royal Ruby Island has ever cataloged. The glass, cake stands, Mason’s England dishes, Gimbel’s record player, rolling pins, cookie cutters, mixing bowls, pincushions, sewing baskets, apex of Ginn’s collection is a platters, Ironstone, Hamilton Beach Climax No. 2 & Wilcox & Gibbs magnificent factory engraved J. sewing machines, buttons, fur muffs, mink collars, purses, linens, many Ulrich signed special order dolls, Santa, Hafner wind-up tin train set, metal soldiers, toy trucks, 1876 short rifle with a 22” U.S. Army shovel, apothecary, canister & canning jars, glass water jugs, bottles, flasks, canners, roasters, Royal & LC Smith typewriters, 60’s round matte barrel, factory Life & Look magazines, CI kettle & fry pans, meat & coffee grinders, engraved, .50 express caliber, cherry stoners, sifters, lighters, Geo. W. Eddy Frenchtown oiler, RCA case-hardened, and with a shotradio, lighters, pipes, straight razors, Faulks goose caller, wdn. cabinet gun checkered butt. Other sigincubator, grinding bench, deer mount, antlers, misc. tools, much more. nificant and impressive TERMS: CASH, CHECK **NO BUYER’S PREMIUM** FOOD RALPH D. FREED AUCTIONEERS INC. AY002100 Winchester lever actions 610-287-8901 include a near mint case-hardSee #3561 photos & updated list. ened Winchester 1886 50-100-

Bob Brenner •





lock prototype semi-automatic pistol. This pistol is quite possibly one of the most important individual semi-automatic pistols on the collectors market and marks a massive evolutionary turning point as it is John Moses Browning’s personal design and implementation of the slide lock. This historic breakthrough design can be observed today on nearly every semi-automatic pistol still being manufactured. Others of note include a U.S. Navy contract Colt 1900

Sunday, September 15th, 2013

11:00 A.M.


LOCATION: 2228 Gettysburg Road, Lower Allen Plaza,


17011 DIRECTIONS: Going North Or South On Route 15, Exit At Highland Park. Auction Is On Left Side Of Road.

Featuring Local Estates And Quality Additions Harrisburg Magazine Simply The Best Auctioneer Check

w #1832 For Updated Photos

Phone 717-737-0000 TERMS: Cash, Visa/MasterCard, Checks. 13% BUYER’S PREMIUM (Discounted To 10% w/Check Or Cash). AUCTIONEER: Michael Costea AU-1759-L Telephone (717) 737-0000

(Continued on page 23)



PREVIEW: FRI., SEPT. 13TH • 3:00-5:00 P.M.; SAT., SEPT. 14TH • 7:00 A.M.



Sunrise Antiques & Auctioneers John J. Oleinik - Auctioneer

VA - 2907004132 Phone: (888) 639-4443

Terms: Cash - Good Checks, MC/Visa - 13% Buyer’s Premium, 10% for Cash. -Subject to Errors and OmissionsDIRECTIONS: NJTPK TO EXIT 7, RT. 206 N, 2nd TRAFFIC LIGHT RIGHT (RT. 545), 1.5 MILES TO OLD YORK RD. (MAKE LEFT), 1 MILE, LOOK FOR SIGNS.


“Fresh, historic, and rare,” is the combination of words Rock Island Auction Company (RIAC) owner and president Patrick Hogan has used to describe the company’s upcoming premiere firearms auction to be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Sept. 13 to 15. “The entire auction exudes



Firearms Auction To Include The Finest Iron-Frame Henry Rifle Known


Butterprints, Pen Mar Memorabilia, Cadillac, Vintage Items, Collectibles and Personal Property Will sell, for Janet H. Diller Estate, Annabelle Henry, and others at GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION located at 643 Kriner Rd.,

CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17202 on: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 AT 10 A.M. FURNITURE: Heywood-Wakefield (drop leaf table, china hutch, chairs); spool cabinet; sofa; armchairs; wingback chair; glass coffee table; end tables; hutch cupboard; candlestands; oval table; magazine rack; oak bookcases; twin beds; dresser w/mirror; desk; nightstands; cherry dressing table; vanity stool; ladder back chair; wicker furniture; Seller’s kitchen hutch; canopy bed; child’s rocker; recliner; 1930s BR suite; mod. cherry dry sink; plant stands; kitchen cabinet; porcelain top cabinets; wrought iron planters; quilting rack; Victorian chairs; Lincoln rocker; bed/ bedding; mahogany stands; Victorian bookshelf; cedar blanket chests; smoking stands; LR/BR furniture; gateleg table; Eastlake style rocker; Victrola; Adirondack chairs; cherry sideboard; chest drawers; corner cupboard; stands; computer cabinet; table/chairs; mod. curios cabinets & more. AUTOMOBILE: 1984 Cadillac Seville, 4.1 liter, AT, leather interior w/ 61,228 miles BUTTERPRINTS: 88 cataloged lots including eagle, deer, rooster, floral, and geometric. PEN MAR: Over 100 cataloged lots. VINTAGE/COLLECTIBLES/DECORATOR ITEMS: Lighting; artwork (o/c Chambersburg home, watercolor - West, PA signed, framed prints, advertising, wall hangings, tapestries, etc.); glassware (Fenton, crystal, Depression); children’s dishes (tea set, tin cup/saucer set); Dolls (Madame Alexander, Ginny, etc.); doll furniture; Hess trucks; jardinière; crocks; metal scooter; silver plate; books/ephemera; sterling; travel trunk; brass candlesticks; andirons; vintage children’s clothes; tea set & teapots; sewing baskets & buttons; wooden bowl; china; typewriter; 30’s/40’s baseball & football; children’s puzzles; ice cream maker; tobacciana (Doral neon sign, Camel, Winston, Salem neon); David Winter houses & more. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Linens/blankets/throws; Pfaltzgraff; Corningware/Pyrex; Guardianware; small kitchen appliances/pots/pans; patio table/chairs; yard tools (B&D lawn edger, etc.); toy chest; steel shelves; Scott’s mower; office chair; electronics; toys (Texaco trucks, model cars, golf set, die-cast, dolls, etc.); toolbox; blue glass jars; mod. baskets; planters; machinist’s chest; TV trays; tools/hardware (mallets, table saw, bench grinder, vise, hand saws, etc.); medicine cabinet; bird feeders; grill; tackle box; ladder; hammock; galvanized tub; bicycle; wheelbarrow; CI corn sheller; CI peeler; croquet set & more. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Will begin with general household/tools/lawn equipment. Main Gallery showcased items beginning at approx. 1 P.M. Vehicle at 5 P.M. Pen Mar mixed in at 5 P.M. Butterprints mixed in at 6 P.M. All furniture at 6 P.M. Complete catalog listings and photos on website - as well as online absentee bidding!

Preview Sunday, Sept. 15 from 1 to 4 P.M. and sale day from 8 A.M. TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. Thirteen percent (13%) buyer’s premium discounted three percent (3%) for cash or approved check. Statements made day of sale take precedence.

GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION, LLC Our Service is the Difference

Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, Fax (717) 263-0188, RH120-L JOHN F. KOHLER, JR. AUCTIONEER HEATHER KOHLER FOWLER AUCTIONEER


14 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013


Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 15



SEPT. 20 & 21, 2013


Pair Tucker Porcelain

One Of Many Antique Paintings

One Of Two Tarkay Oils

Art Deco Club Chairs

One Of Many Estate Rugs Jansen Coffee Table


Collection Of Bronzes

George Nakashima Coffee Table

Leleu Sideboard Chinese Carved Rhinoceros

French Directoire Style Commode Sputnik Chandelier



Russian Style Campaign Bench

10 A.M.-5 P.M.

Pair Leather Chairs


Campaign Desk

215.438.6990 • • F: 215.438.6992 • Lic. AH001803



Location: Thorndale

Firehall, 3611 Lincoln Hwy,

THORNDALE, PA Preview will take place on Friday (Sept. 13) from 3 to 6 P.M. And on auction day from 10 A.M. till 5 P.M. Featuring 2 Early Horse Drawn Bell Toys, 2 Early Tin High Wire Trapeze Daredevils on Bicycles, Over 50 Brand New Still in the Boxes HO Train Locomotives, Large Assortment of Vintage Lionel & American Flyer Trains & Access., Toy soldiers incl. Britains, Manoil and others Excellent Selection of Over 30 Children’s Big Little Books from the 1930’s, Lots of 1930-60’s Children’s Records, Selection of Tin Automobile Models, Western/Cowboy Memorabilia, 5 Vintage Boxed Tin Train Sets, Early Marx Tin Jalopy w/Great Graphics, Early Tin Imperial Bus, Papier-Mâché Candy Containers Shaped Like Animals, Tin Buildings for Train Layouts, Visible V8 Engine Boxed Set, Nice Johnny Seven Rifle, Early 1880-1900 German Marbles of all Types, Toy Robots, & Lots More Coming!

ANTIQUE AUCTION For Estates from Tel Hai, Meadowood & Malvern

Preview will take place for this auction on auction day, Sept. 15 (Sunday) from 9 A.M. till 1 P.M. sale time. If you wish to leave absentee or phone bids for this auction, please notify us with your wishes before auction day, if possible. FEATURING 17 Vintage Indian Baskets of which many have designs, 4 Large Early Tapestry Pieces, Great Selection of Sterling Silver Flatware, 2 Thomas J. Megear Coin Silver Soup Spoons, Silver-Plated Pcs., Pewter Collection, Great Selection of JEWELRY incl. a Conrad 14k Lady’s Wristwatch, Gold & Diamond Jewelry Set, Selection of Bakelite Jewelry, Men’s Pocket Watches & Gold Rings, Native American Jewelry, Sterling & Costume Pcs & More, Great Selection of Approx. 40 Pieces of Depression Glass in Various Colors out of a Downingtown home, Early Smith Corona Typewriter w/Papers, Lots of Artwork incl. Large Landscape Painting o/c by AW Moore (Rochester, NY) Artist early 1900’s. Smaller o/c landscape from Rochester, NY by Mary???? W art exhibit doc. on back Prints, Etchings, & Other Artwork, Exceptional Early Gingerbread Clock, Banjo Clock, Czechoslovakian China Pcs., Coatesville & CHESTER COUNTY MEMORABILIA, 3 Pcs. Early Cantonware, Early 4 Rabbit Mold, Lots of Student Lamps, Oil Lamps, Complete Early Round Spice Box, Nice Antique Pickle Castor, Early Ice Skates, Ice Tongs, Early Tin Candle Molds, Selection of Early Cigarette Cards of all types from different companies, Amazing Early Santa Tin w/Handle, Airplane Shaped Teapot, Great Selection of Over 20 Majolica Pitchers, Majolica Planter & Pedestal, Woodenware, Over 10 Pcs. of Signed Breininger Redware & Other Redware, Early & Rare Carved Wooden Indian Inkwell, Some Silver Coins, State Quarter Sets, 3 Rare Silver Barber Dimes, Indian Cents, Early Civil War Era Paper Notes, Furniture incl. Cushman Chest-of-Drawers w/ Mirror, Early Pine Stepback Hutch Cupboard, Rope Bed, Spinning Wheel Chair, Dressers, Washstand, Needlepoint Rosewood Victorian Chairs, Small Stands, etc. ***Very Partial Listing with Over 500 Lots to Sell!!! Check (auctioneer #1651) for 500 photos!!! Terms of both auctions: 13% Buyer’s Premium (Credit Card) reduced to 10% if paying with check or cash. 6% PA sales tax will be collected unless you have a dealer resale number. Please have ID (driver’s license) available. Phones: 610-942-2367 (Business) or DAY OF SALE 610-476-6965 (Annette’s cell) or 610-476-6971 (Harold’s cell). E-mail us at: HAROLD M. SMITH JR (AU002163L) ANNETTE SMITH (AU002706L) WHAT CAN WE SELL FOR YOU?


SEPTEMBER 15 (SUNDAY) STARTING TIME: 1 P.M. Thorndale Firehall Banquet Room, 3611 Lincoln Hwy., THORNDALE, PA


16 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Hunterdon County Antiques Fair Scheduled For Sunday, Sept. 15 The Fall Hunterdon County Antiques Fair will take place on Sunday, Sept. 15, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hunterdon County/South County Fairgrounds, located on Route 179 in Ringoes, N.J. This is five minutes south of Flemington and five minutes north of Lambertville. The Hunterdon County Fairgrounds has covered

JOHN HUMS AUCTIONS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12TH AT 4:00 P.M. 270 GRANT STREET, NEW HOLLAND, PA 17557 Preview Wed. 12 Noon-5 P.M. & Thurs. Before start of auction

VINTAGE SPORTS * 1950’s BOWMANS * TOYS * ETC... 4:00 P.M. Beginning with Walk and Talk Auction Housewares * Tools * Antiques and more... 5:00 P.M. Vintage Sports * Sports * Toys plus More...



Fastest Growing Auction In Lancaster County! We Can Sell At Our Auction Gallery Or On-Site.


able to find many objects to add to their collections and furnish their homes, including quilts, folk art, fine pottery of the early 20th century, decorated stoneware, redware, painted and refinished country furniture, lighting devices, tools, kitchen collectibles, linens and textiles, paintings and prints, estate and costume jewelry, and a wide assortment of other fine items. Food will be provided by the Hunterdon County 4-H Leaders Association. The show is sponsored by this association and managed by Ellen Katona and Bob Lutz. Admission will be $7 per person ($6 with a copy of this article). For further information, contact Ellen Katona and Bob Lutz at 856-459-2229 or 609865-9846.



KINZERS, PA 17535 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 3521 Lincoln Hwy. East,

5:00 P.M.

5208X Train Set w/Set Box

BERKS & LANC. CO. ESTATES w/FEW ADDITIONS Quilts, Coverlet, Hooked & Braided Rugs, Few Linens, Beaded Purses, Belleek - German - Limoges - Copper Lustre & Other China Pcs., Clear & Colored Glass, Yellowware & Pyrex Mixing Bowls, Crocks, Pottery Incl. 5 Pcs. Breininger, Silver-Plated Pcs. & Flatware, John Wright Lion & Lamb Muffin Pan, C.I. Face Bottle Opener, Albany Doorstop, 2 Fiddles, Pan Amer. Horn, Saxophone, Koch Harmonica, 2 Bakelite Case Radios, Perfume & Other Bottles, 3 Mantel Clocks, Old Photos & Photo Albums, Daguerreotypes, Oil & Tbl. Lamps, Dietz & R.R. Lanterns, 1 Duck & 2 Goose Decoys, Pocketknives, Old Tins, Military Uniform - Patches - Pins - Paper Emph. - Doughboy Helmet w/Liner & Nazi Gas Mask (As-Is), Boy Scout S.O.S. Signal Set - Banner - Paper Emph. - Patches & Pins, Roly Poly Santa & Few Christmas Decos., Banks. Toys: Lionel Trains Incl. #5208X Set w/Set Box. Few Train Access., Structo - Wyandotte & Tonka Trucks, Matchbox - Corgi - Tootsietoy - 4 Hot Wheel Redlines - 2 Hubley - Barclay & Auburn Cars & Trucks, Britains & Lincoln Log Metal Figures & Animals, Cowboy Outfit w/Hoot Gibson Holster, Cork Pistol, Old Dolls, Hand & String Puppets, Children’s Books, Murray Tricycle, Schwinn Girl’s Bike, 1964 Mattel 3 Wheeler w/Rear Steering, Pedal Car, Radio Rocket Wagon, Old Books & Mags. Incl. 5 Bibles (Circa Mid To Late 1800’s), 1873 The Fugitive Slaves & More, Cherry Dining Room Tbl. w/7 Scout S.O.S. Signal Set Chairs, R.I. Patio Tbl. w/4 Chairs, Wicker Pcs., Ebersol Of Intercourse Child’s Rocker & Ebersol Type Child’s Tbl., Art Portfolios, Framed & Unframed Art, Few H.H. Items & Much More Unlisted. FOR TERMS, PHOTOS & PARTIAL LISTING OF BOOKS CHECK AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#3033



PH.: 484-614-9481

1964 Mattel X15 w/Rear Steering

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18TH Maurer & Wilson’s Third Street Gallery 132 East Third Street,

Audubon’s Auctioneers


100 West Merchant Street, AUDUBON,


Maurer & Wilson Auctioneers 610.970.7588 Kathy Maurer Wilson Auctioneer & Gemologist

Curtis F. Wilson Auctioneer


Gruen Watch store clock. Oak Time card clock. Gingerbread style & other assorted mantel clocks. Porcelain enamel Atlantic Sign. Petroleum products advertising cans. Neon Rolling Rock & other beer signs. Vintage tools, Craftsman two-man saw. Exide battery jars. FURNISHINGS: Country jelly cupboards. Selection of blanket chests to include miniature Chippendale blanket chest. Drop leaf tables. Old barn doors & barn locks. Mechanical grain shute. Assortment of Victorian marble top chests. Victorian marble top stand. Pair of Spanish Mission style chests of drawers. Gingham-covered cabinets. Decorative mirrors. Ethan Allen desk & cabinets. Heywood-Wakefield chest in champaign. Hitchcock writing desk. Dovetailed lap desk. Decorated plank seat chairs. Mahogany bedroom suite. Antique music stand. Rawley clarinet. Dragon lamp. Wallace Nuttings. Decorative Museum paintings. Duck prints. Vintage telephone. Cast-iron settee. Wicker settee. Mahogany trellis. Urn on iron stand. Cast-iron clam shell. Electric gold scale. Lieca projector. 30 Lieca books. Canon binoculars. 70mm Pronto Telescope (Very nice!!) Bogen tripod. Lunar globe. Vintage books & records. Two dozen Local Milk Bottles: SWAVELY, Cloverleaf, Sunny Slope, etc. Three gallon blue decorated stoneware cake crock. Hearth Toaster. Wooden buckets. Selection of utility trays. Butter churn. Copperware. Ruby & pressed pattern glass. Shaving mugs. Porcelain dogs & horses. Watt Ware. Hanover china dinner set. Silver plated flatware. LaPavoni Espresso machine. Coffee tins & mills. TOYS: Keystone Floor toys. Wolverine Elevator. Toy Truck banks. Roadmaster Wagons. Vintage pedal car. Battery Op. toy boat. Marbles. Louisville Slugger Youth Bat “Ty Cobb”. NASCAR literature & diecast autos. Tyco HO Train sets & accessories. Lg. quantity of HO trains, structures, scenic materials & track sections. Two collections of Modern dolls include large, orig. box Marie Osmond dolls. Precious Moments. Saraphim & Dickens Keepsake figures. Precious Moments Train w/cars, OB. 80 “The Cat’s Meow Village” Buildings. 16 Dozen “Days Gone” diecast trucks. Collier’s WWI books. Boy Scout items. Fall’s Twp. No. 1 uniform. Cowboy Boots. Leather gun bag. Christmas stuff. 10:30 A.M. IN THE SHOWROOM: BOX LOT BONANZA! PREVIEW: Tues., Sept. 17th from 4 P.M.-6 P.M. & from 8 A.M. day of auction. All items as is, where is. Terms: 10% Buyer’s Premium. Cash, or approved check. (AY001999)


OUTSTANDING END OF SUMMER MULTI-ESTATE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH AT 10:00 A.M. Preview: Friday, September 13th From 10 A.M. To 7 P.M. A partial list includes: Antique gold and silver American coins and other collectible coins and currency, Fine large mahogany breakfront, oil on panel of sheep by A. Smets, other fine art including Carl Wuermer, fine prints, collection of old Pepsi signs, breweriana, beer trays and other advertising items from a famous Camden bar and cheese steak shop, sterling silver, costume jewelry, fine quality vintage and antique furniture, just too many quality items to list. Please view complete catalog online.

Antiques and collectibles from local estates Please Note: Auction features only a small amount of coins at the beginning so come early. Complete illustrated catalog online. Check web site often for updates.

Online Bidding Available through

BUILDING IS FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED! Terms: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MasterCard, & Discover. 15% Buyer’s Premium


10 A.M.



pavilions that will make this show similar to an indoor event, totally protected from the elements. Customers will be able to wait under the first pavilion when they prepay to afford any inclement weather. There is free parking. There will be 60 exhibitors highlighting their antiques, collectibles, and decorative accessories. Collectors will be

AU005469 RH000984


GIVE US A CALL FOR ALL YOUR AUCTION NEEDS John Hums Auctions 570-490-1284

Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 17


60th Winter Antiques Show Celebrates The Peabody Essex Museum The Winter Antiques Show’s 2014 loan exhibition will celebrate the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem, Mass. Titled “Fresh Take, Making Connections at the Peabody Essex Museum,” the exhibition is comprised of more than 50 paintings, sculptures, textiles, and decorative objects. One of America’s oldest and fastestgrowing museums, PEM was founded in 1799, and its collection showcases an unrivaled spectrum of American art as well as outstanding Asian, Asian export, Native American, African, Oceanic, maritime and photography collections. The exhibition will be on view during the run of the Winter Antique Show,

Friday, Jan. 24 through Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, at the Park Avenue Armory located at 67th Street and Park Avenue in New York City. PEM will celebrate its 215th year in 2014 and has recently embarked on a $650 million capital campaign and expansion that will place the museum among the top 10 art museums in the country in terms of gallery space and total endowment. The museum’s campus boasts 22 historic buildings celebrating Salem’s rich architectural and garden heritage and Yin Yu Tang, a 200-year-old Chinese house that is the only example of its kind in the United States. PEM offers a vibrant

schedule of changing exhibitions, a lively contemporary art program, performances, and an interactive education center. “Fresh Take, Making Connections at the Peabody Essex Museum” is a microcosm of the PEM experience. Works of art from diverse cultures and time periods are grouped together, uniting and contrasting objects of creative expression in unexpected ways. Highlights of the exhibition range from a spectacular inlaid ivory chair from India (18th century) to a

mahogany dressing chest by Thomas Seymour (c. 1810); from an English brass mariner’s astrolabe used to determine time and latitude by the stars (late 1500s) to a stick chart used by Micronesian sailors navigating the Pacific Ocean (early 20th century); from a view of Salem Common by George Ropes (1808) to a Joseph Cornell collage inspired by Magritte’s surrealist landscape (c.1964); and from a bronze Japanese reliquary from the Koki-ji Temple, Kawachi-gun, Osaka Prefecture (1679) to a Chinese bridal headdress made of Kingfisher feathers, (Continued on page 18)


For over 30 years no one has consistently helped more sellers realize more money for their quality BASEBALL MATERIAL than Robert Edward Auctions. Offering an unparalleled tradition of integrity, knowledge, and professionalism, and an extraordinary national client base. We specialize in the very best in BASEBALL COLLECTIBLES. If you don’t check with us before selling – you won’t know what the market will bear. Let us tell you what we think of your baseball collectibles. We offer complete auction services, as well as free appraisals and comprehensive information about your material. We will not try to buy your material. We are not dealers. We are strictly an auction house – with unparalleled integrity, knowledge and experience in the field. We will give you the information you need to make the most intelligent decisions regarding your significant and valuable baseball material. When Barry Halper, the world’s greatest baseball collector, sold his legendary collection, he insisted that Robert Edward Auctions oversee the historic sale of his Twenty-Six Million Dollar Collection. Robert Edward Auctions offers the largest circulation of any auction devoted to sports collectibles in the world. Robert Edward Auctions always has millions of dollars available at a moment’s notice specifically for cash advances. We specialize in the very best in all areas of baseball collectibles. This includes: • • • • •

Baseball Cards Babe Ruth Items Tobacco Cards Uniforms Lou Gehrig Items

• • • • •

Buttons Autographs Documents Display Pieces Gum Cards

• • • • •

Photographs World Series Items Pre-1900 Baseball Posters ETC., ETC….



Please Note: Item pictured will be sold in a future REA auction.

ROBERT EDWARD AUCTIONS P.O. Box 7256, Watchung, NJ 07069, 800-766-9324


The Winter Antiques Show celebrates its 60th year Diamond Jubilee as America’s most prestigious antiques show, featuring 73 renowned experts in American, English, European, and Asian fine and decorative arts in a fully vetted show. The show was established in 1955 by East Side House Settlement, a social services institution located in the South Bronx. All net proceeds from the show benefit East Side House Settlement. The Winter Antiques Show will run from Jan. 24 through Feb. 2, 2014, at the Park Avenue Armory, located at 67th Street and Park Avenue in New York City. The Winter Antiques Show hours are noon to 8 p.m. daily except for Sundays and Thursdays when the hours will be noon to 6 p.m. Daily admission to the show is $25, which includes the show’s award-winning catalogue. To purchase tickets for the Opening Night Party on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2014, or Young Collectors Night on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2014, call 718-292-7392 or visit

Samuel McIntire (1757-1811). Model for a figurehead. 17901795. Painted pine. Gift of T. F. Hunt, 1891.

A few of the prices achieved While we can’t guarantee the final at our 2013 sales: sale price of items, we do provide extensive marketing, which allows 1937D 3 Legged Buffalo Nickel - $1,075.00 competitive prices and top dollar 1909S VDB Lincoln Cent - $825.00 for your coins. 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter - $18,000.00 Don’t sell your coins to a 1927S Standing Liberty Quarter - $11,250.00 dealer.....send them to auction!!! 1875 Trade Dollar - $12,500.00

For more information contact: Nevin B. Rentzel - Auctioneer Phone: 717-843-2679 Email:

Spoilum (active 1785-1810). Portrait of Eshing. c. 1805, Guangzhou (Canton). Oil on canvas. Gift of Thomas W. Ward, 1809.


Charles Osgood (1809-1890). Portrait of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1840, Salem, Mass. Kaigani Haida artist. Mask. c. Oil on canvas. 1827. Wood and paint. Gift of Gift of Richard C. Manning. Captain Daniel Cross, 1827.




Public Auction

Shady Maple Banquet Hall 129 Toddy Drive, EAST


LARGE SELECTION OF LOCAL ARTWORK: Andrew Wyeth, Abner Zook, Richard Bollinger, Peter Sculthorpe, Peter Max, Aaron Zook & Others ANTIQUES & JEWELRY In Addition To The Antiques, Art & Jewelry To Be Sold




17543 (Parking Only Available at Elizabeth Farms 262 Hopeland Rd., Lititz – shuttle provided) WE ARE HONORED TO OFFER AT AUCTION THE HISTORIC STIEGEL-COLEMAN ESTATE with its truly exceptional buildings & amenities consisting of 5 principal buildings & several charming unique outbuildings. See Web-Site For Details. GUIDED HOME TOURS – THURS., SEPT. 26th 12 P.M.-8 P.M. & DAY OF SALE 8 A.M.-1 P.M. $20/person admission fee for auction attendance & guided tours – proceeds to benefit the Lancaster Co. Historical Society One of the Most Important PERIOD ANTIQUE COLLECTIONS to be offered in Lancaster County, PA PERIOD ANTIQUES: It is our privilege to offer this astonishing collection some of which has been held for 8 generations by one of Lancaster Co.’s most notable families. Collection features sev. orig. artworks commissioned by the Coleman family, incl. Thomas Sully (1783-1872) & Jacob Eichholtz. Some of the most impressive furniture pieces to ever be offered locally incl. an American Queen Anne Mahogany Block Front Desk & Bookcase, Boston 1745-55, an 8 Day American Federal Inlaid Mahg. Tall Case Clock, Simon Willard, Mass., circa. 1805, & a Rare American Chippendale Mahg. Folding Top Card Table, NY, circa 1775. OTHER HIGHLIGHTS INCL.: Henry Pratt Sterling Silver Mug; American Federal Mahg. Desk Bookcase circa. 1790 w/French Bracket Feet; Joseph Richardson, Phila. Silver; Presentation Sterling Silver Trophies; Lg. Collect. Gaudy Dutch 50+ Pcs. Incl. Hollowware; CI Stove Plate by Jacob Huber dated 1755; Oriental Rugs; Stiegel Glass; Early 1750-1780 Gilt Looking Glass w/Phoenix Crest; 1790’s American Folding Oval Top Table; American Federal 1790 Writing Table; Sheraton Inlaid Sofa; Good Andirons; Hepplewhite Sideboard; American Paintings; George III Mahogany & Satinwood Side Table; Phila. Chippendale 4 Drawer Chest; Rare American Chippendale Reverse Serpentine Slant Front Desk 1760-1780; Queen Anne circa 1740 Looking Glass; 3 Section DR Table; Early Sandstone Water Trough; Lg. Mill Stone; Rare Pair CI Dog Figures; Good Export China; & many more items of interest. Preliminary Ad For Full Listing & Catalog Visit Inventory Subject To Change Real Estate Terms & Conditions: 10% down day of sale. Balance due at settlement on or before 60 days. Announcements made on the day of sale take precedence over advertised information. AY000253L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894

ANDREW WYETH PRINTS: Monday Morning #216, Harlequin #147, Southern Comfort #147, Snow Hill #32, Jupiter #269, Pentecost #184, The Carry #191. RICHARD BOLLINGER PRINTS: SET 1997: The Last Winter, Settlers Well, Homecoming & The Herr House. SET 2001: Carrot Nose, Brandywine Crossing, The Slate House & Nittany Pride. Anselma Revival Old Buck School - 686 of 750, Counting The Days - Remark - 23 of 30, Nightfall at Fells Point, Tradition, Country Christmas - 68 of 75 - Copper Etching. SET 4/ 98: Annapolis Morning, Bay Classic, Single Block & City Dock. SET 1996: Christmas Wish - 661 of 750, Winter Treasure - 389 of 750, Mountain Man - 40 of 750 & Garden Gate - 40 of 750. Days End, Autumn Retreat - 511 of 750, A Change of Seasons - 464 of 750, The Colors, A Place To Reflect, Autumn Treasure, December Dawn - Artist Proof - 9 of 10, The Lions Main - 679 of 850. Set 2003: Running Mates, King of The Mountain & Christmas Classic. Homestead Eve, Cross Roads, Harbor Lights, Twin Oaks, Nightfall at Annapolis, Osceola Mill, Ashbridge House - 1 Artist Proof & 1 Remark. PETER MAX: Umbrella Man - 2005. ANATOLE KRASNYANSKY: Officers Celebration #7. EMILE BELLET: Quietude Bleue Au Chat. LINDA LE KINFF: Romane. PETER SCULTHORPE: Topping The Ridge, Man With Fire, Oysterdale Road. AARON ZOOK: Wheat Harvest, Log Cutting, Plus 3 Others. ABNER ZOOK: Limestone Farmhouse. LORRAINE REIFF: Roadside Market ANTIQUES: Gold & Silver Jewelry; Beautiful Music Box With 24 Discs; Lionel Standard Gauge Trains, Some In Original Boxes; Lionel Standard Gauge Station; Lionel Accessories Including Crossing Gate, Semaphore; Street Lights; Vintage Train Platform Fencing; Dozens Of Figures, Celluloid, Cast Iron, Lead & Others; Beautiful Primitive Settee; Red Wing Crock; PA Long Rifle; Persian Percussion Pistol; Cast-Iron Bookends, Hubley Doorstop; Early Magic Lanterns In Original Boxes, Complete; Sterling Handled Repose Parasol; Lonergan Steam Whistle. Terms of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa or MasterCard; 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check.

CABIN FEVER EXPO & AUCTIONS Call Gary for Details: 800 789-5068 or 610 587-8139 E-Mail: For More Photos & Descriptions Auction Co. # AY002122 ID#5793


10 A.M. Personal Property ~ 11 A.M. Real Estate 2121 FURNACE HILLS PIKE,

AU003484L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894 Auction for: William D. Coleman

EARL, PA 17519

Winter Antiques Show (Continued from page 17) lights is a striking portrait of Nathaniel silk, pearls, and semi-pre- painting Hawthorne by Charles cious stones (c. 1800s). One of the many high- Osgood (1809-1890). The

Michele Felice Cornè (1752-1845). East India Marine Society Sign. 1803, Salem, Mass. Oil on canvas. East India Marine Society.

AUCTION SALE BILLS Harbor and a ship, probably ness with Salem merchants, is made primarily of red and Antiques Show’s loan exhibithe Mount Vernon, on which and this portrait was acquired blue macaw feathers, an tion and plans to create a the artist emigrated from as a gift from one of these important expression of modern kuntskammer to hold Naples to America in 1800. merchants to the East India wealth for many indigenous the many treasures from peoples of South America. PEM, much like they were The banner and letters were Marine Society in 1809. added in 1825 by sign painter Demonstrating the wide This type of headdress would displayed in the original East Samuel Bartol for the new travels of Salem’s wealthy have been worn by caciques, India Marine Society exhibition hall. East India Marine Hall, where merchants is a Brazilian head- or native chiefs. Jeff Daly, formerly senior The exhibition is sponit was placed over the door. dress collected by Michael W. A Spoilum portrait of a Shepard on a trip up the design adviser to the director sored by Chubb Personal prominent Cantonese silk Amazon River in 1847. The at the Metropolitan Museum Insurance for the 18th consecmerchant is also included in mid-19th-century headdress of Art, will design the Winter utive year. the exhibition (1805). Spoilum (active 1785-1810) was one of the first Chinese artists to work in a Western style, and though he never traveled outside of China, his paintings often resemble early American portraiture. The artist is best known for his • 11 A.M. portraits of English and 97 RIDGE RD., 18971 American merchants, so this Directions: From RT. 563 exit of RT. 309 (Lawn Ave.) South of Quakertown. Left on RT. 563 (RIDGE portrait of Eshing is particuRD.) for 3 MI. From RT. 29 take RT. 563 East. Use TELFORD, 18969 FOR GPS & Internet Maps. larly rare. Eshing, a Chinese Trains & Tools merchant, frequently did busi-


1840 portrait was painted when Hawthorne worked in the Boston Custom House, 10 years before “The Scarlet Letter” was published. Osgood’s painting is the bestknown likeness of the young author. The founding organization of today’s Peabody Essex Museum was the East India Marine Society. A centerpiece of the exhibit is the 1803 sign painted by Michele Felice Armchair. 1760-1770. Cornè (1752-1845) for the Vizagapatam, India. Ebony, original Society’s exhibition ivory, black lac, velvet (mod- hall. The sign depicts Salem Pair of carp tureens. 1760-1780, Porcelain, Jingdezhen, China, ern). Museum purchase, 2001.

with gilded bronze mounts, possibly Spain. Formerly the collection of the Ochoa de Olza family, Navarra Spain. Museum purchase, 2006.


Cataloged Trains including Lionel postwar 2332 GG1, 1656 Loco & Tender, 456 Coal Ramp with car, 97 Coal Loader, 2-ZW Transformers, 622 Bell Ringing ATSF Switcher, & assorted Steam Locos, Tenders, & rolling stock. Modern includes Lionel 18025 T&P 4-8-2, MPC Budd car set, 16363 TTUX, Reading Quaker City set, 7 piece PRR Aluminum passenger set, 7 piece PRR Madison set, 40+ asst. rolling stock - heavy on local roads. Other modern incl. K-Line E8's Rock Island, K-Line ALCO's, MTH B&M, Atlas AEN7 Loco, & assorted rolling stock. American Flyer including 285 Loco & Tender, 283 Loco & Tender, 302AC & 307 Locos & Tender, & asst. freights. HO incl. American Flyer 31004 0-6-0 Loco & Tender, Bachmann Amtrak set, 8 piece New York Yankees set, Revell Dale Earnhardt set, Lionel 1970's era in O/B, & over 100 pieces of Locos & rolling stock. G scale includes Lionel 4-4-2 Atlantic & 3 Bachmann sets. Also, Gabriel & Hubley Model kits, Carrera Slot car set (boxed) and assorted 1970's & newer Buddy L & Tonka, some O/B. Antique Tools: Over 100 pieces including Draw knives, spokeshaves, planes, clamps, wooden mallets, measuring tools, & more. Many are maker signed. NOTE: Tools will be sold first. Preview Sat. 3-5 P.M. Sun. 10 A.M. Absentee bids w/CC.

Visit or Auctionzip #1916 for updates & photos. 10% BP. VISA, MC, Cash, or Check.

R O O K A U C T I O N & A P P R A I S A L S E RV I C E L L C RH000927 Ph: 215-453-0665 Fax: 215-453-7665 “LOOK FOR THE ROOK”


18 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013



Location: Rowe’s Auction & 37 (Newville) off Int. 81.

Cup. 1570-1610, Jingdezhen, China. Mounts by Peter Wibers (1603-1641), Nuremburg, Germany. Porcelain with gilded silver. Anonymous gift, 2001.

ON-SITE AUCTION Thurs., Sept. 19th at 4:30 P.M. 330 Moore Road, Mifflintown, PA 17059

717-215-1044 215-1044 249-1978


TUESDAY, September 17th, 2013 AT 4:00 P.M.

ANTIQUE AND COLLECTIBLES AUCTION Antiques - Collectibles - Furniture



Location: Friendship Hook & Ladder Fire Company’s

Preview: 9 A.M. thru auction

“Friendship Room”

Boyertown, PA


19512 10 Warwick Street, At The Corner Of Warwick & Rt. 562 (S. Reading Ave.) All Items In This Auction Coming From One Living Estate In Bally, PA, Owner Is Downsizing!!!


Anthony L. Guardiani (AA002788L) Phone 610-323-2730 Website Assisted By: Smiley’s Auction Service James A. Smiley (AU002049L)


Be Sure To Visit for details & over 125 pictures! *Auctioneer’s Note: This is a beautiful sale full of quality items for your consideration. Come and join us for a night of fun and great food prepared by the Friendship Hook & Ladder Fire Company. (All food proceeds benefit the firefighters!) Preview: Monday, Sept. 16th From 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. & Day Of Sale From 2:00 P.M. Until Sale Time. Terms Of Sale: 10% Buyer’s Premium - Cash or Check w/Photo ID (NO OUT-OF-STATE CHECKS UNLESS APPROVED BY AUCTIONEER).



Auct. Lic. #AU005362


Antiques and Collectibles, Toys, Tools, Longaberger® Baskets, Books & Ephemera 1929 World’s Championship Baseball Ticket Shibe Park Boats and Equipment & Much More!

Steve McLaughlin Auctioneering


Fine 3 part Sheraton mahogany Banquet table (reeded legs, brass turnings), Q.A. slant front desk, Inlaid Hepplewhite card table, Q.A. candlestand, Chippendale mahogany serving stand, 2 corner cupboards, decorated blanket chests, dry sink, one & two drawer stands, Sheraton & Empire chests, Oriental rugs, Windsor chairs, Steinway 1906 Model A baby grand piano, 3 Victorian bookcases, fancy carved mahogany BRS, Bird’s-eye & tiger maple tall chests, inlaid desk, mahogany stands, iron/marble stands, antique chairs, wall cupboards, primitives, etc. Lots not listed, check website or Auction zip for photos & updates. Terms: Cash or PA check, out-of-state checks w/prior approval or established credit. Preview: Wed., Sept. 18, 12:00-5:00 p.m. or 9:00 a.m. until auction on Thursday. Note: Featuring antiques from the Sarah McCrea - Chapman-Jones Trust (M&T Bank - John McCrea III CoExecutors) plus local collectors & estates. Furniture sold at 6:30. Chairs provided


From Van Wert, take Free Spring Church Road to Moore Road. Stay on Moore for 2 miles. The sale will be on the right.

Sale Info: After years of collecting, the Slagle’s have decided to downsize. This is simply a nice evening sale with some interesting antiques and collectibles. Concessions provided. Bring a Chair. We will be in the large basement if it rains. Full Listing + Photos on ID#8088 Online Bidding Available Through


Fine George Hetzel landscape painting, Decorated stoneware, redware, quilts, folk art, miniatures, butterprints, cookie cutters, wall boxes, old iron wares, pewter, majolica, blue & yellow spongewares, soft paste & spatterware, Hist. blue, quality 19th/20th china, cut glass, other glass wares, old street light, lots children’s items, toys, Railroad, Military, Featherweight S.M., nice Stomberg-Carlson radio, toys, teddy bears, hobby horses, country smalls, reverse painted table light, lots paintings & prints, early Lancaster broadside, Chippendale & OG mirrors, decorators, 1938 Girl Scout set of dolls (World), lots 19th-20th C. Antiques & collectibles

1500 Paxton Street, 17104 FURNITURE at 12 NOON: Antique and Modern; 54” Dining Table with Inlay; Victorian Parlor Settee; Oak Fainting Couch; Paul Klaussner Wingback Chairs; Douglas Furniture Oak and Iron Dining Set; Set of 8 Victorian Dining Chairs; Chippendale Style Sofa and Love Seat; Gordon’s Coffee and End Tables; Oak Cabinet; Music Cabinet; Pewter Cupboard; Henredon Table; Spindle Stand; Marble Top Stand; Brandt Table; Oak China Cabinet; Washstands; Cedar Chest; Basset Lingerie and Chest of Drawers; Mahogany Drum Table; Oak Dining Table; Barstools; Grandfather Clocks: Valley Forge and Howard Miller; Large Gilded Over Mantle Mirror; Fashion Trend by Johnson Carver Blonde Bedroom Set; Dining Sets; Table and Floor Lamps including Cut Glass. COLLECTIBLES: “York” Cast-Iron Cookstove; Christmas; Conn Clarinet; Hall Safe Co. Antique Safe; Poker Set; Flags; Tonka Pickup Truck; B&G Christmas Plates; Toy Soldiers; Tootsietoys; Tall Tin Collection; Quilts; Lap Desks; Glass Figures incl. Lalique; Majolica; Viewmaster 100 Deluxe; Early Ice Skate Collection; Needlepoint Purses; Kitchen Wares; Fisher-Price Tommy Turtle; Uncle Wiggly Game; Chorotega Native American Pottery; Dolls; Coca-Cola Tray; Swarovski Train; Oak Wall Phone; Steam Toys; Antique Coverlet; Stone Fruit; Mantel Clocks; Glassware incl. Heisey; Eye Washes; Perfumes. ART: Paintings & Prints; Wallace Nutting; Cruikshank; “El Campanario” by R. Folk; Hungarian Needlework; 2 Still Life Pastels; Reverse Painting on Glass. HOUSEWARES: Dinner Services: Meito China “Anita”, Johnson Brothers “The Florentine”, Block Chromatic Red Lavender, Russel Wright by Knowles, Christopher Stuart “Optima”; Noritake “Richmond”; Lenox Glasses and Stems; Christmas: Glass Ornaments; Lenox Figurines; Wedgwood; Hallmark. Visit for photos & more details. 10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off of Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits.

David Cordier, AU005321



Painted Side Chair. c. 1795, Salem, Mass. Wood, paint, reproduction upholstery. Museum purchase.

Barn, 6 miles South of Carlisle on U.S. Rt. 11. Between exits 44 (Allen Rd.)


Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 19

“Horst Auction Center”

CATALOGUED ANTIQUE AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2013 - 9:00 A.M. Preview Thursday, September 26, 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Friday, September 27, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday, September 28, 7:00 A.M. throughout the sale Sale To Be Held At The Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd.,


17522 (Located at the corner of Route 322 & Durlach Road approx. 21⁄2 miles west of Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA)

Over 400 catalogued lots to include:

Contemporary Folk Art Carvings and Artwork by Strawser, Gottshall, Rank, Hopf and others; Collection of Early 1900’s Baseball Silks including Cy Young, Tris Speaker, and others; Toys including Wooden Animal Pull Toys & Wagons, Cast-Iron Banks, and Doorstops; Painted Bicycle Wheel Game Boards from Rocky Springs Park (Lancaster, PA); Victorian Die-Cuts; Early Pottery including Blue Decorated Stoneware, Redware, Large Western Pennsylvania Advertising Crock, and Redware Loaf Dishes; Early China & Glassware including Rare Blue Cannon Spatter Teapot, Collection of Gaudy Dutch, Set of Flow Blue Dinnerware, Emile Galle Cameo Bottle and Decorated Ironstone; Collection of Native American Artifacts; Woodenware including Tramp Art, Decorated Chests, Miniature Furniture, Bowls, and Utensils; Signed Pennsylvania Metalware including Peter Derr Pie Crimper, D. Rohrer Flesh Fork, and W. Iemeson Betty Lamp; Folk Art including Lehn-type Miniature Blanket Chest, Fraktur, and Watercolors; Civil War Ephemera including “1860 Lincoln-Hamlin/Republican Banner” Currier & Ives Lithograph, Signed Campaign Chest, 1862 Civil War Broadside, Paint Decorated Ballot Box; Textiles including a Collection of Pennsylvania Samplers, Quilts, Coverlets, and a Snow Hill Wall Chart; Chalkware; Original Artwork including works by Ben Austrian, Thomas Hermansader, and Others; Period and Antique Country Furniture including Fine Walnut Dutch Cupboard from Brickerville, PA, Large Cherry Corner Cupboard, Small Walnut Dutch Cupboard, Inlaid Mahogany Sideboard, Green Dry Sink, Blanket Chests; Wood Chests; Softwood Corner Cupboards and Dutch Cupboards. *Catalogues are available by sending $15 to Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Road, Ephrata, PA 17522; or by pickup at the Auction Center for $10. Catalogue is also available on our website, *Accepted Payments: Cash and PA check, MasterCard, Visa, and debit cards. No out-of-state checks without prior approval. 3% auction house fee will be added to all invoices and will be discounted to 0% when payment is made with cash or PA check. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM *Live Online Bidding Available At:


T. Glenn • Timothy • Thomas • T. Brent • Matthew 50 DURLACH RD., EPHRATA, PA 17522 Tel. 717-738-3080 • Fax 717-738-2132 AU1767L

PUBLIC AUCTION Antique Furniture, Eastern Shore Memorabilia, Early Books


AT 9 A.M.

PREVIEW: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 3-7 P.M. Location:


20 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Crumpton Auction Barn,

CRUMPTON, MD. Corners of Rt. 544 & Rt. 290 Furniture: Ant. Dutch cupboard, Ant. corner cup., Ant. tall case clock, Lg. cylinder roll desk, oak china cab., BRSs, Biggs desk, Biggs nest of tables, 2 oak dining tables, walnut dining table, concrete statue of full size woman, concrete bust, patio furniture, 10 various rugs Eastern Shore Memorabilia: Various Maps, 1800’s newspapers from Easton/Centreville, hundreds of local postcards (one book w/350+ Easton postcards), Lg. Coll. Of canning/picking tokens (produce, oysters, crab), advertising, early books from Talbot Co. Families, local bottles Artwork: Pr. Of 19th-Century Worcester Co. MD Portraits, Coll. of Daguerreotypes/tin types, African American tin types, Sm. Tin type of Jefferson Davis, Lg. Presidents print, lot of var. glass photo slides, 500+ stereo cards, French bird prints, early coaching print Smalls: 2 Ant. Pillar and Scroll clocks, Ant. Banjo clock signed EH Nutter, Sterling, silver dollars, early toys, Christmas decorations, blue dec. crocks, Lenox, country smalls, Imari Books: Large Collection of Ant. Books (most are leather bound), 11 Oz. books, early MD books



10 A.M.

SAT., SEPT. 21, 2013



MODEL “A” FORD MEMORABILIA: In The Blue Room - (Emphasis On (But Not Limited To) Model “A” Ford & Thunderbird Show - Room Posters, Adv. & Sales Lit, Kits & Models. Lg. Collection Of Thunderbird Toys, Kits & Models. Pocher 540K Mercedes Kit. Hess, Winross, Franklin & Danbury Mint. Hubley Metal Kits. Original Model “A” Showroom Posters. Porcelain Ford Oval & Ford Parts Sign. Original Ford Manuals & Sales Lit. Petroliana - (Oil Cans, Sm. Signs, Ephemera). Murray Chain Drive Pedal Car w/ Continental. Set Of Model “A” Jim Beams. Early Auto Mags., Hemmings, “A” Ford News, Gas Eng. & Steam Eng., Etc. Parts: Headlights & Taillights, All Kinds Of Fasteners, Trim Parts, Rebuilt Tranny, Eng. Parts, Wheels & Tires, Manifolds, Starters & Generators, Bucket Seats, Etc.

Ted Maurer, Sale Mngr. 610-970-4856

Quality Modern Era Trains From A Private Collection In The Pavilion Extensive Selection Of High Quality Modern Era Trains By Lionel, MTH, K-Line. Army Transport Corp 0-4-0 L&T, Army Dockside Switcher And Freight Cars. Amtrak Genesis & Metroliner. Amtrak Rail Bonder. Superliner & Amfleet Liner Coaches. Luxury Lines Madison Cars, Sealed OB. SP Sharknose Diesel & Daylight Coaches. Metro Transit Subway Car Sets. MTH Pacific Steamer. Numerous GG1s. Lots Of Great, Graphic & Operating Freight Cars. Animated Accessories And Structures. K-Line Golden State Coaches & Silver State Coin Freights.

Lionel POST WAR Trains, Too! 224/2466W L&T, 2026/6466W L&T among others. 2020 Turbine. 41 Army Switcher. Cattle, Barrel & Coal Loaders. Preview: Fri., Sept. 20 From 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. And From 8 A.M. - 10 A.M. Day Of Auction. Please review complete listings at Next Train Auction: Sept. 28th All items as-is, where-is. 12% Buyer’s Premium w/2% Discount for Cash or Approved Check. (AY001999).


Successful Auction Management



Terms: Cash or Good Check/6% MD Sales Tax/10% Buyer’s Premium on all purchases. Personal Property: From a Large Home in Easton, MD & Mr. John Huntington of Chestertown, MD & Others AUCTIONEERS: Ralph Russum Sr. & JR Russum (410) 827-0555 day ~ For Photos visit (#7483) ~

PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2013 • STARTS AT 9 A.M. (INSPECT FROM 8:00 AM) Plumsteadville Volunteer Fire Company - Fireside Hall


5064 Stump Road, 18949 Furniture: ant. oak highchair/stroller; sm. Vict. m.t. bureau; 20th C. Stylized Mah.: pr/fan back chairs w/mohair, carved wdn. sofa w/mohair; 10 pc. RD set, 2 gessoed mirrors, Chipp. slant front desk, Chipp. slant front sec./desk w/bookcase, set/4 Windsor armchairs by Bent ros., Kling Chipp. BR set, Hepp. cedar-lined blanket chest; Other Style: Sheraton maple veneered BR set, Wm. & Mary writing desk w/bookshelf ends; Plus: several ivory Kirman type room size carpets. Also: Radios: Bulova table (snA39474), Emerson table, 1950s vintage Edmu floor model, RCA Victor table top, Zenith, Bel Air & Emerson; Marrantz Model 2235B tuner/ receiver, BSR MacDonald turntable & pr,/Fisher speakers. Collectibles, Ephemera & Toys: Earthenware jar w/brown glaze, misc. crocks; toleware tray & comb & brush holder; Busy Bee sewing mach. w/wdn. case, pr./alabaster lamps, repro. dbl. student lamp, 2 older leather doctor’s bags, cast-iron footed kettle, full size & mini cuckoo clocks, pin cushion doll, East Girard Savings Bank bank, Blue Onion dish set, Michelob & Kohenadel beer tray, Cooper’s beer plaque, Lufkin tape measure, WWII military uniform & access. GAR pins/ribbons/badges, asst./linens; Ephemera: Big Little books, other children’s books, U.S. & foreign postcards, movie star scrapbooks, Minnie Mouse playing cards, Graf Zeppelin memorabilia, (2) 10 cent comics Classics Illus., Victorian photo albums, Willow Grove Park souvenir; Toys: Popeye cutout, Lil Abner pin, Nasco h.p. wdn. clown still bank, German wdn. h.p. duck pull toy, Hubley pistol/holster/belt, rocking horse w/paint dec. wdn. base, Tin: Louis Marx Pretty Maid Modern Kitchen Set w/orig. box, W. Disney Tinkerbell litho toy-Peter Puppet Playthings NY, NY; M. Mouse Club Mouse Kartooner litho drawing board-Mattel, Inc. WD Prod., Berwin Gold litho typewriter w/orig. box, Casige child’s sewing mach., Marx litho mech. Rabbit; Pixie Puppets by Walco w/orig. box, Timmy Time Color Wheel Clock w/orig. box-Sifo Toys. Vintage Cameras & Movie Projectors: Cameras: Nikon F Nippon Kogaku 35mm (sn6741832), Minolta A-2 Optipermul, Brownie box, Spartus full-vac w/flash; Nikkor-S Auto 1:1.4 f=50mm lens (sn451181); Vintage Projectors: AMPRO Ampro Sound Premier 30; AMPRO Imperial Precision; AMPRO Deluxe Speaker; LaBelle Model 302 slide; Osram Diastor 251-A slide viewer; FILMCO Model 129; Bell & Howe projector & speakers, Palliard Bolex projector, etc. Collection/Vintage 35 MM Motion Picture Films - many in orig. film cans incl.: David & Goliath, Super Seal, Hang Men Also Die, Town Called Hell, Son Of Blob, Gold Rush w/Charlie Chaplin, John Cameron Story, Back To Campus, Way Of The Wind, The Third Man, Pied Piper Of Hamlin, The Chimp, The Statue, Brother Of The Wind, Enchanted Forrest, Navy Wife, Babes In Toyland, Saps At Sea, Beyond Bengal, Snow Dog, Poppy Was A Flower, 39 Steps, Lost Command, Flying Deuces, Hog Wild, Busy Bodies, Foppes Takes A Trip, At War With The Army, Little Match Girl, The Outlaw, The Legend Of Amaluk, Tonight’s The Night, Dangerous Charter, Pack Up Your Troubles; U.S. Military Training films; Lowell Thomas-World’s Fair Report, H.B. Kaltenborn-World’s Fair Report, grping./older 16 mm films, cartoons, etc. 2 Vintage Autos: 1965 Plymouth Fury III 4 door sedan: odo. reading 88,432 mi., auto trans., AM radio; 1965 Chevrolet Impala 4 door sedan: odo. reading 69,425 mi., auto trans. Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium * Credit Cards Accepted * 3% Discount w/Cash Payment or Prior Approved Check * Full & Interesting Auction * Three Auctioneer’s Selling *

Wil Hahn, Auctioneer 102 W. Main Street * Bath, PA 18014 610-837-7140 * AU-001271-L

ROBERT H. CLINTON & COMPANY, INC. Auctioneers & Appraisers P.O. Box 29 * Ottsville, PA 18942 610-847-5432 * AY-000093-L




Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 21


of Antiques & Decorative, Asian, and Fine Arts 18k WG & Diamond Zoccai Diamond Earrings, tdw 2.21 Carats

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 AT 11 A.M. 700+ LOTS INCL. 18TH-20TH C. AMERICAN & CONTINENTAL FURNITURE, ASIAN PORCELAIN & DECORATIVE ARTS, CLOCKS, OLYMPIA DISC MUSIC BOX, STEINWAY, KNABE, & OTHER GRAND PIANOS, PORCELAIN, POTTERY, ART GLASS, CRYSTAL, OTHER OBJETS DE VIRTU. An extraordinary grouping of lighting removed from the Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel, Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia featuring a 30-arm bronze and crystal central chandelier, 10’ h, 5’ d; (4) bronze & crystal inverted ceiling domes, set 15 matching bronze & crystal sconces, (2) 8-arm 16 light bronze & crystal chandeliers, 8 modern ceiling lights, (2) pr. exterior gas style post lights, more!!!

Antique Turkish Tribal Carpet, 7’7”x9’9”

2 French Crystal Regulators, 1 w/Champleve Inlay, 11 14” Tall

An estate automobile collection to include: 1928 Chrysler Model 47 Sedan, 1969 Chevy Corvair 500 Coupe, 1977 Chevrolet Scottsdale C10 Stepside Pickup, 1970 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix, 1978 Olds Cutlass Supreme, 1989 Buick LeSabre Limited. TALL CASE AND OTHER CLOCKS TO INCLUDE: JE Caldwell 15 bell musical and chiming hall clock, Federal figured maple tall clock attributed to Anthony Wayne Baldwin, Lampeter Square, PA, inlaid & carved walnut tall clock by Peter Miller, Lynnville, Lehigh County, PA, E. Brown, Beverly Roxbury style clock, 2 other early tall clocks, French champlevé regulators & other French clocks, pillar & scroll, banjo, Dent rolling clock, Atmos, 151⁄2” Olympia double comb music box, more. Fine group of private estate consigned pianos featuring an Eduard Seiler black lacquer grand piano Model 206, Steinway Model XR grand piano, Wurlitzer Model C153, William Knabe black lacquer baby grand, (2) Steinway console pianos. Large collections of Chinese & Asian porcelain, jades, ivory, and other decorative items. Enameled snuff boxes, early lighting and lamps, Collection of American, British, and Russian swords, edged weapons, walking sticks. 18th C. American furniture including PA QA chest on frame, PA walnut tall chest, PA walnut Chippendale drop leaf side table, MA blockfront 4 drwr. chest, bonnet top Chippendale highboy, gaming tables in all styles, carved Federal sofas, tables, workstands, bureaus, painted blanket chests, Georgian and Continental furniture, 19’ long colonial Revival 72” pedestal DR table, other large DR tables, sets of DR chairs, ornate 4 pc. carved walnut Victorian BR set, Quaint Stickley Bros. 60” round table, corner cupboards. Over 150 lots of fine art from Delaware Valley Collections including 25 LOTS from the Estate of Tom Bostelle, Maurice Leloir, Walter Gay, James Gillray, Albert Maignan, Tavik Frantisek Simon, Robin Morris, AJ Faas, Albert A. Fourie, Andre Couchet, Haku Maki, Nick DiCillo, Sergio Bustamante, Mamoru Shimokochi, George Thompson Hobbs, Bruno Ertz, W. Merritt Post, William G. Becker, After Pablo Picasso print, After John James Audubon, James Hardy III, Seymour Zayon, Madeleine Colaco, Lia Menna Barreto, Ranulph Bye, Kemenyffy, Francis Seymour Haden, Alexander Zick, Madeleine Jeanne Lemaire, Percy A. Sanborn, Saint Clair Augustin Mulholland, A. Petrocelli, Frank Beaudouin, William Merritt Post, Harry Fenn, Mary Blush Hathbone, W.G. Cunningham, A.J. Faas, Albert Pierre Rene Maignan, Dieudonne Rouanez, Michel Rouanez, Hans Joseph Wilhelm Becker, Herbert Pullinger, Angel Botello, Attributed to James Sant, Irving Amen, (2) Alfred Lucas after SJ Carter, Thomas B. Welch After Gilbert Stuart, Barclay Lawrence Jacob Rubincam, Loren Munk, Rea Redifer, (4) after Andrew Wyeth, Mora, (2) Henri Rivière, WWI poster, Adolph Treidler, Edwin Willard Deming, Mary Cable Butler, Nicola D’Ascenzo, Jack Bookbinder, (3) Ralph Scharff, Harry Dunn, Gaston Anglade, Guy Cambier, Johnny Gaston, After A.C. Havell, G.B. Schuch, After Degas Bronze Figure of School Girl, Continental school, Tibetan thankha, Japanese Woodblock prints, Bowen lithographs of Native Americans, Chinese Embroideries and calligraphies, many more!!!

PA Walnut Cross Stretcher Pembroke Table


Pr. Adams Style Mahogany Knife Urns With Rising Tops, 271⁄2” H, C. 1900

PREVIEW TIMES: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 FROM 12 NOON TO 5 P.M.; MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 FROM 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M.; DAY OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. Lancaster Co. Figured Maple Tall Clock, Walnut Tall Case Clock By Peter Miller, Lehigh County

One Hillman Drive,


Fully illustrated catalog at


Terms: 20% Buyer’s Premium. 3% discount for Cash/Check. Visa/MC

Online bidding Facilitated at JE Caldwell 15 Bell Musical And Chiming Hall Clock

Hans Joseph Wilhelm Becker, German, “Palace Gardens” O/C, 391⁄4”x391⁄4”

Find Auctions Anywhere!

1977 Chevrolet Scottsdale C-10 Stepside Pickup

151⁄2” Olympia Disc Music Box w/12 Discs

William G Becker, British, 19th C., o/c, Still Life With Fruit And Nuts, 20”x30”

1969 Corvair 500 Coupe

PA Walnut Queen Anne Chest On Frame 1928 Buick Model 47 Sedan, Barn Found!!!

Philadelphia Walnut Chippendale Drop Leaf Side Table, Shell Carved Knees, C&B Feet, 18th C., 311⁄2” W

Chippendale Walnut Tall Chest Of Drawers, 3 Over 2 Over 4 Drawers, Old If Not Original Brasses, 64” Tall

Quaint Stickley Brothers 60” DR Table w/ Leaves

Over 100 Lots Of Asian Dec. Arts Including Canton, Rose Medallion, Export, Carved Jade, Bronzes, Ivories, More!!! Estate Fresh!!!

(15) Matching Wall Sconces, 24” Tall 30-Arm Bronze And Crystal Central Chandelier, 10’ H, 5’ D

Selection Of Southern Face Jugs, Billy Ray Hussey, Reggie Meaders, Edwin Meaders, Charles Lisk, Others

Puffy Pairpoint Table Lamp With Brass Base B3094, Hummingbirds And Roses, 231⁄2” High, 14” D

William H. Bunch - Auctioneer

Eduard Seiler Black Lacquer Grand Piano Model 206


One Hillman Drive • Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, 19317 • Phone: (610) 558 1800 • Fax: (610) 558 0885 E-mail: S810889

Dent Of London Inclined Plane Clock, Dated 1973


22 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Open House At Rago On Sept. 17 To Feature “The Stories Things Carry” Rago Arts and Auction maker, its aesthetic, or its Center will host an open house singularity. Whatever the on Tuesday, Sept. 17, at 6 reason, it drives a desire to p.m., featuring a panel presen- know more about the piece tation, “The Stories Things before it leaves the auction Carry.” Composed of Rago house and moves on. specialists and staff, the preAt “The Stories sentation will take place Things Carry” during the preview presentation, week for the Rago attendees Estates and will be Unreserved aucintroduced tions, to be held to a few of Friday through the comSunday, Sept. 20 pelling to 22. objects set The staff at to sell in the Rago reviews Sept. 20, scores of consign21, and 22 ment inquiries daily, auctions. These many on Rago’s free walkinclude a historically in appraisal Mondays. significant (and Inevitably, an object politically that finds its way incorrect) through the silver doors takes hold of a staff m e m b e r ’s attention. It may be the Tiffany & Co. billiard clock, provenance of the object, its estimate $20,000-$30,000.

statuette, which was presented to filmmaker D.W. Griffith, to be discussed by Rago partner Miriam Tucker; a Tiffany &

Co. billiard clock to be discussed by Tom Martin, who directs the Great Estate auctions; and a rare Mino School

Katana sword to be discussed Estate auctions. by Chris Wise, who handles To learn more about the miltaria, coins and historical presentation discussion, visit documents for the Great

PUBLIC AUCTION Will sell at GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION, located at 643 Kriner Road,

CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17202 On: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 AT 10 A.M. Lesney Matchbox Die-Cast Cars 350 cataloged lots including #15 White VW, #38 Purple Honda; #71 Esso Tow Truck, #M-6 Pickford, K-3 Hatra Tractor Shovel, K-16 Dodge Twin Tippers, #46 Blue Morris (rare), #17 Austin Taxi Silver Wheels and more! AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Complete catalog listings available at or by phoning (717) 263-6512. Absentee & phone bids accepted. Online bidding available through Proxibid.

Preview Friday, September 20 from 3-6 P.M. and Saturday from 8 A.M. TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/AMEX/Discover accepted. Thirteen percent (13%) buyer’s premium discounted by 3% for cash and acceptable check will be applied to all winning bids. Buyer’s utilizing Proxibid will be charged an 18% buyer’s premium. Statements made day of sale take precedence.

GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION, LLC Our Service is the Difference

Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, Fax (717) 263-0188, RH120-L JOHN F. KOHLER, JR., AUCTIONEER Heather Kohler Fowler, Auctioneer

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★



Located at 614 Berryhill Rd., Directions: Take Route 147 to Millersburg (Lenkerville). Turn East on Center St. to Seventh St. - Proceed to Auction. Watch for signs.


8’ Wooden Grandfather Clock (Moon Dial Face); Oval Ext. Table; Set of (4) Hitchcock Chairs; Oak Barber Room Captain’s Chairs; Parlor Chairs; Cane Seat & Reed Rockers; (2) Cedar Blanket Chests; Baby Cradle; Walnut Music Cabinet; (2) Washstands; Cherry Secretary Desk; White Wicker (4) Piece Sunroom Set; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; Jelly Cupboard; Highchair; Tilt-Top Table; Porcelain Table with Seats; Ingraham Shelf Clock; Wooden Birdcage; Medicine Cabinet; Plant Stands; Footstools; Tramp Art Chest; School Desk; Crocks & Jugs; McCaskey Adding Machine; Inlaid Mandolin; Wooden Rakes & Three Prong Fork; Horse Collar & Brass Hanes; LVRR Lantern; Copper Coffeepot; Sterling Silver Flatware; Coal Bucket; Spool Silk Box; Kerosene Lamp; Glass Horse Bookends; Old Picture Frames; Hand Painted Cheese Boxes & Milk Can; Lanterns; Persian Lamb Coat; Mink Stole; Baseball Uniform & Catcher’s Mitt; Indian Blanket; Afghan; Quilt; Fur Hats; Toys: German Windup Tin 2 Person Carriage - As Is; Tin Horse Drawn Milk Wagon; Lightning Guider Sleds; 45 Records; Cookbooks; Postcards; Indian Arrow Points; Fishing Creel & Licenses; Ice Tongs; Stanley Bros. Horn (Liverpool); Popcorn Popper.


Train Auctions SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST DOORS OPEN AT 8:30 A.M., FIRST AUCTION BEGINS AT 10:00 A.M. 330 W. Moorestown Road (Rt. 512),


Special Preview: Friday, September 20th from 4 P.M. to 7 P.M. A great selection of trains and accessories! We’ll have over 400 lots included in this huge train auction. Our 10 A.M. auction will feature many brand new trains

by Lionel, Rail King, Williams, K-Line, Weaver, Athearn, M.T.H., Tyco, Bachmann, Varner, and Mantua. This auction includes the balance of the Glen Grigg estate collection and many of these trains are new in box.

GUNS J.C. Higgins Model 20 12 Gauge Shotgun; Springfield Model 1875 .22 Caliber Rifle (Tubefed); Colt (Army Special) .38 Caliber Revolver; Daisy (Red Rider) BB Gun.

Our 11 A.M. auction is just the tip of an iceberg from a 45+ year private collection of Lionel, G-Scale, along with plastic car model kits, N-scale and HO scale. Also included is a 1/120th scale model of a motorized Fletcher Class Destroyed which is R/C capable, an antique maple and glass floor showcase with mirrored back doors, and (2) oak wall showcases for O & HO gauge. This sale includes O-Gauge, N-Scale locomotives (Life-Like Proto, Atlas/Kato & Atlas/Rivarossi), structures and cars (mostly Kadee MTL & MTL), lots of HO brass train sets (with or without power pack & track), Craftsman kits (dating back to 1938), many limited production items along with locomotives, structures and case lots of undecorated or factory painted unlettered kits (6 - 24 kits/ case), and some passenger cars. There are 101 freight car lots of 6 - 14 cars/lots, which may be broken up for individual items. Each freight car lot contains local railroads of interest, such as Lehigh Valley (LV), Reading (RDG), Central RR of New Jersey (CNJ), Lehigh New England (LNE), Northampton & Bath (N & B), Lehigh & Hudson River (L & HR) to name a few and less than a hand-full of duplicate car numbers in all. At least one old circus train kit, Bev-Bel kits from Train Miniature (1970s) through Athearn & MDC/Roundhouse (1990s) and Branchline (1980s - 2011). Many of these items are new in box and mint and have been warehoused for years in a controlled climate. See website for additional details, catalog, photos and terms.



Gold: 1869 2 ⁄2 Dollar; 1912 Indian 2 ⁄2 Dollar; Silver: Dollars - 1883, 1889, 1896, 1897, 1900, 1921 (3), 1922, 1923; 1939 Standing Liberty Half; (10) 1964 Kennedy Halves; (120) 1965-1986 Kennedy Halves; Quarters: 1915 Liberty Quarter, (6) Washington Quarters; Dimes: (18) Mercury Dimes (Mixed Dates), Roosevelt Dimes, 1906 One Dime; Nickels: (3) 1906, 1909, 1912 V Nickels; Pennies: Large One Cent 1850, 1852, 1853, (40) Wheat Pennies, Indian Head Pennies 1862, 1900 (2), 1905; Foreign Coins & Paper Money; Paper Money: Large 20 Dollar Blue Seal 1914 Series, (14) 5 Dollar Red Seal 1963 Series, 1923 Large One Dollar Bill, 1953 Series Red Seal 2 Dollar Bills & Others.

3-D HAND CARVING, PAINTINGS & PRINTS, HARNESS RACING PICTURES/PROGRAMS Swinging Bridge Watercolor by Mary Hottenstein; Flowers by Sara Jane Reed (Watercolor); Large Flower Painting by Ethel Hottenstein; Ned Wert Watercolor Winter Scene; Ballerina Prints; Prints of HBG by Nick Ruggieri; Schmidts Lighted Beer Sign; JFK Coloring Book; Shirley Temple Children’s Book; Harness Racing Trophies, Winner’s Circle Photos, & Programs; Harness Racing Toys & Many Other Collectibles; 3-D Wooden Hand Carved Farm Scene by Aaron Zook. S810615

13% buyer’s premium with 3% discount for cash/check

TERMS: Cash or Approved Check by Auctioneer. No Out-of-State Checks. ORDER OF SALE: 8:30 A.M. Small Collectibles; China; Household Goods; 10:00 A.M. Guns; Coins & Paper Money; Paintings & Prints; 1:00 Real Estate Followed by Large Appliances; For More Details & Pictures, Furniture & Equipment; May Split for Check On The Internet At: Coins, Prints & Paintings. LUNCH STAND RESERVED

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

330 W. Moorestown Road, Rt. 512 Nazareth, PA 18064 (610) 759-7389 Fax: 610-759-3992 PA Lic. #AY-1950-L Web Site: E-mail: S806585

OWNERS: Sonya Koons & Family AUCTIONEERS: David Deibler 717-362-2942 AU001213-L ATTORNEY: Ed Shoop 717-896-8305 AU00842-L Terry Kerwin Rick Schadel 717-365-3008 AU005562 4199 Powells Valley Road, Halifax, PA 17032


(11 Miles N. of Bethlehem & Rt. 22 or 4 Miles S. of Wind Gap & Rt. 33)

Selection of Chocolate Pots & Teapots; Collection of Approx. (50) Creamers; Ned Smith Glass: Water Pitcher, Casseroles, Solid Glass Chipmunk, Coasters, Blue Coin Glass; Ironstone Water Pitcher & Teapots; Victoria Ironstone; English Ironstone; Transferware; Historical 1819-1836 15 State Staffordshire Plate; Flow Blue Cup & Saucer; Pink Depression Stemware; Wedgwood; Glass Baskets; Cut Glass; Tiffin Stemware; Fostoria Glassware; Heavy Pressed Glass; Glass Knife Holder; Compotes; Butter Dish; Pedestal Cake Plate; Hobnail Glass; Martini Set; Several Tea Sets; Silver-Plated Items.

Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561

ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.


800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101

ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.

CASH FOR 78 RPM records! Send $2 (refundable) for illustrated booklet identifying collectible labels, numbers, actual prices paid. Docks, PO Box 780218, San Antonio, TX 78278-0218.

ANTIQUE/ OLD GUNS WANTED Collector buys old muzzleloaders, pistols, shot guns, Kentucky rifles, knives, swords, hunting licenses & photos, animal traps, hand forged & bear traps, old ammo, antiques, military helmets. One piece or collections. House calls made. PO Box 83, New Tripoli, PA 18066, 610-298-3180.

GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.

AUTOMOBILE OWNERS MANUALS Wanted most years and models. Also sales brochures, service manuals, etc. TMC Publications, 6308 Deer Park Rd., Reisterstown, MD 21136. 410-526-4495. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Fairs, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Fireworks, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. COMIC BOOK COLLECTIONS. Contact me for FREE Appraisals if you wish to sell your comics or just determine their current value. I’ll provide you honest recommendations based on three decades experience and will assure you receive the fairest and highest prices whether it’s 1 book or a 1,000. Call Ed 215-351-5392 or email FULPER POTTERY made in Flemington, NJ & OLD TOYS made anywhere. 1hr. from NYC & Philadelphia. I will travel, call Robert Jay 908-735-4008. I BUY ENTIRE CD & DVD Collections. New and used. CD: Classical, Jazz, Rock, etc. DVD: criterion, foreign, documentary, hard to find tiles. Phone 301-919-2798, email

ALL HUMMELS WANTED: Still paying the best prices. Call John Rokicki 610-213-2361.

AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.

I BUY RUSSIAN Imperial antiques: Samovars; Silver & Gold orders, Badges, Coins, Porcelain, Officers Uniforms & Daggers, Icons, Paintings. Phone 301-919-2798 email INDIAN ARTIFACTS: BUYING entire collections, large or small! Appraisal & authentication services available. Paul @ 717-721-2451

HAMMOND ORGANS WANTED. Leslie speakers & console pianos. Pottstown, PA 610-495-5234 or Also Orlando, FL Area. MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717.

1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS FOR THE HIGHEST PRICE! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521 ANTIQUE TOYS & TOY SOLDIERS WANTED of every description. 1800’s-1950’s. Write for free 3 page illustrated want list. Bruch, P.O. Box 121, Mountaintop, Pa 18707. Call toll-free 800-549-8697 MATCHBOX CARS WANTED If you’re interested in selling your collection, call, fax or write, ask for- Larry, 830 Fulton Ave., Lansdale, PA 19446. 215-855-1962 or fax 215-368-9684. OLD TOY TRAINS, collector will pay generously for well-kept (1900-1970) Lionel, Flyer, Marklin and Ives, trains & accessories. Dr. Bob 215-348-0944

MUSIC BOXES WANTED, highest prices paid. Gems to junkers- we buy, sell, repair. Chet Ramsay Antiques, 2460 Strasburg Road, Coatesville, PA 19320. 610-384-0514 SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail

ANDY WARHOL signed and dated original 1964 LIZ TAYLOR print, 23”x23” call 908-930-0909.

WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.


Vintage Tube Electronics DEAD OR ALIVE

Audio Equip. - Vacuum Tubes Speakers - Ham & Military Radios Surplus Parts - Test Equipment Hi-Fi Stereo & More


DO YOU COLLECT Old Paper, Ephemera, Advertising, Country Store, etc? Subscribe to "THE PAPER & ADVERTISING COLLECTORS’ MARKETPLACE", the monthly collector's newspaper that covers this specialty. For a FREE sample copy, phone 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541, 8am-4:30pm daily.

Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013 - - 23

COUNTRY PRIMITIVE FURNITURE Pie Safe; 4 drawer New England Blanket Chest; Harvest table; Dressers; Spool Beds; Drop Leaf Tables; Step-back Cupboard; Boston Rocker 239-877-2206.

**BIG BARN FULL OF THINGS** Come and search our barn full of antiques, collectables and LOTS more. May have permanent vendor spaces available. Adjacent barns with more goodies. Outdoor Flea Markets and Craft Shows. 965 Park Road, Blandon PA 19510. Between Kutztown and Reading. Call for more info (484)7943693 COLLECT INSULATORS! STARTER kits of four collectible insulators all over 75 years old shipped post paid for $30. Subscribe to the insulator hobby publication, “Crown Jewels”, for $30 per year (12-issues). Or, order both for the special price of $50. Crown Jewels, 65028 Granger Road, Lostine, OR 97857 or phone 541-569-2318 for more info. TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. Call 608-582-4124

RECORDS IN FREDERICK, MD 33 vinyl LPs, 45s, 78s, Classical, Jazz, Rock, older Pop, Shows, International, etc. Old Glory Antiques L-9, 301-662-9173. Cannon Hill Place (also CDs) 301-6959304. We buy by appt. 301-694-5179. RECORDS! RECORDS! Huge Sale 2040% discount. Thousands at The German Trading Post on RT 272 Denver, Pa. Soul, Doowop, Rock, Picture Sleeves, Elvis, Beatles, rare records, 45’s, LPs.

WATERCOLOR BY GERALD L. Lubeck, “Birds in Flight”, original watercolor 1983, signed, $3,500. Oil Painting by F.D. SILVA original, mid-1980’s, asking $4,000. Norman Rockwell signed lithograph “The Marriage License”, $3,000 obo, ceritficates incl. 862-432-0885.

ANTIQUE FURNITURE REFINISHING Cabinet company offers professional refinishing services for your family treasures. We can match the finish of most antique pieces. Wood furniture only. Contact us for a quote. 717.859.4961

ATTENTION Get the Word Out!! Advertise Your

SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or

610-649-4151 WANTED: MUSIC BOXES, slot machines, old Juke boxes, any cond. Call or write Frank Zygmunt, PO Box 542, Westmont, IL 60559. email 630-985-2742.


KEYSTONE TELEPHONE COMPANY of Philadelphia Wanted. Telephones and related items, signs, telephone books. Call Andy, 732-986-2637 or MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969, OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947 OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090. WRIST WATCHES & POCKET WATCHES I am interested in purchasing small lots or entire collections or watchmaker/ store inventory closeouts. 267-978-7297 or email

Firearms Auction (Continued from page 14)

“sight safety” model semiautomatic pistol with factory letter and a rare World War II singer tool room/prototype M1911A1 semi-automatic pistol with documentation. “When quality, condition, and rarity come together, there is no telling what will happen at auction. Rarely can you tout something as being the very best of the best in any field of collectible, but in this sale we can say it more than once,” said Hogan. The numbers of the auction alone are impressive, featuring over 350 Winchesters, nearly 600 Colt firearms, over 300 U.S. military firearms, over 800 foreign military firearms, and over 500 sporting arms. The total will be over 2,700 lots. To learn more, visit or call 1-800-238-8022.

TOP DOLLARS PAID for Carbide Cap Lamps, oil wick/ lard lamps, blasting cap tins, scatter tags, carbide lamp parts and small mining artifacts needed in my collection. Larry Click 703-241-3748 or email

SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618. TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709, WANTED BASEBALL/ BOXING Cards & Memorabilia. Tobacco packs opened/ unopened, pre-war, before 1970. Valuable collections only. No appraisals 610-9990131,

To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211 E414932

cameo glass, art glass, porcelains, sterling silver, garden (Continued from page 10) urns, leaded windows and Duffner & Kimberly, Handel, hundreds of related and decorative accessories. Pairpoint Headlining the sale will be and others. the unreserved contents of Also sold the home, shop and personal will be collection of David Marshall with her team of 10 skilled meticulous design, crafts- gasoliers, of Brooklyn, N.Y. craftspeople to create a new manship, and beautiful a r g a n d The Nov. 23 antique clock body of work that reflects wood while introducing the l a m p s , auction will contain many rare the heritage of her father’s next generation of a s t r a l and important clocks from custom handcrafted furni- Nakashima woodworkers. lamps and ture. This exhibition builds For more information, cut glass Here is a circa 1900 Yale upon the traditional readers may visit b a n q u e t Wonder Clock (Burlington, Vt.) with a 15-1/2-inch Regina Nakashima approach of lamps. music box, one of only a handT h e ful known. Oct. 19 auction several prominent collections. will also A featured item in this auction b o a s t will be an E. Howard & Co. bronzes, #68 astronomical regulator marble clock from the original family. s t a t u a r y, For more information parian figabout any of these ures, paintupcoming sales, visit i n g s ,

Moderne Gallery Presents Nakashima Woodworkers, “An Evolving Legacy” Moderne Gallery in Philadelphia is holding a selling exhibition of Nakashima furniture titled “An Evolving Legacy,” opening Friday, Sept. 20, and running to Saturday, Nov. 2. The gallery is located at 111 N. Third St. An opening reception will be held the evening of Sept. 20 from 6 to 9 p.m. with Mira Nakashima and Nakashima woodworkers. Mira Nakashima, the daughter of renowned 20thcentury furniture designer George Nakashima (19051990), has collaborated


24 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 13, 2013

Huge Two Day


913 Upward Road,

FLAT ROCK, NORTH CAROLINA 28731 Take Exit 53 off I-26, then go 1 mile north on Upward Rd. A superb auction with over 1500 lots, including items from the estate of William Clayton Harmon of Laurel Park, NC, more from the estate of George Griffith of Montgomery, Ala., plus many other estates, collectors and local residents downsizing! Partial listing: Lots of fine art, including oil paintings by Margaretha Roosenboom, Emile Auguste Pinchart, Charles Cerny, Christopher P. Cranch, Gyula Bubarnik, Henry P. Spaulding, Mark Mulfinger, Stephen J. Voorhees, Sylvester Martin, Roy Pierce and many other listed artists, early unsigned oils and portraits, engravings, lithographs, etchings, Maxfield Parrish and Wallace Nutting prints, bronzes, collection of paintings on porcelain and ivory and more. Fine glassware includes Tiffany, Lalique, Baccarat, Steuben, Moser, Victorian, Cranberry, Amberina, Carnival, Waterford, collection of brilliant period cut glass, paperweights, sterling silver including candlesticks, candelabras, vases, Victorian servers, 12 sets of flatware including “Francis I,” “Grande Baroque”. “Strasbourg,” “Buttercup,” “Chantilly”, “French Provincial “ and more, early American coin silver, silver plate including pickle castor collection, trays, serving items, epergne, fine estate jewelry including Rolex, Breitling and other watches, platinum diamond rings, diamond and sapphire, fancy colored diamonds, emerald, ruby, tanzanite, opal, citrine, aquamarine and many other gemstone rings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and earrings, stickpins, pearls, amber, Indian Jewelry, Oriental rugs from mats to runners to room size, antique furniture including chests including Italian inlaid, period drop front desk, secretary bookcase, French vitrine, Grandfather clock, tables, stands, dressers, hanging cupboard, china cabinet, Baby grand piano, dry sink, sugar chest, tea cart, trunks, desk, bakers cabinet, tilt tables, display cabinet, oak china/doll cabinet, washstand, chairs and more, lots of porcelains including Sevres, Limoges, Meissen, Dresden, Herend, Wedgwood jasperware, sets of fine china, sets of plates, sets of stemware including, Waterford, Fostoria and more, chandeliers, lamps, sconces, outstanding Oriental collection including porcelains, Rose Medallion, Satsuma, Nippon, Imari, famille rose, blue & white, cloisonné, large collection of carved ivory figures and netsukes including erotica, carved jade, snuff bottles, cloisonné, Japanese screens and woodblocks, cylinder music box, early train sets, dolls, cast iron toys, weathervane, primitives, early copper and kitchen utensils, spice boxes, Betty lamps, crocks, scales, collection of early American documents and autographs, maps, collection of dog figurines and art, fox hunt prints and paintings, Indian masks, baskets, Western bronzes and oil paintings, duck decoys, collection of Majolica, Roseville, Rookwood, Moorcroft, Fulper, Weller, McCoy, cookie jars and other pottery, collection of flo-blue, mulberry and other ironstone, collection of Staffordshire figurines, collection of Corday, U.S. gold coins, silver dollars, Confederate paper money, stamp collections, collection of early books, tea caddy and other boxes, canes, collection of clocks including figural mantel sets, Lladro, Royal Doulton, Herend, Sitzendorf monkey band, collection of Corday, Hummel, Chilmark pewter civil war, bird and other figurines, collection of Swarovski crystal, Toby and character mugs, fine collection of early quilts, sampler, linens and so much more. Truly, something for everyone!

Call for details (828) 696-3440 Dealers & Public Welcome! 13% buyer’s premium (in-house), 15% on-line or live phone bidding. NCAL#5079. Full catalogs with photos (one week prior) on website at


Richard D. Hatch & Associates

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