Young Living Europe Promo action July 2022 (unattached distributors brochure Antje Lüdemann)

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JULY 2022

Dear Young Living Fan,


how nice that you are browsing through my online brochure again. I'm sitting in a restaurant in Hohenems right now. The sun is beaming pleasantly on the church square in front of me, a pleasant wind is blowing across my face. It keeps blowing a strand of hair across my forehead and I feel such deep relaxation and gratitude. For the magic of this life. Two incredibly beautiful days lie behind me. I was a guest at an event organized by part of my team here, and I am so fulfilled by the love of the organizers and the people who were there that tears keep coming to my eyes. It is so important that we meet, that we meet and share. It is so important that we sniff and inspire together. That we live. And enjoy life. I'll write more about that in my newsletter.

Di-Gize But for now, it's all about the sensational promotion for the month of July.

First of all, one of the most important travel oils, Di-Gize, comes to you. Because if you order in the ER program for 120 PV, you get exclusively a 5 ml vial of the oil blend with your order. The oils contained in Di-Gize, Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli, are a who's who for accompanying our healthy digestion and our healthy emotional processing of what is difficult to digest. In my purse, this oil blend is always with me. Swipe 1 - 3 drops of it on your belly and then still inhale. It can be that simple.

We Are

Di-Gize By the way, the Di-Gize for small children is Tummy-Gize. For a soothing belly massage, you can add 5 drops of DiGize to 5 ml of V-6 or olive oil and gently rub in circular motions around the belly button. It is especially nice to warm the mixture slightly beforehand. By the way, some abdominal organs are located under the protection of the free ribs, so it is also very nice to stroke the inter-rib spaces with spread fingers. Many people do not even think about these spaces, but it is so important to accompany the natural relaxation here again and again. Have fun with it!

Thieves Spray Continuing with another handbag must-have. From 190 PV you get a Thieves Spray with it. The little Thieves Spray has been my constant companion in every bag I leave home with for years. No matter what then disgusts me on the road, greasy doorknobs, shopping cart handles, traffic light knobs, parking machines, everything is sprayed with it - and good. I love this spray. I also like to spray it on surfaces that need to be protected from mold, or clean the surface of my smart phone with it. That, by the way, is one of the most neglected surfaces in almost any household. It's hard to imagine what can sometimes be found on the surface and brought to the ear.

RELEASE In addition, you get a 5 ml bottle of Release with this purchase level from 190 PV. The single oils Ylang Ylang, Lavandin, Geranium, Rayales Hawaiian Sandalwood, Blue Cypress, Davana, Kaffir Lime, Jasmine, True Chamomile, Blue Tansy, Rose, Grapefruit, Mandarin, Green Mint, Lemon, Ocotea and Olive Oil contained in this oil blend accompany you through an exciting journey of personal development, letting go and the resulting phase of accepting and receiving. Authenticity comes through truthfulness and honestly illuminating one's own interpretations of the worldview in which one lives. As a possible form of application, to set the intention every evening before going to bed, that all experiences of the day are lovingly processed and at night also the information is allowed to separate from the emotions, in order to be stored in a healthy way, is a beautiful form of reflection.

To apply 1 - 2 drops of release to the liver under the right ribcage is a gift to the liver. Thank you dear liver, that you work so intensively for me every day, every hour, every minute and second, that you also process emotions so well, and that you make me aware of the louse that has just run over you. In love I release with Release what presses me and set the intention that everything is good, that everything has its place and its time and is allowed to sort itself out overnight.

Cassia From 250 PV you get as much as 15 ml Cassia with it. Cassia is a biblical oil, a holy oil, and is mentioned again and again in ancient writings. It was mentioned as early as 16 BC and is very similar to cinnamon bark in its purifying properties. Due to its biochemical properties, it is a very hot oil and should be diluted with V-6, especially when making new acquaintances. I love massaging with this oil and really enjoy dripping it into my massage oil and then onto my back. Especially in the winter it is always with me and is allowed in every warming massage. The peaceful stimulating properties also wonderfully relax the feeling of control and accompany in the functionality of feeling safe.

Olive Essential In addition, with a purchase of 250 PV or more, you will receive our Olive Essential dietary supplement. In one capsule there is the power of one liter of olive oil. The active ingredient hydroxytyrosol is responsible for the good, Mediterranean and healthy reputation of olive oil, and the essential oils rosemary and parsley accompany the Mediterranean aspect of this wonderful capsule. So one capsule daily is a really great accompaniment to your natural health.

Gathering Not enough of the wonderful gifts, when you purchase 350 PV or more, you even get our wonderful Gathering essential oil blend. The individual oils contained within are lavender, black spruce, geranium, frankincense, royal, Hawaiian sandalwood, ylang ylang, vetiver, cinnamon and rose, proving once again the genius of Gary Young in blending these unique oil blends from Young Living.

Gathering is so connecting and accompanies you into higher connection with yourself and your inner and outer guidance. Vetiver is so deeply maternal rooting and grounding, and over the balancing, clearing and energizing flower oils, the connecting spice Cinnamon imparts the empowering sun energy and also focus on all that will follow. The tree oils open and center, and geranium releases. Ylang Ylang balances and Rose protects with its heart vibration. Gathering is truly exceptional and one of my favorite companions for upcoming encounters and next steps of growth. Of course I could write several more pages about this oil blend, but just let yourself be inspired by this example of knowledge from all ancient healing practices. TCM combines among others with Ayurveda, ancient Egyptian rituals and the four elements. Above all hovers the divine encounter, whatever this means to you.

Lushious Lemon In addition, you get from 350 PV 15 ml Lushious Lemon with it. This oil blend is a blend created under the inspiration of Jacob Young. As in almost all other blends, it contains the harmonizing Ylang Ylang oil and is complemented by Eucalytus Globulus, Lemon Myrtle, Lemon and Spearmint. Fresh, bold, tangy this oil blend comes along and can accompany you daily in spreading lush joy, internally and externally it is a pleasure to sniff this oil or wear it on your skin like a perfume. I also love it especially in my neutral shower gel and to start the day with it, or after a long day to make me fresh again when it goes to an evening event.

From an order of 400 PV you get free shipping again.

Viya Diffuser From an order of 450 PV you get our great Viya diffuser with it. No more driving without it. You will love it. Just turn it on via the USB port and enjoy any scent you want in the car. Long drives with kids who like to move around? No problem, with Peace & Calming they'll have their usual evening scent in the car and enjoy it. Taking the dog to the vet? Just put a few drops of Stress Away in and keep your beloved pelt nose in emotionally healthy balance. On the way to a date? Great, just put some Joy or Sclare Essence in your diffuser. Maybe you've been to beauty school and got a gift of Amoressence, a blend you can't buy? Then here is probably the best moment to let these delicate fragrances accompany you to your date.

As you can see, there are many gifts again, and here is some more information about other products:

Gary's Light You get 10% discount on the wonderful oil blend Garys Light. This oil blend was created after the death of our founder in his home under Mary's thoughts. Using certain oils and information she found in every nook and cranny of the home they shared, an intense connection to Gary was formed over and over again. The single oils of cinnamon, lemongrass, myrrh, cistus, eucalyptus radiata, sacred frankincense, dorado azul, hyssop, and bitter orange convey the vibration created in thoughts of Gary.

Many of our Young Livingians who still had the honor of meeting Gary in person regularly get goosebumps of affirmation when working with this oil. I love to use this oil blend just when decisions are coming up that may be a bit difficult. Imagining how many bottlenecks and difficulties Gary has gone through to make essential oils so accessible to us makes everything else feel so much easier. So when you order Gary's Light this month, don't forget to enter the D code. This will secure you a 10% purchase discount on this wonderful oil: 33861D .

Well, last but not least, I hope my July promo informations will help you and will inspire you to get one or the other product as a gift. In this sense: I wish you a great summer month of July and look forward seeing you here again in the next information, then for August. Best wishes, yours Antje

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JULI 2022

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