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Temple Judea Hosts “Meet The Author Night” Port Washington Resident Publishes Second Poetry Book
The Brotherhood of Temple Judea recently held via Zoom a “Meet the Author Night” program. Brotherhood President Stanley Goldklang introduced the guest speaker, author Dan Grunfeld, whose book, By the Grace of the Game published. Grunfeld gave a fascinating description of his family’s participation in basketball as well as their experiences during the Holocaust. Grunfeld’s father Ernie Grunfeld, a Knick favorite for many years, was the only NBA player (and later team executive) whose family endured the Holocaust. The book touchingly describes that connection and Ernie’s journey.
In this, his second book of poetry, Thomas Zampino imparts flashes of intimacy, intensity, and inevitableness. At its core synchronicity can be read as a love story. One not only existing between lovers, but one that also reveals how synchronicity–seemingly unconnected moments of “co-incidences”–lovingly shaped a life fully lived. A lifetime of poetry observed, told without pretense or presumption.