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jprisco@antonmediagroup.com become a better place, while fishing at prime locations and eating in gourmet restaurants that the reader will recognize. This novel is published by Fulton Books, and is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Itunes and GooglePlay. The paperback and hardcover versions can be obtained for $26.95 and $37.95 respectively, or as an e-book for $9.49. Alternatively, the novel will be available at the Port Washington Public Library. —Submitted by Donald’s loving family, former Port Washington residents, Annette Schilling, Stacey Romanello, Laura Schilling, and Michael Schilling (a Roslyn resident).

Edna Khalily of Great Neck has published her first book, Alisha’s Magical Red Lipstick: 999 Ways To Feel Beautiful. The book follows the main character Alisha on a journey to become more confident and discover her inner beauty. The book shares an important message with vibrant illustrations done by Stan Jaskiel.


Time is of the essence in this sale. This sale is held pursuant to the Nassau County Administrative Code and interested parties are referred to such Code for additional information as to terms of the sale, rights of purchasers, maximum rates of interest and other legal incidents of the sale.

4. If it is determined that the bidder(s) have violated any of these bid requirements then their bid shall be voided and if they were the successful bidder the lien and any deposits made in connection with said bid shall be forfeited.

Brian M. Callahan, 78, Manhasset Brian M. Callahan (March 18, 1944 – December 4, 2022) of Hollywood, Florida, a Vietnam War Veteran and Purple Heart recipient, passed away at age 78. Brian grew up in Manhasset, New York, graduated from Saint Mary’s High School and attended C.W. Post College before enlisting in the U.S. Army at age 20. Brian will be laid to rest with military funeral honors beside his deceased wife, W. Diane DeNicola, at Arlington National Cemetery. Brian is survived by his stepchildren Michael, Steve and Donna; his grandchildren Adele, Brandon, Dylan, Caitlyn, and Peter; and his siblings Patricia, Kieran, Noel and Dennis.

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