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To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@ antonmediagroup.com.
Scout Shabbat
All Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are welcome to North County Reform Temple’s Scout Shabbat. Get a patch when you come to services at 7 p.m. Let the temple know before coming. Leaders are welcome to bring their troops. You do not have to be Jewish or a member of the Temple in order to attend. Contact information of the temple: North Country Reform Temple, 86 Crescent Beach Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542; 516.671.4760 office@ncrt.org www. ncrt.org.

Pajama Storytime at Theodore’s Books
Join Girl Scout Troop 202 for a Pajama Storytime at Theodore’s Books, 14 Audrey Ave. in Oyster Bay from 6 to 7 p.m. Wear your coziest pjs and join Troop 202 as they read bedtime stories, host games and serve milk and cookies. Theodore’s Books is a drop off location for the Sarah Grace Book Angels, which provides new books to children with cancer and fills the shelves at local pediatric cancer centers. Purchase a new book for the foundation and receive 10 percent off at Theodore’s Books.
Galway Girls Live: Live Music, Food and Dance
Join St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church, 235 Glen St. Glen Cove at 7 p.m., for a lively evening of Irish music, food and dance. Entertainment includes the band the Galway Girls who are a multi-instrumental Celtic trio with a mission to keep Irish traditions alive. They sing and play memorable arrangements of everything from traditional Irish folk songs to modern hits from U2 and The Cranberries. Dinner, open bar, Irish coffee and music are included in the early bird ticket price of just $70 before Feb. 22. Between Feb. 23 and March 4 tickets are $75. No tickets will be sold at the door. Raffle prizes and 50/50 will be available for additional purchase. RSVP is required. Call 516-480-1895 or CBMCG523@optonline. net. Organized by The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians.
St. Patrick’s Day At My Father’s Place
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a concert from Kerry Kearney, Michael Falzarano and Jack’s Waterfall at 3 Pratt Blvd. in Glen Cove at 8 p.m. Get tickets at myfathersplace.com.
Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Thirty-five year’s strong, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will kick off at 1 p.m. at the Finley Middle School, 1 Forest Ave., Glen Cove. The 2023 Grand Marshal is Ryan Doherty, and the parade will be benefiting Winters Center for Autism. There will be an after party at 2:30 p.m. at Metropolitan Caterers, 3 Platt Blvd. There will be Irish music, bagpipers, dancers, corned beef and a cash bar. For more information, visit glencoveparade.com. To RSVP for the party, text Marina O’Neil at 516-316-7404. Party donation is $20. Raffle prizes and 50/50 are available for purchase.
Deep Roots Indoor Winter Market
The Winter Market in Oyster Bay
Every Saturday starting Jan. 21 through April 29, excluding March 11 and April 8, there will be an Indoor Winter Market at St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that will support small businesses. Visit foodtruckfridaypeople.com.
Meritage Wine Bar Open Mic
On Sundays doors open at 7 p.m. at Meritage Wine Bar, 90 School St. in Glen Cove, and the open mic begins at 7:30 p.m. Show off your talent and perform music, comedy, poetry, spoken word of whatever you do. There’s also a Sunday special in effect: a $40 open bar and food for two hours. Want to get on stage? Call 516-801-0055.
Throwback Thursday
There are plenty of St. Patrick’s Day events happening in Glen Cove.

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