4 minute read
State Education Department Proposes Indigenous Culture And Language Studies Certification For Teachers
Certification Would Support Preservation of Indigenous Cultures and Languages
60-Day Public Comment Period Through May 1
The New York State Education Department today proposed the creation of the Indigenous Culture and Language Studies (All Grades) certificate for teachers, Commissioner Betty A. Rosa announced. If established, the new certification area would increase the capacity and number of teachers who can teach indigenous cultures and languages while increasing the awareness, knowledge, and appreciation for indigenous peoples. The Department will accept public comment on the proposal through May 1 and is conducting ongoing consultation with Indigenous Nations regarding these proposed regulations. This past month, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Newsletter said, “[i] t is a shared goal with the NYSED to create tenured teaching positions for Indigenous language instructors in public schools across the State.”
Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. said, “Learning and preserving New York’s Indigenous languages are critical to recognizing the rich tapestry of our diverse state and acknowledging the importance of sustaining indigenous cultures both within and outside the Nations. Diversity is a tenet of the mission of the Board of Regents to create and sustain nurturing and engaging learning environments for all students.”
Commissioner Rosa said, “All voices must be heard, respected, and considered. By expanding opportunities for teachers, we are advancing access to educational excellence and equity for all students. Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education, such as learning about indigenous languages and cultures, affirms cultural identities, develops students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference, and elevates historically marginalized voices.”
Currently, individuals who would like to teach an indigenous language in New York State public schools can obtain a permit. Although a permit authorizes an individual to teach in public schools, it is not equivalent to a teaching certificate.
Teachers who hold a certificate demonstrate their content, pedagogical knowledge, and skills through the certification process and may be eligible for tenure in a school district. Additionally, the Professional teaching certificate is continuously valid, while individuals who hold a permit would need to apply to renew their permit every five years after their first twoyear permit. Having both the permit and proposed new certificate as options would allow permit holders to continue practicing in the classroom while also attracting new teachers into this area.
More information on the proposed regulatory changes to establish the Indigenous Culture and Language Studies (All Grades) certificate and the registration requirements for teacher preparation programs leading to this certificate may be found in the Item {link} and presentation {link} discussed by the Board of Regents today.

Following the 60-day public comment period required under the State Administrative Procedure Act, it is anticipated that the proposed amendment will be presented to the Board of Regents for adoption at its June 2023 meeting. Public comments may be submitted via email to oheregcomments@nysed.gov.
—Submitted by the New York State Board of Education
FCA Offers Free Help With Medicare Enrollment
Recent changes make coverage even more affordable
Enrolling in Medicare can be confusing. Family and Children’s Association’s (FCA) Free Nassau County Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) can help with enrollment guidance by phone.
The Open Enrollment season for people who are currently enrolled in Medicare ended December 7, 2022, but there is another potential opportunity to switch Medicare health plans for those currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO or PPO).
The additional Open Enrollment season runs from January 1 through March 31, with any changes effective the first day of the month following enrollment. There is also the opportunity to drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to traditional Medicare during this time, although you would also need to sign up for a Medicare drug plan. If you find that the plan in which you are currently enrolled does not work for you, this added flexibility can help you find a new plan that better suits your needs.
Please note, that if you were not currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you cannot sign up for one at this time. The current enrollment period only allows people to switch or drop a plan.
Income Limit Increase Helps More People
The Medicare Savings Program has dramatically increased the income limits for eligibility. This program can help pay your Medicare Part B premium and can dramatically lower your drug costs. If you were previously found to be ineligible for this program, you should call Family and Children’s Association’s (FCA) Nassau County Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) office to see if you are now eligible.
Medicare coverage can be confusing
Barry Kiltsburg
for the uninitiated, as there are various options. Choosing the right plan for you requires careful consideration. If you need help understanding or choosing a plan, FCA can help guide you through the process with free help by calling 516-485-3754.
There are four basic parts of Medicare: Hospital Insurance (Part A) covers you as an inpatient in a hospital or skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility, or for skilled home care after a hospitalization. Medicare Part A also can cover hospice care if you have a terminal illness. For most people Medicare Part A is premium free.
Medicare Medical Insurance (Part B) covers physician and other outpatient services. These services include doctor visits, hospital outpatient services, lab tests; physical, speech or occupational therapy; and durable medical equipment for use in the home. The standard Part B premium amount in 2022 is $164.90. Most people pay the standard Part B premium amount. If your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you’ll pay the standard premium amount and an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). IRMAA is an extra charge added to your premium. Medicare Part C You may opt for Medicare Advantage plans instead of Part B. Medicare are managed care plans including Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs). These plans generally have a network of providers. In an HMO you must use providers in that network. If you join a PPO, you can go out of the network, but you will have a higher copayment for out of network services. Medicare Advantage plans generally cover prescription drugs, otherwise covered by Medicare Part D, and frequently cover non-Medicare services such as vision, dental and hearing services.
Medicare Part D is prescription coverage. There are 19 drug plans in New York State. These plans vary in premium cost and formularies.
There are Medicare supplement plans known as Medigap. These are standardized plans that can fill most of the Medicare gaps such as deductibles and co-insurance.
For more information about these changes to Medicare and for any other information pertaining to your health benefits, you can call our office at 516485-3754 and a trained counselor will assist you.
—Submitted by Barry Klitsberg, Nassau County Medicare Counselor, FCA