Est. 1958 Also Serving Woodbury, Brookville, Old Brookville and Muttontown An Anton Media Group Publication Vol.89,No.27March1-7,2023 $1.00 Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. Syosset Jericho Tribune (USPS 531-520) FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Syosset News: Fire Department extinguishes garbage fire at Public Works Yard (See page 4) Syosset Public Library reveals March artist of the month (See page 4) Student News: Jericho, Syosset students compete in national business competition (See page 6) Oyster Bay News: Artist call for Art in the Park event (See page 9) INSIDE HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE Repurposing your backyard HOME IMPROVEMENT 1– 2023 ANTON MEDIA SPECIAL REPURPOSING YOUR BACKYARD Replace those old windows DIY firepit…finally GUIDE Budget Planning At Syosset Schools Programs will continue amid inflation challenges (See page 3) Updating technology and offering a wide breadth of programs is what Syosset’s budget will support. (Photo courtesy Unsplash) 236732 M This spring will be different! We can help. Aileen Murstein, Kenny Horowitz & Ashley Samet are real estate agents affiliated with Compass. Compass is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. 1468 Northern Boulevard in Manhasset. Aileen Murstein Licensed Associate RE Broker M: 516.317.6007 Kenny Horowitz Licensed RE Salesperson M: 917.865.2724 Ashley Samet Licensed RE Salesperson M: 718.736.536
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Syosset Central School District Begins Budget Planning
District plans to continue programs, services amid inflation
It’s budget season for districts across Long Island, including the Syosset Central School District.
“Over the course of the last several years, all school districts have dealt with some extraordinary challenges, obviously the most notable among them being the pandemic and managing work forces and budgets through uncertainty about state aid revenue and uncertainty about the economy,” said Dr. Thomas Rogers, the superintendent of the Syosset Central School District. “As we’re exiting the pandemic now, we’re finding now that the challenge facing school districts is how spending is tied to inflation, while the revenue side of the budget is very constrained. That is going to put all school districts into different versions of the same conundrum, which is trying to preserve program while dealing with the reality of costs that have gone up faster than revenues can rise to meet them.”
Over the course of the next Syosset Central School District Board of Education budget meetings, Dr. Rogers said a topic of discussion will be the work the district is doing to keep the budget in balance and the effort to close the gaps that have opened up due to inflation. Dr. Patricia M. Rufo, the associate superintendent for business, is going to pay particular attention to areas in the budget that are tied most closely to inflation.
At the Feb. 6 Board of Education meeting, the first discussion about the 2023 through 2024 budget was held, and following meetings on the budget will be held on March 13, April 18 and May 8. The annual district election and budget vote will be held May 16.
It was at the February meeting that the preliminary amount of state aid, which makes up 10 percent of the budget this year, was announced. The amount of state aid is approximately $33.8 million, an approximately $8 million increase from last year. That was good news to the school district, but also expected news as state aid has been rising every year.
“When we formulate a budget, we want to make sure it’s properly aligned to our goals, and has a multi-year focus to make sure it’s sustainable,” Dr. Rufo said. “So for 23/24, our budget goal is to continue the programs and preserve the programs and services for the students, to continue our investment in instructional technology. Over the last decade we’ve been working on our facilities, so we want to continue doing that work to upgrade and enhance our facilities. Over the last couple of years, we’ve added staff to support our student’s social and emotional well-being. Certainly our goal is to continue that in the next school year. We’re managing our recent enrollment growth. And we want to accomplish all of these goals in light of the fiscal constraints that we’re under, including the record levels of inflation.”
The factors driving this upcoming year’s budgets is an increase in health insurance premiums, staffing due to enrollment, Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) borrowing costs, transportation contracts and inflationary costs. Meanwhile, there is a decrease in debt service and non-instructional operating expenses.
According to a chart released by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, inflation grew at 4.7 percent in 2022, and 8
percent in 2023.
Since the inception of the tax cap in the 2012 through 2013 school year, the district’s tax levy has remained below the tax cap. This upcoming year’s estimated tax cap is 3.08 percent, or approximately $220 million. These numbers are subject to change based on final building aid.
“While we’re still deep in the budget process, it’s hard to imagine a scenario that doesn’t have us right up against that cap,” Dr. Rufo said. “As we go through the final projects that we have to submit to the state, it’s likely that amount [of the maximum allowable tax levy] will come down as we account for that additional building aid.”
Preliminary projects in the capital budget under the maintenance line include paving; Syosset High School flooring completion; installation of gates at bleachers; South Woods wrestling wall mat replacement and phase one of replacing auditorium lights; gym floor refinishing and lining at H.B. Thompson Middle School and asphalt repairs at Robbins Lane, A.P. Willits and J. Irving Baylis Elementary School.
“These are projects that we are doing through the budget and for years as part of our maintenance plan, we’ve always done a portion of our capital projects through the maintenance budget and that’s our
plan for the coming year,” Dr. Rufo said. “One of the other ways the district is able to fund capital projects is through the transfer to capital line. This line shows about a $1.6 million or 53 percent increase for projects. Those are the planned projects that we’re looking at right now, and again, it’s preliminary.”
Those projects include roofing and masonry at South Grove Elementary School; installation of dust collection systems at HBT Middle School and Syosset High School; roofing, masonry and paving district-wide; a re-design of the library at HBT Middle School and a re-design of the courtyard at Syosset High School.
The largest increase in the administrative budget, Dr. Rufo said, is insurance, which has gone up by almost 16 percent. District officials met with their liability insurance carrier, and they were told the reason for increasing costs is an increase in claims activities and the amount of settlements among their clients.
The BOCES program, which provides career and technical programs for high school students, among other projects, have also driven up the costs on the administrative side.
“This represents the charge that Nassau BOCES shares among its component districts,” Dr. Rufo said. “Ours really reflects some inflationary costs for BOCES, as well as our increase in enrollment, which gives us a greater share of that.”
There’s an increase in supervision costs of almost 4 percent related to contractual salary, including the elementary school principals work year going from 10 months to 12 months.
There was a decrease of about $220,000 in the budget line funding the teacher’s college professional development model. Because the district has been going to outside consultants for that service while using internal faculty members that are trained in that service, the district has been able to save money.
At the March 13 budget meeting, the program and instructional budget will be presented, as well as the revenues and reserves. Updates to administration and capital codes will be discussed, as well as an update to the tax cap.
To watch the Feb. 6 Board of Education meeting that consisted of the first budget presentation, visit, hover over the Board of Education tab with your mouse and click minutes, agendas & live stream.
The budget may fund several projects at Syosset High School and other schools in the district. (Photo courtesy AITFFan1 via Wikimedia Commons)
Garbage Truck Fire At Oyster Bay Public Works Yard
The Town of Oyster Bay Public Works Yard in Syosset was the scene of a blaze on Valentine’s Day when multiple garbage trucks caught fire.
“It was basically some sort of a fire on a CNG fuel garbage truck, which was addressed by a fast response from the Syosset Fire Department, who extinguished multiple vehicles that were on fire,” said Alex, a witness to the fire.
According to the Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Office, the time of the fire alarm was 4:49 p.m. on Feb. 14. Two of the three garbage trucks involved with the fire were compressed natural gas powered. The other truck was diesel powered. The fire, according to reports, started in the engine of one of the garbage trucks and spread to the others. Overall, four trucks were damaged.
Syosset Fire Department responded, along with the Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Hazard-
ous Materials Division to assist with the compressed natural gas cylinders that were involved with the fire. The Environmental Protection Agency Police were there to facilitate environmental cleanup. East Norwich Volunteer Fire Company and the Oyster Bay Fire Department responded for mutual aid.
The respondents cleared out of the Oyster Bay Public Works Yard at 9:41 p.m. It’s likely the fire had been out well before then, but there was environmental cleanup that had to be done.
No one was hurt in the fire. The Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Office is not investigating the fire. Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino told News 12 that the trucks were older vehicles and were not in service at the time of the fire, and that there will be no disruption to garbage pickup because of the fire. He added that there will be no increase in property taxes because of this either.
Syosset Library March Artist Of The Month
Julianna Kirk, The Feminine Mystique
Julianna Kirk creates plates, pendants, sculptures, and other works using contemporary fused glass techniques. The Feminine Mystique, an exhibit of 13 of her glass mosaics, will be on view in the Syosset Public Library Gallery through March in honor of Women’s History Month. There will be an Artist’s Reception on Saturday, March 18, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. All are welcome.
The exhibit depicts 13 goddesses based on history or mythology that Kirk researched for a year during the COVD-19 epidemic. “I focused on historical events, mythological
stories, or completely imagined situations,” she says.
Each piece contains a goddess and a border relating to the goddess depicted. To create the pieces, Kirk layered relief tiles on each background glass pane, first drawing the images, then cutting in glass and painting with vitreous paints. She also used gold leaf, stencils, narrow glass rods or bits of specialty glasses that are extremely shiny or that refract light for color changes.
All of the works were kiln-fired to temperatures of up to 1450 degrees to melt the glasses together.
Kirk is an award-winning
artist whose primary love is glass, although she is proficient in other media. She is the Glass Media Chair at the Long Island Craft Guild; has studied with many leading fused glass artists, including Boyce Lundstrom, Paulo DiFore, Dan Clayman, and Johna-
than Schmuck; and has exhibited at the Hillwood Art Museum at CW Post College, Silvermine Art Center in New Canaan, Urban Glass Showcase of Handmade Jewelry in Brooklyn, and many other venues.
Syosset Library is located at 225
South Oyster Bay Road in Syosset. For more information about programs, services, and hours, call 516-921-7161, or visit the library or the website at
—Submitted by the Syosset Public Library
Syosset Library March Artist of the Month Julianna Kirk.
(Photo courtesy the Syosset Public Library)
Woodland Protector. (Artwork by Julianna Kirk) Queen Goddess. Feminine Mystique.
Photos from the garbage truck fire at the Oyster Bay Public Works Yard.
(Photos courtesy alex@vansantvoord. com)
Temple Or Elohim, ACRC presents our annual an n
our biggest Religious School Fundraiser of the year
Sunday, March 1 2, 2023
10:00 AM to 10:30 AM: 5th Grade presents Queen Esther’s Living Wax Museum
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM: Family Fun Activities with includes: Slime Making, Custom Flip Pillows and breakfast!
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM: Hamantaschen Baking
Cost per child:
Temple Member: $20 per child/grandchild
Non-Temple Member: $30 per child/grandchild
Family Fun Sponsorship Opportunities:
$400: Queen Esther (includes three child tickets)
$200: Mordecai (includes two child tickets)
$150: King Ahasuerus (includes one child ticket)
$100: Vashti
$ 36: Haman
$ 18: Grogger
RSVP with payment by March 6, 2023
> online at (under Category, select Purim Family Funday)
> or by check (made out to Temple Or Elohim, ACRC ; in memo section write Purim Family Funday)
Questions? Contact Deborah Tract at (516) 244-9840
* Temple Or Elohim, A Community Reform Congregation * * 18 Tobie Lane, Jericho, NY 11753 * (516) 433-9888 ext 14 * 238723 M
Ten Long Island Teams Are Finalists In Virtual Enterprises’ National Business Plan Competition
Students will compete for the top award in April
Virtual Enterprises (VE) announced that the following Long Island schools are now finalists in VE’s National Business Plan Competition (NBPC) happening April 17 to 19 during VE’s annual Youth Business Summit at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan. Students hail from multiple schools across Long Island, including Syosset and Jericho High School.
Students from Syosset High School created a line of bracelets made with plastic from the ocean called Drip. Students from Syosset High School also created a gummy bear called Thrive Healthy Living that helps physical and mental health. There were students who also competed with their business called Lunch BX, which offers alternative, more inclusive lunch to fellow students. Students from Jericho High School designed a sustainable clothing line called Elyts.
More than 2,400 students from 80 Long Island schools attended VE’s Long Island Regional Conference and Exhibition held at LIU Post from January 10 to 11. During that time, dozens of students presented business plans to a panel of judges during the first round of the business plan competition. Forty student businesses were chosen to advance to the competition’s second round, yielding 10 Long Island’s finalists.
During the Long Island Regional Conference and Exhibition, nearly 100 simulated businesses created and run by Long Island students participated in a live, interactive trade show and competed for best business plan, best sales pitch, best exhibit booth, and more. The annual event draws Long Island students who run simulated businesses with their classmates involved in the VE program as well as around 100 corporate volunteers from regional businesses, colleges and industry.
The VE program solves one of the biggest challenges facing education and the economy today – providing students with the best career and college-readiness experiences possible. At a time when only 43 percent of employers surveyed in the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook Study feel students are prepared with the professionalism and work ethic needed for careers, VE’s apprenticeship model helps students identify a career path, develop 21st-century business and management skills and help shape their college journey. When compared to other high school students throughout the U.S., VE students reported a higher likelihood of going to college, feeling better prepared for it, and identified future career interests.
About Virtual Enterprises International
Virtual Enterprises International (VEI) is an educational nonprofit that provides a solution for schools to offer all students meaningful skills-based career experiences. Through our hands-on, taskbased curricula, aligned to the VE Career Readiness Framework, students test drive potential careers and develop in-demand skills and competencies that post-secondary institutions and employers are seeking. By managing the day-to-day operations of a company, students not only develop business skills and an entrepreneurial mindset, they also identify career pathways that align with their interests, talents, and aspirations.
Since its inception in 1996, VEI has served over 200,000 high school students, including many from under-resourced communities. In 2015, VEI introduced the VE-JV Career Academy, a similar two-year program that enables middle school students to develop technology and entrepreneurial skills by starting and managing business ventures. Roughly 90 percent of VE students interact with business professionals who mentor them on a regular basis and 87 percent identify a career path of interest due to their involvement in the VE program. We annually support 20,000+ students across the U.S. and are part of a global network spanning 40+ countries and 7,000+ student-run businesses.
—Submitted by Virtual Enterprises International
The Drip team from Syosset High School. (Photos courtesy Virtual Enterprises International)
The Lunch BX team from Syosset High School.
The Thrive Healthy Living team from Syosset High School.
The Elyts team from Jericho High School.
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To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@
Hybrid: A Booktastic Discussion
Join Jericho Public Library Librarian Lisa Jones when she discusses Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. This is a charming, witty and compulsively readable exploration of friendship, reckoning and hope that traces a widow’s unlikely connection wwith a giant Pacific octopus. Check out availability on Libby & Hoopla as well as a hard copy. This program will take place in person at the library, 1 Merry Lane, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and virtually. Sign up at
Taste The Greats
Taste the Greats of Long Island at The Mansion at Oyster Bay, 1 Southwoods Roads in Woodbury. Taste the Greats is the ultimate Long Island food and drink event at a premier destination. This evening event, which begins at 7 p.m., will feature the finest chefs on Long Island offering the dish that has made them so beloved. These chefs are the helm of the ‘must go to’ restaurants on Long Island. They make up the incredible food scene only found on the island. Matching these incredible cuisines with unique wines, craft beer and spirits round out an evening celebrating the best of food and drink. Get
tickets at
Camps ‘R’ Us Syosset Open House Camps ‘R’ Us is an accredited, award-winning and affordable summer day camp for children ages 3 and up. The programs and activities feature sports, arts & crafts, gaming, dance, STEAM, swimming, special events, field trips and more. Join the camp directors for a fun, informative open house at the Syosset Campus at St. Edward Confessor School, 2 Teibrook Ave. in Syosset. The upcoming camp season will be discussed, and there will be a tour of the facilities and questions will be answered. General information session begins on the hour at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. followed by a tour of the campus and a Q&A with the Camp Director.
Distinguished Artists: Penny Lane
As part of the Distinguished Artists Series from the Town of Oyster Bay, Penny Lane will be performing the music of the Beatles at Jericho Public Library, 1 Merry Lane, at 2 p.m. All are welcome, but free tickets are required. Tickets are available
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at the library. For more information, call Jericho Public Library at 516-935-6790.
Purim at the Circus
There will be a circus at North Shore Synagogue at 10:30 a.m., with a Purim Spiel at 9:45 a.m. There will be carnival games, inflatables, arts and crafts, sport activities, raffle baskets and great prizes. Get a POP bracelet at $25, or $20 for a nursery POP bracelet. There’s a combo pack with 1 POP bracelet, three food tickets and three raffle tickets for $30. Go to for more information. All proceeds will go to the Youth Scholarship Fund.
Mario’s Retro Arcade Night March 10 (MAR10) is Mario Day! The Syosset Public Library, 225 S Oyster Bay, is celebrating Nintendo’s favorite plumber with an evening of retro arcade and video games on the main level. Whether you’re an adult who grew up with the original NES system, or just a fan of retro games, drop in and get your game on. Costumes are welcome. This event will run from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Gala Celebration
Join the Midway Jewish Center, 330 South
Oyster Bay Road in Syosset, at 7:30 p.m. for a Gala Celebration honoring Toby and Harvey Gordon and Teri, Jay and Grant Fields. Tickets are available at
Distinguished Artists: The Tribunes
As part of the Distinguished Artists Series from the Town of Oyster Bay, The Tribunes will be playing at the Syosset Public Library, 225 S Oyster Bay Road, at 1 p.m. The Tribunes perform authentic street corner harmony, performing music from the ‘50s and ‘60s. Registration is required, visit syosset.
The Lindy Loo Classic 2023
The Lindy Loo Foundation is delighted to invite you to the 2023 Lindy Loo Classic at AMF Bowling, 111 Eileen Way, Syosset at 1:30 p.m. Come on down to the lanes to celebrate the beautiful life of Linda Cunningham and help support the continued mission to improve the social lives of people with intellectual and development disabilities living in the greater New York Metropolitan area. Check out the website,, to see the amazing work that The Foundation has been able to accomplish despite our three year in-person event hiatus. The foundation simply would not be able to carry out our mission without your unending support and it means the world to the foundation to celebrate with you again this year.
MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 8 We’re not just your local newspaper, we’re a member of your community Woodbury, Brookville, Old Brookville, Muttontown 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 • 516-747-8282 • Fresh content delivered to your mailbox each week! Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classi eds Order online: or CALL 516-403-5120 TODAY! Don’t Miss a Single Issue! Also Serving Woodbury, Brookville, Old Brookville and Muttontown An Anton Media Group Publica Vol.88,No.33April12,2022 FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Jericho Now: Jericho School District updates SMART boards (See page 4) Neighbors In The News: Race Hub learning facility welcomed in Syosset (See page 6) Calendar: View upcoming events (See page 8) TERMITES? We Can Knock Them Out! services only. Special O Only $100 DISCOUNT* 800-244-7378 INSIDE Springtime! golf locations on Long Island. Springtime GOLF ON SpringBackyard Pickleball Rapidly growing sport becomes luxury amenity (See Page 3) Michael Pascullo The Pascullo-Salegna Team Pinnacle Award Recipient, 2016-2021* Love Where You Live Use PROMO CODE 1YXT2022 to add a FREE YEAR! Only $2600 for one year & Bigforchanges the SAT Sail away with me Hofstra re-openingcamp Children For A Bright Future Serving . . . GUIDEWINTERANANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIALDINING Valentine takeoutoptions Crockpot comfort food Local bakers conquercoffee cake market christenings,communions,graduations,anniversaries,engagement banquet people SpecialOccasion Packages NowAcceptingReservationsValentine’sDay MEDICINE PROFILES IN CHILDREN’S AN MEDIA SPECIAL FEBRUARY 2022 Suite New 516.627.5113 christenings,anniversaries,engagement NowAcceptingPLUS! 45 + SPECIALTHEMED SUPPLEMENTS TOO! (Nassau County Delivery Only)
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Friday, March 17 (Getty Images)
Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg is a board certified plastic surgeon who specializes in cosmetic surgery. He has offices in Woodbury, Southampton and Manhattan. For a complimentary consultation, call 516-364-4200 if you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at, or visit the web at
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Moriches Field Brewing Company received $18,750 to revitalize an empty downtown space. (Cheers to that.)
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Long Island Cannabis Conversations
Part I: Colonial Traces, From Hempstead to the Hamptons
and 1800s.”
As New York State continues pushing forward into an era where cannabis will be a legal, taxed part of our economy, it’s important to know some of the history of this plant that humans have cultivated for likely tens of thousands of years.
Here on Long Island, where traces of this history remain in the form of street signs, town names, and some local laws, it may be doubly important to keep an eye on our past if we hope to build an equitable, sustainable cannabis industry.
In short, humans and cannabis have for thousands of years demonstrated what is known as mutualistic coevolution, meaning that our two species have profited and excelled by sticking together. As we have benefited from the cannabis plant’s nutrition (e.g. proteins and oils), its fibers (e.g. in cords and cloth), and its medicinal uses (e.g. anti-inflammatory, psychoactive, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties, just to name a few), so has the plant known as cannabis sativa (whose modern cultivars include the “Sativa” and “Indica” plants we smoke, as well as low-THC hemp) prospered by being intentionally transported and grown around the globe.
The exact etymology of the word “cannabis” is still under dispute, but what’s clear is that cultures around the world have given names to this plant, sometimes known as hemp — also spelled, in various parts of the European continent, as “hennep” or “hamp.”
By the time Europeans started arriving in present-day Long Island, most societies and cultures around the world had a substantial appreciation for cannabis, including European royals, doctors, scientists, and military figures.
In the second half of the last millenium, in fact, cannabis played a large role in both pre-U.S. and early U.S. history.
Given the plant’s utility, European colonists were keen to start growing it in “the New World,” and did so up and down the East Coast. Along with tobacco and cotton, it was also one of the major crops which kidnapped and enslaved people of African descent (and, in some cases, Indigenous Americans) were forced to grow on plantations. It’s well known, for example, that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were both proponents of the plant, and cultivated personal crops of it on their own plantations using slave labor.
In 1600s and 1700s, when ships roamed the seas seeking precious cargos in whatever form, cannabis was particularly seen as a major resource because it provided strong fibers used for cloth, such as ships’ sails, and for rope, i.e. the rigging that held ships’ sails in place.
And so it was, centuries before New York State would be nicknamed the “Hempire State” because of its pro-hemp farming regulations, that Long Island became one of the major sources for rope in the colonized world.
Many aspects of the exact history of hemp-growing on Long Island remain unclear, as records of agricultural production as well as slave-owning operations in our region are sparse.
What is clear, however, is that hemp was grown abundantly for at least 100 years by European colonists (and the laborers they enslaved, or in some cases paid) up and down Long Island. For one thing, well-known place names establish the connection: in Nassau County, we have Hempstead, which means “hemp farm;” to the east, in Suffolk County, we have the Hamptons, or “hemp towns.”
“That whole area of Long Island was called the Hamptons, and ‘hamp’ is the Northern European word for ‘hemp,’” explained entrepreneur and author John Roulac in an interview with Anton Media Group. “Essentially, Long Island was the provider of hemp for making ropes and sails for the shipping industry in the 1700s
“Basically, with the advent of steam power, hemp was no longer a significant crop after, say, the 1870s,” Roulac said. In the early 20th century, the burgeoning U.S. pharmaceutical industry also identified cannabis as a threat, in a word (among other things, which future parts of this series will discuss), and the nation’s enthusiasm for hemp dropped from a boil to a simmer.
Looking back at the region’s history, it’s also clear that these vital hemp crops on colonial-era Long Island were being grown, at least in part, by enslaved persons of African descent.
According to Hofstra University’s previous “Slavery on Long Island” exhibit: “After the English took over New Netherlands (changing the name to New York) in 1664, the colony became more deeply involved with the importation of slaves via the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and from the Caribbean. In order to satisfy labor demands in their colonies, the English actively sought to step up their efforts to transform African men, women, and children into chattel property.”
“The Census and tax data from the late 17th century indicates that approximately two out of five households in Queens and Suffolk counties included one or more slaves,” Hofstra researchers found. “By the mid-18th century, an internal slave trade was the predominant method of exchanging and acquiring slaves on Long Island, and it greatly contributed to the seven-fold increase in the number of slaves by the early 19th century.”
And while historical records do indicate clearly that this was going on, Long Island has comparatively few records of the transactions themselves. As researchers noted: “Unlike New York City, with its public forums [and slave market/s], the buying and selling of slaves on the Island was typically a private matter during this time.”
Despite slave-owners’ bookkeeping issues, however, some researchers have been able to create a timeline of that era on the Island, and even to trace back family lines of people now living on Long Island whose ancestors were brought there by force.
The Plain Sight Project, for one, has tracked down records of hundreds of slaves who lived mostly on Eastern Long Island, from Sag Harbor to East Hampton. Meanwhile, as our next installment of “Long Island Cannabis Conversations” will explore, some of the people who’ve been in this same region since long before European colonists arrived are now poised to carry this plant, and its potential for equity and positive change, into a new era.
A hemp stalk cut open to reveal the fibrous stem within. (Public domain)
A painting of the Constitution, a.k.a. Old Ironsides, c. 1803–04, attributed to Michel Felice Corné (1752–1845). (Public domain)
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236326 M
State Education Department Proposes Indigenous Culture And Language Studies Certification For Teachers
Certification Would Support Preservation of Indigenous Cultures and Languages
60-Day Public Comment Period Through May 1
The New York State Education Department today proposed the creation of the Indigenous Culture and Language Studies (All Grades) certificate for teachers, Commissioner Betty A. Rosa announced. If established, the new certification area would increase the capacity and number of teachers who can teach indigenous cultures and languages while increasing the awareness, knowledge, and appreciation for indigenous peoples. The Department will accept public comment on the proposal through May 1 and is conducting ongoing consultation with Indigenous Nations regarding these proposed regulations. This past month, the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Newsletter said, “[i] t is a shared goal with the NYSED to create tenured teaching positions for Indigenous language instructors in public schools across the State.”
Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. said, “Learning and preserving New York’s Indigenous languages are critical to recognizing the rich tapestry of our diverse state and acknowledging the importance of sustaining indigenous cultures both within and outside the Nations. Diversity is a tenet of the mission of the Board of Regents to create and sustain nurturing and engaging learning environments for all students.”
Commissioner Rosa said, “All voices must be heard, respected, and considered. By expanding opportunities for teachers, we are advancing access to educational excellence and equity for all students. Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education, such as learning about indigenous languages and cultures, affirms cultural identities, develops students’ abilities to connect across lines of difference, and elevates historically marginalized voices.”
Currently, individuals who would like to teach an indigenous language in New York State public schools can obtain a permit. Although a permit authorizes an individual to teach in public schools, it is not equivalent to a teaching certificate.
Teachers who hold a certificate demonstrate their content, pedagogical knowledge, and skills through the certification process and may be eligible for tenure in a school district. Additionally, the Professional teaching certificate is continuously valid, while individuals who hold a permit would need to apply to renew their permit every five years after their first twoyear permit. Having both the permit and proposed new certificate as options would allow permit holders to continue practicing in the classroom while also attracting new teachers into this area.
More information on the proposed regulatory changes to establish the Indigenous Culture and Language Studies (All Grades) certificate and the registration requirements for teacher preparation programs leading to this certificate may be found
in the Item {link} and presentation {link} discussed by the Board of Regents today.
Following the 60-day public comment period required under the State Administrative Procedure Act, it is anticipated that the proposed amendment will
be presented to the Board of Regents for adoption at its June 2023 meeting. Public comments may be submitted via email to
—Submitted by the New York State Board of Education
FCA Offers Free Help With Medicare Enrollment
Recent changes make coverage even more affordable
Enrolling in Medicare can be confusing. Family and Children’s Association’s (FCA) Free Nassau County Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) can help with enrollment guidance by phone.
The Open Enrollment season for people who are currently enrolled in Medicare ended December 7, 2022, but there is another potential opportunity to switch Medicare health plans for those currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO or PPO).
The additional Open Enrollment season runs from January 1 through March 31, with any changes effective the first day of the month following enrollment. There is also the opportunity to drop your Medicare Advantage Plan and return to traditional Medicare during this time, although you would also need to sign up for a Medicare drug plan. If you find that the plan in which you are currently enrolled does not work for you, this added flexibility can help you find a new plan that better suits your needs.
Please note, that if you were not currently enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you cannot sign up for one at this time. The current enrollment period only allows people to switch or drop a plan.
Income Limit Increase Helps More People
The Medicare Savings Program has dramatically increased the income limits for eligibility. This program can help pay your Medicare Part B premium and can dramatically lower your drug costs. If you were previously found to be ineligible for this program, you should call Family and Children’s Association’s (FCA) Nassau County Health Insurance Information Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP) office to see if you are now eligible.
Medicare coverage can be confusing
Barry Kiltsburg
for the uninitiated, as there are various options. Choosing the right plan for you requires careful consideration. If you need help understanding or choosing a plan, FCA can help guide you through the process with free help by calling 516-485-3754.
There are four basic parts of Medicare: Hospital Insurance (Part A) covers you as an inpatient in a hospital or skilled nursing or rehabilitation facility, or for skilled home care after a hospitalization. Medicare Part A also can cover hospice care if you have a terminal illness. For most people Medicare Part A is premium free.
Medicare Medical Insurance (Part B) covers physician and other outpatient services. These services include doctor visits, hospital outpatient services, lab tests; physical, speech or occupational
therapy; and durable medical equipment for use in the home. The standard Part B premium amount in 2022 is $164.90. Most people pay the standard Part B premium amount. If your modified adjusted gross income as reported on your IRS tax return from 2 years ago is above a certain amount, you’ll pay the standard premium amount and an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA). IRMAA is an extra charge added to your premium. Medicare Part C You may opt for Medicare Advantage plans instead of Part B. Medicare are managed care plans including Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs). These plans generally have a network of providers. In an HMO you must use providers in that network. If you join a PPO, you can go out of the network, but you will have a higher copayment for out of network services. Medicare Advantage plans generally cover prescription drugs, otherwise covered by Medicare Part D, and frequently cover non-Medicare services such as vision, dental and hearing services.
Medicare Part D is prescription coverage. There are 19 drug plans in New York State. These plans vary in premium cost and formularies.
There are Medicare supplement plans known as Medigap. These are standardized plans that can fill most of the Medicare gaps such as deductibles and co-insurance.
For more information about these changes to Medicare and for any other information pertaining to your health benefits, you can call our office at 516485-3754 and a trained counselor will assist you.
—Submitted by Barry Klitsberg, Nassau County Medicare Counselor, FCA
(Photo submitted by Family and Children’s Association)
Customized advice that changes with your
Everyone has different financial goals and priorities, and they change and grow as you do. That’s why it’s important for me to get to know you and understand what you’re working toward. Together, we can create a personalized financial plan that fits your needs today and helps you build the tomorrow you deserve.
J. Laliberte, CRPC® Financial Advisor
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The 2023 Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Teams list is developed by SHOOK Research and is created using an algorithm that includes both qualitative (in-person, virtual and
5 Things You Might Be Surprised to Learn About Insurance
How con dent are you about the insurance strategies you have in place to protect against an unexpected turn in your life? Do you feel like you have a clear handle on how to manage your insurance needs effectively?
Before you answer, here are ve aspects of insurance coverage that may surprise you:
1. Even a stay-at-home spouse may need life insurance. We tend to think of insurance as something to replace income that would be lost if a person dies. But household contributions aren’t limited to take-home pay. For example, a stay-at-home spouse might ful l a role – such as childcare and housekeeping - that would be expensive to replicate if they were no longer around. Think about the nancial impact the loss of him or her would have on the overall budget and expenses of the household. An appropriate life insurance policy can help mitigate that burden at a time when mourning families have plenty of other worries and stressors on their minds.
2. Single people should be protected, too.
Assuming you have no dependents, there may be no obvious reason to have life insurance in place. But if you pass away unexpectedly, you may still leave behind some expenses, such as funeral costs. Also, if you carry debts that outstrip your assets, family members may have to assume responsibility for them. One more consideration is that life insurance may be more attainable and economical if you buy it when you’re younger and healthy.
3. You may want to insure the lives of children.
How would your life be affected if your child passed away? Would it impact your ability, at least for a time, to carry on with work and other aspects of your life? While it’s a terrible prospect to have to contemplate, it is a possibility for which you may want some nancial protection. Life insurance for a young healthy, person can be very cost effective in most cases.
4. Too many people risk being underinsured, especially women. According to a 2021 study by LIMRA and Life Happens, survey
by the Life Insurance and Market Research Association, just 47% of women have life insurance coverage in place compared to 58% of men1. In most cases today, the need for insurance coverage is generally equal regardless of gender.
5. Disability coverage may be even more important than life insurance.
Suffering a disabling injury or illness that sidelines you from work can have a dramatic impact on your income. Most people make life insurance a priority, but for those who do not, the result is bills that risk going unpaid and nancial goals unmet.
According to the Social Security Administration, more than one in four Americans age 20 or older will become disabled before retirement age2. The risk is greater than you think.
Reviewing your protection needs is an important part of the nancial planning process. Talk to your nancial advisor if you have any concerns about your own coverage.
Michael J. Laliberte, CRPC® is a Financial Advisor with Andriola, Goldberg & Associates a private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. He offers fee-based nancial planning and asset management strategies and has been in practice for 12 years.
To contact him, Michael.j.laliberte
401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 101 Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 345-2600
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Andriola, Goldberg & Associates A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC 516.345.2600 401
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2023 Forbes Best-in-State Wealth Management Team Michael
telephone due diligence meetings; client impact; industry experience; review of best practices and compliance records; and firm nominations) and quantitative (assets under management and revenue generated for their firms) data. Certain awards include a demographic component to qualify. Investment performance is not a criterion because client objectives and risk tolerances vary, and advisors rarely have audited performance reports. This ranking is based on the opinions of SHOOK Research, LLC, is not indicative of future performance or representative of any one client’s experience and is based on data from the previous calendar year. Forbes magazine and SHOOK Research do not receive compensation in exchange for placement on the ranking. For more information: SHOOK is a registered trademark of SHOOK Research, LLC. Investment advisory products and services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC, a registered investment adviser. Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC. © 2023 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. 1 2
Treasurer Of The Sierra Madre?
Following FEC insistence, Santos announces new campaign finance head
acing a perilous quest for riches, a fictitious but wise man once said, “Ah, as long as there’s no find, the noble brotherhood will last, but when the piles of gold begin to grow... that’s when the trouble starts.”
In this case, Howard, as portrayed by Walter Huston in the 1948 film adaptation of the novel The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, was talking about his fellow gold-diggers and the treacherous cost of achieving wealth in the 1920s southwest.
But he could have been talking about the tribulations of U.S. Representative George Santos a hundred years later over on the east coast — that is, depending on how the rest of this story plays out, and how much more digging we see.
To wit, the biggest Santos news we’re aware of this week is the appointment of a new campaign treasurer for the congressman, a situation which probably sounds a lot simpler than it is.
In mid-February, the Federal Election
Comission sent a letter to Rep. Santos demanding that he appoint a new treasurer to oversee his campaign finances within a month; in prior weeks, Santos’ relatively longtime treasurer Nancy Marks, a veteran GOP finance operator, resigned from the post, then Santos said that another person was his treasurer, who swiftly denied that they held the post.
After the legal 10-day deadline to
appoint a new treasurer for Santos’ reelection campaign (which may or may not be happening, officially) had more than passed, the FEC told Santos he had one more month to appoint a new treasurer, or risk having the campaign’s accounts frozen; a week later, in late February, an FEC filing for the campaign named Andrew Olson of Elmhurst, listed at Santos’ own prior address, as his new campaign ‘money guy.’ Tim Balk reported for the New York Daily News the next day that Santos’ lawyer had “declined to confirm whether Olson was the new treasurer.”
If it’s true, Olson is likely to have an exciting road ahead, whether or not it ultimately leads to lucre.
Lee Brown reported for the New York Post on February 16, “Disgraced Long Island Rep. George Santos is reportedly set on running for re-election in 2024 — even as outraged locals marched on his district office Wednesday again, demanding his ouster over his lies. Fellow New York Rep. Richie Torres confirmed reports that ‘Santos is telling advisors that he wishes to serve a 2nd term, despite previously promising that he wouldn’t run for reelection.’”
Other Recent Highlights:
• In an hour-long filmed interview, Rep. Santos told semi-disgraced British news personality Piers Morgan that he is “just a regular person” who makes mistakes, and also that he was surprised he got caught: “I ran in 2020 for the same exact seat for Congress and I got away with it then.”
• Video footage from the House of Representatives was used in a viral parody by the well-known humor account Bad Lip Reading, in which Santos gets several solid nods, including the voicedover claim, “I also invented ‘movie date night.’ It’s not a big deal.”
• As Jessica Piper reported for Politico on Feb. 22, “One of George Santos’ first acts as a candidate for Congress in 2019, according to his campaign finance filings, was making a series of four-figure donations from his campaign to a pair of local Republican groups and President Donald Trump’s reelection committee. But according to those groups’ own filings, the contributions were never received — and may not have been donated.”
The official portrait of U.S. Representative George Santos (R, NY-03). (Public domain) COLORECTAL CANCER IS SERIOUS. AND SO ARE WE.
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Happy Anniversary, Nassau Inter-County Express Bus Service
January 2023 marks the eleventh anniversary for Nassau Inter County Express Bus . Thousands of Nassau County residents ride NICE Bus to jobs, schools and other destinations in Queens. Many transfer to the NYC Transit subway at Flushing, Jamaica or Far Rockaway stations. Thousands of Queens residents travel via NICE bus to jobs, schools, medical appointments and other destinations in Nassau County. The viability of NICE benefits everyone. To understand the origins of how we got here, you must go back in time to the early 1970’s. Prior to NICE, bus service in Nassau County was operated under Long Island Bus and Metropolitan Suburban Bus Authority. In 1973, Nassau County purchased equipment, routes and some facilities from numerous private bus operators most of whom were experiencing serious financial difficulties. These private bus operators included Bee Line, Rockville Center Bus Corporation, Utility Lines, Stage Coach Lines, Schenck Transportation, Inc., Nassau Bus Line, Hempstead Bus Corporation, Jerusalem Avenue Bus Lines, Universal Auto Bus, Roosevelt Bus Lines, Stage Coach Lines, Hendrickson Bus Corporation and others. Their respective fare box income was insufficient to cover current day to day operating expenses. They lacked the funding to purchase new replacement buses, along with upgrading out of date maintenance and operating bus garages. Nassau County followed up that same
Larry Penner
year by entering into a lease and operating agreement with the MTA to continue providing local bus service. This resulted in creation of the Metropolitan Suburban Bus Authority. Years later, MSBA was followed by Long Island Bus and on January 1, 2012 Nassau Inter County Express. Most of the same routes operated by MSBA, LI Bus and NICE Bus today can be traced back to the various private bus operators.
It is a four-way dance between fares paid by riders along with funding provided by Nassau County, the State and the Federal government in financing public bus transportation operated by NICE. They operate a fleet of 280 buses out of the Mitchel Field bus garage. NICE also operates a fleet of 122 Able Ride paratransit vehicles out of the Stewart Avenue facility. Both facilities were constructed by federal capital grants with local matching funds provided by Nassau
County and the State Department of Transportation. It was the same funding sources for both construction of the Hempstead Multi-Modal Bus Terminal, Mineola Intermodal Bus Terminal/Commuter Parking Garage and Rockville Centre Bus Garage which was removed from active transit service in 2017. All five of these investments combined cost over $100 million. In today’s dollars, it would be far higher.
Over time, there have been other capital investments, including replacement buses, compressed natural gas fueling stations, facility modifications to accommodate CNG buses inside garages, new fare collection equipment, automatic vehicle locator equipment, real time communications systems to notify riders for anticipated arrival of the next bus, shelters, bus stop signs and other support equipment necessary to run the system. Just like a homeowner, what is new today requires constant maintenance, periodic upgrades and eventual replacement years later. Capital physical assets of any bus system (including revenue vehicles along with bus facility components such as HVAC, bus washers, paint booths, engine shops, bays, pits, lifts, doors, fueling stations, lighting, security systems and many others) eventually reach the end of their useful life. Significant changes in technology also require replacement of outdated equipment.
It has been 50 years, since Nassau County took control of all bus routes from private operators.
Over that time period, Nassau County, Albany and Washington have combined invested over $800 million in capital improvements. Operating subsidy dollars easily top over $1.5 billion.
NICE services continue to be one of the best bargains around. Since the 1950s, the average cost of riding a bus in Nassau County has gone up at a lower rate than either the consumer price index or inflation. The Metro Card introduced in 1996 affords a free transfer between NICE bus and the NYC Transit bus or subway. Prior to this, riders had to pay two full fares. Purchasing either a weekly or monthly pass further reduces the cost per ride. Many employers offer transit checks, which pay even more of the costs.
TANSTAFL - There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, or in this case, bus ride. NICE services continue to be one of the best bargains around.
(Larry Penner is a transportation advocate, historian and writer who previously served as a former Director for the Federal Transit Administration Region 2 New York Office of Operations and Program Management. This included the development, review, approval and oversight for billions in capital projects and programs for NJ Transit, New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, NYC Transit bus, subway and Staten Island Railway, Long Island and Metro North Rail Roads, MTA Bus, Nassau County NICE Bus along with 30 other transit agencies in NY & NJ.).
The Reframe: Shifting the Way in Which You View a Behavior Can Enhance Your Relationship
According to Dr. John Gottman, famed relationship researcher, approximately 69 percent of the problems that couples face are perpetual problems. This means that couples will have unsolvable problems that will recur throughout their relationship. For each couple, this issue is different, such as the influence of in-laws on the decisions the couple makes, different levels of cleanliness in the home, difficulties with work/life balance, etc.
Take for example, hypothetical couple Jessica and Steve, who have been married for four years and living together for three. They have very different views when it comes to cleanliness in the home and household chores. Steve wants the house to be pristine before
Marisa T. Cohen, PhD
inviting any company over, while Jessica is not bothered by piles of clothing on the floor or towers of dishes in the sink. They have attempted to reach a compromise in the past and have also come up with solutions such as maintaining
separate to do lists. Their solutions have helped them avoid huge blow outs, but they still have different thresholds for tidiness, which can get on one another’s nerves. Rather than wracking their brains trying to come up with new solutions, they should acknowledge that they have different views when it comes to household chores such as cleaning. Additionally, they should recognize that this is something that is likely to come up throughout their relationship. By accepting that this is a perpetual problem, they are letting go of the tendency to blame one another, and instead acknowledge that they just don’t see eye to eye. One person is not right, one person is not wrong, they each have their own views.
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Cue the Reframe
Reframing is a technique that can shift your mindset so that you can view a person or situation from a different perspective. For example, if a person at work is shouting their opinions during a meeting, instead of thinking of them as an aggressive coworker, you can reframe and view the coworker as a passionate person.
By reframing how we think about our partners, specifically when it comes to dealing with perpetual problems, we alter our cognitions, which can change our feelings and lead to a softer exchange. This prevents partners from approaching conflict with hostility and ensures that they discuss issues with kindness. This makes it more likely that
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Behind the Mask of Purim
In a few days, Jewish people around the world will parade through streets and synagogues dressed as the brave Queen Esther and the wise Mordechai. Dressing in costume is exciting. When we change our outward appearance, we feel different; through the eyes of a mask, we experience a new way of looking at the world.
Everyone loves Purim because it is a day filled with lighthearted fun. But beneath the masquerades, there is a serious message: the remembrance of a time of great danger, and of a wicked man who tried to utterly destroy the Jewish people.
We can see these timely themes woven throughout the Bible. The Almighty commands Moses to make holy garments for his brother Aharon, the Kohen Gadol (High Priest). We read a detailed description of the clothing worn by Aharon and by the other Kohanim—clothes that clearly set them apart from ordinary people and marked the sanctity of their position.
The Kohen’s elegant robe and bejeweled breastplate were not only beautiful, but also inspirational, and fitting for someone whose
role was to elevate the Jewish nation in the eyes of The Almighty. According to Maimonides, the priestly garments were meant to elicit respect for the worthiness of the Kohen as a holy vehicle. His majestic attire would motivate each Jew to connect with the Almighty.
On Purim we are commanded to remember how the Biblical Haman and others sought to destroy us. We’ve all heard the expression, “Clothes make the man”—and to a large extent, it’s true. The clothing of the Kohanim is an excellent example. Of course, focusing on clothing for superficial reasons can
become excessive, but when used for the purpose of holiness, and worn with dignity and modesty, clothes are symbolically elevating. Self-respecting clothing raises our image in the eyes of others. They encourage us and those around us to live according to higher ideals. What we wear on the outside affects how we speak, behave, and think.
Clothes can also convey a sense of history and give us a sociological context. Some of our grandparents and great-grandparents arrived in America in tattered clothes; generations later, our closets burst with designer clothing. Interestingly, the Jewish Museum is currently displaying an exhibit tracing the history of fashion trends in America. It details how Jews, through their contributions to the garment industry, helped shaped and influence the American fashion ideal.
But attractive exhibits may gloss over the less-than-glamorous realities of the past. Carefully curated displays of sepia-toned photographs show us an old-fashioned world through rose-colored
glasses. A trip down memory lane makes us sentimental. But if the past also brings us painful memories—as history certainly does— why look back? Indeed, why bother remembering Amalek, an evil force bent on Jewish annihilation? Why not focus on the positive and move forward? However, The Almighty commands us “not to forget Amalek” for our own good. Parshat Zachor reminds us that Amalek still exists in the world even today, and we should stay alert. Jewish survival depends on remembering our past. Surely in this way we can preserve our future.
partners will work together as a team rather than see one another as adversaries.
So, let’s go back to Jessica and Steve. Steve may want to reframe the situation in the following way:
“Jessica is messy.” turns into “Jessica is working so hard, that she sometimes forgets to clean up after herself.”
Jessica may want to reframe her view of Steve in the following way:
This Purim, as Megillat Esther is read, we will drown out the name of the evil Haman. And when we hear the story of Esther’s transformation from a simple Jewish girl to a beautiful queen who dressed in royal gowns to win the favor of the king, we are reminded that each of us is like royalty, since we are all children of our Creator. Each of us is like a Kohen; we are called “a nation of priests.” When we see ourselves this way, we elevate our people in the eyes of the world, so that we can look forward to a time of true freedom and peace for all humankind.
“Steve is so rigid when it comes to cleaning.” becomes “Steve wants to keep a clean and comfortable home for us.”
By slightly altering the way in which you think about your partner or the situation, you open the possibility of interacting with one another with greater care. Additionally, your perpetual problems may not seem as serious or as insurmountable.
Stay on track this school year.
Give your student the tools they need to succeed this school year. Hofstra Youth Academy offers over 30 classes taught by New York State certified teachers and/ or professionals in the different areas. Students in grades K-12 can choose from academics, fine and studio arts, athletics, enrichment, video game development, and more. Academic courses follow the appropriate grade level New York State Standards and Curriculum for the different subject areas and serve as enrichment courses for students who may struggle academically in certain areas.
There’s still time to register!
Spring classes begin Saturday, March 4.
For more information or to register, visit or contact us at 516-463-7400
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Long Island Startup Featured On Reality Show
Garrett Guttenberg and Eric Stroud started a company based in Long Beach called Seaview Adjusting Group, which helps home and business owners navigate insurance claims. And the pair took part in a reality show called The Blox, a show that houses entrepreneurs together as they go through several challenges putting their entrepreneurial skills to the test.
It can be watched for free on Google Play, the App Store and on an original, free app called The Blox. This app does much more than just allow for binging of the show, it has resources for entrepreneurs, meditations, music that can help put you in the workzone and more.
According to news-website, Heavy, MTV star Wes Bergmann, an entrepreneur himself, is the man behind the show. He started in a competitive reality show called The Challenge. And he wanted to create a reality show of his own.
The format is similar to that of The Champion. The entrepreneurs face off in “start-up games” and are judged by up and coming celebrities. Bergmann told Heavy that he was proud of the impact the show had on the contestants, changing their lives in a short period of time.
Guttenberg said he found out about the show through an advertisement when he was scrolling through social media. Taking a leap of faith, he decided to apply to be on season 5.
“The TV show is the largest, live startup competition,” Guttenberg said. “It’s a
combination of a docu-series and a competitive reality TV show. We were basically put through his ‘startup accelerator’, as he called it. We’d sit through a class each day, which was all recorded, on the different topics... And there was competitions throughout the show that stemmed from the topics from each day, and then you’d be broken out into different rooms with judges. All these judges were from different multi-million dollar companies and start ups and such. They’d basically just rank your presentation based on the challenge.”
Topics focused on in the show included utilizing technology, copy-writing and design, search engine optimization, branding and storytelling, early-state fundraising and deal structures and more.
“The coolest thing was I’ve never been in a room with so many like-minded people,” Guttenberg said. “They’re all people who left different fields and had a dream and a vision and basically sacrificed everything to start their own company. Some of them were very new to business. Some of them had been running their company for years.”
And being on a reality show was an experience in itself. Guttenberg said they would shoot from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and he’d forget the cameras were even there. He had to stay in Kansas for a week to film the show, leaving behind his family, including two young sons. Being away from his family was the hardest challenge of the show, as well as not having much down time to call his family and run his business.
“I went into the whole competition really expecting nothing,” Guttenberg said. “But I was super happy that we did that. We left with a lot of valuable information on how to grow the business.”
Guttenberg and Stroud started Seaview Adjusting Group in 2020 to assist home
owners and property owners with their insurance claims against the insurance carriers. They handle the claim, they negotiate with the insurance company and they make sure the home or property owners are getting paid adequately in order to re-build after a fire, water damage from a pipe break or flood, or any other factors that can damage a home.
“I’ve been in insurance since I graduated law school in 2012,” Guttenberg. “I write flood insurance, homeowners and business on the brokers side. In 2019, I had a fire at my house in Oceanside and we lost the house and we lost everything to the fire. I brought in public adjusters who I’ve heard of... Long story short, I wasn’t happy with the job they did and that meant I knew more about the insurance policies, coverage... I ended firing those guys and I took the claim from that point to the end by myself. And I realized there was a need for more people in the public adjusters.”
Since starting the business, they’ve helped home and property owners on Long Island, in New York City and in Westchester with their claims.
Long Islanders were featured on the reality show, The Blox.
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(Photo courtesy The Blox)
REPURPOSING YOUR BACKYARD Replace those old windows
DIY firepit…finally
238872 M
2B MARCH 1 – 7, 2023 • HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE 238336 M MAKE ROOM FOR ALL OF YOU CALIFORNIACLOSETS.COM CALL OR VISIT US ONLINE TODAY TO SCHEDULE YOUR COMPLIMENTARY DESIGN CONSULTATION GREENVALE 25 NORTHERN BLVD 516.334.0077 CONNECTICUT 565 WESTPORT AVE, NORWALK 203.924.8444 @caliclosetsnyc ©2023 California Closet Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Franchises independently owned and operated. CT HIC #0657205 NY146_Anton_News_MakeRm_GroveWI_10x11.5_0223.indd 1 2/10/23 9:10 AM
Backyarding Has A Purpose
Identify your backyard’s purpose, then build the yard of your dreams
Backyarding—the trend to use the backyard for everything from tele-working and working out to relaxing and recreating—has a di erent purpose for each of us. Identifying your backyard’s role in your family’s health and happiness is the key to cultivating a purposeful outdoor space that is customized to your needs.
“How do you a create a more purposeful outdoor space? First, you need to identify what type of ‘backyarder’ you are,” explained Kris Kiser, president and CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute and the TurfMutt Foundation. “Then, you can get to work in your yard with that idea in mind.”
Here are just a few of the backyarding personality types. Which one are you?
Your yard makes neighbors green with envy. You know how to maintain a healthy living landscape all year long, and you have the latest outdoor power equipment to make even big jobs easier. You put the right plant in the right place, so your green space is always thriving.
Outdoor athlete
Forget basement workouts—you have an outdoor gym and exercise space that makes the neighborhood running club want to pit stop at your house. Your yard is the ideal place to stay active and inspire others to work out, too.
Work From Home Pro
Your work from home means nature is your background, and there’s no lag on the living landscape. The birds, squirrels and, yes, the dog your co-workers see on conference calls are all real. All you need is strong WiFi, your nicest sweatpants, and a jacket for chilly morning meetings, and you’re ready for work.
Nature Lover
You know that nature starts at your own back door, and understand pollinator support and plant choice. You prefer to spend your free time in the urban habitat of your living landscape, watching the birds, bats, butterflies and other wildlife that count on your yard for food and shelter.
Kid Zone Creator
You know the safest place for young kids is in your own backyard, and you work hard to create an outdoor fun zone they will never want to leave. A flat area of sturdy turfgrass to play sports and pitch a tent? Check. Treehouse? Check. Zipline strung safely between backyard trees? Check. An elevated garden where they can help grow family meals? Check. Natural playscapes, like a patch of sand bordered by rocks and log stump seating? Check. “Fun” is your middle name, and you are winning at this game.
Pet Pamperer
Your focus is on Fido – no one knows your yard better – and you take cues from your four-legged friends about how to purpose your backyard. You’ve planted appropriate turfgrass that can stand up to pet play, and you’ve used soft foliage to create a natural barricade between “off limits” areas and the rest of the lawn. Trees and shrubs are strategically planted for shade, and you’ve even set up a shallow water feature to help your pup cool off on hot days. Planting with
purpose for you means keeping toxic plants out of the picture. (For a complete list, visit ASPCA’s list of non-toxic and toxic plants).
Entertainer Extraordinaire
Your backyard was the neighborhood hot spot long before the pandemic made that trend posh. Family milestones, birthdays, graduations, reunions, socially distanced BBQs – your yard is *the* place to gather. Your yard is set up for success with patio furniture, fire pit, yard games, plenty of outdoor seating, string lights, and maybe
even an outdoor kitchen.
Zen Master
Your yard provides you and your family a place to be still and de-stress. Whether it’s coffee in the morning or yoga in the afternoon, you know that spending time outside is good for your health and well-being, and thanks to your yard these benefits are only steps away.
To learn more about creating the yard of your dreams, visit
—TurfMutt Foundation
Sustainable Landscaping
How homeowners and businesses design the landscape on their property, including plant choices, can result in significant positive benefits on the environment, our water supply and public health.
Go Native
Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions where they naturally occur. These important plant species provide nectar, pollen, and seeds that serve as food for native butterflies, insects, birds, and other animals. Unlike natives, common horticultural plants do not fit the bill. These adaptations bring us several gardening advantages.
Wildlife Viewing
Native plants, birds, butterflies,
beneficial insects, and interesting critters are “made for each other.” Research shows that native wildlife prefers native plants.
Save Water
Once established, many native plants need minimal irrigation beyond normal rainfall.
Low Maintenance
Low maintenance landscaping methods are a natural fit with native plants that are already adapted to the local environment. Look forward to using less water, little to no fertilizer, little to no pesticides, less pruning, and less of your time.
Pesticide Freedom
Native plants have developed their own defenses against many pests and diseases.
Since most pesticides kill indiscriminately, beneficial insects become secondary targets in the fight against pests. Reducing or eliminating pesticide use lets natural pest control take over and keeps garden toxins out of our creeks and watersheds.
Support Local Ecology
As development replaces natural habitats, planting gardens, parks, and roadsides with New York native plants can provide a “bridge” to nearby remaining wildlands. Additional information about gardening with native plants can be found at bookstores, online and at your local library. Your local Soil and Water Conservation District may also be able to provide guidance.
—Department of Environmental Conservation
Sustain ecology with natives. (Christy Hinko)
Update Or Replace Windows
Energy efficient windows are an important consideration for both new and existing homes. Heat gain and heat loss through windows are responsible for 25 to 30 percent of residential heating and cooling energy use. If you are selecting windows for new construction or to replace existing windows, it’s important to choose the most efficient windows you can afford that work best in your climate.
If your existing windows are in good condition, taking steps to reduce the energy loss through windows can make your home more comfortable and save you money on energy bills. You have two broad options if you hope to reduce the amount of energy lost through your windows and improve the comfort of your home. You can replace your windows or you can update them.
Replace Your Windows
If you decide to replace your windows, you will have to make several decisions about the type of windows you purchase and the type of replacement you will make.
You may have the option of replacing the windows in their existing frame; discuss this option with your window retailer and installer to find out if it will work for you.
You will also need to decide what features you want in your windows. You will need to decide on the following:
• Frame types
• Glazing type
• Gas fills and spacers
• Operation types
Update Existing Windows
If your windows are in good condition, taking steps to improve their efficiency may be the most cost-effective option to increase the comfort of your home and save money on energy costs. There are several things you can do to improve the efficiency of your existing windows:
• Check existing windows for air leaks
• Caulk and weatherstrip. Check out our do-ityourself project to learn how to weatherstrip double-hung windows.
• Add window treatments and coverings.
• Add storm windows or panels
• Add solar control film
• Add exterior shading, such as awnings, exterior blinds or overhangs. With any efficiency improvements, take steps to ensure proper installation and check for air leaks after the improvement.
Selection Process
In addition to choosing the window type, you also need to consider design, energy use and labeling, warranties and installation. First look for the ENERGY STAR label when buying new windows. Then review ratings on the energy performance label from the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) to find the most efficient windows.
NFRC ratings are included on all ENERGY STAR certified windows and provide a reliable way to determine a window’s energy properties and compare products.
Selection Tips
• Look for the ENERGY STAR and NFRC labels.
• In colder climates, consider selecting gasfilled windows with low-e coatings to reduce heat loss. In warmer climates, select windows with coatings to reduce heat gain.
• Choose a low U-factor for better thermal resistance in colder climates; the U-factor is the rate at which a window conducts non-solar heat flow.
• Look for a low solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC). SHGC is a measure of solar radiation admitted through a window. Low SHGCs reduce heat gain in warm climates.
• Select windows with both low U-factors and low SHGCs to maximize energy savings in temperate climates with both cold and hot seasons.
• Look for whole-unit U-factors and SHGCs, rather than center-of-glass U-factors and SHGCs. Whole-unit numbers more accurately reflect the energy performance of the entire product.
Even the most energy-efficient window must be properly installed to ensure energy efficiency and comfort. Have your windows installed by trained professionals according to manufacturer’s instructions; otherwise, your warranty may be void.
Window installation varies depending on the type of window, the construction of the house (wood, masonry, etc.), the exterior cladding (wood siding, stucco, brick, etc.), and the type (if any) of weather-restrictive barrier. Windows, flashing, and air sealing should all be installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to perform correctly.
—U.S. Department of Energy
your windows or update them.
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5B HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE • MARCH 1 – 7, 2023 ARE STAIRS A PROBLEM? Fastest Installation Around! Same or Next Day on Most Straight Lifts! Within One Week on Most Curved Stairlifts! Shabbos Modes Available. • Sales • Installation • Service • Repairs We offer preowned curved stairlifts and curved rentals. 516-494-9794 We Will Match or Beat Any Advertised Price! GIVE US A CALL! for more info, vist our website: PINNACLE Rave 2 $2,999 FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 4/30/23. $500 OFF Any Curved Lift FREEDOM STAIRLIFTS Restrictions Apply. With this coupon. Not valid with other o ers. Expires 4/30/23. Restrictions Apply. Plus installation (PRICES VARY) 1ST & 2ND YEAR 10% with a removal fee $195 (Straight) $400 (Curve) 3RD YEAR FREE REMOVAL AND HAUL AWAY WE OFFER A BUY BACK ON ALL STAIRLIFTS 239315 M Restrictions Apply.
How To Build A Fire Pit
Awood-burning fire pit makes a great outdoor gathering place for friends and family. Installing a fire pit is a DIY project that can be configured for your yard’s measurements. This guide teaches you how to build a fire pit using concrete pavers or concrete blocks for a quick, easy backyard upgrade that can be enjoyed in any season.
Select Location and Fire Pit Shape
Whether you are building a fire pit out of stone or concrete pavers or using a fire pit kit, you must select a location that is a safe distance from any structures and low hanging trees.
Consult local building code and homeowner association for any restrictions.
Disclosing your backyard fire pit could be a requirement of your homeowner’s insurance policy. Check with your agent to learn if having a fire pit may affect your coverage.
The style and shape of your fire pit will determine the type of blocks you’ll need to purchase. Fire pits typically measure 3 to 4 feet across.
For a fire pit ring, you need trapezoidal blocks, which are narrower on one side.
This allows the edges to fit snugly together for a circle without creating any gaps.
A square fire pit uses rectangular blocks and can be constructed in a variety of patterns with blocks of different shapes and sizes.
Mark and Prepare the Fire Pit Site
Outline what will be the footprint of the fire pit to mark your work area.
If you are building a circular fire pit in your yard, drive a stake at the center of what will be the fire pit location.
Use marking paint tied to a string to draw a circle around the stake.
The diameter of the circle should be slightly larger than the outside dimensions of the fire pit ring you’re preparing to build.
For a square or rectangle fire pit, temporarily lay out the first layer of concrete blocks for your design on the ground and check the layout for the square. Use a shovel to outline the perimeter and then remove the blocks.
Remove the sod and dirt to a depth of about 7 inches from inside the perimeter that you marked. Keep the excavated area level as you work.
Pack the dirt solidly all the way around with a hand tamper.
If you are building your stone fire pit on top of an existing backyard patio, cement the first layer of blocks onto the patio to prevent shifting.
Build the Fire Pit Gravel Base
Adding gravel on top of the compacted dirt will create a base for your fire pit. Pour a generous amount of crushed gravel paver base into the hole so your finished
base will be approximately 5 inches thick. Wet the gravel thoroughly with a garden hose, and then use the hand tamper to compact it into a hard layer a couple of inches below the surface. Check the base at several points to be sure it is level and make adjustments where necessary.
Lay Out the Fire Pit
Lay out your first layer of blocks on top of the level gravel base. Be sure the sides of the blocks are touching.
the site.
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Place the blocks one-by-one around the perimeter of the hole, pushing them together and using a level to make sure the height stays consistent.
If necessary, add leveling sand beneath low blocks or tap high blocks down with a rubber mallet to keep everything even.
After finishing the first row, check the layer in several places with a long level to be sure the structure is even.
Then, temporarily assemble the second level of blocks, making sure to stagger the joints between rows.
Test-Fit the Fire Pit Bowl
Bowls and insert rings come in several standard sizes, so make sure to choose the right one for the fire pit you’re planning to build.
After you’ve temporarily laid out the second row, test-fit the fire pit bowl to make sure the lip rests fully on the edge. Remove the bowl.
Adjust the positioning of the blocks if needed.
Add Construction Adhesive to the Blocks
Use construction adhesive between the layers of blocks to secure the concrete block pavers as you build the fire pit walls. Remove the second row of blocks that were temporarily placed.
Add beads of construction adhesive to the bottom layer to bond everything in place. Refit the second layer of blocks and continue the process for the third row of blocks. A fire pit typically has three or four rows of blocks. Repeat the test-fitting for each
layer before securing with adhesive. The bowl sits on top and can be removed for easy cleaning.
Tip: Refer to the label on your construction adhesive for the proper curing time. It can take between two and seven days for the material to dry, fully cure and be ready to handle the heat from your DIY firepit.
After you’ve learned how to build a fire pit, you can rent the soil compactor or tamper.
Visit to learn more.
the stones one-by-one around the perimeter. Adhesive secures the pavers. (Photos courtesy of Home Depot)
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Recently Sold
This move-in ready expanded cape at 103 Yorkshire Dr. in the Radcliff Manor section of East Norwich sold on Jan. 18 for $660,000. It has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. The home is on an oversized lot with a lovely backyard, perfect for entertaining. The living and dining rooms are sunlit and have stunning hardwood floors. There is also a spacious sunroom with radiant heat flooring. There are two sizable bedrooms upstairs. The home has a new roof and updated windows. The basement is finished and is a perfect place for recreation, a playroom or a home office. This home is near Vernon School and is in close proximity to shopping, restaurants and historic parks. The home has town beach rights and offers dockage and moorings for additional fees.
Micromobility Injuries On The Rise
E-scooters, e-bikes, and hoverboards have grown in popularity among Americans in recent years, as a way to get to and from work or school, or for fun. A new report recently released by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) finds that emergency room (ER)-treated injuries and deaths with these products are also increasing.
From 2017 to 2021, injuries spiked 127 percent to 77,200 for micromobility devices, and the number of deaths rose from 5 to 48. E-scooters had the highest percentage increase in injuries and accounted for 68 deaths in the same time period. Consumerowned e-scooters accounted for most ER visits (56 percent), but incidents involving rental e-scooter were not far behind (44 percent).
The top hazards in fatalities were incidents with motor vehicles and user-control issues, followed by fires. CPSC recommends these tips to prevent fires with these devices:
• Always be present when charging devices using lithium-ion batteries. Never charge them while sleeping.
• Only use the charger that came with your device.
• Only use an approved replacement battery pack.
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper charging, and unplug the device when done.
This home at 146 Radcliff Dr. in East Norwich that sold on Jan. 19 for $560,000 is perfect for investors who are ready to give this home a little TLC. This lovely cape-style home is large enough for a growing family and has four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It has hardwood floors throughout and has a cedar closet in the upstairs bedroom. This home is on a large piece of property and has plenty of room for a backyard barbecue. It has a quaint patio off the back door. The single car garage has plenty of space. This home is located in the Oyster Bay School District.
• Never use an e-mobility device with a battery pack that has been modified/reworked by unqualified personnel or with re-purposed or used cells
• Never throw lithium batteries into the trash or general recycling. Take them to your local hazardous waste
collection center. Because collisions with motor vehicles and user-control issues are the most common hazards, CPSC urges consumers to:
• Always wear a bicycle helmet.
• Before riding, make sure to check for any damage, which includes examining the handlebars, brakes, throttle, bell, lights, tires, cables and frame.
• See and be seen. Most deaths involve motor vehicles.
• Expect vehicle drivers and pedestrians not to see you; slow down and stay aware of your surroundings.
• Use the bell/horn to alert others.
• Do not make abrupt, unpredictable movements.
• Beware of obstacles. .
• Always keep both hands on the handlebars.
• Slow down and lean back when you have to ride over bumps.
• Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• Only one person per e-scooter.
• Follow all manufacturer directions.
• Report safety incidents or concerns with consumer products to CPSC at Visit to sign up for product recall information.
—U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.
© 2023 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NEW YORK 11746. 631.549.7401. Biagia (Gina) D’Amico Licensed Real Estate Salesperson O 516.365.2252 | M 646.773.2301 Home Is Where Your Story Begins I want to help start your story. 238619 R
Governor’s Proposed Increase To State Aid Is A Real And Refreshing Commitment To Helping Schools
By Regina McLean, President of the Port Washington Teachers Association; John Caulfield, President of the Levittown Teachers Association; and Matthew Adler, President of United Teachers of Seaford, on behalf of representing over 100 Local Teachers Unions across Long Island.
Last week, New York Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled her 2023-24 budget for the state, which includes a record-breaking 10 percent increase in state aid to public schools. Of the $3.1 billion increase statewide, Long Island schools will realize an unprecedented increase in aid of approximately $775 million – and this comes on top of healthy aid increases in the previous two budget cycles.
The Governor’s proposed budget represents a truly historic investment in the intellectual infrastructure that is our public school system on Long Island.
This long overdue support package will help financially position our 121 local school districts throughout Long Island to meet the challenges of our times and our students’ educational and emotional needs.
Most significantly, the aid increase is a hopeful signal of a long-term shift in thinking in Albany – a recognition that the state was failing to adequately support school districts for far too long.
New York State has a long and unfortunate history of underfunding its public schools. For decades, Albany defied a court-ordered increase in Foundation Aid – and further cut school funding at that time through mechanisms such as GEA (Gap Elimination Aid). Districts found themselves tens of millions of dollars short of funding and were forced to burden their residents with dramatic property tax increases to pay for educational programs. With the implementation of the property tax cap beginning in 2012, school districts were financially hamstrung further in trying to meet the needs of students.
Through the advocacy and awareness-raising of educators across the state, from the New York State United Teachers down to local teacher unions, advances have been made recently to ensure Albany is meeting its constitutional responsibility for funding education. GEA was eliminated in 2016 and, as noted, the past few budget cycles have seen healthier increases in aid packages, highlighted by this year’s proposed 10 percent increase.
Governor Hochul’s promise could not have come at a more critical time as districts across Long Island work to meet the rising costs due to inflation, supply chain issues, and oil prices without sacrificing educational
programs in the classroom.
A few of the many potential benefits from the substantially increased state aid for schools include:
• Creating a plan to upgrade technological infrastructure after the COVID-19 pandemic revealed shortcomings and inequalities in many communities;
• Increasing mental health and wellness programs to support the emotional and social needs of students;
• Addressing learning loss and closing the achievement gap through high-impact tutoring and support programs;
• Enhancing career and technical educational offerings; and
• Expansion of Universal Pre-K programs. Our highest priority is preparing our students for success in the world, whether that means moving on to higher education or applying their knowledge, training, and skills in the workforce. That success begins with a high school diploma.
Despite the multi-year challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, high school graduation rates on Long Island far exceed the national average (92.6 percent in 2022 versus 88.6 percent) and fall high on statewide averages of 74 to 94 percent. We can only expect these rates to climb with the added support of state aid.
Over the past decade, our school districts on Long Island have been fortunate to enjoy the community’s overwhelming support as they have navigated annual school budgets through tax cap requirements. Budgets have been approved by the vast majority of voters every year, and the proposed increase in state aid from Albany will help districts across the Island maintain the support of their communities.
Local and statewide educator organizations have been waging a 30-year battle in Albany for adequate state funding for schools. The Governor’s proposed state aid package marks significant and substantial progress in that battle, as it recognizes the long-standing inequity in state funding.
Increased state aid is an investment in our children, our communities, and the future health of Long Island’s public school system. It is worthy of enthusiastic support from both sides of the aisle as the State Budget process moves ahead this spring.
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ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 13A FULL RUN 238830 M
Pal-O-Mine Equestrian Announces Stable Spirits Art Show And Auction Fundraiser
Pal-O-Mine Equestrian, Inc. (www., Islandia, NY), a private, not for profit organization providing a comprehensive therapeutic equine program using horses to facilitate growth, learning and healing for children and adults with disabilities, announced that it will hold an art show and auction on Thursday, May 4th, 2023 from 5:30 PM–8:30 PM at its facilities located at 829 Old Nichols Rd, Islandia, NY 11749. The Stable Spirits Art Show and Auction Fundraiser will feature the artwork of local artists of all ages and art mediums and styles. In addition to the art show and auction, the event will include a selection of wines from local vineyards paired with small bites by Sommelier Jun Xi Chen, assisted by restaurant professionals and fellow Culinary Institute of America graduate, Megan Henne. Event ticket prices are $60.
“We are very excited to give local artists an opportunity to show their work, while also helping Pal-O-Mine raise funds for our new 2,000 square foot educational center, which will expand our on-site therapy and vocational services,” said Pal-O-Mine founder and CEO Lisa Gatti. Under the guidance of Splashes of Hope artists, attendees will also participate in an interactive mural process creating art to hang in the new center.
For artists interested in participating, they can submit three to five pieces by completing a submission form and emailing images of their artwork. The deadline for all submissions is March 15, 2023. Artists will be notified of acceptance by email on March 17th, 2023. Artists must agree to donate 20 percent of each sale made at the event to Pal-O-Mine and donate one piece of art to Pal-O-Mine for use in future fundraisers.
Accepted artists will drop off their work at Pal-O-Mine on Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023 between 9 AM and 5 PM. Each artist will have space in one of Pal-O-Mine’s barn stalls to display their art. Tables and professional lighting will be provided for artists’ use during the event. Artists must bring any additional display materials they require (e.g., tablecloths, easels, display boards, etc.). Each piece should be priced between $200-$500.The art pick-up date is Friday, May 5th, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12 Noon. Sponsorships are available for the event and range from $10,000 for the DaVinci sponsorship and $5,00 for the Picasso sponsorship, to $3,500 for the Van Gogh sponsorship and $2,500 for the Matisse sponsorship. There is also a Paint sponsorship for $250.
For more information, contact: Tessa at 631-887-3751.
—Submitted by Pal-O-Mine
South Shore Audubon Society Offers Environmental Scholarships
The South Shore Audubon Society has begun accepting applications for two $1000 Environmental Scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded to college juniors, seniors, or graduate students earning a degree in areas of biological or environmental science, or sustainable and renewable energy .
For the Evelyn and Jerry Bishop Environmental Scholarship, applicants must be residents of one of the areas listed at www. and/or attend a college in Nassau or Suffolk County.
For the Jay Koolpix, Environmental Scholarship, applicants must be residents of Nassau County and/or attend a college in Nassau or Suffolk County.
The deadline for submission of applications is May 31,2023. Completed applications include a brief explanation of the reason for applying for the scholarship and the plan to use the money, a copy of the most recent transcript of grades, and at least one letter of recommendation. Applicants may apply
for both scholarships but cannot be awarded more than one.
For applications and more information, go to or contact Betsy
Gulotta, or Betty Borowsky,
—Submitted by South Shore Audubon Society
European Robin Cardinal
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HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
Holiday Mathis
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 16 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Holiday Mathis
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Not every action you take needs to be a play for the win. is game is long. Some moves are meant to get you to the next move, and that is enough. What’s important is that you get some momentum. And if you don’t know what’s next, don’t worry. You’ll get your best ideas when you’re already in motion.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Restlessness is an uncomfortable state and not one to dwell in. You can take the agitation as a signal to move you quickly to the next thing or, if it’s clear that you cannot or should not go yet, ask your restlessness to lead you to tap deeper reasons and purposes for being where you are.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When you need things too much, it’s miserable not to have them. It is a free and easy feeling to have that which you enjoy but you do not need. You raise your happiness by lowering your reliance on certain comforts. You may go stoically without things just to prove to yourself your own independence and strength.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). is week brings more than one situation akin to a split screen. You’re like a security o cer in a high room, monitoring the mundane. Sure, you can pay attention to several things at once, if most of it is going to plan. Part of your brain will be scanning for anything out of the ordinary. You’ll nd it, too.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Language is a tool. Every tool is con ned to the limit of its ability. A hammer can’t saw, and a screwdriver isn’t great for cutting paper. is week, you will wisely recognize that there are things that can’t be accomplished with words, an acknowledgement that helps you switch to di erent modes and tools.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). e easiest way to get lled with wonder is to be somewhere new. Is the world very di erent just because you go to new places? You are very di erent in new places, and you carry that di erence around and back home again. So, yes, the world changes when you travel, and you’re right to make it a priority now.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). As you live by what you see as virtuous and relevant, you spend your days thinking about and acting toward what you value. If you add self-compassion to the equation, it’s an unworried and unhurried existence because it doesn’t require you to meet any standard outside yourself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). ough you know things outside of you cannot provide you with ultimate happiness,the world counteracts with strong and constant messages to the contrary, mostly to get you to buy things. It brings you good fortune to calm your inner perceptions and reactions. You will achieve e ective and joyful states.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’ll answer a calling. You’ll know where you belong and how to get there. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to travel in the herd. e herd only goes where the herd is going. You’re going somewhere else. Plot your course and then choose your guides, but give yourself exibility by traveling solo or in a very small group.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Boredom is an invitation from the universe to gure out what exactly is keeping you where you are. Is it an emotional tether or a contractual chain? A family obligation or a social expectation? is week brings a chance to wiggle, maneuver, buy or y your way out. Once free, there’s no shortage of things to do.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Often when you talk about experiences, you realize they cannot properly be recounted with words. is is part of what drives you to keep creating new experiences with people. e only thing better than telling the story is living it. You’ll be very fortunate in your dreaming, scheming and planning.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). If you had no concern for the future, you would be unable to set yourself up for good tomorrows. When stressful thoughts come up, thank your inner worrier, then decide if it brings up anything actionable. If so, you’ll act immediately. If not, you’ll change your focus to what you want and move right along.
It seems logical that happiness, like other states of mind, could be achieved through a process that, once learned, could always be recreated. Not so. Happiness is a shape-shifter who never takes the same form twice. And so, this year is an adventure in which happiness greets you in new and exciting incarnations. You’ll challenge yourself to achieve a physical or mental goal, and new people come onto your scene to help with it. More highlights: You’ll invest in yourself and your team and enjoy building together. Your loyalty will be rewarded. You’ll accept an honor.
Puppy love
Solution: 16 Letters
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 16 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Puppy love
Solution: 16 Letters
Active Affenpinscher
Afghan Akita Alert
Bichon frise
Chinese crested
Dogs Family
Fearless Guide
Love Loyal
Mongrel Nose
Pharaoh hound
Protect Pugs
Puppy Ridgeback
Solution: Sizes run the gamut
Solution: Sizes run the gamut
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236
Creators Syndicate
Date: 3/1/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003
737 3rd Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003
A deducible deduction
Date: 3/1/23
By Steve Becker
the ace. East returned the ten of hearts, covered by the Q-K-A. South later lost a heart and a club, and so went down one.
On the surface, it seems that South did nothing wrong. He had four losers, and he lost them. But it is not that cut-and-dried. The fact is that South missed his cue when he covered East’s ten of hearts with the queen. He should have played the six instead!
Undoubtedly, he played the queen in the hope of finding East with the king. However, this was not a realistic view, since the defenders could have arranged for West to be on lead at trick three instead of East and would have done so if East had had the king of hearts. Their plays clearly indicated that West had the king.
The most difficult part of declarer play is to determine how the defenders’ cards are divided and where specific key cards are located. Fortunately, there are clues in almost every hand that should enable declarer to attain the best result possible if he puts forth a maximum effort.
Consider this case where South failed to take advantage of a significant clue. West led the king of diamonds, which held, and continued with the ten, won by East with
Had South played the six on the ten, he could have made the contract by taking the ace, drawing trump, ruffing a diamond in dummy, cashing the A-K of clubs and then leading a heart to the queen.
West would take the king, but, with only hearts and diamonds left, he would be forced to return one or the other. This would allow declarer to ruff in dummy while discarding his remaining club, and the seemingly unmakeable contract would come sailing home.
Famous Hand. ©2023 King Features Syndicate Inc.
dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH ♠ Q J 9 4 ♥ A 3 ♦ 9 6 ♣ K 9 8 7 2 WEST EAST ♠ 6 2 ♠ 7 5 ♥ K J 7 5 4 ♥ 10 9 8 2 ♦ K Q J 10 ♦ A 7 4 3 ♣ 10 3 ♣ Q J 6 SOUTH ♠ A K 10 8 3 ♥ Q 6 ♦ 8 5 2 ♣ A 5 4 The bidding: EastSouthWestNorth Pass1 ♠ Pass3 ♠ Pass4 ♠ Opening lead — king of diamonds.
© 2023 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
Afghan Akita Alert Bark Beagle Bichon
Coat Corgi Digging Dogs Family Fearless Guide Intelligent Kennel Litter Love Loyal Mongrel Nose Papillon Pets Pharaoh
Playful Poodle Protect Pugs Puppy Ridgeback Skye Spaniel Toys Yelp
Active Affenpinscher
frise Briard
© 2023 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle
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Local Artists Invited To Showcase Best Work At ‘Art In The Park’
Applications now available for artists & artisans interested in displaying and selling goods
Oyster Bay Town Councilman Steve Labriola invites local artists and artisans to display and sell their hand-crafted goods at a special day of “Art in the Park.” Applications are now available for the event which will be held on Saturday, May 20 at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park & Beach in Oyster Bay.
“Art in the Park offers local artists
and artisans an amazing opportunity to showcase their best work for the public and gain local notoriety,” said Councilman Labriola. “Art in the Park is certain to attract hundreds of families and seniors as the event also features live music, food trucks and activities for kids.”
Participants must be 18 or older, and display and sell only their original pieces. No commercial or mass-produced items
are permitted. Artists must supply their own 10x10 canopy and additional items required for their space. Additional details and associated costs are provided on the application, available on the Town’s website.
Art in the Park is run by the Town’s Department of Community & Youth Services, Cultural and Performing Arts Division. The event focuses on
hand-crafted goods, including ceramics, watercolors, glass, jewelry, wood, leather, sculpture and more. Artist applications available on the Town’s website at www. or by calling 516-797-7932.
—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
Town Youth Ice Hockey Program Registration To Begin Soon Register for the ‘Best Game in Town’ beginning March 6
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Councilman Louis Imbroto announced that registration for the Town’s Youth Ice Hockey Program will soon begin for boys and girls ages 6-16. Online registration opens for residents on March 6 and on March 8 for non-residents, with both taking place on portal. In-person registration will also be offered on March 8 at the Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center in Bethpage, where the program is run.
“This recreational and instructional program is designed to give youngsters a great way to learn the correct fundamentals of one of America’s most popular sports,” said Supervisor Saladino. “In addition to receiving instruction on the proper techniques of skating, stick handling and shooting, participants will make new friends and create lifelong memories.”
Families can register their children for the House League, which includes full House League games, a practice schedule, and playoffs, or a “Learn to Play” clinic, which runs for 10 weeks. In addition to All Girls Clinics for 10U&12-18U and Boys & Girls 6U Clinics, an Adult Learn to Play
Clinic is also offered. Registration fees for the House League are $350 for Residents and $450 for Non-Residents, while all clinics are $150. All programs begin on April 1, 2023.
Residents can register for the Spring 2023 Youth Ice Hockey Program online from March 6 at 9 a.m. through March 8 at, and non-residents can register online only on March 8. Both residents and non-residents can register in person on March 8 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Bethpage Ice Skating Center, located at 1001 Stewart Avenue in Bethpage. Registrants must bring a copy of their birth certificate and proof of Town of Oyster Bay residency (tax or utility bill), as well as payment. Check, money order, MasterCard or Visa will be accepted. All registrants must bring these items, even if they have participated in the past. A parent or legal guardian must be present at registration.
“Youngsters enrolled in the Town’s Youth Ice Hockey program are given the great opportunity to improve their skating and hockey skills as part of a program that has earned recognition by the National
Hockey League for its high level of quality,” said Councilman Imbroto. “Due to the great success of our Girls Hockey Program, we have scheduled two dedicated sessions this spring to allow for even more participants. Our program is truly among the best around, with an outstanding coaching staff ready to teach this sport to the many boys and girls enrolled in our program.”
All participants must provide their own equipment, and should have some skating ability. For more information, call the rink at (516) 4337465, x8233 or visit www. oysterbaytown. com/hockey.
—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
Artists are invited to show off their work at Art in the Park.
(Photo courtesy Unsplash)
The waterfront at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)
Get on the ice with the Town of Oyster Bay. (Getty Images)
Saladino Announces New Lifeguard Employment Opportunities At Town Pools And Beaches
Competitive pay starting at $18 per hour, now hiring 15-year-olds
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino announced new lifeguard employment opportunities at Town Pools and Beaches, including a new competitive starting salary of $18 per hour for all lifeguards, as well as openings for 15-year-olds to lifeguard at community pools for the first time.
“From having the opportunity to work at one of the town’s fantastic summer facilities and building confidence, self-esteem, and leadership skills, to making new friends and helping others, working as a lifeguard is one of the best summer jobs around,” Supervisor Saladino said. “Our lifeguards provide an invaluable service in protecting our residents and have helped save countless lives in both pool and ocean waters. We encourage you to take the first step in making this summer your best one yet by applying to be a Town of Oyster Bay Lifeguard today.”
The town is accepting lifeguard applications from candidates who possess Nassau
Lifeguard Certification and a current CPR/ AED for the Professional Rescuer. Additionally, the town is offering Red Cross Lifeguard Training and Nassau County Certification courses for residents who are
Town Launching Pet Food, Supply Drive In Partnership With LI Cares Hunger
affects all family members, including pets
Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Receiver of Taxes Jeffrey Pravato announced that the Town of Oyster Bay will host a Pet Food & Supply Drive in partnership with LI Cares. The drive will take place from March 1 to March 31 with a focus on collecting for the family members most vulnerable to hunger, residents’ pets. Long Island Cares formed Baxter’s Pet Pantry in 2009 to assist in feeding dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, caged pets, fish, reptiles and all others considered family members.
“Pets truly are members of our family,” said Tax Receiver Pravato. “Pet food and supply donations will help furry friends in need, which in turn keeps pets at home with their loved ones. The Town of Oyster Bay is proud to partner with LI Cares to collect generous donations for this worthwhile cause.”
The creation of Baxter’s Pet Pantry by Long Island Cares has helped distribute over one million pounds of pet food, all of which has been donated through pet food drives like this one and corporate donations.
“Unfortunately many beloved pets are placed into shelters or given away because families cannot afford the necessary food and supplies,” added Supervisor Saladino.
“When struggling families have to make choices to heat their homes, buy medication or feed their own families, pets can become an afterthought. Pet food drives like this one can be a real lifesaver for both pets and their families.”
Those interested in supporting the Town’s Pet Food & Supply Drive can place donated items in drop-off boxes located in the following Town of Oyster Bay locations:
• Town Hall North, 54 Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay
• Town Hall South, 977 Hicksville Road, Massapequa
• Town of Oyster Bay Ice Skating Center, 1001 Stewart Avenue, Bethpage
Regular business hours for the locations are Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. For more information, visit www. or call Esther Alter in the Town’s Public Information Office at 516-624-6380.
—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
not certified, but would like to be. Upon successful completion of these two courses, residents will be eligible for employment as a lifeguard with the Town of Oyster Bay and the town will then pay all fees for
both courses. There are also many future opportunities for advancement, including as Swim Team Coaches, Swim Lesson Teachers, Head Lifeguards, and Lifeguard Managerial positions.
“This summer, the Town of Oyster Bay is making it easier than ever to become a lifeguard. We’re offering all the certification and training courses you need to apply, covering the fees of these courses for successful candidates, welcoming 15-year olds to our lifeguard ranks at town community pools, and increasing our lifeguards’ starting salary to $18 per hour in recognition of the life-saving work they do,” added Supervisor Saladino.
Town lifeguards are hired for the summer season, which runs from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Positions are available at all town pools and beaches. For all inquiries about lifeguard employment and classes, please call 516-797-4131 or email
—Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay
MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 10
Guard life with these classes from the Town of Oyster Bay.
(Photo courtesy Unsplash)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 11 Scan Code April Fools Day! Saturday, April 1, 2023 24/7 Hotline (516) 542-0404 Presented by Don't be a fool. Abuse is no joke. RESTORING HOPE FOR VICTIMS OF ABUSE REGISTER FOR THE TSCLI 5K! SCAN QR CODE BELOW WITH YOUR PHONE CAMERA OR VISIT Contact or call (516) 465-4774 for more information
Citibank, N.A., Plaintiff, -against-
The Piscitelli Family Trust, Dominick Piscitelli, as heir to the Estate of Michel Piscitelli a/k/a Mischell Piscitelli, Assunta Desiderio a/k/a Sue Desiderio, Individually and as heir to the Estate of Michel Piscitelli a/k/a Mischell Piscitelli, Antonia Ochtera a/k/a Antonio Piscitelli, Individually and as heir to the Estate of Michel Piscitelli a/k/a Mischell Piscitelli, Louis B. Imbroto, Esq., as Guardian Ad Litem and Military Attorney o/b/o Beth Lilla a/k/a Beth Piscitelli, People of the State of New York by Village of Mineola, United States of America - Internal Revenue Service, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Workers’ Compensation Board of the State of New York, Unknown Heirs and Distributees to the Estate of Michel Piscitelli a/k/a Mischell Piscitelli and “JOHN DOE #1” through “JOHN DOE #10”, the last ten names being fictitious and unknown to the plaintiff, the person or parties intended being the persons or parties, if any, having or claiming an interest in or lien upon the mortgaged premises described in the Complaint, Defendants, Index #: 606335/2022
Filed: February 2, 2023
Plaintiff designates Nassau County as the place of trial. Venue is based upon the County in which the mortgaged premises is situated.
DEFENDANT(S): YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance on the attorneys for the plaintiff within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service; or within thirty (30) days after service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York; or within sixty (60) days if it is the United States of America. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint.
If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default judgment
may be entered and you can lose your home.
Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property.
Dated: February 1, 2023
BY: Todd Falasco
Attorneys for Plaintiff
53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, New York 11706
(631) 969-3100
Our File No.: 01-088824-F01
3-8-1; 2-22-15-2023-4T#238547-SYO/JER
PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-4, Plaintiff against ALEXANDER HERMAN, et al Defendant(s)
Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein
Such Crane, LLP, 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614.
Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered December 9, 2022, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on March 21, 2023 at 2:00 PM. Premises known as 3 Tompkins Avenue, Jericho, New York 11753. Sec 11 Block 434 Lot 19. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Jericho, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau, and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $1,194,481.70 plus interest, fees, and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 009335/2014. The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and foreclosure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction.
Foreclosure Auctions will be
held “Rain or Shine.”
Janis Parazzelli, Esq., Referee CHJNY429
3-8-1; 2-22-15-2023-4T#238629-SYO/JER
BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TALL OAKS CRESCENT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, LTD., Plaintiff, against LENARD SINGH; and “JOHN DOE” and “JANE DOE”, Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered herein and dated December 5, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the north side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New York, on March 22, 2023 at 2:30 p.m. premises being in the Incorporated Village of Oyster Bay Cove and Laurel Hollow, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, as more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of White Birch Road, which point is distant 255.83 feet northerly from the easterly point in the arc of a curve connecting the northerly side of Oak Lane with the westerly side of White Birch Road which arc has a radius of 20 feet and a length of 29.27 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 72 degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds West, 305.32 feet; THENCE North 59 degrees 00 minutes 50 (deed) 58 (actual) seconds West, 315.21 feet; THENCE North 27 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 125.00 feet to the westerly side of North Hempstead Turnpike; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along North Hempstead Turnpike and along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 1236.73 feet and length of 200.02 feet; THENCE South 56 degrees 40 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 522.43 feet to the westerly side of White Birch Road; THENCE in a southerly direction along the westerly side of White Birch Road the following two courses and distances: 1. Along the arc of a curve having a radius of 250.00 feet and a length of 103.98 feet; 2. South 10 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 83.04 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises being known as 11 White Birch Road, Syosset, New York (SECTION 25, BLOCK 63, LOT 5). Said premises will be sold subject to zoning restrictions, covenants, easements, conditions, reservations and agreements, if any; subject to any state of facts as may appear from an accurate survey; subject to facts as to possession and occupancy and subject to whatever physical condition of the premises may be; subject to any violations of the zoning and other municipal
ordinances and regulations, if any, and if the United States of America should file a tax lien, or other lien, subject to the equity of redemption of the United States of America; subject to the rights of any lienors of record whose liens have not been foreclosed herein, if any; subject to the rights of holders of security in fixtures as defined by the Uniform Commercial Code; subject to taxes, assessments and water rates which are liens on the premises at the time of sale, with accrued interest or penalties thereon. All persons attending the sale must follow all COVID-19 New York State/CDC Protocols, wear a face/nose covering and practice social distancing.
Index No. 608372/2021
Dated: February 7, 2023
George Esernio, Esq., Referee Cohen, Warren, Meyer Gitter, P.C., Attorneys for Plaintiff, 98 Maple Avenue, Smithtown, NY 11787.
3-8-1; 2-22-15-2023-4T#238680-SYO/JER
OF GATEWAY LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/8/2023. Office location: NASSAU County. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against it may be served. The Post Office address to which the SSNY shall mail process to the LLC, 95 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury, NY 11797. Purpose: any lawful act or activity.
3-29-22-15-8-1; 2-22-20236T-#238947-SYO/JER
Notice of formation of Happy Life Nassau, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York SSNY on 2/13/2023. Office located in Nassau. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against the LLC to:18 Holly Dr, Syosset, NY 11791. Purpose: any lawful purpose.
3-29-22-15-8-1; 2-22-20236T-#239020-SYO/JER
NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. NASSAU COUNTY. L&L ASSOCIATES HOLDING CORP., Pltf. vs. ROBERT J. CASSANDRO, et al, Defts. Index #606853/2022. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered Jan. 12, 2023, I will sell at public auction on the north side steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on April 3, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. prem. k/a Section 13, Block 115 Lot 10. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale and the right of the United States of America to redeem within 120 days from the date of sale as pro-
vided by law. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the sale. SCOTT SILLER, Referee. LEVY LEVY, Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. #100125
Notice of Formation: Chen Legal PLLC, Art. Of Org. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/30/2021. Office Loc.: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 40 Oak Drive, Unit #1A, Syosset, NY 11791 Purpose: Any lawful activity.
4-5; 3-29-22-15-8-1-20236T-#239272-SYO/JER
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter , Section of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on MARCH at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals: BYORDER OFTHE ZONINGBOARDOF APPEALS
(A) Variance to allow existing rear addition having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters.
(B) Variance to allow existing rear addition and 8.2 ft. by 8.3 ft. shed exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to allow existing air conditioning unit having less side yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.
N/s/o Briarcliff Rd., 200 ft.
E/o Bruce Ln., a/k/a 85 Briarcliff Road, Westbury, NY
APPEAL NO. 23-98
LUND: Variance to reconstruct new dwelling exceeding maximum building coverage and gross floor area than permitted by Ordinance.
N/s/o Ballsten Dr., 208.95 ft.
E/o Colgate Ln., a/k/a 6 Ballsten Drive, Woodbury, NY
APPEAL NO. 23-99
LEENA MOHAN: (A) Variance to erect 6 ft. high fence exceeding maximum height across front yard, side/front yard and within 30 ft. from intersection than permitted by Ordinance. (B) Variance to install in-ground swimming pool, spa and pool equipment having less side/front yard setback and rear yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.
(C) Variance to construct outdoor kitchen having less side yard setback, front yard setback and setback from property line than permitted by Ordinance.
SE/ cor. of East Dr. Crossways Park Dr. W., a/k/a 43 East Drive, Woodbury, NY APPEAL NO. 23-101
17 ALBANY LANE, LLC: Variance to construct new
dwelling having less front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters.
S/s/o Cold Spring Rd., 346.7 ft. W/o Southwoods Rd., a/k/a 352 Cold Spring Road, Syosset, NY
APPEAL NO. 23-102
(A) Variance to construct new dwelling on existing flag lot having less width of lot at pole portion and front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance; also encroachment of eaves and gutters. (B) Variance to allow existing flag lot having less building envelope size than permitted by Ordinance. (C) Variance to install parking area having less front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance. (D) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 21-271 and granted by Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated June 17, 2021.
N/s/o Salem Ct., 608.58 ft. S/o Cold Spring Rd., a/k/a 286 Salem Court, Syosset, NY
APPEAL NO. 23-103
407 JERICHO LLC: Variance to install 8 ft. by 4 ft. illuminated freestanding sign located on southwest corner of lot having less front yard setback than permitted by Ordinance.
N/s/o Jericho Tpke., 138.48 ft. E/o Jackson Ave., a/k/a 407 Jericho Turnpike, Syosset, NY
FEBRUARY 27, 2023
3-1-2023-1T-#238900-SYO/ JER
MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 12
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Syosset’s Wayne Tsang Celebrated By PSEG Long Island For Engineers Week
PSEG Long Island is proud to celebrate Wayne Tsang, of Syosset, and more than 250 of his colleagues in honor of National Engineers Week (EWeek), which lasted from Feb.19 to 25.
Tsang is a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE), which is the engineering profession’s highest standard of competence as deemed by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). He has been a principal staff engineer in PSEG Long Island’s Trans-
mission and Civil Engineering department since 2022. As a civil/structural engineer, Tsang designs and creates the supporting structures for new and existing electrical equipment within substations.
“It is always a pleasure to utilize my engineering knowledge to accomplish a project,” said Tsang. “However, what really excites me is the sense of helping others and the impact my work has on the community once the project is completed.”
“Engineers at PSEG Long Island play many different important roles to ensure our 1.1 million customers have safe, reliable power,” said David Lyons, interim president and COO of PSEG Long Island, who himself is an electrical engineer and Tsang’s mentor. “National Engineers Week is the perfect time to recognize our highly talented, skilled and dedicated engineers who design, maintain and enhance electrical infrastructure on Long Island and in the Rockaways. We celebrate our engineers and thank them for the contributions they make every day to support our community.”
Ten percent of PSEG Long Island’s workforce, more than 250 employees, are part of a variety of engineering disciplines, including civil, electrical, mechanical and industrial engineering, as well as energy management.
EWeek was founded in 1951 by NSPE and is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. The week also celebrates how engineers make a difference in our world. The theme for 2023 is Creating the Future. —Submitted by
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 13
PSEG Long Island
PSEG Long Island is proud to celebrate Wayne Tsang of Syosset.
Send it to Have your Special Events Published in Anton’s Community Calendar! Don't be a fool. Abuse is no joke. RESTORING HOPE FOR VICTIMS OF ABUSE Scan QR code or visit to register or donate. To become a sponsor, contact (516) 465-4774 or email for more information. Scan Code Presented by Sponsors Wanted! Marketing Benefits! April Fools Day! Saturday, April 1, 2023
(Photo courtesy PSEG Long Island)
Chinese Association Of Jericho Celebrates Chinese New Year
Six Syosset High School Students Named All-Eastern Musicians
Six student musicians from Syosset High School have been recognized as All-Eastern Musicians. They have been invited to perform at the National Association for Music Education’s All-Eastern Conference this coming April in Rochester, New York. The Conference selects top-performing students through a rigorous application. Students across eleven states and Washington, D.C. are invited to apply.
This year’s conference will take place in Rochester, New York, beginning April 13 and concluding April 16. It will be hosted by the New York State School Music Associa-
tion (NYSSMA). While at the conference, our students will prepare challenging programs under the leadership of prominent conductors from across the Northeast.
The Syosset All-Eastern musicians are:
Luca Alexandru – Songwriting
Maya Kopacz – Mixed Chorus
Kaity Lee – Symphonic Band Alternate
Sharon Lim – Mixed Chorus
Michael Sabatino – Mixed Chorus
Abigail Wu – Symphony Orchestra
Congratulations to these talented musicians. —Submitted by the Syosset Central School District
Six Syosset High School Seniors were selected to perform at NAfME’s All-Eastern Conference this Spring. (Photo courtesy the Syosset Central School District)
Boys Varsity Basketball Ready And Determined
This year’s boy’s varsity basketball team is thriving and ready to greet the playoffs with determination and diligence.
With a squad composed of 7 seniors, 4 juniors, and 4 sophomores, fans are sure to notice the grit displayed by this team in each game.
Jericho High School social studies teacher and assistant coach Barry Coval feels optimistic about the post season mainly due to how hard his players performed so far. ”The basketball season is a marathon
not a sprint. The team has been working hard throughout the season and their efforts have paid off. The team continues to improve and is getting better with each practice and each game. We are looking forward to a strong finish in the regular season and making a run in the play-offs,” he said.
Co-captain Isaac Varghese believes this year’s team proves itself over and over by their resolve. When describing their performance this year he quoted the maxim, “Character is revealed when pressure is applied.”
—Submitted by JerEcho
The musical numbers were amazing. Everyone enjoyed the acts.
The acts were rich in history and customs. (Photos courtesy the Jericho Union Free School District)
The Boy’s Varsity Basketball team is ready for the playoffs. (Photo courtesy JerEcho)
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 15 EAST ZONE All Tickets on Sale Now! | 631.230.3500 34 w.main st. babylon, ny 11702 JULY 6th - AUG 27th Broadway Comes to Babylon! Join us for our spectacular line up of BROADWAY-CALIBER THEATRICAL PRODUCTIONS. FEB 9th - April 2 nd APR 27th - JUNE 18th *Not to be combined. Discount valid off individual, premium mainstage tickets only. $10 Off* WITH cOde: ANTON Photo by: Richard Termine 239465 M
MARCH 1 - 7, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 2022 Year In Review Con rmed Deals 85 Sales Volume 79M+ Pending Sales 13M © 2023 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. Thank you to all our clients who supported us in our success. It was an honor earning your trust, and we look forward to helping you make the right investment in 2023 and beyond. Patricia Pascullo Lic. Assoc. R. E. Broker O 516.921.2262 | M 516.287.4871 Patricia Salegna Lic. R. E. Salesperson O 516.921.2262 | M 516.241.2280 Michael Pascullo Lic. R. E. Salesperson O 516.921.2262 | M 516.695.8047 236693 R