Glen Cove-Oyster Bay Record Pilot 3/15/23 edition is published weekly by Anton Media Group.

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FREE SUBSCRIPTION OFFER See inside for details! Also Serving Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Muttontown, Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay Cove, East Norwich, Bayville, Locust Valley An Anton Media Group Publication Vol.51,No.19March15-21,2023 $1.00 Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot (USPS 219-560) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. Oyster Bay News: Friends of the Bay helps nature lovers identify local ducks (See page 4) Glen Cove News: New president sworn into North Shore Hispanic Chamber (See page 6) Locust Valley News: Celebrating Holi through garden display (See page 11) 236677 M © 2023 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NEW YORK 11746. 631.549.7401. Buy, Sell, Rent! I am a North Shore real estate specialist. Call me today! Patricia Farnell Lic. R. E. Salesperson O 516.759.0400 M 516.945.0236 INSIDE DESIGN & DÉCOR Window treatments Design books that inspire DESIGN& DÉCOR ANTON MEDIA SPECIAL 15 21, 2023 INSIDE TREAT YOUR WINDOWS Design books to inspire DIY toolbox Spirits And History Historic Spirit Tours at Raynham Hall are popular (See page 3)
Home Of ce, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Bob Sztorc, Agent 62 School St., Glen Cove 516-676-4141 Se Habla Español® I brake for auto insurance. 236353 M I’m here to help life go right ™ by being there to help protect you, with coverage from the #1 car insurer in the country. CALL ME TODAY. 239667 M Maidenbaum Property Tax Reduction Group, LLC – 483 Chestnut Street, Cedarhurst, NY 11516 Apply online at or call 516.715.1233 Get Results. Sign Up Today! DEADLINE APRIL 3RD Hablamos Español From the community. For the community.
Christoper Judge, the director of visitor services at Raynham Hall, Samantha Lynn Difronzo, a spiritualist healer, and tour guide Mary Kenny, led Historic Spirit Tour participants through the dark halls of the Townsend house. (Photo by Jennifer Corr)



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Historic Spirit Tours At Raynham Hall

from the late 1730s all the way to the late 1800s... as well as the enslaved who lived here from the 1740s to the early 1800s,” Judge said.


It was a dark and cold night in Oyster Bay on Friday, Feb. 24. And it was quiet too, until multiple cars pulled up next to Raynham Hall while Samantha Lynn Difronzo, a spiritualist healer, was roaming the house in preparation for a Historic Spirit Tour through the preserved Townsend House. After those in their cars wandered from the parking lot to inside the historical Raynham Hall for the tour they booked, Difronzo assured them the house was very active with spirits that night.

But in order to understand the spirits that Difronzo, Christopher Judge, the director of visitor services at Raynham Hall, and the attendees were looking for, it’s important to understand just some of the history of Raynham Hall.

According to the museum’s website, in 1740, 23-year-old Samuel Townsend purchased the property now known as Raynham Hall, which gave him closer access to the waterfront that would benefit the shipping business he co-owned with his brother, Jacob. The property, known as “The Homestead” then, was home to Samuel, his wife Sarah Stoddard Townsend, their eight children, and 20 enslaved people. Along with managing his successful business, he was an active member of local and state government, even becoming a New York State Senator after the American Revolution.

While most of Oyster Bay sided with the British during the American Revolution, Samuel sided with the Patriots. But unlike many of the Patriots who fled in the face

of danger, Samuel and his family stayed in their home throughout the occupation.

From 1778 to 1779, the home served as a headquarters for a regiment of over 300 British troops and their commander Lt. Col. John Graves Simcoe, who later in life became the founder of the city of Toronto in Canada.

One of Samuel’s children, Robert Townsend, used his work as a merchant as a cover to eavesdrop and observe British troop movements in coffee houses, social events and shops and docks in Manhattan. Under the code name “Culper Junior,” Robert formed the first link in a chain of agents who came to be known as the Culper Spy Ring, and helped to supply information to George Washington about critical information arising out of New York City and Long Island.

In 1851, descendant Solomon Townsend II purchased the property from his aunt and remodeled and enlarged the home, bringing it from 8 rooms to 22, and transformed it into an elegant Victorian villa.

Difronzo began the tour by pointing out the spirits that were around, from the spirits of the British troops who occupied the home from 1778 to 1779, children who once lived in the home, to Samuel Townsend who she saw sitting at his desk, as well as his wife Sarah.

During the tour, Judge and Difronzo led the attendees through the original part of the house, and the added-on Victorian parts of the house. Attendees were encouraged to download an app on their phone called Ghost Tube that includes a Magnetic Field Detector, Sound Spectrum Analyzer that could assist in identifying Electronic Voice Phenomenon (sounds found on electronic voice recordings that are interpreted as spirit voices), among other tools. They were also encouraged to take plenty of photos in an attempt to capture proof of the spirits presence.

“What we’re trying to do is not only tell historical stories, but also connect with the people who lived in this home, the three generations of the Townsends who lived

Difronzo told the attendees that there are very intelligent spirits who still live here. She encouraged the attendees to speak up if they think of something, see something or feel something. And she added that if anyone did not want to be touched, they could either tell the spirits around them to back off, or tell her and she would communicate with the spirits.

“They love to share their history with you,” Difronzo said. “If you do have questions about them, they will answer you.”

All of the attendees expressed interest and excitement as they wandered Raynham Hall in the dark.

Many expressed feeling cold sensations and were asking Judge questions about the home’s history, and Difronzo questions on topics beyond the physical realm, such as what the spirits around were doing and trying to communicate.

“I don’t like the term ghost hunting,” Difronzo said. “It demoralizes the spirits and it demoralizes their history. And it’s so unique to have history actually being presented with the spirits... It honors them a little bit better. And it’s respectful.”

The first Historic Spirit Tour was held in October 2022, and its popularity has kept the event going indefinitely, as each tour keeps selling out.

It has served as a great fundraiser for the museum, and it’s so popular that people have complained that there should be more tours offered.

“It’s been very successful,” Judge said. “People are loving not only learning about their local history right here in the backyard, but the opportunity to potentially communicate with the historic family in this home.”

Tickets range from $25 to $30.

For more information about Raynham Hall and the Historic Spirit Tours offered there, visit

Spiritualist Samantha Lynn Difronzo said she saw the spirit of Samuel Townsend at his desk, an original piece of furniture, in the back-left part of the room.
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(Photo by Jennifer Corr)

A Who’s Who Of Oyster Bay’s Waterfowl

Friends of the Bay hosts duck walk to connect locals with wildlife


Despite forecasts of snow, people of all ages braved the cold and headed to the Friends of the Bays headquarters at Townsend Square in downtown Oyster Bay on Feb. 25 to learn how to identify ducks they may see at their local beaches at the Oyster Bay Harbor.

Making the area even more prime for spotting wildlife is that Oyster Bay happens to overlook the Congressman Lester Wolff Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge, one of approximately 550 national wildlife refuges

in the United States. And this local refuge is the most used by waterfowl out of all the other refuges on Long Island.

The event, the first one since the pandemic to happen in the office, started with Friends of the Bay Assistant Director Christine Suter presenting a slideshow of various waterfowl that can be found locally. Faculty members from the Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center were also present. They provided binoculars for the attendees.

“You may be thinking ‘what are the ducks doing here? It’s cold,’” Suter said. “This is sort of like a Florida vacation for them, because during the summer, they go really far up north... That’s where they go for mating and nesting... Some of them you see are inland

during the summer and they move out to the coast during the winter. Different things change. Their diet will alter. Some of them eat plant material during the summer and then they move to the coast and eat crab.”

After the presentation, everyone got in their cars and drove to Beekman Beach for their quest to find ducks identified during the presentation.

Those ducks included mallards, American black ducks, long-tailed ducks, buffleheads, great scaups, lesser scaups, common loon, gadwalls, red-breasted merganser, brant goose and Canadian goose.

Throughout their walk along the shore, and then on West Shore Road along Oyster Bay Harbor’s waterfront, several of those waterfowl seen in the presen -

tation were spotted. There were plenty of Canadian geese, but there were also mallards, long-tailed ducks, scaups and buffleheads.

During their walk, the promised snow also made an appearance, making for beautiful scenery.

“The more people learn about the bay and what we have in the bay and the animals that we have, the more they’re going to want to help protect them,” Suter said. “That’s the importance of the outreach... It’s inspiring to see young people here as well and people of all ages because nature is something we can all enjoy.”

Want to join in on a Friends of the Bay event? Keep an eye on their website at

MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 4
Participants in the Friends of the Bay Duck Walk on the morning of Feb. 25 braved the cold in search of Oyster Bay’s waterfowl. Some of them who were spotted, or sought after, can be found below. (Photo by Jennifer Corr) Christine Suter, the assistant director of Friends of the Bay, led participants through a duck walk starting from Beekman Beach to West Shore Road. (Photo by Jennifer Corr) Mallard. (Photo courtesy Nrik kiran via Wikimedia Commons) American black duck. (Photo courtesy Cephas via Wikimedia Commons) Long-tailed duck. (Photo courtesy Sammy Sam via Wikimedia Commons) Bufflehead. (Photo courtesy Mdf via Wikimedia Commons) Canadian goose. (Photo courtesy Joe Ravi via Wikimedia Commons)


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New President Sworn Into North Shore Hispanic Chamber

Ceremony officiated by Honorable Judge Linda Mejías-Glover

Feb. 17, 2023, was a day of firsts for the North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Not only did the organization swear in its first woman President, attorney and real estate broker Connie Pinilla Esq., but the ceremony was officiated by Judge Linda Mejías-Glover. Judge Mejias-Glover is a Nassau County Family Court Judge and the first Latina elected to the post. Pinilla was sworn in along with seven other newly elected members of the board.

Held at Nassau County’s Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building, in Mineola, the event was hosted by Nassau County Office of Hispanic Affairs Executive Director Herbert Flores. He was joined in welcoming the guests by Nassau County Office of Minority Affairs Deputy Director, Melissa Figueroa. “It was an important day,” stated Flores, “We were honored to host the event. The North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is a great partner with the county, as we aggressively work to educate and promote resources available to small businesses.”

Salvadoran-born businessman, Ever Padilla, who founded the NSHCC (North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce) in 2019, was also honored. Padilla has served as the organization’s president since its inception. At the Feb. 17th ceremony, Padilla was sworn into his new post as First Vice President. The other Board members sworn in were Gaitley Stevenson-Mathews as Second Vice President and Public Relations Officer; Denky Begonja as Secretary; Blase Whitting as Co-secretary; Lisa Golden, Esq. as Legal Counsel, and Carlos Santana as Membership Officer. The ninth board member, Nadia Vee, will be sworn in at a later date.

In her opening address, Pinilla welcomed elected officials to the ceremony, including North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and Glen Cove City Councilwoman Marsha Silverman. She also expressed her appreciation to other noted guests including Long Island Hispanic Bar Association President Veronica Renta Irwin, Esq., Kiwanis Club of the North Shore President Roger Hill; and former elected

officials including former Nassau County Comptroller George Marigos and former Glen Cove Councilwoman and longtime NSHCC member Dr. Eve Lupenko Ferrante. Congratulatory messages were also shared

from Glen Cove Mayor Pam Panzenbeck, Glen Cove City Councilwoman Barbara Peebles and Glen Cove City Councilwoman Danielle Fugazy Scagliola.

Citations were presented on behalf of County Executive Bruce Blakeman by the Executive Director of the Office of Hispanic Affairs Herbert Flores, on behalf of the Town of North Hempstead by North Hempstead Supervisor Jenn DeSena, on behalf of Senator Jack Martins, also presented by Supervisor Jenn DeSena, and on behalf of Assemblyman Charles Lavine by Glen Cove Councilwoman Marsha Silverman.

The event was followed by a luncheon held at The Cuban Restaurant in Garden City. The luncheon included a keynote address by newly-elected president Pinilla in which she outlined her vision for the future. There was also a special presentation by Jasmine Rivero and recognition paid to the NSHCC’s newest members. “This is an exciting time to join our chamber,” stated Pinilla. “We have many new members and are putting strategies in place to further broaden our service to chamber members and the community. Also, through extensive networking, we are expanding the possibilities for the Hispanic community and for our business partners across all demographics. I invite all to join our organization and engage with us as we work to shape a better future for Long Island.” To learn more about the North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, including membership options, please visit www.

—Submitted by the North Shore Chamber of Commerce

MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 6
Connie Pinilla was sworn in as North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce president. (Photos courtesy North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce) It was a special night for the North Shore Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.
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To place an item in this space, send information two weeks before the event to editors@


Movie Showing - Ireland’s Wild Coast

From 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. at the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library, 89 E Main St. in Oyster Bay, there will be a showing of Ireland’s Wild Coast. This film, rated PG, is a journey along one of the most spectacular coastlines in the world, featuring the wildlife and wild places that make it so special. As never captured before, this series features Ireland’s west coast and wildlife wonders, from the Skellig Rocks to the breaching humpback whales, to golden eagles, to majestic salmon, to the clash of Ireland’s last surviving red deer stags. The film will be shown in the library’s community room.

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, tune into a movie at the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Public Library that focuses on Ireland’s coast.


St. Patrick’s Day At My Father’s Place

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a concert

from Kerry Kearney, Michael Falzarano and Jack’s Waterfall at 3 Pratt Blvd. in Glen Cove at 8 p.m. Get tickets at


Virtual Seed Library Program: Spring Gardening Basics

Do you need some inspiration or have questions about starting a garden this spring? Join the Glen Cove Public Library on Zoom from 10 to 11 a.m. to learn how to plant seeds for early spring vegetables like lettuce, carrots, radishes and peas. Learn how to start seeds indoors for summer crops like tomatoes and peppers. To sign up and receive the Zoom information, visit


Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Thirty-five years strong, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will kick off at 1 p.m. at the Finley Middle School, 1 Forest Ave., Glen Cove. The 2023 Grand Marshal is Ryan Doherty, and the parade will be benefiting Winters Center for Autism. There will be an after party at 2:30 p.m. at Metropolitan Caterers, 3 Pratt Blvd. There will be Irish music, bagpipers, dancers, corned beef and a cash bar. For more information, visit To RSVP for the party, text Marina O’Neil at 516-3167404. Party donation is $20. Raffle prizes and 50/50 are available for purchase.




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Distinguished Artists: Glenn Sings Glen

At 2 p.m. at the Locust Valley Library, 170 Buckram Road, Locust Valley, Glenn Paul Manion and Suzanne Smithline will be performing a concert called “Glenn Sings Glen” as part of the Town of Oyster Bay’s Distinguished Artists Library Concert Series. The show will be a tribute to beloved singer and guitarist Glen Campbell. For the full concert schedule and further information, visit


International Women’s Day

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the City of Glen Cove presents Female Firsts, a panel discussion with inspiring, groundbreaking women. Guests will include Geraldine Hart, the first Suffolk County Police Commissioner; Joanna M. Nunan, the first female superintendent of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy who served three decades in the U.S. Coast Guard; and Martine Materasso, the chief of housing for the New York City Housing Department, first female chief of the NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau and the first female commanding officer at NYPD’s 41st precinct. This discussion will be moderated by Glen Cove City Councilwoman Marsha Silverman. The event will be held at 6 p.m. at Glen Cove City Hall, 9 Glen St., Glen Cove.


Zuccaire Gallery, LIM Collab

The Staller Center’s Zuccaire Gallery

announces an afternoon at the Zuccaire Gallery and the Long Island Museum.

Visit The Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery at Stony Brook University to view the Revisiting 5+1 exhibition, Black Artists & Abstraction at Stony Brook in the ‘60s and ‘70s, before heading down the road to the Long Island Museum to see Romare Bearden: Artist as Activist and Visionary and Creative Haven: Black Artists of Sag Harbor. The event will run from 12 to 5 p.m.


Deep Roots Indoor Winter Market

The new home for the Deep Roots Farmers Market will be St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Glen Cove, 28 Highland Road, on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. except for the third Saturday of the month, starting Jan. 7. There will be no market on the third Saturday of the month because St. Paul’s hosts a free, hot meal and groceries to 80-plus men, women and children from the community on those days.

The Winter Market in Oyster Bay

Every Saturday starting Jan. 21 through April 29, excluding March 11 and April 8, there will be an Indoor Winter Market at St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that will support small businesses. Visit

MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 8 We’re not just your local newspaper, we’re a member of your community Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Muttontown, Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay Cove, East Norwich, Bayville, Locust Valley 132 East Second Street, Mineola, NY 11501 • 516-747-8282 • Fresh content delivered to your mailbox each week! Local Politics • School News • Community Calendar • Local Sports Entertainment • Puzzles & Games • Events & Happenings • Classi eds Order online: or CALL 516-403-5120 TODAY! Don’t Miss a Single Issue! Also Serving Glen Head, Glenwood Landing, Muttontown, Sea Cliff, Oyster Bay Cove, East Norwich, Bayville, Locust Valley An Anton Media Group Publication Vol.50,No.23April12,2022 $1.00 Glen Cove Now: Participate in the first Teen Idol vocal contest (See page 4) Oyster Bay Now: Local volunteers planted dune grass at TOBAY (See page 12) School News: Oyster Bay students learn how ornithologists identify various birds (See page 14) TERMITES? We Can Knock Them Out! 100 DISCOUNT* 800-244-7378 INSIDE Springtime! Check out the best golf locations on Long Island. Springtime BEST Color Our Town Oyster Bay recognized for its beauty and historical landmarks (See page 3) Colored illustration of Sagamore Hill. (Photo source: Color Our Town) 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Bob Sztorc, Agent Se Habla Español® Buy Quality. M: 516.252.8841 O: 516.517.4751 Professional and passionate. Use PROMO CODE 1YXT2022 to add a FREE YEAR! Only $2600 for one year & Bigforchanges the SAT Sail away with me Hofstra re-openingcamp Children For A Bright Future Serving . . . GUIDEWINTERANANTONMEDIAGROUPSPECIALDINING Valentine takeoutoptions Crockpot comfort food Local bakers conquercoffee cake market christenings,communions,graduations,anniversaries,engagement banquet people SpecialOccasion Packages NowAcceptingReservationsValentine’sDay MEDICINE PROFILES IN CHILDREN’S AN MEDIA SPECIAL FEBRUARY 2022 Suite New 516.627.5113 christenings,anniversaries,engagement NowAcceptingPLUS! 45 + SPECIALTHEMED SUPPLEMENTS TOO! (Nassau County Delivery Only)
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Second Annual Top Gun Run Celebrates LI Scout’s Legacy

Proceeds to benefit Andrew McMorris Foundation

On March 25, participants w ill gather for the second annual Top Gun Run to benefit the Andrew McMorris Foundation and Suffolk County Council of Boy Scouts. This 5K run/walk will take place on an actual runway at the EPCAL property in Calverton, NY. The race is named after Boy Scout Andrew McMorris, who was killed by a drunk driver while hiking the Greenbelt Trail in Manorville with his Boy Scout Troop. Several other Scouts were severely injured as a result of this tragic crash. The lives of his family, friends, community and fellow scouts were forever changed by Andrew’s loss.

“September 30, 2018 was probably the one of the most horrific things to happen to a family and to our boy scout troop. The drunk driver plowed into the entire line of scouts. Andrew was the last one struck, and he was the one that was fatally struck,” said Alisa McMorris, his mother, when she recounted the events of that day.

It’s a normal response to withdraw after such a tragedy, but McMorris knew that’s not what her son would have wanted. Their estate attorney suggested starting a foundation in Andrew’s name, which resonated with the family. “That first year, we sat around a kitchen table came up with a logo and pooled all of our money with my sister’s and brother’s, and we handed out two scholarships.” The scholarships were distributed on Andrew’s birthday, March 30.

The McMorris family decided to further commemorate this special day by holding the annual race at that time. Last year, the weather on race day was questionable. It was overcast and threatening to rain for most of the lead up to the start. “It’s an overcast day. It was terrible weather; we were kind of worried about it. We were like, come on Andrew, come through for us. We need good weather for this race. And then at the moment

when the firefighters raised the flag… you looked at the sky above that flag, it was a perfect hole with sun coming through. And it was as if Andrew was peering down.” McMorris remembered.

Each quarter mile of the race is marked with a plaque featuring a picture of Andrew and one of the defining characteristics of the scout law, such as being loyal and honest. The finishers will also collect a race coin that features a picture of Andrew with the McMorris family’s slogan, “We finish what we start.” These powerful reminders help spread awareness against drunk driving and celebrate Andrew’s spirit.

Hosting the race is an important part of honoring Andrew’s legacy. Many people come to run or walk the runway, but plenty of people come just to watch and cheer on the participants. The atmosphere is more celebration

something McMorris has her own way of describing. “It’s hard to put into words just what it was like to be there with everyone having the same kind of feeling. And we call it soysadness and joy, because there’s a little bit of sadness, but there’s so much joy to be had by the community.” McMorris is sure Andrew would love the annual gathering. “Andrew brought everyone together no matter what they were. He loved the party. And he loved having people over. He would invite people over off the bus all the time.”

Besides the Top Gun Run, the Andrew McMorris Foundation gives out several scholarships. These scholarships are open to

high school seniors nationwide and range from $250 to $2500 and the deadline is March 30. They also offer a variety of grants.

There are grants of up to $500 for fine arts pursuits for students in K-12 to follow their dreams. These grants are evaluated on a rolling basis from January 10 through June 1. Scouting grants for Eagle Scouts and Gold Star Girl Scout projects are also available. There are aviation grants for up to $1000, and the deadline for these grants is March 30. These grants and scholarships are especially meaningful for McMorris, who feels a special connection to the students who knew her son.

It’s important to the McMorris family to raise awareness and spread the message to help decrease the number of these completely preventable deaths. They are advocating for a decrease in the legal blood alcohol

limit, from .08 to .05. They are also seeking comprehensive changes to vehicle law to make it safer for everyone on the road.

“Last year’s inaugural Top Gun Run drew more than a thousand participants, and this year is guaranteed to be bigger and better,” said McMorris. “We were so thrilled that so many people came out to celebrate Andrew and helped to turn a runway into a huge party.”

This is a fundraising event and all proceeds support the Andrew McMorris Foundation and the Suffolk County Council of Boy Scouts. The race is seeking sponsors. For sponsorship information, please contact Donna Lillie at dmlillie.bsa@gmail or on her cell at (631)774-8074.

Participants at the starting line for the 2022 inaugural Top Gun Run. (Photo by the Andrew McMorris Foundation) The clouds opened up just in time for last year’s race. (Photo by the Andrew McMorris Foundation) Andrew McMorris at one of his flying lessons. (Photo by the Andrew McMorris Foundation) peer- school grants. sadness,
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 3A FULL RUN 238832 M

Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations Across Long Island

Get out your green and get your leprechaun on

BrickHouse Brewery and Restaurant


While Saint Patrick’s Day was originally a day of religious observance, services and feasting in honor of Saint Patrick, in the United States it has become a day of secular celebration of Irish culture. Here are some of the remaining parades and events.


Wed, March 15th 7:30 p.m.

Saint Patrick’s Day Game Show Night

Get ready to slam the buzzer at 317 Main Street for St. Patrick’s Day Game Show Night. Each participant on each team will participate in the games such as “Family Feud,” and “Crowd Says.” Each winner on the winning team will get a prize.


Fri, March 17, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

St. Patrick’s Day Shamrock N Roll Party at United Skates of America Roller Skating Center

1276 Hicksville Road, Seaford

Skating, Dancing, Games with the Leprechaun, Trivia, Contests and more! Find the Pot of Gold for big prizes.

Hampton Bays

Saturday March 18th at 11AM

17th annual Hampton Bays St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The parade features an array of entertainment from pipe bands, school marching bands, community organizations, business floats, fire departments and more.

Glen Cove

Sun, Mar 19, 1–3 PM

Robert M. Finley Middle School

1 Forest Ave, Glen Cove, NY

The Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade begins to form up at noon in the area of the Finley Middle School at Forest Avenue and Dosoris Lane in Glen Cove. It steps off at 1 pm and proceeds through the streets of downtown Glen Cove. There is ample parking at Glen Cove’s municipal parking garages and elsewhere and shuttle buses will run between the parking areas and the formation area.


Sun, Mar 19, 11:00AM–1:30 PM

Patchogue-Medford Library Parade Activities

54-60 E Main St.

Activities take place during the St. Patrick’s Day Parade OUTSIDE the front of the Main Library. Be parade ready – color a festive button and get a (temporary) tattoo!

12:00 PM Start

St. Patrick’s May the Road Rise to Meet Ye 2 Mile Run/Walk

Get your run in right before the Parade and enjoy 1 Beer at the Pubs of Patchogue! Redeemable with your bib.

First 400 Registrants Get a Tech Tee. Packet Pickup: Outdoors on Havens Ave or if inclement weather, indoors at 67 W Main St, Patchogue.

Patchogue Saint Patrick’s Day Parade

The line of march will proceed from the East Main Street intersection of Route 112 and finish at the viewing stand on the corner of Havens Avenue and West Main Street.

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Harbor Crab Celebration on Parade Day!

Enjoy a $5 Guinesss, $5 Corned Beef Sandwiches + Live DJ & Dancing! DJ Salty Jim will be providing the soundtrack to the occasion from 2:00-6:00pm. Don’t miss this fun time!

Babylon Village

St. Patrick’s Day Parade

March 19 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Sun, Mar 19 1:00 pm

Wantagh 3rd annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Long Island. The parade will feature pipebands, cars, floats, marchers, fire trucks, and police. There will also be a Block Party on Railroad Avenue following the parade.


Sat Mar 25 2023 at 12:00 pm

2023 Bayside Saint Patrick’s Day Parade

The 2023 Bayside Saint Patrick’s Day Parade will be stepping off on Saturday March 25th at 1:00 p.m. the parade will be marching down Bell Blvd from 35th avenue to 42nd avenue.


Sun Mar 26, 2023 2:00pm

Ronkonkoma St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Celebrate Irish Heritage as the Ronkonoma St. Patrick’s Day parade steps off on March 26. The parade will start on Hawkins Avenue at School Street, head South down Hawkins Ave ending at Thorne Street.


Sun Mar 26, 2023

12:00pm to 1:30pm

Montauk Friends of Erin St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Edgemere Road , Montauk, NY, Long Island’s easternmost parade runs up Edgemere Road and turns on to Main Street, passing the reviewing stand on the green. It finishes at the end of Main Street by the IGA. Starting at 10 am on the green, the Montauk Chamber of Commerce will be serving hot soup in a St. Patrick’s Day Parade souvenir mug. Montauk’s finest soups are


made and donated by local Roni Jenkins, Emcee of the parade along with parade committee members, Glen Cove Mayor Pam Panzenbeck, and members of the Glen Cove City Council. (Photo by Gill Associates Photography) Glen Cove Fire Department walking in the St. Patrick’s parade. (Photo by Natalia Ventura) Photos from 2022 St. Patrick’s Day parade Firebird Pipers from Kellenberg Memorial High School performing at the parade. (Photo by Natalia Ventura)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by KeySpan Gas East Corporation d/b/a National Grid (“Company”) that it has led with the New York State Public Service Commission (“Commission”) proposed tari revisions to its Schedule for Gas Service, PSC No.1 – GAS, to become e ective, on a temporary basis, April 1, 2023.

These revisions have been led in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. The table below compares the Company’s current rates (prior to April 1, 2023) to rates e ective April 1, 2023 by service classi cation. E ective April 1, 2023, $2.5 million has been removed from base delivery rates to be collected through the ‘Rate Adjustment Clause’. The Rate Adjustment Clause is a separate surcharge that will be included in the Delivery Rate Adjustment line on customers’ bills.

S.C. No. 1A, 5-1A – Residential Non-Heating Service


1AR, 5-1AR – Residential Non-Heating Service

S.C No. 15, 5-15 – High Load Factor Service Monthly

S.C. No. 16, 5-16 – Year-Round Space Conditioning Service

S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 1 –Less than 1MW

S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 2 –Equal to or greater than 1 MW but less than 5 MW

– Multi-Family Service

S.C. 9, 5-9 – Uncompressed Natural Gas Vehicle Service

S.C. 17 – Baseload Distributed Generation – Rate 3 –Equal to or greater than 5 MW but less than 50 MW

No change for the delivery rates for S.C. No. 1B-DG, 5-1B-DG – Distributed Generation & S.C. 18 / 19 – Non-Firm Demand Response Sales and Transportation Service.

These revisions have been led in compliance with the Commission’s Order issued August 12, 2021 in Case 19-G-0310. Copies of the proposed revisions are available for public inspection and can be obtained on the Company’s website at or the PSC’s website (



239557 M
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $19.75 $19.75 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.6089 $1.6275 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3926 $0.3971 S.C. No. 1B, 5-1B
Residential Heating Service S.C. No. 1BR, 5-1BR
Residential Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $21.66 $21.66 Next 47 therms, per therm $1.3435 $1.3528 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.3163 $0.3185 S.C. No. 2-A, 5-2A – Non-Residential Non-Heating Service Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.8332 $1.8441 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.3717 $0.3739 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.2390 $0.2404 S.C. No. 2-B, 5-2B
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $37.66 $37.66 Next 87 therms, per therm $1.8319 $1.8428 Next 2,910 therms, per therm $0.4600 $0.4627 Over 3,000 therms, per therm $0.3175 $0.3194 S.C. No. 3, 5-3
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $74.66 $74.66 Next 997 therms, per therm $0.5025 $0.5053 Over 1,000 therms, per therm $0.2968 $0.2985
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $38.00 $38.00 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.6133 $0.6165
– Non-Residential Heating Service
First 10 therms or less
Over 10 therms, per therm $0.2231 $0.2243
usage Current Rates 04/01/23
$153.35 $153.35
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 3 therms or less $230.43
Next 497 therms, per therm $1.7227
Over 500 therms, per
$0.2953 $0.2969
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 10 therms or less $180.61 $180.61 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.1506 $0.1517 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.1934 $0.1949
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 10 therms or less $328.22 $328.22 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.1506 $0.1517 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.1934 $0.1949
Monthly usage Current Rates 04/01/23 First 10 therms or less $949.35 $949.35 Over 10 therms, per therm (Apr – Oct) $0.0373 $0.0376 Over 10 therms, per therm (Nov – Mar) $0.0509 $0.0513 Demand charge per therm of MPDQ $6,252.00 $6,252.00

SANTOS WATCH Crossing The Red/Blue Line

Bipartisan electeds increasingly turn from, or target, Rep. George Santos


Public tension between Representative George Santos (NY-03) and fellow Republicans continues to heat up as spring slowly heads to Long Island.

Firstly, the House Ethics Committee announced in the beginning of March that it has opened a formal investigation into Rep. Santos, seeking to examine via investigative subcommittee whether Santos “engaged in unlawful activity” during his 2022 run for Congress.

As NPR reported, “The probe will also determine whether Santos violated federal conflict of interest laws and whether he “engaged in sexual misconduct” toward an individual who was seeking a job in the freshman congressman’s House office. Santos has denied that allegation.”

Karl V. Anton, Jr., Publisher, Anton Community Newspapers, 1984-2000

Publishers of Glen Cove/Oyster Bay Record Pilot

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Ally Deane, Mary Mallon, Sal Massa, Maria Pruyn, Jeryl Sletteland

Director of Circulation

The official portrait of U.S. Representative George Santos (R, NY-03).

(Public domain)

The Ethics Committee noted in its statement that opening an investigation “does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred.” On Twitter, a statement posted to Santos’ account said the congressman is “fully cooperating,” with “no further comment made at this time.”

Public displays of distancing have also increased from both local and national electeds, including Santos’ Republican peers.

On March 7, Representative Anthony D’Esposito (NY-04) introduced a pair of bills, entitled the “No Fame for Fraud Resolution” and the “No Fortune for Fraud Act,” which seem to directly target Rep. Santos, whether it passes or simply

stands on record.

Fellow Republican Reps. Nick Lalota, Mike Lawler, Marc Molinaro, Nick Langworthy and Brandon Williams co-sponsored the package of bills.

D’Esposito and colleagues said the bills would prevent members of Congress who violate certain election laws and other federal statutes from receiving compensation for ‘selling their story’ in the form of books, public appearances, and so on.

As Victor Nava reported for the New York Post, Rep. Lalota (NY-01) referenced Santos directly during a press conference: “He’s trying to use his new infamy to enrich himself, to further what he set out to do three years ago, to use his persona as a public figure to enrich himself.” Santos responded with criticism of his Nassau County neighbor, D’Esposito, in short order on Twitter.

Olivia Beavers wrote for the

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Helping Your Anxious Child

Clinicians have noticed a significant increase in referrals for children experiencing symptoms of anxiety, especially in light of the challenges brought on by COVID-19. Schools had shut down for a lengthy period; kids were isolated at home and away from their friends; many families faced food insecurities and job loss; and family members and school staff were contracting the virus and dying.

Although we appear to have entered a less deadly phase in the pandemic, its psychological impacts are far from over. Understandably, parents want to know if their child’s feelings of anxiety will pass in time or if those feelings should be addressed by a mental health expert.

First, let’s start with some of the signs to look for to determine if your child is experiencing a level of anxiety that may best be managed with professional treatment.


activities that they would normally engage in and enjoy.

2 Your child is experiencing headaches, stomachaches, sweating and/or heart racing, and it is not connected to any other illness.

aggressive and irritable without a reasonable explanation.

6. They are exhibiting increased problems with separating from you or require a great deal of reassurance that everything will be alright.

7. Lastly, they have become overly critical of themselves, worried about failing in school or reluctant to participate in an activity because they are afraid of not performing well or being negatively perceived by their peers. If these symptoms describe your child and interfere with their ability to perform in school, home or outside activities, it may be time to reach out to a mental health professional either at school or a mental health clinic to further explore the matter.

to cope with them.

2 Avoiding things that make us worry or frighten us does not teach us to cope; in fact, it actually makes symptoms worse. Therefore, learning to understand those feelings and what to do when anxieties arise is the best approach.

3. Parents should take a supportive, positive and realistic approach to children’s fears and worries. Dismissing their feelings or telling them to tough it out often makes things worse.

4. Parents can recognize their child’s feelings and help them to express those feelings by listening to their concerns.

online outlet Politico on March

5 The most important thing is to show your child acceptance and love and, if necessary, secure the appropriate help to treat the problem.

Linda Thomas-Batson, LMSW, is a clinical social worker at North Shore Child & Family Guidance Center, Long Island’s leading children’s mental health organization. She has worked in the field of social work for more than 40 years, specializing in working with children who experience symptoms of ADHD, PTSD and trauma, with a focus in family therapy. To reach the Guidance Center, call 516-626-1971.

cop who give cops a bad name. Spare me.’”


. Your child is worrying a lot more than usual, and it is not warranted by any particular events in their lives at the present moment. Their feelings of worry do not go away after a reasonable amount of time, and they are preventing them from participating in


. You may notice that all of a sudden, they are avoiding people, situations or places that they used to enjoy or other children would likely enjoy.

4. Their worrying has affected their ability to fall asleep, remain asleep through the night or sleep by themselves.

5 Their behavior has changed, and they have become more

Here are some things to consider when making the decision on whether or not to seek help, in addition to some steps you can take prior to seeking the help of a professional.

1. A qualified therapist will work with your child to help them manage anxiety symptoms and learn to function with those feelings. They will be taught to identify and understand their emotions and then learn strategies


Sands brings the worlds of fine dining, exhilarating entertainment and spectacular architecture together in an opulent package. Extravagance leads every step of our process. From our commitment to wholistic spa experiences to lavish in-room amenities, from celebrity chefs in our restaurants to celebrities on the stage, Sands leaves nothing to the imagination!

7: “After D’Esposito spearheaded a bill clearly aimed at Santos, designed to prevent members convicted of certain offenses from then profiting off their story in the form of book deals, paid speeches, or movie and TV contracts, the Long Islander pushed back on Twitter. “‘Coming from a man who lost his NYPD issued GUN while he was DJ’ing at a party!’ ... [Santos tweeted] before deleting his post. ‘You sir are the example of a bad

Beaver explained, “Santos appeared to be citing, in part, a New York Daily News report that found D’Esposito had been docked vacation days on two separate occasions, including once in 2015 for having his firearm stolen out of his vehicle and another time in 2007 after working as a DJ and serving alcohol ‘without authority or permission to do so.’ Santos in his tweet conflated the two.”

238168 M

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Howard ’Hoby’ Hanna, LP Finn, Whitney Finn LaCosta and Bob LaCosta
Work with us
(Left to Right) Howard ’Hoby’ Hanna IV, LP Finn III, Whitney Finn LaCosta and Bob LaCosta Owners of Howard Hanna | Coach Realtors


This charming six bedroom center hall colonial is situated on 2.52 professional landscape acres with pool at 11 Laurel Ln. in the Locust Valley village of Matinecock. This newly renovated home sold on Jan. 10 for $2,750,000. Its sunlight filled living room with wood burning fireplace leads to a covered porch for entertaining. The eat-in-kitchen including custom cabinetry, marble countertops, and premium appliances opens to a bluestone patio. The elegant dining room and family room has a natural gas fireplace. The two-and-a-half car garage has an adjoining custom mudroom. Two powder rooms on the first floor complete this level. The second floor has a primary room with two walk-in closets and ensuite bath, four additional bedrooms, a laundry room and two bathrooms. The outdoor living space has open and covered terraces offering incredible privacy for the pool. This home is conveniently located near transportation, schools and shopping.

Watch Out For Whales In New York’s Waters

Humpback whales are the most common whale seen in New York’s waters. The Atlantic Ocean humpback whale population has been increasing in recent years and they were federally delisted as endangered in 2016. More whales have been observed overwintering in our nearshore waters, likely due to climate change, increased food abundance and water quality. Vessel strikes and gear entanglement are the most significant threats to whales along New York’s shores and were the cause of many of the recent whale death able to be identified to date. DEC, in cooperation with NOAA and its stranding response partners, strives to respond to all whale stranding and mortality events to collect data and biological samples from the animal. Completing a necropsy is a priority for each stranding to help determine cause of death. If you come across a stranded marine mammal in New York, remain a safe and legal distance from the animal and call the New York Stranding Hotline at 631369-9829 to report its location.

Reports of marine mammal and sea turtle

sightings from the public are crucial to helping the response team collect vital information about our local marine animal populations. Send your sightings of marine mammals and sea turtles to NOAA administers vessel speed reduction zones which include both mandatory (Seasonal Management Areas) and voluntary (Slow Zones) speed reduction areas for vessels to reduce the likelihood of deaths and injuries to endangered North Atlantic right whales that result from collisions with vessels. In the Seasonal Management Areas, all vessels 65 feet or longer must travel at 10 knots to reduce the threat of vessel collisions. Slow Zones are triggered when three or more right whales are recorded in an area. In these areas, all vessels are encouraged to travel less than 10 knots.

In 2022, NOAA proposed regulations that would broaden the requirements of mandatory speed reduction zones to further protect North Atlantic whales. Slow Zones provide added protection to all whales and marine mammals.

This fabulous Colonial home at 500 Chicken Valley Rd. the village of Matinecock sold on Dec. 20 for $2,500,000. It sits on eight bucolic acres overlooking a large serene pond with seasonal wildlife. The home has gracious entertaining rooms for easy indoor and outdoor access, lending to wonderful sunsets. The home, built in 1960, is on a full house generator. It is centrally located near schools and shopping. It has six bedrooms and five bathrooms. It has natural gas, forced air and central air conditioning. It has a two-car attached garage.

Homes shown here represent closed sales, sold by a variety of agencies and are selected for their interest to readers by the Anton Media Group editor. Except where noted, data and photos are provided courtesy of Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. and Zillow.

238251 M © 2023 DOUGLAS ELLIMAN REAL ESTATE. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. 110 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, HUNTINGTON STATION, NY 11746. 631.549.7401. Maria Rovegno Lic. Assoc. R. E. Broker O 516.944.2858 | M 516.729.2413 Experience, Integrity, Proven Results
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Design books to inspire DIY toolbox

Unlined woven wood shades provide soft texture and a casual sophistication in this family room. Christina Byers Design

How To Prepare Your Garden For Spring

The cold winter months can seem to stretch on forever for those of us who love our lawns and gardens! Instead of staying shut indoors, why not make the most of your time and bundle up for some springtime lawn prep?

Some planning and work on the front end will help make your garden all the better and spring garden maintenance more manageable. Here is a short checklist of items to work on this winter.

Get Your Tools Ready

Winter is a great time to dust off your spring tools and arrange for any cleaning or repairs needed. It’s also the time to take stock of what might be missing from your shed that you’ll need come springtime. Think about items like your mower, garden spreader, blower, rakes, shovels, etc. There is nothing more frustrating than going to do yard work on a beautiful spring day only to realize that the tools and equipment you need either aren’t there or don’t work.

Clean Up Beds

Get the not-so-fun task of cleaning up the beds in your yard out of the way during winter so that in the springtime, you’ll be able to enjoy planting and seeing the

plants and flowers you cut back thrive with new growth.

Clip away anything that didn’t make it through the winter or needs pruning and think about making room for new plants and flowers. Think about adding fresh straw or mulch to beds if needed.

Create A Spring Planting Plan

If it’s just too cold and miserable to be outside but you still want to get a jump start on your spring garden, get your creative juices flowing and create a spring lawn and garden plan.

Think about what you’d like to grow, what grows best in shade versus sun and begin to map out where things will go in relation to what you already have growing. Taking time to draw up a plan will prove beneficial in the end as opposed to figuring things out as you go...things like timing and placement are important.

Select A Spring Fertilizer

Temperatures are finally starting to warm

up and the arrival of spring draws closer. As temperatures increase, soil temperatures also increase and this creates different conditions within the soil. Your garden will require certain nutrients at this time.

Pull Winter Weeds & Get Rid Of Pests

Garden weed control is much easier to tackle on the front end, so now is the time to get rid of those weeds that will hamper spring growth. It might seem like everything is either dormant or dead in the winter, but not those pesky weeds! They seem to hang on no matter what.

Go ahead and rid your lawn and beds of weeds so that you will have healthy soil to plant your spring plants and flowers in the spring. Be sure to apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent spring and summer weeds.

Pests are another issue that will quickly get out of control come springtime, so consider pre-treating your garden with a broad-spectrum insecticide to make sure that grub worms in your garden don’t move in. Want to learn more about achieving a great lawn? Visit to check out more Sod University tips.

—Katie Jacobs writes for Sod Solutions.

MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 • DESIGN & DÉCOR | 3B
Careful planning makes for a successful garden.
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Shore window treatment expert shares what’s trending

Far from the miles of dark heavy fabric and ornate cornices and double row curtain rods of the olden days, today’s homeowners are flocking to lighter and airy window treatment designs.

“People are going for simplicity, the cleanest, most simple look and they are doing that in a variety of ways from Roman shades with a crisp bottom or a clean roller shade and no valance,” said Graham Byers, president and window treatment expert for Gotcha Covered North Shore. “They are looking for subtle textures rather than bold patterns, seeking out fabrics for a cellular, roller or wood shades that have a wonderful texture in them, but that offers variations in color and density. It’s not loud or drawing attention to itself and it creates a luxurious feel without having it go overboard.”

Byers said the trends in window treatment choices are consistent with broader interior design trends as well.

“I don’t see homeowners going toward strong colors, in line with bold color trends that get talked about,” he said. “Homeowners want something that they’re going to like this year, as much as they’re going to like it in five years.”

Re-doing major decor elements, like furniture, window treatments and

flooring, too frequently is not popular.

“People are choosing neutrals and subtler tones, even in reds and blues, but that are more muted,” Byers said. “You want to bring color into your room, but not so much that you are like, ‘Wow, this is great, but now I have to change it next week,’ it has to be something you can live with.”

Of all window treatment options, Byers said shades are the most popular choice for decorating.

“I’ve got a lot of clients who have got elaborate top treatments, valances, swags and cascades of fabrics; it’s just really heavy stuff,” he said. “They are choosing shades because they fit the window frame; they are not these big, huge pieces of fabric that cover so much more than the window; shades are light and airy.

He said the most popular choice is a single roller shade, minus the valance across the top. The roller shade is a low-maintenance choice because when it’s up, it is out of sight and when it’s down it is just a piece of hanging fabric.

“It barely attracts dust and dirt and now

a lot of the new materials have a coating on the fabrics that repel dust,” Byers said. “They are much easier to clean and maintain.”

Long gone are the days of formal drapery, although Byers said he does still get occasional requests for drapery; if that is what the customer wants, that is what he is prepared to deliver.

“It is almost like window treatments are taking a step back so that other things in the room can shine,” he said.

The typical timeframe from consultation to installation is approximately four to six weeks.

Byers, who has been in the window treatment business for two years, said that post-pandemic production and manufacturing has nearly returned to normal, but there are times when a single component is not available and can delay the process significantly.

If you are planning a renovation project or making major changes to your windows, it is best to schedule the window treatments consultation for after the new windows are in place.

“Window treatments are custom to an eighth of an inch (shutters are custom to a 16th of an inch), so it’s really precise,” he said. “I have been in a lot of houses where homeowners have ordered something

themselves from somewhere online and they do their own measurements. They have these huge gaps on the sides that just don’t fit the way they’re supposed to.”

He said they might have measured correctly, but they do not have the expertise of how the fabric falls or where the gaps in coverage will be.

“Maybe they did not know that this kind of shade has a deduction of two inches, or the fabric is an inch, and a half less,” he added.

If you want new window treatments, you want to do it after you put new windows in because inevitably, the size of the window might change by a half of an inch or the molding ends up being narrower.

“I always wanted to start my own business,” Byers said. “It was the right thing for me at just the right time.”

He works closely with his wife, who is an interior designer. The duo often collaborates on design projects.

“When I am working with any designer, I let them lead with the fabric,” he said. “I bring the vision to life.”

Ready to get started? Visit www. or call 516-701-0141 to find inspiration and to book a consultation.

4B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023
Christina Byers Design
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Design With Inspiration

Check out these new book titles for home interior and design inspiration

1Arranging Things by Colin King


McAlpine by Bobby McAlpine

New York–based stylist Colin King shares his wisdom and insights for cultivating beauty in our everyday surroundings—composing objects into simple, sophisticated vignettes that enrich our homes and our lives. The go-to stylist for many of the world’s leading brands and publications, King is a regular contributor to Architectural Digest, T, Ark, and Rum magazines. He collaborates regularly with West Elm, Anthropologie, Zara Home, Crate & Barrel, and Roman and Williams Guild and has his own celebrated product lines with Beni Rugs and Menu, with more in the works. 2

Heirloom Rooms by Erin Napier

Erin Napier, designer, host of HGTV’s Home Town, and author of Make Something Good Today, returns with a gorgeously illustrated and one-of-a-kind celebration of the homes we live in and love. Our homes are more than an assemblage of bricks and glass, wood and nails. They are the keepers of our childhood memories, our milestones, and heartaches. They evolve as we do. As a family grows and eventually retracts, a home can change hands and begin again. We are the chapters in the book of a house. They carry on after we are gone, setting the stage for another story, a new life, new memories.

The work of renowned firm McALPINE has always communicated the power of romanticism, speaking directly to the heart through the beauty and poetry of the home. Tapping diverse influences, the residences draw from architectural languages ranging from Elizabethan and Dutch to colonial Caribbean and agrarian American. The book opens with Bobby McAlpine’s own newly designed house, featuring exquisite spaces that are modern in expression but classical in order and balance. Other projects include a white-on-white neoclassical pavilion-bythe-sea in the Bahamas; a masonry dwelling in the rolling hills of Virginia; a quintessential American country house in Tennessee that combines the familiarity of a farmhouse with crisp minimalism; and an exuberant house sited on the edge of a pastoral golf course in Alabama. Freely choosing from architecture’s treasury, the assembly of houses is familiar, bold, and surprising, all at the same time—reflecting the complexity of the human experience. 4

Sacred Spaces by Carley Summers

Before she became an internationally renowned designer and photographer, Carley Summers suffered from alcoholism and addiction, spending nights in jail, the emergency room, and rehab. As someone who celebrates recovery today, she knows firsthand the importance of a warm and inviting home. Summers uses her life experience and her craft to ensure that the homes she photographs and designs are comforting, healing spaces to live and grow in. Sacred Spaces takes readers on a beautifully photographed journey inside fourteen homes, from North Carolina and California to Canada, France, and Morocco, as Summers uncovers the vulnerable stories behind each one: a mother who uses her kitchen to heal her son with food, a woman who found her sanctuary after overcoming childhood abuse, and more. She even offers a tour of her mother’s home and her own.

6B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023
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Nine Must-Have Tools For Your Tool Box

A well-stocked tool box is necessary for homeowners and renters to do basic home repairs and simple DIY projects. From hanging pictures to assembling furniture, a good set of tools lets you take on all types of projects instead of calling somebody else to get the job done.

Tape Measure

The golden rule of DIY is to measure twice and cut once. You need a tape measure to do this. A 12-foot tape measure is long enough for most homeowners’ needs. It’s also small enough to fit in a drawer or tool box and won’t break your budget.

Unless you are building a shed or tackling a larger DIY project, avoid the contractor-grade 25-foot tape measures which are heavy and expensive.

Ball Peen Hammer

A traditional claw hammer is a must for construction, but an 8-ounce ball peen hammer is better for DIYers for tapping picture hangers into walls or making light-duty repairs.

A ball peen hammer is lightweight, takes up less space in a tool box, and has no sharp claw to navigate around, making it a better choice for general household use.


A good set of screwdrivers can help with a range of home improvement tasks

from installing overhead lights to changing cabinet pulls. You need at least three different sizes of flathead and Phillips head screwdrivers to cover most jobs.

A multi-bit screwdriver has interchangeable screwdriver heads and will take up less room in your tool box, but it’s easy to misplace one of those bits. If you’ve got more space, buy a screwdriver set. A good set of screwdrivers could last you the rest of your life.

Adjustable Wrench

A pair of high-quality adjustable wrenches can take the place of multiple wrench sets. An 8-inch wrench hits the sweet spot for most projects, but if you plan on doing light plumbing or other heavier home repairs consider buying a full set of standard and metric wrenches.

Utility Knife

A utility knife or box cutter is the most used item in your tool box. Utility knives are indispensable for opening packages as well as any household task that requires cutting, scraping and scoring. Keep one in your tool

box, but keep a second one in your kitchen drawer or somewhere else for easy access. A folding pocket knife can do the same tasks, but if you want to keep your blade sharp opt for a utility knife that uses replaceable blades.

Torpedo Level

You need a sturdy, 9-inch torpedo level for hanging shelves, mirrors or televisions straight. Hang them with no level, and they’ll end up crooked. Look for a level with a bubble that is easy to see and can take both horizontal and vertical measurements. It’s also good to have a level with built-in magnets which can help you go hands-free and make small adjustments to a metal surface.

Hex Keys

Hex keys are also known as allen wrenches or allen keys. Hex keys can be used to tighten bike seat posts and assemble flat pack furniture. Sometimes products include hex keys with the instructions but having your own set with longer handles will make the job much easier. A full set of allen wrenches in standard and metric sizes will get more use around your home than you realize.

Socket Wrench Set

If you plan to do any mechanical or auto repair, you will need a good socket wrench set. Choose one with a 3/8” drive to cover most uses and sockets in standard and metric sizes.

Unless you are a mechanic, you don’t need those giant sets with 50 or more sockets. You’ll be fine with a socket set half that size.

Personal Protection Equipment

Personal protection equipment (PPE) includes safety glasses, work gloves and hearing protection. Keep these items in your tool box so you have no excuse not to use them. Use safety glasses any time you are striking or grinding something, as well as during yard work or working on something overhead that might cause dust or debris to fall.

Work gloves prevent splinters and protect your hands from minor nicks and scratches. Leather work gloves are the most durable and are ideal for gardening and heavy-duty applications. Nitrile work gloves allow for the most feel and will keep your hands dry and clean. But a good multipurpose work glove can cover almost every job.

Use hearing protection around loud equipment such as lawn mowers or heavy machinery. Earmuffs offer the most protection, but ear plugs are smaller and easier to carry. Still need more information on what tools to get? Visit to watch the DIY Basics video series and view tool buying guides to help you find the right tools for your project.

—Reprinted courtesy of Lowe’s

8B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023
The right tools make projects easy. Lowe’s
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Easy And Eye-Catching

Home design on a budget

Are you bored looking at the same old decor around your house? Maybe it’s time for a change. If a slim budget is holding you back from updating your space, here are six ideas to help refresh your home that will cost about $100 or less.

Wallpaper a Nook

For a big impact at a low cost, wallpaper a reading nook, an alcove or a study space. Today’s fantastic wallpapers range from retro florals to zingy geometrics, and at less than $15 a roll in the discount bins at your favorite home store, it’s a statement you can afford to make.

Create a Sticker Backsplash

If tile is too expensive, consider a backsplash made of peel and stick, waterproof stickers. Just peel and apply them to a clear, flat surface. At a cost of $30 or less for 16 stickers, you can bring a whole new look to your kitchen.

Highlight Your Front Door

Choose a stand-out paint color that says ‘Welcome.’ Add a jazzy new house number, a cool door mat and, if the budget will allow it, a bright new door knocker.

Install Crown Molding

Add elegance to a living or dining room with do-it-yourself crown molding. Depending on the size of your room, you can find peel and stick kits, including pre-cut corner pieces, beginning at around $100. Solid wood molding costs up to $4 a foot, but since it’s hard to see at least eight feet above your head, you can opt for a vinyl look-alike for less.

Plant a Window Box

Up your home’s curb appeal with a cheerful window box or two, featuring foliage and flowers that complement the home’s exterior. The boxes are available at most home stores all year long for less than $100 each.

Hang a Gallery Wall

Make your house feel more like home with a gallery wall displaying treasured framed photos, your favorite artwork and even some of your kids’ fabulous artwork and/or posters. A failsafe way to do this is to create paper cut-outs of each framed piece and arrange them on the floor to your satisfaction first, before you start banging nails into the wall. Visit for more home tips, real estate advice and market statistics.

10B | DESIGN & DÉCOR • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023
a bold color for your front door.
Accent a wall with wallpaper. Choose Sticker backsplashes are easy to install. Window planters add curb appeal. Mix and match art with a gallery wall. Crown moulding is classic.


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A Celtic Carousal Comes To Long Island

Behind the scenes with Flogging Molly

Dennis Casey’s Fresh Tunes For Flogging Molly Fans

In recent conversation with Flogging Molly guitarist Dennis Casey, he was asked to recommend three bands that a fan would enjoy but that they might not have heard of. These were his recomendations:

Skinny Lister

Formed in London, and currently opening for Flogging Molly and AntiFlag on their current tour. Their fast paced folk influenced tunes will have any packed barroom hoisting their beer and shouting along to every song.

Flogging Molly, formed in Los Angeles by native Irishman Dave King in the mid 1990s, took its name from an Irish pub called Molly Malone’s, where they spent their early days as the house band. Front man King, with his distinct Brogue and acoustic guitar, continued to add members to the band from a wide range of musical backgrounds. Many of the current band members are a diverse group of musicians King met at Molly Malone’s and asked to join the band, each member adding diversity and nuance to their complex sound. The current lineup is founder and vocalist / guitarist Dave King; King’s wife, Bridget Regan, on violin, tin whistle and vocals; Dennis Casey on guitar and vocals; Matt Hensley on accordion and concertina; Nathan Maxwell on bass and vocals; Spencer Swain on mandolin and banjo and Mike Alonso on drums.

As the band grew, so did their following. Known for their rigorous touring schedule, the band spends months on the road every year playing to packed venues of all sizes, performing at music festivals and headlining one of the most unique cruises imaginable.

Style of music

The band recently took the stage with their unique assortment of instruments at Huntington’s Paramount Theater. The result was raucous punk rock verve, blended seamlessly with Celtic melodies and a sea of undulating bodies, electrified by the energy that Flogging Molly brings to every show. The attendees ranged from school age kids to seniors, the result of having drawn fans with their eclectic sound and energy for approximately 25 years.

While many bands may fit neatly into

a particular genre, a band as diverse as Flogging Molly can be more difficult to classify, but it is often referred to as Celtic punk. Longtime Flogging Molly guitarist and former Long Islander Dennis Casey put it this way:

“It’s kind of hard to do in a tagline because we’re people with really diverse backgrounds and we bring all kinds of influences to it, but Dave King, being from Ireland, I would definitely say there is a Celtic element of the band for sure as well as the instrumentation. He writes a lot about Ireland. And so I would say that’s a pretty good summation of what we are”.

Spend some time listening to the bands seven studio albums, and the band’s range immediately becomes apparent. From the slower more acoustic folk songs such as “If I Ever Leave This World Alive” to the strident electrified “Seven Deadly Sins” to “Whats Left Of The Flag” where King’s mournful lyrics and solemn acoustic accompaniment are set ablaze with a strum of Caseys overdriven guitar, Flogging Molly maintains a continuous musical thread through a diverse palette of songs.


Spending a lot of time on the road is a large part of what Flogging Molly has been known for. Over the years they’ve been all over North America and Europe and have toured in Japan. Casey had this to say about touring in Japan: “I remember we played Japan and the first time we went there... It’s such a completely different vibe. And

Flogging Molly made an appearance at The Paramount in Huntington.

I’ve been very fortunate to be able to do that.” He added “playing that far (away) and then having people know your music it was just kind of mind boggling. It blew me away, wow, our music is resonating halfway around the world.”


For a group of musicians who spend so much of their lives traveling and interacting with large groups of people, the recent pandemic had an enormous impact on the band. Casey put it this way: “in the beginning, there is this chaos, like What the hell’s happening? We were on tour and we went into California and, we saw it coming and then, everything shut down and so there was this state of fear, and the unknown, everybody staying home and realizing I may never do this again. What I do for a living is very people oriented, people in large groups.” As a father of four Casey was also quick to point out the silver lining: being able to spend time with his family. “The pandemic was a blessing and a curse for our band, because in the more than 25 years that we’ve been doing this, we never got to spend a lot of time with our families, and this is just the way I looked at it. We all did. I got four kids. I was gone most of their lives, to be able to stay home that long was what’s so beautiful for me.”

In addition to the time spent with family, members of the band also extended a life line of sorts. King and Regan streamed songs from in front of the fireplace of their home in

Fontaines D.C.

This Dublin, Ireland band started in 2017. Their lyrics alone are well worth a glance, but coupled with their incredibly catchy post-punk style melodies, they will likely become a favorite of anyone who listens.


Hailing from Bristol, England, Idles are intense and driven. With their raw, often frenzied lyrics, propelled forward by breakneck rhythms, Idles are a force of nature. Amidst the chaos of each song, however, they manage to maintain a cadence that draws you along as only a great band can do.

Ireland, and Casey posted a series of guitar lessons on the band’s YouTube channel. Whether they were aware of it or not, they provided a much welcomed continuity at a time of uncertainty for many fans of live music.

Salty Dog

With the lockdowns and restrictions behind us, hopefully for good, one of the most unique aspects of their touring is back up and running. Salty Dog Cruises is a multiday Caribbean cruise started by Flogging Molly nearly 10 years ago. The cruise features multiple bands, tattooing, a half pipe, even music lessons with Flogging Molly. Casey put it this way: “I was really skeptical in the beginning when the idea came up. I remember I got on the boat and the first two people I met were from Belgium and I was like …this could be pretty good. It’s just it’s a big party. There’s the vibe that people are just there to have a great time.” If there’s one down side to Salty Dog cruises, it’s that those considering booking a ticket don’t have much time to ponder the decision. The cruise usually sells out within weeks.

Flogging Molly’s latest album Anthem was released this past September. For more information, see

(Photo courtesy Katie Hovland)
...we’re people with really diverse backgrounds and we bring all kinds of influences to it, but Dave King, being from Ireland, I would definitely say there is a Celtic element of the band for sure.’’
—Dennis Casey


The proposed construction of a casino at the site of Nassau Veterans Coliseum in the predominantly Black and Brown community of Uniondale, New York, would be a destructive decision that could negatively impact neighboring Hofstra University, Nassau Community College, and


The news that local leaders in Garden City voted to officially stand against the proposed Nassau County casino floated by Las Vegas Sands Corporation is music to the ears to those of us who have been saying NO all along. This is the third attempt by developers to bring a casino to this part of the county and although the pushbacks by community members have been sustained and tremendous, developers keep coming with different versions of the same thing.

Although the action by Garden City leaders is encouraging, the final decision rests with the county Legislature, and if we are to take a cue from Legislator Siela Bynoe’s (D- Westbury) letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Las


the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Nassau. Casinos have long-term colleagues such as gambling addiction, crime, and prostitution, that are not in the best interest of the residents of Nassau County, the students at Hofstra University, and Nassau Community College. As well as the struggling cancer

Vegas Sands Corp., published in the Nassau Illustrated News, the decision could go either way based on his response. Bynoe posed the following pointed questions to the CEO:

“Provide my office with data specifically outlining the number and nature of employment that were created in similarly positioned host communities; the salary and benefits associated with each; professional development and advancement opportunities that are offered to recruits; the average duration of employment in each of these specific job titles; and the number of union employment opportunities that were created through these endeavors; identify local hiring plans that were implemented; the extent to which

patients at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Nassau. This effort could rob, rape, and ruin the lives of many broken, battered, and bruised Nassau County residents, students from home and abroad, and cancer patients, fighting the forward fight to survive.

Efforts to weaken the Black and

these goals were achieved; steps that were taken by your organization to achieve those targets.”

Bynoe asked other questions similarly along the lines of employment and employment opportunities, including opportunities for minority and women-owned business enterprises (MWBE) and disadvantaged business enterprises. (DBE)

I will not be surprised if this is the way most politicians will decide to go: seek assurance for jobs and employment opportunities from these business people, especially since urban casinos are on the rise in the northeast. According to the data, three major urban cities – New York (NYC), Philadelphia and Baltimore/ Washington, D.C., collectively

Brown vote through redistricting in America’s largest township, the Town of Hempstead, and one of America’s richest counties, Nassau County, literally adds insult to injury. The corrupt trinity of environmental racism, classism, and sexism, baptized in pure greed, wants possession of the very soul of

opened seven casinos from 2004 to 2012. The promise of jobs and employment opportunities seems to be the lure, but critics and opposers argue that there is a symbiotic relationship between casinos and local neighboring communities that could potentially increase problem gambling and have severe economic consequences such as economic distress, homelessness, mental disorders, and domestic violence. Detractors also make the association between the proliferation of undesirable businesses such as pawn shops, pay day loans, and check cashing stores- not exactly what some see as economic development. I will also not be surprised if Legislator Bynoe receives glowing reports to her many questions

our beloved township and county. The concerned residents of the Town of Hempstead and Nassau County must stand up, speak up, and seriously fight the forward fight for our future and survival.

which will help her to make a decision, especially since they are in a business in which the “house” never loses. They might even throw in a few “sweeteners” as sales people often do with hard to sell products. I am under no illusion that this fight will result in the same outcome as the previous two, since there are so many heavy hitters involved; the public relations officer is former governor David Patterson, County Executive Bruce Blakeman is a major backer and chief cheerleader and I believe so is Governor Kathy Hochul. It might be akin to a David vs Goliath battle, but like David, we are not deterred and are bracing for impact but prepared for a soft landing.

239379 M Get Results. Sign Up Today! Maidenbaum Property Tax Reduction Group, LLC – 483 Chestnut Street, Cedarhurst, NY 11516 DEADLINE APRIL 3RD Savings out of this world. Apply online or call 516.715.1208
Chester McGibbon, Westbury

New York State’s Schools For The Disabled Urge Governor Hochul To Reinstate Funding

The 4201Schools Association, which represents 11 schools serving children who are blind, deaf, and severely physically disabled, announced that a letter was delivered to Governor Hochul requesting that $2 million be reinstated in her Executive Budget before the 30-day amendment deadline on March 1.

The Association’s 11 member schools, which are located in Erie, Monroe, Westchester, Bronx, Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties, support nearly 1,400 students across the state. All of the schools rely on the state’s investment in growth to meet the increasing needs of the student population served and to retain specially trained and qualified teachers, clinicians, and other staff.

“Our schools were extremely disappointed that Governor Hochul has proposed a massive funding increase to public

school districts while reducing our operational budget by $2 million. Our children deserve every opportunity available to students attending public schools. We’re urging the Governor to reconsider her proposal during the 30-day amendment period, and make our schools whole,” said Dr. Bernadette Kappen, chair of the 4201 Schools Association and executive director of The New York Institute for Special Education.

The 4201 Schools Association represents 11 schools located in Erie, Monroe, Westchester, Bronx, Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties. The schools support nearly 1,400 students who are blind, deaf, and severely physically disabled from across New York State, and are nationally recognized for their expertise and achievement.

—Submitted by the 4201 Schools of New York State


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced $21,410,211 in grant funding to 16 institutions for community-based research to examine how climate change may compound adverse environmental conditions and stressors for vulnerable populations in underserved communities. EPA Region 2 has three organizations slated to receive $4 million in grant funding from this total.

The environmental and health effects of climate change are far reaching. Some communities are more vulnerable because they already face greater exposure to pollutants and lack the resources to respond to and cope with environmental stressors. These communities may be more likely to suffer sustained or even permanent damage from the impacts of climate change, further worsening health disparities. Additionally, children, older adults, and people with disabilities or pre-existing health conditions may be more susceptible.

These grants will support research projects that will use community-based participatory research approaches that aim to empower the partnering underserved communities with science-based resilience-building solutions to protect their most vulnerable residents. The grants are provided as part of the EPA’s Cumulative Health Impacts at the Intersection of Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Vulnerable Populations/Lifestages: Community-Based Research for Solutions funding opportunity. The following institution in New York is receiving an award:

City University of New York – York College, Jamaica, New York, Studying Air Pollution-Health-Climate Interactions for People of Color in Southeast Queens, NY: A CommunityBased Project

City University of New York is receiving an award $1,344,622 for Studying Air Pollution-Health-Climate

Interactions for People of Color in Southeast Queens, NY under a Community-Based Project.

CUNY works with underserved communities in Southeast Queens near multiple solid waste treatment and transport facilities. Employing community-participatory research to empower the communities with information that can be used to inform state/local decision makers and city planners for mitigative actions. Poor air quality, whether outdoors or indoors, can negatively affect the human respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Outdoor ground-level ozone and particle pollution can have a range of adverse effects on human health. Current levels of ground-level ozone have been estimated to be responsible for tens of thousands of hospital and emergency room visits, millions of cases of acute respiratory symptoms and school absences, and thousands of premature deaths each year in the United States.

—Submitted by The EPA

IS SERIOUS. AND SO ARE WE. Colorectal cancer is the 3rd leading cause of cancer deaths among women. That's why the Northwell Cancer Institute and the Katz Institute for Women's Health are working together to raise awareness about testing and prevention. Join our community events for information on screening, healthy habits and other ways to fight back. File name: Northwell_1652632_2023 Go Blue Colorectal Cancer Awareness _PrintAd_10x5.5 Sign up today. 238588 M

Leaving Has Consequences


The year 2022 was not a good one for New York State. For decades, losing residents has been a problem in the Empire State. Last year was no different.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), up to 300,000 people left New York state in 2022. The whys of people leaving continues to perplex local leaders. The old bugbears of real estate prices and where new jobs are now located are always mentioned, but there may be other factors.

All this is part of a nationwide trend, also in the works for several decades. In 2022, California, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, lost 350,000 residents, followed by Illinois (140,000), New Jersey (64,231), Massachusetts (57,292), and Pennsylvania (39,957).

The states that attracted the newest residents in 2022 were Florida (444,484) Texas (470,708), North Carolina (99,796), South Carolina (84,030), Tennessee (81,646), and Georgia (81,406).

Real estate prices, property taxes, jobs, traffic, crime, and the fiscal condition of Sun Belt states vs. those in the Northeast and the West Coast. What specifically are the differences?

Comparing Florida to New York, the average house in New York was constructed in 1957. In Florida, the median date is 1987. Up to 18 percent of all units in Florida sell for less than $100,000. In New York, that number is 5.3 percent. Real estate in the $100,000 to $199,000 price range is even in both states, 23 percent each. After that, the gap increases. Houses in the $200,000 to $299,000 range total 23 percent of all units

in Florida, but only 14 percent in New York. In the $300,000 to $399,000 range, the number is 17 percent for Florida, but only 13 percent for New York. The Empire State does do well in high-end housing. Real estate in the $400,000 to $499,000 range accounts for 13 percent of sales in New York, but only 8 percent in Florida. Homes in the $500,000 and higher range make up 32 percent of all sales in New York, but just 12 percent the Sunshine State.

New Yorkers know about property taxes. There is also the income tax. New Yorkers’ earnings are taxed at 8.82 percent. In New Jersey, the number is 10.75 percent. Florida, Texas, and Tennessee have no state income taxes.

Traffic congestion is also more severe in states losing population. According to a study by U.S. News and World Report, the most congested cities in the country with the worst commutes are Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and San Francisco. And then there is the ongoing crime problem.

By 2014, Florida had more residents than New York. That’s not all. Joey Politano, an economics writer with Apricitas Economics, has discovered that there are now more jobs in

Florida than in the Empire State.

Lack of income taxes hasn’t hurt such states as Florida, Texas, and Tennessee to increase gross income. Last year, Florida gained $23.7 billion in gross income, Texas $6.3 billion and Tennessee $2.6 billion. This allows for more expenditures for schools, roads, prisons, pay increases for state employees, plus room to reduce property taxes even further.

The population shifts have not yet amounted to a seismic change in American politics. The blue states still have more people than the reds. Such changes are possible. Since 1980, New York has lost eight congressional seats, while Florida has gained nine. In the last census, California, for the first time ever, lost a congressional seat. The exodus from blue states to red ones may, in time, peak and then level off. But if trends continue for the rest of the decade, Texas, after the 2030 census, could gain four congressional seats, Florida three, North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho, Arizona and Utah one each. The losers will continue to be California, New York, Illinois, and Michigan.

It’s not that New York hasn’t tried to stem the exodus. When he was governor, Andrew Cuomo proposed capping property tax increases at 2 percent for all counties outside New York City. That has worked insofar that neither Nassau nor Suffolk counties lost congressional seats in the last census.

The rest of the state has not been so fortunate. In 1950, New York stood at a zenith as the nation’s--and the world’s--leading political entity. It had 45 congressional seats. Today, New York sends 27 members to Congress. If Florida was a purple state, that might not matter. But if the Sunshine State stays red, that would have real political consequences. The red states, starting in the next decade, could elect presidents without any help from states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, not to mention coastal America.


More than 67,000 children in Nassau and Su olk counties worry about where their next meal is coming from.

In 2022, we served more than 196,000 meals to children through our programs, but we must do better.

Kids Cafe, Pack It Up For Kids, Summer Food Service, and Aspara’Gus’ Breakfast Food Truck provide free and nutritious meals and snacks to children in need after school, on weekends and during the summer.

Lou Reed’s faith in New York

Native Plant Bank Looking For Gardening Items

Long Island Native Plant Initiative

(LINPI)is seeking the following items ahead of the spring planting season:

• Black spray paint (matte/flat/glossy, any kind)

• Wallpaper paint brush/ various paint brushes

• Dustpan and brush set

• Storage bins

• Electric pencil sharpener

• Refrigerator/walk in fridge/cooler

• Tall artist stool

• Sewing machine

• Seed cleaning screens/mesh

• Wood for frame making

• Stair tread

LINPI is located at The Sisters of St. Joseph, 1725 Brentwood Rd, Brentwood, NY. Use the entrance at Brentwood Rd and 5th Ave. Once on the property, bear left past the gymnasium at the stop sign. Proceed to the parking lot. Please park in the parking lot across from the playground and field. Walk across the field to the greenhouse. If you are handicapped, make a left turn onto the dirt road (past the playground), and turn left again at the painted RV and picnic tables. Any questions on directions, call (631)260-1513. Email for more information.

The Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI) is an all-volunteer cooperative effort of over 30 non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, nursery professionals, and citizens.

The mission of this organization is to protect the genetic integrity and heritage of Long Island native plant populations and thus biodiversity from a landscape to genetic level, by establishing commercial sources of genetically appropriate local (ecotypic) plant materials for use in nursery, landscaping, and habitat restoration activities.

—Submitted by the Long Island Native Plant Initiative

My Irish Rose

In the corner of the pub, I stand and raise my glass and ask the folks to drink a toast to my Irish Lass the one I left behind - the one with the Irish smile the one I left behind - the one with the Irish eyes so raise your glass and drink a toast to my Irish lass cause hope and dreams of love and life they all go by so fast

She said oh Jimmy please don’t go - you know I love you so I kissed her lips and held her tight she was my Irish rose then packed my bags with hopes and dreams and off to old New York and left her waving on the pier my rose of County Cork I said someday I would return and marry you, my lass but days and weeks turned into months as years went by so fast

In the corner of the pub I stand and raise my glass and ask the folks to drink a toast to my Irish Lass the one I left behind - the one with the Irish smile the one I left behind - the one with the Irish eyes so raise your glass and drink a toast to my Irish lass cause hope and dreams of love and life they all go by so fast

I thought someday I would return with pockets full of gold but time has not been good to me I’m a penny short of poor it took me years to find my way back to County Cork to try and find my Irish lass but she had died the year before and on her stone the words they read - Jimmy boy I loved ya so I placed a flower on her grave - god bless my Irish Rose

—Submitted by Vincent J. Kelly







APR 15 Celebrating David Bowie featuring Peter Murphy, Adrian Belew, Scrote & more

MAY 10 Matt Fraser

MAY 11 Theo Von

MAY 12 Kool & The Gang with The Spinners and Average White Band

MAY 13 Chris Janson

MAY 14 The Temptations & The Four Tops

MAY 18 Cheap Trick

MAY 21 The Marshall Tucker Band

JUN 3 Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons


JUN 10 Happy Together Tour

JUN 23 Chicago

JUN 24 Les Claypool Fearless Flying Frog Brigade

JUN 25 Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood

JUL 18 Belinda Carlisle

JUL 22 Johnny Mathis

AUG 5 Air Supply

SEP 9 Lar Enterprises Presents: Oh What A Night of Rock & Roll

OCT 1 The Price is Right

DEC 12 An Intimate Evening with David Foster & Katherine McPhee




A native milkweed bloom. (Photo by Mary Hammel courtesy of Unsplash)
236539 M


HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis



This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 15 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). What’s relaxing for you would be stressful for someone else. Doing the thing that soothes you shouldn’t be expensive on any level. If it costs you money or emotional labor, perhaps there’s another way? Get your self-soothing in this week, and don’t feel like you need to pay someone else for it. is is doable.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You will retell your life events, giving the picture a beautiful frame. Maybe the framing can’t make the art better, and maybe it can. It will de nitely help you focus better on what’s in front of you, see the beauty in it and understand how this glimpse is important to the whole room.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). When people go through the motions and act right but the feeling isn’t there, you can tell. It bothers you. You want something genuine, and you should absolutely hold out for it because it will come to you. Keep the standard in mind as you go about your week. You will get what you seek and what you expect.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). It’s all falling into place, each element dropping in a line before you, all within your reach, and there is nothing to worry about. A note: Intimacy is people being able to reciprocally share vulnerabilities with people who accept those weaknesses. If only the powerful parts are shared, it is impossible to be truly connected.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). e evolution of you is sometimes a natural progression and other times requires conscious thought and experimentation. is week, you’ll be choosing which way you want to grow. You can a ord to be daring. When it works out, you’ll sail. When it doesn’t, you’ll try the next thing and the next until you sail.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). People sometimes ask questions as a means of control. You’ll love the conversation partner who asks out of sheer curiosity. You’ll have splendid exchanges. Moments of delight are in order.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your kindness radiates and emboldens you to new heights of originality. You’ll fascinate, draw a crowd, sell to them and fund an enterprise you believe wholeheartedly in. How satisfying to know you’re making the kind of di erence the world really needs now.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You know who you are, you accept your traits and learn to highlight them, or work around them. Every personality trait has within it the potential to be a worst or best quality and will be both, depending on when you look. ere is a mystery in every area of life. Impressive transformations will occur right before your eyes.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Accept someone’s idea for you. Your ability to prioritize and categorize will help you get to a bigger prize. You are capable of successfully making commitments you have never made before. So don’t be scared o by a prospect because it’s new. Say yes and get the experience.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Ten years ago, you did things di erently because it was a di erent you. To take advantage of a brief window of opportunity, you’ll have to move before you are ready and act before you are sure. Change is inevitable and never stops. You know what you’re doing. It’s going to work. is is the part where you just have to believe.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You express yourself in exciting ways. Only you’ve been behaving like this for so long that the way you talk, walk, dress and emote just seems very ordinary to you. You’ll gather fans and admirers. Life brings opportunities to exert yourself and learn to grow to be the person you want to be.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You are creative, and a vast network of loved ones, friends and acquaintances will nd interesting ways to support you. You’ll come to appreciate yourself through the eyes of others. Money will be easier to come by. You’ll make a mag


Make a wish, and make it all about you. Your most sel sh birthday wish will come true immediately, and your least sel sh one will come true over time. You’ll get the help you need to close a gap and cross a bridge. A family project will be a win on many levels. More highlights: Your knack for debate gets you into a sweet deal. New people and places are in store. Your work takes on di erent meaning as the future opens options you hadn’t considered.



Heading north

Solution: 15 Letters


This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 15 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. Heading

Alpha Arafura Games Camp Canoe Cyclones Derby Dust Fire Flat Flood Giru

Gorges Gove Grit Halls Creek Heat Huge Ingham Innisfail Kununurra Lakes Motels Mt Isa

Museum Nebo Nets Olio Open Rest

Roma Rough Safaris Stop Swim Tambo

Thursday Island Tides

Timor Sea Tolga


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Perfect defense

bid — declarer would have had clear sailing via a straight crossruff, losing two club tricks at the end.

As it was, the opening diamond lead made it impossible for South to ruff two hearts in dummy, so he had to seek an alternative route to 11 tricks. He won the first diamond in his hand and immediately led the jack of clubs, losing the finesse to East’s queen.

East recognized that if he returned a second diamond, he could prevent declarer from ruffing any hearts in dummy, but he was concerned with an even more imminent threat — dummy’s clubs. If declarer established that suit while the ace of spades remained as an entry to dummy, he could eventually discard his losing hearts on the good clubs.

Opening lead — two of diamonds.

This deal features picture-perfect defense by East-West, who collaborated beautifully to defeat a seemingly unassailable five-diamond contract.

North-South would have been much better off in three notrump, where nine top tricks were available, but they reached the diamond game as shown. West got the defense off to a good start by leading a trump. Had West instead led a spade — the suit his partner had

East therefore set his sights on dislodging dummy’s ace of spades before declarer could draw trump and establish the clubs. And to make sure that nothing went awry, East returned the spade king!

This proved to be just what the doctor ordered. No matter what declarer did from this point on, he could not avoid losing two more tricks, and he finished down one.

Note that if East had returned any card other than the king of spades at trick three, South would have had no trouble making the contract.

Tomorrow: Defusing a threat.

Features Syndicate Inc.
©2023 King
vulnerable. NORTH ♠ A 9 6 3 ♥ 8 ♦ K 6 ♣ K 10 9 6 5 3 WEST EAST ♠ J 7 2 ♠ K 10 8 5 4 ♥ Q J 7 4 3 ♥ 9 6 2 ♦ 4 3 2 ♦ 8 5 ♣ 7 2 ♣ A Q 8 SOUTH ♠ Q ♥ A K 10 5 ♦ A Q J 10 9 7 ♣ J 4 The bidding: NorthEastSouthWest 1 ♣ 1 ♠ 2 ♦ Pass 3 ♣ Pass3 ♥ Pass 4 ♦ Pass 4 NT Pass 5 ♦
North dealer. East-West
Tour Trip Tropics Tuna Vast Warm Weipa
Into the humidity Date: 3/15/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • © 2023 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.
north Solution: 15 Letters Alpha Arafura Games Camp Canoe Cyclones Derby Dust Fire Flat Flood Giru Gorges Gove Grit Halls Creek Heat Huge Ingham Innisfail Kununurra Lakes Motels Mt Isa Museum Nebo Nets Olio Open Rest Roma Rough Safaris Stop Swim Tambo Thursday Island Tides Timor Sea Tolga Tour Trip Tropics Tuna Vast Warm Weipa Solution: Into the humidity Date: 3/15/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • © 2023 Australian Word Games Dist. by Creators Syndicate Inc.

Weekly Sudoku Puzzle

Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle

Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle




for Proposal

A nonpro t organization in Plandome, NY is seeking sealed bids for replacement and installation of glass, aluminum frames, and materials for security related enhancements. This project is speci cally for the replacement and installation of glass for windows, window materials, and aluminum frames. Selection criteria will be based on experience, quali cation, knowledge of glass products and aluminum-frames systems, adherence to projected work schedule, completeness of o er, references, and cost.

Specifications and bid requirements can be obtained by contacting us at

Bids will be accepted until Saturday, April 15th, 2023. Work is to commence by June 15th, 2023 and be completed by October 15th, 2023.


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EN that a Special meeting of the qualified voters of the Glen Cove Public Library will be held pursuant to the provisions of Section 260 and 2007 of the Education Law of the State of New York at the Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, New York, in said District on April 4, 2023 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Said meeting will be held for the following purposes:

To vote on the following proposition:

RESOLVED that the proposed budget of the Glen Cove Public Library, Glen Cove City School District, as prepared by the Trustees of the said Public Library, for the year 2023/ 2024, and as the same may have been amended, be and hereby is approved; and that the amount thereof, less receipts, be raised by the levy of a tax upon the taxable real property in the said School District.

For the purpose of electing; one (1) Trustee for the Glen Cove Public Library. For a (5) five-year term.

The vote on the aforesaid matters will be cast by ballot in a ballot box.


ER NOTICE that the Library Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 260 and 2007 of the Education Law hereby calls said Special District Meeting.


HEREBY GIVEN that petitions nominating the candidate for the office of Trustee of the Glen Cove Public Library must be filed with the Clerk of the District between hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., no later than MARCH 6, 2023, the thirtieth day preceding the election, at which time the candidate so nominated is to be elected. Each nominating petition shall be directed to the Clerk of the District, must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the District, shall state the residence of each signer, and must state the name and residence of the candidate.

Sample forms of the petitions may be obtained from the Clerk of the District at the Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, New York.


HEREBY GIVEN that a copy of the proposed estimated expenditures to be voted upon shall be made available at the Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove,

New York, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. each day other than Saturday, Sunday or holiday, during the fourteen days preceding such meeting.

FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of the Glen Cove Public Library will hold a special budget hearing on March 21, 2023 at the Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, New York at 7:00 p.m.


HEREBY GIVEN that the qualified voters of the District may register between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. at the Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, New York. The final date to register for the meeting to be held on March 21, 2023 is March 6, 2023. If a voter has voted in any election within the last 4 years (2019) or if he or she is eligible to vote under Article 5 of Election Law, he or she is eligible to vote at this election. All other persons who wish to vote must register. The registration list prepared by the Board of Elections of Nassau County will be filed in the Office of the District Clerk of the Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, New York and will be open for inspection by any qualified voter of the district between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. prevailing time, on any day after Tuesday, March 6, 2023, and each of the days prior to the date set for the Library Election and Budget Vote, except Saturday, Sunday or holiday, including the date set for the meeting.


PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that an application for an absentee ballot for the Library election and budget vote may be applied for at the office of the District Clerk, of Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, New York. Such application must be received at least (7) seven days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter, or the day before the election if the ballot is to be delivered personally to the voter. No absentee voter ballot shall be canvassed unless it shall have been received at the office of the District Clerk, Glen Cove Public Library, 4 Glen Cove Ave., New York, not later than 5:00 p.m., prevailing time, on the date of the election.

Gina Rant Clerk 3-29-15-1; 2-15-2023-4T#238618-GCOB/RP



POR MEDIO DEL PRESENTE SE NOTIFICA que se llevara a cabo una reunion especial de losvotantes calificados de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove en conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Seccion 260 270 de la Ley de Educacion de Estado de Nueva York, en dicho Distrito el 4 de Abril de 2023 entra las 9am las 9pm Dicha reunion sera de ayunda para los siguientes fines:

Para votar sobre las siguientes prosiciones:

SE HA RESUELTO que el presupuesto propuesto de la Bilioteca Publica de Glen Cove, Deistro Escolar de la Ciudad de Glen Cove segun lo preparado por los Fideicomisarios de dicha Biblioteca publica para el ano 2023/2024, segun se haya modificado, se apruebe por la presente; que la cantidad de los mismos, menos los recibos, se aumenta mediante la recaudacion de un impuesto sobre bienes inmuebles gravables en dicho Distrito Escolar.

Con el fin de elegir; un (1) Fideicomisario de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove por un (5) mandato de cinco anos. La votation sobre los asuntos mencionados se emitira mediante urnas.

POR FAVOR, TOME NOTA que la junta de la Biblioteca, en conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Seccion 260 2007 de la Ley de Educacion, convoca dicha reunion Especial de Distrito.

SE DA AVISO ADICIONAL, que las peticiones que nominan al candidato para el cargo de administrator de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove deben presentarse al secretario entre las horas de 9am las 5pm., a mas tardar el de marzo de 2023, el trigesimo dia anterior a la eleccion, momento en el cual sera elegido el candidato asi nominado. Cada peticion de nominacion debe dirigirse al Secretario del Distrito, debe estar firmada por al menos veinticinco (25) votantes calificados del Distroto, debe ondicar la residencia de cada firmante debe indicar el nombre la residencia del candidato.

Los formularios de muestra las peticiones se pueden obtener del Secretario de Distrito en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, Nueva York


IONAL, que una copia de los gastos estimaados propuestos para ser votados estara disponible en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove, Nueva York, entra las 9am 5pm todos lod dias, except los sabados, domingos o festivos durante los catorce dias anteriores a dicha reunion.


IONAL, que la Junta de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove realizara una audiencia especial sobre el presupuesto

el 21 de marzo 2023 en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave,. Glen Cove, Nueva York. a las 7pm SE DA ADVISO ADICIONAL, que los votantes califacados del Distrito pueden inscribirse entre las 9am 4 pm. La fecha final para registrarse para la reunion que se celebrara el 231 de marzo de 2023 es el de marzo 2023. Si un votante ha votado en alguna eleccion en los ultimos 4 anos 2019 o si es elegible para votar conforme al Articulo 5 de la Ley Electorial, el o ella es elegible para votar en este eleccion. Todos las demas personas que deseen votar registrarse.

La lista de registro preparade por la Junta de Elecciones de Condado de Nassau se Archivaran enla officina del secretario de Distrito de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave, Glen Cove, Nueva York, estara abierta a inpeccion por cualquier votante califcado Del Distrito entre las horas de 9am 4pm hora vigente cualquier, dia despues del martes de marzo 2023 cada uno de los dis anteriores a la fecha establecids para la Eleccion de la Biblioteca la Votacion de Presupuesto, except los sabados, domingos o dias festivos, incluida la fecha establecida para la reunion.


POR FAVOR, TOME NOTA, que las solicitudes de boletas de votacion en ausencia. Para la Eleccion de la Bibliotecs la Votacion de Presupuesto se puede solicitar en las oficinas del Secretario del Distrito, de la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 Glen Cove Ave,. Glen Cove, Nueva York. Tales solicitudes deben recibirse al menos (7) siete dias antes de las elecciones si se va a envir la boleta al votante. Ninguna boleta de votante ausente sera votada a menos que haya sido recibida en la oficina de Secretario de Distrito, en la Biblioteca Publica de Glen Cove, 4 glen Cove Ave, Glen Cove, Nueva York a mas tardar a las 5:00 pm hora del dia, en el Fecha de la eleccion.

Gina Rant


3-29-15-1; 2-15-2023-4T#238620-GCOB/RP


Notice of formation of Excelsior Video Production Studio LLC. Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 11/10/2022. Office located in Nassau County. SSNY has been designated for service of process. SSNY shall mail copy of any process served against the LLC to 400 Carney Street, Apt. 1C, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Purpose: Any lawful purpose.

3-22-15-8-1; 2-22-15-20236T-#238654-GCOB/RP




TON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, AS TRUSTEE OF UPLAND MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST A, Pltf. vs. RONI JENKINS, et al, Defts. Index #603719/2020. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered Sept. 16, 2022, will sell at public auction on March 29, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. on North Side steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY prem. k/a 11 Doxey Drive, Glen Cove, NY 11542 a/k/a Section 0021, Block 00245-00, Lot 00008. Said property located in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York, known as and by Lot in Block 245 as shown on a certain map entitled, “Map of Applyby Hill, Section No. 1, situated in the City of Glen Cove, Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County, New York, owned by Colonial Estates, Inc., Robertson Avenue, Glen Cove, New York, surveyed by Teas and Steinbrenner, Su rveyors, October 7, 1957; and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Nassau on Jan. 23, 1958, under File Number 6987. Approximate amount of judgment is $512,730.03 plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms and conditions of filed judgment and terms of sale. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the sale.

MELVYN K. ROTH, Referee. MARGOLIN, WEINREB NIERER, LLP, Attys. for Pltf., 165 Eileen Way, Ste. 101, Syosset, NY. #100087



NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. NASSAU COUNTY. L&L ASSOCIATES HOLDING CORP., Pltf. vs. MARTIN MILLER, et al, Defts. Index #608476/2019. Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale entered April 20, 2022, will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on March 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. prem. k/a Section 31, Block 51, Lot 569. Sold subject to terms and conditions of field judgment and terms of sale and the right of the United States of America to redeem within 120 days from the date of sale as provided by law. Foreclosure auction will be held “rain or shine.” If property social distancing cannot be maintained of there are other health of safety concerns, then the court appointed referee will cancel the sale. MASSIMO SANTOLI, Referee. LEVY LEVY, Attys. for Pltf., 12 Tulip Dr., Great Neck, NY. #100093

3-15-8-1; 2-22-2023-4T#238738-GCOB/RP


Notice of formation of BLISSFUL OASIS LLC Arts of Org filed with Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on 2/5/23. Office location: Nassau County. SSNY designated as agent upon whom process may be served and shall mail copy of process against LLC to: 22 Forest Avenue, Apt. G, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Purpose: any lawful act.

4-5; 3-39-22-15-8-1-20236T-#239311-GCOB/RP




Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered on April 15, 2022, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the front steps on the north side of the Nassau County Supreme Court, 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY on April 18, 2023 at 3:00 p.m., premises known as 55 Pembroke Drive, Glen Cove, NY 11542. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York, Section 31, Block 51 and Lot 569. Approximate amount of judgment is $24,984.71 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index 611999/2019. This foreclosure sale will be held on the north side steps of the Courthouse, rain or shine. COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed at the foreclosure sale. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, the Court Appointed Referee will cancel the sale.

Brian J. Davis, Esq., Referee Robert Bichoupan, P.C., 175 East Shore Road, Suite 270, Great Neck, New York 11023, Attorneys for Plaintiff 4-5; 3-29-22-15-2023-4T#239532-GCOB/RP





HSBC BANK USA, N.A., Plaintiff against GEORGE LINCON, et al


Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein Such Crane, LLP, 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614.

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered September 20, 2017, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at North Side Steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, NY 11501 on April 19, 2023 at 2:30

PM. Premises known as 35 Duck Pond Road, Glen Cove, NY 11542. Sec 23 Block 25 Lot 2. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the City of Glen Cove, County of Nassau and State of New York. Approximate Amount of Judgment is $837,270.45 plus interest, fees, and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 011077/2012.

The foreclosure sale will be conducted in accordance with 10th Judicial District’s Covid-19 Policies and foreclosure auction rules. The Referee shall enforce any rules in place regarding facial coverings and social distancing. If proper social distancing cannot be maintained or there are other health or safety concerns, then the Court Appointed Referee shall cancel the foreclosure auction. Foreclosure Auctions will be held “Rain or Shine.”

Michael Cardello, Esq., Referee SNNY045 4-5; 3-29-22-15-2023-4T#239687-GCOB/RP




JOHN J. SHISHKOFF, et al Defendant(s).

Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered on June 4, 2019. I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Supreme Court located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, N.Y. 11501 “Rain or Shine” on the 29th day of March, 2023 at 2:00 PM. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Bayville, in the Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York.

Premises known as Ninth Street a/k/a 9th Street, Bayville, (Village of Bayville) NY 11709.

(Section: 28., Block: 36, Lot: 65 66)

Approximate amount of lien $449,771.82 plus interest and costs.

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment and terms of sale.

Index No. 001514/2017. Jane

P. Shrenkel, Esq., Referee. Davidson Fink LLP

Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 400 Meridian Centre Blvd, Ste 200 Rochester, NY 14618 Tel. 585/760-8218

For sale information, please visit at www.

Continued on page 10

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 9


ANTON MEDIA GROUP or call (800)


Dated: January 26, 2023

During the COVID-19 health emergency, bidders are required to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.




LYCAN CAPITAL FUND I, LLC, Plaintiff -againstTAYLOR S LEWIS CO EXR OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN LEWIS A/K/A JOHN C. LEWIS; HUNTER R. LEWIS CO EXR OF ESTATE OF JOHN LEWIS A/K/A JOHN C. LEWIS; BOB MYERS; LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY D/B/A LIPA; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE; PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; RETAIL CHARGE FINANCIAL SERVICES, CORP.; PALISADES COLLECTION LLC A/O AT&T; KEYSPAN GAS EAST CORPORATION DBA NATIONAL GRID; BOB MYER, Defendant(s). Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale dated January 12, 2023 and entered on January 13, 2023, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction on the North Side steps of the Nassau County Courthouse located at 100 Supreme Court Drive, Mineola, New York on April 11, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. premises described as follows; ALL that certain plot, piece

or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Bayville, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Nassau and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northernly side of a street or right of way which is shown on Map of Property of Z. Wilson, at Bayville, Wm. H. Browne, S C.E., April 1992, filed in Nassau County Clerk’s Office on May 2nd, 1922, File No. 169, distant 468.44 feet east of Mountain Hill Avenue as measured along said street, said point being the southeasterly corned of land of Loretta C. Roulet; RUNNING THENCE northerly along land of said Roulet 100 feet; THENCE easterly parallel with said Street, 35 feet; THENCE southerly parallel with the easterly line of said Roulet, 100 feet to the northerly side of said Street; and THENCE westerly along the northerly side of said Street, 35 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING

All Bidders must wear a face mask/shield at all times and social distancing must be observed all bidders at all times. Bidders who do not comply with the face mask and/or the social distancing mandate will be removed from the auction. Said premises known as 15 BAYVIEW AVENUE, BAYVILLE, NY

Approximate amount of lien

$1,517,176.17 plus interest and costs

Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment and Terms of Sale.

Index Number 24686/2009



DATED: March 2, 2023

3-29-22-15-8-2023-4T#239627-GCOB/OB LEGAL NOTICE PUBLICHEARING



Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 246, Section 24612 of the Code of the Town of Oyster Bay, notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Appeals has scheduled a public meeting, which will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room, Audrey Avenue, Oyster Bay, New York, on MARCH 23, 2023, at 7:00 P. M., to consider the following appeals:


APPEAL NO. 23-128




(A) Variance to construct platform with steps to grade having less average front yard setback than permitted Ordinance. (B) Variance to construct front two story addition, second story addition, rear two story addition and front platform with steps to grade exceeding maximum gross floor area than permitted Ordinance. (C) Variance to construct two story additions and second floor addition exceeding maximum height than permitted Ordinance. (D) Variance to allow existing 10 ft. 12 ft. shed exceeding maximum height than permitted Ordinance. (E) Variance to construct two story additions and second story addition exceeding maximum height setback ratio for front yard than permitted Ordinance. (F) Amend Specific Plan as presented for Appeal No. 05-303 and granted Decision of the Zoning Board of Appeals, dated June 2, 2005.

N/s/o Wood Ct., 65.96 ft. W/o Wood Dr., a/k/a Wood Court, Oyster Bay, NY APPEAL NO. 23-53



Variance to allow existing enclosed porch having less aggregate side yards and exceeding maximum building coverage than permitted Ordinance.

E/s/o Roosevelt St., 200 ft. N/o Todd Dr., a/k/a 34 Roosevelt Street, Glen Head, NY MARCH 13, 2023







GIVEN that a public hearing will be held before and the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville, Nassau County, New York at the Village Hall located at 201 McCouns Lane in said Village on Monday, March 20, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

The hearing will be on whether to enact proposed Local Law A-2023, entitled Property Tax Cap,” which will override the tax levy limit established in the General Municipal Law Section 3-c as it pertains to the Village of Old Brookville for the 2023/24 fiscal year.

A copy of the proposed Local Law A-2023 is on file at the Village Hall located at 201 McCouns Lane, Old Brookville, New York, where it may be reviewed between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. during usual business days until the time of the hearing.

All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at said hearing.


By Order of the Board of Trustees Sandy Albro Village Clerk/Treasurer 3-15-2023-1T-#239702GCOB/OB




OLD BROOKVILLE, NEW YORK 11545 (516) 671-4664


GIVEN that a public hearing will be before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Old Brookville on March 22, 2023 at 6:00 P.M. at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane in said village to consider the following:

Appeal of Steven J. Schaefer for a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7, D, (5), (a) of the Village of Old Brookville Zoning Code to permit the conversion of a pre-existing, non-conforming accessory storage building to a pool house located between the front wall of the principal building and the front lot line which alters the use of a non-conforming building and is not permitted.

For a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7, D, (5) of the Village of Old Brookville Zoning Code to permit the conversion of a pre-existing, non-conforming accessory storage building to a pool house having a front yard setback of 38.4 feet rather than the required minimum front yard setback of 56 feet, and a rear yard setback of 19.7 feet rather than the required minimum rear yard setback of 22 feet.

For a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7, D, (5), (a) of the Village of Old

Brookville Zoning Code to permit a proposed sports court located between the front wall of the principal building and the front lot line as it is not permitted.

For a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7, D, (5) of the Village of Old Brookville Zoning Code to permit a proposed sports court having a front yard setback of 38.4 feet rather than the required minimum front yard setback of 56 feet.

For a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7, D, (5) of the Village of Old Brookville Zoning Code to permit the expansion of an existing patio with outdoor kitchen having a rear yard setback of 7.5 feet rather than the required minimum rear yard setback of 22 feet.

For a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7,

D, (5) of the Village of Old Brookville Zoning Code to permit a proposed pergola having a rear yard setback of 10 feet rather than the required minimum rear yard setback of 22 feet.

For a variance of the provisions of Section 300-7, D, (5) of the Village of Old Brookville Zoning Code to permit a proposed shed having a rear yard setback of 12.6 feet rather than the required minimum rear yard setback of 22 feet.

Said property is located at 11 Pine Ridge Road, shown on the Land and Tax Map of Nassau County as Section 20,

Block J-1, Lot 36 and located in the Villages Residential 1 Acre Zoning District (R-1A). Said application is on file and open to public inspection at the Village Hall, 201 McCouns Lane, Old Brookville, New York between the hours of 9:30 A.M. and 1:30 P.M. Monday thru Friday until the time of the hearing when all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.

By Order of the Zoning Board of Appeals

John Golden Chairman






GIVEN that the fiscal affairs of the Incorporated Village of Oyster Bay Cove for the period beginning on June 1, 2021 and ending on May 31, 2022 have been examined Skinnon and Faber, an independent public accounting firm, and that the report prepared in conjunction with the external audit has been filed in my office where it is available as a public record for inspection all interested persons.

Dated: March 15, 2023 3-15-2023-1T-#239778GCOB/OB

MARCH 15 - 21,
Continued from page LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES To Submit Legal Notices for LLPs, LLCs, Summonses, Orders to Show Cause, Citations, Name Changes, Bankruptcy Notices, Trustees Sales, Auction Sales, Foundation Notices Visit our website at or call Legal Advertising at (516) 403-5143 Fax us at (516) 742-6376 or email us at Playhouse 46 - 308 W 46th St, NYC #JusticeForBarb SCAN FOR TIX WINNER! 7 BROADWAY WORLD AWARDS INCLUDING BEST NEW MUSICAL “A TOPSY-TURVY TAKE ON THE ‘UPSIDE DOWN’... EXTRA DELIGHTFUL AND REFRESHING.”

LVGC Celebrates Holi Festival Of Colors

The Locust Valley Library showcase display for March is in celebration of the Indian festival of Holi. It is curated by Locust Valley Garden Club member Kassie Miller Roth. Born in Trinidad into a Hindu Indian family, she has participated in many Holi festivals growing up. This year the official day, determined by the Hindu lunar calendar was March 8. “But we celebrate it all month,” said Kassie.

Holi is the festival of colors and a celebration of spring, friendship, family and the victory of good over evil. It is an ancient Hindu tradition and marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Kassie explained that people decorate the insides and outsides of their homes with flags, traditionally in red, yellow, blue and green. The same colors as the plant based powders they toss at each other to release all inhibitions and start fresh.

They play traditional folk music on the drums and Jall, that set the rythmn for dancing. “My sisters and brothers all danced and sang and tossed the colored

powders over each other. You get drenched in colors so that you almost can’t recognize each other. It is all water based and so washes out easily,” she explained.

“Holi is famously celebrated in Uttar Pradesh, India where my grandfather came from. It is celebrated, any place on the globe, where Indians have settled. He was one of the indentured laborers who came to work on the sugar cane fields in Trinidad, a British colony. When his contract was up, he stayed and bought land to create a plantation where he grew coffee, cocoa, citrus, rice and vegetables. He married and had a large family. My grandfather lived to 105, my father will be 91 in July. His was the first generation born in Trinidad.

“My family follows the Hindu tradition, that is a way of life and the art of living. We grew up with motto that ‘service to man is service to God’. It is a famous quote from Swami Vivekananda.”

In the exhibit case, outside the Community Room at the Locust Valley Library, the top shelf shows women wearing the traditional saris.

The second shelf signifies the temple and

two women, dressed in dance costumes, ready to perform. Each are holding a lotus flower, that symbolizes purity and overcoming adversity and re-birth.

The third shelf shows the colors of Holi and the powder that people throw at each other.

“The fourth shelf in the display represents my village. It has a truck that people rode in as they sang to the crowds during Holi. It was decorated with flags. The display also shows a bonfire. They were lighted the evening before Holi, and people danced and sang around it. Written on a plaque in front of my house in Hindi, was: Prem sagar bhavan. It means the house of love.”

The bottom shelf has clay pots to hold colored water and powder. All the items shown were handmade and painted in Trinidad.

The Locust Valley Garden Club meets at the LV Library the third Wednesday of the month, at 10 a.m., starting in March. The program donation is $15. If you love horticulture and want to meet fellow gardeners, contact Dean Yoder, president, at

Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club Welcomes American Legion Post 962

Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club took the opportunity to express its gratitude to American Legion Post 962 for its continued support of the Club’s popular basketball program at a ceremony prior to the game on March 2.

Ramon Reyes, Executive Director of Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club presented Post 962 with a Certificate of Appreciation. He also acknowledged the incredible impact Post 962 has made over the years by financially supporting PTSD programs, Children of soldiers killed in action, Blue Star Mothers, Vietnam Veterans, Operation Democracy and so much more. He also

mentioned how Post 962 drapes our roads with US Flags prior to Memorial Day, Organizes the Memorial Day Parade and awards 6 Locust Valley High School seniors with scholarships.

“While the Club is thankful for the American Legion’s ongoing support of our basketball program it would be remiss not to show our immense appreciation for their service to our country,” said Reyes.

For more information about Grenville Baker Boys and Girls Club visit its website

—Submitted by the Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club


Police Investigating Safe Harbor Marina Death

The Nassau County Police Department Homicide Squad reports the details of an investigation that occurred on Monday, Feb. 27, 2023 at 8:36 a.m. in Glen Cove.

According to Detectives, a 911 call was received for a person floating in the water in the Safe Harbor Marina located at 128 Shore Road. Glen Cove Police Department, Nassau County Marine Bureau, Nassau County Emergency Service Unit and the Glen Cove Fire Department all responded.

During the investigation, a 68-year-old male was recovered at scene and pronounced at 10:48 a.m. by medical personnel. The investigation is on ongoing.

—Submitted by the Nassau County Police Department

ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 11
Pictured left to right, American Legion Post 962 Chaplin RB Pelle, Carl Buhr, Vice Commander, Ramon Reyes, Executive Director Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club and Post 962 Commander Lawrence Schmidlapp. (Photo courtesy Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club) This display celebrating Holi was curated by Kassie Miller Roth. (Photo courtesy Dagmar Karppi)

Oyster Bay Resident Among 2023 Horizon Scholarship Recipients

Prestigious achievement-based award celebrates excellence in court reporting

Plaza College, the largest Court Reporting program in the country and the only NCRA-approved Court Reporting school in New York City, announced that five of its students were recipients of the 2023 Horizon Scholarship, administered by the New York State Court Reporters Association (NYSCRA). More than half of the eight scholarship winners are currently enrolled at Forest Hills, Queens-based Plaza College.

Nicole Swanson of Oyster Bay, Long Island received one of two $1,000 scholarships, while four of the six $500 scholarships were awarded to Sinead Curran of Merrick, Long Island; Kathryn Delap of Ridgewood, Queens; Melanie McGuirk of Long Beach, Long Island; and Stephanie Beauchamp of Jersey City, NJ.

“Plaza College is proud to be a center for excellence in Court Reporting,” said Karen Santucci,

director of Plaza College’s Court Reporting program and the New York Delegate for the NCRA, the National Association for Court Reporters and Captioners. “We congratulate these five students for their much-deserved recognition from the NYSCRA and the Horizon Scholarship Fund.”

According to the NYSCRA, “The Horizon Scholarship Fund is organized for the purpose of sponsoring educational and scientific projects pertaining to the art of manual or mechanical verbatim reporting by the use of shorthand symbols, with particular emphasis on training and education, and study in the advancement of the art of shorthand reporting.”

In order to be eligible for the scholarship, students must be enrolled in a licensed New York State court reporting school and achieve a B average or greater. Applicants must pass a school-administered test of 150 words per minute with

at least 95 percent accuracy and submit a 200-word personal essay on their court reporting school experience.

We look forward to working together with Plaza College to bring new talent into the field and keep our profession strong,” said Reid Goldsmith, President of NYSCRA.

According to estimates from NCRA, the industry is facing a shortage of approximately 5,500 court reporters due to decreasing numbers of court reporting graduates, increasing retirement rates, and an abundance of captioning opportunities. The availability of court reporters is critical to the timely scheduling of court trials, hearings, depositions, and grand juries. They are, in fact, considered officers of the court.

of New York, Bronx, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, and Sullivan and hears cases in Manhattan, White Plains, and Poughkeepsie, New York.

“The New York State Court Reporters Association is thrilled to award these scholarships to Plaza College students. We would like to thank Plaza College for the excellent instruction they provide to their court reporting students.

In mid-February, a group of the students from Plaza College were welcomed by judicial leaders at the Federal Court’s Eastern District, which comprises the counties of Kings, Nassau, Queens, Richmond, and Suffolk, as well as the Southern District, which encompasses the counties

The federal court leaders explained they have a significant number of immediate vacancies for court reporting and captioning professionals and were looking to the graduates to fill many of those career opportunities. The need for professionals who are proficient in stenography has further grown in recent years with the expansion of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the prevalence of remote and virtual meetings brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Captioners are essential in providing reasonable accommodations to those with disabilities as they access education, career pursuits, and arts and entertainment events.

—Submitted by Plaza College

Town Accepting Nominations For Women Of Distinction Program

Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor Joseph Saladino and Councilwoman Michele Johnson, together with Councilwomen Laura Maier and Vicki Walsh, announced that nominations are now being accepted for the Town’s 2023 Women of Distinction Program. At the start of Women’s History Month, residents are invited to nominate extraordinary women who have made a difference in their communities.

“Each year, the town has the honor of recognizing women who go above and beyond to improve the lives of those around them through our Women of Distinction Program,” said Councilwoman Johnson, who serves as Chairwoman of the Women of Distinction Committee. “If you know a special woman who helps make your community a better place to live, we invite you to

nominate her to be a 2023 Town of Oyster Bay Woman of Distinction.”

Supervisor Saladino added, “We are proud to recognize women in our town and invite residents to submit nominations of those who make a difference and enrich the lives of others. We look forward to sharing their stories and recognizing their efforts to make our community, families and town a better place to live, work and raise a family.”

Women of Distinction will be recognized at a special awards ceremony hosted by the Town Board in May. Nominations may be submitted for any achievement or honorable cause performed by the nominee. The Town seeks to recognize individuals for their contributions to the arts, education, environment, athletics, community or civic service, volunteerism

or business. Honorees must live or work in the Town of Oyster Bay.

To submit a nomination for the

please visit or call

MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 • ANTON MEDIA GROUP 12
Women of Distinction Awards
516-624-6380 for an application. —Submitted by the Town of Oyster Bay Nominate a woman who is making a difference in her community. (Photo courtesy the Town of Oyster Bay)
We look forward to working together with Plaza College to bring new talent into the field and keep our profession strong.
—Reid Goldsmith, President of NYSCRA
ANTON MEDIA GROUP • MARCH 15 - 21, 2023 13 �} Glen Cove Chamber of Commerce �• 25 th Annual Culinary Delights Supporting NOSH Delivers Inc. Enjoy A Spectacular Evening of Fine Food & Wine, Beverages, Live Music & Fabulous Raffles! Monday, April 24 th 2023 • 6pm - 9pm The Mansion at Glen Cove • 200 Dosoris Lane, Glen Cove Purchase Tickets Online ($55 Ea.-ly Bird Until April 1st) The Chamber Greatly Appreciates Our Sponsors For Their Generosity & Support! ""1111 "'Ill "Ill "Ill � ""1111 "'Ill "Ill <f �� ""1111 ""111 ��"111111 Glen Cove Hospital � Northwell BENiTEZ Health ® E�lt�9���Jg�� THE MED STATION PRIMARY CARE• URGENT CARE Primary and Urgent Care for Children & Adults GLEN HEAD • LOCUST VALLEY �ndvantageCare HEALTH CENTERS J.. J,.,,Q,.D, Wetw [l]eaua;fut LL�L..J (516)277-1445 ~ @HelloBeautifu/GC (516) 492-3636 • � *-;: � -11!�1�!�-AC�M�i,r��tJ • CELESTE GULLO AGENCY K)i1 @GulloAllstate IN s Pl RED BAN Kl NG I c) I � L�MGTORASCAL JING' S MO RTGAGE TEA M (917) 325-0684 • MARY STANCO LICENSED RE SALESPERSON 516-351-6336 • BERKSHIRE Laffey �:::a, HATHAWAY International 'li, ,7- � HomeServices Realty HEADSHOP (929) 330-3222 iMAGEl< PRINT • DESIGN • VISUAL MEDIA • DEVELOPMENT 516.676.6666 • info@gl • ml (j [@] @GlenCoveChamber 239734 M REGISTER ONLINE

Locust Valley Girls Basketball Team Captures Nassau County Title

Locust Valley High School’s Varsity Girls Basketball team captured the NYSPHSAA Section VIII championship title on March 1, when they defeated the first-seeded Cold Spring Harbor Seahawks at Hofstra University. The final score was 41-31.

Facing a Cold Spring Harbor team that handed them their only conference loss, the Falcons found themselves in a tight game with the score tied at halftime and heading into the fourth quarter. Guard Payton Tini helped the Falcons pull away late, scoring 14 of the team’s 18 points in the final frame to finish with 31 points on the night.

The 2023 championship win marks the Falcons’ third straight county title since 2019, interrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021. As the Nassau County winners, the team will now compete against Suffolk Class B winners Center Moriches in the Long Island championship, which is set to take place on March 8 at 4 p.m. at Hofstra University.

—Submitted by the Locust Valley Central School District

Glen Cove High School Select Chorale Performed At National Conference

Glen Cove High School’s Select Chorale was invited to perform on the opening night concert at the 2023 National American Choral Directors Association Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, from Feb. 19 to 22, 2023 with choral singers from all over the country. They were be conducted by Dr. Joe Miller, Ms. Robyn Lana and Dr. Henry Leck. Throughout the course of the time there, the singers went through intense choral rehearsals with the three guest conductors as well as working with the composers of the pieces they are performing. The Chorale also had a chance to work with the Cincinnati Children’s Choir as well as the Cincin-

nati Conservatory of Music Choir during their time at the conference. The opening night concert took place on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at the Aranoff Center in Cincinnati, OH.

The Senior Officers of the Glen Cove High School Select Chorale are Ornella Datkhayeva, Samuel Rosenberg and Elle Woska. They expressed, “We are excited to be personally invited to a national conference. After missing out on special opportunities due to the pandemic, we are happy to not only be recognized for our talent, but also able to participate in an awesome opportunity and restore what Glen Cove used to be.”

“I am so very humbled and honored to

be a small part of this immensely talented ensemble. The singers have been working very hard to prepare not only the ten selections for the ACDA Conference opening night concert, but their own concert repertoire. Being selected to perform at a National ACDA is a true dream for me personally and I am so thrilled to be able to share this with this fine group of singers. The fact that this is the opportunity of a lifetime is not lost on any of us. We are all truly grateful for this experience.” said Edward Norris.

Coordinator of Fine and Performing Arts Lawrence Nadel said, “Congratulations to our Select Chorale musicians as well as

their arts mentor, Mr. Edward Norris. This is a big honor for our Glen Cove High School community as we are recognized as one of the premiere choral groups from the northeast region of the United States. This is a testament to our students and their abilities in the Fine & Performing Arts.”

For more information about the Glen Cove City School District, please visit the District’s website at www.glencoveschools. org. Happenings in the District can also be followed on Facebook at https://www.

—Submitted by the Glen Cove City School District

The Falcons captured their third straight county title in a 41-31 win over Cold Spring Harbor. (Photos courtesy the Locust Valley Central School District) Coach Mike Guidone, guards Payton Tini and Reily Roberts and Assistant Coach Carolyn Morales celebrate the Nassau County Class B title. Glen Cove High School’s Select Chorale was invited to perform on the opening night concert at the 2023 National American Choral Directors Association Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Photos courtesy the Glen Cove City School District)
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