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Seed Library Opens soon-to-be high school graduates and their parents navigate the college search process. The seminar will look at current college admissions trends, what admission officers look for, how to develop a compelling essay, the importance of community service, researching and visiting schools and live Q&A chat. The seminar is sponsored by standoutforcollege.com. Sign up for this seminar and receive the Zoom information at oysterbaylibrary.org.

Attention gardeners. The Glen Cove Public Library Seed Library is open. Come to the information desk to check out up to 15 packets of free seeds and become a Seed Library member to receive emails about educational programs and planting tips throughout the season. The library is located at 4 Glen Cove Ave., Glen Cove.


St. Patrick’s Day At My Father’s Place Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a concert from Kerry Kearney, Michael Falzarano and Jack’s Waterfall at 3 Pratt Blvd. in Glen Cove at 8 p.m. Get tickets at myfathersplace.com


Glen Cove St. Patrick’s Day Parade is $20. Raffle prizes and 50/50 are available for purchase.

Distinguished Artists: Glenn Sings Glen

At 2 p.m. at the Locust Valley Library, 170 Buckram Road, Locust Valley, Glenn Paul Manion and Suzanne Smithline will be performing a concert called “Glenn Sings Glen” as part of the Town of Oyster Bay’s Distinguished Artists Library Concert Series. The show will be a tribute to beloved singer and guitarist Glen Campbell. For the full concert schedule and further information, visit oysterbaytown.com.


International Women’s Day an Marsha Silverman. The event will be held at 6 p.m. at Glen Cove City Hall, 9 Glen St., Glen Cove.


Deep Roots Indoor Winter Market

The new home for the Deep Roots Farmers Market will be St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Glen Cove, 28 Highland Road, on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. except for the third Saturday of the month, starting Jan. 7. There will be no market on the third Saturday of the month because St. Paul’s hosts a free, hot meal and groceries to 80-plus men, women and children from the community on those days.

The Winter Market in Oyster Bay


Navigating College Admissions 2023

The Oyster Bay East Norwich Public Library Young Adult Department presents a virtual Zoom seminar at 7 p.m. that will help

Thirty-five years strong, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will kick off at 1 p.m. at the Finley Middle School, 1 Forest Ave., Glen Cove. The 2023 Grand Marshal is Ryan Doherty, and the parade will be benefiting Winters Center for Autism. There will be an after party at 2:30 p.m. at Metropolitan Caterers, 3 Platt Blvd. There will be Irish music, bagpipers, dancers, corned beef and a cash bar. For more information, visit glencoveparade.com. To RSVP for the party, text Marina O’Neil at 516-316-7404. Party donation

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Nick’s Laundromat is a proud supporter of St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Glen Cove Special Olympics

214 Glen Cove Avenue

• Glen Cove (in CVS-711 Shopping Center)


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In celebration of International Women’s Day, the City of Glen Cove presents Female Firsts, a panel discussion with inspiring, groundbreaking women. Guests will include Geraldine Hart, the first Suffolk County Police Commissioner; Joanna M. Nunan, the first female superintendent of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy who served three decades in the U.S. Coast Guard; and Martine Materasso, the chief of housing for the New York City Housing Department, first female chief of the NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau and the first female commanding officer at NYPD’s 41st precinct. This discussion will be moderated by Glen Cove City Councilwom-

Every Saturday starting Jan. 21 through April 29, excluding March 11 and April 8, there will be an Indoor Winter Market at St. Dominic Roman Catholic Church from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. that will support small businesses. Visit foodtruckfridaypeople.com.

Meritage Wine Bar Open Mic

On Sundays doors open at 7 p.m. at Meritage Wine Bar, 90 School St. in Glen Cove, and the open mic begins at 7:30 p.m. Show off your talent and perform music, comedy, poetry, spoken word of whatever you do. There’s also a Sunday special in effect: a $40 open bar and food for two hours. Want to get on stage? Call 516-801-0055.

Cosmetic Surgery Today


Now is the perfect time of year to have the cosmetic procedures you’ve been thinking about.

There are options available today to help patients achieve the natural, youthful look they desire with minimal recovery and downtime. Greenberg Cosmetic Surgery is the Premier Destination for Rapid Recovery options including Laser Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Breast Lift, Tummy Tuck, Facelift, MiniFacelift, Eyelid Lift, Neck Lift, Rhinoplasty, as well as Modern Mommy Make-Over, Daddy Do-Over and Starting Over packages. Our cutting-edge techniques have patients back to daily routines quicker than ever before.

For New Year ready rapid results, cosmetic injectables such as Botox and llers are e ective treatments to reduce ne lines and wrinkles on the face and restore lost volume and symmetry without surgery or to enhance surgical results. Our state-of-the-art medspa provides skin rejuvenation and tightening treatments such as Morpheu8 and the latest CoolPeel CO2 technology to smooth and even out skin tone and texture as well as stimulate collagen for a more youthful look.

It is the proper mix of surgical and non-surgical options that guarantees a successful improvement in appearance as well as a signi cant reduction in the signs of aging. We have helped thousands of men and women get the look they have been dreaming of. Now is the time to show o a slimmer and younger looking face and body for 2023!

Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg o ers complimentary consultations at his Woodbury, Southampton, Smithtown, Manhattan, Scarsdale and Boca Raton o ces. To schedule an appointment, or request additional information, call 516.364.4200 or visit www.GreenbergCosmeticSurgery.com at docstg@aol.com, or visit the web at www.GreenbergCosmeticSurgery.com

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