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Town Announces 2023 Home Sustainability Workshops And Rain Barrel & Composter Sales
North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jennifer DeSena and the Town Board are pleased to announce that the Town will once again be offering Home Sustainability Workshops as well as the sales of rain barrels and compost bins to Town residents this March.
“The Home Sustainability Workshops introduce residents to a variety of ways to make their home yard more environmentally friendly,” Supervisor DeSena said. “I believe the Town plays an important role as an environmental steward for the next generation and I strongly believe that programs like this one will help ensure a healthy environment now and in the future.”
“These workshops are so important toward creating a greener future for all. They provide residents with the knowledge they need to make choices about their daily habits that can help reduce their carbon footprint,” said Councilmember Lurvey. “By learning about sustainability or adding a rain barrel and composter to your home the Town is empowering residents to take small yet impactful actions towards preserving our planet.”
The workshops will educate residents on ways they can maintain their landscapes for both human and environmental health. This year’s workshops will be held virtually through Zoom. They are free for all, including non-residents, but registration is required. The following workshops being offered are:
Sustainable Yard Care:
Wednesday, March 1 at 6:30 p.m.
Find out how you can make your yard more sustainable by composting, using a rain barrel, saving water, creating wildlife habitat, using alternatives to pesticides, applying fertilizer properly and more! Your yard can look great and be healthy for the environment!
Native Plant Gardening:
Wednesday, March 15 at 6:30 p.m.
Native plant gardens help to conserve water, reduce fertilizers and pesticides, and provide food and habitat for wildlife, like pollinators. The president of the Long Island Native Plant Initiative explains how to create native plant gardens in the home landscape.

Creating Rain Gardens:
Wednesday, March 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Discover how to install these gardens that reduce stormwater pollution and flooding, recharge and purify our drinking water, and provide food and habitat for wildlife.
Rain Barrel and Composter Sales
Composting and using a rain barrel are two great ways to help the environment from your own backyard. Compost provides valuable plant nutrients, reduces waste, and lessens or eliminates the need for synthetic fertilizers. Rain barrels collect rainwater that can be used for outdoor irrigation and help to conserve water use, allow users to save money, and reduce stormwater pollution.
The Town will have composters and rain barrels available for purchase at a discounted fee of $50 each (1 each per household). These items are only available to Town of North Hempstead residents at a first come, first served basis (ID is required). Please note there is a limited number of each item. Sales will be held at Clark Botanic Garden in Albertson.
For more information, dates of rain barrel and composter sales and to register for a workshop visit northhempsteadny.gov/sustainability or call 311.
—Submitted by the Town of North Hempstead