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SANTOS WATCH With Liberty And AR-15s For All Santos gets on board for establishing a national gun JANET BURNS


And they’re off!


In one of his first acts as a sitting member of Congress, Representative George Santos (R, NY-03) has co-sponsored a bill to make an AR-15 style rifle our “National Gun of the United States.”

The bill was submitted to Congress in mid-February by Representative Barry Moore (R-AL), and also features Representatives Marjorie Taylor Green (RGA), Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and Andrew Clyde (R-GA) as its co-sponsors.

Accouncing the bill in late February, Rep. Moore commented that “any government that would take away one right would take away them all,” as AL.com reported.

Rep. Clyde owns a gun store and “makes millions selling military-style rifles, body armor, ammunition, and other weapon accessories,” Business Insider reported last year. Rep. Boebert, meanwhile, previously ran a gun-themed restaurant called Shooters Grill.

On the website Congress.gov, visitors are able to view a summary, full text, sponsors and co-sponsors, and the progress of any bill submitted for consideration in either the House or Senate.

The bill in question, entitled H.R.1095 - To declare an AR15 style rifle chambered in a .223 Remington round or a 5.56x45mm NATO round to be the National Gun of the United States, was submitted on February 17, but does not yet have an officially prepared summary, as the bill text itself has not yet been submitted (only the title) as of publication time.

Under the “Text” tab where the actual legal language for the bill would be (and presumably someday will be) found, the


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CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE following notice was found instead, as of March 1: “Bills are generally sent to the Library of Congress from GPO, the Government Publishing Office, a day or two after they are introduced on the floor of the House or Senate. Delays can occur when there are a large number of bills to prepare or when a very large bill has to be printed.”

Santos got attention in early February for wearing a shiny metal pin shaped like an AR-15 style rifle on his jacket in Congress, which Rep. Clyde took credit for handing out.

AR-15 style rifles have been used to kill or maim victims in roughly a dozen mass shootings in the U.S. in recent years, including massacres in Buffalo, NY, Uvalde, TX, Colorado Springs, CO, Parkland, FL, and Sandy Hook, CT.

As Gwynne Hogan reported for Gothamist in late February, “An AR-15 style rifle was also used by the gunman at the 2016 Pulse nightclub in Orlando, where Santos claimed four of his employees had been killed, one of many now-disproven claims that have embroiled Santos in scandal since he took office.”

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