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the signs and be aware if your child has accidentally consumed marijuana. Young children who unintentionally ingest a marijuana/cannabis product can have the following effects: increased heart rate, vomiting, slurring of words, lack of coordination, dizziness, paranoia, anxiousness and difficulty breathing.
As more states across the nation legalize the use of recreational marijuana, there have been reports of children under the age of 12 consuming edible cannabis. Between 2017 and 2022, The U.S. Poison Control Centers have reported more than 7,000 kids under the age of six have eaten marijuana edibles.
Accidentally consuming edibles is a risk for children that can result in the need for emergency medical attention. Harmful effects can include difficulty breathing, impaired motor skills and vomiting. If your child has ingested edible marijuana, immediately call poison control, 1-800-2221222. If your child is exhibiting any of the symptoms listed, immediately take your child to the hospital or call 911.
Visit www.alliedpediatrics.com for more information about cannabis safety and how to get in touch with a pediatrician.

—Allied Physicians Group