4 minute read

Honorees Awarded For Outstanding Contributions To Education

Lauren Feldman



Nassau BOCES recently honored ten individuals and five organizations that have had profound effects on public education in Nassau County. The Nassau BOCES Education Partner Awards program pays tribute to outstanding educational leaders, organizations, school administrators and staff, students, teachers, Nassau BOCES employees, and other champions of education.

This year’s honorees were recognized at the sixteenth annual Education Partner Awards Gala, hosted by the Nassau BOCES Educational Foundation. The Foundation is an independent, community-based organization devoted to enhancing educational opportunities for students who take part in Nassau BOCES schools, services or programs. It supports initiatives that are beyond the scope of the agency’s budget.

During the past 16 years, nearly 200 individuals have been honored with the Nassau BOCES Education Partner Award, which recognizes those who have made a substantial impact on public education in Nassau County. A strategic education partner with local school districts since 1967, Nassau BOCES created the award to pay tribute to those who share its commitment to enabling students of all ages and abilities to achieve their maximum potential.

Following are the 2023 Education Partner Awards honorees from our Observer coverage area:

Lisa Estrada – Former Supervisor of World Languages and English as a Second Language, Hicksville UFSD.

In response to the significant barriers that Hispanic students need to overcome, Lisa Estrada brought the nationally acclaimed Latinos in Action (LIA) program to the Hicksville UFSD. LIA is recognized by the White House Initiative on Excellence in Hispanic Education for empowering Latino students to lead and strengthen their communities through college and career readiness. Thanks to Ms. Estrada, Hicksville was the first school district on Long Island and the second in New York State to bring LIA into its curriculum.

She initiated a bilingual Spanish elementary program at the kindergarten level and expanded it into a bilingual K-3 elementary program. In addition to the bilingual program, Ms. Estrada developed an elementary-level foreign language program for grades 3-5. Ms. Estrada also created an integrated co-teaching model for English Language Arts (ELA) and English as a New Language (ENL) at all grade levels.

In an effort to increase parental involvement, Ms. Estrada worked with the district’s supervisor of guidance to co-organize the Parent and Student University (PSU) for English Language Learners (ELLs) and their families. The PSU fosters collaboration and communication between educators and parents, increasing parental involvement through workshops and by providing resources to families of ELLs.

In a tribute video to the honorees, Estrada noted, “My most memorable accomplishment was creating positive change for the growing Latino population in Hicksville Secondary schools. I recognized the obstacles that these young students faced, and together with the Latinos In Action Organization, I was able to create the first program – the first LIA program – on Long Island.” Together with the guidance department, she was also able to create an ENL (English as a New Language) program for parents and students, which is still going strong today.


Michael Goldberg is a revered educational leader who has worked tirelessly to enhance the Farmingdale school district’s academic and extracurricular programs, expand career and technological opportunities, and improve district facilities. To this end, he has served the Farmingdale Board of Education for ten years, seven of them as president. His innovative approach to education — and his patient and open relationship with administrators, teachers, students, parents, and community members — have earned him the respect and devotion of the entire Farmingdale community.

Goldberg is a proud ‘Daler. “I live in such an amazing community,” he said. “They’re always there for everyone. The school district is the hub of the community, and I’m passionate, I’m hardworking, and dedicated to that community. Dedicated to the district. It is an honor to be a Nassau BOCES education partner.”

Mr. Goldberg spent more than 25 years as a corporate accountant. Following that, he served as the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations for the Roosevelt UFSD and is currently the Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Management in the Franklin Square UFSD. As a member of the Farmingdale Board, he brought his financial expertise to help design and pass a $36 million bond for school improvements with no additional cost to taxpayers.

Mr. Goldberg has been a fixture at PTA meetings, sporting events, concerts, theatrical performances, awards ceremonies, robotics competitions, school-community breakfasts, parades and local fundraisers. He is the recipient of the New York State PTA Honorary Life Award and the PTA Distinguished Service Award, as well as the Board Achievement Award from the New York State School Board Association.

Michael K. Pappas – Trustee, Board of Education, Levittown UFSD

Michael Pappas has been a leader in the Levittown school community for several decades. During his tenure on the Board of Education, where he served as both president and trustee, he helped the district to face a number of challenges. As a board member, he is a selfless advocate for students and community members alike.

As New York State made substantial cuts to aid provided to school districts, the government also implemented a tax cap, severely restricting school budgets. Mr. Pappas helped the Levittown UFSD navigate these significant obstacles and not only maintain school programs but build upon them. Under his leadership, the district was able to: expand dual-enrollment course offerings for college credit; increase the number of advanced placement classes; launch a small group instruction initiative at the elementary level; and refurbish school cafeterias, athletic facilities, and auditoriums throughout the district.

With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr. Pappas encouraged collaboration and helped educators and community members to work together to achieve success. Understanding the profoundly positive impact that a safe environment has on learning, he drew upon his experience in the New York City Police Department to bring a unique perspective to best practices in school safety. He advocated for enhanced security protocols, including additional security aides, secure entry vestibules, new classroom doors, and student and visitor management systems.

Pappas is passionate about ensuring children in his school district receive the tools and opportunities to meet their dreams and goals. He mentioned an anecdote which perfectly summarized his efforts, “My mother used to say that there will always be something more that you can do. So I’ve made it a habit to find something more to do, to help people in the community. I am one of those people that raised my hand to volunteer my whole life, I just love helping people and giving back. I know what it feels like to have nothing; I don’t want other people to feel that way.”

—Original press release courtesy of Nassau BOCES —Additional information provided by BOCES website

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