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Mid-Island Y JCC And LICF Expand Fresh Food Access To Low-Income Seniors

The Mid-Island Y JCC proudly held “Farmer’s Market” events at local low-income apartment complexes as part of an initiative sponsored by Long Island Communication Foundation (LICF) to expand access to fresh, healthy food options for people in need in our community. Staff and volunteers transformed the community rooms at each of four complexes into a market for the day and made 7 varieties of fresh vegetables, 5 varieties of fresh fruit, and fresh eggs available for residents of the apartment complexes to “shop” at no cost to them.

“Our Farmer’s Market events are designed to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables by removing cost and transportation as barriers to making these healthy food choices,” said Gail Warrack, Director of the Rudman Family Food Pantry at the MidIsland Y JCC.


The events were hosted in Plainview, Old Bethpage, and Syosset, communities that have been identified by New York State Office for the Aging as Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities

(Contributed photo)

(NNORCs) – localities with high concentrations of older adults where services are provided to help seniors age-in-place in the community. With LICF support, the Rudman Family Food Pantry worked with staff of each of the NNORC programs to implement the Farmer’s Market events, which were attended by over 150 seniors and people with disabilities.

For more information on the Rudman Family Food Pantry or how you can help, call (516) 822-3535.

—Submitted by Mid-Island Y JCC

Gaughran said: “Officer Greer served this community with dedication and distinction. For generations people will pass this bridge and understand the heroic life that he lived and hopefully his memory will be an inspiration.”

Assemblywoman Gina Sillitti said: “I am proud to join Assemblyman Chuck Lavine, the Nassau County PBA, and most importantly the family of Daniel Greer, to celebrate his life and dedicate the bridge on Sunnyside Boulevard in his honor. Forty-four years ago, Officer Greer was tragically killed by a drunk driver while protecting and serving the residents of Nassau County, and I am honored that I could help preserve his memory with the passage of this bill.”

“I am proud to name the Sunnyside Boulevard crossing in memory of Nassau County Police Officer Daniel J. Greer, who was tragically killed in the line of duty by a drunk driver while providing aid to a motorist,” Assemblyman Steve Stern said. “Officer Greer, known affectionately to his friends and fellow officers as “Shooting Star,” is remembered every day by all who loved him. It is my hope that re-naming this bridge Police Officer Daniel J. Greer Memorial Bridge will not only serve to honor his memory but also as a warning and reminder of the tragic consequences of drinking and driving. May all who pass this way take a moment to remember Officer Greer, educate their children, and make a personal commitment to never drink and drive.”

—Submitted by the Office of NYS Assemblymember Charles D. Lavine

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