Also Serving Stewart Manor
Garden City Life An Anton Media Group Publication
Vol. 35, No. 43
June 23 - 29, 2021
JUNE 23 - 29, 2021
Wealth Management Retirement Myths Rediscovering Hobbies
Police Commissioner To Report To Rotary
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Established 1985
Moving Up Singas named to high court, picks DA successor
he Mineola-Garden City Rotary Club will be honored to welcome Kenneth O. Jackson, Police Commissioner of the Inc. Village of Garden City, to speak to members and guests on June 29 at 12:15 p.m. at Calogero’s restaurant in Garden City. Commissioner Jackson will report on current topics such as COVID, reform laws, scams and traffic safety. “Our Garden City Police Department is proud to be a modern, innovative, proactive police agency, attentive to the needs of the community,” it was stated in the village’s 2020 annual report. “The department maintains a policy of omnipresence and preventative patrols resulting in Garden City being recognized as one of the safest communities in New York State and the United States. ” Focused… Results Driven Client Held in the highest regard, Commissioner Jackson has held numerous memberships 66 Russell Road, Garden City – and is the recipient of countless departmental and community awards, and citations. Anna Ferrara, See rest of story on page 17
(See page 3)
Licensed R.E. Sales Agent
Garden City Life (USPS 002-589) Postmaster: Send address changes to Long Island Community Newspapers, P.O. Box 1578, Mineola, N.Y. 11501. Entered as periodicals postage paid at the Post Office at Mineola, N.Y. and additional mailing offices under the Act of Congress. Published 51 weeks with a double issue the last week of the year by Long Island Community Newspapers, 132 East Second St., Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (P.O. Box 1578). Phone: 516-747-8282. Price per copy is $1.00. Annual subscription rate is $26 in Nassau County. cell 516 578-1801 Coldwell Banker Realty Madeline Singas speaks at a Democratic Party 600 Plandome Road dinner. Inset, Acting District Attorney Joyce Smith. Manhasset, 11030 (Photo by Frank RizzoNY • Inset: District Attorney’s Office)
Client Focused…
Results Driven Under Contract 66 Russell Road, Garden City
Anne Marie Ferrara,
Licensed R.E. Sales Agent cell 516 578-1801 Coldwell Banker Realty 600 Plandome Road Manhasset, NY 11030
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