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Prayer to St. Jude Holy St. Jude apostle and martytr, great in virtue, rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need. To you recourse from the depts of my heart to come to my assistance, help me in my present urgent petition (ask request). In return I promise to invoke your name. St. Jude prayer for us and all who invoke your name, Amen, May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever, sacred heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Say for three days. After request, print.
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225514 M
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EMPLOYMENT COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Grants and Scholarships available for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! (844) 947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET)
225445 M
Develop strategic & econ. plans addressing org. issues for long & short term growth strategy, logistics, delivery & market intel for project dev program. Manage design & construction process from concept design to buildout.
HERRICKS SCHOOL DISTRICT Help Wanted Food Service Workers and Cashier/Manager to assist with various duties in the Herricks School District. Applications are available online at https://www.herricks.org > District>Human Resources or at the Community Center, Main Office, 999 Herricks Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Mail CV to: Moore Group Corp. 1 Jefferson Pl, Baldwin, NY 11510 Attn: J. Moore, President. 225490 M
HERRICKS SCHOOL DISTRICT Bus Driver – Cleaner 10 Months – Full Time Monday – Friday 7:00 am – 4:00 pm Possession of a valid New York State Driver’s License with no convictions for moving violations during the past year and appropriate for the type of vehicle to be operated. Applicants for this position require Civil Service Clearance and must be fingerprinted in compliance with New York State Education Department regulations. Applications are available online at https://www.herricks.org > District>Human Resources or at the Community Center, Main Office 999 Herricks Road, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 225444 M
HERRICKS SCHOOL DISTRICT Substitute and Part Time Positions needed Clerical Positions to assist with various duties in the Herricks School District. Applications are available online at https://www.herricks.org > District>Human Resources or at the Community Center Main Office 999 Herricks Road New Hyde Park, NY 11040
225446 M
Immediate Hiring
Immediate Work PCA, HHA/CAN
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“Agents of Change”
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