My School Has Been Taken By Radical Terrorists This is a true story. If I don´t survive, tell my mom that I love her. It was April 24, 2017 a normal day of school. I went out home to the school bus stop. When the bus was full, was when we were going to school. We got to school at 7:05 a.m , I went to look for my things to my locker when I started hearing some noise. Then the speakers where turned on. (Students, please go to the closer room and lock the doors, we are being attacked by radical terrorists.) Every student at the school left their things out the rooms and ran away to the closer room. I went to the room 105. I was the last student to go to a room. Some of my friends were hided on the concierge room. It was so scary to know that the school was getting attacked by radical terrorists. Again the speakers were turned on - Hello everyone it´s me the radical terrorist we are here to fight of what we need, so the president will need to come to negotiate with me of our needs. - Thanks for your attention. I called my mom to know what was happening at school, I really really wanted my mom to be with me. She was doing all the possible to save all of the students. She told to the president and to the CIA and the FBI, trying to do all the possible. 12:30 p.m nothing was happening at the school there was no sound, everybody where thinking that the possibilities to survive was of 0000000000000000.10%, so not a lot of possibilities. 10:55 p.m A phone was ringing (bum- turun- turun- turun- turunturun- tun-tun). A teacher answered the phone it was the United States president. - Hello