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examples of rebellion


Rosa Parks and civil rights in America


She was an American Activist in the Civil Rights Movement best known for refusing to move on a segregated bus in 1955 December the 1st, refusing to listen to bus driver James F Blake’s order to give up her “coloured section” seat to a white passenger. She was arrested for Civil disobedience, however her prominence in the black community inspired them to boycott the bus for a year, this was the first action campaign post war civil rights movement.

Before the Rosa Parks case Claudette Colvin was arrested for the same act in March 1955, and black activists had begun to build a case for the 15 year old. Often when boarding the buses, black people were required to pay at the front, get off, and reenter the bus through a separate door at the back. Occasionally, bus drivers would drive away before black passengers were able to reboard.

Segregation was banned on buses in Alabama as a result of the Browder V Gayle case (1956) The boycott continued until the US Supreme Court and ruled that segregation on buses was against the law on November 1956

She became an international icon for the Civil Rights Movement. Upon her death in 2005 she was the first woman to lie in honour in the Capitol Rotunda. She has her own special remembrance day on her birthday February 4th, Ohio and Oregon commemorate on the day she was arrested, 1st December. Source Wikipedia

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