Creative Marketing Journal Term 2

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Journal By Antonia Bawden Creative Marketing

Term 2

Contents I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X.

Emerging designer Moodboard Pen portait Camera work shop Pointilism Adobe illustrator Lookbook Logo Website and portfolio References

Emerging designer I was assigned to search and collaborate with a new brand then create a lookbook using the brands product and my own models. Eight images from the shoot would then be displayed on my own website, aswell as my own logo. In response to the brief, I searched on ASOS market-place where i contacted Jessica Aro, the designer of Lemonade Monday. I also had to find a art movement for a source of inspiration to style the set. And In response, I chose Pointilism. I reasoned that the scenery would be in fields like the ideallic landscape Pointilism paintings. Also, i wanted the concept to feature “friendship, girls having a day out.�

Lemonade Monday is based in Essex. The focus is on vintage and upcycled apparel. Motto: lothing should last a lifetime

Moodboard 1

Feedback was that the design of the moodboard was well decorated, good use of colours, font and text. For improvement It was suggested that I should include more images of the clothing/ models I was reaonably pleased with my moodboard, I didnt agree with all of the feedback, I thought that one image with the models was enough to convey the visual of the brand. There was slightly more focus on the pen portrait, so there wasnt much said about it.

Pen potrait I was assigned to make a pen portrait for a potential client who would shop at the brand. This task was harder than i thought it would be as this involved research, looking at the social media and perhaps asking the brand themselves. I looked on Lemonade Monday’s instagram and looked at the followers. Many were advoctes or concerned for the environment, were passionate for beauty products, and abroad. I based Grace of who I thought a local client would be like.

The feedback from the crit was that there was too much information and I needed to find more specfic details, like: what restaurant/ pub/ bar she hangs out, what is her income, and what shops she likes. Another criticim was that I could make it more visual by adding more images. Compared to the rest of the class, i did appear to have too much information, I should have put half the amount. And I also didn’t realise the importance of putting in the income. I somewhat agreed with the feedback, but thought that I did well regardless as i put detailed information and put a lot of time and effort in my first pen portrait. However next time I will not put too much and will write specifically.

Camera workshop This workshop was a tutorial for using the camera lab. This workshop was to give us the option to shoot the lookbook in a studio setting if wanted. I had to have an idea of what I wanted the lighting to be in the shoot, for instance if i wanted to use daylight or harsh light. I was not planning on using the studio, however it was useful because i can use the studio if i needed to in the future. I was shown the basics of setting up the lights in the studio and monitoring. To be honest I didnt fully understand this workshop and I didnt take much from it as I found it out of my depth, however I hope to revisit it in the future .

Brand analysis

Lemonade Monday started in 2018, and focuses on upcycling, and being good to the environment, one way is to promising to dispose waste responsibly. As well as using un editied photographs on their website to promote body positivity and informing customers if needed with information on suppliers and manufacturers promising to be “crystal clear”. Lemonade Monday currently has 300 followers on Instagram, posting previews of upcoming stock and posting awareness for environment and feminism often with humour and “tongue and cheek” wit. The brand does not have a pre existing lookbook and the pictures of the stock are very basic with the model against a white background. A strength is that the models occassionally use props, like roller blades. However, I reckon there is much is to be improved upon in terms of creativity, and reaching a wider audience. The customers of the product are mainly abroad, I was informed from Sweden, this makes me think that brands that are upcycled vintage are popular in other cultures, and the market is not as expansive in the UK. However in contradcition I think Lemonade Monday works well as a small and local brand and works by building loyalty.

Moodboard 2


An art movement was my inspiration for my look book and for this i included elements of Pointilism/ Neo Impressionalism. Pointilism art usually depicts idealised landscapes using a painting technique called “visual mixing�, this is when dots of a similar colour are grouped together. This art movement was founded in the late nineteenth century by Georges Seurat and Paul Signac. My vision would have models posed outside surrounded by nature and beautful surroundings. I also considered editing the photographs on photoshop for pointilism effect. I want to shoot the photos with a soft focus background. My final location idea was Regent Park in London.

P hotoshoot outtakes

I was happy with many of the photos taken that day that i struggled to choose eight. Some outtakes did’nt have any imperfections, but the product wasn’t seen well enough or positioned right. Other outtakes were deleted because they were blurred, or the heads were cut off. Luckily enough i had two friends who were willing to model for me and were confident in having their photo taken. Admittedly i struggled with scheduling dates, agreeing on times to spend a day shooting in a park, and meeting up with the owner of the brand and borrowing her clothing. I was also concerned with the weather, as the day of the shooting there was a bad forecast and light showers. Despite this, the shoot itself was a major success. My friends did their own make up which I requested to be light, and tested the clothing and styling before we went to Regent Park. We used our own accessories, and beforehand I purchased ribbons to style the hair. Regent Park was the perfect setting for my concept, I found a blossom tree which was a great aesthetic, and also a daisy field. I liked this one the most as the field appeared like “dots”. A problem that occurred was changing the outfits outside, we found a secluded place but I was worried about my friends comfort getting changed outside, but I couldn’t think of a way around it.

Final 8

View finalised lookbook on

Logo workshop

For this workshop I visited a MAC room in the AVA building, and went through a two hour tutorial on how to create my own logo. I found this workshop extremely helpful and knew the basics of Adobe Illustrator by the end. Through out I was struggling and needed guidance as the software was knew to me, but by the end I could edit a pre existing logo and make it my own.

Here are previous ideas I had for a personal logo.


Constructing the website on WIX was not too difficult as I have had previous experience using the software. I had created four pages to navigate which are HOME, LOOKBOOK, BLOG AND CONTACT. I focused mainly on the LOOKBOOK page, and decided upon using a different design to the rest of the website. I wanted a background depicting my Pointilism concept, and used a pink/ beige background to compliment it. I experimented with the layout of the photoshoot images and decided to separate them so the user would scroll then and look one at a time. Additionally i decided to have a song automatically play as part of the User experience, the song: Lost and Found by Jorga Smith has a chill vibe and I hope helps enhance the site. I am pleased with my progress and the final outcome. If I was to change the site, I would want to have more experience/ knowledge in how to customise the layout and design. For instance more options on how to layout the images. Hopefully I will increase my knowledge and use WIX again in the future.


Page 1: Image from Pinterest access at: a8/4c/e5a84cad491956bcd3b87bdc66a7ba25.jpg Page 3: Image from Lemonade Monday Instagram post Page 5: Image from Lemonade access at: Page 7: Image 1, Unknown artist Image 2 :Artist Angelo Franco, access at: html

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