Bodypainting - Magazine - by Stefanie Mair

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BODY PAINTING ARTISTS: Johannes Stรถtter Jes Roger Petersen dmitry sandratsky



INDEX Bodypainting


Face painting


Johannes Stรถtter


Human environments




Earth treasures






BODY PAINTING. Body painting is a form of body art where artwork is painted directly onto the human skin. Unlike tattoos and other forms of body art, body painting is temporary, lasting several hours or sometimes up to a few weeks.

Body painting that is limited to the face is known as «face paint-

if not all, tribalist cultures. Often worn during ceremonies, it still

ing». Body painting is also referred to as (a form of) «tempo-

survives in this ancient form among the indigenous people of

rary tattoo». Large scale or full-body painting is more common-

Australia. A semi-permanent form of body painting known as

ly referred to as body painting, while smaller or more detailed

Mehndi, using dyes made of henna leaves (hence also known

work can sometimes be referred to as temporary tattoos. Body

rather erroneously as «henna tattoo»), is practiced in India, es-

painting with clay and other natural pigments existed in most,

pecially on brides. Since the late 1990s, Mehndi has become


popular amongst young women in the Western world. Many

disturbance when he body-painted her with his new make-up

indigenous peoples of Central and South America paint jagua

formulated for Hollywood films. Body art today evolves to the

tattoos, or designs with Genipa americana juice on their bodies.

works more directed towards personal mythologies, as Jana

Indigenous peoples of South America traditionally use annatto,

Sterbak, Rebecca Horn, Youri Messen-Jaschin, Jacob Alex-

huito, or wet charcoal to decorate their faces and bodies. Huito

ander Figueroa or Javier Perez. Body painting is sometimes

is semi-permanent, and it generally t akes weeks for this black

used as a method of gaining attention in political protests, for

dye to fade. Body painting is not always large pieces on fully

instance those by PETA against Burberry.The current modern

nude bodies, but can involve smaller pieces on displayed areas

revival could be said to date back to the 1933 World’s Fair in

of otherwise clothed bodies. There has been a revival of body

Chicago when Max Factor, Sr. and his model Sally Rand were

painting in Western society since the 1960s, in part prompted

arrested for causing a public disturbance when he body-paint-

by the liberalization of social mores regarding nudity and often

ed her with his new make-up formulated for Hollywood films.

comes in sensationalist or exhibitionist forms. Even today there

Body art today evolves to the works more directed towards

is a constant debate about the legitimacy of body painting as

personal mythologies, as Jana Sterbak, Rebecca Horn, You-

an art form. The current modern revival could be said to date

ri Messen-Jaschin, Jacob Alexander Figueroa or Javier Perez.

back to the 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago when Max Factor, Sr.

Body painting is sometimes used as a method of gaining attention

and his model Sally Rand were arrested for causing a public

in political protests, for instance those by PETA against Burberry.


Soul is as necessary in a painting as body Marie Bashkirtseff


BODYPAINTING-the art magazine


Face painting

FACE PAINTING. Face painting is the artistic application of cosmetic «paint» to a person’s face. From ancient times, it has been used for hunting, religious reasons, and military reasons such as camouflage and to indicate membership in a military unit.


The body is a big canvas. Modern water-based face and body paints are made according to stringent guidelines, meaning these are non-toxic, usually non-allergenic, and can easily be washed away. Temporary staining may develop after use, but it will fade after normal washing. These are either applied with hands, paint brush, and synthetic sponges or natural sea sponge, or alternatively with an airbrush. Body painting with fluorescent paint Contrary to the popular myth perpetuated by the James Bond film Goldfinger, a person is not asphyxiated if their whole body is painted. Liquid latex may also be used as body paint. Aside the risk of contact allergy, wearing latex for a prolonged period may cause heat stroke by inhibiting perspiration and care should be taken to avoid the painful removal of hair when the latex is pulled off. The same precautions that apply to cosmetics should be observed. If the skin shows any sign of allergy from a paint, its use should immediately be ceased.



Johannes StÜtter. The Master of Illusions Professional artist Johannes StÜtter is known for his groundbreaking work in the realm of body painting and body art. His 2013 creation of a tropical frog using 5 models went viral, propelling his career into another stratosphere. As a world renowned phenomenon, Johannes has won numerous awards, reached various milestones and received several accolades from notable press. Based in northern Italy, he resides in a small town in the Alps; holding a deep connection with nature, he gains much of his inspiration. Guided by his life’s philosophy, and motivated by everyday life, his fascination with people of various cultures allows his ingenuity to flourish. Rather than a static canvas, Johannes transfers his art onto live models, which enhances the connectivity between the artist, person and art-form.



human environments. ringing his artwork to life with each brush stroke, and creating detailed effects with his hands, he fuses the seen and unseen into one. Often blending his art into the backdrop of natural landscapes or indoor dĂŠcor, he creates illusionary masterpieces, portraying the beauty of life forms within its very existence and vulnerability. Mind-blowing, astounding, and inspirational, his ability to select the perfect shades of colour is as accurate

as an eyedropper tool. Making it seem effortless, his distinctive technique compliments his peculiar, yet driven and passionate persona; as he brilliantly paints his vision, transforming each model piece by piece. Born into a lifestyle that revolves around intertwining elements of creativity, spirituality and alternative living, music is also an integral part of his artistic expression. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at



bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and ex-

hibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work. .





Früher kam mir häufig vor, als würden Körper in der Umgebung teilweise verschwinden. Ich wollte sie dann ganz verschwinden lassen, erklärt er seinen Drang, das Camouflage-Bodypainting selbst ausprobieren. Nun sitze ich mitten im Gras vor einem Bergsee, in einigen Metern Abstand zu Johannes, beobachte ihn und indirekt auch das nackte Model. Zitternd steht es vor ihm. Es ist kalt. Auf der anderen Seite des Sees liegt noch Schnee. Der Wind bläst durch meinen Pullover und durch Johannes' Haar, das trotz eines weißen Bandes zerzaust ist. Neben ihm liegen seine Farben. Die Pinsel hat er geordnet ins Gras gesteckt, das Bemalen muss schließlich schnell gehen. Er bewegt sich zum Model hin, zieht einige Striche über ihre Brust, macht anschließend wieder einige Schritte zurück. Strich für Strich gleicht er das Model der Natur an. Ja, die Natur das ist eine weitere seiner Leidenschaften, wie er erzählt.





Johannes' einstige Leidenschaft bestand aus Noten und Tönen. Was er damit machen wollte, wusste er lange Zeit nicht. Die Musik würde ich als ein Puzzleteil seines Lebens beschreiben. Er wuchs in einer Musikerfamilie mit drei Brüdern und einer Schwester auf und spielte während seiner Studienzeit Geige in einer Band. Das Studium schloss er ab, werden wollte er aber Musiker. Oder ein erfolgreicher Künstler. Ich möchte nicht, dass die Leute meine Werke ansehen, nicken und anschließend nie wieder daran denken, erzählt er. Doch mit seiner Kunst bekannt zu werden war ein schwieriger Plan. Bis er über die Musik eine neue Art von Kunst für sich entdeckte. Es war Liebe auf den ersten Pinselstrich. Ein CD-Cover veränderte Johannes' Kunst entscheidend. Und gleichzeitig sein Leben. Für eine befreundete Band setzte der damals 22-Jährige

eine Idee um, die er bereits einige Jahre zuvor hatte. Er malte das CD-Cover für ihr Album. Farben hatte er, Pinsel auch nur eines änderte er erstmals: Er tauschte die übliche Leinwand gegen nackte Körper aus. Und zwar jene der Bandmitglieder. Er begann sie zu bemalen, bis sie eins wurden mit dem Hintergrund. Mit dem Ergebnis war er zufrieden. Es war ein weiteres Puzzleteil seines Lebens. Pfoten, Besonderheiten des Fells, Muskelstränge bereits als Kind kannte Johannes sämtliche Merkmale von Tieren. Nur so. Tiere gefielen ihm immer schon. Dass es ein weiteres Puzzleteil seines Lebens und seiner Arbeit sein würde, wusste er damals noch nicht. Heute kommt ihm diese Kenntnis beim Bodypainting zu Gute: Man muss wissen, wie ein Tier anatomisch aussieht, um es anschließend malen zu können. Vom Wissen bis zum



earth treasures.

«Früher kam mir häufig vor, als würden Körper in der Umgebung teilweise verschwinden. Ich wollte sie dann ganz verschwinden lassen» - Johannes Stötter



There must be an art detached from life, beautiful things to look at and bad things to use. - Bruno Munari


There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain. - Georges Braque




Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural, physical, or material world or universe. «Nature» can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The study of nature is a large, if not the only, part of science. Although humans are part of nature, human activity is often understood as a separate category from other natural phenomena. The word nature is derived from the Latin word natura, or «essential qualities, innate disposition», and in ancient times, literally

meant «birth». Natura is a Latin translation of the Greek word physis, which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord.The concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of the original notion; it began with certain core applications of the word by pre-Socratic philosophers, and has steadily gained currency ever since. This usage continued during the advent of modern


animals. In a world of illusions Bringing his artwork to life with each brush stroke, and creating detailed effects with his hands, he fuses the seen and unseen into one. Often blending his art into the backdrop of natural landscapes or indoor décor, he creates illusionary masterpieces, portraying the beauty of life forms within its very existence and vulnerability. Mind-blowing, astounding, and inspirational, his ability to select the perfect shades of colour is as accurate as an eyedropper tool. Making it seem effortless, his distinctive technique compliments his peculiar, yet driven and passionate persona; as he brilliantly paints his vision, transforming each model piece by piece. Born into a lifestyle that revolves around intertwining elements of creativity, spirituality and alternative living, music is also an integral part of his artistic expression. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around

the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work all around the globe. His ability to touch the hearts of others and spark positivity through his art is by far one of Johannes’ successes. With a high spirit and powerful creative sense, he teaches at bodypainting workshops, and exhibits his work.



«Nachdem ich das Design fertig hatte, was nur eine halbe

beugen. Da es viele verschiedene Arten von Chamäleons

Stunde dauerte, probierte ich die verschiedenen Positionen

in der Natur gibt und diese verschiedenste Farben haben

mit den zwei Modellen aus und es schien zu funktionie-

schien es sehr viele Möglichkeiten für eine Illusion zu geben.

ren, auch wenn es sehr schwer für sie war, die Positionen

So dauerte es ungefähr 4 Tage das Design zu vergrößern

zu halten, speziell für das untere Modelle die Beine zu

und zu perfektionieren, sowie mit Farben zu versehen.


Mit der Hilfe eines Assistenten dauerte das Bodypainting

war ebenfalls sehr glücklich es fertiggestellt zu haben, das

selbst etwa 6 Stunden. Ich musste die Haare der Modelle

ist immer ein kleiner Teil Magie. Die meisten, die bereits

mit Lehn abdecken um sie wie Glatzen aussehen zu lassen.

einen Blick auf das Chamäleon werfen durften, sagen

Die Modelle sind zwei Schwestern und Freunde von mir. Sie sind

es ist sogar besser als der Frosch und der Papagei.»

sehr stolz darauf Teil meines neuesten Kunstwerks zu sein. Ich

- Johannes Stötter


There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun. Pablo Picasso 32


bodypainting-the art magazine




The human body is central to how we understand facets of identity such as gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. People alter their bodies, hair, and clothing to align with or rebel against social conventions and to express messages to others around them. Many artists explore gender through representations of the body and by using their own bodies in their creative process. The 1960s and 1970s were a time of social upheavals in the United States and Europe, significant among them the fight for equality for women with regards to sexuality, reproductive rights, the family, and the workplace. Artists and art historians began to investigate how images in Western art and the media more often than not produced by men perpetuated idealizations of the female form. Feminist artists reclaimed the female body and depicted it through a variety of lenses. Around this time, the body took on another important role as a medium with which artists created their work. In performance art, a term coined in the early 1960s as the genre was starting to take hold, the actions an artist performs are central to the work of art. For many artists, using their bodies in performances became a way to both claim control over their own bodies and to question issues of gender.






no fear of


You'll never reach it. -Salvador DalĂ­




Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world. -Nelson Mandela


CREDITS Free University of Bolzano - Bozen Faculty of Design and Art Project Modul: Editorial Design Designed by: Stefanie Mair Magazine | Body painting Supervision: Project leader Prof. Antonino Benincasa Project assistants Maximilian Boiger, Gian Marco Favretto Photography: dmitry sandratsky, Jes Roger Petersen, Johannes Stรถtter Paper: Color Copy Coated glossy 170 gr. Color Copy Coated glossy 250 gr. Fonts: Rockwell Extra Bold Futura Std Futurist Fixed-width Printed: Bozen-Bolzano, January 2019 Inside pages - Digital Print | Canon Cover - Digital Print | Canon



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