Hylium Îą Designed by Nicolai Martini
Fàilte, is mise Hylium α. 34pt
Tha Hylium α na typeface moulded bho Didot. Tha e ag amas air a bhith a, gleidheadh clasaigeach an teacsa-clò tùsail, a‘ tighinn còmhla ri tonnan de dhlùth-inntinn. Gu dearbh, tha iad gu math coltach. Ach bi faiceallach. Chan eil iad mar an ceudna. Chan eil na serifs a-nis dìreach dìreach, ach tha iad ag atharrachadh gu ìre beag. Tha Didot per se na dheagh aodann-clò. Dá bhrí sin, ní raibh aon athchóiriú ann. Chaidh an eòlas bunaiteach air an clò-bhreac a lorg an dèidh Bùth-obrach a chaidh a theagasg leis an neach-dreuchd Eva Poll. Chaidh an cruth tùsail a thoirt a-steach ann an Adobe Illustrator, air a lorg agus air a dheasachadh a rèir blas pearsanta. Is e na comharran sònraichte de Helium na serifs ath-nuadhachail, a tha a 'coimhead nas coltaiche agus nach eil cho follaiseach. Tha coltas gu bheil na serifs a 'leantainn a chèile, a‘ cruthachadh gluasad am measg nan loidhnichean. Chan eil dùil aig Hylium a bhith na ar-a-mach, ach tha an neach-cruthachaidh an dòchas gum bi an obair air a mheas. 12 pt / 14.5 pt
feartan Dynamic curved ascender
Bracketed feet serifs
Arc of stem with ligthly rounded ear
Overlapping angled arms
Dynamic dealigned upper beak
Dynamic curved chin and spur
Variation of contrast
Vertical axis
Dyna Dynamic ? Didot surely is elegant and bold, but its serifs are sharp and a bit still. 9 pt / 11 pt
ww w w Didot
The idea behind Hylium Alpha is, at heart, Dynamism. Molded after Didot, it surely resembles the originary typeface. Still, I wanted to introduce something peculiar without ruining the classicity of the original. Long story short, Hylium is a dynamic (uglier) sibling of Didot. The two of them share the same structure, but not the serifs. This makes the two of them companions and not rivals. I surely opted for a move that cannot be defined as bold. I mean, some could argue that Hylium Alpha is a disfigured abomination of Didot, a frankensteinish monster created by joining the spoiled corspe of Didot with new Serifs, putting the hole mess in Fontself and boom, it is alive! Well, sort of, I suppose, meh.Let‘s call it a renovation. That surely sounds prettier. 11 pt / 13 pt
amic. The abomination has been created with two tools: Adobe Illustrator and Fontself, those being used in the respective order. The first stage consists in tracing the matrix, in this case Didot, on Illustrator. Once done, you are left with the structure which you can freely edit. So, the design process starts, and the new serifs, in addition to some minor changes are applied to the font. Once done, it is a good thing to align all the individual components with the help of guidelines and simply drang n‘ drop them in Fontself.
11 pt / 13 pt
ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 . , : ; ! ? ' „ ‘ ’ “„ « »`´@ _ & ß # %*+-×÷=~<>/\(){}[]€ ä ü ö è é à á ò ó ù ú ÄÜÖÈÉÀÁÒÓÙÚ α
13 pt
22 pt - 26.5 pt
O càraibh mi ri taobh nan aìlt, A shiubhlas mall le ceumaibh ciùin, Fo sgàil a bharraich leag mo cheann, ’S bi thùs’ a ghrian ro-‘chaìrdeil rium,
Mu‘n cuairt do bhruachaibh àrd mo ghlinn‘, Biodh lùbadh ghéug a‘s orra blà ; ’S clann bheag nam preas a‘ tabhairt seinn, Do chreagaibh aosd‘ le òran gràidh.
Gu socair sìn ’s an fheur mo thaobh, Air bruaich nan dithean ’s nan gaoth tlà, ’Smo chas ga sliobadh ’s a‘ bhraon mhaoth, ’S e lùbadh tharais caoin tro‘n bhlàr.
Briseadh tro chreag nan eidheanu dlù, Am fuaran ùr le torramam trom, ’S freagraidh mac-talla gach ciùil, Do dh‘ fhuaim srutha dlù nan tonn.
Biorìh sòbhrach bhàn is àillidh snuadh, M‘an cuaìrt do‘m thulaich is uain’ fo’ dhriùchd, ’S an neòinean beag ’s mo lamh air cluain, ’S ari ealabhuidh‘ aig mo chluais gu h-ùr.
Freagraidh gach cnoc, agus gach sliabh, Le binn-fhuaim geur nan aighean raear; ’N sin cluinnidh mise mìle geum, A‘ riuth m‘an cuairt domh 'n iar san ear. 11 pt- 16 pt
O place me near the brooks, which slowly move with gentle steps; under the shade of the shooting branches lay my head, and be thou, O sun, in kindness with me.
Around the lofty brow of my glen let there be bending boughs in full bloom, and the children of the bushes making the aged rock re-echo their songs of love.
At ease lay my side on the grass, upon the bank of flowers and soft zephyrs - my feet bathed in the wandering stream that slowly winds along the plain.
Let the new-born gurgling fountain gush from the ivycovered rock ; and let all-melodious echo respond to the sound of the stream of ever-successive waves.
Let the primrose pale, of grateful hue, and the little daisy surround my hillock, greenest whenbedewed; my hand gently inclined, and the ealvi f at my ear in its freshness.
Let the voice of every hiil and mountain re-echo the swec.‘t sound of the joyous herd; then shall a thousand lowings be heard all around.
7 pt - 8.5 pt
M‘an cuairt biodh lù-chleas nan laogh,
Chi mi Beinn-ird is àillidh fiamh,
Ri taobh nau sruth, no air an leirg.
Ceann-feadhna air mhìle beann,
'S am minnean beag de‘n ehòmhraig sgìth,
Bha aisling nan damh na ciabh.
'N am achlais a‘ cadal gu‘n cheilg.
’S i leabaidh nan nial a ceann.
Sruthadh air sgèith na h-osaig mhìn,
Chi mi Sgorr-eild‘ air bruach a ghlinn‘
Glaodhan maoth nan crò mu‘m chluais,
An goir a chuach gu binn au tòs.
'N sin f‘reagraidh a mheanmh-spreigh,
A‘s gorm mheall-àild‘ na mìle giubhas
'Nuair chluinn, an gineil, is iad a ruith a nuas.
Nan luban, nan earba, 's nan lòn.
A ceum an t-sealgair ri mo chluais !
Biodh tuinn òg a snàmh le snnnd,
Le sranua ghatb, a‘s cbon feagh slèibh,
Thar linne 's mìne giubhas, gu luath.
'N sin dearsaidh an òig air mo ghruaidh,
’Srath ghiubhais uain‘ aig a ceaun,
'N uair dh-eireas toirm air sealg an fhèidh,
A‘ lubadh chaoran dearg air bruaich.
Dùisgidh smior am chnaimh, 'nuair chluiun,
Biodh eal‘ àluinn an uchd bhàin,
Mi tailmrich dhos a‘s chon a‘s shreang,
A snàmh le spreigh air bharr nan tonn,
Nuair ghlaodhar-“ Thuit an damh ! „
’Nuair thogas i sgiath an àird,
Tha mo bhuinn, a‘ leum gu beò ri àrd nam beann.
A measg nan nial cha‘n fhàs i tròm.
Let the frisking of calves be in my view, by the side of a stream, or on the aclivity of a hill ; and let the vvanton kid, tired of its gambols, rest with its innocence on my bosom. Poured on the wing of the gentle breeze, let the pleasant voice of lambs come to my ear ; then shall the ewes answer when they hear their young runningtowards them. O let me hear the hunter‘s step, with the sound of his darts and the noise of his dogs upon the wide-extended heath ; then youth shall beam on my cheek, when the voice of hunting the deer shall arise. The marrow of my bones shall awake when I hear the noise of horns, of dogs, and of bow-strings ; and when the cry is heard, „ The stag is fallen,“ my heels shall leap in joy alor.g the heights of the mountains.
Then methinks I see the hound that attended me enrly and late, the hills which I was fond of haunting, and the rocks which were wont to re-echo the lofty horn. I see the cave that often hospitably received our steps frora night ; cheerfulness awaked at the warmth of her trees ;* and in the joys of her cups there was much mirth. Then the smoke of the feast of deer arose ; our drink from Treig, and the wave our music ; though ghosts should shriek, and mountains roar, reclined in the cave, undisturbed was our rest. I see Ben-ard of beautiful curve, chief of a thousand hills; the dreams of stags are in his locks, his head is the bed of clouds
f in.