Everything is Just Wonderful!

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Politics is ashaming the world, it's no news. and there is not much we can do. Still, we can laugh about it. John Heartfield/Helmut Harzfeld knew that, and back in the 40's entertained Europe with his amazing and satirical photocollages, striking the regime right in its strictness with a totally peaceful but dangerous power: the power to ridiculize. Now, in times when Politics seem to be once again far from the everyday life of people, Art has the duty to bring it closer: under the bad influence of Heartfield, seven artists from all over the world presented their works ambitiously aiming to sensitize the public awareness in a satirical manner.

Vince van Geffen Vince van Geffen, Dutch, living and working in Barcelona, is interested in processes of change and in intability of significance. www.1728ie.info/ Latest Exhibitions: 2010 2009 2007 2004 2003

Main Street, Marina-art, Gata de Gorgos, Spain Our silence is their voice, Vitrina, Barcelona, Spain In forma, La Carbonera Espai d麓art, Barcelona, Spain Community, Ateneu Fort Pienc, Barcelona, Spain Parts, partially, Galeria Kal贸s, Barcelona, Spain

title: K.os MR.gence size : 42 x 29,7 cm. Collage, 2010

Pier Giorgio De Pinto Pier Giorgio De Pinto (Italy-Switzerland, 1968) is a cross discipline artist whose work is often theme based. Usually his projects involve other artists such as musicians, choreographers, performers from different cultural backgrounds, styles and genders. Thanks to these collaborations he has the possibility to show new experimental and radical projects that stimulate discussions on stereotypes and prejudices putting in his works uncomfortable questions about culture, politics and religion. www.depinto.it Latest Exhibitions: 2011 My Home has a golden Guest. Site-specific installation and performance by Pier Giorgio De Pinto with sound environment by composer Andrew Zealley (Toronto, CA), 2010 2010 CORPUS Solo Show at +CACT-Centro d'Arte Contemporanea del Ticino 2009 It’s all about Love. Action without audience/video/photo-set with Franko B (London, UK)

"To recognize the impressive sociological, political and cultural liberating power of art!"

title: My daily little sat-is-f-action size: 50x37,5 cm. Digital print on self-adhesive vinyl paper, 2010

Ulu Braun Ulu Braun was born 1976 in Schongau, Germany. Lives and works in Berlin/Germany. 1996-1999. Studies of Painting and Experimental film, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria 2001-2006. Studies of Animationfilm at the Babelsberg Film University, Potsdam Germany 2007. DAAD-Scholarship, Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland Collaboration with BitteBitteJaJa (D/AT) and YKON (FI) His works are regularly exhibited in museums, galleries and media art festivals. www.ulubraun.com/ Latest Exhibitions: Videorama. Artclips from Autsria, Zacheta, National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, Poland Höhepunkte der KunstFilmBiennale, KW Kunst Werke, Berlin, Germany Short-Term Deviation, Elisabeth Foundation for the Arts, Project Space, New York, USA MMX Show VII, Berlin, Germany Verbotene Liebe: Kunst im Sog von Fernsehen, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz, Austria Fiebergärten, Kunstverein Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen, Germany (solo) Videorama, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Austria Marler Video-Kunst-Preis 2010, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, Germany Rauma Biennale Balticum 10, Rauma, Finnland Cadavre Exquis Vivants, Galerie Olaf Stüber, Berlin (solo) Lands End. Shedhalle, Zürich, Switzerland Rencontres Internationales Paris/Madrid/Berlin, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid Selected works from Videonale 12, Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow, England

title: Somewhere over size: 30x40 cm. Collage and acryl on wood, 2010

Lauraballa Lauraballa, paintress and illustrator, was born in Herzogenbuchsee (Switzerland) on the 9th of January 1975. She currently lives in Prato (Italy), working in her Studio and Art Lab where she runs events and performances related to contemporary forms of socialization and communication. Her production is above all concerned with paintings, portraits, illustrations, clay sculputures and mural painting exposed in local, national and international projects through an artistic curatela. Lauraballa is an iconic artist and her artworks depict an imaginated world, soft and disturbing as dreams and memories can be; they tell of a symbolic daily routine mixing ancestral archetypes and deliciously decorative and pop solutions with the contemporary painting and illustration. www.lauraballa.it

''Everything is more beautiful, when it snows''

title: Neve size: 40X40 cm. Acrylic and pencil on wood, 2010

Deena Denaro Deena Denaro experiments the form of Subvertisement, transforming mass media to produce ironic and satirical commentary about itself, using the original medium’s communication method: her aim is to create a cognitive dissonance, cutting through the hype and glitz of our mediated reality and, momentarily, revealing a deeper truth within. American, but currently living in the United Kingdom, she studied cinema at Bard College and worked for more than 10 years as a producer and director on many mainstream productions, before turning her experience to experimentation. http://www.reversethewave.com/ Latest Exhibitions: 2010: Anti Design Festival London, UK 2010: Liverpool Independentes Biennal, UK 2009: Producer/Director of 'Electricity' for FACT, with Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark 2009: Producer/Director of 'Marina Abramoviç Presents' for MITES/FACT 2005: Surrealism Usa, National Academy of Art, New York, USA

‘’Reverse the Wave’’ is a subvertisement for Nokia, that back in 2008 sold softwares to the government of Iran to enable it to monitor phone calls, text messages and mobile internet usage. The Iranian government has misused this software to oppress its people .” title: Reverse the Wave size: Projection video (variable), Postcards 14,8x21cm, Poster 33x48 cm. MDV video 4color printing, 2009

Subluxation Subluxation was formed in 2008 as a collaborative project between sound artist Eric Miller and video artist Kera MacKenzie. They are focused on developing a dialogue between imagery and sound which denies a hierarchical structure, instead opting for an asynchronous or ambiguous relation between the two media. In previous works, they have employed iterative feedback, paraconsistency, and substrate neutrality. Their interest lies in instilling apophenia in their audience and pointing out the mutability of what constitutes the real. This collaborative project was launched for the purpose of developing a non-hierarchical dialogue between image and sound. Three domains of behavior are displayed throughout these dialogues; synchronic, autonomic, and quasi-interactivity. Drifting between these modes of relation allows a denial of dominance of one medium over the other, and thus resulting in a subluxation, or partial dislocation.

“Embedded Phrases in Cosmic Remains Entrenched Shibboleths in Measureless Debris Inculcated Forms in Unbounded Detritus Mechanized Configurations in Arrant Fragments�

title: Embedded Phrases in Cosmic Remains size: variable installation. Digital video/audio installation, 2010

Mathias Deutsch Mathias Deutsch is a German artist, born in 1967; he currently lives in Berlin. His work focuses on the conditions of living, often crude, with strains of irony and cynism; he builds imaginary architectures, sketches of circumstances and aspects of the everyday life in remote and not so remote spots of the world. Travelling is the driving force behind his art: in order to combine the ever exchanging play of place and time with a stream of consciousness that runs amok from time to time, he journeyed throughout Europe, South and Middle America and Africa. His chosen media are those of documentarism, such as collages, paintings, photography and - as a sculpturer of 'arte povera'. www.mathiasdeutsch.de/ Latest Exhibitions: 2010: ‘Schwarze Pyramide, Ameisen und Hasardeure’ at Westwerk, Hamburg. 2009: ‘Grass From a Leaf’ at atelierfrankfurt e.V, Frankfurt am Main. 2008: ‘My Generation’ at Kunstverein Familie Montez, Frankfurt am Main. 2008: ‘Black Is Not Nearly Dark Enough’ at Projektraum, Frankfurt am Main. 2007: ‘Die Innenseite der Aussenseiter’ at Allgirls, Berlin.

title: Baseball size: 42x29 cm. Collage on paper, 2009

Blissland is an art and new media project located in Berlin, runned by a collective of musicians and artists. In the Land of Bliss every single atom is permeated with Art and every month we try to alter the composition by mixing atoms of Sound, Visual and Culture, in order to create a different reality where it is possible to see with different eyes, hear with different ears, think different thoughts and speak different languages.

'Everything Is Just Wonderful!' ARTISTS: Vince Van Geffen (Nl/Sp) Pier Giorgio De Pinto (It/Ch) Ulu Braun (De) Lauraballa (It) Deena Denaro (Usa/Uk) Subluxation (Usa) Mathias Deutsch (De) ART DIRECTION: Blissland Project Antonio Gallucci, Gemma Ghelardi CO-DIRECTION: Fabio Orsi PLACE: Blissland ADDRESS: Bornholmer Strasse 8, 10439 Berlin, Germany. WEBSITE: www.blissland.eu INFO: info@blissland.eu

OPENING: Saturday, December 4th, 2010 h 19.00


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