April 2009

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Γυμνάσιο Αρχαγγέλου Λακατάμειας - Κύπρος Πάσχα στην Κύπρο Το Πάσχα εορτάζεται για να τιμήσουμε την Ανάσταση του Κυρίου ο οποίος πέθανε για τις αμαρτίες μας, με σκοπό να έχουμε εμείς Αιώνια Ζωή. Άντεξε τις αδικίες και τα βάσανα από τους ανθρώπους διότι δεν ανεχόταν να μας βλέπει να ζούμε στο σκοτάδι της αμαρτίας. Η μεγαλύτερη εορτή της Ορθοδοξίας είναι το Πάσχα. Έτσι και οι Ελληνοκύπριοι, οι οποίοι στην πλειοψηφία τους είναι μέλη της Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας, θεωρούν το Πάσχα ως τη σημαντικότερη ημέρα στο θρησκευτικό τους ημερολόγιο. Η Κυριακή του Πάσχα είναι η ημερομηνία της ετήσιας γιορτής της Ανάστασης του Χριστού. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι μερικές χρονιές, το Ορθόδοξο Πάσχα συμβαίνει να συμπίπτει την ίδια ημέρα με τις χώρες των Δυτικών Χριστιανών (Καθολικοί, Αγγλικανοί και Προτεστάντες). Ορθόδοξη Ανατολική Εκκλησία και Δυτικοί Χριστιανοί Η Κυριακή του Πάσχα, το 2009, στην Ορθόδοξη Ανατολική Εκκλησία, εορτάζεται στις 19 Απριλίου, ενώ στους Δυτικούς Χριστιανούς εορτάζεται στις 12 Απριλίου. Η διαφορά στις ημερομηνίες, εντοπίζεται στα διάφορα χρονοδιαγράμματα που ακολουθούνται από κάθε πίστη. Η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία και η Ρωμαϊκή Εκκλησία χωρίστηκαν μεταξύ τους όταν έγινε το Μεγάλο Σχίσμα το 1054, κυρίως, λόγω διαφωνίας ως προς την αύξηση της παπικής αρχής. Η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία δεν έχει ως επικεφαλή ένα αρχιερέα (όπως ο Ποντίφικας), αλλά ένα αυτοδιοικούμενο εκκλησιαστικό οργανισμό διότι πιστεύεται ότι «κανένας άλλος παρά μόνο ο Ιησούς είναι ο επικεφαλής της Εκκλησίας». Η Ορθόδοξη Ανατολική Εκκλησία έχει ως διοικούσα αρχή τον Βαρθολομαίο, Οικουμενικό Πατριάρχη Κωνσταντινουπόλεως. Η Ορθόδοξη Ανατολική Εκκλησία ακολουθεί το Ιουλιανό Ημερολόγιο που καθορίστηκε από τον Ιούλιο Καίσαρα. Η Δυτική Εκκλησία χρησιμοποιεί το Γρηγοριανό Ημερολόγιο, το οποίο ιδρύθηκε το 1582 από τον Πάπα Γρηγόριο τον ΧΙΙΙ ως μεταρρυθμιστική έκδοση του προηγούμενου ημερολογίου. Οι Ορθόδοξες Εκκλησίες εορτάζουν το Πάσχα τους με βάση το Ιουλιανό ημερολόγιο και τον πίνακα «με τις 19 πασχαλινές ημερομηνίες του φεγγαριού». Το Ιουλιανό ημερολόγιο με ημερομηνία 4 Οκτωβρίου 1582 ακολουθήθηκε από το Γρηγοριανό Ημερολόγιο 15 Οκτωβρίου 1582. Το Γρηγοριανό Ημερολόγιο βρίσκεται μερικές ημέρες πιο μπροστά από το Ιουλιανό Ημερολόγιο, το οποίο βασίζεται στο συνδυασμό διαφορετικών ορισμών για την πανσέληνο και την ισημερία με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχει ανισότητα στις ημερομηνίες. Κοινές Παραδόσεις Παρόλο ότι το Πάσχα εορτάζεται διαφορετικές μέρες λόγω κάποιων διαφορών στην θρησκεία, η Ορθόδοξοι και οι Δυτικοί Χριστιανοί έχουν πολλές κοινές παραδόσεις για το Πάσχα. Η μία είναι η πρακτική βαψίματος πασχαλινών αυγών, η οποία έχει τις ρίζες της στο 13ο αιώνα από μια παλαιότερη χριστιανική παράδοση κατά την οποία τα αυγά απαγορευόταν να καταναλωθούν κατά τη διάρκεια της Μεγάλης Εβδομάδας. Σαν σύμβολο της πίστης τους, οι Χριστιανοί συνέδεσαν την Αγία Εβδομάδα με το βάψιμο αυγών.

Πασχαλινές Συνήθειες Ανατολικών Ορθοδόξων Χριστιανών Οι Ανατολικοί Ορθόδοξοι Χριστιανοί, επίσης, θεωρούν τη Σαρακοστή ως περίοδο 40 ημερών για νηστεία, η οποία κορυφώνεται κατά την Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα. Για να εορταστεί το Πάσχα το κάθε τι πρέπει να φαίνεται καθαρό και καινούργιο. Έτσι τα σπίτια καθαρίζονται, βάφονται ή ασπρίζονται στην εξωτερική τους όψη. Οι άνθρωποι αγοράζουν καινούργια ρούχα και ειδικά καινούργια παπούτσια. Η Αγία Εβδομάδα είναι αφιερωμένη στην πηγεμό των ανθρώπων στην εκκλησία, στο ψήσιμο εδεσμάτων και σε πολλές άλλες συνήθειες. Τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη, οι περισσότερες γυναίκες φτιάχνουν τις πασχαλινές «Φλαούνες» στο φούρνο, ένα είδος κέικ τυριού που υπάρχει μόνο στην Κύπρο φτιαγμένο από γέμισμα τυριού, αυγού και δυόσμο, σχηματισμένο σε τρίγωνα ή τετράγωνα κέικς. Τα «κουλούρια» ψήνονται με γάλα, μπαχαρικά και λίγη ζάχαρη και οι τυρόπιτες με μικρά κομμάτια τυρί, τυλιγμένα με κόκκους σησαμιού. Τα αυγά βάφονται παραδοσιακά κόκκινα από μια ειδική ρίζα η οποία ονομάζεται «ριζάρι», οι οποίες πωλούνται σε δέσμες στην αγορά τις μέρες αυτές. Ωστόσο, μπορεί κάποιος να αγοράσει και μικρά πακέτα από διάφορες μπογιές από τις υπεραγορές. Επίσης τα αυγά βάφονται κίτρινα και γι’ αυτό το σκοπό χρησιμοποιούνται οι κίτρινες μαργαρίτες οι οποίες φυτρώνουν τον Απρίλιο στις άκριες των δρόμων και στους αγρούς. Μερικοί βάφουν τα αυγά τους με πιο καλλιτεχνικό τρόπο δένοντας τις μαργαρίτες με μουσελίνα πριν τα ψήσουν μέσα σε βαφή. Το τελικό προϊόν είναι πιο αποτελεσματικό. Η Μεγάλη Παρασκευή αρχίζει με τη μεταφορά λουλουδιών από όλους στην εκκλησία έτσι ώστε τα νεαρά κορίτσια να μπορούν να διακοσμήσουν τον Επιτάφιο, τον Πανάγιο Τάφο. Η όλη κατασκευή διακοσμείται εξολοκλήρου με λουλούδια, κάτι το οποίο γίνεται το πρωινό της Μεγάλης Παρασκευής. Κατά το μεσημεριανό φαγητό σερβίρεται η παραδοσιακή «φακή ξυδάτη» - ξύδι μαζί με σούπα φακή- και η οποία περιέχει ξύδι διότι όπως λέγεται όταν ο Ιησούς ζήτησε νερό στο δρόμο του για τον Γολγοθά, του δόθηκε ξύδι αντί για νερό. Επιπρόσθετα, από ενωρίς το απόγευμα σειρές από αυτοκίνητα και πεζοί κατευθύνονται από εκκλησία σε εκκλησία για να εκδηλώσουν τον τελευταίο σεβασμό τους προς τον Ιησού και για να συγκρίνουν τη διακόσμηση του Επιταφίου της δικής τους ενορίας, με τις άλλες ενορίες. Στο μεταξύ, όλοι οι δρόμοι είναι διακοσμημένοι με χρωματιστά φώτα στους οποίους ο Επιτάφιος θα περάσει αργότερα το βράδυ σε πανηγυρική πομπή. Η λιτανεία αρχίζει μετά τη βραδινή λειτουργία όπου οι ιερείς προΐστανται, και μετά οι πρόσκοποι και οι νεαροί μεταφέρουν το φορείο του Χριστού και η χορωδία ψάλλει ύμνους. Η όλη συνάθροιση ακολουθεί, ενώ η πομπή κινείται γύρω από την ενορία και καταλήγει ξανά στην εκκλησία.

Το Μεγάλο Σάββατο είναι μια ήσυχη μέρα, παρόλο ότι υπάρχει κήρυγμα σύμφωνα με το οποίο οι σκάμνοι της εκκλησίας κτυπιούνται από τους πιστούς όταν έρχονται τα νέα ότι ο Ιησούς δεν είναι πλέον στον τάφο του. Το πραγματικό κήρυγμα της Ανάστασης, είναι γύρω στα μεσάνυχτα. Όλοι πάνε στην εκκλησία με ένα κερί και το κήρυγμα πραγματοποιείται με τη συνοδεία πυροτεχνημάτων. Μια μεγάλη φωτιά ανάβει στην αυλή της εκκλησίας. Όταν ο ιερέας διακηρύσσει ότι «ο Χριστός αναλήφθηκε», όλα τα κεριά ανάβουν και όλοι εύχονται μεταξύ τους «Χριστός Ανέστη» και οι άλλοι απαντούν «Αληθώς Ανέστη». Τη Κυριακή το πρωί οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι που δεν έχουν λάβει τη Θεία Κοινωνία κατά τη Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα, κοινωνούν και μετά πηγαίνουν στο σπίτι όπου κόκκινα αυγά τσουγκρίζονται, τρώγονται οι φλαούνες και η νηστεία διακόπτεται. Τα παιδιά πηγαίνουν γύρωγύρω και τσουγκρίζουν τα χρωματιστά αυγά και εάν το αυγό σπάσει τότε αυτός με το σπασμένο αυγό χάνει, και το παιδί με το άσπαστο αυγό, το κερδίζει. Το μεσημέρι γίνονται οικογενειακές συγκεντρώσεις, όπου μαγειρεύεται αρνί σούβλα και το κρασί ρέει άφθονο. Στα χωριά, όλοι οι φίλοι και συγγενείς και ειδικότερα άνθρωποι από άλλες πόλεις ή χωριά, προσκαλούνται στα σπίτια των χωριανών για να φάνε και να πιούνε μαζί μέχρι αργά το απόγευμα. Σε πολλά χωριά υπάρχει η συνήθεια την Κυριακή και Δευτέρα του Πάσχα, για όλους να γευματίζουν στην αυλή της εκκλησίας και κάθε οικογένεια να φέρνει το δικό της φαγητό και κρασί και όλοι κάθονται σε μακρουλά τραπέζια. Μετά το φαγητό υπάρχουν διάφορα παιχνίδια, χοροί και αστεία. Έτσι όλοι οι τσακωμοί ξεχνιούνται. Οι νεαροί γιορτάζουν κρεμάζοντας κούνιες – τις λεγόμενες σούσες. Για το σκοπό αυτό νεαροί άντρες και κορίτσια κρεμούν συρματόσχοινα από τα δέντρα ενώ τα κορίτσια κουνιούνται, τραγουδώντας όλοι μαζί τραγούδια, τραγούδια αγάπης, ή αστεία τραγούδια-ποιήματα τα λεγόμενα «Τσιατιστά». Αυτά τα ποιήματα σε στυλ τραγουδιού επινοούνται σε κάθε εορταστική ευκαιρία και υπάρχουν ακόμη και επαγγελματίες που τα τραγουδούν. Συνήθως, υπάρχουν δυο άνθρωποι που τραγουδούν «Τσιατιστά», και ξεκινώντας να φτιάξουν το τραγούδι, ο ένας επινοεί τα πρώτα λίγα λόγια, και ο άλλος άλλα λίγα, συνεχίζοντας στο ίδιο μοτίβο. Η Κυριακή του Πάσχα είναι πολύ σημαντική για τον Χριστιανισμό διότι είναι ημέρα χαράς και γιορτής. Γι’ αυτό πάμε εκκλησία και τραγουδάμε τους θρησκευτικούς ύμνους δοξολογίας και λατρείας. Για εμάς ο Χριστός είναι ζωντανός, ακόμη και σήμερα, και γι’ αυτό είναι ημέρα απίστευτης χαράς και γιορτής.

Μαθητές: Λογίδης Σάββας Γ’10, Πέτρου Μιλτώ Γ’5, Σολδάτου Κωνσταντίνα Γ’5, Φιλοθέου Φειδίας Γ’2. Καθηγήτρια: Γεωργία Ιωσήφ (Αγγλικά).

Archangelos Gymnasium of Lakatamia - Cyprus Easter in Cyprus Easter is celebrated because we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He died for our sins, so we could have Eternal Life. He suffered and died so we could have life. He took it upon himself to bear our iniquities and our sufferings because he couldn’t stand to see us living in the darkness of sin. It is worth mentioning that Easter is the greatest celebration in the Orthodox Church. Greek Cypriots, who in their majority are members of the Orthodox Church, celebrate Easter, which is also the most important day in their religious calendar. Easter Sunday is the date of the annual celebration of Christ’s resurrection. In some years the Orthodox Easter Sunday occurs on the same day as the Western (Catholic, Anglican and Protestant Christians) Easter Sunday. Orthodox Eastern Church and Western Christians Easter Sunday in 2009 for the Orthodox Eastern Church is celebrated on April 19th, while for Western Christians is celebrated on April 12th. The disparity in dates lies in the different calendars followed by each faith. The Orthodox Church and Roman Church split from each other in the Great Schism of 1054, mostly over both Churches disagreement with increasing papal authority. The Orthodox Church is not headed by a pontiff but rather an organization of selfgoverning churches that believe “no one but Christ himself is the real head of the Church”. The Orthodox Eastern Church is headed by His All Holiness, Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. The Eastern Orthodox Church follows the Julian calendar established by Julius Caesar. The Western Church uses the Gregorian Calendar, which was established in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as reformed version of the earlier calendar. Orthodox churches celebrate their Easter always on the basis of the Julian Calendar and “19 Paschal Full Moon dates” table. The Julian Calendar date Thursday October 4, 1582 was followed by the Gregorian Calendar date Friday October 15, 1582. The Gregorian Calendar is some days ahead of the Julian Calendar, which, coupled with differing definitions of a full moon and an equinox, account for the date disparity. Common Traditions Although the date of Easter is a matter of differing faiths, Orthodox and Western Christians share many Easter traditions. One is the practice of painting Easter eggs, which originated in the 13th century out of an earlier Christian tradition in which eggs were forbidden to be eaten during Holy Week. As a symbol of their faith, Christians marked the Holy Week eggs by dying or painting them.

Eastern Orthodox Christian’s Easter Spirit Celebrations Eastern Orthodox Christians also observe Lent, a 40-day fasting period that culminates during the week before Easter, or Holy Week. To celebrate Easter everything should look clean and new, so houses are cleaned, painted or white-washed, and new clothes are a “must” especially new shoes. Holy Week is dedicated to church-going and baking and many other habits. On Thursday most women do their Easter baking of “flaounes”, a kind of cheese cake found in Cyprus, made of cheese, egg and mint filling, formed into triangular and square shapes. “Koulouria” are baked with milk, spices and a little sugar and “Tyropittes” _ loaves with small pieces of cheese added and rolled in sesame seeds. Eggs are dyed as well. Traditionally they are dyed red with a special root called “rizari”, that is sold in bundles at the market during these days. They are also dyed yellow; for this purpose the yellow marguerites that cover the waysides and fields during April are used. Some dye their eggs in a more artistic way by tying the marguerites onto the eggs with a piece of muslin before boiling them in a colour. The end product is most effective. Good Friday begins with everyone taking flowers to church so that the young girls can decorate the “Epitafios” _ Holy Sepulchre. The whole structure is completely decorated with flowers, a job that takes the greater part of Good Friday morning. At lunch time the traditional “faki Xidati”_ vinegar and lentil soup – is eaten, containing vinegar because it is said that when Christ asked for water on his way to Calgary He was given vinegar instead. Moreover, from early afternoon you will see streams of cars and pedestrians going from church to church to pay their last respects to Christ – and to compare the decoration of their own parish “Epitafios” with that of the others. In the meantime, all the streets along which the “Epitafios” will pass in the solemn procession later that night, are being decorated with coloured lights. The procession starts after the evening service with the priests preceding, then the scouts or young men carrying the litter of Christ and then the choir, singing hymns. The whole congregation follows, while the procession moves around its parish boundaries, and ends up at the church again. Saturday is a quiet day, although there is a sermon according to which the church seats are banged by the believers when the news is brought that Christ is no longer in His grave. The real sermon of Resurrection is at about midnight. Everybody goes to church with a candle and the sermon is held to the accompaniment of fire-crackers. A big bonfire is lit in the church yard. When the priest proclaims that “Christ has risen”, all candles are lit and everyone greets each other with “ Christos Anesti” _ Christ has risen, to which the other answers “ Alithos Anesti” _ Indeed He has risen.

On Sunday morning most people who have not taken Holy Communion during the Holy Week take it now and afterwards they go home, where red eggs are cracked, flaounes are eaten and the fast is broken. The children go around cracking and winning coloured eggs, for if your egg cracks then you lose it and the child with the unbroken egg gets it. At lunchtime family gatherings are held every where; lamps are roasted on the spit and wine flows freely. In the villages, all friends and relatives, but especially people from other towns or villages, are invited to the villagers’ homes where they sit down together, eating and drinking until late in the afternoon. In many villages it is also the custom on Easter Sunday and Monday for everyone to have lunch in the church yard and each family brings its food and wine and everybody eats at long tables. After lunch there are various games, dances and jokes. So all old quarrels are forgotten. The young people celebrate by hanging up “souses” – swings. For this purpose young men and girls hang ropes from trees and while the girls swing, they all sing songs or love songs, or teasing songs called “Tchatista” – rhymes. These rhymes are made up at every festive occasion and there are even professionals who sing them. More usually, however, there are two people singing the “Tchatista” by making up the rhyme as they go along, one making up the first few lines, the other the next few and so on. Easter Sunday is very important to the Christian people because it is a day of rejoicing and celebration. This is why we go to church and sing His Songs of Praise and Worship; and this is why everyone is so happy. Jesus is still alive, even today, and it is a day of incredible celebration and joy.

Students: Filotheou Fedias C2, Logides Savvas C10, Petrou Milto C5, Soldatou Constantina C5. Teacher: Georgia Iosif (English).

Pâques en France et en Angleterre En Angleterre nous célébrons Pâques en chassant des œufs en chocolat que le lapin de Pâques a apporte dans le parc. On trouve beaucoup d’œufs pendant de grandes chasses à l’œuf organisées dans la campagne. Nous aimons manger le chocolat surtout les œufs en chocolat. Pâques à l’ origine ça vient de la religion chrétienne. Les croyants vont à la messe. Pendant 40 jours avant pâques les catholiques font carême. En France, ce n’est pas le lapin qui apporte les œufs mais les cloches des églises. On mange des poules en chocolat et des œufs en chocolat. Pendant le carême, les enfants ne mangent pas de bonbon. Après la messe de pâques ils trouvent des œufs caches dans leur jardin. Écrit en classe de français par 101/fn

Easter in France and England In England we celebrate Easter with an Egg Hunt. The Easter bunny hides the chocolate eggs in parks and forests. You can go to big egg hunts organised in villages in the countryside. We love chocolate especially chocolate eggs. Easter is a Christian tradition. Christians go to mass. During 40 days before Easter, catholic people follow Lent. In France there is not Easter bunny but there are the Easter bells. People eat chocolate hens and chocolate eggs. During lent, kids don’t eat any sweet. After Easter Mass, they find eggs in their garden. Written in French class by 101/fn

Osterspaziergang von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Vom Eise befreit sind Strom und Bäche Durch des Frühlings holden, belebenden Blick, Im Tale grünet Hoffnungsglück; Der alte Winter, in seiner Schwäche, Zog sich in rauhe Berge zurück. Von dort her sendet er, fliehend, nur Ohnmächtige Schauer körnigen Eises In Streifen über die grünende Flur. Aber die Sonne duldet kein Weißes, Überall regt sich Bildung und Streben, Alles will sie mit Farben beleben; Doch an Blumen fehlts im Revier, Sie nimmt geputzte Menschen dafür. Kehre dich um, von diesen Höhen Nach der Stadt zurück zu sehen! Aus dem hohlen finstern Tor Dringt ein buntes Gewimmel hervor. Jeder sonnt sich heute so gern. Sie feiern die Auferstehung des Herrn,

Denn sie sind selber auferstanden: Aus niedriger Häuser dumpfen Gemächern, Aus Handwerks- und Gewerbesbanden, Aus dem Druck von Giebeln und Dächern, Aus der Straßen quetschender Enge, Aus der Kirchen ehrwürdiger Nacht, Sind sie alle ans Licht gebracht. Sieh nur, sieh! wie behend sich die Menge Durch die Gärten und Felder zerschlägt, Wie der Fluß in Breit und Länge So manchen lustigen Nachen bewegt, Und, bis zum Sinken überladen, Entfernt sich dieser letzte Kahn. Selbst von des Berges fernen Pfaden Blinken uns farbige Kleider an. Ich höre schon des Dorfs Getümmel, Hier ist des Volkes wahrer Himmel, Zufrieden jauchzet groß und klein: Hier bin ich Mensch, hier darf ichs sein!

Die Osterwoche Der österliche Festkreis beginnt Aschermittwoch, dem eine 40-tägige Fastenzeit folgt. Diese erinnert an die 40 Jahre der Israeliten in der Wüste sowie an die 40 Tage, die Jesus in der Wüste fastete und betete. Die Fastenzeit, auch österliche Bußzeit genannt, endet am Karsamstag. Diese letzte Woche vor Ostersonntag, die Karwoche, beginnt mit dem Palmsonntag, an dem die Christen den Einzug Jesu in Jerusalem feiern. Am Gründonnerstag feiert das Christentum das letzte Abendmahl von Jesu mit seinen Jüngern. Am folgenden Karfreitag wird des Todes Jesu am Kreuz gedacht, am Karsamstag ist Grabesruhe. Am dritten Tag, dem Ostersonntag, wird schließlich die Auferweckung Jesu von den Toten gefeiert. Die Terminierung des Osterfestes lässt auch eine Verbindung zum Hasen zu. Das Osterfest wird am ersten Sonntag des Frühlingsvollmondes gefeiert und der Hase gilt als Mondtier.

Symbole und Bräuche Es gibt viele Symbole, wie den Osterhasen, der zu dem heutigen Osterfest dazugehört. Dieses Fest wird von vielen Menschen begangen.Der Osterhase und die Ostereier sind Symbole für neues Leben. Sie waren schon vor langer Zeit ein Zeichen für den Frühling. Die Verbindung des Hasen mit Ostern hat verschiedene Ursachen. Der Hase gilt wegen seiner starken Vermehrung mit bis zu 20 Jungen im Jahr als Symbol der Fruchtbarkeit, was zum Fest der Auferstehung und des Lebens passt. Der Hase war im Volksglauben allerdings nicht der einzige Überbringer der Ostereier. In unterschiedlichen Regionen Deutschlands fiel diese Aufgabe lange dem Fuchs oder dem Hahn, in Thüringen dem Storch zu. Der Osterhasenbrauch entstand vor mehr als 300 Jahren in der Pfalz, dem Elsass und am Oberrhein. Erste Belege sind aus dem Jahre 1678 überliefert. Aber erst im 19. Jahrhundert setzte sich der Glaube an den Osterhasen in Deutschland generell durch. Das Ei galt bereits früh in der Kulturgeschichte als Ursprungsort des Menschen und des Universums. Seit frühester Zeit war es Sinnbild des Lebens. Daneben war das Ei im Mittelalter eine Berechnungseinheit für Pacht und Zins. An Ostern, als feststehendem Zahlungstermin, wurden als Gegenleistung für gepachtetes Land den Grundherren Eier überreicht. Auch war während der Fastenzeit der Genuss von Eiern untersagt. Bis zum Osterfest, das die Fastenzeit beendet, sammelten sich somit viele Eier an.

Auch die Tradition des Osterfeuers reicht weit zurück. Das Feuer ist schon im Altertum den Menschen heilig gewesen. Mit Frühlingsfeuern wurde in heidnischer Zeit die Sonne begrüßt, die als Mittelpunkt des Lebens galt. Das Osterreiten ist ein alter sorbischer Brauch, der in der Oberlausitz gepflegt wird. Am Ostersonntag reiten die Männer einer Gemeinde auf festlich geschmückten Pferden in die Nachbargemeinde. Jeder Prozessionszug wird von Fahnenträgern angeführt. Ursprünglich ritten die heidnischen Slawen im Frühjahr um ihre Felder, um die bösen Geister zu vertreiben und für eine gute Ernte zu bitten.

Easter Walk of Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe From the ice they are freed, the stream and brook, By the Spring's enlivening, lovely look; The valley's green with joys of hope; The Winter old and weak ascends Back to the rugged mountain slope. From there, as he flees, he downward sends An impotent shower of icy hail Streaking over the verdant vale. Ah! but the Sun will suffer no white, Growth and formation stir everywhere, 'Twould fain with colours make all things bright, Though in the landscape are no blossoms fair. Instead it takes gay-decked humanity. Now turn around and from this height, Looking backward, townward see. Forth from the cave-like, gloomy gate Crowds a motley and swarming array.

For they themselves have now arisen From lowly houses' mustiness, From handicraft's and factory's prison, From the roof and gables that oppress, From the bystreets' crushing narrowness, From the churches' venerable night, They are all brought out into light. See, only see, how quickly the masses Scatter through gardens and fields remote; How down and across the river passes So many a merry pleasure-boat. And over-laden, almost sinking, The last full wherry moves away. From yonder hill's far pathways blinking, Flash to us colours of garments gay. Hark! Sounds of village joy arise; Here is the people's paradise, Contented, great and small shout joyfully: "Here I am Man, here dare it to be!"

Everyone suns himself gladly today. The Risen Lord they celebrate,

The Easter Week The Easter week the paschal noted circle begins Ash Wednesday which a 40-day Lent follows. It reminds of 40 years of the Israelites in the desert as well as of 40 days which fasted Jesus in the desert and prayed. The Lent, called also Easter coach time, ends with the 40-th day in the Easter Saturday. This last week before Easter Sunday, the cirque week, begins with the Palm Sunday in which the Christians celebrate the move of Jesus in Jerusalem. In the Maundy Thursday the Christianity celebrates the last Communion of Jesus with his disciples. In the following Good Friday it is thought of the death of Jesus on the cross, in the Easter Saturday is peace of the grave, and, in the end, during the third day, Easter Sunday, the resurrection of Jesus is celebrated by the dead people.

The date of Eastern allows a link to the rabbit. The Easter Celebration is held on the first Sunday of the spring full moon. The rabbit is a symbol for a moon animal.

Symbols and customs There are a lot of symbols for example the Easter bunny that is a member of today’s Easter. This festival is celebrated by a lot of people. Easter bunny and Easter eggs are symbols for new life, a long time before they were a symbol for spring. There are different links between the rabbit and Eastern. The rabbit is a symbol for fertility because it has up to 20 young ones a year. In different regions of Germany the fox, the cock, the stork brought eggs too. The custom of the Easter bunny appeared 300 years ago in the area of the Pfalz, the Elsass and along the river Rhein. First it was mentioned in 1678. In the 19th century the belief in the Easter bunny was the strongest. The eggs were used as a kind of payment for the used land to the landowner in the Middle Ages. Today the eggs colour our front gardens. Beautiful decoration you find indoor and outdoor. On Easter Sunday, and the following Monday, large bonfires called Easter Fires are lit. It is a Saxon tradition, that is still performed each year. There are several explanations of the meaning of these fires. The Saxons probably believed that around the time of Easter, spring becomes victorious over winter. The fires were supposed to help chase the darkness and winter away. It was also a symbol of fertility, which works in a literal sense in that the ashes were scattered over the meadows and thereby fertilised the soil. The Eastern Riding is an old Sorbian custom in the area of the Upper Sorbian. On Easter Sunday the men of the community ride on their horses to the next village. On top of the procession the riders carry flags. In the past the pagan Slavs rode around their fields to expel evil ghosts and to ask for good harvest.

Πασχαλινά έθιμα Το Πάσχα είναι μία από τις πιο σημαντικές γιορτές των χριστιανών. Στην Ελλάδα γιορτάζεται με ξεχωριστή λαμπρότητα και κατάνυξη. Είναι κινητή γιορτή. Στην ορθόδοξη εκκλησία εορτάζεται κάθε χρόνο την πρώτη Κυριακή μετά την πανσέληνο της εαρινής ισημερίας. Η λέξη Πάσχα προέρχεται από την εβραϊκή «pasah» που σημαίνει διάβαση. Οι χριστιανοί γιορτάζουν την ανάσταση του Χριστού και τη διάβαση από το θάνατο στη ζωή. Τις τελευταίες 40 ημέρες πριν την Κυριακή του Πάσχα οι χριστιανοί νηστεύουν. Δεν τρώνε κρέας και τα παράγωγά του. Ειδικά τις τελευταίες ημέρες η νηστεία είναι πιο έντονη. Η τελευταία εβδομάδα πριν την Κυριακή του Πάσχα (ή Κυριακή της Ανάστασης ή Λαμπρή) ονομάζεται Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα. Όλη την εβδομάδα αυτή οι πιστοί πηγαίνουν το απόγευμα στην Εκκλησία και παρακολουθούν τη θεία Λειτουργία. Τη Μεγάλη Πέμπτη οι νοικοκυρές ετοιμάζουν τα τσουρέκια και βάφουν τα κόκκινα αβγά. Το αβγό από την αρχαιότητα συμβολίζει την ανανέωση της ζωής, ενώ το κόκκινο χρώμα συμβολίζει το αίμα του Χριστού. Παλιότερα συνήθιζαν να τοποθετούν το πρώτο κόκκινο αβγό στο εικονοστάσι του σπιτιού για να ξορκίζουν το κακό, έθιμο που κρατάει ακόμα και σήμερα. Τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή γίνεται στις εκκλησίες αναπαράσταση της ταφής του Χριστού και το ίδιο απόγευμα η περιφορά του Επιταφίου στους δρόμους της πόλης ή του χωριού. Ο Επιτάφιος στολίζεται το πρωί με λουλούδια που φέρνουν γυναίκες και παιδιά. Λόγω του πένθους της ημέρας οι νοικοκυρές δεν ασχολούνται με τις δουλειές του σπιτιού, αποφεύγοντας ακόμη και το μαγείρεμα. Από το πρωί του Μεγάλου Σαββάτου ξεκινούν οι ετοιμασίες για το γιορτινό τραπέζι της Ανάστασης και οι νοικοκυρές μαγειρεύουν τη μαγειρίτσα, που θα φάνε το βράδυ της ίδιας ημέρας. Είναι σούπα που περιέχει εντόσθια αρνιού. Λίγο πριν τα μεσάνυχτα οι πιστοί συγκεντρώνονται στις εκκλησίες κρατώντας λευκές λαμπάδες, τις οποίες ανάβουν με το «Άγιο φως», που μοιράζει ο ιερέας. Συνηθίζεται τα παιδιά να κρατούν χρωματιστές λαμπάδες στολισμένες που έχουν λάβει σαν δώρο από το νονό τους μαζί με άλλα δώρα όπως ένα ζευγάρι παπούτσια και τσουρέκι και σοκολατένιο αβγό. Όταν ο ιερέας στις 12.00 ψάλλει το «Χριστός Ανέστη», οι πιστοί ανταλλάσσουν ευχές και το λεγόμενο «φιλί της Αγάπης». Με το «Άγιο φως» συνηθίζουν να σταυρώνουν το ανώφλι της εξώπορτας των σπιτιών τρεις φορές για καλή τύχη. Κατόπιν κάθονται γύρω από το γιορτινά στρωμένο τραπέζι για να τσουγκρίσουν τα κόκκινα αυγά και να γευματίσουν με την παραδοσιακή μαγειρίτσα.

Το πρωί της Κυριακής σουβλίζεται σε πολλές περιοχές της χώρας αρνί (οβελίας). Σε άλλες οικογένειες πάλι, το κρέας για το πασχαλινό τραπέζι, αρνί ή κατσίκι, ψήνεται στο φούρνο. Μέσα σε εορταστική ατμόσφαιρα ακολουθεί πλούσιο γεύμα, γλέντι και παραδοσιακοί χοροί που διαρκούν συνήθως μέχρι αργά το βράδυ. Στην πόλη μας, την Τρίπολη, το σούβλισμα του αρνιού είναι πολύ διαδεδομένο.

Υπάρχουν και πολλά άλλα ιδιαίτερα έθιμα που γίνονται σε ορισμένες περιοχές της Ελλάδας. Σε πολλά χωριά, στη Θράκη και αλλού, τη Μεγάλη Παρασκευή καίνε ομοίωμα του Ιούδα. Στην Καλαμάτα, γίνεται διαγωνισμός σαΐτας. Η σαΐτα είναι χαρτονένιος σωλήνας γεμάτος μπαρούτι. Παρόμοιο έθιμο γίνεται και στη Χίο. Στο Λεωνίδιο Αρκαδίας, το βράδυ της Ανάστασης γεμίζει ο ουρανός φωτεινά αερόστατα. Στην Κέρκυρα, το Μεγάλο Σάββατο το πρωί από τα παράθυρα των σπιτιών πετούν στους δρόμους πήλινα κανάτια που σπάνε με μεγάλο κρότο.

Easter Customs Easter is one of the most important festivals of Christians. In Greece we celebrate it with special pomp and devoutness. It is a movable feast. The Orthodox celebrate it annually the first Sunday after the full moon of the spring equinox. The word Easter comes from the Hebrew «pasah», which means passing. Christians celebrate the resurrection of Christ and the pass from death to life. Christians fast for 40 days before Easter Sunday. They don’t eat meat and its derivatives. Especially in the last days fasting is more intense. The last week before Easter (or Sunday of the Resurrection or Glorious) is called Holy Week. All this week the faithful go to church every afternoon and attend the Divine Liturgy. On Maundy Thursday housewives prepare special cakes, called ”tsourekia” and they paint the eggs red. From the ancient years the egg is a symbol of renewal of life, while the red symbolizes the blood of Christ. In the past years they used to place the first red egg on the iconostasis of the house to exorcise the evil, a custom which we still hold today. On Good Friday the burial of Christ is represented in the churches and in the same afternoon, the Epitaph is conducted in the streets of the city or village. The Epitaph is decorated with flowers that women and children bring in the morning. Due to the mourning of the day the housewives are not dealing with household chores, avoiding even cooking. On the morning of Holy Saturday preparations for the festive table of the Resurrection begin. The housewives cook “magiritsa”, a special soup, which we eat in the evening of the same day. It is soup made of lamb offal. Shortly before midnight, the faithful gather in the churches holding white candles. They take the «Holy light»,from the priest. The children usually hold colored decorated candles that they received as a gift from their godfather with other gifts such as a pair of shoes and brioche and chocolate egg. At 12:00 the priest chants the «Risen Christ», and people wish to each other and they exchange the so-called «Kiss of Love». With the «Holy light» we usually make a cross out of our doors for good luck. Then we sit around the festive table to crack red eggs and have a meal with the traditional magiritsa.

On Sunday morning we skewer lamb in many parts of the country (lamb on the spit). Many families, cook the meat for the Easter table, goat or lamb,in the oven. The atmosphere is merry-making. We have a rich meal, have fun and dance traditional dances which usually last until late in the evening. In our city, Tripolis, the skewering of lamb is very widespread. There are many other particular customs in different regions of Greece. In many villages in Thrace and elsewhere, on Good Friday, they burn effigy of Judas. In Kalamata,there is a shuttle contest. The shuttle a carton tube full of gunpowder. A similar custom is held in Chios. The night of Resurrection the sky is full of bright balloons in Leonidio in Arkadia. On Saturday morning they throw clay pitcher from the windows of the houses in the streets and they make a loud noise while. This custom is held in Corfou.

Á Íslandi heldur kirkjan páska til að fagna upprisu Jesú Krists frá dauðum. Þess vegna eru páskarnir gleði- og sigurhátíð í hugum kristinna manna og eru þeir raunar elsta hátíð kristninnar. Af þeim sökum kölluðu kirkjufeðurnir páskana Festum festorum eða hátíð hátíðanna. Í kringum páskana eru margir dagar tengdir honum eins og skírdagur , föstudagurinn langi og uppstigningardagur. Á skírdegi borðaði Jesú síðustu kvöldmáltíðina með lærisveinum sínum. Þeir þvoðu á sér fæturnar og átu brauð og vín. Vínið átti að tákna blóð krists en brauðið líkama hans. Svo á föstudaginn langa var Jesú krossfestur. Hann var síðan látinn í helli. Á páskadag reis Jesú svo upp af dauðum. Á uppstigningardag steig Jesú síðan upp til himimns. Páskarnir í dag eru haldnir hátíðlegir í kringum 15 Apríl og eru þeir haldnir í ár 12.Apríl. Á páskunum koma í búðir súkkulaðiegg frá hinum ýmsu nammi framleiðendum . Þad eru alls kyns hlutir settir ofan á eggið eins og ungar og strumpar og þau fyllt af nammi. Þessi egg eru merkt með númerum 1-12. Númerin eru stærðin á eggjunum þannig 1 er þá það minnsta og 12 það stærsta. Einnig eru eggin með ýmsum þemum eins og ástaregg,draumaegg og eitthvað fleira. Það eru líka framleidd egg fyrir sykusjúka og aðra sem vilja ekki sykur með sykurlausu súkkulaði. Fólki er svo ætlað að kaupa þessi páskaegg og oftast kaupa foreldrar þau fyrir börnin sín. Svo á páskadag er hefð að foreldrarnir feli páskaeggin fyrir börnunum sínum. Þau eru svo látin leita af þeim með vísbendingum og einhverjum leikjum í kringum það. Margir hafa pælt í hvað hefur súkkulaðiegg að gera með páskana. Sagt er að páskaeggin eiga að vera hellirinn sem Jesú var grafinn í. Svo er allt sem er inní því að tákna Jésús sjáfan. Svo þegar öll börnin opna eggin og fá allt nammið fylgir því ákveðinn hamingja. Talið er að það sé sama hamingjan sem fólkið sem elskaði Jesú fann þegar það vissi að hann var risinn upp og á öruggum stað.

In Iceland we have Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death. That‘s why Easter is a happy and victorious holiday in the minds of Christian men and is it in fact the oldest Christian holiday. That´s why the church fathers called Easter Festum festorum or the holiday of holidays. Around Easter there are many days connected to it like Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Ascension Day. On Holy Thursday Jesus ate his last meal with his followers. They washed their feet, ate bread and drank wine. The wine was supposed to symbol the blood of Christ and the bread his body. Then on Good Friday Jesus was crusified. He was then taken down from the cross and buried in a cave. On Easter Sunday Jesus rose up from the dead and walked out of the cave. Then on Ascension day Jesus stepped up to heaven. Easter today is held around the 15th of April and now in 2009 they are held on the 12th. On Easter the shops are filled with chocolate eggs from many different candy manufacturers. There are many things put on top of the egg like chicks and smurfs and then they are filled with all kinds of candy. These eggs are then numbered from 1-12 according to size 1 being the smallest and 12 the biggest. There are also eggs with different themes like love eggs, dream eggs and more. There are also eggs for the diabetic which contain no sugar. People are suppose to buy these eggs and mostly parents buy them for their kids. Then on Easter Sunday it´s a tradition for parents to hide the eggs from their kids. The kids then look for the eggs with clues and different games that follow. Many people may have thought what do chocolate eggs have to do with Jesus and why we celebrate Easter. It is said that the egg is suppose to interpret the cave Jesus was buried in. Then the candy inside is suppose to be Jesus himself. Then of course as the kids open their eggs they experience some kind of joy. That is somehow like the joy that the people who loved Jesus felt when they knew he was save.

Velykos Velykų simbolika ir reikšmė Dauguma kasmet švenčiame Velykas, o ar žinome, kokia šios šventės reikšmė? Velykos – kilnojama šventė, švenčiama pirmąjį mėnulio pilnaties sekmadienį po pavasario lygiadienio. Ji turi gilias tradicijas. Velykų pavadinimas kilęs iš žodžio „vėlės“, mat mūsų protėviai šiuo metu aplankydavo artimųjų kapus, nunešdavo jiems kiaušinių. Tikėta, kad mirusiųjų vėlės išlenda kartu su atgimstančia gamta, bet paskui pasitraukia po pirmojo Perkūno. Velykos mūsų protėvių buvo švenčiama kaip gamtos atbudimo šventė. Atėjus krikščionybei, ši šventė sutapatinta su Kristaus prisikėlimu. Kiaušinio simbolika Kiaušinis pagonių religijoje simbolizuoja kosmosą (dėl ovalios formos), gyvybės atsiradimą, vaisingumą (dėl to, kad tai gemalas). Manyta, kad pradaužus kiaušinį iš jo išlenda gyvybė gyvatės, pasivertusios gemalu, pavidalu. Todėl per Velykas buvo einama bukynių – vienas laiko kiaušinį, o kitas jį daužia kitu kiaušiniu. Manyta, kad gyvatės – požemio gyventojos, globojančios derlių. Jų pavidalu iš požemio išlįsdavo ir protėvių vėlės. Pavasarį gyvatės turėjo priketi augmeniją, žydėjimą, vaisingumą. Dėl to margučiai per Velykas buvo ir ridinėjami – susiliesdami su žeme žadino požemio gyventojas. Kiaušinių marginimas turėjęs magišką reikšmę. Ant kiaušinių skutinėtos saulutės (kad augmenijai netrūktų saulės), žvaigždės (kad laukams netrūktų šviesos ir naktį), žalčiukai (kad pabustų gyvybė), įvairi augmenija, raštų deriniai. Specialią reikšmę turėjusi ir kiaušinio spalva. Raudona spalva simbolizavo gyvybę, juoda – žemę, mėlyna – dangų, žalia – bundančią augmeniją, geltona – pribrendusius javus. Ascharijoje rastas ornamentuotas stručio kiaušinis, numargintas dar III a. pr.K. Dažytų kiaušinių rasta vokiečių vaikų kapuose. Vilniuje, Gedimino kalne rastas akmeninis margutis, o Dainų slėnyje – medinis. Jie priskiriami XIII a. Šiose vietose buvę pagonių dievų šventyklos. Taigi jiems ir buvo paaukoti šie margučiai. Tikėta, kad kiaušiniai turėję ypatingų galių – jų valgydavo sergantieji, jais apdėdavo žaizdas. Nevaisingos moterys gydydavosi, gerdamos žalius kiaušinius. Didžiausią galią turėję Velykų kiaušiniai. Vyrai užkasdavo kiaušinius laukuose, kad laukai geriau derėtų, moterys pasilikdavo keletą dažytų kiaušinių ir po Velykų, tikėdamos, kad jie saugo nuo Perkūno. Velykė Vaikai tikėjo, kad pamiškėje gyvena senutė Velykė. Ji dažo kiaušinius, o Velykų naktį sudeda juos į vaškinį ar cukrinį vežimaitį, pakinko į jį kiškius ir veža vaikams. Iš ryto kiekvienas vaikas ant palangės rasdavo po du Velykės kiaušinius.

Velykų eglutė Ko gero, mažai kas žino, kad per Velykas buvo puošiama Velykų eglutė. Prie vienos tiesios medžio šakos buvo rišamos eglės šakelės, taip dirbtinai sukuriant eglės formos medelį. Šiame medelyje būdavo padaromi lizdeliai, į kuriuos įstatomi kiaušiniai. Paprastai buvo įstatomi 9 ar 12 kiaušinių, mat šie skaičiai laikyti magiškais, nešančiais laimę. Toks medelis dar buvo puošiamas išsprogusiais žilvičio kačiukais, popierinėmis gėlėmis, paukštelių formos sausainiais. Tikėta, kad kiaušiniai nuo šio medelio neša laimę ir sėkmę. Primena Kalėdų eglutę? Pasirodo, kad persai kovo mėnesį švęsdavo Naujuosius metus, o dažyti kiaušiniai jiems reiškė Naujųjų metų gimimą. Velykų apeigos Kaip jau minėta, per Velykas buvo einama bukynių. Dauždavo kiaušinius dažniausiai vyrai. Tas, kurio kiaušinis buvo stipriausias, garsėdavo per kelis kaimus. Ridinėjami kiaušiniai buvo per specialų lovelį. Tas, kurio kiaušinis nuriedėdavo toliausiai, ne tik buvo laikomas nugalėtoju, bet ir laimingu žmogumi, kuriam viskas sekasi. Velykų dieną vaikai, dažniausiai iki 8 metų, eidavo kiaušiniauti. Atėjęs į trobą vaikas sudainuodavo nedidelį posmelį, pvz.: „aš mažas vaikelis, kaip pupų pėdelis...“ ir įsikišdavo pirštą į burną – tai buvo ženklas, kad jis prašo kiaušinio. Įkišti du pirštai reiškė, kad vaikas prašo dviejų kiaušinių. Buvo ir tokių, kurie įsikišdavo į burną ir daugiau pirštų, bet tuomet paprastai būdavo išvejami už gobšumą. Vaikinai per Velykas eidavo dėdinėti. Jie eidavo prašyti kiaušinių pas merginas. Ta, kuri neturėdavo kiaušinių, buvo prievarta nuvedama į vištidę ir sodinama į vištos gūžtą perėti. Suaugusieji eidavo lalauti. Pasiėmę barškučius jie eidavo į laukus ir laimino jų šeimininkus dainomis. Lalavimu ši apeiga vadinama todėl, kad dainų priedainiuose būdavo žodžiai : „ai lalu lalu“ , „ei lalo“ ir pan. Manoma, kad lalavimas seniau buvo skirtas deivės Lelos garbei. Taigi prisiminkime senąsias tradicijas ir pasidžiaukime pavasariu, gamtos ir dvasios atgimimu.

Easter Symbolism and importance The word for Easter, Velykos, has been borrowed from Beylorussian and means "important day." The word is very accurate because Easter was the year's most solem feast in Lithuania. Easter is not only the feast of Christ's Resurrection, but also nature's awakening from winter's sleep. Easter is the greatest annual church and national calendar, spring holiday. This date is set according to the moon cycle after March 21st , first Sunday of the full moon. The sowing of spring crops starts after Easter. On this holiday the Christian elements [ resurrection of Jesus Christ ] merge with ancient national traditions, the rebirth of nature when the goddess " Zemyna" was honored. Easter rituals start one week before Easter, on Palm Sunday . That week is called the Great Week , it is full of prohibitions, beliefs and archaic traditions. . Egg‘s symbolism In Pagan times the egg represented the space (because of its oval shape), the rebirth of the earth, prolificacy (it is an embryo). The long, hard winter was over; the earth burst forth and was reborn just as the egg miraculously burst forth with life. The egg, therefore, was believed to have special powers. It was buried under the foundations of buildings to ward off evil; pregnant young women carried an egg on their persons to foretell the sex of their unborn children. The egg is nature's perfect package. It has, during the span of history, represented mystery, magic, medicine, food and omen. It is the universal symbol of Easter celebrations throughout the world and has been dyed, painted, adorned and embellished in the celebration of its special symbolism. As Christianity spread, more familiar traditions, symbols and celebrations of spring were associated with Easter - Christ coming back to life after death. One of the oldest spring symbols in the world is the egg. The oval shape of the egg was the same shape for a raindrop and a seed. These two were important life-giving elements. The egg itself promises new life as in spring, birds, and many other animals are hatched from eggs. Painting eggs for Easter is a special Lithuanian tradition. The egg is considered a symbol of life and rebirth of nature since pagan times. The tradition of egg dyeing is much older than Christianity and it was believed that painting symbols on eggs has magic power: swastika – a symbol of health and luck; sun –a symbol of light , warmth , truth , growth and life; fir – immortality symbol, world tree – saves you from evil souls; coniferous twigs – means best wishes of health,youth. The color of eggs has also an important meaning. Red – symbolizes life, black – ground, blue – sky, green – waken up growth, yellow – riped crop. In Lithuania, there are different ways of dyeing eggs. Many use a thick needle and hot wax to make patterns, including blossoms, snakes, stars, branches of rue, snowflakes, on a cooked egg. Once the egg is colored and wax removed the patterned areas stay white and stand out against the color. Those who have an artistic flair use a small knife to scratch marvelous designs, to draw detailed and concise patterns on dyed eggs.

Easter Granny Easter eggs were taken to children by the imaginary Easter Granny (Velykų senelė), who was not to be seen by the children and lived in the outer wood. Bunnies who painted Easter eggs were also a familiar fixture, but they were only helpers for the Velykų Senelė. Very early Easter morning they loaded Easter eggs into a beautiful little cart pulled by a tiny swift horse. The Velykų Senelė used a sunbeam as a whip. Sometimes the bunnies themselves pulled the cart laden with Easter eggs. Children usually found two Easter eggs, in places like wooden shoes, baskets and even in bed. Children began to wait for the Easter Woman on Holy Saturday afternoon, prepared egg nests and placed them in flower gardens, bushes, between wall logs and even on doorsteps. Each child tried to make most beautiful and colorful nests. Easter Tree Decorating Easter trees is another festive holiday custom that traces its roots back to ancient times. The traditional "trees" were branches in a vase hung with brightly colored eggs. In this tree were hung nests with 9 or 12 eggs, because such amount of eggs was magician, brought luck. Today many homes hang the painted or dyed Easter Eggs and other decorations on real trees in their front yards to add a colorful touch and a festive spirit to the whole neighborhood. Easter ceremony A variety of games were played with Easter eggs. The simplest is an egg-breaking contest. Mostly men played the game called „Bukynes“. The one whose egg remains intact is the winner. Egg rolling is also popular throughout Lithuania. A thick tree bark with a smooth inside is placed at an angle and eggs are rolled down through it. When the egg hits another egg, which had rolled down earlier, the egg's owner takes possession of both eggs. The tradition of egg gathering still exists. In all of Lithuania, the act of hitting Easter eggs is known and practiced, especially by men and teenagers. The egg is placed in the palm of the hand with thumb and forefinger holding the pointed end of the egg, which is the hitting area. The cracked egg is taken by the person whose egg did not crack in the process of hitting. Groups of young men on the night of the First Day of Easter, visit villages, extend greetings and for that are given numerous gifts. The night was filled with men's compelling voices, travelling from village to village. This tradition still continues in many villages even today. These groups are made up of musicians, singers and a bag carrier, who will carry all the gifts. Their greetings began with the following words: " dear auntie and uncle, may we entertain your household", followed by: " Happy Easter Greetings". A group of young men assembled to practice singing Linksma diena mums prašvito (a popular Easter hymn), some other songs and make the rounds. These are the so-called lalauninkai (from lalauti — to talk loudly and much). In many other countries, such as the United States or England, carolers make the rounds before Christmas singing Christmas carols and songs. They may be compared to Lithuania's Easter lalauninkai. So, recalling the old traditions let’s take a pleasure in spring, in rebirth of nature and soul.

PÁSCOA EM PORTUGAL Portugal é um país predominantemente católico, daí que a Páscoa seja um grande evento no nosso país. As tradições variam de região para região, e é impressionante ver como um país tão pequeno pode ser tão diverso em termos culturais. Focaremos apenas aspectos da tradição no Norte de Portugal, onde se situa a nossa escola. Nas semanas que antecedem a Páscoa, é costume as pessoas dedicarem parte do seu tempo a fazerem as chamadas “Limpezas da Páscoa” Durante a Quaresma, uma grande parte da população ainda mantém o costume de não comer carne à Sexta-Feira. No Domingo de Ramos, é costume os afilhados darem aos padrinhos um ramo ou um vaso de flores, na esperança de ver retribuído no Domingo de Páscoa o presente, denominado “Folar”.Esta tradição é evocativa da passagem da Bíblia em que Jesus é aclamado às portas de Jerusalém. As festividades da Semana Santa são extremamente importantes em Braga, a terceira cidade de Portugal. O centro da cidade é invadido por visitantes, atraídos pelo espectáculo e ambiente das belas e solenes procissões. No Sábado de Aleluia, uma longa cerimónia religiosa assinala a primeira celebração da Ressurreição de Jesus. É a missa mais importante do calendário litúrgico, em que se volta a usar a aclamação “Aleluia”, omitida durante a Quaresma. No Domingo de Páscoa, logo pela manhã, começam a tocar os sinos das Igrejas e são lançados os primeiros foguetes. Nas aldeias do Norte de Portugal, as pessoas decoram as entradas de suas casas com tapetes de flores, à espera do Compasso. O pároco da aldeia, coadjuvado por leigos, leva a cruz às casas dos paroquianos, para aí deixar a sua bênção. Ao almoço, juntam-se várias gerações familiares. A comida tradicional é o cabrito assado, cozinhado frequentemente em fornos de lenha, e servido com batatas, arroz e legumes. A doçaria inclui o famoso pão-de-ló e o folar da Páscoa. Este, por tradição, era criado especialmente para a época pascal, sendo uma espécie de pão mais sofisticado, destinado a ser oferecido e partilhado. O folar está fortemente ligado à ideia de fraternidade, e pensa-se que estará relacionado com a partilha do pão na Última Ceia. Os ovos, símbolo do nascimento, adornam o folar. Finalmente, é tradição a troca das amêndoas e dos ovos de chocolate. Hoje em dia, algumas destas tradições estão a desaparecer, especialmente nas grandes cidades, já que as pessoas aproveitam esta pausa para rumar ao Algarve, ou conhecer outros países.

HOW WE CELEBRATE EASTER Portugal is predominantly Catholic, so Easter is a major event in our country. Traditions vary from region to region and it is amazing to see how such a small country can be so culturally diverse. We will focus on the traditions of the North of Portugal, where our school is situated. In the weeks leading up to Easter, people usually take time off to do some spring cleaning in their homes. During Lent a vast majority of the population still observe the tradition of not eating meat on Fridays, a tradition which heads back to Roman times. On Palm Sunday godchildren traditionally give their godparents a bunch of flowers or a flowerpot, in the hope that the gift will be returned on Easter Sunday. This evokes the Bible passage where Jesus is greeted with palms outside Jerusalem. The Holy Week or Semana Santa celebrations are huge in places like Braga, Portugal’s third largest city. The city is crowded with residents and visitors, drawn by the spectacle and atmosphere of the solemn but beautiful processions. The week features the procession of passos, floats of lifelike wooden sculptures of individual scenes of the events of the Passion, or images of the Virgin Mary showing restrained grief for the torture and killing of her son. People precede the passos dressed in penitential robes, and, with few exceptions, hoods. On Holy Saturday a service held in many Christian churches marks the first official celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. It is the most important Mass of the liturgical year and is marked by the first use since the beginning of Lent of the acclamatory word "Alleluia", a distinctive feature of the liturgy of the Easter season. On Easter Sunday church bells ring out and fireworks resound to commemorate Christ rising from the dead. In villages in Northern Portugal people decorate their doorways with strewn flower plants, waiting for the Compasso (procession). The parish priest carries around a a crucified Jesus Christ embellished with flowers and goes to people’s homes to give his blessing. All family generations get together for lunch on Easter Sunday. The traditional food is roasted kid goat, cooked in the oven (usually a wood oven in the north) and served with potatoes, rice and lots of regional sweets. These include the famous PÃO –DE-LÓ, which is a huge sponge cake and FOLAR DA PÁSCOA. Created especially for Easter, it is a fancy bread to be shared, or given as an offering. The Folar has a strong connection to brotherhood, and is often thought to symbolize Jesus sharing bread at the last supper. Hard boiled egg can often be found decorating Folars as a symbol of rebirth. It is also a tradition to exchange sugared almonds, and especially among children Easter eggs! Nowadays some of these traditions a re dwindling, especially in larger cities like Lisbon and Porto, where people head south in the Easter break to the beaches in the Algarve or spend time abroad.

Easter pao-de-lo sponge cake 12 eggs (12 yolks, 4 whites) 250g/9oz sugar 150g/5.5oz flour Using an electric blender, beat eggs and sugar for 30 minutes. Gradually add the flour and continue beating for 30 minutes more. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 475F/250C/Gas 9. Using a wide circular cake tin, invert an oven-proof cup or similar in the centre (preferably one without a handle). Cover this undulating base with sheets of buttered greaseproof or oven paper. Fill with the sponge mixture. Bake for 30 to 40 minutes. After about 15 minutes, or as soon as the sponge has risen, reduce the heat and cover with foil. Turn out on to a wire tray to cool. Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-anddrink/features/angels-delight-720954.html

An Cháisc Domhnach Cásca atá ann. Is breá leis na Páistí an Cháisc. Faigheann said uibheacha Cásca. Faigheann said ubh an-mhór ó Mhamó. Is breá le Róisín seacláid agus bíonn sí ag súil go mór leis an gCáisc. Anuraidh fuair sí seacht n-uibhe. Fuair Pádraig cúig huibhe. Tagann coinín na Cásca chuig na páistí beaga agus fágann sé uibheacha seacláide sa gháirdin. Bíonn an gáirdin go hálainn ag an am seo den bhliain. Bíonn na bláthanna ag fás ann. Bíonn sceitimíní áthais ar na páistí mar go mbíonn laethanta saoire acu ón scoil freisin.

EASTER At Easter we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. It is a very special time for us. We all bring candles to the church to celebrate the Easter vigil. The church remains in darkness and gradually the candles bring light together. Easter water is blessed by the Priest and families bring some home. In Ireland children believe the Easter Bunny will bring them chocolate Easter Eggs. Children have fun searching for Easter Eggs hidden in their garden.

Pastele la romani Pastele este cea mai importanta sarbatoare crestina a anului. De Pasti se sarbatoreste Invierea lui Iisus Hristos, fiul lui Dumnezeu. In cadrul cultului ortodox..pentru intampinarea marii sarbatori de Pasti credinciosii tin post.Postul mare(asa cum afost denumit postul Pastilor) dureaza 7 saptamani de rugaciune si abtinere de la toate poftele trupesti, saptamani in care oamenii se apropie mai mult de Dumnezeu prin fapte bune si umilinta. Ultima saptamana din postul mare cunoscuta de credinciosi si sub numele de Saptamana Mare, in care postul este mai strict,tinandu-se in unele zile chiar post negru(adica abtinerea totala de la mancare si lichide). Joia din aceasta ultima saptamana poarta denumirea de Joia Mare in care ospodinele pregatesc bucatele pentru marea sarbatoare a Pastelui, in special fac renumitele oua rosii,slavind astfel sacrificiul facut de Mantuitorul Iisus Hristos.Traditia spune ca ouale fierte si vopsite rosii in Joia mare nu se altereaza atat de usor ca cele facute in restul anului. Ziua urmatoare,vinerea mare,e ziua in care majoritatea credinciosilor tin post negru pana seara cand merg la biserica pentru a canta prohodul domnului.Dupa prohod se mananca anafara si se bea aghiazma. Se stie ca Pastele la romani, ca si Craciunul, este o sarbatoare care uneste familia si este un prilej de bucurie si veselie, pe de-o parte ca Isus Hristos a inviat , pe de alta parte ca pacatele noastre au fost iertate si incepem un nou ciclu al vietii. Sambata seara se merge la Inviere.La 12 noaptea se sting toate luminile in biserica si preotul aprinde o lumanare si indeamna credinciosi :�Veniti de luati lumina�.Dupa aceea se ocoleste biserica de trei ori cu lumanarile aprinse, preotul se opreste in fata usii biserii si,batand cu cruncea-n usa,cere sa se deschida usile pentru credinciosii care asteapta afara.

In Duminica Invierii, obiceiul este ca oamenii sa se imbrace cu haine noi, semnificatie a primenirii trupului si a sufletului, pentru a merge la slujba de Paste, iar dimineata se pune intr-un ibric apa rece, un ou si un ban de argint si se spala cu aceasta apa pe fata pentru a fi rosu in obraji ca oul, pentru a fi tari ca banul si pentru a avea belsug. Tot acum vine si iepurasul, mult asteptat de copii, care aduce multe cadouri si voie buna. Cei care se duc la biserica in ziua de Paste trebuie sa duca pentru sfintit: pasca, oua rosii, o sticla de vin (din care va bea dupa sfintire toata familia, la masa de Pasti, iar unii il tin tot anul), o bucata de miel fript sau drob, cas sau branza, sare si un colac cu lumanare pentru biserica. In noaptea Invierii, fiecare gospodar sau gospodina, fiecare ins, mic sau mare, tanar sau batran, care ia parte la Inviere trebuie sa aduca cu sine si o lumanare pe care o aprinde si o tine aprinsa in tot timpul savarsirii Sfintei Invieri. Dupa Inviere, fiecare se intoarce cu lumina aceasta, numita in cele mai multe parti lumina Invierii, aprinsa acasa. In Maramures(zona din nordul romaniei cu multe traditii stravechi) acest obicei este tinut si in ziua de astazi si alimentele sunt puse intr-o cosarca care este invelita cu cel mai frumos stergar din casa, impodobita cu flori si dusa de femeie, insotita de toata familia, la biserica. Dupa ce se vine de la biserica cu produsele sfintite, se aseaza masa si toata familia se strange pentru a lua sfintele pasti - anafura sfintita si pentru a ciocni ou rosii, pentru a manca drob si pasca, cozonac si alte preparate pregatite pentru acesta zi si pentru a bea un pahar de vin sfintit. Intre timp, cei mici il vor astepta cuminti pe iepuras sa le aduca cele dorite, jucarii, hainute si dulciuri. Este un prilej nemaipomenit pentru romani sa sarbatoreasca Pastele in familie, alaturi de cei dragi si prieteni, pentru a vizita rudele si, poate dupa luarea traditionalei mese, sa iasa la iarba verde, daca timpul este favorabil.

EASTER IN ROMANIA Easter, annual festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and the principal feast of the Christian year. It is celebrated on a Sunday on varying dates between March 22 and April 25 and is therefore called a movable feast. The most important religious holiday in Romania is, of course, Easter. Romanians paint eggs especially in red. Romanian folklore presents several Christian legends, which explain why the eggs are painted in red on Easter and why they became the symbol of the celebration of Christ's Resurrection. The most widespread legend tells us about Virgin Mary, who came to mourn her crucified son, laid the basket with eggs near the cross and they reddened because of the blood that was flowing from Jesus' wounds. The Lord, seeing that the eggs reddened, said to those who were there: "From now on, you too shall paint the eggs in red to remember my crucifixion, as I did today." But there is another tradition that became a true art: decorating eggs with folk motifs symbolizing renewal and immortality: the cross, the star, the sun, the wave, the zigzags, and stylised flowers. Prior to decorating eggs, these are washed with warm water and vinegar, boiled slowly not to break their shell, and covered with a thin bed of bee wax. Then the eggs decorated using special tools, such as: goose feather, the "chisita" (special tool, made of a thin metal pipe, with very small diameter; a pig hair is pulled through it) is used for "writing" the motive and the "brush" (a tool that is used for covering the larger spaces - thick lines, points etc.). Vegetal colours obtained from sweet apple peal, leaves and flowers, hip rose peal, are used. In Romania the Christian Church says that Jesus was born during the winter solstice and his death followed by his resurrection happened during the spring equinox, the Easter.

The most important Christian holiday is the day of Jesus' Resurrection. Cleaning the houses, wearing new clothes, the ritual bath before going to church, all these are supposed to mark a new beginning. After a long fast - the Lent tables full with all sorts of good dishes and brightened up with beautiful painted eggs create a festive atmosphere. Children are the happiest of all looking for their gifts and colored eggs in the newly grown grass. Everybody including the peasants are beautifully dressed in their national costumes, with lit candles in their hands, gathered together around the churches at midnight in order to solemnly utter:"Jesus Christ has risen from the dead". Everywhere around the churches, on the hills or in the plains, people light fires and sing Our Saviour's praises. After the service, their is a multitude of flaring lit candles, a most uplifting and touching sight, make for home where people clink Easter eggs with beautifully dyed or exquisitely painted shells. The craftsmanship of dyeing the eggs at Easter, is an ancient tradition with Romanians, is due to the belief that eggs represent the source of life. The egg, preserver of the mystery of the origin of life, has always been related to the rites of the revival of nature. There is definitely a close link between Easter, the egg and the vernal equinox as the three of them cheese, cake, lamb roast and broth, drob which is a spiced minced lamb and fresh cottage cheese. When the Romanians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, they sacrifice a lamb, according to the tradition. Then, they prepare the "drob" (a kell), roast lamb and lamb with spinach. Other important preparation for the Resurrection Day is "pasca", a sweet pund cheese with raisins and the pund cake with nuts. A good wine will accompany everything on Easter Day feast.

Veľkonočné sviatky na Slovensku Už sa blíži, už sa blíži Veľkonočný pondelok, Už sa vajcia obliekajú Do farebných košieľok. Ej, krúťte sa, kolovrátky, Ej, krúťte sa, praslice! Už sa vajcia obliekajú, By z nich boli kraslice. Šibi, ryby, mastné ryby, kus koláča od korbáča. Kázal kadlec aj kadlečka, aby dali tri vajíčka. Jedno biele, druhé čierne, a to tretie zafarbené,

Aj kus baby, Aby boli naši radi. Toto vajíčko, moje srdiečko, koho ja milujem, tomu ho darujem. Teba ja, Janíček, teba ja milujem, Tebe toto vajíčko, tebe darujem. Šibi, ryby, mastné ryby, dávaj vajcia, vymieňaj sa! Ak mi nedáš dve vajíčka, daj mi aspoň makovníčka. Ešte k tomu groš, aby bolo dosť.

to je moje potešenie.

Veľkonočné sviatky patria k najstarším sviatkom vôbec. Ich základnou podstatou z dôb predkresťanských bolo vítanie jari, v prenesenom slova zmysle víťazstvo života nad smrťou. Veľká noc je pohyblivý sviatok, pre kresťanov jeden z najvýznamnejších. Predchádza mu dlhý čas príprav – štyridsať dňový pôst -, ktorý sa dodržiava už celé stáročia. Nevzťahoval sa len na jedlo, ale na celý spôsob života. Prestali tanečné zábavy, veselé spoločenské večierky, na vidieku sa skončili priadky a páračky. V čase pôstu každá žena priadla doma sama, umĺkol spev a ozývali sa len vážne pôstne piesne. Muži odložili fajku a celú dobu sa nedotkli alkoholu. Zo ženského kroja zmizli pestré farby a bohato zdobené súčasti. Predveľkonočný pôst, ktorý vystriedal obdobie vianočného hodovania a fašiangovej nestriedmosti, od základu zmenil stravovanie našich predkov. Ešte na prelome 19. a 20. storočia sa v niektorých oblastiach dôkladne vymyli hrnce, v ktorých sa varili tučné jedlá a dočasne sa vyniesli na povalu. V rodinách dokonca vymenili riad, z ktorého jedli a kovové lyžice nahradili drevenými. V čase pôstu sa často mastilo len rastlinným olejom, zväčša konopným alebo ľanovým, menej už maslom.

Strava bola veľmi jednoduchá. Skladala sa z rôznych múčnych jedál, kaší, zemiakov, strukovín, sušeného ovocia. Varili sa jednoduché polievky a omáčky, veľmi sa využívala kvasená kapusta, ktorá sa jedávala aj surová s krajcom suchého chleba (z dnešného pohľadu ideálna kombinácia pre zdravú výživu a redukčnú diétu) – nielen ako desiatu či olovrant, ale aj ako hlavné jedlo (obyčajne večera). Dospelým sa odporúčalo celkovo obmedzovať množstvo stravy počas dňa, až večer sa zjedlo trochu kyslej kapusty alebo ovocie a chlieb. Dnes by sme to považovali za ideálne kontrastné odľahčovacie dni po vianočnom a novoročnom hodovaní. V období pôstu nebolo dovolené jesť mäso, a to ani v nedeľu. Niekto sa dokonca zriekal i mlieka, syrov a vajec – teda potravín, ktoré pochádzali z teplokrvných zvierat. Dodržiavanie pôstu sa postupne zmierňovalo. K pôstnemu obdobiu patria aj typické jedlá. Vyskytujú sa najmä na pôstne nedele, ktoré sú štyri a o týždeň po nich nasleduje Smrtná nedeľa, keď dievčatá vynášajú smrtku – symbol zimy. Nasleduje Kvetná nedeľa, keď sa svätia ratolesti, väčšinou z vŕby, rakyty. V niektorých krajoch v tento deň ženy nepiekli z múky, aby „nezapiekli“ kvety ovocných stromov. Pôst sa končí Zeleným štvrtkom. Dodržiava sa však až do Bielej soboty, keď večer po slávnosti Vzkriesenia Krista z mŕtvych sa po dlhom čase objaví na stole mäsité jedlo. Na Zelený štvrtok sa obyčajne piekli tzv. judáše z kysnutého cesta. Tvarom mali pripomínať stočený povraz, na ktorom sa obesil zradný biblický Judáš. Podoby pečiva boli rôzne, ale často sa na vrch pridával med - podobne ako na Vianoce k oblátka. Med sa od pradávne cenil ako pochúťka i liek. Na Zelený štvrtok sa malo jesť vždy niečo zelené, aby bol človek zdravý, či to už bola polievka z jarných byliniek, špenát, alebo hlávkový šalát. Tradičným veľkonočným jedlom je mazanec. Sú o ňom správy už od 14. a 15. storočia. Ešte v 18. storočí ho plnili tvarohom, rozmiešaný tvaroh bol totiž u Slovanov obradným jedlom, rovnako ako zvyk jesť vajíčka, považované za symbol nového života a plodnosti. Na Veľkú noc sa často jedli uvarené, no nezriedka sa z nich pripravovali aj rôzne obradové jedlá. Najznámejšia bola praženica, jaječnica, pankúch alebo jedlom z vajec, z údeného mäsa a žemlí, tzv. baba, plnina, kurka, stratené kura a pod. V oblasti východného Slovenska je dodnes rozšírené tradičné obradové jedlo nazývané žolta hrudka alebo sirek, ktoré sa robí z vajec a mlieka. Sirek sa podáva na Veľkonočnú nedeľu všetkým členom rodiny a na Veľkonočný pondelok sa ním ponúkajú mládenci, ktorí chodia polievať. Vajíčka dodnes dostávajú chlapci aj muži za šibačku a polievačku. Časom sa z jedla stal darček lásky, tradícia, ba aj predmet do zbierky. Na väčšine nášho územia je neodmysliteľnou súčasťou veľkonočných jedál obradový koláč. Na východnom Slovensku sa prepravoval predovšetkým okrúhly koláč pod názvom paska. Pôvod má v starom rituálnom pečive, ktoré sa k nám i k susedným národom rozšírilo prostredníctvom kresťanstva. Okrúhly tvar pasky symbolizoval slnko, nový život, snahu o zabezpečenie dobrej úrody. Na strednom a západnom Slovensku majú koláče rôzny tvar, prevládajú podlhovasté záviny. V týchto oblastiach sú zaužívané hlavne názvy baba, calta, mrvaň. Po dlhotrvajúcom pôste boli žiadanou zmenou v jedálnom lístku i mäsité jedlá, k veľmi starej tradícii u nás patrí pečenie jahňaťa alebo kozľaťa. Na dedinách sa však najviac jedla šunka a klobásy zo zásob po zabíjačke. Niekedy sa mäso na Veľkonočnú nedeľu nahrádzalo mliečnymi výrobkami, napríklad tvarohom, syrom, oštiepkami. Veľkonočné jedlá dopĺňala pálenka a víno.

K prastarým veľkonočným pokrmom patril baranček. Pretože si každý nemohol dovoliť skutočného barančeka, nahrádzal sa barančekom upečeným z kysnutého alebo treného cesta. Hotový baranček sa zdobí cukrom, jarnou zelenou vetvičkou a mašličkou či spiežovcami. Barančekom sa zdobí okno alebo stôl s farebnými kraslicami, v poslednom období sa pridáva aj trávička z rýchleného obilia.

K radu ďalších vinšovníkov aj ja podľa dobrých zvykov pripojiť sa chcem - keď nie inšie aspoň skromné vinše: Pekné sviatky, dobrú zhodu, ženám čerstvú, sviežu vodu, mužom tiež nech sladko je, nech si prídu na svoje.

Easter in Slovakia The water-throwing and whipping became linked to the Easter holiday after Christianity came to Slovakia in the ninth century. The traditions originated as part of folk beliefs based on nature's cycle. Mid-April was celebrated as a time of rebirth: processions were used to drive away evil spirits, houses were decorated with vegetation (the egg survives today as a symbol of life), and whipping and water were employed to ensure a young woman's fertility and beauty. It was believed that the vitality from the young twigs entwined in the whip would flow into the woman's body. While many traditions have died out, Easter Monday's water and whipping have remained a colourful relic of Slovak folk life. Boys chase girls and they whip them with a willow cane. Some of them have water in a bucket or a bottle and they splash girls with it. Some boys also spray girls with perfume. When they are finished, boys are rewarded with painted eggs and money. In Slovakia's biggest cities, symbolic reference to the customs - spraying scented water from a small flask - is more common than full-out drenchings and lashings; even in villages and smaller cities, things are not what they used to be. An inevitable part of our Easter fun stems from a special willow cane which is hand-woven and decorated with colourful ribbons. Men pursue women brandishing the light branch, called a "korbĂĄÄ?" in Slovak, and use it to "whip" women on the legs when they catch up with them. According to the traditional ritual, the ribbons on the cane, one of which is added by each victim, testifies to the number of girls and women a lad has managed to soak or whip. In turn for the happy bath and the enjoyable whipping of legs, girls give away hand-painted eggs, or chocolate eggs to young boys. The adults are usually offered a drink of spirits. While some parts of the genuine ritual are no longer observed, the drinking still remains on the list of inevitables nationwide. If you are lucky you can see the traditional Easter in villages. But even there the tradition has been adjusted to a more modern approach. In the cities, of course, people have always had the tendency to neglect folklore. Common dish for Easter throughout Slovakia, for example, is the dish of potato salad and smoked ham, which is cut in thin slices and served on a plate. Every good housewife also bakes at least three sorts of cakes or pastry. When all tasks are done and finished on early Monday morning, women are usually simply too exhausted to resist the water violence effectively. They feel lucky if they manage to sneak out of the bed while the males of the house are still asleep because by male standards it is thought to be the greatest fun if they can attack the unwary victim with a bucketful of cold water in her bed. During the morning, the male relatives and friends ring the doorbell and repeat the ceremony of splash-and-whip again and again. As a woman you have to make sure that you have enough dry things to change into because you never know how many visits you can expect. One variety of late 20th-century "whipper" has gotten, thank God, a bit more practical. He no longer carries a bucket of water with him. Instead he asks the lady for a cup, fills it with cold water, and then splashes it in her face. The whipping is culturally in retreat as well. Originally thought to keep women fertile, healthy and fresh for the rest of the year, our men are not so sure about that anymore. In most areas of Slovakia to be a fully equipped whipper you have to have a small bottle of perfume in your pocket. To spray a few drops of perfume on the hair of the fairer sex is considered the final phase of a successful whipping turn.

VELIKA NOČ – SLOVENIJA Velika noč je največji krščanski praznik. Datum ni točno določen, ker se spreminja po prvi spomladanski luni. Veliko noč Slovenci praznujejo 3 dni in sicer na veliki petek, soboto in nedeljo. Sledi še velikonočni ponedeljek, ki je dela prost dan. Ljudje takrat pripravljajo različna jedila, kot so naprimer hren, velikonočni pirhi, potica ter šunka. Velika noč je posebno razburljiva za otroke, zaradi barvanja pirhov in velikonočnih iger kot naprimer igra velikonočnega zajčka. Velikonočno zajček v grmovju ali drugje na vrtu skrije pisanice in sladkarije, otroci pa jih morajo poiskati. Poznamo še veliko drugih iger – sekanje pirhov. Pri tem mora jajce biti pri miru. Nato vanj mečejo kovance. Zmaga tisti, katerega kovanec se zapiči v pirh. Nekateri poznajo tudi kotalikanje pirhov po strmini. Zmaga tisti, ki pride najdlje, pri tem pa pirh ostane cel. V Sloveniji je barvanje pirhov kot nekakšen obred. Ljudje v našem času barvajo pirhe na vse mogoče načine. Na voljo imamo od umetno narejenih barv do naravnih, s katerimi polepšamo jajce. Star način barvanja je uporaba najlonk, v katere zavijemo jajca in dodamo še list čebule. Vse skupaj se kuha v vodi, na koncu pa dobimo rjavo obarvane pirhe. Na tak način Slovenci praznujemo VELIKO NOČ! Nina Železnik, 8th grade

EASTER – SLOVENIA Easter is the most important Christian festival. The date of Ester is not firmly set, becouse it changes according to the first fool moon in spring. Slovenes celebrate Easter on Great Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Then follows Easter Monday, which is a legal holiday in our country. At that time people prepare different dishes, for example: Slovenian roll, ham, horseradish, eggs. Easter is also great excitement for children because of painting Easter eggs and Easter Egg Hunt game. Easter Bunny hides Easter eggs and sweets under bushes in the garden and children must go and find them. We know many other Easter games, ie. chopping off the Easter eggs. The procedure is: first, the egg must stay still. Than we throw coins at it. The first, who choppes the egg, is the winner. There is also Easter Egg Roll. Children roll their eggs down a hillside as far as possible without breaking the eggs. People decorate eggs in different ways. We can choose between artificially made or natural colours which beautify eggs. The old decorating procedure includes pantyhose to which eggs are stuffed and onion leaves added. It than boils in water. Finally we get brown coloured eggs. That's how Slovenians celebrate Easter. Nina Železnik, 8th grade

SEMANA SANTA EN ALBELDA El Domingo de Ramos se hace una procesión en la que los niños dan una vuelta a la plaza y el cura bendice las palmas y ramas de olivo, después hacen una misa, esta se hace porque se recuerda la entrada de Jesús en Jerusalén y lo reciben con palmas y ramas de olivo. Después se cuelgan las palmas en los balcones para que Dios las bendiga y nos proteja. En Jueves Santo se recuerda la última cena de Jesús. Fue el último día que Jesús se reunió con sus amigos para celebrar la pascua judía antes de que le mataran. Antes de cenar, Jesús lavó los pies a los apóstoles para demostrarles que había que servir a los demás. En Albelda, el sacerdote lava los pies a los monaguillos durante una misa que se celebra por la tarde. En Viernes Santo se recuerda la muerte de Jesús. Aquí en nuestro pueblo a las cuatro se celebra una misa. Después a las nueve se hace una procesión por el pueblo que se llama el “Via Crucis”. En el “Via Crucis” cada persona lleva una vela, los Quintos (son los que ese año cumplen dieciocho años) llevan una cruz y la “Asociación de Dones” lleva a la Virgen Dolorosa, que significa, la Virgen María llena de pena por la muerte de su hijo Jesús. Al día siguiente por la noche, se hace la hoguera de Quintos, que consiste en que hacen una hoguera en la que la “Rondalla” canta jotas. El domingo de Pascua se recuerda la resurrección de Jesús. Es el primer domingo después de la primera luna llena de la primavera. Es la fiesta más importante del año. En Albelda se hace una misa a la que van los quintos. Después los quintos van con la rondalla a cantar a cada mujer soltera y las mujeres les dan propina. El Lunes de Pascua, nos reunimos unos amigos y la familia. Vamos al huerto de mi abuela y lo celebramos a lo grande. Primero comemos patatas con pechuga, jamón, queso y patatas fritas. Los padres beben vino. Mas tarde en el campo jugamos un poco con la cometa. Después de jugar, comemos la mona. Siempre es un día esplendido. Tradicionalmente el padrino regala la mona a su ahijado el Lunes de Pascua. Hoy en día, hay niños que no están bautizados ni tienen padrino, pero entonces es la familia la que regala la tarta al hija/o. Mona tradicional : Ingredientes : Se hacía una masa de pan , se ponía un huevo duro en medio,y la longaniza y el lomo adobado por los lados. En cambio ahora se compra una mona de chocolate. Es tradición que los padrinos se la regalen a sus ahijados. CAZUELA DE SEMANA SANTA. Ingredientes: bacalao, huevo duro, patatas y tortilla de “trampa”. esta echa con huevo, harina y perejil. Preparación: se fríe el bacalao y después se pone un huevo en una cazuela con agua hasta que se pone duro. Se fríen las patatas a rodajas y hierven los cardos. En una cazuela grande y plana se ponen todos los ingredientes y se hace una salsa con almendras, ajo y perejil se machaca con el mortero, se pone todo en la cazuela de barro, se añade la picada, un poco al chup-chup y ¡a comer!.

EASTER IN ALBELDA On Palm Sunday a procession is done do around the square of the village and the priest blesses the palms and olive branches, then a mass is celebrated, this is because it remembers the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and he is received with palms and olive branches. After this day the palms are hanged on the balconies so that God bless it and protect us. The Maundy Thursday remembers the last dinner of Jesús. It was the last day that Jesús met with his friends to celebrate the Passover before he was killed. Before having dinner, Jesús wash the foots of his disciples to demonstrate need to serve others. In Albelda, the priest wash the foots of the acolytes during a mass that celebrate in the evening. Good Friday recalls the death of Jesús. Here in our town at four o’clock we celebrate a mass. Then at nine o’clock we do a procession around the town, called “Via Crucis”. In the “Via Crucis” everybody holds a candle, the “Quintos” (Boys and girls that are eighteen or about to) carry a big cross and the “Association of woman” carry the “Virgin Dolorosa”, that means, the “Virgin Mary” that suffers because of the death of Jesús. The next day, at night, we make the “Quintos” bonfire and a folk music group called “Rondalla” sings traditional songs “jotas”. Easter Sunday recalls the resurrection of Jesús. It is the first Sunday after the first full moon. It is the most important festival of the year. In albelda we celebrate a mass to which the boys and girls that are eighteen assist. After the mass the boys and girls go around the village singing to the single girls and they give them a tip. On Easter Monday, we meet some friends and family. We go to my grandmother’s orchard and we have a huge celebration. First, we eat chicken breast with roasted potatoes, dried ham, cheese and chips. Our parents drink wine. Later on we play with kites for a while, after that we eat the Easter cake all together. It is always a fantastic day. Traditionally the godfather buys the Easter cake to his godson or goddaughter on Easter Monday. Nowadays, many children are not baptized so it is the family who buys the Easter cake to their relatives. Tradicional “Mona” : Ingredients : A bread dough was made , then a hardboiled egg was put in the middle. The sausages and the pork on the sides. Nowadays we buy a “Mona” or (Easter cake) made of chocolate. The tradition says that the godparents buy the Easter cake their godchildren. EASTER POT. Ingredients: cod, hard egg, potatoes, fake omelette which is made of egg, flour, and parsley. Preparation: Fry the cod and then put an egg in a pan with water until it gets hard. Fried potato slices and boil the cardoons. In a large pan and flat put all the ingredients and add a sauce made with almonds, garlic and parsley all crushed with a mortar, then and put it all in the pan add the sauce, chup-chup and, Let’s eat it!!!.

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