σχολείο mokykla
scuola szkoła
училище škola escuela šola skola school école şcoală
IC DIEN Our school has an old Flemish name … it means I want to help someone. It is located in Western Flanders (Belgium) in the neighbourhood of some historical cities like Bruges, Ghent and Ypres and very close to the Belgian coast. We offer an education program to students to become a geriatric, psychiatric or general nurse. Our education program has a modular structure with a minimum study duration of three years. The modules consist of four weeks of classes and four weeks of practical learning in different hospitals, elderly homes and psychiatric centres. Our students study many medical and medical related subjects like anatomy, somatology, pathology, healthy nutrition and diets, medical terminology, general and specialised nursing, first aid, communication, health education, etc. We provide a strong emphasis on the practical side of this education. The practical lessons are held in class rooms especially designed for that purpose. After obtaining their degree, students can get employed in hospitals, elderly homes, psychiatric centres or home care. Students get the opportunity to register for diverse training abroad, for example in the Netherlands, and can also participate in various programs in developing countries such as India, Senegal, Zambia, … etc We have been cooperating with the Leonardo da Vinci projects for about 7 years now and have been able to manage teachers’ and students’ projects with several schools in Finland and The Netherlands. A lot of greetings Johan
Училище “Никола Войводов” Град Враца се намира в северозападна България, в подножието на Стара планина, на 120 км от столицата София. Забележителна природа, съчетана с културни институции и богато историческо и археологическо наследство характеризират града. В непосредствена близост се намират прохода «Вратцата» и пещера «Леденика», а историческия музей съхранява откритото наблизо «Рогозенско златно съкровище». От август 2008 година със Заповед на Министъра на образованието и науката три училища – начално училище „Л. Каравелов”, прогимназия „Цв. Кръстенякова” и основно училище „Д.Тодоров” се сливат и преобразуват в средно общообразователно училище „Никола Войводов” . Новото училище е с над 1000 ученика. Формират се групи по свободноизбираема подготовка, в които учениците се разпределят съобразно своите интереси. Упоритият труд на педагогичeския колектив дава и своите плодове – призови места на олимпиади и състезания. Училището разполага със специализирани кабинети по информационни технологии; физика, биология, изобразително изкуство,труд и техника,история; с лекарски и логопедичен кабинети, занималня , два физкултурни салони и басейн. В момента училището работи по проекти с колеги от Румъния, Турция, Италия, Белгия, Швеция, Дания, Финландия и Португалия . Към училището има туристически клуб „Иглика”, фолклорна група „Цветница” и разнообразни спортни клубове. Въпреки трудностите, които предстоят, големият колектив е решен да утвърди името на новото училище и да го развива според изискванията за европейско качество на образование.
School “Nikola Voivodov” City of Vratsa is situated in north - west Bulgaria in the foot of a senior mountain range, to 120 kilometers from Sofia capital. Remarkable nature, matched with cultural institutions and rich historic and archaeological heritage qualify the city. Col “Vratsata” and cave “Ledenica” are found in immediate imminence, and the Rogozen gold treasure discovered at hand saves the historic museum. Of august 2008 for order of home secretaries of education and science three schools - primary school “Liuben Karavelov”, junior high “Tsveta Krusteniakova” and cardinal school “David Todoroff” is united and metamorphoses in middle school “Nikola Voivodov”. The new school is for over 1000 students. The groups in which students are shared are formed pleasantly their pastimes. The our students drop back raise points of olympic games and contests. The school features specialized offices of information technologies; physics, life science, representational art, labor and a technique, history; with medical offices, a study hall, two deck - houses by active as well swimming pool. In the time the school works on undertakings with colleagues from Romania, Turkey, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Portugal. To the school it has tourist's club “Cowslip”, folklore group of "Palm Sunday" and various sport clubs. Despite the difficulties, that impend, the big collective is decided to confirm the name of the new school and develop him according to the conditions about european quality of education.
Το Γυμνάσιο Αρχαγγέλου κτίστηκε το 1994. Ο Αρχάγγελος υπάγεται στον Δήμο Λακατάμειας, στην επαρχία Λευκωσίας. Το όνομα του σχολείου προέρχεται από το όνομα της περιοχής που χτίστηκε. Το σχολείο βρίσκεται δίπλα από τον ποταμό Πεδιαίο. Το σχολείο μας είναι μεγάλο. Υπάρχουν οκτώ τμήματα της πρώτης τάξης. Όλοι οι μαθητές της πρώτης τάξης είναι εκατόν ογδόντα δύο. Επίσης υπάρχουν εννέα τμήματα της δευτέρας τάξης και όλοι οι μαθητές είναι διακόσιοι οκτώ. Η τρίτη τάξη έχει δέκα τμήματα και διακόσιους τριάντα τέσσερις μαθητές. Το σχολείο μας έχει συνολικά εξακόσιους είκοσι δυο μαθητές από όλες τις τάξεις και εβδομήντα εννέα καθηγητές. Το Γυμνάσιο Αρχαγγέλου έχει μια πολύ μεγάλη αυλή, όπου οι μαθητές μπορούν να παίξουν ποδόσφαιρο, μπάσκετ και βόλεϊ, αφού υπάρχει ένα γήπεδο ποδοσφαίρου, δύο γήπεδα μπάσκετ και δύο γήπεδα βόλεϊ σε αυτήν. Επίσης, υπάρχει μπροστά ένας κήπος με ελιές και πεύκα από τα πλάγια. Επιπλέον, υπάρχουν είκοσι έξι αίθουσες οι οποίες τέσσερις από αυτές είναι αίθουσες υπολογιστών και άλλες τέσσερις είναι: μία αίθουσα μουσικής, ένα γυμναστήριο, ένα εργαστήριο φυσικής, ένα χημείας, δύο από αυτές είναι για την τέχνη και την ιστορία, μία αίθουσα βιβλιοθήκης και τέσσερις από αυτές είναι εργαστήρια. Το σχολείο έχει κυλικείο όπου οι μαθητές μπορούν να τρώνε υγιεινά τρόφιμα.
Το σχολείο μας συμμετέχει σε πολλά εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα. Μερικά από αυτά είναι: Νέοι Δημοσιογράφοι και Περιβάλλον Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα οι μαθητές έκαναν κάποια έργα για να δείξουν στους άλλους μαθητές πόσο βρώμικος μπορεί να γίνει ο πλανήτη μας, αν δεν τον προστατεύσουμε. Βρήκαν πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη ρύπανση και την ανακύκλωση. Έπειτα βρήκαν και μας έδειξαν μερικές φωτογραφίες από τα σκουπίδια που φωτογράφησαν στην πόλη μας, προκειμένου να μας ωθήσουν στο να αρχίσουμε να ανακυκλώνουμε τα αντικείμενα που είναι για πέταμα.
Οικολογικά Σχολεία Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα οι μαθητές ερευνούν και κάνουν διάφορες εργασίες για το νερό. Το νερό είναι πολύ σημαντικό στη ζωή μας γι’ αυτό πρέπει να το προστατεύουμε. Στην Κύπρο έχουμε πρόβλημα με το νερό αφού σε λίγα χρόνια δεν θα υπάρχει άλλο, γι’ αυτό δεν πρέπει να το σπαταλούμε. Σε αυτό το πρόγραμμα οι μαθητές βρίσκουν κάποιους τρόπους για να προστατεύσουν το νερό.
Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Προώθησης Υγείας στα Σχολεία Το σχολείο μας είναι μέλος αυτού του Ευρωπαϊκού Προγράμματος το οποίο στηρίζεται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή Κοινοτήτων, τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας, το Συμβούλιο της Ευρώπης, το Υπουργείο Υγείας της Κύπρου και το Υπουργείο Παιδείας και Πολιτισμού της Κύπρου. (Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Παναγιώτα Κρασιά-Καθηγήτρια Βιολογίας).
eTwinnnig A. « EU Online Magazine” Η ιδέα αυτού του προγράμματος είναι η δημιουργία ενός μηνιαίου περιοδικού, όπου οι μαθητές με την καθοδήγηση των καθηγητών τους μέσω του συντονιστικού κεντρικού φορέα, γράφουν και αναπτύσσουν τις απόψεις τους για ένα θέμα κάθε μήνα. Για παράδειγμα το θέμα του Δεκεμβρίου 2008 ήταν «Πως γιορτάζουμε τα Χριστούγεννα στη Χώρα μας» και το θέμα του Ιανουαρίου 2009 ήταν «Το Σχολείο μας». Συμμετέχουμε 16 Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες και γίνονται προσπάθειες από τον κύριο Antonio Silva (Επικεφαλή του Προγράμματος) να προστεθούν περισσότεροι Ευρωπαϊκοί εταίροι. Ο σκοπός αυτού του προγράμματος είναι να δώσει στα παιδιά μια νέα αντίληψη για την Ευρώπη και να συνειδητοποιήσουν την σημασία που έχει η Αγγλική Γλώσσα στην εποχή μας. (Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Γεωργία Ιωσήφ - Καθηγήτρια Αγγλικών).
B.“Our School, an European One” Οι κύριοι στόχοι αυτού του Προγράμματος είναι να βοηθήσει τις τάξεις που συμμετέχουν: Να ανταλλάζουν e-mails με συνεργάτες από την Ευρώπη. Να ετοιμάζουν και να διεκπεραιώνουν ένα eTwinning videoconference (τηλεδιάσκεψη) και ανταλλαγή απόψεων πάνω στο citizenship (έννοια πολίτη). Οι μαθητές παίρνουν τις απαραίτητες πληροφορίες για το θέμα από διάφορες πηγές που δίνονται από τους καθηγητές τους. Έτσι έχουν την ευκαιρία να εκφράσουν τις γνώσεις και τις απόψεις τους δημοσίως σε συζήτηση στην τάξη και να τις ανταλλάξουν με τους συνεργάτες τους από τις άλλες Ευρωπαϊκές χώρες κατά τη διάρκεια τηλεδιάσκεψης ή επικοινωνίας μέσω του διαδιτύου. Τελικά δημιουργούν και κτίζουν πάνω στη τηλεδιάσκεψη, ένα κοινό συμπέρασμα για κάποιο θέμα της επιλογής τους (π.χ. φυλλάδιο (brochure), τηλεντοκυμαντέρ (video documentary), και ιστοσελίδα (website). Οι Ευρωπαίοι συνεργάτες μας είναι οκτώ. (Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια: Ρένα Νεοφύτου – Καθηγήτρια Πληροφορικής). Εκδηλώσεις για την Ημέρα Ευρωπαϊκών Γλωσσών Οι μαθητές και οι καθηγητές των Αγγλικών και Γαλλικών του Γυμνασίου Αρχαγγέλου Λακατάμειας, τίμησαν την καθιερωμένη γιορτή για τις Ευρωπαϊκές Γλώσσες με διάφορες δραστηριότητες. (α) Τα παιδιά ετοίμασαν εργασίες, φωτογραφίες, slogans, ζωγραφιές που παρουσιάστηκαν σε πινακίδες του σχολείου. (β) Διαβάστηκε φυλλάδιο στο οποίο υπογραμμίστηκε η σημασία της εκμάθησης των ξένων γλωσσών. (γ) Έκθεση αναμνηστικών αντικειμένων (souvenirs) από διάφορες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, τις οποίες επισκέφτηκαν παιδιά του σχολείου μας. (δ) Κατά τη διάρκεια των διαλειμμάτων ακούγονταν τραγούδια σε διάφορες ευρωπαϊκές γλώσσες. Oι πιο πάνω εκδηλώσεις διάρκεσαν μια βδομάδα. Αγαπάμε το σχολείο μας αφού είναι ο τόπος όπου μαθαίνουμε διάφορες πληροφορίες για άλλες χώρες και πολιτισμούς, μαθαίνουμε πως ζούσαν οι πρόγονοί μας, μαθαίνουμε ξένες γλώσσες και φυσικά αθλούμαστε. Οι καθηγητές μας είναι αρκετά καλοί και πάντα πρόθυμοι να μας βοηθήσουν σε ότι χρειαστούμε ή ακόμη να μας συμβουλεύσουν έτσι ώστε να πάρουμε τις σωστές αποφάσεις. Πιστεύουμε ότι έχουμε ένα πολύ καλό σχολείο, και όλοι μας είμαστε περήφανοι για αυτό.
Archangelos Gymnasium was built in 1994. It is in Lakatamia, an outskirt of Nicosia. The name of the gymnasium comes from the area that was built. The school is near the river Pedieos. Our school is big. There are eight classrooms for the first class. All the students of the first class are one hundred eighty two. Also there are nine classrooms for the second class and all the students are two hundred eight. The third class has got ten classrooms and two hundred thirty two students. Our school has got six hundred twenty two students from all the classes (A,B,C) and seventy nine teachers.Archangelos Gymnasium has got a very big yard where the students can play football, basketball and volleyball as it has got one football field, two basketball grounds and two volleyball courts in it. It has also got a front garden with olive and pine trees by the side. In addition, there are twenty six classrooms, four of which are computer laboratories. There is also one music hall, one gym room, one science and one chemistry room. Furthermore, six specialized rooms exist, one for Art, one for History and four laboratories for various subjects. The school has got a canteen where students can eat healthy food.
Our school takes part in many educational programmes. Some of them are: Young Reporters for the Environment In this programme students made some projects to show to the other students how dirty our planet can be, if we don’t take care of it. They found information about pollution and recycling. Then they showed us some photos of the rubbish that they found in our town in order to start recycling.
Ecological Schools In this programme students made projects for the water. The water is very important for our lives so we must save it. In Cyprus we have problem with water, so we mustn’t waste it. In this programme students established some ways for saving it.
The European Network of Health Promoting Schools Our school is a member of this European Programme which is supported by European Communities Committee, World Health Organization, Council of Europe, Cyprus Ministry of Health and Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture. Teacher: Panayiota Krasia (Teacher of Biology). eTwinning “EU Online Magazine” A magazine on a monthly basis edition. Every month the pupils in coordination with their teachers following the instructions of the head of the project, work and present their research and aspects on a special topic. For example, the topic for December 2008 was “How we Celebrate Christmas” and for January 2009 “My School”. We are now 16 countries working together in this project and there is an effort by Mr Antonio Silva (Head of the project) to get more European partners. The aim of this project is to give our pupils a new notion of Europe and a new sense of the importance that the English language has nowadays. Teacher: Georgia Iosif (English Language Teacher). “Our School, an European One” The main aims of this project are to help the partner classes to: Exchange e-mails among partners from Europe. Prepare and carry out an eTwinning videoconference or a chat on citizenship. The pupils get the necessary information on the issue via resources gathered by teachers. They have the opportunity to express their knowledge and opinion publicly in a class debate and share them with partners abroad during a videoconference or on a chat. Finally they build on the videoconference and create a common outcome of their choice of a topic (e.g. brochure, video documentary, website). Our project partners are eight. Teacher: Rena Neofytou (Computer Science Teacher).
European Languages Day (September 2008) The pupils and the teachers of English and French honoured the celebration of the European Languages Day with various activities: The children prepared projects for photos, slogans and paintings which were displayed in the yard, so that all the students could see them during the breaks. A worksheet, which stressed the meaning of learning foreign languages, was read in the classrooms by the teachers. Display of souvenirs, books, leaflets and magazines from various European countries which our students had visited in the past. During the breaks the children were listening to nice European songs in various languages. The above activities lasted for one week.
We love our school as it is the place where we learn things about other countries and cultures, about our ancestors, languages and of course take exercise. Our teachers are good and always willing to help us or even advise us in order to take the right decisions. We believe that we have a very good school and all of us are proud of it.
Students: Chrystalla Kaili, Tereza Mounzer, John Demetriades, Chloe Hadjipetrou, Chrysanthi Andreou. Teacher: Georgia Iosif (English Language).
ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΙΚΟ ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΤΡΙΠΟΛΗΣ Το Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο Τρίπολης ιδρύθηκε το 1977. Έχει 240 μαθητές ηλικίας 12-15 ετών, 35 εκπαιδευτικούς και 1 γραμματέα. Βρίσκεται στην πόλη της Τρίπολης που έχει πληθυσμό 25.000 κατοίκους, 160 χιλιόμετρα νότια της Αθήνας. Ονομάζεται Πειραματικό γιατί συνεργάζεται με το Περιφερειακό Επιμορφωτικό Κέντρο του ΥΠΕΠΘ για την επιμόρφωση των νεοδιόριστων εκπαιδευτικών. Η Τρίπολη έχει άλλα 3 Γυμνάσια όπου φοιτούν μαθητές ανάλογα με τη διεύθυνση κατοικίας τους. Αντίθετα, το δικό μας Γυμνάσιο οι μαθητές το επιλέγουν με αίτησή τους και όταν οι αιτήσεις είναι πολλές γίνεται κλήρωση. Το σχολείο έχει 3 τάξεις με 3 τμήματα σε κάθε μία. Σε κάθε τάξη διδάσκονται 11-13 μαθήματα, για 6-7 ώρες την ημέρα, 5 ημέρες την εβδομάδα. Τα μαθήματα που διδάσκονται είναι Νέα Ελληνικά, Αρχαία Ελληνικά, Θρησκευτικά, Μαθηματικά, Φυσική, Χημεία, Γεωγραφία, Βιολογία, Αγγλικά, Β ξένη γλώσσα που επιλέγεται μεταξύ Γαλλικών, Γερμανικών ή Ιταλικών, Γυμναστική, Αγωγή του Πολίτη, Οικιακή Οικονομία, Μουσική, Τεχνολογία, Πληροφορική. Το σχολείο διαθέτει σύγχρονο εργαστήριο Πληροφορικής, αίθουσα Φυσικών Επιστημών, αίθουσα πολλαπλών χρήσεων και δανειστική βιβλιοθήκη. Επίσης, έχει πολλούς υπολογιστές στα γραφεία καθηγητών. Υλοποιεί πολλά εκπαιδευτικά προγράμματα, όπως περιβαλλοντικά, πολιτιστικά, αγωγής υγείας, αγωγής σταδιοδρομίας, ισότητας των δύο φύλων του ΚΕΘΙ, ευρωπαϊκά (Σωκράτης Comenius, e-twinning), προαιρετικά μαθήματα, ενισχυτική διδασκαλία κλπ. Έχει κάνει αδελφοποίηση με το σχολείο Galatone της Κάτω Ιταλίας και το Γυμνάσιο Λευκάρων της Κύπρου. Οι μαθητές συμμετέχουν σε αθλητικούς, πολιτιστικούς κ.ά. διαγωνισμούς, σε θεατρικές παραστάσεις, στη Βουλή των Εφήβων κ.ά. Κάθε χρόνο γίνονται ορισμένες εκπαιδευτικές εκδρομές σε θέατρα, φυσικούς βιότοπους, σπήλαια, μουσεία κλπ. Τέλος, το σχολείο έχει «υιοθετήσει» ένα μαθητή από την Αιθιοπία μέσω της ActionAid, οργανώνει σε ετήσια βάση ομιλία για τους γονείς με ψυχολόγο/λογοθεραπευτή/κοινωνικό λειτουργό και συνεργάζεται με ποικίλους φορείς όπως η τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση, τα Κέντρα Περιβαλλοντικής Εκπαίδευσης, ο ΟΚΑΝΑ, ο Ερυθρός Σταυρός, το ΚΔΑΥ, το Κέντρο Εκπαίδευσης Ενηλίκων, το ΠΕΚ Τρίπολης, ο Σύλλογος Γονέων και Κηδεμόνων, οι Σχολικοί Σύμβουλοι, η Διεύθυνση Δ/θμιας Εκπ/σης κ.ά. Το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα του σχολείου είναι το κτίριό του. Είναι πολύ παλιό με μικρή αυλή και φέτος ξεκινάει η ανέγερση νέου κτιρίου.
EXPERIMENTAL SCHOOL OF TRIPOLIS The Experimental School of Tripolis was founded in 1977. There are 240 students in it, aged 12-15. 35 teachers and a secretary work here. It is in Tripolis, a small town with 25000 habitants, which is located 160 kilometers south of Athens. It is called “Experimental school” because it co-operates with the District Training Center of the Ministry of Education and Religion. Teachers who start their career are trained here. There are 3 more high schools in Tripolis. Their students live in the area. But if someone wants to go to the Experimental School, he must apply for that. If the applications are more than 80, the students are chosen by lot. There are 3 classes in the school. Each class is divided in three groups.11-13 subjects are taught in each class. The students attend lessons for 6 or 7 hours per day. They go to school from Monday to Friday. The subjects taught are: Modern Greek, Ancient Greek, Science of Religion, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology, English, and as a second foreign language French, German or Italian, Civil Education, Domestic Economy, Music, Technology, Computer Science and Gymnastics. There is a modern Computer laboratory in the school. There is also Physics, Chemistry and Biology laboratory. There is a big room where the students can watch documentaries, or have lessons using different learning tools. Students can borrow different books from the rich library. There are a lot of computers in the teachers’ offices. Students can work on many Educational Programs. For example: Environmental Programs, Cultural Programs, Programs on Health Education, Programs on Career Education, Equality of the two sexes. They also work on European Programs (Socrates, e-twinning). If they want they can also have lessons out of the school curriculum such as Theater, Photography, Journalism and Foreign Language lessons. These lessons are taught after the daily program has finished. There is another program, which helps the weaker students with their lessons. We have already fraternized with two schools. The I.T.I.S School of Galatone in the South Italy and the High school of Leykara in Cyprus. In both cases the students visited each other, so our students had the opportunity to come in contact with the culture and civilization of the two countries. The students take part in athletic and cultural competitions. They play theatre. They join the Adolescent Parliament. They take part in many educational excursions and they have the chance to watch a theatre performance or visit a museum, a cave or a natural park e.t.c. The school has “adopted” a student from Ethiopia through Action Aid. Every year, with the help of psychologists, logo therapists, sociologists, the school organizes lectures for the parents. We co-operate with different Public services, such as the Local Authority, the Environmental Education Centers, the Detoxication Centers, the local Psychological Center, the Adult Education Center,the Parents Union, the School Consultors etc. Although we try hard we still face a big problem. This is the building that is very old with a too small yard for 240 children. We hope to move to a new one in two years. The building of the new school will start in a few days.
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Giulio Riva Saronno Hi everybody , this is our school.It is situated in Saronno, a small town in the North of Italy, 20 minutes by train from Milan. The building is near the Sanctuary of The Beata Vergine dei Miracoli, where are frescos by Bernardino Luini . The Istituto Tecnico Industriale "Giulio Riva" was founded in 1959. Next year it will be its 50th year since its foundation. This is a very big event for all of us. Infact we are all busy preparing for the celebrations. The school started off with few classes, now we are more than 30 classes, about 750 students ( most of them are boys, only few girls come to study here) and 110 teachers. There is also an evening school, which was set up in 1965 . The evening school is for adults . A large donation to help building the school was given by the Saronnese manufacturer Giulio Riva that is why the school is named after him . What do we study ? We study: Chemistry Electronics and Mechanics Electricity Thermothecnics but also Italian , Geography, Science, Maths, Phisics, English, History,Law and few more subjects . We attend school for 5 years and after that we become Periti industriali (Industrial experts). Then we can chose to start working or going to university . The 5 years of course is divided in a two-year period and a three-year period, which means that everybody studies the same subjects about general culture in the first two years,whilst in the last three years we specialise in the field we have chosen at the end of the second year. In our school there are 22 laboratories: science, computing , languages, electronics, automation, systems, soldering, just to list a few, and two gyms where we like playing football but also ather sports, a canteen and a library. What do we do ? We develop, build and invent . The last project we developed was a solar powered bike, built and created by the students, which won a few prizes in Italy.
Istituto Tecnico Industriale Giulio Riva Ciao a tutti, questa è la nostra scuola. Si trova a Saronno, che è una cittadina nel nord Italia a 20 minuti di treno da Milano. L'edificio è vicino al Santuario della Beata Vergine dei Miracoli, dove ci sono degli affreschi di Bernardino Luini. Quest'anno è festa grande all' ITIS Riva : si festeggia il 50°anniversario della sua fondazione e noi tutti siamo impegnati nei preparativi per i festeggiamenti . L'Istituto fu fondato nel 1959 e cominciò con poche classi e solo due indirizzi : meccanica ed elettrotecnica . Oggi nell'istituto ci sono più di 30 classi con quasi 750 studenti, di cui la maggior parte sono ragazzi. Gli studenti che fequentano l'Itis hanno una età che va dai 14 ai 19 anni. I docenti sono 110. Nel corso degli anni sono stati aggiunti due indirizzi : termotecnica e chimica. L'Istituto oltre al corso diurno comprende anche il corso serale per adulti, che fu istituito nel 1965. Un importante contributo finanziario donato dalla familglia dell'industriale saronnese Giulio Riva, a cui venne intitolato l’Istituto, consentì la costruzione dell’attuale sede in via Carso. Il corso di studi per ottenere il diploma è di 5 anni, è diviso in un biennio e un triennio. Nel biennio le materie studiate sono uguali per tutti, alla fine dei due anni gli studenti devono scegliere l'indirizzo di specializzazione per il triennio . Il Diploma conseguito consente l’accesso all’ Università e a Corsi post-diploma o l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro come tecnico industriale nell’indirizzo scelto Cosa studiamo? Chimica
e Meccanica Elettronica Temotecnica ma studiamo anche italiano, geografia, scienze, matematica, fisica, inglese, storia, diritto, disegno . Nella nostra scuola ci sono 22 laboratori: scienze, aula computer, laboratorio linguistico, automazione, elettronica, sistemi, saldatura, solo per menzionarne alcuni, inoltre due palestre, dove ci piace giocare a calcio ma anche praticare altri sports, infine c'è la mensa e la biblioteca. Cosa facciamo ? Costruiamo, inventiamo e sviluppiamo . L'ultimo progetto che abbiamo portato a termine è una bicicletta elettrica, alimentata con pannelli solari . La bici ha vinto diversi premi in Italia. Noi siamo fieri di far parte di questo Istituto.
The Students of the Itis Giulio Riva wish Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all the schools in the EU Magazine project. A tutte le scuole del Team di Eu Magazine Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo dall'Itis Riva di Saronno
ŠIAULIŲ „JUVENTOS“ MOKYKLA Savo duris mokykla pirmą kartą atvėrė 1971 metais. Anksčiau ji buvo žinoma, kaip Šiaulių miesto 12-oji vidurinė, tačiau 1999/2000 mokslo metais mokiniai ir mokytojai jai išrinko naują pavadinimą ir ji tapo „Juventos“ vidurine mokykla. Mūsų mokyklą visada garsino muzika. Idėja - muzikiniu lavinimu ugdyti visapusiškai harmoningą asmenybę, būti pavyzdžiu Lietuvoje ir už jos ribų. Iki 8-ojo dešimtmečio pabaigos mokykla buvo eksperimentinė. Muzikos mokytojų veikla pamokinės bei meninės raiškos kolektyvuose visada buvo miesto, respublikos, užsienio mokslininkų, teoretikų-metodistų, muzikos mokytojų praktikų bei kitų suinteresuotų svečių dėmesyje. Mokytojai patys rengėsi muzikos kabinetus, permontavo stalus, gamino vaizdines priemones, patys gamino skudučius, kaupė muzikos įrašus, sudarinėjo plokštelių kartotekas, dainų rinkinius 1-8 klasėms, prižiūrėjo ir taisė labai trapius ir netobulus, muzikavimui naudojamus mažus akordeonėlius. Pirmieji muzikos mokytojai patys ruošė programas, sudarinėjo teminius išplanavimus sustiprintam muzikiniam lavinimui. Šie darbai buvo nuolatos tobulinami ir atnaujinami. Ilgą laiką mokykla buvo profesoriaus E.Balčyčio metodikos, jo sukurtų programų realizavimo centras. Muzikos mokytojai dalinosi darbo patirtimi su Šiaulių m. ir visos respublikos muzikos mokytojais, inspektoriais. Atviras muzikos pamokas, užsiėmimus – koncertus rodė kiekvienais metais mūsų mokykloje rengiamuose Šiaulių miesto, kitų respublikos miestų ir rajonų metodiniuose seminaruose, respublikinėse ir visasąjunginėse konferencijose. Pravesta virš 300 atvirų muzikos pamokų. Kiekvienas susitikimas su svečiais visada buvo „vainikuojamas“ koncertais. Mūsų mokykloje iki 1994 m. buvo organizuojami respublikiniai muzikos mokytojų kvalifikacijos kėlimo kursai. 1980 m. Maskvos centrinės TV režisierius Vladimiras Levinas, domėdamasis Šiaulių miesto muzikiniu gyvenimu, sukūrė dokumentinį filmą „Daina lieka su žmogumi“. Šiame filme buvo panaudoti muzikos pamokų fragmentai. 1982 m. tas pats režisierius sumontavo dar vieną dokumentinį filmą, skirtą užsienio turistams, apie buvusios Tarybų Sąjungos mokytojų darbą. Filmui medžiagą ruošė ir filmavo Leningrado (dabar Sankt Peterburgo) kinematografai. Šiame filme buvo rodomos mūsų muzikos mokytojų N.Valužienės ir J.Lyguto vedamos muzikos pamokos. Nuoširdžiu darbu ir gerais rezultatais mokyklos muzikos mokytojai daug kartų įtikino Švietimo ministeriją, jos vizitatorius ir visus apsilankiusius svečius. 9-ame dešimtmetyje panašaus profilio mokyklų buvo įteisinta ministerijos ir kituose respublikos miestuose, rajonuose. Daugelyje jų šiandien naudojamasi E.Balčyčio metodika, mokymo programos sudaromos remiantis mūsų darbo patirtimi, darbo planais ir programomis. Muzikiniai laimėjimai - tai atsidavusių darbui muzikos mokytojų nuopelnas. Mokykla išugdė nemažai dainininkų, aktorių. Tai G.Skėrytė, A.Lunskis, J.Stanelytė, I.Balsytė, D.Auželis ir kt. Mokykloje yra muzikinių kolektyvų: 3 jaunučių chorai; jaunių choras; vokaliniai ansambliai; solinis dainavimas; smuikininkų ansamblis; instrumentiniai (akordeonistų, gitaristų, liaudies instrumentų, išilginių fleitų, saksofonininkų) ansambliai; folklorinis ansamblis; liaudiškos muzikos kapela; choreografijos kolektyvai. Tačiau mūsų mokykla garsi ne tik savo muzikiniais laimėjimais. Mūsų mokiniai aktyviai dalyvauja įvairiuose dailės, sporto konkursuose bei varžybose. Ypač populiarus mokykloje kvadratas bei krepšinis. Mokyklą puošia nuolat keičiamos mokinių darbų parodos. Mokiniai dalyvauja įvairiuose projektuose: Comenius, eTwinningo, miesto bei respublikiniuose. Veikia pradinių klasių dramos, saugaus eismo, dailės būreliai. Aktyviai dirba ir mokyklos taryba, kurią sudaro tėvai, mokytojai ir mokiniai. Mokykla turi savo valgyklą, 2 IT kabinetus, aktų salę, choreografijos salytę, didžiąją ir mažąją sporto sales, turtingą biblioteką. 2008-2009 mokslo metais mokyklą lanko 964 mokiniai (515 mergaičių ir 449 berniukai). Dirba 96 mokytojai (25 iš jų – muzikos).
ŠIAULIAI „JUVENTA“ SCHOOL Šiauliai „Juventa“ School was founded in 1971. Earlier it was known as Šiauliai city 12th Secondary School, but in 1999/2000 school year pupils and teachers named it as “Juventa” Secondary School. Our school is always known for music. The idea – to educate a versatile harmonious personality with the help of musical education, exemplify in Lithuania and abroad. Until the end of the 8th decade the school was experimental. Music teachers’ work in the lessons and artistic expression’s collectives has always attracted city, republic, foreign scientists, theorist-methodologist, music teachers practicians and other interested guests’ attention. Teachers themselves equipped music classrooms, assembled tables, desks, made some visual aids, some Lithuanian musical instruments like “skudučiai”, collected music records, songs’ repertory for 1-8th classes, mended and maintained frail and imperfect little accordions, prepared school curriculum programmes, wrote subject programmes for reinforced musical education. Quite a long time the school was professor E.Balčytis methodology, his created programmes‘ realization centre. Music teachers shared experience with other Siauliai city and Lithuania music teachers, inspectors. Open lessons, activities, concerts were shown in methodological seminars which were held in our school every year, in republic and international conferences. Over 300 open lessons are conducted. Every meeting with some school guests always was “surmounted” with concerts. Until 1994 there were organized republic music teachers’ refresher courses in our school. In 1980 the director of Moscow central TV Vladimiras Levinas (he was interested in Šiauliai city music life) created a documentary film “Song goes with the man” (“Daina lieka su žmogumi“). In this film there were used some patches from our music lessons. In 1982 the same director created the other documentary film designed for foreigners about teachers’ work of past Soviet Union. In this film there were used our music teachers N.Valužienė ir J.Lygutas‘ conducted lessons. In the 9th decade some schools in other cities working according to the same curriculum were legalized by Board of Education. Most of these schools work according to E.Balčytis methodology and the school curriculum is created according to our teachers‘ work experience and programmes. Musical achievements – that is a merit of our teachers who dedicated their life to work. The school has raised a few famous singers, actors: G.Skėrytė, A.Lunskis, J.Stanelytė, I.Balsytė, D.Auželis etc. There are music collectives in our school: 3 primary classes choirs; a youth choir; vocal ensembles; solo singing; violins’ ensemble; instrumental (accordions, guitars, national instruments, flutes, saxophones’) ensembles; folklore ensemble; national music chapel; choreography collectives. Our school is famous not only for its musical achievements. Our pupils participate in various art, sports contests and competitions. The most popular sports in our school are basketball and touchball. The school is always decorated with our pupils art works. Our pupils work on various projects: Comenius, eTwinning, in city and republic projects. There are a lot of out-of-school activities: drama, art, safe traffic and etc. A big role in our school life plays a school council which consists of our pupils, their parents and teachers. The school has got its canteen, 2 IT classrooms, a spacious hall, a small choreography hall, a large and a small sport halls, a rich library. In 2008-2009 school year our school attend 964 pupils (515 girls and 449 boys). The teachers staff consists of 96 teachers (25 music teachers).
A NOSSA ESCOLA A escolaridade em Portugal é obrigatória até aos 15 anos de idade. A escola básica divide-se em três ciclos. Depois do Jardim de Infância, temos o primeiro ciclo, dos seis aos dez anos. Segue-se o segundo ciclo, dos dez aos doze anos e, finalmente, o terceiro ciclo, dos doze aos quinze anos. A nossa escola é uma EB 2,3, o que quer dizer Escola Básica dos segundos e terceiro ciclos. 514 alunos frequentam a nossa escola: 205 no segundo ciclo e 265 no terceiro ciclo. Destes 514 alunos, 32 frequentam os cursos profissionais, ou CEFs. Temos, igualmente, cursos de Novas Oportunidades à noite, para adultos. Há 58 professores e 27 empregados na escola. As instalações na nossa escola são muito boas. Temos um pavilhão desportivo, para as aulas de Educação Física e um campo de jogos. O desporto favorito dos alunos portugueses é o futebol, claro, mas também gostamos de praticar voleibol e badminton. Na nossa escola, existem igualmente laboratórios para as aulas de FísicoQuímica e de Ciências da Natureza. Há duas salas de computadores: uma com PC’s e a outra com computadores portáteis. Adoramos ter aulas aí! A biblioteca da escola está muito bem equipada e é um sítio muito agradável para se estar com os amigos, apesar de não podermos fazer barulho! Também gostamos muito de estar na Sala dos Alunos, onde existe uma televisão e um equipamento de som. Há também uma sala de música e salas de desenho. Temos um bar e uma cantina para as refeições. Finalmente, existe uma reprografia, onde podemos tirar fotocópias e comprar artigos de papelaria. As nossas aulas começam às 8.30 e terminam às 17.15. Temos aulas no turno da manhã e da tarde, excepto à quarta-feira, em que só há aulas de manhã. A nossa turma – o 8ºA- é mais pequena do que as outras, porque temos um colega do Ensino Especial. Somos 20 alunos, mas a média por turma na nossa escola é entre 25 e 28 alunos. Aqui está o nosso horário:
Saudações de Portugal para todos os nossos amigos na Europa!
OUR SCHOOL School in Portugal is mandatory until the age of 15. It is divided in three stages, or “ciclos” (cycles) as we say in Portuguese. After kindergarten or pre-school, we have 1º ciclo from the age of 6 to 10. Then 2º ciclo follows (two years) 10-12. At 12 we start 3º ciclo (from 12 - 15 years old). Our school is Escola Básica 2, 3 which means ground school and comprises the 2nd and 3rd stages. There are 514 students in our school: 205 in the 2nd stage and 265 in the 3rd stage. Out of these 514 students, 32 take part in a vocational course. There is also night school for adults who want to finish their education. There are 58 teachers and 27 members of staff. The school premises are very good. We have a sports hall, where we do the Physical Education classes and a sports field. Our favourite sport is football, of course, but we also like to play volleyball and badminton. There are labs for the Chemistry and the Science classes. We have two computer rooms: one with PCs and the other with laptops. We love having classes there! Our library is fully equipped and it is a very nice place to hang out, although we have to keep silent. Then we go to “Sala dos Alunos”, which means student’s room, where there is a TV set and we can listen to music. We have a bar and a canteen. There is also a music room for the Music classes and Art rooms for the Drawing classes. Finally we have a copy room, where students and teachers can take photocopies and buy stationary. Classes start at 8.30 am and finish at 5.15 pm. We have classes in the morning and in the afternoon everyday, except on Wednesdays, which is a no school afternoon. Our class is a relatively small class – 20 students-, because we have a special needs classmate. Most classes in our school have on average 25 to 28 students. Here is a sample timetable from our class, 8ºA.
Feel free to e-mail us to margsduarte@gmail.com if you have any queries! Greetings from Portugal to all our friends in Europe!
Şcoala mea-Colegiul Naţional
„Andrei Şaguna”
Încă din cele mai vechi timpuri,omul a încercat să atingă perfecţiunea propriei persoane prin diferite mijloace.În societatea zilelor noastre, educaţia reprezintă principalul fenomen prin care se poate realiza dezvoltarea omului ca om,ca forţa de muncă şi ca fiinţă socio-culturală. Principalul aport al educaţiei îl au şcolile,care sunt considerate ca fiind”o a doua casă a elevilor”,iar în cele mai multe cazuri aceasta chiar este.Un exemplu îl poate constitui şcoala în care învăţ:Colegiul Naţional „Andrei Şaguna”,din Braşov. Fondat în 1851 şi fiind la acea vreme a treia şcoală din ţară,C.N”Andrei Şaguna”este în prezent cea mai veche şcoală din Braşov fiind considerat şi un monument istoric al oraşului,întrucât patronul spiritual al acestei instituţii este mitropolitul Andrei Şaguna. Acest colegiu a dat ţarii mari academicieni şi oameni ce au marcat prin diferitele domenii în care s-au afirmat imaginea Romaniei. La prima vedere clădirea şcolii pare impunătoare,sobră,cu o arhitectură ce impresionează pentru o şcoală dar înăuntru atmosfera primitoare si călduroasă îţi lasă impresia că eşti într-o familie tipic românească,plină de tradiţii. Dacă eşti elev al acestui liceu ai şansa de a întâlni alţi 800 de elevi ce studiază in claseleV-XII, adică invăţământul gimnazial si liceal având in medie sase clase liceale pe an.,iar gimnaziul doar una Profilurile întâlnite în colegiu sunt: real, cu specializarile matematica-informatica, respectiv stiinte ale naturii si umanist, specializarea stiinte sociale. Se realizeaza clase intensive si bilingve de limbi de circulatie internationala (engleza, franceza, germana), precum si clase intensive de informatica si matematica. Necesitatea de a etala si aprecia talentul elevilor acestui colegiu a condus la apariţia publicatiilor periodice consacrate ale colegiului ca Anuarul, revistele "Prima verba", "Muguri", "Great expectation", care se bucură de audientă atât în rândul elevilor cât si profesorilor. Fiind o şcoală cu un renume national şi chiar international, realizat prin rezultatele deosebite obţinute de elevi la diferite concursuri şi olimpiade,Colegiul Naţional “Andrei Şaguna”are şi tradiţii care sunt respectate cu sfinţenie in fiecare an de elevi.Printre evenimentele memorabile ce au loc in fiecare an in familia şagunista se numără:”Comanda”,Maialul,Ziua colegiului,15 Mai,serbările de Crăciun,precum şi diferitele acţiuni caritabile ce fac din colegiul Şaguna nu doar o instituţie de invăţământ cu rezultate deosebite pe plan şcolar ci şi o familie în care fiecare învaţă că dăriund poţi fi fericit. Penru cei mai talentaţi există corul de fete,fanfara,minisatul,teatrul în limbile română,engleză şi franceză pentru a ţine pasul cu cerinţele acestei societăţi moderne,în continuă schimbare. Lăsând la o parte lucrurile teoretice,colegiul oferă mai mult decât un lăcaş de învăţătură, lecţii de viaţă şi de conduită morală, toate într-o atmosferă de familie. Chiar dacă stricteţea profesorilor sau “povara grea”a performanţelor anterioare a elevilor colegiului redau o atmosferă sobră,lipsită de încălcări ale regulamentului,în realitate şcoala este o “casă” de copii veseli ce adaptează cerinţele colegiului la nevoile lor,într-un mod căt mai plăcut.Exemplele ar fi reprezentate de atmosfera întretinută în timpul pauzelor de radioul şcolii coordonat de elevi,de diversele cercuri penru cei talentaţi în artă,literatură.dans dar şi de regulile nescrise între elevi ce presupun respect si prietenie. Este o mare onoare de a studia la acest colegiu.chiar dacă noi,liceenii nu realizăm incă acest lucru,dar parinţii noştrii stiu,iar odată cu trecerea timpului vom realiza şi noi că a fost o mare oportunitate pentru formarea noastră ca oameni. Analizat în amploarea sa,Colegiul Naţional “AndreiŞaguna” poate intra cu siguranţă în rândul celor mai prestigioase colegii din ţară precum şi în rândul celor mai unite si tradiţionale familii româneşti. Baciu Lavinia,cls XA
My school – C.N. “Andrei Saguna” Hello, everybody! In the lines below you will be able to learn a few things about my school , C.N. “Andrei Saguna” from Brasov,Romania. When it was first built in 1854, it was the third school in Romania, then, as time passed it became one of the oldest in the country and the oldest in Brasov. It is a great pride to study here, and even if we, the students, can’t yet realize it, our parents do, and I am sure that as we grow older in life we will also realize what a great opportunity it was for us to study here. Leaving the past behind, we will now talk about what’s it like to attend “Andrei Saguna” in the present. As a student here I was at first impressed by the imposing building which welcomed me everyday. Then, day by day, it all became routine and I started concentrating more on homework, rather than on architectural design. And slowly I got used to living in this big, wonderful family. There are around 800 students attending, divided as following: from the fifth grade to the eight there is one class, each with 28 students; from the ninth to the twelfth grade there are in each separate year six classes each with around 28 students. Being a family we also have lots of traditions. Every freshmen gets “baptized” by the seniors at the beginning of the year. We all (high school students ) go hiking in the woods nearby the city, stop in a little valley, start a barbecue, and then all those that are in first year are thrown in the air three times by the seniors. It is a very nice custom, and the freshmen also get nicknames, to carry with them throughout their life in this big family of ours. For the ones more talented, our high school also has a choir that is usually present at all the festivities enchanting us whit it’s music. To celebrate the winter holidays every class decorates a Christmas tree, as original as possible. In the last day of school before the holiday begins, all the students take part at a Christmas bazaar, in the purpose of raising money for children in shelters. It is a time of cookies, Christmas carols, funny games, memories, pictures and overall happiness.
Bothkennar School, Falkirk, Scotland Bothkennar School is a small rural primary school situation near the town of Falkirk, mid way between the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. There are 27 children in the main school, aged between 5 years and 11 years, and 6 children in our nursery. At age 11 or 12, the children transfer to secondary school. A driving force in the school is the commitment to the Eco Schools project and we are about to apply for our first Green Flag. The school is now in a very exciting phase of its development as it drives forward with new initiatives which take account of the purposes of A Curriculum for Excellence. During the next few years the school will be creating opportunities to further develop parental involvement within the school, establish proactive partnerships within the local community and form links with schools within the global community. We have recently linked with schools in British Columbia, Canada, and Bali, Indonesia. We are hoping to form a link with a school in northern Europe. Here are some photographs of some of the work we were involved in last year.
Our older children working on opportunities to encourage co-operative learning. Above left you see successful learners working independently with the interactive whiteboard. Above right shows a P.7 pupil enjoying outdoor learning at the cluster Eco Day. Local Links. INEOS,a major employer in the petrochemical industry, kindly donated ÂŁ500 which was used to purchase additional ICT equipment. The school makes good use of the Jupiter Urban Wildlife Centre as a base for outdoor learning. Here you see the nursery children looking for minibeasts.
In May 2008 the primary 7 children went to Dalguise Residential Centre, near Dunkeld, Perthshire, with the P.7s from Airth PS. This trip provided the primary children with positive experiences in helping our children to become confident individuals and effective contributors.
In the Spring of 2008 the school began working towards its Green Flag for the Eco Schools initiative. One of the first projects was the RHS’ Count + Grow potato challenge.
We believe that to give an accurate account of our work and let people know what is truly happening, we need to plan regular opportunities for parents and community to visit the school. The recent ‘drop-in’ coffee morning provided a very real opportunity for visitors to discover what is really going on in Bothkennar School. We are keen to involve the community in our work and we recently hosted classes in ICT for some of our more senior residents. In December we welcomed our community to a performance of the Christmas Story, and Christmas Fair. Bothkennar School is revising its curriculum in order to address the purposes of A Curriculum for Excellence within a framework which encompasses the values of a Rights Respecting School , the philosophy of ECOSCHOOLS and Outdoor Learning, and the initiatives of Health Promoting Schools. We are working towards a curriculum for the 21st century which enables all our children to become SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS, CONFIDENT INDIVIDUALS, RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS and EFFECTIVE CONTRIBUTORS. Find us on our school website: www.schools-on-line.co.uk/bothkennar The initiatives for this session are: Moving Image Project Scots Language Co-ordinator sessions UNICEF – RRSA Eco Work RSPB Bird Friendly School Green School Award John Muir Award Woodland Trust-Nature Detectives Royal Botanic Gardens – Great Plant Hunt(Charles Darwin centenary) Financial Education – children trained to run school bank Healthy Tuck shop – run by pupils Active Schools opportunities/ Activity Week International Links with a Canadian School
Moja šola - Slovenija Nedaleč od Ljubljane, slovenskega glavnega mesta, leži mesto Domžale s približno 11 000 prebivalci. Med vsemi šolami v mestu je naša najboljša. Imenuje se Osnovna šola Venclja Perka, svoje ime pa je dobila leta 1964 po učitelju Venclju Perku, ki je na tej šoli poučeval in bil ubit med drugo svetovno vojno. Približno 600 učencev v starosti od 6 do 14 let tvorimo enoto z mnogimi talenti, ki jih radi razkazujemo na različnih tekmovanjih in drugih priložnostih. Fantje so večinoma zelo dobri v športnih dejavnostih, še posebno nogometu in košarki. Tudi Luka Lenič, slovenski šahovski velemojster, je bil pred leti učenec na tej šoli. Dekleta v glavnem plešejo, pojejo in se ukvarjajo z likovno umetnostjo. Na šoli pa imamo tudi gledališke skupine. O V mesecu decembru v šoli vsako leto priredimo sejmarjenje, na katerem prodajamo izdelke naših učencev, kot so na primer božične in novoletne čestitke, okraski, svečniki in celo domače pecivo. Na šoli je 58 učiteljev, so prijazni in pripravljeni pomagati. Naučijo nas veliko stvari, ki nam kasneje v življenju vedno prav pridejo. To je torej naša šola, ki jo imamo zelo radi. Veliko različnih učencev in veliko različnih talentov. Nuša Hribernik (8. razred)
My school - Slovenia Not far from Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, lies Domžale, a town with the population of about 11,000. There are many schools in Domžale, but ours is the best. It’s called Venclja Perka Primary School and it got its name in 1964 after Vencelj Perko, a teacher at our school who was killed during World War II.
About 600 pupils aged from 6 to 14 form a group of many talents which we like to show in different championships and other activities. Boys are mostly very good at sports, especially at football and basketball. Luka Lenič, a Slovenian chess Grandmaster, was also a student at our school. Many girls dance, sing or do art. We have school theatre groups as well. Once a year there is a fair held in the school centre where children's products, such as Christmas postcards, decorations, candlesticks and even hand-made pastries are sold. There are 58 teachers at our school. They are nice and helpful, they teach us many different things, which we then use in our lives. So this is our school that we love. Many different students and many different talents. Nuša Hribernik (8th grade)
School theatre groups performing Little Red Riding Hood
Why did Grinch steal Christmas?
Many girls dance, sing or do art, and we even have school theatre groups