Pholio sheets manifesto 1

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Producer Manifesto

Antonios Papadimas Graphic Design New Media

How we began We began our manifesto by being put into a group. This consisted of me jack, emma , jonny and yamin. In approching the role of the producer we all threw ideas at each other in what we throught the role meant to us and other people. This gave us a clear understanding of the main topics in creating a structure for our own manifesto. The topics followed as such.

How we began

• Open acess • Privacy • Trends • copyright • Mobile applications / Instagram • Platforms

The Producer

The Producer

The solution that we established from these points was; that every person is a producer and doesnt neccessarily know that they are. In looking at platforms such as you tube and vimeo we were able to discuss which productions were ammature and which were documentaries. From overlooking platforms such as youtube and vimeo we were able to depict the restrictions in each one and what regulations they follow with copyright and privacy. We felt the producer is limited to influence of design and that they shouldnt be limited to what they can produce , as creating a communal feel would allow designers to feed off one another.

Our Manifesto


Inital Ideas

Constucting our manifesto consisted of working closely with each other in making sure we understood what the contenet was explaining. We agreed that creating what you want should lead to no limitations and that being involved in culture can be a decision to go with or go against the norm. Expressing your ideas was an imporant key as being an open acsess amature production and specialised production would work with one another to create endless ideas without the involvment of privacy and copy right. overal the manifesto that we put togeather was constructed for people who would benifit from one anothers ideas and that it would not be mis treated in creating political debates wheather its right or wrong.

We began the making of our manifesto by all going away and coming up with ur own ideas in how the production could be set. The best solution we found in planning this out was by creating story boads. In sticking to the theme of open acsess and amature production one idea was a live skype call of all four of us , another was a process of laser cutter cutting the words producer out which then would be placed behind us in the studio.

Final Idea

The idea that we agreed with that would have the most authentisity to our manifesto was the youtube calabaration of amature productions and specialist productions. Our manifesto would speak through each indervidual word being cut out. In finding these words the vidios that we mostly looked for were ones that the audience and pubilc often viewed online, finding this was a bit of a stuggle as some words dident sound well togeather. In coming back with the lines we were given from our manifesto we put each indvdual clip togeather to form our production. We explained what we would unfold in the presentaation, and the resonses given back were that it had a clear understanding

The Making Of

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