11 minute read
Local Beauty Destination Celebrates Milestone Anniversary
In 1973, Best & Co. department store, a landmark building on Northern Boulevard, sat empty. Michael Mazzei reimagined the space as a “department store of beauty” and set out to make it a one-stop shop for every beauty need. This vision became nuBest Salon and Spa. The business is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.
Mazzei is one of the most beloved and well-respected individuals in the professional hair care industry. His vision of beauty and avantgarde approach to style has inspired stylists from all over the world. He has been instrumental in defining modern hair for men and women. Mazzei and his collaborator Leland Hirsch also developed ARTEC worldwide, a global hair care brand that was purchased by L’Oréal in 2002.
Michael Mazzei’s son, Jamie Mazzei, grew up in the salon watching his father at his craft. “I was born here pretty much. nuBest was created when I was four years old. I spent my entire life in the salon. My father, I consider him a creative genius, he had a vision unlike anybody else and was a talent in the industry. Second to none. He came to the U.S. with an eighth-grade education and lives the American dream unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. And I’m truly proud to be his son.”
Jamie isn’t the only family member to join the staff. Michael Mazzei’s nephews Vincent and Christian Mazzei have also played an integral part in its continued success. In addition, Marco Mazzei, Jamie’s son, has recently joined the nuBest team after completing his training and obtaining his license while still in high school.
Part of what makes nuBest so special is that they have developed their own training system that keeps the level of service consistent, no matter which staff member is providing it. “We have a very specific way of cutting and coloring hair here. So the whole idea was to create a system that the entire salon could do, along with their own creativity. But the idea is that if you came into the salon, and your operator wasn’t here that day, you could go to someone else and be confident that you would get the same thing. We tried to drive across (to the staff) consistency, I think that’s really been a big part of our success,” said Mazzei.
2023 Schedule Of Events
Long time clients give insight into what keeps them coming back year after year:
“The incredible team at nuBest has been providing my family and I with the best salon services for over a decade. The entire experience is always top notch. The beautiful seasonal decor always creates a relaxing environment and the multi-talented stylists never disappoint. They are beyond friendly, skilled and always eager to create looks that leave you feeling fresh and fabulous. nuBest is truly the best!” —Diana
Minuta (nuBest client)
“Three generations of our family have enjoyed the beauty of nuBest that goes far beyond the services they provide. For decades they have become a part of the fabric of our lives…Beautifying us in our special moments and lifting us up in our harder times. We feel honored to be part of the nuBest family! Happy 50th Anniversary!”

—The Minieri and Cartolano Families
“What can I say about nuBest and the nuBest team? Always ahead of the times! The best caring and accommodating team. I’ve been a client for 50 years! My children have been clients as well! Congratulations on your milestone anniversary!” —Joanne Kaye (nuBest client)
AUG 8Richard Marx

AUG 9The Concer t: A Tribute to Abba

AUG 18 Elvis Tribute

Artist Spectacular
AUG 19The Fab Four: The Ultimate Tribute
SEP 8Anthony Hamilton
SEP 9Lar Enterprises Presents: Oh What A Night of Rock & Roll

SEP 17The Wiggles Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Tour
SEP 23Hermans Hermits starring Peter Noone
OCT 1The Price is Right
OCT 15Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood

OCT 19+20 Lee Brice
OCT 21Monsters of Freestyle
OCT 21Parliament Funkadelic feat. George Clinton
NOV 4Almost Queen - A Tribute to Queen
NOV 10Masters of Illusion
NOV 11Paul Anka
NOV 12Celebrating David Bowie featuring Peter Murphy, Adriant Belew, Scrote & more
NOV 19Howie Mandel
NOV 30Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

DEC 8Engelbert Humperdinck
DEC 9Daniel O’Donnell
DEC 12An Intimate Evening with David Foster & Katherine McPhee
Word Find
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Mathis
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have pleted the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
International Word Find International Word Find
International Word Find
ARIES (March 21-April 19). What you tell yourself can take your mood from “meh” to “yeah!” or from “bleh” to “oh, no!” If you’re having trouble nding the right verbiage for your self-talk, think about what is working for you in a situation and focus there. is week, the key to improvement of anything and everything is gratitude.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Even a groovy week like this has its tensions, mostly caused by expectations that do not align with reality. ough you can’t always control the experience, there’s much you can adjust in what you think will happen, or what you hope to gain or lose in an interaction. You’ll be very adaptable this week and you’ll shine.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ll need to work smarter this week to get it all done, and this means you cannot do it all yourself. Be like the honeybee. Send out scouts in every direction. Let them come back and tell you where the owers are. en you can y to the places that are open and inviting and focus your e orts where the air is the sweetest.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). ree interrelated concepts will keep coming up this week: intelligence, humility and self-awareness. e work of becoming self-aware requires bouncing ideas o others and being receptive to what comes back. Many will love to be your mirror. Your modesty makes you everyone’s favorite person to talk to.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You can learn anything you want to. In many ways, deciding what to learn is the act that alters fate. You can a ord to be bold about it this week. Consider that it will take just as long to learn something basic and general as it will to learn something speci c and fascinating.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You haven’t always known what to pay attention to, but through trial and error, you learned. Now you spot potential complications and distractions from a mile away. Now you can focus on the things that pay o for you. You’ll have a clear idea of where you’re going, and this is why people start to line up behind you and do what you do.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In a weird way, being too busy is a comfort. A crammed schedule makes life a blur, so you don’t have to look at any single issue for too long. You needn’t avoid that now. You’re in a solid place emotionally. Slow down for some peace and relaxation. You’ll be able to handle whatever comes up.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Don’t work in the direction that will make other people happy. Instead, work in the direction that is best for all including you. Fickle feelings matter less than the deeper joy that comes from doing the thing that will contribute to many levels of health and nourishment including physical, spiritual and emotional.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). ere are people who are committed to your development and who want you to be your best. en there are people who need you to ll a role, and your development beyond that role is of no relevance to them. For optimum success, put your best e ort into relationships with people in the rst category.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Doing hard things is crucial to self-esteem because a person cannot learn to trust themself without the proof of what they can handle. is is why you’re not afraid of what life will bring. You know you can do hard things because you’ve already done them. Remind yourself of the speci cs of your victories.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). People often feel o ended or resentful when others attempt to control them. It is possible that when we try to control everything, the universe feels similarly disrespected. is week, you’ll back o and even take the hands o the steering wheel for a spell to let the universe show you a little love.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). e heated emotions like anger, passion, embarrassment and desire are like hot peppers. ey add spice, and a little goes a long way. Some people can’t take the spice and don’t want any at all, while others think the dish of life is bland without a little kick. You serve it up perfectly when you know everyone’s preferences.
Welcome to your year of cosmic congruence and marvelous alignment! What inspires attraction, desire and pursuit will also agree with you, make you look good, and bring ease and beauty to your life. Who you love will love you back. What you do will matter. It’s an all-around fantastic year. More highlights: Lifestyle tweaks turn into a new look and routine. A message hidden in your heart will have its moment of broadcast. You’ll receive a fancy set of keys and o you go!
Off to a garage sale
Solution: 19 Letters
Word Find
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but always in a straight line. Some letters are used more than once.) Ring each word as you find it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 19 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle.
Off to a garage sale
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Contract Bridge
By Steve Becker
Good reasoning helps a lot
of diamonds, East playing the 8-2-7 in that order, and shifts to the deuce of spades.
It is clear that if East has the A-Q of spades, it makes no difference whether declarer plays the jack or king from dummy — the contract goes down in either case. It is also clear that if West has the ace, the king is the winning play, while if West has the queen, the jack is the winning play.
How does South resolve such a problem? Superficially, which card to play seems to be a tossup, but it is at this point that declarer calls upon his analytical ability.
He sees that he cannot make the contract, whatever he does, if the trump finesse he plans to take fails. South therefore assigns the king of hearts to West. To assume otherwise would be conceding defeat.
It is said that a fine declarer plays as though he can see through the backs of the cards. This is, of course, not so. The truth is that a fine declarer does well over the long haul because he reasons well, and not because he has magical powers beyond the reach of ordinary folks.
Consider this deal where South winds up in three hearts on the bidding shown. West leads the K-Q-J
Declarer then says to himself that if West had started with the K-Q-J of diamonds, the king of hearts and the ace of spades, he would surely have opened the bidding as dealer.
“Therefore,” reasons South, “I am forced to assume that West does not have the ace of spades.” Accordingly, he plays the jack from dummy at trick four and eventually makes the contract.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.
Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle

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