11 minute read
New York Press Association Press Pass Program
To help newsrooms struggling with staff shortages, the New York Press Association this summer will begin offering training to community members interested in covering news for their local paper.
Ongoing business pressures, including drops in advertising and subscriber revenue as well as increases in production costs, have led to substantial reductions in staffing in most newsrooms across the country. But many editors say hiring reporters to fill existing openings has become increasingly difficult.
Supplementing existing coverage with trained community correspondents will help newspapers fill gaps in existing coverage, especially in small towns. The training will give participants basic guidance to build upon on the job under the supervision of editors.
The four-part online program will focus on journalism basics such as ethics, accuracy in reporting, interviewing techniques and writing clearly. To earn certification, participants must complete all four sessions and pass a written test. The training is being offered free through NYPA’s member newspapers.

“We’re not aiming to replace traditional journalists with this program,” said Judy Patrick, the association’s vice president for editorial development. “We’re working to expand local news coverage and build on our indsutry’s longstanding tradition of community correspondents.”
The online training will be offered four times a year; the first sessions will be July 10-13. Registration is open through July 7 by contacting judy@nynewspapers.com.
—Submitted by the New York Press Association

Word Find
HOROSCOPES By Holiday Mathis
Holiday Mathis
By Holiday Mathis
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Not every relationship needs to follow the mold. Friendships connect in quirky ways these days, and love won’t stick to the standard de nitions at all. Just remember that people forge connections in diverse ways. Attempting to con ne those connections within prede ned rules can diminish their beauty and intrigue.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Socialites go to the pre-show to be photographed and seen. Professionals go to the event because they have to. All the real value to be had is at the after-party. is concept will apply to the events of the week, including fun that happens in the downtime. People relax and the connections are nally able to happen.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Generosity and charisma go together. When people give easily, it implies they have much to share. ere’s something mysterious and attractive about the unknown limit. To give less freely is to indicate the outer edge, revealing the shape of reality. is week, you’ll tap into the thing you have a lot of and contribute muni cently.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). You could take your day in the direction of your routine, though you are not obligated to do so. What if you instead did the thing you are passionate about? is week, you’ll name your passions, or discover them by following the thing that shows glimmers of potential. e search will be well worthwhile. Hard tasks seem e ortless when love does the work.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). e reasons to call things “good enough” are valid. Time is a factor. You don’t want to overwork things. You can’t a ord to get caught by the tyranny of perfectionism. You’re keen to move on. For these reasons and more you will put a bow on your project and ship it, then celebrate progress and collect your result.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’re being too hard on yourself. A helpful perspective is to consider what you would ask of a best friend. What support, understanding and compassion would you extend to them? Let this mindset guide you to de ne the boundaries of your own expectations. is week, lean into prioritizing in a way that promotes self-care and emotional well-being.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Relationships may seem to be based in conversations, transactions and shared experiences, but such things are merely mechanics that allow for the real magic to rush in. is week, don’t forget that emotion is what animates relationships. Feelings weave together to create the bonds.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You can’t set realistic expectations if you don’t know enough about the reality in question. ere’s an art to learning the ins and outs of a situation. If you come on with a litany of questions, you’ll learn less instead of more. is week, you’ll ask the casual, easy things that end up opening a world. You’ll get to know the place before deciding what to want from it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). ough you are often reminded that you are human, with limitations and imperfections, you will be more often reminded this week that you are human with creativity and intellect to soar, solve and succeed in spectacular ways. Exercises that stretch you, hard problems and inspiring people will push you in the direction to amaze yourself.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). is week, you lead people to construct a set of expectations regarding you that you will be happy to ful ll and, indeed, exceed. Furthermore, you’re perfectly positioned to bring someone into your world and convince them to take on your cause or champion your project. Let your intuition lead in this endeavor and you’ll be brilliant.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). ose moving at a di erent pace from the rest of the pack need your help. You will have a calming e ect on the rushed ones, and they will slow down and get centered around you. e sluggish will be invigorated by you. You thrive as you give of yourself; there will be unexpected payo s for your kindness.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You prefer to be liked just like anyone else, but you’re not inclined to go to extreme lengths for validation. is week presents a scenario where a touch of goodwill could bring about ease for everyone involved. e gesture doesn’t need to be grand, just speci c and thoughtful. With your inherent charm and nesse, success is virtually guaranteed.
You’ll imagine a future that makes things better for all, and your vision will be realized in both small and far-reaching ways. And though you don’t demand that the world cater to you, you’ll still get so much of what you want. More highlights: You’ll conceive of a di erent way of presenting what you do and who you are, and these style shifts will a ect your fate. One addition to your team will make a huge di erence. e dynamic between you and your crew is a near perfect blend of plan and action. COPYRIGHT 2023 CREATORS.COM
International Word Find
International Word Find
International Word Find

left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
The Olympics
Solution: 19 Letters
Word Find
This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated below. Find the listed words in the grid. (They may run in any direction but al ays in a straight line o e letters are used ore than once ing each ord as you find it and hen you ha e copleted the pu le, there ill be letters left o er hey spell out the alternati e the e of the pu le
The Olympics
Solution: 19 Letters
Athens Bans Bids
Solution: All roads lead to Paris
Solution: All roads lead to Paris
CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 708-7311 EXT. 236
Date: 7/5/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
Date: 7/5/23 Creators Syndicate 737 3rd Street • Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 310-337-7003 • info@creators.com
Contract Bridge
Astute detective work
By Steve Becker
proceed. Obviously, you cannot afford to lose the lead, which in turn means you must bring in the club suit without loss to make the contract. At the moment, though, it’s not clear whether you should first play the king or the ace.
To try and solve this problem, you start by cashing the K-Q of spades. When West follows suit to both spade leads, you are in a far better position to judge how to play the clubs.
It now appears likely that West started with two spades, five hearts and five diamonds, which leaves him with at most one club. You must therefore hope that West’s singleton club is either the queen or the ten.
Assume you get to three notrump on the bidding shown and West leads the K-A-J of diamonds. When East discards a spade on the third diamond, you learn that West started with five fairly robust diamonds, and because West opened the bidding with one heart, you know that he must have at least five hearts as well.
Having assimilated this information, you must now decide how to
Accordingly, you next cash the ace of clubs. After West produces the ten, you lead the jack from dummy, and when East follows with the eight, you confidently let the jack ride. When West discards a heart, the trouble you took to clarify West’s distribution is rewarded, and you end up making four notrump.
Observe that if you had mechanically cashed the king of clubs at trick four without bothering to play two rounds of spades first, you would have gone down instead of making the contract.
Weekly Sudoku Puzzle
Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit. So must every column, as must every 3x3 square.

Answer to last issue’s Sudoku Puzzle
Answer to last issue’s Crossword Puzzle

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Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Emerald Green I GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Emerald Green I GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241301-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Emerald Green II GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Emerald Green II GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/ character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241302-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company.
Name: Grant Forbell GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served.
The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Grant Forbell GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241303-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Ruby Dumont GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Ruby Dumont GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241304-ROS
Notice of formation of Limited Liability Company. Name: Wyona GP LLC (“LLC”). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York (“SSNY”) on January 19, 2021. NY office location: Nassau County. The SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. The SSNY shall mail a copy of any process to Wyona GP LLC, 1044 Northern Boulevard, 2nd F, Roslyn, NY 11576. Purpose/character of LLC is to engage in any lawful act or activity.
7-19-12-5; 6-28-21-14-20236T-#241305-ROS