7 minute read
Non-Profits, Government Fight Against Invasive Species Woodland Restoration Project Underway
Acoalition of non-profit organizations and local government officials came together to highlight a long-term project underway to restore the woodland ecosystem of Leeds Pond Preserve. The initiative aims to stabilize and restore a degraded forest area within the Preserve by promoting biodiversity, native species recovery, and providing a valuable outdoor learning environment for children and adults alike.
“We are excited about the opportunity to restore the forested area at Leeds Pond Preserve and create an outdoor classroom where visitors can learn about the importance of native plants and the impact of invasive species,” said Kristen Laird, executive director of the Science Museum of Long Island. “This project aligns perfectly with our mission to promote environmental education and ecological stewardship.”
The Science Museum of Long Island (SMLI), a non-profit organization dedicated to hands-on science education, applied for and secured the grant to undertake the ambitious woodland restoration project. Funding for the project has also been provided by the
Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Long Island Conservancy.
Working with Spadefoot Design and
Construction, a leading firm specializing in ecological design and restoration, the longterm project began in 2021.
Derek Betts, District Manager of the Nassau County Soil & Water Conservation District added, “The Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District is proud to partner with the Science Museum of Long Island for the third year in a row, providing access to critical state funds to help tackle the invasive species issues at Leeds Pond Preserve, and promote a better understanding of the importance of native species and the role they play in preserving biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across Nassau County and Long Island.”
Through this grant, Spadefoot Design and Construction will collaborate with SMLI to implement sustainable reforestation strategies, utilizing native plant species to rehabilitate a 12,500 square foot area. By removing invasive species and creating a young forest with diverse flora, the project seeks to eliminate the aggressive encroachment of invasive plants such as Kudzu and Japanese Knotweed while providing food sources and ground cover for wildlife.
—Submitted by Spadefoot Design and Construction
Legal Noticeslegal Noticeslegal Noticeslegal Notices Legal Notices
Continued from page 7 uses, accessory buildings and structures, including accessory equipment, shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the rear yard, or 1,030.04 sf for this property. The proposal indicates a total rear yard lot coverage of 1,461.2 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 431.16 sf of rear yard lot coverage. East Hills Code §271-143(A)(2) requires all pools to be located a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines. The proposal indicates that the southwest corner of the pool will be 14.1 feet from the property line. Therefore, a variance is requested for 5.9 feet of pool setback from the property line. East Hills Code §271143(A)(2) requires all pools to be located a minimum of 20 feet from all property lines. The proposal indicates that the southeast corner of the pool will be 19.5 feet from the property line. Therefore, a variance is requested for 0.5 feet of pool setback from the property line. East Hills Code §271-143(A)(6) states that separate drywells are required for pool drainage/backwash operation. The proposal lacks such a drywell and therefore a variance is requested for a separate drywell for pool drainage and backwash. East Hills Code §271-143(A)(10) (i) requires that all heaters and pool equipment must be located immediately adjacent to the residence or no closer than 75 feet from the nearest residence. The proposal indicates the pool equipment to be 45 feet from the nearest dwelling. Therefore, a variance is required for 30 feet of pool equipment setback.
MARIO VENEROSO requests ONE VARIANCE for the property known as 123 BARBERRY LANE designated as Section7 Block 129 Lot 15 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R2 District of the Village. Pursuant to Village of East Hills Code §271-47(A), accessory buildings and structures, including accessory equipment, shall not occupy more than 15 percent of the rear yard (422.8 sf for this property). The proposal indicates a total rear yard lot coverage of 536.15 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 113.36 sf of rear yard lot coverage.
HAL STEIN requests A SPECIAL EXCEPTION AND TEN VARIANCES for the property known as 200 Elm Drive, designated as Section 7 Block 249 Lot 22 on the Nassau County Land and Tax Map and in the R-1 District of the Village. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-143(A), pools of permanent construction require a Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Pursuant to East Hills Code 271-14(A), the maximum allowable fence height is 4 feet. Pursuant to
East Hills Code 271-143(A)
(1) and (3), pool enclosure fences must be 5 feet in height, of the chain link type, and must be erected completely enclosing the pool at least five feet from the edge of the pool and at least 15 feet from any property line. This application is for a 5 foot fence on the property line, partially of the metal estate-type. Therefore, variances are requested for fence height, fence location and fence type. Pursuant to East Hills Code §27123(A), Accessory buildings and uses, accessory buildings and structures, including accessory equipment, shall not occupy more than 20 percent of the rear yard, or 1,336 sf for this property. The proposal indicates a total rear yard lot coverage of 1,793 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 457 sf of rear yard lot coverage. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-30, Lot Coverage, all buildings, including accessory structures and equipment, may not occupy more than 25 percent of the total lot (4,556.5 sf for this property). The proposed total lot coverage is 6,001 sf. Therefore, a variance is requested for 1,444.5 sf of total lot coverage. Pursuant to East Hills Code §271-23(B), all accessory structures located in the rear yard shall not be less than 15 feet from the main dwelling. This proposal indicates two (2) locations where the pool is 14 feet and
12 feet 6 inches from the main dwelling. Therefore, two variances, for 1 foot and 2 feet 6 inches respectively, are requested for minimum distance for accessory structures from the main dwelling. East Hills Code §271-143(A)(10) (i) requires that all heaters and pool equipment must be located immediately adjacent to the residence or no closer than 75 feet from the nearest residence. The proposal shows the pool equipment 67 feet from the nearest dwelling. Therefore, a variance is requested for 8 feet of pool equipment setback from adjoining properties. East Hills Code 271-142(B), requires that all drywells shall be located a minimum distance of 20 feet from all pools. This proposal indicates a drywell 16 feet from the pool. Therefore, a variance is required for 4 feet of drywell setback. East Hills Code §271-143(A)(6) states that separate drywells are required for pool drainage/backwash operation. The proposal lacks such a drywell and therefore a variance is requested for not providing a separate drywell for pool drainage and backwash.
Maps and plans regarding the above applications are available for inspection on the Village’s website at www.villageofeasthills.org/meetings.
Michael Kosinski, Chairman
Dated: July 5, 2023
Town of North Hempstead
Historic Landmarks
Preservation Commission
Notice is hereby given that a public meeting of the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission will be held on Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM at Town Hall, 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset. For more information, contact landmarks@northhempsteadny.gov. The Commission will consider the following applications:
Application for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace existing windows; replace existing façade (style/type TBD).; remove existing chimney; remove windows to accommodate interior alterations; remove rear and side entrances; replace front door; install skylight; replace roof with similar materials; replace façade of garage to match dwelling; and replace garage door (style/type TBD).
Property located at 192 Garden Street, Roslyn Heights Historic District (Section 7, Block 27, Lots 1-4, 45).
Application for the issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness to remove three trees; install white PVC fence; replace and expand existing rear paved areas and front walkways (style/type TBD); and construct 100s.f. covered BBQ/gazebo. Property located at 36 Jefferson Avenue, Roslyn Heights Historic District (Section 7, Block 36, Lots 11-14). 7-5-2023-1T-#241695-ROS
Legal Notice Incorporated Village Of Roslyn
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn will conduct a Public Meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall, 1200 Old Northern Boulevard, Roslyn, New York 11576, or at some other location to be hereafter designated by the Board of Trustees.
Richard and Emilie Lippman 10 Fairview Avenue, Roslyn, NY Sec 7, Block 106, Lot 150
Application for construction of new family room and kitchen along with extensive rear yard grading, landscaping, in-ground swimming pool, patios and retaining walls. Applicant is seeking approval from the Board of Trustees for Hillside Protection compliance. Old Northern Boulevard Restaurant LLC a/k/a Kyma Restaurant 1446 Old Northern Boulevard Roslyn, NY Sec 7, Block 106, Lot 3
Notice of Hearing to Revoke the Special Use Permit Issued For Kyma Restaurant
By Decision of the Board of Trustees of the Incorporated Village of Roslyn Pursuant to Roslyn Village Code Chapter 470, Section 470113, Entitled “Special Use Permits,” Subdivision G. The Village of Roslyn does not discriminate on the basis of handicapped status in administration or access to or employment in its projects and activities. Annemarie Stutzmann has been directed to coordinate compliance with non-discrimination requirements of the Federal Revenue Sharing regulations. Copies of all documents relevant to this matter are on file in the Village Clerk’s Office and may be viewed during regular business hours and on the Village website at www. roslynny.gov.
At this scheduled meeting of its Board of Trustees, reserved decisions from previous meetings, if any, may be acted upon by the Board of Trustees. At the aforesaid time and place, all interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard.
By Order of the Board of Trustees Inc. Village of Roslyn
Annemarie Stutzmann Village Clerk/Treasurer
Dated: June 29, 2023
Continued on page 9