Kriging Interpolation and Geovisualization: Lake Erie Case, Cu Contamination

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Interpolated Sediment Contamination Levels of Copper (Cu) in Lake Erie CCME Copper Contamination Effect Levels

Cu Threshold Effect Level (TEL) = Level below which adverse biological effects are expected to occur rarely.

Cu Probable Effect Level (PEL) = Level above which adverse effects are expected to occur frequently.

37.5 μg/g 196.6 μg/g

Copper Contamination Threshold Intervals (μg/g) 0 - < 12.5

Water Boundary Shoreline

Sediment Contamination Data 0





150 km

Copper Sample Point

12.5 - < 25 25 - <37.5 37.5 - <87.53 No Interpolation Value *Raster Resolution of 500m2

Created by Anton Schefter, 10-24-2018 Coordinate System: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 20N Sources: Kriging Great Lakes Sediment Contamination Values “Cookbook”, 2009 ; Environment Canada, Date Unknown ; CCME, Date Unknown

3D Elevaion Overlay Visualizations of Interpolated Copper (Cu) Contamination Levels in Lake Erie’s Lakebed Sediment a




c Copper Contamination Threshold Intervals (μg/g) 0 - < 12.5

25 - <37.5

12.5 - < 25

37.5 - <87.53 *Raster Resolution of 500m2

Reference Map a

Isometric Models d


e b

Created by Anton Schefter, 10-24-2018 Coordinate System: NAD 1983 UTM Zone 20N Sources: Kriging Great Lakes Sediment Contamination Values “Cookbook”, 2009 ; Environment Canada, Date Unknown ; CCME, Date Unknown

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