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City as a service: how to design new urban experience Mikhail Belyaev | Aventica Yegor Korobeynikov | Aventica

October 3nd, New York City

Competition for human capital among cities has become the key driver for development today

Global competition for high-skilled professionals e xa m p l e

Competition for IT-specialists

At t r ac t i o n centres

G r e at B r i ta i n 860k 1,3 % USA 3,6m 1,1 %

Germany 950k 1,1 %

Israel 220k 2,8 %

Churn centres

Ru s s i a 400 k 0, 3 % China 2m 0, 3 %

India 2, 8 m 0, 22 %

% T h e p e r c e n tag e o f p o p u l at i o n e m p loy e d i n IT

International migration Every 7th person on Earth is a migrant

Aging For every new person entering the job market there are two — retiring

Today cities, not states compete for people




Patterns and expectations

The way people use city is changing faster than cities themselves

Cities absorb best business practices and tools Competitive analysis

Strategy and planning




And now it’s high time for service design

Some cities started to apply service design to improve certain urban practices

Demand-Based Adjustment of Metered Parking San Francisco

Holistic Approach to Public Spaces Management NYC, Chicago

Welcome Experience in Berlin Museum of Natural History

Resident-centred Development London

Public Transport Integration and Service Improvements Seoul

Meanwhile in Russia

All-inclusive Carsharing Moscow

Active citizen Moscow

My documents Russia

Crowdsourced reporting public utilities issues Moscow

Moscow Wayfinding System

City is not about functions and even services

City itself is a service

Functional approach C o m m u n i c at i o n s

U r ba n D e s i g n


Pub l i c s pac e s

Pub l i c U t i l i t i e s

Experience-based approach C o m m u n i c at i o n s

U r ba n D e s i g n


Pub l i c s pac e s

Pub l i c U t i l i t i e s


Innopolis is the first Russian city with the service model in its heart

How to respond to numerous challenges using customer experience and service design tools?

Think about the city as a startup Discover





Challenge: how to attract high-skilled professionals to the city without anything

Approach: future residents segmentation via personas and lifetime scenarios analysis Ka l i n i n g r a d v o lo g da M o s c ow

Perm Ka z a n

s u r gu t



Creating vision for ideal city never being there before Market Research Online Community Verbal and image associations

Photo collages of their own and ideal cities

Set comparison

Collective citizen journey and mind-mapping

Thematic apperception test


Personas Ideal residents Students

True companions


Willy-nilly residents

Service staff


Service staff

Ideal residents True companions Willy-nilly residents Students Employees Service staff Visitors

Willy-nilly residents Employees Service staff

Citizen journey for newcomers 1 L e a r n s ab o u t the city

2 Visits the city for the first time

4 M ov e s to t h e c i t y

8 changes residence

7 Pa r t i c i pat e s i n c i t y d e v e lo pm e n t, recommends the c i t y to h i s / h e r friends

3 C o n s i d e r s m ov i n g to t h e c i t y, lo o k s for a job and ac c o m m o dat i o n

6 W o r k s , r e l ax e s , d e v e lo p s p e r s o n a l ly a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l ly

5 Sets up home, arranges formalities and da i ly r o u t i n e

Solution: Services for visiting city and making process of relocation easy for each persona

Citizen journey for newcomers 1 L e a r n s ab o u t the city innomedia r oa d s h ow

2 Visits the city for the first time innopolis id innopolis weekend

3 C o n s i d e r s m ov i n g to t h e c i t y, lo o k s for a job and ac c o m m o dat i o n 10 000 r e s u m e

4 M ov e s to t h e c i t y

8 changes residence

innopolis p l ug -a n d - p l ay

7 Pa r t i c i pat e s i n c i t y d e v e lo pm e n t, recommends the c i t y to h i s / h e r friends

6 W o r k s , r e l ax e s , d e v e lo p s p e r s o n a l ly a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l ly

5 Sets up home, arranges formalities and da i ly r o u t i n e


Challenge: how to develop infrastructure and services in the city without enough residents

City services map Basic services

Urban environment

• Shops • Domestic services • K i n d e r ga r t e n s / Schools • H e a lt h c a r e a n d b e au t y • Sa f e t y

• Pub l i c S pac e s • Transport • Waste collection • U r ba n Design • Pub l i c Utilities

Entertainment Communication services services • Events • Cinema • Ca f é s a n d r e s tau r a n t s • Sports • Volunteering

• Needs and inquiries • F e e d bac k • N ot i f i c at i o n s • Civic e n gag e m e n t • M o n i to r i n g

Approach: demand analysis and productmarket fit Solution: “cloud� infrastructure on-demand

Concierge Service unified interface of interaction revealing actual needs and gathering feedback functional silos demolition

Citizen journey for newcomers 1 L e a r n s ab o u t the city

2 Visits the city for the first time

4 M ov e s to t h e c i t y

8 changes residence

7 Pa r t i c i pat e s i n c i t y d e v e lo pm e n t, recommends the c i t y to h i s / h e r friends my i n n o p o l i s . r u

3 C o n s i d e r s m ov i n g to t h e c i t y, lo o k s for a job and ac c o m m o dat i o n

6 W o r k s , r e l ax e s , d e v e lo p s p e r s o n a l ly a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l ly 36 5 e v e n t s r e s tau r a n t w e e k meetups and workshops

5 Sets up home, arranges formalities and da i ly r o u t i n e concierge service city in the pocket


Challenge: create day-today experience in a wide range of touchpoints, that exceeds expectations

Insights parents want to know when their child came to school

parents want to be sure that their child hasn’t lost his/her pocket money

parents want to be sure that their child has had lunch

children want to keep their money from seniors

Solution: “Palms� project for contactless payment in canteen, that is delivered by Sberbank, the biggest bank in Eastern and Central Europe (70M clients)

project “Palms”

What is an urban experience?

Holistic perception of personal interaction with urban environment, people and services, both physically and digitally

Journey A n a ly s i s

F r ac ta l citizen journey

to u c h point h ub

s e g m e n t tw o

segment one

Urban Experience Design Approach



Journey A n a ly s i s

data u r ba n a n a ly t i c s

4 layers of urban experience Social interactions information and data Services Physical realm

Fractal citizen journey S tag e   1




S tag e   2

S tag e   3

Touchpoint hub

Urban data set N ow​

Focus groups Surveys Temporary use Citizen journey maps KPIs Telegram Crowdsourcing Concierge service inquiries Ethnography Anthropology Benchmarking Web analytics Business cases Impact analysis


CCTV Built-in analytics Sensors Mobile operators data Bank transaction data

Journey Analysis KPIs use case business case impact analysis

Urban experience design aims to transform the city for anyone to the city for everyone

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