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HOW’S YOUR WEEK BEEN DAN? It’s been a wee bit challenging, that’s for sure! Having said that, there are signs that some semblance of normality is beginning to return and we’re getting into a rhythm of sorts. The first few weeks of the crisis were just all hands on deck, do whatever it takes kinds of weeks but we’re beginning to get to grips with demand levels and staffing levels and so on, so it’s feeling a little bit more under control. It’s been a crazy few weeks but we’re getting there.

HOW MANY HOURS DID YOU WORK LAST WEEK, THEN? Ha hah! A lot. But then again, so did all of my team. They’ve been absolutely brilliant and have all done much more than I could have expected of them.

But despite all of this, we realise that home and family time is important so we do try to work the roster so that everyone gets proper downtime, even me!

“We’re also getting lots of request for hair trimmers and gardening tools and equipment!”

HOW IS THE STORE TRADING AT THE MOMENT? Th ere’s no doubt that we’re doing much bigger volumes, probably up by around 200% over where we would be normally, so from that point of view it’s good for the business.

ARE YOU SEEING ANY UNUSUAL PATTERNS DEVELOPING? Despite volumes being through the roof, footfall is actually relatively slow but what we are seeing is massively increased basket spends. Ordinarily we see lots of people three and four times a day every day. Th at’s not happening now but when they do come, they spend a lot more.

SEEING ANY NEW FACES? Defi nitely. Even with slower footfall we’re seeing lots of new customers and we’re hoping that we’ll retain some of them when all of this is over. Many customers just can’t face the huge queues at the supermarkets so they’re coming to us for quick, convenient shopping and they’re fi nding that we have most, if not all, of what they want.

SO AVAILABILITY IS DECENT THEN? To be fair to Nisa, they’ve done a brilliant job considering the fact that they’re facing hugely increased order sizes from every retailer. Th ere’s been a little bit of range rationalisation, but that’s perfectly understandable. Th e fi rst week or two were pretty sticky

but I’d say we’re almost back to normal stocking levels now. We’ve also had a fantastic response from local suppliers who have been brilliant for us. Th ey’ve been getting us what they need and some have even been making bespoke products for us to fi ll any gaps we have in the ranges. It’s really heart-warming to see everyone working so closely together.

AND ARE YOUR CUSTOMERS BEHAVING? Th ere have been one or two small incidents but nothing worth worrying about. We implemented social distancing very early and, despite my concerns, 99% of the time they’ve totally understood why and they have been completely compliant. We have a form of one-way-system in the store now and even that has been adhered to really well. What’s most heartening is the unbelievable support and praise we’ve had from the local community. Th ey see how hard we’re working to get them what they need and they really appreciate it. We’ve been fl ooded with positive messages on social media and in the store. Covid-19 is a horrible situation for everyone but it seems to be bringing people together.

WHAT’S SELLING? Sales haven’t always developed the way we expected. Th e whole toilet roll calamity calmed down pretty quickly and I was actually worried I’d be left with the pallets of stock I bought right at the outset, but thankfully it’s all just about sold through. Th e food to go side of the business has had to be stripped back a lot for the time being and it’s really grocery and alcohol that are driving sales at the moment with a bit of fresh and chilled.

WHO SAID GROCERY WAS DEAD? Yes, we’ve been saying for years that grocery is a dying category in convenience but it’s defi nitely back in fashion in the last few weeks!

ANY ODD REQUEST FROM CUSTOMERS? Th e latest megafad is fl our. Everybody seems to want to bake bread at home for some reason. We’re selling pallets of the stuff at the minute. We’re also getting lots of request for hair trimmers

AND YOU’VE BECOME A MEDIA DARLING? I wouldn’t say that but I’ve had a load of contact from magazines, radio and even TV. We had BBC News in for a Reporting Scotland piece that aired on TV last week. Th ey were particularly interested in the free home delivery service we introduced for vulnerable isolated members of our community. It’s about time local retailers got a little credit for all the work they do for local communities.

LOVING IT: ‘ESSENTIALS KITS’ FOR THE VULNERABLE One of Dan’s many great ideas during the current coronavirus pandemic is an Essentials Kit for the most vulnerable people in the community and those who are self-isolating. The kits cost £25 and include a range of key items including milk, eggs, bacon, a steak pie, various fruit and vegetables, a multi pack of crisps and a few sweet treats.

Customers order via email and the kits are delivered to their door free of charge.

Dan explains: “The contents of the kits are aimed at feeding two to three people and are compiled of the products we have been asked for regularly over the last week or so.”

Launched last week on social media, the fi rst 100 packs were ordered within 24 hours and those who have already received them have been very positive in their feedback.

Dan said: “The key focus was to ensure that those who really needed the help were getting it. We knew a lot of vulnerable people were unable to source any groceries at all and they are the people we are prioritising.” and gardening tools and equipment! Strange days.

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