1 minute read
from SLR November 2018
by 55 North
Extra £300k food-to-go funding announced
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon usedher keynote speech at the centenarySGF Conference to announce anextension of the Food-to-Go fund,which will receive an additional£300,000 in 2019 to help retailersinstall food-to-go stations in theirstores.
However, new criteria alignedto the matched funding initiative
means that successful applicantswill now also have to undertake acommitment to reduce food andpackaging waste.
Sturgeon said: “A diverse andsuccessful convenience store sectoris vital in serving communitiesthroughout Scotland. Last year’sFood-to-Go fund was very effectivein supporting small retailers the
length and breadth of the countryto entice customers into their storesand generate a new income streamfor grocers.
“This new funding will build onthat, helping grocers to providepeople with access to good quality,locally sourced and healthy food aswell as providing an important focuson waste reduction.”
The First Minister also paidtribute to the Federation, praisingits “invaluable contribution” to theeconomy and society over the last100 years.
She also pledged that the ScottishGovernment would continue to workin partnership with retailers and listento their concerns over forthcominglegislation that will restrict thepromotion of foods high in fat, saltand sugar.