THY KINGDOM COME TH 18 YEAR ANNIVERSARY-2011 Quit Smoking p10 = Walking in the Comfort of the H.S. p40 = The Law of Vibration p23 p24
Pray this prayer aloud everyday like taking your vitamins and to those who are sick this will serve as your medicine, take it (pray) as needed.
The Most Powerful HEALING PRAYER (According to God’s Promises) I have been healed and made sound My days of sickness and disease are over (Luke 10:19)
Jesus is my Healer He bore my sicknesses And my diseases and pain Your Word Father says that by the Wounds Of Jesus, by His stripes we where healed... I expect to receive now my healing. (Isaiah 53:5; 1Peter 2:24)
I am the saved, I am the healed And the power of sickness has been Forever broken over my life Jesus bore my sickness Jesus bore my weakness Jesus bore my pain and I am free
The Word of God that I have heard and confessed is the power of God Unto my salvation I confess that Jesus Christ is Lord Over my life, spirit, soul and body I receive the power of God to make me Whole, sound, delivered, saved and healed. (Romans 10:9)
No sickness, no sin, no fear, no evil Addiction shall lord it over me any longer I have been redeemed from the curse and I receive the blessing, I proclaim my freedom in Jesus Name (Matthew 18:18; Galatians 3:13)
Sickness, disease and pain I resist you in the Name of Jesus You are not the will of God I enforce the Word of God on you Leave my presence, Jesus made me whole I will never allow you back
The gospel is the power of God to me, unto my salvation. I receive the gospel, I act on the gospel and I am made whole In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen (Proverbs 4:20-22)
THY KINGDOM COME OUTREACH MINISTRY “Go into the whole world and preach the gospel to all creation…” (Mark 16:15)
Sis. Ant Ronas & Bro. Pars Ronas, founder and presiding elders When we migrated here in America we continued our Evangelization Ministry by helping Christians build their prayer group. In 1994, we founded our own ministry, inspired by the Holy Spirit, THY KINGDOM COME Outreach Ministry. This ministry is registered as a non-profit organization. Our mission statement is stated in Mark 16:15 " Go out into the whole world and preach the gospel to all creation." Thy Kingdom Come Outreach Ministry is a group of believers who has joined together for specific, divinely ordained purposes. These purposes includes: Receiving instructions from God's Word (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:2) Serving and edifying one another through the proper use of spiritual gifts (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-31) You are welcome to join Thy Kingdom Come to be your spiritual family. It is very important for all of us to be attached to a group of believers. We are all one body in Christ and we cannot really effectively serve God if we are disconnected, in the same way that a bodily part cannot function without the other parts of the body. Join our ministry and be a part of the body. Thy Kingdom Come Ministry is celebrating its 18th year anniversary serving with the Lord. In the past eighteen years, we have witnessed in the ministry, physical healings, healing of relationships and changed lives. We are still experiencing the reality of the Power of the Word of God touching many lives tremendously and with God’s Grace we shall continue serving and sharing the Good News to all those who are seeking to know God in a more personal way. We are so blessed to have brothers & sisters who are faithful to the Lord in serving the community. We are the presiding elders, preachers and the spiritual father & mother of the community members. 2
God’s Angels Task 1. God's Messengers Angels are ministering spirits with the main task of assisting those who will inherit salvation (Heb.1.14). They assist believers. They are also tasked with special message delivery to nonbelievers 2. Appearing Spirits Thou they are spirit, sometimes God permit them to become visible. God warns us to be kind to all people, even strangers because they may be an Angel sent by God. (Heb.13.1). 3. They Fight Evil Spirits for Us Angels win battles for us depending on how steadfast we are in faith. If we falter in faith, they have no choice but to retreat, not out of defeat but because God will command them so, and the power of darkness will hover around us. It would be difficult for angels to rescue us then, unless we repent and strengthen in faith. 4. Powerful Wall of Fire When you're in danger, this wall of fire is automatically set off. Angels surround God's servants who are cornered by the enemy. The weak faith gets extra of God's grace. The Christian nonbelievers (mockers) get nothing. 5. Angels Give Directions The Holy Spirit guides us, no doubt. But many times, he does this by sending messengers. Angels also help believers escape traps and prisons. 6 .God Worshipers Angels are also powerful worshipers. At times angels help us worship or joins us in worship when God is pleased with our faith.
Ant’s Angels Task 1. God’s Messengers We are to minister to un-believers and continue guiding them toward their salvation 2. Appearing Spirits God wants us to be visible by being the light and the salt of the earth. We have to be kind to all people. 3. Fight Evil Spirit God wants us to be steadfast in our faith and share our faith to others. Share the teachings of the Bible on how to become victorious against the wiles of the evil one that may lead them to sin, so that they will not be out of the kingdom of God. Follow them up in their relationship with God and others and encourage them to attend the worship and Bible study 5. Angels Give Directions We should guide our people to the right path by giving them God’s wisdom and knowledge to make the right decisions. 4. Powerful Wall of Fire We should warn people when they are in danger specially when they are not following God’s ordinances. Protect each other from dangers and harms specially when they are being attacked by people, in words or deeds 5. Angels Give Directions We should guide our people by giving them words of wisdom and knowledge so that they will be able to find the right path and escape the traps made by the deceivers of this world. 6. God Worshipers Encourage people to worship God in Spirit and in Truth by attending our prayer meeting 3
Ant’s Angels
Ant’s Angels Family Portrait
Yholee Agustin with husband Benjie & daughter Britney
Bro Pars & Sis Ant’s with sons Mart & Giovi and their family
Gloria Palanca with husband Larry
Mercy Casantusan & Mother
Anna del Rosario & husband Eddy
Alou Violago with husband Ting and children kayen & Eric
Pars’ Prayer Warriors
Connect with Christian Prayer Warriors Who were the prayer warriors in the Bible?
confidential services. Your identity will be protected. No exceptions!
Prayer warriors are people who are known for regularly interceding on behalf of others before God. To intercede means to come between, so prayer warriors are, in effect, coming between God and the trouble in another person's life.
Send us your online prayer request, confession and/or praise report right now. Pars’ Prayer Warriors are here to pray, care and help... anytime, day or night. As soon as you connect directly with us, you'll be dealing with prayer warriors.
Prayer warriors are like defense attorneys, appealing to the Higher Court on behalf of their defendants. We're all guilty before God, but God is merciful. Prayer warriors recognize that quality of God's personality and call on Him for intervention.
Feel free to submit your online prayer request, confession and/or praise report directly to Pars’ Prayer Warriors — a group of caring and loving Christians. 24-hours a day, we strive to provide you with 100% confidential, spiritual and emotional support. We're sincere, sympathetic and understanding. We understand the sensitive, confidential nature of anyone's situation, including the shame, anxiety and stress it can cause. Therefore, we offer you 100%
Share with us what you cannot share with your family and friends. When you're not sure to whom to turn, we're here to help you 24 hours a day. Don't you have a trusted relative or a highly-valued friend available to pray with you? Let us do the praying for you.
Committed to the Christian principles of honesty and integrity, Pars’ Prayer Warriors are determined to provide you with prompt, courteous and excellent service. And we will continue to foster confidence and a sense of community. We will make extra effort ministering unto those having battling life's problems. When you need prayer, let Pars’ Prayer Warriors do the praying for you. Email at Or call: 562-867-9217 6
According to many religions, a miracle, derived from the old Latin word miraculous meaning 'something wonderful', is a striking interposition of divine intervention by God in the universe by which the operations of the ordinary course of Nature are overruled, suspended, or modified. continued going down so fast, uncontrolled, Hit by Metro Bus like it was going to crash down, sounding like One sunny noon, I was crossing the pedemetals crashing to one another. “O my God, strian lane from my lunch break back to my is the elevator going to crash down” I office, a Metro bus bumped me and I was shouted. I remained on the floor and I started thrown ten feet away. The ambulance took praying Psalm 91 and tried to keep myself me to the nearest hospital. The doctors could calm. Suddenly the elevator stopped in the not believe I had no single broken bone, nor sixteenth floor. After 40 minutes, the door bruises. I was released that very afternoon. opened when the help arrived. The technician What saved my life? My right arm was in a thoroughly checked the elevator and did not position protecting my forehead and my left find anything wrong. It’s a miracle! I know it arm was over my chest when I fell face down was my angel who fixed the elevator and on the ground. I saw a very bright light bestopped the elevator to crash down. fore I lost consciousness. How did that happen? Deep in my heart, I know it was my 99 cents Alarm Clock guardian Angel who positioned my arms, to Could you believe an old 99 cents clock withprotect my head and my chest from the imout batteries and was not set to alarm, pact that could have injured me. There is a sounded on a specific time? It’s impossible humor but ridiculous in this story; after the isn’t it? But with God all things are possible. accident, I received a bill of $500.00 from the That is exactly what happened in 2006. One Metro bus for the damage of their windshield early morning, I had a stroke while I was takthat bumped my head. ing a shower preparing to go to work. Thank Elevator Gongs I was in the elevator going down from the twenty eighth floor of my office building all by myself when suddenly I heard gongs like metal resonant sound while the elevator was going down in each floor. Then it suddenly stopped and I thump down on the floor. I was terrified. I praise and thank the Lord for the presence of mind and was able to use the phone in the elevator to ask for help, but in my dismay to hear that it might take them an hour to arrive. Then the door of the elevator suddenly opened and the people outside just stared at me as if they saw a ghost, paralyzed to extend a helping hand. Before I was able to stand up, the door closed and the elevator
God my wife woke up when she heard an alarm clock sound, but could not believe the sound came from that small alarm clock she already trashed a long time ago. How did it get back on my night stand? When she went to the bathroom she found me lying in the bathtub speechless. She immediately called 911 and I was brought to the nearest hospital. Praise God, in three weeks therapy, I fully recovered. I call this a Divine Intervention. God used His angels to put that clock back on my night stand and made that clock alarm even without the batteries, to wake up my wife to call for help that saved me.
Best Wishes to Thy Kingdom Come 18th Year Anniversary - 2011
cause when you pray, you are turning the
Pray the Scriptures God Cannot Say No!
situation over to God. You're taking the situation out of your hands, and putting it in His hands. You're releasing it to God. These Scripture Prayers you have created according to your needs will even help you memorize Scriptures and won't even realize it until a situation arises, or until someone asks you to pray for them.
Would you like your prayers to be more powerful? Pray the Scriptures. Hebrews 4:12 says that God's Word is alive and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword. When we speak and pray the Scriptures, we are coming into agreement with God, and His power is released to answer our prayers.
Commitment to Pray the Scriptures Most people when they hear the word commitment, their first response is, "I don't have time for another commitment." But if you want your circumstances in your life to change, you need to make a commitment to pray the Scriptures out loud every day. Then you will see how praying with the powerful force of God's Word will cause you to be praying in victory. You will have victory in your life, in your home, and be able to handle situations as easily as Jesus would have handled them.
Maybe you feel like God doesn't hear your prayers? Or maybe you don't know what to pray for in certain situations. Try to gather Bible Scriptures such as 1John 5:14, which tells us we can have confidence in God. Not only does He hear our prayers, but He also promises to answer them when we pray in line with His will. He hastens to perform His Word Benefits of Praying the Scriptures
It doesn't take long to read these prayers, and you can print them out and take them with you, and read them whenever you want. But it is important for you to pray the prayers out loud, even if it is in a whisper, the spoken Word, makes things happen! Why pray your prayers out loud? Because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Praying the Scriptures will increase your spiritual growth. You actually learn what God says about certain situations, and by praying His Word you will see His results. Many people have testified that just by praying the healing scriptures they have been healed, physically as well as mentally. You can live a stress free life if you will only just pray be-
(Ro. 10:17) 9
Christians do not own their own bodies, their bodies are Christ's, bought and paid for by his death. Christians are not free to use their bodies for pleasure and in any way theychoose. They are to glorify God in their bodies and since smoking does not glorify God, smokers are in violation of this precept. In I Corinthians 3:16-17. it says, if any man
defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are?
Quit Smoking By Bro. Pars Ronas
Do you know that the Bible pro-
vides adequate teaching, through principle, about this relatively modern habit of smoking? In I Corinthians 6:19-20, the Apostle Paul wrote to Christians: "Know you not that your
body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have of God, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price: Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's". Much modern evidence shows smoking to be a health hazard to the extend that each package of cigarettes must, by law, bear this message, "Warning: the Surgeon General has determined that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health". Obviously, something dangerous to the health cannot possibly enhance, or build up the body. Smoking is contrary to healthful practices and acts to weaken or destroy the body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
God does not want us destroyed, but he has already created the laws in this universe including the law of health in our body and whoever violate these laws, suffers the consequences. He is not happy when we suffer but there is nothing He can do. This is the reason why God wants us to be obedient that we may be saved from any sickness or pain and from any wiles of the evil one. I empathize with smokers who find quitting difficult- I’ve been there! I believe the smoker who truly loves Christ has good reason to want to quit; and all it takes is to desire it in your heart and the battle is nearly won. Paul wrote in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through
Christ which strengthens me". Pray often for strength; God can intervene just what happened to me. In my case I never decided to quit but my wife desired it in her heart. I suffered the consequences of disobedience but God is so good and faithful in His promise that everything will work together for good to those who love Him. Because I love Him, He intervened and called my attention in order to preserve my good health. In my surprise, I was able to quit smoking without any withdrawals, which I dreaded all along. Alleluia, thanks be to God. The honor and glory be unto Him! Do you believe in the truth that “Health is Wealth?” Then make a decision to quit smoking now! 10
Tithing The Fruit of Your Labor Bible Study WHAT IS THE MEANING OF TITHE?
Generally defined as the tenth part of fruits and profits; one tenth of somebody's income or produce paid voluntarily for the support of a church or Ministry Scripture study: Malachi 3:8-13 Will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, in what have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now with this, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts 1. Will a man rob God, yet you have robbed me… The scripture is saying we are robbing God if we do not give our tithes. Many Christians do not give much attention in this particular scripture but this is part of the bible. If you believe in John 3:16, why can’t you
believe in Malachi 3:8-13? Stealing is a sin, therefore we are committing sin if we don’t tithe. 2. Ye are cursed with a curse: for you have robbed me… In the scriptures, a curse is the application of divine law that allows or brings judgments and their consequences upon a thing, person, or people primarily because of unrighteousness. Curses are a manifestation of God’s divine justice. A cursed state is experienced by those who willfully disobey God and thereby withdraw themselves from the Spirit of the Lord. Our finances do not belong to us, we are just stewards and we are only returning to God (10% of our income) which belongs to him. 10% of our income is not ours. Some people they think they are saving when they don’t give, unfortunately that 10% money that belongs to God will be cursed if we do not return it to him, because we are stealing. One of our church members who is a thither, one time did not give her tights with the excuse that their tenant left and she will be out of budget. What happened, her dog got sick. 11
and she spent $500.00 for the medical expenses. She thought she was saving by not giving her $100.00 tithe instead of saving she lost $400.00 because she robbed God.
can survive through our contributions. He placed a curse if we do not give our tithe. God know the weakness of humans, that is why he is giving this conditions.
Some people say that they cannot afford to give 10% and promises to give once they have more than enough. That will never happen because they are robbing God.
4. Prove Me now with this, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Actually, tithing is more beneficial to the poor because they need money. if they believe that God is not a liar, that God will return what is due to us. He will multiply it a thousand fold according to His promise that He
God says prove me or test me. If you will look at the entire bible, this is the first time he says test me or prove me. He forbids us to test him; He said in the scriptures do not put the Lord into the test, but here he wants us to test him or to try him. Why can’t we try this promise, there is nothing to lose.
will open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Some people invest in business without second thoughts, why people have second thoughts in entrusting their finances to God?
3. Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be food in my house… During the Old Testament, people brings all their tithes to the storehouse so that there will be money to buy food that will feed them. Today, we have enough food, but we need to be fed spiritually. This is the reason why we need to tithe to our church or ministry because it is there where we are being fed spiritually. If we are not fed with the word of God we become spiritually thin, and malnourished. When we encounter trials, or subjected to people who are rude to us, even with our own families, we find so difficult to communicate and are easily prone to bitterness, anger and un-forgiveness. Therefore, in order that our church or ministry will continue to exists and can continue feeding us spiritually with the word of God that we may not be “thin Christians,” we need to support. God knows this is the only way the church or ministry
In this scripture, there are two parts: Cursing and Blessing. If you will read the bible, every promise of God has a condition. Here it explicitly says, if we do not tithe we will be cursed and if we tithe we will be blessed abundantly.
5. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, The devourer is the devil; God will take care of you from the wiles and snares of the evil one, from all sickness and pains. Whatever you are doing from the planning stage to the end it will be fruitful for God will bless your plans according to His will. Full coverage in other words, because we are obedient to him and he knows, this is the hardest thing to do for it concerns giving financially. Remember once we plant in His vineyard, we will harvest for sure.!!!
Question If I cannot really afford what will I do? Pledge and tell God to give you extra money for your tithe. Once you have it, be sure to give it. Some people will promise and once the Lord gives them for their tithe, they forget and instead use that money for other means. We cannot cheat God.
My Personal Experience By Sis. Ant Ronas
My experience in tithing was in a sporadic or inconsistent manner. I would round my tithe down or conveniently forget the tax I paid before I got my pay. At other times, unexpectedly large expenses would arise and I would reduce my tithe or stop it altogether. Behind all this was my hesitancy to really let go and trust God. I didn't tithe properly and consistently because I worried I might not be able to cope financially if I did. During this time I began to realize that the devourer (the devil) was not being rebuked for my sake. God's Word promises He will rebuke the devourer for the sake of the one who tithes but this was not happening for me. On day I was watching a Christian TV program, there was this preacher challenging the audience to try God, “Just pledge any amount even if you still do not have that money and you will see the reality of God’s promise” He said. Without second thoughts, I dialed the number that was flushing in the TV and I was able to get through immediately. The first question I asked the lady who answered, “Is it true I can pledge even I do not have the money yet?” She said “Yes” and then she asked how much will I pledge. I could not believe I said without any hesitation $1,000.00 dollars. A few days after, I got a phone call from my friend who was asking permission to present his business presentation in our prayer meeting. I told him, we are discouraging this for we do not mix business with worship and bible study. I didn‟t want to disappoint him so instead I invited him to present in our home. I was not able to say no and found myself signing up in his business selling raw land which means there is no zoning yet. I mentioned to my close friend about this venture and after a week she called and said she has a
buyer. She said this man is in the business of buying land for investment. I wasn‟t ready to sell something I myself was not convinced, so I called the prospect and told him I will try to find out if the price of that piece of land is comparable so that he will not blame me later, but he said he already did a survey and he already signed the papers my friend gave him. The mode of payment was installment payable in eight years but he said he was able to get a loan and would rather pay cash the whole amount. I thanked God for the whole commission I got. One afternoon, I was going to Walmart, I could not find my car keys, so I ended up lying in my bed that afternoon with my TV on. When I was dozing off, I saw that same preacher again talking directly to the TV viewers. It‟s funny „cause I was actually like talking back to him with sarcasm. “It‟s you again, what happened with the $1,000.00 I pleeee, I did not finish saying pledge because it dawned on me immediately, I just got my commission of $7,500.00 for the sale of that piece of land. Wow!, I got up and begun to shout, “Oh God it‟s true, it‟s true!” I got excited making out the $1,000.00 dollar pledge and mailed it that afternoon. After experiencing this, I finally decided I couldn't possibly lose anything by accurately giving a tithe of everything that came in. The moment I made a quality decision to do this, a breakthrough came immediately. I felt a total reassurance inside that I was going to have all my expenses met without ever having to go short. I decided to open an account “From the Lord” and up to this time, God is protecting that account, it never got into the red, there is always blessing coming in that account, praise God! My tithing has been transformed. It had been a half-hearted token gesture to my dependence on God. Now it is a joyful experience in which I expect God's protection over our finances and treat it as an important way to keep God's windows of blessing open over us. 13
Wishing Thy Kingdom Come Happy 18th Year Anniversary From: Ronas - Babaran family
th G Grreeeettiinnggss ttoo TThhyy KKiinnggddoom m CCoom mee 1188th YYeeaarr
from the Agustin Family
Winning the Race By the Power of the Holy Spirit
ust as Paul ran his race—his life’s course—there’s also a race marked out for you.
God has charted that course and only you can run it. Only by pressing in to win your race will you see the fullness of God’s provision in your life. And let me add: God didn’t choose you for that race based on your ability, intellect, or anything you could do in the natural. He planned to empower you with His ability to do the job that He prepared for you. It’s in the weakness of your natural ability that He can show Himself strong. Don’t be deceived into thinking someone else can run your race. No one can run another person’s race. If we knew the races marked out for everyone ahead of time, we’d probably choose other people to run them. We would think, Not that
person—they’ll never make it!
Let me tell you how God picks people for their tasks: He looks at the heart. He doesn’t always choose from the greatest universities. It’s difficult for Him to use those who think they can handle situations in their own wisdom and strength. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him” 16
(2 Chronicles 16:9). In this verse, perfect means “devoted, consecrated, dedicated, loyal, and faithful.” I want to tell you something that will take a lot of pressure off you and will release faith action: The race you have been chosen to run is impossible to finish on your own. Everything we’re chosen to do is impossible because God wants it done by faith. It took a lot of pressure off me when I realized God never intended for us to know how to do what He tells us to do. He never intended for me nor Pars to know how to go on our Ministry. He intended to do it through us. He knows how! We just have to do what we’re told. Our part is to maintain our fellowship with Him. His part is to do the work through us. When you’re in God, you’re in over your head all the time. Get used to it and keep on pressing in. Alleluia, to God be the Glory!
The Wholeness of Man B Byy A Anntt R Roonnaass
and peace and physical and emotional healing.If a person is able to sense intuitively that he is losing energy because of a stressful situation to the material world and then act to correct that loss of energy, then 2nd Genital, Sex, or Sacral the likelihood of that stress developing into lessons related to sexuality, physical crisis is reduced, if not eliminated comwork, and physical desire pletely. An individual must learn to enter into 3nd Navel or Solar Plexus consciousness that every illness corresponds to a lessons related to the ego, pattern of emotional and psychological stresses, personality, and self-esteem beliefs and attitudes that have influenced corresponding areas of the human body. 4th Heart - lessons related to People rarely choose consciously to create an love, forgiveness, and comillness, rather illness develops as a consequence passion of behavioral patterns and attitudes that we do th 5 Throat - lessons related not realize are biologically toxic until they have to will and self-expression already become so. Only when illness forces us 6th Brow or Third Eye - lessons related to mind, intuito view our attitudes do we come close to comtion, insight, and wisdom prehending that our day-to-day fearful or bitter 7th Crown - lessons related to attitudes are in fact spirituality biologically negative People rarely choose consciously substances. To create negative to create an illness; rather, illness disease, an is composed of emotions have to be spirit, soul and body. develops as a consequence of dominant and what Each area of the anataccelerates the behavioral patterns and attitudes process is knowing omy of man needs energy on a specific dethe negative thoughtailed frequency and when we are healthy, ts to be toxic but giving it permission to thrive in all are in “Tune� The area of the body that your consciousness anyway. This is very comis not transmitting energy at its normal mon with Christians who already know the Word frequency indicates a problem or illness. A of God and still give in to the carnal mind, but if change in intensity of the frequency indi- only we will allow the Holy Spirit to help is to cates a change in the nature and serious- discern our behavioral patterns within a spiritual ness of the illness and reveals the stress context, thus we can see through our spiritual pattern that has contributed to the devel- senses by the power of the Holy Spirit to help opment of the illness. us, in seeing and understanding oneself, other people and life itself and the limitless potential There is a link between physical, emotional and for healing and wholeness. spiritual stresses to physical illness. Certain emotional and spiritual crisis corresponds quite In this study I am sharing how to determine the specifically to problems in certain parts of the major changes you need to be whole. If you are body. It is important to identify the patterns of seeing some symptoms within your spirit, soul or your life and the deep interworking of your body, these vortexes of energy mind, body and spirit. It can bring pleasure 17 The 7 Circulars Vortex of the Energy 1st Root base- lessons related
(or sometimes pictured as flowers with petals) starting from your tail bone, and ending at the crown of your head which are the focal points of your life force, or prana–and their individual states are vital to your holistic well-being. Consider this, if we are all energetic beings of limitless potential, why do we face challenges in so many aspects of our lives? Why do our relationships, finances, career and sex life sometimes goes awry? The answer may be that the ENERGY controlling this part of your life is dysfunctional–which means it’s your job to strengthen it. It holds the key to virtually everything you’ve ever wanted in life. Have you ever wondered how some people can be so vibrant and energetic? It is because their entire vortex is balance. When one is sick, it means there is some part of our being that is not in tune. The Physical Dysfunction due to Emotional or Mental Issues: 1
st Vortex
Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer, depression, immune-related disorders
Emotional/Mental Issues: Physical family & group safety and security, ability to provide life's necessities, ability to stand up for self, feeling sense of belonging, social & familial law and order nd Vortex
2 Sexual potency or lack of, urinary problems, chronic lower back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn problems, pelvic/low back pain Emotional/Mental Issues: Blame and guilt, money and sex, power and control, creativity, ethics and honor in relationships rd Vortex
3 Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancretis/diabetes, indigestion - chronic or function, hepatitis, adrenal dysfunction. Emotional/Mental Issues Trust, fear and intimidation, self-esteem, selfconfidence & self-respect, care of self and others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, personal honor.
th Vortex
4 Congestive heart failure, heart attack, mitral valve prolapsed, cardiomegaly, asthma/allergy, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, upper back, shoulder, breast cancer Emotional/Mental Issues: Love and hatred, resentment and bitterness, grief and anger, self-centeredness, loneliness commitment, forgiveness and compassion, hope and trust. th Vortex
5 Raspy throat, chronic sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, joint problems, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid problems. Emotional/Mental Issues: Choice & strength of will, personal expression, following your dream, using personal power to create, addiction, judgment & criticism, faith & knowledge, capacity to make decisions th Vortex
6 Brain tumor / hemorrhage / stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, Emotional/Mental Issues: Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to the ideas of others, ability to learn from experience, emotional intelligence th Vortex
7 Energetic disorders, mystical depression, chronic exhaustion not linked to a physical disorder, extreme sensitivities to light, sound and other environmental factor. Emotional/Mental Issues: Ability to trust life, values, ethics, and courage, humanitarianism, selflessness, ability to see the larger picture, faith and inspiration, spirituality and devotion. If you have woven your spirit into negative things, there is a need to retreat for a while, pull your spirit back and learn to walk straight again, if you want to be in good health. You need the spiritual Grace of God to assist you.
Understanding Your Energy System In the field of holistic health, energy medicine and energy psychology are growing rapidly. But in order to heal with energy effectively, we must first understand the nature of our energy system and how to support yourself in maintaining vital life-force energy, otherwise known as “chi” in Chinese. What do I mean by that? Everyone has an invisible energy system that flows energy on pathways or meridians. These same meridians have multiple pressure points that have been a means of working with the energy to keep it flowing. Acupressure, acupuncture, and reflexology are the more common modalities we have in the Western world. When your energy is leaking, weak, or frozen you feel depleted, heavy and even stuck! When you are energy-depleted and challenged, it is more difficult to manage your emotions, think positive thoughts, stay healthy and attract harmony to your life. There was a woman who was bedridden due to a severe case of chronic fatigue. For eight weeks working with her body’s energy system to restore it to good health, and learning on how to take care of her own energy health, today, she is out of bed and fully active! Her parents call it a miracle! Because anyone can attain amazing holistic health. For those of you who doubt that, here is something you ought to know. Our energy responds very quickly when we know what to do to correct it. After all, it’s just energy. Everyone has an invisible energy system called
vortex. The word vortex means energy disc, or wheel. There are seven energy stations positioned from the base of your spine to the top of your head. These wheels of energy compose the 7 primary vortex energy’s that each play a big role in every aspect of your life and well-being. In energy health, if you are losing or leaking energy at the base vortex located at the bottom of your spine, you may feel depression, anxiety and exhaustion. If any of these are frozen or weak, different areas of your life will be more challenging depending on which vortex is weak. 3 Easy Ways to Vitalize Your Vortex for Better Energy Health Here are the three very simple things you can do to vitalize and energize your energy to achieve the level of holistic energy health you’ve always wanted. 1. Patch your Base Vortex energy leaks When there is a leak, you have to patch it. Many people are energy-depleted because they are not able to hold enough life force energy or “chi”. In this energy condition, you are flushing energy down and away from you, much like a toilet flushes water down. In order to maintain good energy health, you want energy spiraling up into your base vortex. Here’s one way you can do it in 4 easy steps: Close your eyes and imagine you can see the energy leaking out of your tailbone. Imagine a patch large enough to cover the leak. Place the patch over the leak. Imagine you can go beneath the energy and reverse the flow to spiral it up into your body through your tailbone. 19
2. Open up your Crown Vortex Why is this important? Life force energy is also fed to us through our crown vortex. The crown vortex is located on the top of your head. We maintain higher life force energy when our crown vortex is open and active. When the crown vortex is closed or weak, we feel a lack of vitality and direction in our lives. As a result we look to others rather than our own spiritual compass for guidance. Here’s a simple, but very effective way to open up your crown vortex to receive energy in abundance: + Place the finger tips of each of your hands on the top of your forehead where your hairline starts. Your fingertips should be touching. + Now pull your fingertips away from each other as though you were opening up your crown. + Move your fingers 2 inches above the starting point and repeat the same movement. + Do this over the entire crown of your head until you reach the nape of your neck. Take 3 deep breaths to anchor in this opening.
+ Place the palm of your right hand on your solar plexus, rotating your palm in a clockwise direction while repeating: “I am powerful, I am the will of creating what I want.” + Repeat these steps 2 or 3 more times. Your vortex energy is one of your most powerful and important energy systems. I highly recommend you study this system in more detail to change the results of your life. Whether you are a veteran student of energy medicine or brand new to this information, the vortex energy system is one of the most important to understand how to work with. The Seven Vortex (energy) System 1. Gain a newfound drive in your career, get rewarded for being so good at it, and find yourself effortlessly attracting abundance when you strengthen your Root Vortex 2. Frequently indulge in passionate sex with your partner and enjoy mind-blowing orgasms when you strengthen your Sacral Vortex 3. Be more confident and charismatic in your career and personal life, and empower those around you when you strengthen your Personal Power Vortex
3. Activate your third Vortex Disruption of the flow of your life force energy occurs when a vortex is frozen or weak. It is common for individuals to have a frozen or weak third vortex.
4. Enjoy deeper, more loving and more empathic relationships at home, at work and in your community when you strengthen your Heart Vortex.
The third vortex represents your will, power, confidence and sense of self. This results in a lack of confidence and will to move forward enthusiastically with towards your goals. The third vortex energy wheel is located 2 inches above the navel in the solar plexus area. These simple steps will help you activate your third vortex energy effectively:
5. Strengthen your communication skills, and gain a strong conviction to speak your mind when you strengthen your Throat Vortex.
+ Rub your palms together swiftly creating static electricity.
7. Experience an unbreakable connection to a higher power and your spiritual self when you strengthen your Crown Vortex. 20
6. Boost your intuition, make better decisions in your career and personal life, and have a clear sense of your true purpose when you strengthen your Intuitive Vortex.
Benefit of Eating Okra (Lady's Finger) A guy has been suffering from constipation for the past 20 years and recently from acid reflux. He didn't realize that the treatment could be so simple -- OKRA! (or Lady's Finger). He started eating okra within the last 2 months and since then have never taken medication again. All he did was consume 6 pieces of OKRA everyday.
Half cup of cooked okra. Okra is a rich source of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin B6 and folic acid. He got the following numbers from the University of Illinois Extension Okra Page Please check there for more details. Okra Nutrition (half-cup cooked okra) * Calories = 25 * Dietary Fiber = 2 grams * Protein = 1.5 grams * Carbohydrates = 5.8 grams * Vitamin A = 460 IU * Vitamin C = 13 mg * Folic acid = 36.5 micrograms * Calcium = 50 mg * Iron = 0.4 mg * Potassium = 256 mg * Magnesium = 46 mg *
He's now regular and his blood sugar has dropped from 135 to 98, with his cholesterol and acid reflux also under control. Here are some facts on okra (from the research of Ms. Sylvia Zook, PH.D nutrition), University of Illinois. *Okra is a powerhouse of valuable nutrients, nearly half of which is soluble fiber in the form of gums and pectins. Soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease.
*These numbers should be used as a guideline only, and if you are on a medicallyrestricted diet please consult your physician and/or dietician. Ms Sylvia W. Zook, Ph.D. (nutritionist) has very kindly provided the following thought-provoking comments on the many benefits of this versatile vegetable. They are well worth reading
The other half is insoluble fiber which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy,
decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colo-rectal cancer. Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid is also present in a
1. The superior fiber found in okra helps to stabilize blood sugar as it curbs the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract. 2. Okra's mucilage not only binds cholesterol but bile acid carrying toxins dumpedinto it by the filtering liver. But it doesn't stop there... 3. Many alternative health practitioners believe all diseases begin in the colon. The okra fiber, absorbing water and ensuring bulk in stools, helps prevent constipation . Fiber in general is helpful for this but okra is one of the best, along with ground flax seed and psyllium. Unlike harsh wheat bran, which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, okra's mucilage soothes , and okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic many people abhor. In other words, this incredibly valuable vegetable not only binds excess cholesterol and toxins
(in bile acids) which cause numerous health problems, if not evacuated, but also assures their easy passage from the body. The veggie is completely non-toxic, non-habit forming (except for the many who greatly enjoy eating it), has no adverse side effects, is full of nutrients, and is economically within reach of most. 4. Further contributing to the health of the intestinal tract, okra fiber(as well as flax and psyllium) has no equal among fibers for feeding the good bacteria (probiotics). 5. To retain most of okra's nutrients and selfdigesting enzymes, it should be cooked as little as possible, e.g. with low heat or lightly steamed. Some eat it raw. Some important benefits of consuming okra: - Stabilizes blood sugar level. - Lowers serum cholesterol level. - Prevents constipation. - Keeps intestinal tract healthy. -Feeds good bacteria residing in us all.
BEAR MOUNTAIN GETAWAY 1377 Clubview Dr. Big Bear Lake, Ca.
This bright and cozy condo is on the slope of Bear Mountain Resort. It’s a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bathroom. The master bedroom has spectacular views of the slopes that are just breathtaking. There is a Jacuzzi in front patio, Bar-B-Q, washer/dryer, dish washer, TV and internet. Has a community spa, Tennis courts.
H Haappppyy 1188tthh YYeeaarr ttoo TTK KCC GGrreeeettiinnggss ffrroom m LLiinnddaa GGuuttiieerrrreezz 22
The scriptures says "Many are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they reject knowledge" (Isaiah 4:6) "Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh, and strength to your bones." (Proverbs 3:7-8)
Health is Wealth
We can maintain a healthy body, along with a young body and a sharp mind if we so desire. It is within our power because God has placed that power in our own hands. And when we take care of God's creation (our physical bodies) as God intended, the potential for not being sick, will be greatly increased! Many are suffering everyday from illnesses created by a lack of real nutrition and the toxicity from unnatural, processed, and other unhealthy foods, and also stress induced disease. There are ways to control stress in your life and you alone could significantly reduce your risk.
By Ant Ronas The healing power of plant foods comes from vital nutrients called photochemical. Photochemical, such as antioxidants and polysaccharides, offer enormous promise in the fight to maintain optimal health.
The truth is that we really do have Miraculous self-healing bodies! God gave us the blue prints for health and success in this physical grace and through His guidance in the Bible –we only need to be obedient to His laws to experience His wonders.
"For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord. (Jer. 30:17) God wants us healthy and strong in every single area of our life. He wants us to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. It is God's will and desire for us to walk in health, prosperity and wisdom. He wants His people to be well and free from the bondages of pain, sickness, and care. Free from the worries and woes of this earthly life.
When you know, practice and proclaim these truths, you transform your life by setting yourself free from the bondage of disease, and you become an example of health and wholeness to everyone around you.
Jesus gave His life in the cross so that we could be well. He was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) He wants us to be healthy and strong as a witness in these last days to a world that's filled with terror--a witness of His love, His grace, and His power. We're living in a time where knowledge is an absolute necessity. There's no more time to be uninformed and unprepared for the devil's attacks.
Yes, you now have the knowledge necessary to take control of your health, and thus the course and future of your very own life! May you make a wise choice! One that will Not only benefit you and your family, but Please the One who created you!" “Food Has the amazing power to both Create and destroy health.”
Did You Know? 5) Have lots of essential minerals and vitamins. Manganese, copper, potassium, iron, Vitamin – E, C, B6, B2, and A. Its like a combination of rice and vegetables in a single package. But eating camote repeatedly is boring, have an alternate or try to mix it with other healthy foods. Heat will not remove the nutrients.
Camote is One of the World’s Healthiest Food
6) An effective detoxifying agent. It adsorbs heavy metals and takes it out of the system. Metals such as lead, arsenic and mercury accumulate in our body due to consumption of commercially processed foods. They should be taken out before harming any tissues.
Today, Camote should be part of diet even if
you have more money to buy or prepare expensive dishes. Camote is the world’s healthiest food, this is according to statement of North Atlantic Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging. The tuber is indeed healthy due to following reasons: 1) An energy food because of high carbohydrate contents. It can replace rice in diet. But Filipinos cannot do the switch because we are rice eating country. 2) Good for diabetics. It helps stabilize blood sugar levels by increasing adiponectin, an important factor of insulin metabolism. It has moderate glycemic index of 50. 3) High in dietary fiber and low fat content. Good for the heart and tummy. Fibers help reduce bad cholesterol and ease bowel movement. 4) Deep colored yellow camote contains lutein and beta carotene. Antioxidants to prevent rapid aging and maintain good eyesight. Eat yellow camote instead of taking eye supplement. 24
Need a Cooker? Use Your Cell Phone! Recently, experiment, researchers placed one egg in a porcelain cup (because it is easy to conduct heat), and put one cell phone on one side and another cell phone on the other. The researchers then called from one cell phone to another and kept the cell phones on after connecting. After 65 minutes, the whole egg was well cooked. The study shows how scary cell phone radiation is. People should try to avoid use of cell phones. Although so far no one has proved the radiation from cell phones can cause something clinically significant. by the same token, there has been no one who can disprove the existence of such a risk. Children should be forbidden from cell phone use because they still grow their brains and are particularly vulnerable to radiation. 2004-2005 by unless otherwise specified.
whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. (Phil 4:8)
“The Secret Formula of the Bible” The Theory of Vibration (Law of Attraction) By Ant Ronas
I’ve been hearing about vibration and energy and I knew all the time this has something to do with science & metaphysics, but I never thought there is a link with the study of the Bible. Truth is, not too long ago I was so skeptic at the ideas about The Law of Attraction. I have written them off as "New Age theory." My skepticism slowly but surely cut me off from any sense of wonder and possibility. A thought eventually popped into my head that changed everything. The thought was this: "If I can only apply to my life what I currently believe, which are all in the Bible, I have already reached my full potential” This thought literally pulled my life out of the grips of skepticism and made it possible for me to entertain ideas I would have otherwise dismissed out of hand. Thoughts from the scriptures that is full of promise, power and hope. Ideas that can make us greater than we are and more powerful than we might imagine ourselves to be. This secret I want to share with you in this article. In my research I learned basically when you concentrate, the vibrations are stronger; your thoughts are cosmic waves of energy that penetrate all time and space (vibrations). Thought is the most potent vibration and remember that we can think …that makes us a very special creation (God’s greatest masterpiece). We should always be delighted with our self. (All creation begins in thought.) Our thought controls the vibration our physical body is in. The scripture says: Finally, brothers
and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely,
Attracting abundance is knowledge. As any other skill people have, manifesting is no different from playing the piano or flipping pancakes in the air. How good you are at it depends on how efficient you have become at performing it. Law of attraction says that all your thoughts, all images in your mind, and all the feelings connected to your thoughts will later manifest as your reality. In other words; everything you have in your life - now - has been attracted to you thru your mind. This includes both the things you are happy with and those you are not - is your own creation. Most importantly it means; you can from now on create your life consciously. You can start attracting only those circumstances that creates happiness for you - and leave out those you do not desire. Guess what else has a specific vibrational frequency? Millionaires, people with flourishing relationship, people that are happy and optimistic, and people that is fit and healthy. So if you want to manifest an ideal relationship, all you need to do is change your own vibration to that of someone that has a prosperous and loving relationship. How do you do this? Observe how people with great relationships live and act. Then adopt it yourself. Watch someone who is charming and funny. Watch a couple that is so deeply in love with one another. Find out what characteristics they have that is getting them that relationship, and then do the same thing. If you want to become a millionaire, you have to adopt the mindset of a millionaire. Would a millionaire be afraid of starting a company or making an investment? No, millionaires generally tend to jump at such opportunities, and if you want to be a millionaire you should too. Do millionaires spend their time worrying about money
and telling themselves that they can’t afford any of the things that they want? Of course they don’t! I’m not telling you to be irresponsible with your money here (millionaires aren’t irresponsible with money either)
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs 18:21)
Think positively, for as long as you believe and act like you are poor and struggling, guess what? You are vibrating at the level of someone that is poor and struggling and that will be your reality and it remains there. And if you keep on confessing your sickness it means you don’t believe you will be healed, the energy vibrates and it is difficult to be healed. The Bible says: If you believe, you
will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. (Mark 21:22)
I hope you understand how the law of vibration works now. It is very important in the manifestation process that you start reading the Bible, claim the Word, meditate and confess it in your mouth until you believe it to get yourself into alignment with what you really want in your life. The scripture says: So
shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.( Isaiah 55:11) In Romans 10:17 says: So faith comes
from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ The formula of answered prayer is in the Bible. God created this energy for a purpose, to vibrate at the frequency whenever we confess and believe His promises. The word BELIEVE, FAITH, CONFESS, are the attitude that we should set our mind. There is one big thing that people constantly mess up when they use the law of attraction: action. The scriptures say “Faith without action is dead.”(James 2:17) Yes, sometimes you can set an intention for more money or an ideal relationship or better health, 26
but you are probably not going to become a millionaire, meet your soul-mate, or get the body of your dreams if you just sit on the couch all day watching TV and eating junk food. Does this mean that the secret doesn’t work? No, the secret does work. You just need to be willing to take action to make your dreams a reality. There is no dump truck full of gold that will come to your house if only you visualized hard enough. Mr. or Miss Right isn’t going to hunt you down and break down your door if you’re not doing anything with your life. And no matter how much you believe in it, the fast food and pizza diet isn’t going to make you thin and healthy. When using the law of attraction, action will often be required. You might have to do something to earn the money, catch the eye of that special someone, or get healthy. We have the Holy Spirit whose one role is to teach us to do the right thing. He will inspire us also to visualize and think positive thoughts and act upon them. But if you keep doing these things long enough without action, you will start to be drawn to do things you might otherwise not do. For example -if you want to buy a house, you might see signs telling you about an open house in the neighborhood you want to live in, or you might meet a real estate agent, it is important to find out what he can do for you and what your options are. This is the law of attraction in action! The scriptures says:… what use is it,
my brothers, for a man to say he "has faith" if his actions do not correspond with it? (James 2:14-26)
So you see when you use the law of attraction, action is required. If you do all the inner work to get your thinking straight by reading and claiming God’s promises until your mind has been renewed, all the actions you need to take will seem so easy and effortless for the Word of God becomes a part of your mind and action. Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase just take the first step-- BELIEVE, have FAITH, CONFESS in your lips and act upon it.
Where Do You Put Yourself In Your List of Priorities?
the semantics of putting yourself second, think of it as preparation to serve others. For example, If I don’t feed myself spiritually, I don’t have the spiritual resources necessary to share with others. This is why I read the Bible and pray daily. If I don’t look after my own health and become sick, I am not much use to my family or my employees. This is why I run and try to eat nutritionally sound food. If I don’t make time for reading great books, I don’t have the intellectual resources I need to share with others. If I don’t make the effort to work through my own emotional wounds, I end up reacting to others instead of being in a position to minister to them. This is why I think counseling and therapy can be a valuable exercise for most people. If I don’t get sufficient rest, I get grumpy. No one wants to be around me. This is why I try to sleep a solid seven hours every night. In addition, I want to model how to take care of myself, so that the people under my influence will take care of themselves. Some Christians insist on putting themselves at the bottom of their priority list. I think this springs from a false—and dangerous—piety. We are in a much better position to serve others when our basic needs are met.
If you are a Christian, God obviously comes first. Jesus said, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). He is the ultimate priority. Until He is first, everything else will seem out of kilter. But who comes second. You know, after God? This is where it gets tricky. I believe you come next. That’s where I put myself, and I make no apologies for it. That means before my family, friends, and career. Even before my ministry. I don’t think this is because I am selfish or ego-centric. Then why do I do it? “Because I can’t take care of anyone else unless I take care of myself.” If you travel much, you have no doubt heard the flight attendant say some version of the following: In the event of a change in cabin pressure, panels above your head will open revealing oxygen masks. Pull the mask down toward you to activate the flow of oxygen. Cover your nose and mouth with the mask. Place the elastic band around your head and continue to breathe normally. Remember to secure your own mask before assisting others.” This is how I look at life. I have to attend to myself first (and God above me), in order to be spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically available to others. If you have trouble with 27
Your Body is God’s Temple
the blame off themselves. Staying healthy is the key to staying on course. Without good health, it is impossible to accomplish your goals. That is why it is so important to take care of your body which is God’s temple and you should treat it as such.
By Sis Ant Ronas
We are responsible to take care of God's temple (our body). The picture above is the church building. We are the church (temple) of the Holy Spirit; we are members of God’s body.
If you are out of shape and overweight, then try to incorporate a time to exercise during the day. Now a days, people are very busy because of work and family life, but it only takes thirty minutes each day to exercise, before you go to work or during the evening time when you get off work. Also try healthier meals and pay close attention to what you eat. If you have a hectic schedule and tend to eat out a lot, then be more selective as to what you eat. Instead of eating hamburgers try eating a grilled chicken sandwich. Try to avoid fried greasy foods. Just think about the grease and where all of that grease is going in your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19 says: Do you not know
that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.
Laziness and becoming a fat slob is not being a good steward of what God has given us. Some people could exercise at least 20 minutes every day and be helping their body stay healthy. Sad to say many people eat junk food and never exercise and then blame God for their sickness and disease. What audacity! If you never do any maintenance on your body like exercise, then you have absolutely no right to even suggest that God is to blame for what you brought upon yourself due to slothfulness and laziness. America in particular, is a country that has many, many fat people ( forgive me for being so blunt) who have doctors to make excuses for them. They give them all kinds of fancy titles for their sin (gluttony), that way to take
In order to lead a good, well or satisfying life, you need a positive philosophy toward the major components in your life. These components are your attitude, health: physical, emotional, spiritual and communications: sensing the world and social interactions; activities, vocation and Leisure You can attain satisfaction in each of these items, leading to a happy and healthy life. This means you must set objective standards regarding your health framed by what God's Word says – not by how you "feel,” For a Change 28
Best Wishes to Thy Kingdom Come 18th Year
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You are Snared by Your Words
Though you still don't have it, confession precedes possession. You must confess God's Word to bring the thing you desire into the realm of reality (Heb.11:1). You must believe your words. You must believe the Word of God in your heart and then you must confess the Word of God in your lips.
By Ant Ronas
Have you heard of the scripture in Proverbs 6:2 that we are snared by the words of our mouth? Another word for snared is trap, or imprisoned. You will either rise or fall according to the level of your confession. If you continually tell yourself “I can do anything I put my mind to” and you believe it in your heart, the scripture says, you can do all things through Jesus Christ who will strengthen you.
Have you ever visited someone going through a test or a trial and all they talked about are doubt, unbelief, and failure? You probably went away feeling like a spirit of depression was trying to attack you. Well, if what others say affects you, how much more in what you say can affect you? So many Christians defeat themselves by spending long hours telling others how many mistakes they've made; how great their problems are, and how weak their faith is. The more they talk this way, their problems will be magnified and their faith weakens.
Though you may not be aware there is spiritual behind your confession and believing, it will still work, for your faith will move you to do in what you believe. On the other hand, if you believe and confess you can’t do it, the moment you say that, you are defeated; doubt will come in and bind you. You are imprisoned by your negative words.
Instead of diagnosing your own case by looking at it through your natural eyes, let God's Word diagnose your case. Believe and speak what God's Word says. Instead of saying, "I don't have much faith," say, "I have the same spirit of faith as it is written, I believe therefore I speak" (2 Cor. 4:13).
When you talk defeat, you are saying, "God cannot put me over." But God is the God who is more than enough! He can put you over in every situation in life! We as Christians need to become God-inside minded. We need to continually proclaim with our words that "greater is He (Jesus) that is in you, than he (Satan) that is in the world" (1John 4:4). Cultivate the habit of dwelling upon the things of God in your thought life (Phil. 4:8). Learn to use words that will edify your own spirit—words that are positive and faith-filled.
Faith can grow and it should grow. The Word of God is faith food. You need to feed upon the Word and exercise your faith in order for your faith to grow. And a part of growing in faith is learning to fill your mouth with words that are in line with God's Word. Realize that your words dominate you. Whether your words are filled with faith or doubt, they will dominate the circumstances of your life. Your words will make you a victor or they will keep you a captive.
Our confession is a vital part of our faith. In Hebrews 11:6 tells us that God demands that we have faith in order to please Him. You need to realize that confession precedes possession. Most people want to possess the blessing first and then they'll confess it. But notice Jesus said, "He shall have whatsoever he saith" (Mark
So learn to talk in line with the Word of God. Confess the scriptures that promise you the things you desire over and over. Let the scriptures register in your spirit. Your faith will rise to the level of your confession, and you'll experience victory over your circumstances for a change—because faith in God works!
Whining may announce that you are not satisfied with God's blessings in this moment (as the complaint against manna showed, Num. 11:4: The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelites started wailing and said, “If only we had meat to eat!
Complaining & Murmuring By Sis.Ant Ronas
Grumbling may indicate you are unhappy- I didn't get my way (1 Kings 21:3-4), or it may show that while you are obeying God in form you are doing so only under pressure and unhappily. in 1 Peter 4:9 says: Offer hos-pitality to one another without grumbling. All of these betray a lack of trust in God, His ways, His timing, His blessings and His wisdom. Perpetual murmuring shows something deeply wrong in our spirituality.
“And the people complained against Moses,
saying, 'What shall we drink?” (Exodus 15:23-24). It was not the last time Israel would grumble about Moses, his leadership, or the provisions for their time in the wilderness. In what becomes an all too predictable pattern Israel whines and fusses about nearly everything. Murmuring becomes their hallmark. Murmuring and complaining go on today among God's people.
It is not hard to remedy grumbling. First, you must acknowledge your own ego problem. Am I too self-centered or too determined to have my own way? Do I expect too much from God or others? Second, I must learn to think before I speak. Is what I am saying When I am in the midst positive, edifying, and deof such abundance how signed to build up? Third, I must learn to count my can I whine about what blessings.
Let's learn why people murmur and complain, why it offends God, and how to overcome it. The hard truth is that people murmur and complain because they have far too high an estimate of is missing? themselves. Their own selfimportance has become inflated to the point where when things don't go the way they wanted they are not afraid to say something about it. I am important, I deserve, I need - the big I is the heart of all complaining.
Show me a complaining Christian and I will show you an ineffective, unhappy saint. We cannot be an example to non-Christians and a help to our brethren when we are constantly directing everyone's attention to how miserable you are. Let's watch what we say - it may be saying more about us than we realize! "Do all things without complaining" (Phil 2:14). You want answered prayers? Stop complaining and murmuring or you will never reach the promised land (answered prayers).
Complaining offends God deeply. For forty years Israel's non-stop complaining revealed their hearts were not right. The Hebrew writer quotes this very psalm to warn us today of an evil heart of unbelief (3:12), showing how God still recognizes murmuring as a heart problem. What the complainer says out loud is simply a reflection of a heart that is corrupted.
The word of God Later Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron: "Because YOU did not show faith in me to sanctify me before the eyes of the sons of Israel, therefore YOU will not bring this congregation into the land that I shall certainly give them. (Num. 20:12)
In Matthew 12:34 says” You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say any thing good? For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. 31
Trip to Barona supporting GAAF Fundraising - 2011
Benefit in Praising Man in All Things By Ant Ronas happen. Be generous with your praise. Praise makes others more open to persuasion.
Sincere praise and compliments can have a powerful effect on people. Praise boosts one's self-esteem. When you genuinely give praise, it releases energy in the other person. When you receive sincere compliments or praise, you get a smile on your face, your spirits soar, and you have a new aura about you.
Just a caution, always be sincere. Even the most cunning flatterer is ultimately detected and discovered. Complimenting someone sincerely for something small is better than complimenting someone insincerely for something big and grand. Often it is more effective to praise the specific act rather than the person. This way, your praise is attached to something distinct and concrete. It is harder to be interpreted as flattery or favoritism when there is a specific and concrete thing you have praised. General compliments may have temporary effect, and may create even more insecurity in the recipient because that person is often not really sure what they did to deserve the compliment. Then they feel pressure to live up to the standard you have set, even though they're not sure how or why it was set. They may even subconsciously fear that you will retract the praise because they don't know how to keep it. It is also a good practice to praise man whom we see, in order to learn to praise God whom we do not see‌
Why people give beautiful eulogies and have to wait until someone is dead to say something nice about them? As Ra1ph Waldo Emerson put it, "Every man is entitled to be valued by his best moments. We all wear an imaginary badge that says, "Please make me feel important." It is criminal, bluntly I say to withhold our praise, yet then when we see something wrong, we jump down with the mistakes of people. "The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them." We should make it a habit to give genuine praise to someone every time we have an opportunity. Don't wait for a reason or for something big to 33
Prophetic Signs That we are in The End Times The Bible gives many examples of signs that should warn us of the coming end of the age. Six such signs are given by Jesus, two characteristics are given by Paul, and eleven other occurrences are given by the prophets to occur prior to or soon after the end of the age. While we are also told we will not know the time of the End, God obviously wanted us to know when that time was getting closer. It would take a few signs to wake us up and remind us that we have work to do. Unfortunately, many Christians take the verses that tell us we won't know the time of His coming to mean they should ignore any and all scripture that might warn us of this time of tribulation. It is increasingly obvious that the time of our Lord's coming is drawing near. Prophecy is being fulfilled daily, and at a faster pace than ever before. Whether you believe in a pretribulation rapture, or believe Christians will be witness to the full tribulation, wrath, and final judgments, matters not. The beginning of birth pains and the signs of the times should have the same effect on all of us. It should motivate us to save as many souls as we can in the time that we have left. The Great Commission tells us to be disciples to all nations, bringing the message of salvation through Christ to all people. If the Church is ruptured before the tribulation, it is important that we leave behind an explanation for the trials and judgments those left behind will face. How else will they recognize the deception of the anti-Christ and seek instead the truth of the Bible? If we are to endure the tribulation alongside them, we will need to be prepared to not only share the message of salvation, but share with them the reasons for God's judgment and hold it up as further proof of their need to be saved.
Below is a study of the prophetic signs God gave us as a warning of the approaching end of the age. Many of them are being fulfilled now and many will be fulfilled in the near future. I would encourage you to study prophecy, know what is coming and be prepared to share it with others. SIX SIGNS GIVEN BY JESUS TO INDICATE HIS COMING AND THE END OF THE AGE In Matthew24:3 Jesus was asked, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the age?" Jesus told his apostles to look for the following signs prior to his second coming and the end of the age.
1. FALSE PROPHETS AND CHRISTS Matthew 24:5 "For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and will mislead many."
2. WARS Matthew 24:6 "And you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars; see that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end."
3. FAMINES Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes."
4. EARTHQUAKES Matthew 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes."
5. TRIBULATIONS Matthew 24:8-9 "But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of my name."
6. THE GOSPEL WILL BE PREACHED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come."
th BBeesstt W Wiisshheess ttoo TThhyy KKiinnggddoom m CCoom mee 1188th YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy
Greetings from Sis. Bing Denolo-Chavez & Family
M Maarriiaa LLoovveellll D Deen noolloo--C Ch haavveezz D D..M M..D D..,, IIn ncc TThhee D Deennttaall O Offffiiccee TThhaatt CCaarreess
**88661155 K Knnootttt A Avvee.. # #11 B Buueennaa PPaarrkk,, C CA A 9900662200 **44335555 TTw weeeeddyy B Bll.. SSoouutthh G Gaattee ,, C CA A 9900228822 **11666611 W . B r o a d w a y # 9 A n a h e i m W. Broadway #9 Anaheim,, C CA A 9922880022 35
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Greetings to Thy Kingdom Come 18th Year
IMMIGRATION & FAMILY LAW Law Offices of F. Antonio Chavez Immigration
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G Grreeeettiinnggss ttoo T Thhyy K Kiinnggddoom mC Coom mee ffrroom mT TIIM ME E 22 D DA AN NC CE E TTIIM MEE 22 D DA AN NCCEE BBaalllrroooom m CCeenntteerr
SSoocciiaall D Daanncciinngg EEvveerryy NNiigghhtt
GGrroouupp & & PPrriivvaattee lleessssoonnss AAvvaaiillaabbllee 111666444333666 BBBeeellllllffflllooow w weeerrr
CCoorr.. O Oaakk SStt.. BBeelllfflloow e werr 9900770066 O Ow wnneerr NNeessttoorr BBaalliillaa
tthh H Haappppyy 1188th Y Yeeaarr A Annnniivveerrssaarryy ttoo
T Thhyy K Kiinnggddoom mC Coom mee
F Frroom m JJu unn T Teevveess ““D Dii D Daanncciinn D Djj”” Have you been searching all over the Globe for the right DJ for your next special occasion? Then look no further because the most spectacular DJ in the galaxy have landed in Los Angeles!
Contact me at: 37
“Negativities” ““N Negativities” (negative thinking) cripples the human spirit. Does it seem strange that some people COMPLAIN they don’t have enough TIME to be happy, yet they find enough time to be sad? It has everything to do with complaining. It’s impossible to complain and be happy at the same time. So, beware of that insidious disease known as ‘negativities’ How do we inoculate ourselves against such a harmful disease? So, let’s review the effects of negativities. 1. Complaining is worse than doing nothing, for it is digging the rut one is in deeper and deeper. Each time one complains, it becomes increasingly difficult to climb out of the ditch they’ve created. To loosen the grip of this vicious habit, we need to become aware of our complaining, stop it in its tracks, and immediately look for something positive to say. It’s just a matter of replacing a bad habit with a good one. 2. A negative attitude is self-defeating. We won’t find solutions to life’s problems by looking for Someone or something to blame. 3. Failure to do what you want to do (be happy) causes physical and mental stress. A rotten attitude, not only delays success, but also shortens life by damaging the immune system. So, besides the diseases directly caused by stress, such as heart disease and ulcers, we become susceptible to all manner of other diseases because of a weakened immune system. 4. Do you know anyone with a negative attitude? How many years have they been that way? Two years? Five years? Ten years? That’s how many years of happiness and success they have robbed themselves of. Blinded by their own negativity, they are prevented from seeing
the good around them. 5. One characteristic of negative thinkers is their need to have the world behaves according to their wishes. They have never grown up and still live with childish demands. Whenever people and the world fail to act according to their selfish wishes, they are unhappy. Such a poisonous attitude prevents them from growing and learning how to cope with life's challenges. 6. Everything negative we say about ourselves to ourselves (self-talk) and to others is a suggestion. We are unwittingly practicing selfhypnosis, programming ourselves for failure, and creating self-fulfilling prophecies. 7. Another adverse effect of negativity is that it sets one up for the magic-bullet-syndrome. That is, the victim of ‘negativities’ spends their time looking for a quick, easy fix, when none exists. By denying a fundamental law of life that states anything worthwhile requires effort to achieve, they achieve nothing. They won’t make progress until they realize that nothing in life is free. They’ve got to be willing to do what it takes to get what they want. 8. Also, beware of the fact that negative people attract other complainers. Because those who live in a world of doom and gloom alienate others, they have no choice but to look for other negative people to associate with. They then feed off one another and get locked in a clique of losers. 9. The constant stress that flows from a negative attitude also saps one’s energy, focus, and motivation. It is hardly a formula for success. Imagine being in a small boat drifting in a river. And imagine being unaware that your boat has a motor. As long as you fail to use that motor you will be a captive of the river. You will be a prisoner without any control over your destination. Yet, the boat that we’re in does have a motor. We can use it to change course. That motor is our power of choice. All we have to do is choose to look for the good, for when we do so, that is all we will find! 38
will. You will not habitually sin. Proverbs 3:7 says, “...fear the Lord, and depart from evil.” You won’t say, “I’ll just commit this sin, and repent later.” That is having no fear of God. If you truly fear God, you will honor Him and reverence Him above everything and everyone else.
Walking in the Comfort of the
Holy Spirit
God must have priority in our lives. He should be given first place before ourselves, our families or anything else. The fear of God can never be second place. If God is second place, then we cannot be walking in the fear of Him. And if we walk in the fear of Him, giving Him the reverence, honor and respect He deserves, every area of our lives will be satisfied and multiplied. Jesus said it in Matthew 6:33: “But seek for (aim at and strive after) first of His entire kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right], and then all these things taken together will be given you besides” (The Amplified Bible).
Then had the churches rest throughout all Judæa and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied (Acts 9:31). Notice the churches were multiplied when they walked in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Walking in the comfort of the Holy Spirit is walking obedient to the promptings of your newborn spirit indwelt and illuminated by the Holy Spirit. It’s walking in His divine favor and blessing continually. It’s having God’s grace (divine favor and blessing) manifested in your life every day.
All we have to do is live before our Father like little children. We must do whatever He tells us to do: “My child, let go of this thing. Make this change in your life. Put this away from you. I will help you do it. Let Me work in you.” Do you know what we need to do? Just get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit work on our behalf. When He gives us a leading or prompts us to do something, we should just obey Him like little children. We are learning to walk in a new realm—the realm of the spirit. Hard times demand that you take time to be with faith up.
You cannot walk in the comfort of the Holy Ghost without first walking in the fear of the Lord. Walking in the fear of the Lord is obeying Him, honoring Him, living your life according to what He says. It does not mean to be afraid of Him. It means to have such confidence in Him and respect and honor for Him that you follow Him. It means to walk in all the light you have while you look for more light. If you walk in the fear of God, you will not do things that you know are against His
Once you have determined to know God—to become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him—your second step is to spend time with Him. That’s always the bottom line, isn’t it? Whenever we start pressing in, desiring to win more victories in in our life.
Greetings to Thy Kingdom Come
From: Goldilocks’ Bake Shop
Greetings to Thy Kingdom Come 18th Year
309 West Broadway St. Glendale, CA 91204 Tel. 818-242-2088
realized that the universe had to have had a beginning. And if it had a beginning, it had to have had someone or something that began it. Einstein, not wanting to accept the idea that God exists, tried to tinker with his theory, but his tinkering never quite worked out. He eventually was forced to conclude that there was, in fact, some unknown (to him) power that created the universe.
God Exist?
One of the most common rationales of those who don’t believe in God is that they are waiting for proof of God’s existence. Unfortunately for them, that proof may never come. Well, at least not in the way they are expecting, in today’s world science rules. If God can’t be proven scientifically, many people say, then God does not exist. The problem with that viewpoint is the scientific method itself. Now, the scientific method is a very important and beneficial thing. But it has limitations. The scientific method can only prove observable things that are repeatable through experimentation. For instance, one can prove via the scientific method that gunpowder is flammable. However, one could not prove via the scientific method that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. And you would be laughed out of town if you were to suggest that this didn’t happen simply because you could not prove it scientifically. One also could not prove via the scientific method that love exists, but you would be foolhardy to believe that it doesn’t simply because you cannot prove it. A person has to believe in these things by matter of deduction, by looking at the evidence. So it is with God. You won’t be able to prove His existence by the scientific method, but if you look at the evidence in an unbiased manner, you would have to conclude that God does in fact exist. What if I were to tell you that one of the most intelligent, respected people in modern history came to a belief in God because of the evidence? Would you believe me? Well it did happen. There was this atheist physicist who had worked out a model of how the universe functioned. His model was so correct that to this day, with all the vast knowledge we have about the universe, his model (or slight variations of it) has yet to be disproved. You’ve probably heard of this physicist. His name is Albert Einstein, and his model is the General Theory of Relativity. You see, when he began to consider the implications of his theory, he
In the decades since Einstein discovered the General Theory of Relativity, science has confirmed that there was a beginning to the universe (called the Big Bang). All other models, including the steady state and oscillating universe models, do not fit scientific observation. In other words, the universe has not always existed. There was a point in time when it began, when it was created. And that means there is a Creator. This warrants a brief discussion on cause and effect. Everything that we see follows this rule – there is a cause for every effect. If we see a baseball flying through the air, we can assume that someone hit or threw the baseball. The throwing or hitting is the cause, and the flying through the air is the effect. There are also effects where we might not be aware of the cause, such as a tornado. We see the tornado, and if we are uneducated about weather phenomena, we probably won’t know what caused the tornado. But we can rightly assume that there is some cause. Everything we see has a cause and effect relationship. When you consider this you have to come to the conclusion that there must have been a first cause, the beginning. From our discussion above you might consider that the beginning of the universe was the first cause. However, the beginning, or creation, of the universe, while being a cause is not the first cause. There must be something that caused the universe. And that something must be beyond our comprehension. That something is God. You might be wondering who, then, created God. God by definition is eternal and uncreated. Were God a created being, He would not and could not be God. ‘Being eternal, God is not an effect. Since He is not an effect He does not require a cause. He is uncaused. 42
Blessings to Thy Kingdom Come 18tthh Year Greetings from O Skin Care
Olivia Quido, a licensed Esthetician employs unique methods that soothe, calm and balance skin conditions with gentle, non-invasive but powerfully effective techniques.
Olivia Quido, Gabby Concepcion & Jeh
Olivia and her staff are committed not only to the health of their clients’ skin, but to their clients' overall well-being, serving them professionally and with the personal care required to bring about lasting transformation. 17808 S Pioneer Blvd Ste 112 Artesia, CA 90701 Tel. (562) 865-2030
Happy 18th Year Anniversary to Thy Kingdom Come
11710 E South St Ste105 Artesia, CA 90701
(562) 402-2288
Artesia, CA 90701
Hot on Yelp 306 reviews I really like this place. The service is excellent! waitresses are really relaxed and bubbly. The waiters are really helpful in training us what to do, since we're still kind of new to this Shaba‌ 44
but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say "I'm sorry", the wound is still there. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us." Let’s be nice to them!
___________________ Welcome
Hope you take time to read this.
It is very ite resting but also very relevant to our life. I think we all have holes that need to be filled.
Thy Kingdom Come Christian Marriage Coaching Service (A not-for-profit apostolate, dedicated to the education and enrichment of marriage)
Make sure you read all to the last sentence (Most importantly the last sentence) There once was a young man who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. The first day the young man had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the young man didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that he now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young man was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence He said, "You have done well, my son, 45
Marriage Coaching can take you from where you are in your marriage to where you would like to be. It is not like hiring a carpenter, or someone who comes in and does the work for you. It is investing in the best tools available to expedite the building of your life and relationships. A relationship coach can be seen more like a partner or buddy that you check in with from week to week to review your progress, vision or the future and set new goals; and who motivates you to do something you should do, but do not want to do.
More Power to Thy Kingdom Come Greetings from Ellen, Alou & Kayen
H Haappppyy 1188tthh YYeeaarr AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy ttoo TThhyy KKiinnggddoom m CCoom mee F Frroom m EEddddiiee & &A Annnnaa ddeell R Roossaarriioo & &R Raacchheell 46
BBeesstt w wiisshheess ttoo TThhyy KKiinnggddoom m CCoom mee !!88tthh YYeeaarr
D Drr.. EEssppiiee CC.. CCllaauuddiioo
Office Address 10301 Artesia Boulevard Suite 101 Bellflower, CA 90706
Phone: (562) 925-9949 Fax Number: (562) 920-5527
D Drr.. EEssppiiee CCllaauuddiioo eennjjooyyss lliiffee w wiitthh tthhee ccoom mppaannyy ooff hheerr ffrriieennddss aanndd lloovveess ttoo ssiinngg hheerr oow wnn ccoom mppoossiittiioonnss.
HAPPY 18TH YEAR TO THY KINGDOM COME Greetings from the Guevarra Family
Can We See the Future? One of the facts of our existence is that we cannot see the future. We are marching down the dimension of time, and while we can say with certainty what has happened yesterday, we cannot be certain of tomorrow. Oh, we can make educated guesses about tomorrow based on our experience of how things work, and we may even guess correctly. But try to guess what is going to happen next week, or next month, or next year. Try to guess what
be more advanced." Try to make specific predictions about specific events and specific will happen in four hundred years. And don’t make a generalized guess like "civilization with countries (ones that don’t even exist yet). It’s impossible. It cannot be done, because we exist in time. But what if I told you that it has been done? What if I told you that centuries ago, there were specific predictions made about not just one thing, but about many things hundreds of years in the future (which is now our known past and can be verified)? If I could show you that these predictions were 100% accurate, wouldn’t it be worthwhile to listen to how the people who made them said they got them from the Bible? There are hundreds of specific predictions, made hundreds of years before the events, by people who claimed to be prophets of God. These predictions, incredibly, have come true. And the prophets say that God gave these prophecies to them. Since we know that we cannot predict with any certainty the events of tomorrow, but that there have been these incredible prophecies that have come true, we can only come to the conclusion that something other than us is at work here. It must be God.
GGrreeeettiinnggss ttoo TThhyy KKiinnggddoom m CCoom mee FFrroom m SSyyllvviiaa M Maarrttiinneezz
GGrreeeettiinnggss ttoo TThhyy KKiinnggddoom m CCoom mee FFrroom m AAiillaannee O Om miillloo
Spend Time with
God A practice that's most commonly associated with recent spiritual awakenings is that of seeking times of silence in our lives. It's hard to hear the Spirit with all the noise around us. So, many Christians have learned to take some small part of each day and set it aside for silence. This means shutting off the beeper, turning off the TV and radio, taking the phone off the hook, and closing the door. Or, it means walking off to the beach or garden or mountain, as Jesus Himself did, and not doing anything but leaving yourself open to the Lord.
away, and blood pressure drops. The mind reacts, too. As your body relaxes, your thoughts focus down on the one bodily action you can't shut off. This leaves more of your mind free to hear God whispering to you. Most of us find it easier to be quiet once we take off the weight of our burdens for those we love and lay them before God. The first thing you can do is listen to God in silence, and then lead out of it with intercessions. Whatever order you find useful, trust that God will receive your prayers and will speak to you in the silence.
This time set aside for silence during the day is often called 'quiet time'. It's usually done first thing in the morning, but some people have been able to use their train or bus ride to work for it, or perhaps they slip off to a neglected cubbyhole of their workplace during coffee break or lunch.
Quiet time is more than just a daily appointment with God. It's more like a visit with your closest friend. It's especially important for those of us who've made our lives in such a way that we'd make God get an appointment to speak to us. Good relationships need the time; they can't live as just another item on the agenda, yet they are lost if time isn't specifically set aside for them directed back to that precious time with Him. Think about it. If you spend an hour with God every day, that’s 365 hours a year. Don’t you think coming into His presence for an hour every day will do something for your life? Even if you just spent 15 minutes a day that would be 90 hours a year of prayer and time with Him. Follow your own heart. But see to it that you give the Father time to impart His strength into you.
Quiet time, as with other devotional activities, can help give some divine rhythm to the daily routine that takes care of outside noise. But what about the inner noise? Our own mind is constantly thinking about what to do, what's going to happen, what others are thinking, and what we aspire to or lust after. That sort of stuff is also noise at least to our spirit. To turn that off, breathed through your nose, slowly, deeply, using your diaphragm, focusing your mind on the act of breathing. The body reacts to this sort of breathing by relaxing; muscle tension fades 50
A Little Message We Should All Remember
A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, The young woman saw her neighbor hanging the Wash outside.
'That laundry is not very clean,' she said. 'She doesn't know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.' Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comments. About one month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her Husband:
'Look, she has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this.' The husband said, 'I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows.'
AND SO IT IS WITH LIFE. What we see when watching others, Depends on 'The Window Through Which We Look.' How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. (Luke 64:2)