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Association for Non -Traditional Students in Higher Education

Non-trad journal 731 7th Street, SE Suite 121, Puyallup WA., 98372 Ph: 253.251.0901 Fax: 866.887.9940

Volume 1, Issue 11

~ Quarterly Publication by ANTSHE ~

September 2007

Presidents Message by Jeffrey Bunnell, ANTSHE President

Time sure fly‟s by doesn‟t it! Its seems like just yesterday we were in Oklahoma celebrating our 10th annual conference with each other, and here it is September already.

Check out these websites of interest to all Nontrads! ANTSHE 2008

Inside this issue: Board Profiles


Leading by Example


ANTSHE Resource Book & CD’s


2008 Conference


Update your Membership ONLINE


News U Can Use


Poster Project


ences, namely the presence of commercial text advertising. This trial run is an effort by the board to generate a small revenue You will be happy to hear that your ANTstream from patrons who click on the ads SHE Board of Directors has been busy since we present. We get small monetary considour conference and we have many positive eration each time a visitor clicks on an ad projects in the works. We have formed sigthat is on our page. Our hope is that this nificant committee‟s to manage these projects program will provide small, but consistent, and always encourage anyone interested in revenue with minimal cost for implementavolunteering their time and talents to join tion. us. The Media Committee is working on develAs you know it takes money to manage ANToping a national media campaign to include SHE and to support the membership across short radio spots in key markets, developthe country. While this board does an exceling professional promotional material, delent job at cutting administrative cost we are signing an ANTSHE mascot and updating looking at more options to raise revenue. our logo. Watch for changes as the board Our research committee has been busy findwill be considering substantial media proing alternate funding through grants, benegrams at our Oct..semi-annual meeting. factors and donation research. Their efforts will be reported in October, at which time, ANTSHE has reestablished ties with the we hope to have an experienced grant writer National Association of Academic Advisors on retainer to begin processing possible fund- (NACADA) and has been invited to host a ing sources. table at their annual conference in October! Two board members will travel to BaltiIf you have been on the ANTSHE website more to represent ANTlately you probably noticed some small differ~Cont. on Pg.7

ANTSHE Members! By Sandra Raab, Membership Officer MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS! Simply submit your writings in an MSWord .doc to our Communications Officer at “TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE”

The Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE) has a long proud history of volunteer service. Our volunteers are working to meet the needs of fellow Non-Traditional student and their community by giving their time and talents in many ways throughout the year. In recognition of these outstanding achievements, ANTSHE is proud to announce the availability of the PRESIDENT‟S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD, a prestigious national honor offered in recognition of volunteer commitment. Established in 2003, this new AWARD is given by the President of the United States and honors individuals, families and groups who have demonstrated a sustained commitment to volunteer service over the course of 12 months. ANTSHE has teamed with hundreds of organizations and businesses across the country to deliver this Award to our most outstanding volunteers. As a Certifying Organization of the PRESIDENT‟S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD, we can nominate potential recipients and distribute the Award to those who meet or exceed the AWARD criteria. “ANTSHE is extremely proud to join the President of the United States in recognizing the volunteers who consistently take the time to make a difference in the lives of others,” “Volunteers strengthen America and inspire others to get involved. We are proud to honor our volunteers who are answering the call and want to recognize their efforts with this AWARD.” Children, adults, families and groups can receive the AWARD and, given their ongoing service activity, many of our volunteers may already meet the requirements (see sidebar). To qualify for the PRESIDENT‟S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD, volunteers simply submit a record of their service hours to ANTSHE, and we will verify the service and deliver the AWARD. Service hours can be accumulated through work on a variety of projects throughout the year. The only requirement is that the necessary hours be completed within12 months; recipients can qualify for a new AWARD each year. “Our volunteers should strive to earn the PRESIDENT‟S VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD every year,” said ANTSHE President Jeff Bunnell. “Even if you‟ve never volunteered before, the AWARD is available. In fact, the strength and success of our nation depends on every one of us taking an active role in the community where we live. You can also help strengthen America by asking your friends, families and neighbors to join you in helping your campus community. Most people

Kids - 14 and younger Bronze Award 50 - 74 hours Silver Award

75 - 99 hours

Gold Award

100 or more hours

Young Adults - Ages 15 - 25 Bronze Award 100 - 174 hours Silver Award

175 - 249 hours

Gold Award

250 or more hours

Adults - Ages 26 and up Bronze Award 100 - 249 hours Silver Award

250 - 499 hours

Gold Award

500 or more hours

Families and Groups (two or more people)* Bronze Award 200 - 499 hours Silver Award

500 - 999 hours

Gold Award

1,000 or more hours

*Each member contributing at least 25 hours towards the total

PRESIDENT’S CALL TO SERVICE AWARD Individuals who have completed 4,000 or more volunteer service hours over the course of their lifetime are eligible to receive the PRESIDENT‟S CALL TO SERVICE AWARD.


Each edition of our newsletter will feature profiles of current board members, committee volunteers, and highlight people we think you would like to know! These dedicated volunteers work on your behalf developing programs and continue to make ANTHSHE the premier advocate for Non-Traditional students across the country!

President – Jeffrey Bunnell

Finance Officer – Betty Mixon-Mayo

My name is Jeff Bunnell and I am currently serving as your ANTSHE President. I was elected in March „07 to a two year term. I am honored to be at the helm of this great organization and look forward to making a positive difference!

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!! It is a great pleasure to welcome each of you back to the grind that is higher education. I trust your summer has been fun and eventful, and that you are rested….somewhat…from the trials of last semester and ready to take on even better challenges in the days to come. Let me introduce myself. I am Betty Mixon-Mayo, Financial Officer for ANTSHE. This honorable position was bestowed on me at the ANTSHE Annual Conference in Oklahoma, and it is such a pleasure to serve the members of ANTSHE in this manner.

I am currently living in Puyallup, Washington. (I challenge everyone to pronounce the name correctly!) It‟s pronounced „pew– all- up‟, named after the indigenous Americans who lived here in the early 1800‟s and means “generous people.” Puyallup is approx. 30 miles south of Seattle and lays in a valley at the edge of the foothills to Mt. Rainier! A beautiful area of the country. I am a transplanted Marylander having moved out here while serving in the U.S. Army. I left Maryland in 1980 and served as a Communications Specialist at various exciting (and some not so exciting) military installations around the world. I retired from the Army in 1999 and moved back to Puyallup and have been here ever since. As many Non-traditional students do, I was looking to return to college to prepare for another career. I decided History and Political Science was where my interest lay and in May 2007, I graduated from Saint Martin‟s University with two degrees! I really enjoyed the back to school experience and will continue towards a Master degree in History next year. Ironically enough, I received my B.A. degrees the same month I became eligible for AARP! (American Association for Retired Persons- for those younger students). I guess that proves you‟re never too old to learn! I am currently working as a research assistant for a law firm in Olympia, running a small consulting business which includes managing communications for 3 political campaigns here in Washington, webmaster for 3 commercial accounts, and I still work at Best Buy Geek Squad in my spare time! I love all the modern technology that is available today and put much of it to use in serving ANTSHE. Ask any of my fellow board members and they can attest to the „geek factor‟ that has infused the board since March!

I am employed as a Business Counselor with the Small Business Development Center at Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. I currently serve on the Colleges & Universities Committee of the American Association of University Women, am the Founder, Past President, and Staff Advisor of the OKRAS (the nontraditional student‟s organization) and Founder and Staff Advisor of the Delta Sigma Lambda honor Society for Non-traditional students at Delta State. I have served on DSU‟s Student Government Association for 2 years as Nontraditional Student Representative. I currently serve on many non-student related university organizations and committees as well. I am a volunteer Wish grantor for the Make a Wish Foundation of Mississippi and volunteer on many occasions within my community. I am the mother of 4, have a wonderful son-in-law, and am the proud grandmother of 1 year old Samantha. I hold a BBA and MBA from Delta State and am the owner of Services Unlimited, a service based small business. Please feel free to contact me anytime concerning ANTSHE, the Financial Office, or anything I might be able to assist with. 662-719-4542 or

I look forward to the opportunity to serve this great organization, and with your help, we can truly "make a difference" for all those non-traditional students who follow us! 3


V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1 1

Leading by Example! Becoming a student leader on your campus is a great way to grab the ear of the administration, help the non-traditional population, earn money, and valuable employment experience. It‟s one of those win/ win propositions where everybody benefits. You will grow from the excellent training you receive which may include motivational speakers, ropes courses and challenges. You will meet administrators and campus personnel and if you are friendly, there will be opportunities to tell them about your experiences as a non-trad student and non-traditional needs in general. You may be invited to sit on search and screen

By Donna Minkley, ANTSHE Vice President committees or focus groups. There are even travel opportunities. As you go back to school this fall keep your eyes open for student leader recruitment posters. Usually they hire orientation leaders, campus ambassadors, resident advisors and admissions assistants. Orientation leader is a great job and administrators like the team to represent the student body so non-traditional students are an excellent addition to the team since we make up almost 40% of all students in higher education.

encourage our institutions to invest in us is by increasing our visibility on campus. When we build connections between us and the traditional students we increase our influence and rally supporters to our cause.

If you don‟t have time or already have a job encourage another nontraditional student from your organization to apply. One way we can

“Lets go Shopping!” Don’t forget to visit the ANTSHE Store for great gifts, including Tshirts, coffee mugs, and much much more. All profits from your purchase go to the ANTSHE Scholarship fund! Shop Now!

"Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Building a NonTraditional Student Organization" ($25.00 +s&h) Content list: Ethics, Foundational Documents, Tips for Leaders, Motivation, Brainstorming, Group Development, Transition of Officers, Newsletter, Activities



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ANTSHE 11th ANNUAL CONFERENCE @ ANTS HE / O SU Co nfere nce Up dates

Middle Tennessee State University , 29 Feb—2 March 2008 life's challenges that come our way and making the conscious decision to thrive through those challenges.

Nontraditional students and the professionals who work with them across the nation are encouraged to begin fund raising right now in order to send a group to the national conference next February. Those of you with programs and experiences that would contribute to the theme of thriving, no matter what, are also encouraged to submit proposals for presentation sesThe theme for the 2008 ANTSHE Con- sions during the conference. ference will be Choosing to Thrive, No Matter What! Dr. Cara Di Marco, li- If you have questions you may contact censed psychologist with Lane Com- the 2008 ANTSHE Conference direcmunity College's Transitions to Suctor, Dr. Carol Ann Baily at cess program, will serve as the keynote or to go to the speaker. Di Marco is the author of Life website at Middle Tennessee State Transitions: Finding your way over, Conference Page around, and through life's challenges (1995) and Inconvenient Women: Choosing to Thrive No Matter What (to be published in 2008), will talk about going beyond surviving

“Choosing to Thrive, No Matter What!”

The 2008 ANTSHE Conference will open on February 29, 2008 -- Leap Year Day -- and continue through noon on Sunday, March 2, 2008. Middle Tennessee State University will host the national conference and the conference hotel will be at the DoubleTree Hotel in Murfreesboro, TN. Since Murfreesboro is located just 25 miles south of the airport in Nashville, TN, travelers may want to plan to take in some of the Nashville sites on Friday afternoon or Sunday afternoon.

2008 Conference News You Can Use!! Where the heck is Middle Tennessee State anyway? We’re glad you asked! You might have guessed from the name of the university it might be centrally located in Tennessee— and you would be right! MTSU is just a short drive from Nashville, and a few hours north of Chattanooga. Easily accessible via major interstates! (Click on the map for a closer look!)


Scholarship Information!

My name is Karen Mitchell and I am the secretary for ANTSHE from Oklahoma State University. I have been involved with the Non-Traditional Student Organization on campus and with ANTSHE for over 1 year. I have come to appreciate the support and experience gained from an organization that is geared toward the non-traditional student. I have a growing interest in the challenges that face the nontraditional student in their transitions from work to college and back again. As I did some personal research on this I discovered that many colleges and Universities have posted surveys and statistics in regards to education and the non-traditional student. The term “non-traditional student� is not a precise one, although age and part-time status are common characteristics. Financial status as well as family situation and enrollment patters are also defining qualities. Technically, a non-traditional student is one who has any of the following definitions: Attends part time for at least part of the academic year, Works full time while enrolled, Is considered financially dependent for purposes of financial aid eligibility, Is a single parent( either not married or married but separated and has dependents) Is 25 years or older. A non-traditional student is usually defined by the number of these characteristics present. The purpose of this survey is to determine strengths and weaknesses in the everyday challenges faced by nontraditional students attending college. According to the statistics from the U.S. Department of Education, the fastest growing group of people who are taking college courses are the non-traditional students and that they face unique challenges that involve combining work and school and the benefits and obstacles. I would like to see ANTSHE have its own survey form and its own set of statistics to refer to within the ANTSHE organization so that a different kind of support system may be created to students across the country.

Did you know ANTSHE awards up to 3 scholarships every year to their members? One, is for graduate students and has a special emphasis on students seeking careers in education. Another, is awarded to any member who is working on their bachelor's degree. The third, is reserved for students of two year institutions seeking their associates degree. Unfortunately, in some years we do not receive any applicants for certain categories. It may be that you think you won't qualify because in the past your GPA was low or maybe you don't think you have the time to prepare the application. Well think again! Each year we accept applications until January 31st but the great news is we begin accepting them again on February 1st. That means you can submit your application at any time of the year that is convenient for you. This gives you 12 months to get that application together. We've made it easy with Word documents you can type into and print; an application page, a personal statement page, and reference forms you can send to your colleagues and professors. There are complete instructions that walk you through it step by step. You should visit our web page at and click on scholarships to see the forms. Be good to yourself, you deserve to get recognized for your hard work and everyone could use some extra money for school.

Please consider responding to the survey located at on our website to assist us with this project. Karen Mitchell


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2007-08 Board of Directors Jeffrey Bunnell


Donna Minkley

Vice President

Marie Basler

Communications Officer communications@antshe.og

Gerald Morgan Betty Mixon-Mayo

Student Coordinator Finance Officer

Kay Mitchell


Sandra Raab

Membership Officer

Jame Cornett

Student Member

Lori Themme

Student Member

Did you know ANTSHE awards up to 3 scholarships every year to their members? One, is for graduate students and has a special emphasis on students seeking careers in education. Another, is awarded to any member who is working on their bachelor's degree. The third, is reserved for students of two year institutions seeking their associates degree. For more information read page 5 and check out

We want to hear from you and your organization! Is your Nontrad club active on campus hosting events and supporting your Nontrad student population? Lets us know what your doing and we will highlight your organization in our newsletter and on our webpage! Simply submit and article, photo’s and links to your webpage and will post them to our membership section. If you have any questions please contact President Jeffrey Bunnell at

Verify and Update Your Membership Information!

Donâ€&#x;t be left out! If your contact information has changed since joining ANTSHE please go to our website at click on membership updates. We would like to have all current members verify and update their membership information as we are in the process of issuing new member numbers and cards to our members. If you have joined and not received a membership card please contact our Membership Officer Ms. Sandra Raab


SHE to this well established and vital constituency of ours! We look forward to gaining valuable memberships from our presence at their 4 day conference. Our scholarship research continues as we are still developing an indexed scholarship database for our institutional members. We hope to have DVD/CD‟s available on our website by October and a new „members only‟ section on our web as well. The President‟s office has been very busy coordinating all the activity, answering media inquires about Nontads and our organizations, as well as working with new members to develop larger programs of support for their campus. Using modern technologies to cut cost whenever possible, we are positioning ANTSHE to become the premier nontraditional student support organization in the United States! As you can see, your ANTSHE volunteer Board of Directors is a „working board‟ in the truest sense. With your help we can continue to “make a difference!”

Jeffrey Bunnell

Share your thoughts and ideas with other nontraditional students around the country! There are many blogs, discussion boards and RSS available to us for sharing information without boundaries!

Oklahoma State ANTSHE Listserv Nontraditional Students blog of WKU

Nontraditional Students in College Nontraditional Students Yahoo Group ~want

your blog listed here, email us~

Share information by subscribing to a Nontrad blog, RSS or discussion group:

Nontrad News Online: US News and World Reports—Nontrad Financial Aid Non-Traditional Student Success Act—introduced by Sen. Clinton

ANTSHE Board of Directors Meeting Space donated by 724 Hosting. Please support those businesses who support us!

ANTSHE.ORG is hosted by Brainstorm with service donated. Please support those businesses who support us!



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For more information about ANTSHE or if you have any questions about the content of this newsletter please write to: President Jeffrey Bunnell ( or ANTSHE Communications Officer (communications

We’re on the web at

ANTSHE is an international partnership of students, academic professionals, institutions, and organizations whose mission is to encourage and coordinate support, education, and advocacy for the adult learner. Gabe DeGabriele 315 Grandview Park Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81503 Ph:(970) 210-3159 Fax: 1.866.887.9940

ANTSHE CONFERENCES ANTSHE Board of Directors is now accepting proposals to host the 2009, 2010 conference. We are particularly looking for host which posses some of the following qualities: close proximity of conference site to hotel and ease of transportation, number/proximity of surrounding institutions of higher learning, quality and availability of facilities /resources at host institution, visible support from the host institutions administration, enthusiasm; commitment of the local student group, professional presented comprehensive bid with a proposed budget, surrounding site. If you are interested or would like more information please contact President Jeffrey Bunnell at or Gabe DeGabriele at

Join the New OSU ANTSHE Discussion Thread! As most of you know ANTSHE has established a new listserv at OSU. Thanks to the OSU IT Department, they have allowed us to host our list serve on their campus as no cost. ANTSHE has connections to many LISTSERV to include LearningTimes, KSU Listserv, and others. However, the list at OSU is operated by ANTSHE and administrated by board members.

is aware on how to navigate the list. Now that it is established we will begin to post topical information and membership information for all on a regular basis. We hope it will be used by everyone to distribute information and host collaborative dialogue with other s around the country. “TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE

We realize we had some challenges in setting up this valuable tool but have since worked to insure everyone Any reference obtained from this publication to a specific commercial product, process, or service offered by 3rd party does not constitute or imply an endorsement by ANTSHE



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