ANTSHE 2011 C ONFERENCE @ K ENNESAW S TATE This years conference was another success! Mr. Todd Powell M.A. Ed Assistant Director of Adult Learner Programs and his conference facilitators showed all conference attendees a wonderful time. Our speakers were a variety of talented individuals from various colleges and universities. Dr. Carol Ann Baily showed us how the persistence of Wile E. Coyote correlates to the adult learners experience. The NTSO of University of North Carolina at Charlotte intrigued us with a presentation called “Team Building by the Numbers.” While Dorothy Hughes of Purdue University gave us strategies to balance home, work and college. These are only a few of the special people who made the conference a learning, interesting, and fun experience. During the conference two laptop computers were raffled off to two lucky people. This year we had lots of school donated baskets to raffle off during our silent auction which was really quite a success. Our recognized school for “Non-Trad Week” was Southern Illinois University who had a creative and meaningful non-trad week celebration for non-traditional students. The ANTSHE Brick Award goes to - Mr. Maurice Brown of Kaplan University, congratulations! There was also a special surprise for one of our board members Karen Mitchell who was presented an “Outstanding Board Member” by President Jeff Bunnell. Oh, we can’t forget our awardees for the ANTSHE scholarships; As you can see the conference had lots of great things happening and if you couldn’t come you were missed. Here is a heads up about the next conference for 2012 - it will be held at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky. We’ll get the information out as soon as possible so you can start saving for next year. Just a reminder! Please start soon in nominating your special people for ANTSHE Awards; get ready to get busy filling out information for ANTSHE Scholarships; and don’t forget to
Scavenger Hunt p. 3
Scholarships p. 10
Recipes p. 4
Awards p.5
Announcements P. 8 & 9
Student Articles p. 6 & 7