Emerging challenges in achieving consensus: the future of the Security Council and the implications for human rights By Alexander An Traditionally, the Security Council’s main
reasons, namely the power given by the
priority has been to maintain peace and
veto and the geopolitical bias present. If
security in the international community by
cooperative action outweighs self interest
in terms of net benefits, then the wisdom
international peace, and react accordingly.
of the absolute veto will need to be
As the key organ in the United Nations
addressed by all of the Permanent 5. The
charged with maintaining the new world
introduction of a qualified veto, similar to
order, it faces new challenges in fulfilling
the system employed in the European
its objectives.
legislative process, would give the global
This article will argue that some of the
democratic means to ensure international
various challenges are the continuation of
peace, and by extension the protection of
the status quo regarding the geographic
human rights.
representation in the permanent members of the council and the permanent veto, as
Furthermore, changing the composition of
well as the emergence of non-state actors.
the Permanent 5 to reflect new emerging
The consequences of inaction include that
powers like India and representation of
human rights overall will suffer, and that
other regions such as Africa, the Middle
decisive and consistent cooperation on
East and Latin America, would help to
these matters are necessary to ensure
keep in check other world powers,
human rights are upheld.
maintain international peace, and protect human rights on a global basis, rather than
Continuing the Status Quo
in instances where world powers’ interests
The composition of the Security Council,
are not at stake.
Various examples of how this frustrating
continue to maintain an absolute veto over
combination has degraded human rights
any resolution proposed at the Security
across the world range from Russia’s
Council, is troublesome for two main
border conflict with Ukraine, China’s