Anuj Ashra

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ANUJASHRA CONTACT (+91) ABOUTME Iadmirestoriesandbelieveeachdesignprocessisastoryinitself.IamfondofaestheticdesignbycreatingapositiveimpactontheworldwhiletouchingasmanylivesasIcan.Alwayskeentolearnnewthingsandgetdifferentexperienceswithpeopleofvariousmindsetandskills. EDUCATION achelorsofInteriorDesign(2018-2022) SardarArvindPatelInstituteofEnvironmentalDesign(A.P.I.E.D)PatelUniversity(S.P.U)Anand,Gujarat Internship Shades(January'21-June'21)&ShapesStudioAhmedabad,Gujarat TECHNICALSKILLS Autocad SketchupEnscapeMicrosoftOfficeAdobePhotoshop

ABSTRACT summingIndianideation,internH.M.undergraduateThisportfoliocontainsselectedworkproducedduringmyprogram-bachelorofInteriorDesign,atDr.PatelSchoolofInteriorDesigning,A.P.I.E.D.,VallabhVidhyanagarandduringtheprofessionalexperienceasanatShadesandShapesStudio.Theprojectsrepresentedherearetodemonstratetheexplorationinmultipleaspectsofdesignsuchasresearch,functionality,formandaestheticpresentation.Theyvaryinscaleandtypology,showcasingtherangeofmywork.Thedesignofthethesisprojectsrevolvesaroundtheessenceofculturewhichiscarriedfurtherintodesigningthegymkhana;wheretheresearchandanalysiswerethemajorpartoftheorientationofthesis.SimilarlyeachstudiohasitsownfunctionwhichiscarriedoutfurtherwhilekeepingforminmindaswellandeachstudioisexploredinitsownwayupthelearningIgotfromeachsemester.


0304 33 0708




RemouldingGymkhanain aodaneihndianulue




AP DOOR STAPPROACH SiteissituatednearNH147fromwhich,therearekaccharoadleadingtowardsthesite.Onlyonemainentranceisaccessibleforguest.Therearefewtertiaryroadareinthesurrounding. PrimaryRoadSecondaryRoad TertiaryRoad NN ClubBuilding UP RedCourtVillaGoldenSwanRestuarant STDRANGS 07

08 ClubBuildingRestaurantRedCourtVIllasSpaBuildingsOtherBuildings ·Phase1 LeoVillas2BuildingVirgoHallClubHouse&Banquet ·Phase2(FutureExpansion) SemiPrivateArea-PrivateArea UP CHARACTERIATIOOFSPACE CirculationVertical liftstaircase CirculationHorizontal areacommonpassage Buildingsoftheresortarefurtherdivdedinto SESEOFARRIVAL 750nexttheTherearemultipleentrytosite,onceyouentertheregiontothehighway.Siteislocatedmawayfromthehighway.Wholesectorisflourishedwithfoilage. EntrytotheClubSPRingRoadtheEntrytoregion connectedexperienceTwoOnceyouenterthepremise,thereisafeelingofopennessandlivelinessoneverydirections.Pathwaysleadtodifferentbuildingsofdifferentform,whichalltogetheraresurroundedbytopography.Entranceitselfgivesafeelingofhugestructureduetoitsheight.Followedbythedoubleheightglasspeakinthecentermakesittheepicenterofthewholebuilding.pathwayswithverydifferentofwalkingyetwithnature.Lakeinthemiddleofthebuildingsgivesacalmstreaminthesurrounding. Denseness withTwopathwayswithverydifferentexperienceofwalkingyetconnectednature. StaffLandscapePoolArea/WaterBodyPublicAreaArea Pathways

09 SCS ClubBuilding ·WholebuildingiscentrallyAirConditionedusingDuctAC. ·Watertankareonthesurfaceofthebuildingandthereareunderwatertanksaswellofeachbuilding. ·Forwashrooms,theyhaveprovidedcentralductinroomsaswellascommontoiletnearthecentralhall. Duct PTAT&CCAT edCourtilla ·theThereisaserviceroomunderstaircase. ·Sunkslabareusedfordrainageoutletonbackwall ·Waterisstoredinundergroundtanks oldenSwanestaurant ·outerAllpipelinesareexposedonwall ·Drainageisbelowfloorlevelasthekitchenislocatedinthecenter AC ACAC afternoonHere,thebluelinesdepicttheairflowcomingforoutside&yellowrectanglerepresentssunlightenteringinthe regiontheThegreenshapedepictstreesinperipheraloftheparapet makesafternoonheatdepictsYellow/orangestraightlinestrongemotionofwhichcomesbetween&eveningwhichthewallswarm Here,theredlinesdepicttheentranceofthespace regiontheThegreenshapedepictstreesinperipheraloftheparapetBluedottedlinedepictsthemovementinspacespacelineBluestraightdepictsthedivisionofmovementin spacemovementdivisionlineBluestraightdepictstheofin regiontheThegreenshapedepictstreesinperipheraloftheparapet Coolbreezecomingfromlakeside itdividesintopropersymmetrywithinthespace Here,thinredlinesdepictthesecondaryentranceofthespace

Duc DUCT NTRANC WRcpn&Aea MCnWkA nqu MToeme nmaepS eRm Ce Room MeengRoom 14 Room MengRoom Mm B B' A A' C' C 10 GROUNDCLUBBUILDING:FLOORLAYOUT


12 2 4 5 6 7 8 Reception&WaitingArea UP ENRANCE LVL150+LVL150+LVL150+LVL150+150150150150LVLLVLLVLLVL LVL150+LVL150+LVL150+LVL150+ Kitchen(forveg) ToiletMale FemaleToilet Utilityarea (forKitchennon-veg) B B' A A' C' C GROUNDRESTAURANT:FLOORLAYOUT

62706203050243045060045020060018001800150 2505 14301000160010008815 170 161514131211101718 +150LVL150LVL150LVLCOUNTERTABLE FIRSTFLOOR SECTIONAA 13 SECTION

ACAC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC AC 230460750710765675230 3375 1570 230 460 1935 230 230 2155 250 1610 460615230 2165 460 2155 460 2660 460 535 460 935 460 535 460 2660 460 1235 920 460 95 3720 3360 3385 790 935 1660 6055 3820 2301570 230765230745480230 3615 995 1535 995 1535 2530 270 460730 460745710765690230 3605 730 920230765230745480230480745690765690230 3370 3375 6975 1780 2510 1800 2530 2530 3600 3605750 3615730 3360 2145 1650 16501110600 765 710 270845600 1225 270845600 3720 3360 2145 1650 16501110600 765 710 270845600 3720 3360 2145 1650 16501110600 765 710 4575 3360 615 1110 1650 1685 845270 920 770 1650 2145 1020 4790 3360 615 1110 1650 1470 845 845270 690 780 1650 2145 270845600 3720 3360 2145 1650 16501110600 765 710 1475 1475 3385 3640 630 10951660 2145 1495 765 1660 2145 230 4695 3370 1225 400805 920 2490 5290 3370 3385 610 11151660 2135 1495 765 1660 2145 460 2625 1535 995 690920765 1525 230 230 2605765 460 1075 14 GROUNDVILLA:FLOORLAYOUT BB' A'A C' C


16 ClubBuilding:GroundfloorInformalSeating ClubBuilding:FirstfloorBoardGamesArea Restaurant:Firstfloor VillaRoom VIS

17 ExteriorpathwayleadingClubBuilding PathwayKabaddiGroundinbetweenRestaurantandAkhadaOutdoorPantrynearKabaddiground

18 2 spacepenthousesAdaptiveRe-usewasdonetotheeistingtwo2hkwhichwereconvertedintoco-workingandrecreationalspacekeepingresidenceprograminmindawelltwasanamalgamationoftwoverydifferentprogramintoacommonspaceydividingthespacesaccordingtotheneedoftheprogramSSTALS 2LivingReception&WaitingAreaRoom(formal/informal)Workstation(indoor/outdoor)RecreationalSpace(indoor/outdoor)BedroomswithBathroomforCouplesKitchenandDiningAreaPantryCommonToiletUtilityArea AdaptiveRe-use: RecreationalCo-working&SpacewithResidence

19 STORAGEFORBOARDGAMES PLATFORM DUCT LIFT LOBBY DUCT +150MM WALKINWARDROBE&MASTERBATHROOM(11.4sq.m.) BATHROOMWARDROBEWALKIN&MASTER2(7.4sq.m.) WORKSTATIONSBEDROOMMASTER(15.8sq.m.)(19.8sq.m.)RECEPTION&WAITINGAREA(19.4sq.m.) (6.4(7.1BRIDGE2sq.m.)BRIDGEsq.m.)INFORMALLIVINGROOM(12.4sq.m.) (13FORMALLIVINGROOMsq.m.) MASTERBEDROOM(13.7sq.m.) RECREATIONALWORKSTATIONSPACE(8sq.m.) (1.92COMMON(1.92COMMONTOILET(M)sq.m.)TOILET(F)sqm) PASSAGE MAINENTRANCE O.T.S STORAGEUTILITYAREA&(4.4sq.m.) (26.9PANTRYsq.m.) INFORMALGATHERINGSPACES(28.6sq.m.) PLATFORM +150MM Storageunit COMMONPartitionTOILET(2.4sq.m.) WATERELEMENT withflowe WallClock STORAGE CubicalShower TERRACEAREA(31.8sq.m.) LIVINGAREA LIVINGAREA LIVINGAREABEDROOM1 BALCONY BALCONY Mandir Skylight ResidenceEntryfor ResidenceEntryfor D1 Shelves D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D10D9 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 W1 W2 W3 W7W6W4 V3 V2 V1 W9 W8 V4 V5 W10 W11 W12 V6 V8 BREAKOUTSPACE 1272 Ø300 790 695 Ø400 776 762 660 735 660 735 Ø400 550450 10001000 550450 10001000 O.T.S Ø440 WallLedge WallLedge 585650 Ø300 WallLedgeUnitStorage SECONDARYROAD(6MWIDE) WIDE)M(4DAORYRAITRET FOOTPATH(3MWIDE) SOCIETYGATE A' A B B C C' D' D 1080 1180 1180 1180 1250 1250 1250 260 1180 1890 46752603620260 1100 1215 3605 1415 540 720 1490 1970 1380 550 4685 150 1160 960 1650 1190 380585 165 169011901505 1125 2110 200800 435 440 435 95650 3215 3020 1200925 1200 1500 2500 450 475 475475 585 475 585 475 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 1110 250 100 855 1000 500 915 930 780 715 305 840 2200 895 145 1420 250 1210 1270 21002000 1402 255 2000 290 1200 200 3600 365 335 2960 925 1800 380 400 1000 315 288 1300 874 500 1620 721 900 4830 3265 2100 1330 1970 950950 500 500 500 500 610 740 740 1965 980 6001100 600 600 545 2055 790 500 1025 700100820 3015 185 949 335 2434 348 10601000 385300450450300450450300450450300450450300160 3534 335 1776 2418 75 2268 75 1776 905 3003003003003003003002901060 1000 300300300300300300300300300 900 4670 335 965 695 775 1150 1930 770 770 1807 130 130 900 695 775 4601000 460 1628 2151100 335365 465 360 2450 800 690 300 250 440 250 430 125 800 865 1040 110 300 290 440 445 350 325 85 500 905 115 770 500 220 1490 1490 1496 2001200 1620 6340 1345 3650 1345 1790 2275 1709 295 500 1210 1767 910 2269 365260855 2325 900 95 700 500 1645 1675 1675 100100 1125 1125 1125 1145 1145 1145 1134 1135 1135 1145 1145 1145 26032952603364 1200 1230 290 915 3065 260 3315 3790 400 3445 1586014370 720720 1555 720 1555 720 625 625 3465 1200 3700 7180 17751800 900 2310 6780 2000 9701085 1750 1350 650 525 11151000455 990 950 480 625 600 1000 1755 325 2784 1000 340 335 920 750 1765 2160 2665 1800 750 13501200 600 11302135 965600 150 1575 600 150 1385 225 440 225 1250 1010 500 800 370 905650150318 430 1010 760 465 905 295 780 800 580 600 745 1590 875 1625 31253351485 1975 300 16251000 650 350 215 13601503685 2000 150800 1240 1555 1405 1075 450 1795 900 600 1635 1085 825 1000 2450 1645 815 410 410 825 800 200 800 200 780 1385 550 765 550 780765 1385 3285 320 440 320 1090 1890 1540 1620 3370 1790 450 705 2080 705 1236 1850 1525 370 1684 650 2100 525525525525 891 150 1850 1573 1000 1115455 1040 540 3350 150 33830 3600 20860 14652400 1200 12001200 2320 1065 1100 700 925 760 1815 760 900 335 215 3624

20 DUCT LIFT LOBBY DUCT MAIETRACE Skylight ResidenceEntryfor ResidenceEntryfor O.T.S WallLedge WallLedge O.T.S ODU BOTTOMBEAM ACBEAMBOTTOMACAC AC ACAC 600 1050 1050 500 955 12151215600 600 600 600 1185 600 600 1150 1150 600 600 2070 5851850600 EQEQ 1000 1000 280 EQEQ EQ EQ 1075 1075 900 950 650 1130 450 450 1100 1100 600 1735 1735 EQEQ 1445 425 EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 685 600 1185 1185 600 685 600 1185 1185 600 600 1185 1185 1860 1860 895 450 1185 1185 700 EQEQ 580 1605 1970 1740 325 1605 600 450 995 450 550 930 EQ EQ 425 600 2150 2005 1050 1875 600 450 600 1130 1130 600 1630 6001140 1140 600 575 EQEQ 675 1000 1000 685 EQ EQ 500 980 EQ EQ 600 1350 600 1115 600600 1600 750 445570570 EQ EQ 1525 600 1475 600 1390 1475 1335 2825 1410 925 925 835 835 935935 650 2040 1650 1500 925 2145 1155 915 825 825 825 825 835 835 835 835 2070

21 LIFT SECTIONAA'SECTIONBB SECTIONCC SECTONDD 840 150 1000800 1230 470 1750 50 300 450 250 585 2750 1000 1100 600 50 1150 2850 350 100 2100 200 1075 150 2394 300 625 2115 585 900625 200 1100 780 25 175 300 9001000 170 625 75 1075 200 500 200 25 450 300 250 410 785 800 450 320 4030 500805 695 160 1000 1540 405 2295 2100 1100 370 25 100 2295 1605 1000 1230 2042470 538 458 404 325 1146 250 60 100 100 360 235 360 45 17003900 370 2115 585 290 1000 1230 470 3900 350 300 1100 1000 150 45325 275 60 500 710 3401425 715 825 200150300 165 2175 75 200 16151200 695 350 225575 370 100 2100 795430520 210 1818 932 220 65 475 1115 400 30 795520430 210 100 2000 300 350 50 2700 200 500 200 1000 25 100 2000 300 350 200 165 200 1215915 100 565 2050 700 300 2395 200815 20 485 275 810 385 55 840 100 1000 150 530 1100 300 500 2900 3900 20 550810 95 81065148545 270 385 50 55 175 700 160 1000 2115 40 30320 840805500 305 450150 300 450 290 1145 300 450 1100 300 350 1000 150 935 1820 200 500 350 2100 220400 485700 385 150 65 450 325 2100 370 370 300 300 350 1000 1000 445 800 355 220 395625525 170 450 2900 2100 300 350 350 2400 900 100 1100 300 350 200 150 370425100 340 765710 710 500 440 2100 12 350 115 160 110 385 440 525 1435 2110 200 1845 180 265 25 55 2115 835 55 430 330 180 1030 300 515 300 30 60 1385 22002350 1000 1230 470 1750 50 2750 150 850 1000 3900

22 ReceptionandWaitingArea WorkstationadjacenttoReceptionAreaInformalLivingRoomBridge 3DVIEWS

23 IndoorRecreationalSpace BedroomconnectedwithTerraceOutdoorRecreationalSpaceOutdoorWorkstation

24 03 ConsistsCopiedWorinDrinsdoneinInternshipseVIsesWDStudio-Voooroutdesinredetisndurnituredetisoresideneproet WorinDrin Internship&WDStudio 9" 3" 5" 2'-1"2'-6" 2'-6" 2'-6" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 3'-0" CEILING 2'-1" ELEVATION 2'-0'' FINISHWHITEMATTPU FINISHWHITEMATTPU FINISHWHITEMATTPU VENEERWITHHEADBOARDFABRICMATRESSFINISH

25 BATHROOM11'-08"BEDROOM-2X9'-11"5'-11"X4'-3"BALCONY3'-10"X6'-3"BALCONY9'-07"X5'-0" SECONDFLOOR 11'-08"BEDROOM-3X11'-7"BATHROOM5'-11"X5'-9"11'-08"LIVINGKITCHENANDDINING11'-08"X14'-04"ROOMX13'-10"COMMONTOILET5'-5"X3'-8"STORE3'-10"X4'-6"BALCONY9'-07"X3'-5" TERRACEPLAN FIRSTFLOOR 8'-2"WASHYARDX6'-11" 11'-08"BEDROOM-1X14'-04" GROUNDFLOOR BATHROOMPARKING8'-2"X6'-11" 17'-10" 10'-0" 7'-10 2'-5"13'-1"11'-8"7'-3"9'-9" 8'-5"SEATINGX10'-6"

26 11'-08"LIVINGKITCHENANDDINING11'-08"X14'-04"ROOMX13'-10"COMMONTOILET5'-5"X3'-8"STORE3'-10"X4'-6"BALCONY9'-07"X3'-5" FIRSTFLOOR 8'-2"WASHYARDX9'-00" GROUNDFLOOR BATHROOMPARKING11'-08"BEDROOM-1X14'-04"8'-2"X9'-00" POPCEILING6"DNFROMSLABLVLPOPCEILING6"DNFROMSLABLVL POPCEILING6"DNFROMSLABLVLLVL6"WOODENCEILINGDNFROMSLABWOODENCEILING6"DNFROMSLABLVL BEAMWOODENCEILINGBOTTOMLVL 10" 9" 2" 3'-3" 2" 3'-3 2" 10'-10" 2" 1" 1'-210"1'-2 2'-3" 1'-210"1'-2 2'-2 1'-11" 1" 1'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1" 6'-4"2'-10" 8'-4 2'-10" 3'-9"5'-5"2'-6" 5'-0" 2'-0" 9'-2" 10'-4" 3'-10 8" 10'-5 4 3'-8 9'-5 6" 4'-0" 2'-0" 4'-3 4'-8 3'-2 2'-3" 7'-2" 2'-0" 1" 1'-8 5" 1'-7 2'-5" 4'-7" 4'-10" 2'-6" 5'-5 2'-6" 5'-4 6'-10 1'-8" 2'-10" 1'-8" 1'-11" 2'-0" 2'-6" 3'-11 2'-6" 4'-1 6'-4" 11'-08"BEDROOM-2X9'-11"BATHROOM7'-4"X4'-3" 3'-10"BALCONYX6'-3" 9'-07"BALCONYX5'-0" SECONDFLOOR 11'-08"BEDROOM-3X11'-7"BATHROOM5'-11"X5'-9"POPCEILING6"DNFROMSLABLVLPOPCEILING6"DNFROMSLABLVL 1'-6"4" 5'-5" 4" 3'-7" 2'-0" 6'-9 5'-4 3'-4 3'-2 3'-2" 1'-8" 5'-9" 3'-9" 4'-6 5'-4 3'-5" 7'-9" 6" 5'-6" 5'-0 4" 4"3" 3" 4'-11" 10 1'-3" 4'-11" 1'-6" 3'-8" 1'-11" 2'-0" 2'-6 1'-10" 2'-10" 1'-1" 1'-11 1'-9" 1'-9" 1'-9" 2'-3 1'-9 5'-7" 1'-9 TERRACEPLAN 8'-5"SEATINGX10'-6" SYMBOLICLEGEND 1 CeilingLightPointL 2 SRSYMBOLLEGEND 11 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 SwitchBoardat2'0"SB SwitchBoardat3'0"SB SwitchBoardat4'6"SB Telephone15BELL5Amps.PlugPointPOINTAmps.PlugPointPointOutletP PP BP TP 12 LWallLightPointatLINTELLVL 8 DESCRIPTION(FromFinishFL.) 13 14 fanInternetPointPointF 15 16 18 TVBEDSIDEREADINGLAMP@3'POINT 17 19 SwitchBoardat3'6" 20 SB geyserexhaustwithswitchboardwallfanchandelier21 22 5 15 TV 23 computerfootlightpointC T SwitchBoardat2'6"SB PROFILELIGHTHANGINGLIGHT 24 25 26 27 28 COVEONEWAYLIGHT2WAY 29 TWOWAY 30 31 I BELLBUZZER CH WaterChimneywithswitchboardPurifierwithswitchboard SmallCeilingLightPoint 32 ROUTER CHIMNEYLAMPACACabovelintellevel PUR 33 PICTURELIGHT

27 9'-07"BALCONY11'-08"BEDROOM-2X9'-11"BALCONY3'-10"X6'-3"X5'-0" SECONDFLOOR 11'-08"BEDROOM-3X11'-7"BATHROOM5'-11"X5'-9"9'-07"BALCONYCOMMON11'-08"KITCHENANDDINING11'-08"X14'-04"LIVINGROOMX13'-10"TOILET5'-5"X3'-8"STORE3'-10"X4'-6"X3'-5" TERRACEPLAN 8'-5"SEATINGX10'-6" 8'-2"WASHYARDX6'-11" PARKING11'-08"BEDROOM-1X14'-04" 5 5 5 5 5 CH 15 5 1515 5 15 5 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2WAY 2222WAYWAY2WAYWAYWAY 2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY BATHROOM8'-2"X9'-00" BATHROOM7'-4"X4'-3" 22WAY2WAY2WAYWAY2WAY 2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY 5 22WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAYWAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY 2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY2WAY 5 5 5 5 5 PUR 15 5 155 5 5 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 2WAY 7" 8" 8" 3'-6" 3'-6" 1'-6" 8'-0" 1'-3" 1'-3" 8" 9"1'-4" 9" 5'-5" 9" 5'-0" 8"10" 9" 9" 2'-0" 9" 8" 1'-2" 7" 1'-10" 9" 8" 4'-0" 2'-0" 2'-2" 10" 1'-3" 1'-8" 4'-6" 2" 4'-6" 5'-5" 2'-6" 3'-0" 8'-5" 5'-5" 2'-6" 3'-0" 1'-5"10" 2'-5" 1'-1" 3'-2" 2'-5" 3'-3" 1'-5"10" 2'-5" SYMBOLICLEGEND 1 CeilingLightPointL 2 SRSYMBOLLEGEND 11 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 SwitchBoardat2'0"SB SwitchBoardat3'0"SB SwitchBoardat4'6"SB Telephone15BELL5Amps.PlugPointPOINTAmps.PlugPointPointOutletP PP BP TP 12 LWallLightPointatLINTELLVL 8 DESCRIPTION(FromFinishFL.) 13 14 fanInternetPointPointF 15 16 18 TVBEDSIDEREADINGLAMP@3'POINT 17 19 SwitchBoardat3'6" 20 SB geyserexhaustwithswitchboardwallfanchandelier21 22 5 15 TV 23 computerfootlightpointC T SwitchBoardat2'6"SB PROFILELIGHTHANGINGLIGHT 24 25 26 27 28 COVEONEWAYLIGHTWAY 29 TWOWAY 30 31 I BELLBUZZER CH WaterChimneywithswitchboardPurifierwithswitchboard SmallCeilingLightPoint 32 ROUTER CHIMNEYLAMPACACabovelintellevel PUR 33 PICTURELIGHT

28 3" 1'-0" 1'-0" 6" 3'-4" 1'-0" 1'-0" 1'-3" 5'-61'-6"1'-6"" 6'-0" 4" 1 2 1" 2" 4" 4" 9" 3" 1 1 11" 4" 8" 4" 1'-9" 1 6'-2" 1'-4" 1 11 2 1'-9 12 ReferenceImage 9'-07"BALCONYX5'-0" 11'-08"BEDROOM-3X11'-7" 5'-11"BATHROOMX5'-9" TABLE WARDROBEBEDCOMPUTERSIDETABLE TABLEDRESSING 1'-3" 1'-6"5'-61'-6" A B C D 8"2'-10" 8'-1" 1'-6" 1'-0" 3'-1" 2'-0" 9" 6'-0" Plan TABLESIDE 5" 9" 1'-10" 5'-3" 1'-6" 5'-6" 1'-6" 1'-9" 7" 6" 4'-5" 1'-0" 3'-1" 10" 10" 8"1'-1"1'-0"6"1'-7"1'-7"1'-2" 1 4 1'-6" 8'-7" 7"2'-6" 6'-8" 1'-0" 7'-3" 1'-0" 4'-6" 10" 4" 10" 1'-9" ElevationB ElevationA 1" 1''0" 6" 1" 3" 1'-6" 7" 5'-11" 6" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-0" 2'-10"8" 3" 1" 1'-5" 6" 1" 3'-0" 2'-11" 6" 1'-5"1'-5" 1'-5" 1'-6" 3'-0" 1'-5"1'-5" 1'-0" 1'-0" 8'-1" 3" 1" 1'-5" 6" 1" 3'-0" 1'-6" 1'-4" 3'-4" 6" 1'-4" 11" 3"1'-0" 1'-5" 3'-4" 1'-3" 1'-0" 1'-6" 3'-6" ElevationC ReferenceImage

29 11'-08"BEDROOM-2X9'-11"BATHROOM5'-11"X4'-3"BALCONY3'-10"X6'-3" SIDETABLE 5'-6" 1'-3" SIDETABLE 10" 3" 2" STORAGE MATTRESS 1'-1" 1'-6" 3" MATTRESS 1"WOODENFRAMEVENEERFINISH1"x12"WOODENFRAME VENEERFINISH1"X1"WOODENPATTI A B C D 4" 1'-6" 3" BED 1'-3"SIDETABLE6'-0"1'-6" 8'-0" 1'-3" 5'-6" 1'-3" 1'-4"1'-6"1'-3"9"7"BED SIDETABLE6'-0" 5'-6" 1'-6"1'-3" 8'-0" 1'-3"1'-6" ELEVATION3'-5"1'-4"1'-11"2'-0"1'-3" 5'-9" DRESSINGTABLEWARDROBE3"10"5"10 12 1 12 3'-8"10"1"4"3"4"3"4"3"4"3"3"4"3"4"3"4"3"4"2'-53 4 " 2'-101"2'-101 2 " 3"9"1"7'-3" 1111"11"11"1'-0"7"1"1"1" 12 1'-51'-0"1"1" 12 1" 1'-3" 1'-7" SIDEFRONTELEVATIONELEVATIONPLAN PLAN DETAILA 1010"5" 12 "1 1210""1" 1'-6"1'-11" 3'-6"3'-3" 4'-0" 3'-0" 3"9"1'-0"1'-0"2'-10"1'-0"1'-0" EQEQEQEQ1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-0"1'-1"7"eq eq 8" 7" ReferenceImageReferenceImage

11'-08"LIVINGROOMX13'-10" 1'-93 4 " 9'-07"BALCONYX3'-5" 3"11" EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 3'-10"1" 1'-71"5" 8" 9'-51 2 " 1'-0" 10" 1" 2'-0" 3'-6" 2'-0" 3" 3"1'-0" 1" 1" 1'-3" 1'-9" 3" 1" 1" 2" 1" 2" 2'-0" 3'-6" 6" 4" 1 14 " 7"2'-3"1'-3" 7"4"4" EQ EQ EQ 1'-5" 8'-3" 3'-1" 13'-4" A B C D CenterTableDesign ReferenceReferenceImageImage 30

CHIMNEY STOVE 3" 2'-4" 1" 3'-0" 7" 2'-0" 6" DRAWER SHUTTER DRAWER DRAWERDRAWER DRAWERDRAWER SHUTTERDRAWERDRAWERSHUTTER DRAWERDRAWER EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ COLUMN CEILING 3'-4"1'-3"1'-2" 9"3" 9" 1'-7" 3'-2" 1'-9" DRAWERDRAWERSHUTTER 2'-0" MIRRORMIRRORMIRRORMIRROROPENSHELFOPENSHELFSHELFOPENOPENSHELFSHELFOPENOPENSHELFOPENSHELFOPENOPENSHELFSHELFOPENSHELFSHELFOPEN TRAVERTINETILE 3'-5" EQ EQ EQ EQ 1" 1" 7'-1" 6" 5 12 4'-0" 1"2"11" 2'-8" EQEQ 2'-6" 4'-3" 3" 2"2'-10" 6'-6" 8"7"7"8" 1'-0"7"1'-0" 4'-0" 2'-6" Stone 1/4th groove 2'-4" 6" 2'-10" 3'-0" 1" 1'-4" 1" 2"6" 1" 7"2'-3" 7" 6'-9" 12'-2" ELEVATIONAELEVATIONBELEVATIONCELEVATIOND ELEVATIONA' 3" 1'-6" 8"1" 1" 1" STONE 9" 8" 8" PLATFORMSIDE 2'-4" REFRIGERATORSPACE 2'-8" 1'-9"1'-3"1'-8" 1'-2" 2'-0"1'-9" 2'-6"1'-1" 1'-1" 3'-4" 2'-0" 2'-1" 1'-1" 2'-8" 1'-4"2'-0"1'-4" 1'-2" 2'-10" 6'-7" CEILING CEILING CEILING CEILING 3'-5" 7'-9" 3'-5" eqeq Stone DRAWERDRAWER SHUTTER 2'-0" 7" 1" 9'-5" 14'-0" SHUTTERSHUTTERSKIRTING 2'-9" SHUTTERSHUTTER 2'-0" 2'-7" OPENSHELF OPENSHELF 1'-7" KITCHENANDDINING11'-08"X14'-04" 3'-10"STOREX4'-6" 1'-3" 2'-6" 4'-6" PLAN A B C D 2'-4" 2'-0" 2'-9" 2'-4" 8'-0" PLATFORMMATCHWITHWIDTH A' ReferenceImageReferenceImage 31

32 30x50mmPlywoodElasticFoamPlywoodFoamFabricPolishedWood20mmthk10mm19mmthk150mmBelt2mmBlockFoam20mmClothPlywoodFramingCushion 90 200 150 190 20 650 190 840 LAYOUT FRONTSECTION SIDESECTION 175 1050 175 1400 150 550 735 4545FoamBandElastic20mmFoam10mm SECTIONALLAYOUT FoamFabricPlywoodClothPlywoodBlock30x50mmFrame20mmthk CushionPolishedPlywoodFrameWood20mmthkcoveredwithfabricWoodenSSPlywoodFramePlatefixedwithboltsleg DetailA A DetailB DetailC C B 850 380 620 1000 PushTandem19mmStoneCoat10mmthkPlywoodChannelLatch 45 230 48 30 350 SECTION LEFT RIGHT 265198 41 44 30 321 PlywoodPlywood19mmthk35mmthk Plywood19mmthk StoneCoat PushTandemStoneCoatChannelLatch WhitePlywoodStoneCoat19mmthkLaminate1mmthk DetailC B A C DetailBDetailA LAYOUT

33 A A' B' B C C' D' D SECTIONSECTIONCC'DD'SECTIONAA' SECTIONBB' 1500 1230 380 310 310 181000 1681 820 150 1000 150 200 600 1600 2550 1518 150 705 1300 PorcelainTiles 700 3255 2821 565 PebblesFlooring S S SS S SpoutLeverShowerDivertorpanel 760650 MetropoleShowerFlush 475 825 350 600 20600 20mmGraniteStonethk 100 100 300 20mmKotaStonethk 2500 20 330 150 3000 285 510 645 2010 Mirror30x30MosaicShowerCurtainTilesmm 260 250 ShelfMetalDustbin(MarbleDrawersCountertopBasinFinish)Rod 750 95 WallHandMetropoleTowel36mmWooden20mmGraniteFramethkFramethkHangerExhaustFanFlushSprayMountedWC ExhaustFan 1000x500mm 500x1000PorcelainTilesmm500 1000 Basin175 167 167875 285 Faucet 695 490 PTrap ExhaustGeyserFan16mmGlassAluminiumFramePlasticCurtain SB-1SB-2TowelHanger FURNITURE&FLOORINGLAYOUT ELECTRICAL&CEILINGLAYOUT Sand2mmPEWoodenPorcelainGraniteStone20mmthkTilesFlooring12mmthkFoamUnderlay10mmthkPlasticSheetBed60mmthk Detail-A TemperedGlass18mmthkStainlessSteelBracketPorcelainTiles5mmthkSandBed60mmthkPebbleFlooringWasteTile PorcelainTiles(onwall) Detail-B GlassFixingDetailwithWall StainlessSteelCBracketLouveredVentilationAluminumFrameExhaustFanGraniteStone20mmthkSiliconAdhesive Detail-C DoorGranite10mm150mmPorcelainTiles5mmthkthkbrickwallthkplasterStone20mmthkSwing A B Detail-D D C

34 04 animalwhichAregionalofficewasdesignedinAnand,Gujaratcaninculticateatotalstaffof30membersforaNGO, FIAPO.thetotalareaconsistsofreception 21aarea,ameetingarea,4cabins,3differentworkstations,conferenceroomfor12,cafeteriawithaprovisionofpeopleatatime,recreationalarea,outdoordiscussionarea,washroomsfordifferentgenderandregionalheadcabinwithprivatewashroomandbalcony.ThisNGOishavingavintageinteriorwithanearthycolor&materialpalette.ESSENTIALS: ·regionalhead ·hrandadmin ·salesandmarketing ·campaigners/volunteers ·accounts ·designer ·canteen orporateOffice: FIAPONgoRegionalOffice


36 BALCONY PLANTATION RECORDMANAGER'SCABINROOMWORKSTATION FEMALE WASHROOM WASHROOMMALE PERSONALWASHROOM ACCOUNTANT CONFERENCEROOM WORKSTATIONWORKSTATIONLIFTRECEPTIONWAITINGWAITINGAREAAREA DESIGNER'SCABIN CAMPAIGNERS CAFETERIASERVERPLANTATIONMEETINGROOMROOMADMIN'SCABIN MALEWASHROOM FEMALE WASHROOM UTLITY ROOM RECREATIONALSPACE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE STORAGE A F'A' F C' E' C E D B D B 8030 150 11270 150 8030 150 1950 2960 150 230 1525 150 2382.17 300 1225 1800 230 1165 2250 2330 150 5060 4730 187808990 150 2600 2602680 2680260 3160 150 5760 11905601640 300 3695.51 2174.49 15011635.5 150 5760 250 3590 150 6280 27970 150 1510 720 730 1950 150 1220 150 451.34 1800 641.34710 3000 820 2490 2240 4730 225 4304.99 230 2705 1525 4910 3600 2236.80 1680.00 1787.15 2500 870 1500 600 (23.46sq.m.) 900 1100 450 850 1780.00 840.11 4030.00 1106.57 2150 850 900 1580 900 4380 8270 3000 11270 1350 4800.00 980 875 1000 900 4910.00750 1000.00 550 1870.00 1270.00 950 950 (49.37sq.m.) (28.30sq.m.) 3003300 914 900 1500850 (4.95sq.m.) 3300 2410 600 1700 400 1050 900 675(7.96sq.m.) 4300 650 1600 2670 1200 4265.00 (14.65sq.m.) 1000 1410.00 4580.00 5640.00 780.00 11640.00 (35.71sq.m.) 1620.00 2060.00 550 (3.3sq.m.)850 850 850 850 16001200.00 3550.00 2490 1175 600 1820 (8.8sq.m.) 1200 1600 1545 1930.00 1450.00 (5.74sq.m.) 4470 3590 1630 3620 3050 430 1425800900 390 2100 (14.6sq.m.) 1500 1610 1135 900 2000 2350 600 1175 1400.00 (4.63sq.m.) 650 1200 1500 1440 1200 600 2600 1500 920 500 590 1540 1640 2950 1740 1225 1480 600 (16.25sq.m.) (31.01sq.m.) 1020 1920 600 1510 1010 750(12.14sq.m.) 850 1800 12000(2.34sq.m.) 850 850 1780 1010 970 750 (3.73sq.m.) 700 1634 3610 3630 (13.23sq.m.) 1510.00 5760.00 2150 1190.00 2200 900900 5603800 380 350 1050 750 850 1650 400400 1400 1120 800 970950 490 1610 5353.52(49.72sq.m.) 1000.00 8030 1950 4790 900 1560 600905 540 3300 2705 630 1690 540420 609 (9.04sq.m.) 900 1435 600 3300.00 4300 4600 (17.08sq.m.) LAYOUT&SECTIONS

37 you“Youfightforwhat’sright,setthatvisionofwherewecouldbe—andthenyougoafteryourself.” “Wecan’thelpeveryone,but…Everyonecanhelpsomeone.”Dr.LorettaScott "ICANTSPEAKFORMYSELF,YOUAREMYVOICE."waysthisall“Don’ttellusthereasonsmightnotwork.Tellusalltheitcouldwork.” SECTIONSECTIONAA'BB'SECTIONCC'SECTIONDD'



40 0 IleadintrusionoutThelayoutisoriginatedfroma2dcompositionmadeofbasicgeometricshapes.usingextrusion&method,voidsandopeningsaremadewhichtowardsainteriorspace.hadchosenartistasanoccupantfortheresidence,forwhichihavegivenartgalleryadditionaltohis/herworkingspaceonfirstfloor.evenlandscapingisdoneonthetopfloorforrelaxation. SSTIALS ·Livingroom ·Kitchen ·Diningarea ·Powderroom ·Masterbedroom ·Workspace esidentialStudio StudioApartmentforArtist




44 6 26Onenteringthespace,thereisawaitingarea,intotalseatingarrangementisprovidedinthecaféwithaopenkitchenconcept,besidewhichthereiswashroomandutlity.Thiscaféwasinspiredfromthetheme‘elementsofnature’,inwhichfurnitureandoverallambienceiscreatedusingnaturalmaterialswhicharebasicallyearthyandgivesanaturalsurroundingwhilehavingdeleciousfood.Caféisnamedasnascibeanwhichisacombinationoftwowordsienatureandcoffeebean.ESSENTIALS: ·Waitingarea ·Tablefor2,4or6 ·Kitchen ·Servingplatform ·UtlityArea ·Powderroom etailStudio: NascibeanCafé

45 CASESTUDY: SeatingEntrance&WaitingArea&CirculationKitchenWashroomUtility LAYOUT SECTIONSECTIONAA'BB' SECTIONCC'SECTIONDD'


47 FRONTELEVATIONSECTIONCC'SECTIONDD'SECTIONEE' ReferenceImage ReferenceReferenceImageImage ReferenceReferenceImageImage ReferenceImage

48 0FurnitureDesign: CenterTableDesign -Spider-Lap-Pivot-Aesthetically-CherryWoodenABOUTtable:wood20mmthickappealing,itishavefinegrainsandithighlydurableandstrong.Temperedglass16mmthickMainlythreetypeofjoinery:jointjoint(screwed)webjoint(forglass)Pivotjointisusedbecauseofitsapplicationofrotation(180°)forcountertopFoldablefurnitureandmultipurposeusage. ENTRANCELIVINGROOM


ENTRANC 2840 500 1660500 215 305 215 305 3270 1775 1775 50 50 50 1600 426 PLAN@2100FPLAN@3500RONTELEVATON SDEELEVATON 3040 1090 970 710 270 3040 3270 3700 SECTONAA'SECTONBB'A A' B' B TemperatureSanitizerUnitTissueBoxMeasureUnitInstructionsShelves HiddenFlipCabinetInstructionsStoragewithcardlockShutterDustbin PolishedMetalBoxFramewood25mmthk 3035 1000 300 500 14501400 50 FurnitureDesign: etis Designrie: •regunsieringteurrentsenriteneetsnitiserteiestretesnitisingunit •reensieringteenirnentsitutinnseterneeeittsttiteesieregur ress: •tiisunitseresiuurseisesigneintesereuirertntretr •ustruturseuttrtreeeiietterenessteurrentsitutinnenerertiitinitee •rienustinerguse

screwtoHolderClockwiseScrewrotationofattachedwithscrewpushthemembersdowntomovedownwards ScissorScissorNutscrewtoHolderAnti-ClockwiseScrewrotationofattachedwithscrewpushthemembersdowntomoveupwardsforscrewtorotateJointMembers OpenedPositionofMembers BallScrewMechanisminOpenStructure BallScrewMechanisminClosedStructure ELEVATONS TOPVIEW DetailofCrossMembersconnectingwith120°memberswith90°cleats.Detailoftwo120°membersthroughpinjoint. DetailoftwoMembersshowingmovement. Latch Lock AluminiumBoxFrame30x50mmthk PlasticCurtains SlidingChannelforGlassDoor SlidingChannelforGlassDoor WhiteFabric StructuralCardLockDetailsforCabinet:Joinery: 51




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