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I completed my bachelors in architecture by taking up Illusions in architecture as my dissertation and final thesis topic. Being an abstract topic,the main challenge I faced was in the creation of the form or the shell of the park. I gave emphasis on visual illusions in the exterior of the structure. To explain ,illusion is a distortion of the senses, which can reveal how the human brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation&visual illusions (optical illusions) are the best-known and understood. The emphasis on visual illusions occurs because vision often dominates the other senses. Then I focused on Illusion in motion by translating this into an architectural device, the focus becomes how to construct and overlap a series of moments in order to give the sensation that space is continuously moving and shifting. Moreover,hyper reality and virtual reality leads to phantasm in us.
Virtual reality can be experienced in theatre whereas hyper reality in amusement parks. Through this thesis,I have tried to incorporate illusions within theme parks giving rise to an architectural amusement park. The chosen site is considered to be the cultural district of UAE,and proposing this park will enhance the present island in numerous ways. Form inspired from the golden ratio,and the shell was developed in rhino and hexagrid designed in revit.