Certified Angus Beef

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Certified Angus Beef h t t p s : / / a c h e f f i n g s k i l l s. wo rd p re s s . c o m / 2 0 1 9 / 1 1 / 2 8 / c e r t i f i e d - a n g u s - b e e f /

Angus is a breed, not a brand. To earn the logo as ‘Certified Angus Beef ®’ the very best of all Angus beef must meet 10 exacting standards, making it more selective.

The brand’s standards were established when a group of farmers got together to produce beef that’s extremely tender, juicier and always packed with flavor. Thus it makes the brand’s standards the true mark of quality.

The Certified Angus Beef brand logo is a sign of exceptional flavor and superior quality. The brand represents a gate to plate network of family ranchers, chefs, and retailers providing the very best Angus beef worldwide, by staying true to its local farm roots.

The palatability in each bite makes Certified Angus beef brand and other Angus beef brand different. The Certified Angus BeefÂŽ brand guarantee superior taste, tenderness, appearance, and consistency.

There are many innovative, dynamic and socially responsible companies, which aim to provide and spread healthy food with wide choices and varieties for everyone in UAE.

The certified Angus beef has an incredible demand in the worldwide market. Along with Asia UAE, UK food distribution companies in Qatar have witnessed tremendous growth in the hospitality sector during in past few years, where several high-end hotels and restaurants have entered the market creating a demand for niche products.

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