Group 3 Code Patras joint seminar week presentation Urban and railway development
Georgia Artemis KAKKOU Verena HANSELMANN Alkmini VALLINDRA Bernhard RIEGEL Antonis TSILIGIANNIS J茅r么me VONARBURG 14 june 2013
Group 3 Code Patras 1. European context of ports and railway development 2. Patras greater area railwaylines development 3. Costs of railwaylines development 4. Intermodal sta?on in Rio 5. Integra?on of the railway and the city 6. Development spots in Patras 7. Masterplan new port Patras
European context Igoumenitsa (Popul: 26’000) Pass. (2012): 852000 Freight: RoRo (216000 Cars, 141000 Trucks) Road Conn: very good Rail Conn: No feasible
Patras: (Popul: 210’000) Pass. (2012): 509000 Freight: RoRo (90000 Cars, 176000 Trucks) Road Conn: OK Rail Conn.: feasible
Piraeus: Passengers: 18 Mio Freight: Containers, General Cargo, RoRo, Bulk Cargo: in total 14 Mio tons (2012) Road Connec?on: very good Rail Connec?on: very good
Patras greater area railway line FreighVrain development of phases in City
Phase 2: to Lapas
Phase 5: single track freight connec?on
Urban scale of development
Costs of railway development
Source: own calcula?on based on data of AlpTransit AG Switzerland
Loca?on of intermodal sta?on Rio
Railway sta?on Railway depot Bus+Car area Hospital + University Train normal gauge Train metric gauge Bus routes
Intermodal sta?on Rio
Example for mixed-‐gauge track
Normal gauge for freight trains
(regional railway, Switzerland)
Metric gauge for suburbain train
Freight train in City
(Downtown Zurich, Switzerland)
Patras centre development spots
Development spots -‐ proposals
Integra?on of railway and city detached fastlane
(Strasbourg, France)
Integra?on of railway and city shared space at sta?on
(Berne, Switzerland)
Integra?on of railway and city access to the water
(Lake of Constance, Germany)
Integra?on of railway and city pedestrian at crossing
New port Masterplan
Group 3 Code Patras
Τηανκ ζοθ φορ ζοθρ αττεντιον
New depot Kria Iteon To Patras
To Lapas
The depot situa?ons of suburban train