: Dr. Dani Salleh
Academic Qualification : Ph.D (Urban and Regional Planning) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Infrastructure Procurement) M.Sc (Urban Planning) Universiti Sains Malaysia B.Sc (Hons) (Housing, Building and Planning) Univ. Sains Malaysia Organisation / Company : Department of Development Management College of Law and Public Management Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010, Sintok, Kedah. Designation
: Senior Lecturer
: +604-9284286 +6094482666
: College of Law and Public Management Universiti Utara Malaysia, 06010, Sintok, Kedah.
Personal Website
: -
Research Interest /
: Infrastructure Procurement, Project Planning, Development Control, Project Feasibility Study
Expertise National / International : Member of Board of Town Planners (MBTP) Affiliations Member of Institute of Planners (MMIP 360/96)
Improving Off-Site Infrastructure Provision through Planning Approval System in Peninsular Malaysia (Ph.D).
New Town in Regional Development: Case study of KETENGAH, Terengganu (M.Sc).
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
BOOKS 1. Dani Salleh (2007). Urbanisation: Planning and Control, Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Book in Malay, entitled Urbanisasi: Perancangan dan Kawalan). 2. Dani Salleh (2006). Managing the Metropolitan Cities: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities, Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Book in Malay, entitled Pengurusan Bandar Metropolitan: Isu, Cabaran dan Peluang ). 3. Dani Salleh (2006). Community Development: The Policies, Concepts, Strategies and Issues in Malaysia, Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Book in Malay, entitled Pembangunan Komuniti: Dasar, Konsep, Strategi dan Isu di Malaysia). 4. Dani Salleh & Rahman Aziz (2006). Introduction to Development Management, Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia. (Book in Malay, entitled Asas Kefahaman Pengurusan Pembangunan). 5. Dani Salleh (2008). Training procurement in Construction industry. In Rahim Romlee & Saadon Awang (Ed.), Administration, Legislations and National Development. Pearson (Prentice Hall). 6.
Dani Salleh (2006). Property development and environmental management - issues and challenges. In Hamidi Ismail (Ed.), Issues in Environmental Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Dani Salleh (2004). The fundenmental of concept of development project management. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Dani Salleh (2004). Development project planning. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Dani Salleh (2004). Project approval. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
10. Dani Salleh (2004). Development control. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia. 11. Dani Salleh (2004). Project implementation management. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia. 12. Dani Salleh (2004). Outsourcing of project financing. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
13. Dani Salleh (2004). The needs of trainning in project management. In Dani Salleh & Mohd Sukeri Khalid (Ed.), Public Project Management. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia. 14. Dani Salleh (2001). The needs of trainning among of Bumiputra construction contractors in Kedah. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia. 15. Dani Salleh (2001). The Administration of Local Council of Kangar. Publisher: Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Dani Salleh, Che Sobry Abdullah, Shahimi, Zulkifli Udin (2009). Supply chain management (SCM) prospects in Malaysia construction industry. Paper presented at Pan-Pacific Conference XXVI: Strategic Innovation Through_Collaboration and Convergence June 1-3, 2009 Shenzhen, China
Dani Salleh (2008). Proposed Improvement for Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. Paper presented at Asean Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment 2007. Organised by Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, 3-5 December, 2008.
Dani Salleh (2008). The Perceptions of Private Sector on the Use of Puclic-Private Partnership (PPP) for Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. In proceeding The Third International Conference on Public Policy and Management 2008. Organised by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India. August 3-6, 2008
Dani Salleh (2007). Proposed Improvement for Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. A paper presented at Asean Postgraduate Seminar in Built Environment 2007. Organised by Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, 3-5 December, 2007.
Dani Salleh (2007). Proceeding on Local Infrastructure Provision and Planning Approval System in Malaysia, Paper presented at Malaysia-Korea International Conference on th Sustainable Development and Planning Issues in Developing Countries. 5 . March 2007, at Senat Hall, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Dani Salleh (2007). Urban River Infrastructure Development in Malaysia. The conference was organized by New Zealand Royal Institute of Horticultur, Mt. Albert, Carrington Road, Auckland, New Zealand. 23-25 March, 2007.
Dani Salleh (2007). Infrastructure Provision and Development Approval System in Malaysia. A paper presented at Postgraduate Seminar, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, September 20, 2007.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia: Paper presented at International Conference on Plants as Infrastructure. The conference was organized by New Zealand Royal Institute of Horticultur, Mt. Albert, Carrington Road, Auckland, New Zealand. 23-25 March, 2007.
Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Infrastructure Provision and Development Approval System in Malaysia. Paper presented at Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, September 20, 2007.
10. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Proposing an integrated model for local infrastructure provision in Malaysia. Paper presented at International Conference on Local Government 2007 organised by UiTM, Sabah Branch, 22-24 August, 2007. 11. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Off-site Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia: The Perceptions of Private Sector. Paper presented at Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, March 19, 2007 at M Suite Hotel, Johor Bahru. 12. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Proposing an integrated model for local infrastructure provision in Malaysia. A paper presented at International Conference on Local Government 2007 organised by UiTM, Sabah Branch, 22-24 August, 2007. 13. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Off-site Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia: The Perceptions of Private Sector. A paper presented at Seminar on Built Environment, organized by Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, March 19, 2007 at M Suite Hotel, Johor Bahru. 14. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Local Infrastructure Provision and Planning Approval System in Malaysia, A paper presented at Malaysia - Korea International Conference on th Sustainable Development and Planning Issues in Developing Countries. 5 . March 2007, at Senat Hall, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 15. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2007). Proposing an Integrated Model for Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia, Paper presented at 2006 World Planning Schools Congress Diversity and Multiplicity: A New Agenda For The World Planning Community 11-16 May 2007, Mexico City, Mexico (Presented by supervisor) 16. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2005). Infrastructure Provision and Development Control th System in Malaysia. A paper presented at the 6 . Asian Urbanisation Conference, Kobe, th Japan. August 20-24 - 2005. 17. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2005). A Methodological Approach of local Infrastructure th Provision in Malaysia. A paper presented at the 5 . International Conference of th Geological Engineering. Katmandhu, Nepal September 28-30 - 2005.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
18. Dani Salleh & Marriyappan, R. (2003). Environmental Policy and Management in the Context of Security and Economic Development in Malaysia, a paper presented at the th th Fourth Annual Global Conference, Sydney, Australia. June 5 - 7 2003. 19. Dani Salleh (2002). Urban Planning And River Environment Management : Towards rd Intergrated River Basin Development In Malaysia. A paper presented at The 3 . International Conference on Disaster Management : Strengthening The National Security Capabilities, Kuching : 5-6 May 2002 20. Dani Salleh (2002). Regional Development Strategy and Demography Structural th Changed : A Leson From Malaysia Experiences. A Paper Presented At 7 . Asia-Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. July 24-27 2002 21. Dani Salleh (2002). Strenghtening Environmental Management At Local Authority Level : Structure Plans And Local Plans. A Paper Presented At Southeast Asean Natural Resources and Enviromental Management Conference (SANREM), Sabah. Organised by Unit of Science and Technology, State Government of Sabab and University Malaysia Sabah.17-20 October 2002. 22. Dani Salleh (2002). Development Control and Environmental Management In Malaysia. Paper presented at International Conference on Environmental Management : Ten Years After Rio. At Equatorial Hotel Kajang, organised by UKM, 22-24 October 2002. 23. Dani Salleh (2001). Urbanisation and Development: The Role of Development Planning In Malaysia, A papers presented at The International Planning Research Conference th 2001, Co-Organised by Liverpool University And Liverpool John Moores University, 9 11 April 2001( This paper jointly prepared with Asan-Ali Golam-Hassan). 24. Dani Salleh (2001). Property Development and Environmental Consideration In Malaysia : The Roles of Local Planning Authority In Controling Urban River nd Development, A paper presented at The 2 . International Conference on Disaster Management: Preparing and Planning for the Future Surabaya, Indonesia May 3-5 2001. 25. Dani Salleh (2000). The legislative framework of urban planning and development in Malaysia, A papers presented at the International Conference on Urban Futures 2000, Co-organised by Johannesburg Greater Metropolitan Council and The University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, on 7-14 July 2000
Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2008). The involvement of private sector in local infrastructure development in Malaysia. In Jurnal Alam Bina. Published by Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Vol. 11: No.2, 2008.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2005). A methodological framework for local infrastructure provision in Malaysia. In Journal of Nepal Geological Society. Published by Nepal Geological Society. Vol. 32 September 2005.
Dani Salleh & Noni Harianti Junaidi (2004). Development Control Practices in the State of Sarawak; A case study of Sarikei District. In Journal of Sarawak Development (SDI). Publisher: Sarawak Development Institute (SDI).Vol. 6, No. 1, June 2003, PPK: 280/4/2004.
Dani Salleh (2001). The involvement of bumiputera in construction industry: issues and the problems in training skills procurement. In Journal of Social Development. Universiti Utara Malaysia Vol. 78-99 / Vol. 2 June 2001. ISSN 1394-6528.
Dani Salleh & Siong, H.C (2008). Infrastructure Provision and Development Approval System in Malaysia. Proceeding of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, September 20, 2008.
Dani Salleh (2008). Proposing an integrated model for local infrastructure provision in Malaysia. Proceeding of International Conference on Local Government 2008. Organised by UiTM, Sabah Branch, 22-24 August, 2008.
Dani Salleh (2008). Off-site Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia: The Perceptions of Private Sector. In Proceeding by Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, March 19, 2008 at M Suite Hotel, Johor Bahru.
Dani Salleh (2008). The Perceptions of Private Sector on the Use of Puclic-Private Partnership (PPP) for Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. Proceeding of The Third International Conference on Public Policy and Management 2008. Organised by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India. August 3-6, 2008
Dani Salleh (2008). The Constraints of Private Sector Involvement in Local rd Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. Proceeding The 3 International Borneo Business Conference Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Malaysia. December 15-17, 2008.
10. Dani Salleh (2008). Infrastructure Provision and Development Approval System in Malaysia. In proceeding Built Environment Conference, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, September 20, 2008. 11. Dani Salleh (2008). Proposing an integrated model for local infrastructure provision in Malaysia. In proceeding International Conference on Local Government 2008 organised by UiTM, Sabah Branch, 22-24 August, 2008.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
12. Dani Salleh (2008). Off-site Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia: The Perceptions of Private Sector. In proceeding Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, March 19, 2008 at M Suite Hotel, Johor Bahru. 13. Dani Salleh (2008). The Perceptions of Private Sector on the Use of Puclic-Private Partnership (PPP) for Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. In proceeding The Third International Conference on Public Policy and Management 2008. Organised by Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Bangalore, India. August 3-6, 2008. 14. Dani Salleh (2008). The Constraints of Private Sector Involvement in Local rd Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. In proceeding 3 International Borneo Business Conference Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Malaysia. December 15-17, 2008. 15. Dani Salleh, Che Sobry Abdullah, Shahimi, Zulkifli Udin (2008). Supply chain management (SCM) prospects in Malaysia construction industry. In proceeding PanPacific Conference XXVI: Strategic Innovation Through_Collaboration and Convergence June 1-3, 2009 Shenzhen, China 16. Dani Salleh (2002). Development Control And Environmental Management In Malaysia. In proceeding International Conference On Environmental Management: Ten Years After Rio. UKM, 22-24 October 2002. Penerbit: Penerbit UKM. 17. Local Infrastructure Provision in Malaysia. Dalam Proceding International Conference On Plants As Infrastructure Unitec New Zealand, Carrington Road, Mt. Albert Auckland, New Zealand 24-25, March 2006 18. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2002). Infrastructure Provision And Development Control Process In Malaysia. In pproceeding National Confecence on Transportation Management: Issues and Challenges. 19. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2006). Local Infrastructure Provision In Malaysia: Proposing An Intergrated Model For Local Infrastructure Provision. In Proceeding World Planning Schools Congress: Diversity And Multiplicity: A New Agenda for the World planning Community 11-16 July 2006, Mexico City, Mexico 20. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2006). An Intergrated Improvement For Local Infrastructure (Off-Site) Provision In Malaysia. In proceeding Asean Postgraduate Seminar In Built Environment 2007 Organised By Faculty Of Buit Environment, University of Malaya, 3-5 December, 2007 21. Perancangan dan Kawalan Pembangunan di Sarawak: Kajian Kes Daerah Sarikei. In proceeding Persidangan Antarabangsa Erajaan Tempatan 2006 . Universiti Teknologi Mara, Cawangan Sabah, 88997 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
Implikasi Penempatan Setinggan Dalam Pembangunan Daerah. Di Dalam Proceding Persidangan Antarabangsa Kerajaan Tempatan 2006 Anjuran Uitm, Cawangan Sabah.22-24 Ogos 2006. Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
23. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2006). Proposing An Integrated Model For Local Infrastructure Provision In Malaysia. In proceeding International Conference On Local Government 2006 Organised By Uitm, Sabah Branch, 22-24 August, 2006. 24. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2006). The Constraints Of Private Sector Involvement In rd Local Infrastructure Provision In Malaysia. In proceeding The 3 International Borneo Business Conference Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88999 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Malaysia. 25. The Involvement Of Private Sector in Local Infrastructure Development In Malaysia. In proceeding Seminar Postgraduate Faculty Of Built Environment, Utm 2007 26. Peranan Pihakberkuasa Tempatan (PBT) dalam Perancangan Pembangunan. In proceeding Seminar antarabangsa Seminar Dasar Malaysia Peringkat Antarabangsa: Dasar Sebagai Landasan Pembangunan Bangsa dan Negara 27. Dani Salleh & Siong, H. C. (2006). Local Infrastructure Provision and Planning Approval System in Malaysia. In proceeding Korea International Conference on th Sustainable Development And Planning: Issues In Developing Countries. 5 . March 2007, At Senat Hall, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Kajian Pembangunan dan Pengindahan Sungai Anak Kedah, Sungai Bukit dan Sungai Bukit Pinang - Negeri Kedah Darul Aman (Bersama Ismail Lebai Othman, Juhary Ali dan Fais Ahmad). Penaja : KEMENTERIAN KEBUDAYAAN, KESENIAAN DAN PELANCONGAN MALAYSIA. Kos Projek : RM200,000.00 / COMPLETED
Kajian Keberkesanan Program Penyediaan Premis di Bawah Agensi Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawanan Malaysia. (Bersama Zakaria Ismail, Shahimi Mohtar, Engku Mansor Engku Ismail, Hj. Hassan, hamzah Adb. Rahman). Penaja : KEMENTERIAN PEMBANGUNAN USAHAWANAN MALAYSIA. Kos Projek : RM 236,000.000 / COMPLETED Anugerah : Mendapat Anugerah Projek Perundingan Terbaik, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2000.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
Feasibility Study for the Establishment of Malaysia-Thailand Special Border Economic Zone: At Bukit Kayu Hitam (Malaysia) and Sadao District, Songkhla Province (Thailand) Status: Ketua Perunding Penaja: MALAYSIA DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (MDI) Unit Perancang Ekonomi (EPU), Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Kos Projek : RM 138,000.000 / COMPLETED
Consultation before Joining Universiti Utara Malaysia 1.
Socio Economic Study For Squatter Settlement Areas In Sungai Petani, 1994. For Municipal Council of Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman. 1993.
Feasibility Study for Mix Development on Lot 124, Sub-District Sg. Pinang, Pulau Pinang. 1995.
Environmental Issues and Matigating Measures - Jelutong Expressway, Penang Island, for IJM Bhd. 1992.
Kajian Asas Potensi Pembangunan Tanah-tanah Milik Koperasi Tunas Muda Sg. Ara Sdn. Bhd. 1995.
Proposed Development of 100 units, 10 storey Low Cost Housing(960 sf) on Lots 346 and 1304, Mukim 9, D.B.D Pekan Teluk Kumbar, P.Pinang for Tetuan Koperasi Orang Melayu Pulau Pinang & Seberang Perai Bhd. 1995.
Proposed Light Industrial Estate and Shophouses Development on Lot 1286, Mukim Sg. Seluang, Daerah Kulim, Kedah for Tetuan Perumahan Setar Sdn. Bhd. 1993.
Proposed Housing Developmen on Lots 2785 & 2786, Mukim Sg. Petani, Daerah Kuala Muda, Kedah for Tetuan Ng Nguang Sdn. Bhd. 1993.
Proposed Medium Cost of Apartment Development on lots 921 & 922, Mukim 11, D.B.D, Pulau Pinang for Tetuan Saudajaya Sdn. Bhd.
Proposed Housing Development on lots 1555, 1556, 1557, Section 5, George Town, D.T.L, P. Pinang for Tetuan Merit Harizon Sdn. Bhd. 1994.
10. Proposed Mixed Development on Lots 289, 290, 292, 302, 1555, 2920, 2921, 3385, 5607, 5608, 5609 and 5610, Sub-district of 13, North-East District, Jalan Yap Chor Ee, Pulau Pinang for Tetuan Lum Choo Reality Sdn. Bhd. 1994.
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia
ON-GOING RESEARCH 1. Developing an attractive model of Government Incentive-based of Private Finance Initiative (GIB-PFI) to promote private sector involvement in providing infrastructure for the local authorities in Malaysia with less economic competitive advantage. Project Funded by Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), 1 year term. 2. CIDB Supply-Chain Management in Construction Industry 2011 (CIDB grant, RM386,000.00). 3. The Adaptation and Application of Planning Gains in Local Infrastructure Development in Malaysia
ACADEMIC SUPERVISION 1. Supote Kovitaya. Factors Affecting the Success of Development Plan Performance of Songkla City Municipality (ongoing) 2. Abdul Jubreel. Housing Industry and Policy in Nigeria. A Case Study of the Development of Capitalists Sector in Lagos (ongoing). 3. Noni Harianti Bt. Junaidi. Penglibatan Masyarakat dalam perancangan pembangunan di Sarawak. 4. Wan Nazri B. Abdul Rahman. Supply chain management in Construction Malaysia industry.
ACADEMIC DISTINTION AND AWARDS 1. Best Research Award, School of Social development, Universiti Utara Malaysia, 2000. 2. Excellent Services Award, Universiti Utara Malaysia 2000. 3. Best Consultation Project Award, Universiti Utara Malaysia 2000. 4. Excellent Service Award, Universiti Utara Malaysia 2001. 5. Excellent Service Award, College of Law, Governance and International Studies, Universiti Utara Malaysia 2009.
Source : Dr. Dani Salleh (2011) Updated : July 25, 2011
Research and Development Division Federal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular Malaysia