Winter 2016

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Anza-Borrego Aims for World Heritage Designation & the Work Begins By Dave Van Cleve

No. 84 Winter 2016

For over 40 years, the United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been designating natural and cultural locations throughout the world as World Heritage sites. Roughly 1,000 places have been approved as World Heritage sites, only 23 of which are located in the United States. Two are in California: Yosemite National Park and Redwood National and State Parks. None of the sites in the United States consists of a large desert ecosystem like we have here in Anza-Borrego. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and Anza-Borrego Foundation have jointly agreed to support the nomination of the Park to the list of inscribed sites for World Heritage. In this case, “support” actually means to build the scientific case for the Park’s nomination, to write the nomination (these are often in the 250–300 page range), and to develop a framework of agencies, elected officials, academic institutions, individuals and nonprofit organizations to rally around this nomination. I recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with the staff of the National Park Service that manages the World Heritage program in the U.S. They review the nominations for properties in the U.S. and forward the most viable to the World Heritage Congress for consideration. They were very encouraging of our efforts. Obviously, with only 23 inscribed sites in this country, there is a very high bar for success here. The next step for the Park is to prepare the nomination and apply to be on the “tentative list” for the United States. I’ll describe our plan of approach in more detail in a moment, but let’s first take a look at what it takes to gain World Heritage status. The most important criterion for World Heritage status is what UNESCO calls “Outstanding Universal Value.” In other words, each site must possess exceptional qualities, either natural or cultural (or a mix). Yosemite and the Redwoods parks clearly possess outstanding natural values that appeal to a universal audience. On the cultural side, Independence Hall, the Statue of Liberty and Mesa Verde National Park are existing sites in the U.S. that have outstanding historical, anthropological or archeological values. Worldwide, there are four times as many cultural sites as there are natural sites. The fact that Anza-Borrego’s justification is based on natural, cultural and paleontological bases will help make its candidacy a strong one. continued on page 3

From the President

There is a movement afoot to submit Anza-Borrego Desert State Park for consideration as a World BOARD of TRUSTEES: Jim Smith PRESIDENT

Dick Troy



TRUSTEES: Nicholas Clapp Ernie Cowan Sharon Goldsmith Bill McDonald John Peterson Philip Pryde Ralph Singer Linda Tandle David Van Cleve ABF STAFF: Paige Rogowski


Tracie Cofer


Bri Fordem


Julie Gerson


Ashley Kvitek


Briana Puzzo


Chris Rogowski


Christina St John

Heritage site. Success largely depends on the uniqueness of this place, which all of us can attest to. A discussion was initiated by stakeholders here in the Borrego Valley, and the consensus was that the strongest argument for becoming a World Heritage Site would be to focus on the fact that the Borrego Valley hosts the only active rift valley in North America. It seemed to the group that almost every incredible expression of this place emanated from that fateful time about eight million years ago, when North America met the approaching Pacific Plate. Imagine, for a minute, that you are a Gomphothere (a mammoth-like creature with four tusks) standing at the top of today’s Montezuma Grade about eight million years ago. You’re looking east, out over a vast plain. You hear a sound like rolling thunder, followed by an earthshaking jolt. A crack opens somewhere on that limitless plain in a cloud of dust, and the Salton Trough begins its expansion. Of course, you just look away and keep browsing — no big deal to you. Don’t you love hindsight? A brand new course of events was set in motion that day. For the previous 190 million years or so, North America had been traveling west, running from Pangaea and into or over everything in its way. That included an oceanic plate that is still being shoved under us today. But here in the middle, we had no choice but to welcome the new Pacific Plate that was not moving directly toward us, but north and slightly west. The groundwork of the San Andreas Fault had just been laid. About six million years ago, the Baja landform began to declare its independence from the rest of what we today call Mexico, thereby creating the Gulf of California. The ocean chased up into Palm Springs (which at that time was 120 miles south of where it is today), and the Salton Trough got wider and deeper. The Colorado Plateau started rising around this time, and the Colorado River began eroding today’s Grand Canyon. As the river washed downstream, it was carrying all those carved-out sediments, just waiting for a low point to drop them all. Where did they all go? To the Salton Trough and what we today call the Borrego Badlands! These sediments blocked the ocean from moving farther north and allowed a series of lakes to fill, providing great habitat for the area’s earliest human inhabitants around 10,000 years ago. Mountain ranges have risen, the trees have disappeared, rain is now scarce, all the megafauna have gone extinct, people have continuously eked out a living, and the valley implacably grows deeper and wider. All of this creates our daily existence and holds us spellbound in this place. What’s next? Perhaps a place in the world that others will be privileged to come and witness — like we do every morning.


ANZA-BORREGO FOUNDATION 587 Palm Canyon Drive #110 & 111 Borrego Springs, CA 92004 (760) 767-0446 Anza-Borrego Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt [IRS code 501(c) (3)] charitable organization DESERT UPDATE: ABF Staff Carey Raffetto Copy Editor

Sara Jacobi Design Printed in U.S.A. on 50% postconsumer recycled paper.

Thanks, Jimmy Smith ABF President

ABF Offers Second Year of Free Member Hikes This season, ABF is again offering our weekly members-only hikes. Where will you go? Only your leader will know! Each hike starts from the State Park Store and explores a different part of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park. Our leaders range from current and former State Park staff, ABF staff and ABDSP Visitor Center volunteers, and each leader picks where he/she wants to roam. Hikes leave from the State Park Store at 8:30 a.m. every Tuesday morning until the end of April, or whenever it gets too hot to be out hiking. We will return to the State Park Store around 12 p.m. For more information, contact Ashley Kvitek, Education Coordinator, at 760-767-0446 ext. 1003 or

Superintendent’s Corner by Kathy Dice, ABDSP Superintendent

Anza-Borrego Desert State Park has so many interesting layers and stories. Even after all these years I am learning new things and discovering hidden treasures. It is hard to imagine ever tiring of looking out at these landscapes! There are the layers of lives lived here in the forms of creatures that now exist as our earliest fossils, installed in layers of geological formations. The layers of habitats, full of flora and fauna, at elevations below sea level to over six thousand feet. There are histories of people who lived in this place for hundreds of years, others who passed through here on their way to presidios, missions, wars and gold, and still some hearty folks who homesteaded here. How lucky we are to see the evidence of lives past and be part of present living!

In this Park we have layers of staff — volunteers, seasonal employees and permanent ones — all with important work to do while being given the opportunity to experience the great outdoors of the desert. We also have layers of partnerships: our most valued relationship with Anza-Borrego Foundation here on this side of the world, and friendship with our sister park in Mongolia, the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve. As of 2013, we have also formed a research partnership with the University of California, Irvine, at their new research center here in Borrego Springs. And in addition to designated wilderness areas and seven Cultural Preserves, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is a recognized Biosphere Reserve, a University of California Natural Reserve and, if we are really fortunate, may someday earn the honor of being named a UNESCO World Heritage Site! On the very top layer are you: our park visitors, supporters and desert lovers altogether. All of these layers of treasure and stories are here to be explored and discovered. Anza-Borrego holds delight, beauty, quiet, fun and for many — serenity. I would like to think there is something here for everyone to find what they seek. Happy New Year, and here’s to renewed adventure!

...the Work Begins continued from page 1

The other key criteria for consideration as a World Heritage site are 1) the site must already be legally protected, and 2) there must not be existing major threats to the integrity of the site that would lead to decertification. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is governed by the laws that ensure that all California State Parks are protected from damage to their natural and cultural resources. Most of these laws are in the Public Resources Code. As for the second criterion, there will probably always be threats to the integrity of ABDSP; however, the State and Park supporters have demonstrated the will and ability to successfully defend the Park against previous threats. The primary benefits of World Heritage designation for Anza-Borrego are the following: 1) Protection. Since UNESCO approves only sites with outstanding universal values, this designation would help deliver the message that Anza-Borrego is a truly magnificent site that must be protected. 2) Tourism. Studies have demonstrated that World Heritage status, combined with a marketing effort that stresses that status, has led to increased tourism. The World Heritage status appeals to many domestic and international tourists who plan their trips around the world’s most outstanding

locations. This designation could help increase tourism from outside and within the United States. 3) Recognition. As one of fewer than 25 approved sites in the U.S., this underappreciated Park would gain stature and would likely receive more funding for protection and tourism. The nomination process takes several years. Our effort is aided by the newly created Stewardship Council in Borrego Springs as well as by the establishment of the UC Irvine Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center. The momentum for a major step forward in tourism is now in place, as is a basis for scientific assistance and recognition. A team of over 20 Park, ABF and community members recently met to match up the attributes of the Park to the World Heritage criteria. This assisted the team in reaching agreement on the Outstanding Universal Value of ABDSP. It was agreed, in rough terms, that the unique stories of paleontology and geology are the best themes to pursue as per the World Heritage nomination criteria. Although the natural and cultural history of the Park are outstanding, for this nomination they will serve to support the paleontological and geological areas of concentration. The Park is home to the earth’s richest and most continuous stratigraphic and

paleontological records that span the Miocene, Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs (over nine million years ago to less than 0.2 million years ago). And for geology, the story of the only geologically active rift valley in the western hemisphere is compelling. Anza-Borrego Desert State Park is also located on the southernmost end of the longest continental plate boundary system in North America. This geologic activity has led directly to the creation of the Peninsular Range of mountains on the west side of the Park (and extending from Mt. San Jacinto near Palm Springs to the southern tip of the Baja peninsula).

We have a good team, good momentum and good support from the state, ABF and donors. Now we look forward to a few years of hard work. Although everyone I have talked to says that approval is a long and difficult journey, we also know that it will never occur if we do not make a strong case. This is the best time and the best opportunity to put our best people to work on this effort. Desert Update Winter 2016


Why I Give A Heart for International Conservation Susan Gilliland Susan grew up backpacking in the Sierras with her mother — nurturing a deep appreciation for wilderness and for the gift of being surrounded by the natural world. A college graduate of anthropology and natural history, she once dreamed of becoming a ranger, roaming and protecting the lands she so loved. Her interests have led her to enjoy many “storylines”: working with conservation organizations in Sun Valley, Idaho, and Sonoma County, California; obtaining a master’s degree in business; traveling to all seven continents; editing a hiking book; and steeping herself in her passions of open spaces, culture and history. In the spring of 2011, Susan came to Borrego Springs in search of a brighter and warmer winter vacation. She fell in love almost instantly, extending her planned two-week stay into almost six weeks, and then buying a home and moving here within eight months of her initial visit. “I love living in the Park, encircled by wilderness. My spirits soar because I am surrounded by land with no fences,” says Susan. Like many of us, she too feels that “ahhhh” when she crests the valley overlook in Ranchita. Jumping right in with a new home and a thirst to learn more about the Park, Susan took the Visitor Center Volunteer Course in the fall of 2011. Since then Susan has been busy immersing herself in the activities and wonders of this special parkland. She has also taken training courses to become a Volunteer Naturalist and Archaeology Site Steward, and is now the Chair of the Colorado Desert Archeology Society. Susan gravitated toward the cultural resources of the Park and aligned herself with supporting the preservation and protection of its natural and cultural history. Her interest paved the way to an opportunity to work with Dr. Joan Schneider, former Park Archeologist. Joan’s mentoring and sharing of experiences with Susan led to an invitation to assist Joan with a special project in our sister park in Mongolia, Ikh Nart Nature Reserve. Both Ikh Nart and ABDSP are rich in evidence of human habitation and cultural resources.

their beautiful natural landscapes, their local community’s appreciation of wildland and their emphasis on preservation of habitat for Argali, a relative of our own Desert Bighorn." Dr. Schneider is documenting Ikh Nart’s Cultural Resources and, with volunteers from an organization called Earth Watch, Susan is assisting Joan as volunteer staff to develop knowledge of what cultural resources exist and how to protect them. Susan plans to return in 2016 for another field season. As an avocational archeologist, she loves what she calls her “second career” carried out via citizen science programs and volunteering for the Park. Susan says, “I finally get to do what I have always wanted to!” She gives through her volunteer work and as an AnzaBorrego Foundation Century Circle member. Her partnership with the Park and the Foundation is a mutually beneficial one. The Park sustains Susan’s passion for wilderness and cultural history; in turn, she supports, protects and shares her love of the Park with others. It’s no secret that the Park would not be what it is without its volunteers and the support of ABF members. Susan is an advocate for the volunteer programs and is especially excited to work with Colorado Desert Archeology Society. She hopes to help increase their membership in order to make a greater impact on the preservation of cultural resources. Folks like Susan inspire us to keep our nose to the grindstone and continue to develop ways to protect this extremely special parkland. Susan is an exceptional example of someone who not only gives through her educational skills and pocketbook, but also through her dynamic presence and time. Her abundant experiences and love for this land affect the Park in ways that would be difficult to quantify. We can only hope that she will inspire you — just as she has us and so many others. Thank you, Susan, for all you do!

“There are many other similarities between the two parks, such as

New Land Acquisition

ABF Has a New Ride! On November 30, 2015 ABF closed escrow on 1,129.5 acres of Lucky 5 Ranch. This new acquisition completely connects Anza-Borrego Desert State Park with Cuyamaca Rancho State park. The property will be open to explorers on foot in spring of 2016.

SAVE THE DATE Check the website soon for an invitation to celebrate this acquisition with us! 4

Winter 2016 Desert Update

Keep an eye on the Southern California roads because ABF has a new outreach vehicle. The 2016 Subaru Outback will help transport people during our programs and everywhere it drives people will see “Explore Anza-Borrego.” The vehicle was purchased through a Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The wrap was sponsored by Palm Springs Subaru.

Natural & Cultural Resource Protection Worldwide

Mongolia’s Ikh Nart Nature Reserve and Anza-Borrego Desert State Park: Official Sister Parks By Lynn Rhodes and Mark Jorgensen

Since 2007, a small team of California State Park managers, scientists and Anza-Borrego Foundation representatives (including Mark Jorgensen, Mike Wells, Joan Schneider, Steve Bier, Lynn Rhodes, Chuck Bennett, Ray Mouton, Diana Lindsay, Susan Gilliland, Roger Riolo and others) has spent a portion of most summers collaborating to assist Anza-Borrego Desert State Park’s official Mongolian Sister Park, the Ikh Nartiin Chuluu (Ikh Nart) Nature Reserve. What brings each of us to this protected area is a formal resolution by the California State Parks Commission between Ikh Nart Nature Reserve and California’s AnzaBorrego Desert State Park (ABDSP). The relationship originally began in 2004 when Mark Jorgensen traveled to Mongolia and, due to a chance meeting, established a relationship with managers from the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve and the Denver Zoo Foundation (DZF). The original relationship has evolved and has reached an international level of local and diplomatic influence.

development, mining and other competing activities. Prior to partnering with California State Parks, protection of Ikh Nart was partially accomplished by DZF and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences in Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Local nomadic herdsmen had been recruited to patrol the 160,000-acre Gobi Desert reserve by horseback, foot and motorcycle. What was needed, in their words, were professionals with experience managing a “park” to turn this reserve, which existed on paper, into a real park. Using private funds and donations, the rangers were outfitted with uniforms, bilingual patches, backpacks, first-aid kits, GPS units, binoculars, spotting scopes, laptops, digital cameras and two motorcycles. Poaching and illegal mining activities were reduced to nearly zero with the presence of uniformed rangers. ABF and DZF established donor accounts to help provide support and ranger salaries.

Four to five rangers work year-round at Ikh Nart, enduring winter temperatures down to -50˚F and summer temperatures over 100˚F.

Joan's White House Medal from the US Embassy.

For the past several years our working group has focused on development and implementation of a management plan for Ikh Nart Nature Reserve with the United Nations Development Program Special Protected Area Network. One of the primary goals of the plan is to help protect and balance environmental and cultural protection in concert with known

The reserve boundary is now posted with over 100 custom-made boundary signs, in Mongolian and English, manufactured in California and donated by the ABF Ikh Nart fund. Conservation and protection programs safeguard burial sites over 5,000 years old, stone alignments, lithic quarries, the remains of a Buddhist temple, Argali sheep, Siberian ibex, cinereous vultures and grey wolves. In 2014, archaelogist Joan Schneider, PhD, was able to secure funding for the salary of one additional ranger to protect Ikh Nart’s cultural resources. Since then, Dr. Schneider has further developed the Cultural Heritage Conservation project, whose members

Left: Amgaa with Sheep Tracking device. Right: Batbold with Boundary Sign.

work closely with the Mongolian Academy of Sciences’ Institutes of History and Archaeology, conducting extensive cultural protection projects. These programs, alongside ABDSP, have increased U.S. and international understanding as well as built enduring alliances and networks. In June of 2015, U.S. Embassy officials in Mongolia presented Dr. Schneider with a medal from the White House. Her award recognized the local and international value of the protection work being accomplished. Tax-deductible donations to support the Sister Park may be made to ABF. Funding primarily supports salaries for the nomadic rangers and reciprocal programs. Ranger presence has been successful in curtailing poaching and illegal mining for only $1,500 per year for each ranger. Your contribution is key to protecting resources in AnzaBorrego’s Sister Park, Ikh Nart Nature Reserve! Lynn Rhodes is a former Division Chief for California State Parks, published author and Trustee/Treasurer of the Anza-Borrego Foundation. Mark Jorgensen is the former Superintendent of ABDSP, published author and naturalist. Questions for Lynn and Mark should be sent to Desert Update Winter 2016


2016 Winter Programs Visit or call 760-767-0446 for full event information.

Hikes & Hops and Bikes & Brews

$20 / $15 for ABF Members; free for new members who joined within the last three months This social hike and bike series in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park connects people with two things in common: a love of AnzaBorrego and craft beer. Join us for a hike and some hops or, if it’s more your thing, a bike and a brew! Hikes & Hops at West Butte Borrego Mountain February 7, 2016 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Leader: Scott Turner, Co-Writer of Afoot and Afield in San Diego County Join Scott Turner for a moderate 5-mile adventure at Borrego Mountain and be rewarded with views of the Borrego Badlands, a journey through The Slot and just enough difficulty to keep it interesting. Hikes & Hops on the PCT near Anza April 16, 2016 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Leader: Paige Rogowski, ABF Executive Director Note the updated date. More info coming soon, check the website for details.

Madera Canyon Birding Tour Bob Theriault and Mark Jorgensen April 3–8, 2016 $750 per person ABF members only Limited to 12 birders Join retired ABDSP Superintendent Mark Jorgensen and retired ABDSP Ranger Bob Theriault on ABF’s members-only birding hostel into beautiful Madera Canyon, located on the north slope of the Santa Rita Mountains — one of Arizona’s most popular birding locations. Birders of all levels are invited on this one-of-a-kind tour. Registration includes double-occupancy lodging at Santa Rita Lodge (no singles available), about 45 miles south of Tucson. Each unit contains an efficiency kitchen. Plan to eat sack lunches in the field. The trip cost does not include meals or transportation. Details at


Winter 2016 Desert Update

Borrego Badlands Mountain Bike Ride January 31, 2016 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Leaders: Jim Roller and Gary Haldeman This two-wheeled, 15-mile strenuous mountain bike adventure will start at Arroyo Salado and wind through one of ABDSP’s remote Borrego Badlands areas. See the website for important information. Coyote Canyon Mountain Bike Ride March 12, 2016 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Leaders: Jim Roller and Gary Haldeman This is going to be a moderate to strenuous 12 miles that will include a 6 mile climb at the start through sand, rocks, and water crossings before we head back down (through the same terrain) for a superb 6 mile ride. See the website for important information. Glorieta Canyon Mountain Bike Ride April 3, 2016 9 a.m.–2 p.m. Leaders: Jim Roller and Gary Haldeman This ride will be a difficult 15-mile mountain bike ride up and back down Glorieta Canyon, featuring views of the Borrego Valley and sculptures galore.

Photo Contest Opening Reception February 6, 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Free & Open to the Public Join us at the Borrego Art Institute for the opening reception of our exhibition of the photo contest entries. Stop in to the gallery to see the winners and vote for your favorite. Adult and youth photos with the most votes receive our People’s Choice Award. All photos will be available for purchase. This is the opening of the Gallery Show, which will be open from February 6 through February 27. Borrego Art Institute 665 Palm Canyon Drive Borrego Springs, CA 92004

Mike’s Hikes with Mike Puzzo $45 / $35 for ABF Members Not for the feeble-legged or the weak-hearted, Mike’s Hikes are extremely strenuous treks through difficult terrain. All participants should be very experienced hikers, accustomed to full-day, 10+ mile strenuous hikes.

Explore Anza-Borrego Desert State Park further through this series of in-depth learning experiences. Each class begins with an evening lecture at the Steele/ Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center and continues the following day with a field trip that provides an enriching hands-on experience in the Park. Each class: $60 / $50 for ABF Members; lecture only: $5 The California Deserts: A Hotbed for Floristic Diversity and Discovery March 4–5, 2016 Instructor: Dr. James André, Plant Ecologist and Director of the Granite Mountains Desert Research Center This program provides an overview of botanical exploration in the California Deserts, highlighting many recent discoveries, needs for additional inventory and the conservation implications of looming large-scale impacts to our desert floristic frontier. The Evolutionary & Conservation Importance of Short-Range Endemic Arachnids from Desert Habitats March 18–19, 2016 Instructor: Dr. Marshal Hedin, Professor, Department of Biology, San Diego State University This program highlights California arachnids with naturally small geographic distributions and their implied conservation risks, focusing on several species from ABDSP. Responses of Birds to Large-scale Wildfires in Western Anza-Borrego Desert State Park April 22–23, 2016 Instructor: Philip Unitt, Curator of Birds and Mammals, San Diego Natural History Museum Philip Unitt examined the responses of 100 bird species to the Pines, Coyote and Cedar wildfires of 2002–2003 in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park and surrounding habitat. The responses and trends identified apply to historic fire recovery and may speak to the impact on species distribution from projected climate-change models. ABF needs your help to underwrite these special programs. If you can help, please contact Bri Fordem at or (760) 767-0446 ext. 1006.

February 20: Granite Mountain Granite Mountain overlooks Shelter Valley and Sentenac Cienega, and offers a strenuous climb with some bouldering and bushwhacking required to accomplish our journey. Total elevation will be about 3,200 feet. Check for important information regarding ability, meeting places and times.

Southwestern Desert Bats $195 / $175 for ABF Members Patricia Brown-Berry, PhD April 22–24 (5 p.m. Friday through 1 p.m. Sunday) Discover what makes bats critical components of our desert ecosystem. Dr. Patricia Brown-Berry has conducted bat research for the past 48 years and will introduce participants to the world of bats and techniques used by scientists to study these amazing mammals. The three-day class (Friday evening to Sunday) includes daytime lectures and nightly fieldwork using ultrasonic bat detectors, mist-netting and night-vision equipment to observe wild bats.

13th Annual Archaeology Weekend April 2–3, 2016 The Colorado Desert District Archaeology Department and the volunteers of the Colorado Desert Archaeology Society will host a weekend filled with culturally focused talks, trips and demonstrations. Save the date and look for more details soon at Desert Update Winter 2016



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Century Circle Members Founder's Circle Tim and Claudia Costanzo Sharon and Jerry Goldsmith Douglas and Peggy Magde Leslie and John McQuown Mike Medema Barbara Oyler Vanessa Rusczyk Gabriel and Diana Wisdom President's Circle Steve Burch Bonnie and Nicholas Clapp David and Peg Engel Elizabeth Javens Jeanne Johnstone and George Jefferson Callie Mack and Phil Roullard Jim and Judy Smith Benefactor's Circle Hank and Christie Barber Bill Bookheim Florian Boyd Pat Carson Bruce and Christine Clegg Clifford and Carolyn Colwell Steve and Carolyn Conner Lois Day Richard Fowler and Terry Begole Fowler Thomas Garner

Susan Gilliland Bruce Heimbach Nancy and Bill Homeyer Dick and Joanne Ingwall Fred and L. Louise Jee Kathy King Janet and John Kister Elizabeth Levin Eric Mustonen and Amee Wood Jack and Arlene Oakes John Peterson Philip Pryde Larry and Peggy Puzzo Judith Begole Rahner Laura Roderick Joan and Martin Rosen Jim and Linda Roller Donald J. Stang and Helen Wickes Eleanor Schubert Ralph Singer and Lou Bahar Herb Stone Cynthia Stribling and Paul Webb Melvin and Ellen Sweet Linda Tandle Homer and Bettina Townsend Dick Troy Ralph and Rosalie Webb Michael Wells and Marie Simovich Kirsten Winter and Charles Vantassel

Grants and Business Donors Borrego Outfitters Borrego Springs Rotary Borrego Valley Inn California State Parks Foundation Desert Protective Council Disney Conservation Fund EarthShare of California George's Camera Exchange, Inc. Hattie Ettinger Conservation Fund John & Diane Prewitt Family Foundation La Casa Del Zorro Oceanside Photo/Telescope Astr Soc Porter Sesnon Foundation Resources Legacy Fund San Diego County San Diego Gas & Electric Sunbelt Publications The Foster Family Private Foundation The Heller Foundation of San Diego The Pratt Memorial Fund at Union Bank of California San Diego County Archaeological Society

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