The Newsletter of ANZUP Cancer Trials Group Limited
MAY 2014
Large trials assess new hormone treatment for Prostate cancer An excerpt from our recent media release: Sydney 8 April, 2014: The Australian and New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate (ANZUP) Cancer Trials Group will be the international lead for two of the largest clinical trials for sufferers of the world’s most commonly diagnosed form of cancer, prostate cancer. The international trials, which have the potential to radically change the way prostate cancer is treated, will together involve over 1,900 patients across Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, United Kingdom, and Canada. The trials involve a new hormone treatment, Enzalutamide. Enzalutamide is not currently approved in Australia for use in prostate cancer but has been shown to be effective in treating late stages of the disease. The ENZAMET study will involve about 1,100 men with prostate cancer that has spread but has not yet been treated with hormones. The ENZARAD study will include about 800 men with prostate cancer that has not spread and that is planned for treatment with radiotherapy. Men with prostate cancer who are in either of these situations are encouraged to discuss these trials with their doctor or refer to the ANZUP website ( for the trials, which commenced across Australia in March. 28 hospital sites in Australia and 2 in New Zealand will include over 350 patients for the ENZAMET study, and 25 hospital sites in Australia and 2 in New Zealand will include more than 250 patients for the ENZARAD trial. Overall 1,900 patients will participate in these trials worldwide.
Professor Ian Davis, Chair of ANZUP said the trials might be opportunities to change the lives of prostate cancer sufferers around the world. “Clinical trials are imperative. All the medical research in the world means nothing if we can’t improve outcomes for our patients. Clinical trials are how we find out whether something works, how best to use it, and how it stacks up against what we are already doing” he said. “These two trials aim to answer basic questions that patients and their doctors face every day in the clinic: what is the best way of treating men with prostate cancer? They will be two of the largest trials in prostate cancer and people around the world are already intensely interested in them and what their outcomes might be. These trials demonstrate once again that Australia punches above its weight in medical research,” he added. “We have to do trials in Australia. Our health systems are not the same as the US or Europe. We need to know how a treatment could or should be used in the Australian setting. A clinical trial is also often a good way of getting access to new treatments for our patients. Australian research is recognised around the world as being of the highest quality. Even if you look at it in the most basic economic level we know that every dollar invested in Australia in medical research returns about $6 to the economy and in terms of savings in health care costs” he said. ANZUP UPdate | 1