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It is a new month, but a month closer to our key club term ending. Our favorite key club seniors will leave and the new elected officers will be in office! Which is good news and I am ecstatic to see what they have planned and in store for the 23-24 term! I would like to acknowledge each upcoming officer, president Hasvita, vice president Hallea, secretary Aiden, treasurer Jordin, and editor Tram! I have seen and worked with some of them closely throughout the 22-23 term and seeing them expand their key club journey and make a big commitment into their lives to take upon this role is amazing! I am so proud of each one and i hope you all get to know all of them well and continue to serve as a member during their term! Which transitions me to tell you all my lieutenant governor term will be starting soon and cant wait to see you all at a division and district level. I still am truly grateful for each and everyone of you for inspiring me to go far and beyond my limits to achieve this goal. You guys are truly the base of key club and without all of your guys’ hard work, dedication, and spirit, our home club in aoc wouldn’t have strived and expanded so much. Remember to always acknowledge your own hard work and if you guys ever need anyone to talk to! Remember I myself, and the officersalwayshaveurback:)

IMPORTANT: All service hours and requirements met this month and stated in the March Service Hour Log will not count for the Member Recognition Program, as the deadline to qualify has already passed. However, please continue filling them out for the next two months so we can reach our goal of 800+ service hours as a club!


I hope all of your academic endeavors have been going well. We're so happy to welcome our new officer board: Hasvita,Hallea,Aiden,Jordin,andTram.Ican'twaittoseeall the amazing things you all get done! We have a lot coming up in the next few weeks, like transitioning our club leadership, DCON, and more and more service opportunities sostaytunedformoreinformation!

I can't believe it’s almost the last month of our term �� we’ve made so many amazing memories and I will always cherish my Key Club memories with you all ❤ congratulations to our new officer board and to everyone who ran - I’m so proud of you!!! Have an amazing month and keep being the amazing people youare


It's officially March? That's crazy, our term is almost ending :( We've had elections this past month and I'm so proud to say that I have the most capable members that are serving alongside me in the upcoming term! March is a big month with no breaks so remember to pace yourself so that you don't get overly stressed out!! I love you Uni-Acorns and can't wait to see you all again :)

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