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Electionsforthenew23-24termAOCKeyClub officer board occurred on Thursday, February 2nd and Friday, February 3rd right in our usual meetingplace,room101duringlunch.Thetwo day session covered candidates for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor. Every seat in the room was filled, as members wereeagertowatchthenewofficerboardbe elected.Eachcandidatepresentedthemselves with confidence, charisma, and courage, demonstrating their passion for Key Club with their speeches and caucus sessions. While the atmosphere seemed to be nerve wracking, everyone in the room was filled with encouragement and excitement, watching all oftheseindividualsputthemselvesouttherein hopes of becoming a part of the next leadershipteam.


DayoneofelectionsconsistedofTreasurerand Editor candidates, while day two covered Secretary, Vice President and President candidates. In the end, the current officer boardtallieduptheresultsfrombothdaysand spent the last 10 minutes of the meeting announcing the new board members. Congratulations to our President elect: Hasvita Obulapuram, Vice President elect: Hallea Pocrass, Secretary elect: Aiden Chung, Treasurer elect: Jordin Danaram, and Editor elect:TramPham!!!

Wearesoproudofeveryonewhoranaswell, aseveryoneputtheirallinrunning<3

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