AOC Key Club November 2022 Newsletter - Division 16 North CNH District

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Academy of the Canyons | Division 16 North | Region 7
NOVEMBER 2022 NCALENDAR OVEMBER 2022 CALENDAR SU M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 upcoming uevents pcoming events 03 | HEADBAND MAKING MEETING W/FIDM DAY 1 04 | HEADBAND MAKING MEETING W/FIDM DAY 2 06 | SPIRIT SESSION #3 12 | FALL RALLY 15 | CAMPUS CLEANUP 18 | CLUB MEETING TABLE TOF ABLE OF contents contents 03 | CLUB UPDATES 04 | OFFICER MESSAGES 12 | FALL RALLY 07 | CLUB EVENT RECAP 09 | RECOGNITION 12 | DIV EVENT RECAP 15 | RESOURCES + CONTACTS

EDITOR'S EDITOR'S message message


Welcome to the SEVENTH issue of the Uni Acorn, our club newsletter! It is crazy to think about creating these for you guys for the past seven months, and I sincerely hope you find the newsletters helpful This month, I have two out of the five lovely "fun gis" (media committee's impact for inspiring the newsletter!!!) helping me out with this newsletter, and for the rest of the term, Tram Pham and Tiffany Tung! I am so excited to have the media committee create new things for you guys! Please also congratulate Hallea Pocrass, Amita Pumpuang, and Paru Nair, the rest of the committee that has their focuses on art and the website It was also great to see everyone who attended RTC, and I especially hoped you enjoyed Slayla and I's presentation on Graphic STDS (standards)! Moving on, IT IS FRS SEASON, AKA the HYPEST time of the Key Club term! I'll elaborate more on what Fall Rally is later in this issue, but it truly is an unforgettable experience. We are so excited, so make sure to PAY YOUR DUES AND MEMORIZE THE CHEERS so we can win that spirit stick for our division! I hope you all have a wonderful November, and please don't hesitate to reach out to me for anything! Stay swag uni acorns I love you all <3



I am so excited to say that THIS. IS. THE. MONTH. The mo where Fall Rally will be happening!!!! The month where will possibly win the spirit stick :00 I am so proud and ha to see all of your dedication and spirit showing after e event, volunteering opportunity, and spirit session that club or division holds!! After every meeting and mo finishes, I always reflect and remember how grateful I am be serving as your president for aoc key club You guys truly my #1 inspiration and help me strive to work harder and show my true potential to the fullest. I hope that this term has been fun and enjoyable! We still have other things planned in the future like service projects, fundraisers, and more volunteering opportunities so I hope you guys stay tuned!!! To wrap this all up, you guys are all amazing and should give yourself a pat on the back :DD If you guys ever need help with ANYTHING like key club, school, or life stuff, I’m always here and available to talk to! That’s all I have for you guys, don’t forget to stay hydrated, relaxed, and swaggy!!!

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CLUB CLUB goals goals EARLY EARLY birds birds

Aiden Chung

Tiffany Tung

Alana Heredia

Tiffany Kang

Phoebe Walters

Karissa Doh

Tram Pham

Tiffany Yap

Paru Nair

Amita Pumpuang

Emma Finch Grace George Zayan Kabir

Isis Kim

Joseph Kim

Carla Sedra

Leah Kim

Olivia Aquilina

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OFFICER OFFICER messages messages


This year has been off to a fantastic start - thank you to everyone who’s been coming to our meetings and community service events. We have so much more in store for you all this year so make sure to stay in the loop with everything through Google Classroom, Instagram, and Discord! Dues are due (ha.) soon so make sure to get them in! And lastly, start practicing those D16N chants for Fall Rally South coming in less than two weeks! Keep slaying qweens


New month, new newsletter, NEW COMMITTEE �� Thank you to everyone who participated in our volunteering events and applied to be a part of our media committee <333 We truly appreciate all of your dedication and are excited for the rest of the term! THANK YOU for being you, thank you for being the best ❤!



I hope October was really fun and exciting for you, especially with the amount of AOC and D16N events held! I saw some familiar faces at RTC so that's always fun! As it gets closer to the end of the semester, remember to take breaks and relax from time to time. Stay warm, and don't forget to turn in your dues this Friday (Nov 4th), and make sure to support our club by going to Gong Cha this Thursday (Nov 3rd)!

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reminders rfor... eminders for...


Fall Rally SOUTH is ALL DAY event! While our Fall Rally session begins at 9 AM, we will arrive as early as possible in the morning(7:00 7:30 AM) in order to get the very best seats in the venue for the rally!


One copy of

Two PRINTED copies of

MEMORIZE our D16N cheers!

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medical release form
covid form also in our google classroom! you must fill out this form!


fun facts about four un facts about our ssecretary! ecretary!





FALL RALLY 2021 I got to talk with so many AOC UniAcorns and also reunited with some of my old friends. Going on rides, enthusiastically screaming our spirit cheers, and talking with everyone was an experience I'll never forget!


e I was drawn to the tight knit community of this club, as well as the values of leadership, and selflessness that it cultivates in highschool students :) I'm passionate about giving students opportunities to not only build closer relationships with others, but to also learn how to collaborate with their peers and serve the community at the same time - Key Club does all of those things!

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MEDIACOMMITTEE MEDIACOMMITTEEthe "fun-gis t" he "fun-gis


This is Hallea, and I’m really excited for this opportunity as media committee chair! Some things about me are… I’m a junior, I love to bake, draw, and listen to music, and, I guess as a random fact, I love squirrels (they’re so cute fr). I look forward to seeing what we can do as a committee this year (we won’t let you down!), and working with all of these talented people (y’all slay) as well as getting closer to y’all in key club! See you guys at Fall Rally ♪(´▽ )


I’m Amita, a freshman at AOC, and I’m so happy to be a part of the Key Club community! I love to dance, listen to music, and am super competitive when it comes to card games, especially speed :). I’m looking forward to making new friends and can’t imagine the amount of memories we’ll make. i hope it’ll be a fun year for Key Club, and can’t wait for Fall Rally!


I’m Tram Pham, a sophomore, and I’m supa grateful to be a part of Key Club’s media committee! I like listening to music and painting, and hanging out with my friends are #1. I can't wait to make many more memories together (especially during Fall Rally) and get to know everyone better throughout Key club. Let’s gooo uni-acorns, let’s have lots of fun!!


I'm Tiffany, a freshman, and I am so glad I am a part of our media committee! I love to play piano and enjoy watching stage performances of K-pop idols! Can you believe it’s already November?! Key Club is getting ready for the fall season, but most importantly, we’re all waiting for FALL RALLY!! This is going to be a magical moment for all of us, but especially for me, as this is my FIRST Fall Rally! I’m excited that this month is going to bring us sweet, maple-syrup-like memories that we can all share together!


I’m Paru, a junior and I’m so happy to be helping out with our club’s media committee! I’ve already had so much fun working on this newsletter with everyone, and I’m so excited to work with them more! Some interesting things about me are that I like drinking coffee, airplane flights, horror, watching chick flicks and reading murder mysteries. I’m so excited to see you all at our upcoming meetings and at Fall Rally! <3

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UNI-ACORN UNI-ACORN ofthe omonth fthe month

Tram Pham has been an extremely dedicated Uni-Acorn for the past month of October! Being appointed to the media committee, she has been super proactive with her tasks and overall has shown a positive attitude with everything she does in Key Club. Tram has also turned in her service hour logs and attended RTC! Congrats to Tram <3

POLL POLL question question

Printed the boba fundraiser flyers which you should all go too ���������������������� ��

A lady needed a couple extra dollars for her transaction and I helped her pay the rest of it.

This past month, I helped my friend with her CAWT homework.

I assisted on training children ranging from 4 8 years of age with self defense.

I have helped my friends study for their tests

I participated in Project Linus, so I was able to give a blanket to one person That at least is something so I am happy

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DIVISION DIVISION updates updates


I’m loving all the spirit and service you all have been showing at club meetings and events. Y’all are so swagtastic. Fall Rally, the biggest Key Club event that takes place in our division, is happening soon on November 12. I hope to see you all there and at our spirit sessions.

FALL FALL rally rally

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Key Club’s annual region training conference was held on October 8th, 2022 at John Burroughs High School. Varying from different presentations and workshops, energy roared throughout the whole event as our amazing LTGs’ spoke and the respective presenters. Multiple members were able to explore and learn about Key Club 101, club endeavors, and partake in various games. Attendees were not only given the chance to expand their knowledge of Key Club itself, but they also had the opportunity to win raffle prizes! Region 7 merch and plushies were distributed to those who had completed missions given out by our LTGs, such as barking, taking 0 5x photos, etc This allowed everyone to interact with other divisions and connect with the officers and LTGs!

Additionally, a massive shout out to our supa awesome presenters from AOC: Renee, Joni, Hasvita, and Hallea for delivering such incredible presentations, and OUR LTG, CALEB, WHO RAN THE EVENT!

PixaR TC was for sure one of the BEST and MEMORABLE experiences, so make sure to come to the next 2023 training conference ;) by tram pham

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To prep for the Fall Rally season, unicorns from all over the division came to Central Park on Saturday, October 29th, for our first division spirit session! Our new division T Shirts, designed by our division artist, Nicola Ogdoc, were presented and ready to sell for the first session!

The day started off with an icebreaker called “Poncho” where people were split into groups led by the spirit committee to get everyone pumped up. Each group had to dance together when called on and proceeded to call on different groups until a group either messed up their dance or repeated a dance another group had already performed. After the game, everyone was fired up and ready to practice our new chants. Spirit committee member and also AOC Key Club member Bianca Gonzales helped lead the cheers! We all gathered in a big circle and went through each chant.

During the session, October recognition was also announced, having a combined DCM AOC Key Club was awarded with CLUB OF THE MONTH!!! We are so proud of our Uni Acorns who dedicate time to helping our community and showing D16N our Uni Acorn spirit!!! Finally, for the last hour of the session, home clubs split up to make their club spirit stick! The park was covered with sticks decorated in pink, white, and gold, as well as cardboard unicorns! With a turnout of around 50 people, it was a successful session!

SPIRIT session by renee agatep

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WEBSITE WEBSITE xsite com/aoc CLUB GC CCOD LUB GC CODE rgrwmvp CLUB CINSTA: LUB INSTA: @aoc_keyclub LLETTERS: ETTERS: rg/news/newsfeed BSITE: BSITE: CNH CINSTA: NH INSTA: @cnh_keyclub LLETTERS: ETTERS: nnewsletters EBSITE: BSITE: p // y D16N DINSTA: 16N INSTA: @d16nunicorns & socials& socials 15 15 RESOURCES RESOURCES
c vicepresident club@gmail com aoc.president. aoc treasurer aoc editor keyclub@gmail com aoc.secretary. 16 16 OFFICER OFFICER contacts contacts

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