Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Lower School Student and Parent Handbook 2013-2014
Telephone (757) 539-8789 Lower School Fax (757) 934-8353 Business Office Fax (757) 934-8363 3373 Pruden Boulevard Suffolk, Virginia 23434
Welcome from the Head of Lower School We eagerly begin this 2013-2014 academic year! Teachers and staff have been working for months planning for this year in anticipation of all the promise every new year brings. We have high expectations for our Lower School students and the enthusiasm for learning they will display when they return to school after the summer. Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is a school community like no other, one that encourages and expects the development of outstanding character and academic excellence. It is the expectation that members of our learning community will demonstrate honesty in every aspect of their lives, model a positive work ethic, be responsible as individuals and as members of a group, be tolerant of differences and compassionate, empathetic and respectful of others. Each student is expected to be a contributing member of the Lower School. We expect the very best from every member of the NSA community. The success of each individual is dependent upon cooperation among students, parents, teachers and administrators. Parents and teachers working together, who endorse and demonstrate mutual support of NSA policies and standards, enable us to assist each child in maximizing his or her potential. It is imperative that every student adheres to our CODE OF CONDUCT and HONOR CODE. We urge your careful reflection and discussion of the information contained in this Handbook. Mutually we must share the goal of excellence for all. After teachers have discussed the information in the Handbook with students, a pledge will be signed by each to indicate a willingness to abide by the school’s expectations. We ask that parents also discuss the Handbook with students to reinforce these policies and procedures that will provide the best possible learning environment for all students. We anticipate another excellent year in Lower School! Sincerely, Nancy B. Webb
TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome from the Head of Lower School Administration and Staff Board of Trustees Introduction Mission Statement
2 4 5 6 6
GENERAL SCHOOL INFORMATION Attendance 7 Absences, Tardiness and Early Dismissals 7 Sign In and Sign Out 7 Visitors 8 Accident Reporting 8 Announcements 8 Times of Operation 8 Dress Code 8 Dress Code for Field Trips 9 Spirit Days 10 NetClassroom 10 NSA Website and Communication 10 Extended Day Programs 10 Before School 10 After School 10 Extracurricular Activities 10 Dining Services 11 Counseling Services 11 Health Services 11 Becky Godwin Lower School Library 12 Lost and Found 12 Parking 12 Telephones/Cell Phones 12 Transportation 12 Bus Transportation 12 Carpool Transportation 13 EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT BEHAVIOR Code of Conduct Honor Code Technology Code of Ethics
Student Responsibilities Disciplinary Procedures Cafeteria Behavior Manners
15 15 15 15
ACADEMICS Curriculum Information and Policies Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten Grades 1 – 4 Grade 5
16 16 16 17 17
ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Books and Materials 18 Grading/Report Cards 18 Grading Scale 18 Academic Recognition 19 Homework 19 Promotion Policy 19 Standardized Testing 19 Readmission Policy 20 ATHLETICS
ADDITIONAL PARENT INFORMATION Birthday Bookers 20 Classroom Parties/Out of School Parties 20 Communication 21 Field Trips 21 Fundraising and Marketing Policy 21 Parent Conferences 22 Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) 22 Room Parents 22
13 14 14
Head of School Chief of Staff Executive Assistant to the Head of School
Edie Higinbotham ’85
Chief Financial Officer
To Be Announced
Director of Admissions
Kenda Council ’91
Director of Advancement
Betty Jean Riddick ’72
Director of Girls’ Athletics
T. W. Johnson, Jr. ’92
Director of Boys’ Athletics
Richard Hurd
Director of Risk Management
J. Michael King ’94
Head of Upper School
Michelle Horton ’89
Head of Middle School
Nancy Webb
Head of Lower School
Jean Mauck
Assistant Head of Lower School Director of Pre-Kindergarten
Carol Johnson
Lower School Counselor
Melinda Trostle
Lower School Office Manager
Anne Fowler
Reading Coordinator
Mary Hunter Naismith Hardison ’01
Math Coordinator
BOARD OF TRUSTEES R. Scott Carr, Chairman Rob J. Gies, Vice Chairman S. Jane Benton, Secretary Charles R. Birdsong ’88, Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair Patricia P. Hartman, Advancement Committee Chair Brian T. Rowe, Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair Deborah M. McHorney, Governance Committee Chair G. Robert Aston, Jr.
Crystal H. Jackson
Dr. I. A. “Dimi” Barot ’93
Robert W. Jones
Monica Y. Brothers
Dr. Anne E. Morgan ’90
Harry L. Cross III
Roy “Chip” Runyon III
Carlton L. Cutchin III
W. Douglas Russell ’80
Donald Z. Goldberg
Nancy M. Tuck ’82
William W. Hannah
Kenneth W. Wren, Jr.
J. Carney Hawks ’92
INTRODUCTION Nansemond-Suffolk Academy, founded in 1966, continues to fulfill its objective of educating young people. The Academy’s programs place a strong emphasis on intellectual, social and physical growth so that its students will take active and consequential roles in society. Drawing on decades of experience as well as current educational research, the administration and faculty have defined the school’s policies and expectations. It is through the combined efforts of home and school that NSA can provide an educational climate in which all students can achieve and be their best.
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is to provide an academically rigorous college preparatory education in an atmosphere fostering moral character, respect, responsibility and compassion. With a commitment to honor above all, the Academy seeks to develop and inspire leaders who value diversity, creativity, scholastic excellence and community service.
Attendance Regular attendance and punctuality are essential to a student’s success in school. Persistent absenteeism and tardiness create a genuine hardship for the student, the teacher involved and for other students in the class. Such situations may necessitate a conference with the school counselor and/or an administrator. Absences, Tardiness and Early Dismissals Attendance in school is of utmost importance. The Academy has an obligation to set minimum attendance requirements in order for a student to receive credit. Illness, physician or dental appointments and other professional appointments are part of every child’s life. Whenever possible, it is helpful if appointments are scheduled outside of school hours. Religious observances or personal emergencies may also cause absences. Each absence from school requires a written excuse. Students who have been absent from school must bring a signed note from a parent giving the date of the absence and the reason for the absence. This note should be brought on the day that the student returns to school. Students will submit their absentee notes to the classroom teacher prior to the beginning of the day. A student who is ill and absent for an extended period of time may be required to provide a note from a doctor when returning to school. A note should also be sent to advise the teacher any time a student is required to leave school prior to the end of the day. The note should be brought to the classroom teacher on the day the early dismissal is necessary. Advanced notice allows the teacher to plan ahead and helps to minimize interruption to the class at the student’s dismissal time. If a student should miss twenty school days, retention in the current grade may result. Persistent tardiness may impact academic success as well. Parents may be asked to meet with the counselor or the Head of Lower School to discuss extenuating circumstances. Repeated and excessive absences may require a note from a doctor. In order for a student to be counted present in the Lower School for the day, the student must be in class for at least one-half of the school day or 3.5 hours. In the event of absence from school, parents are encouraged to pick up assignments from the Lower School Office. Homework will be provided without a phone call and will be available for pickup at 3:00 p.m. Assignments will also be posted on NetClassroom. Pre-excused absences are those that occur with advance knowledge of the parents and administration (i.e. family trips, etc.) A letter requesting a pre-excused absence must be given to the Lower School Head at least five school days prior to the absence. Parents are expected to schedule family vacations around school holidays. Should it be necessary for a family trip to occur during the school session, it is not expected that the teacher will provide work ahead of time. The student is responsible for completing all make-up work according to the guidelines set by the teacher. Sign In and Sign Out
In the school’s continuing efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, we closely monitor the coming and going of students during the course of the school day. When students leave school during the day, parents must come to the Lower School Office to sign them out. If a student returns, he or she should be returned to the Office and signed in by the accompanying adult. Visitors All visitors must report to the office and sign-in when coming to campus. They are expected to conform to the school dress code and school rules. All visitors will wear visitor badges provided by the Office and should return them to the Office and sign out prior to leaving campus. Accident Reporting Any time a student is injured or is involved in an accident anywhere on NSA grounds or during a school sponsored activity, the student should immediately notify his/her teacher. The nurse should also be notified and will document pertinent details. The administration will be notified. Any visitor to the campus during school hours must report an accident to the school nurse. After normal hours of operation or in the event the school nurse is not available, accidents should be reported to an administrator or sponsor of the event. Announcements Daily announcements will be read each morning over the public address system. A written copy will be posted on a bulletin board outside the Lower School Office to provide students with a printed copy for viewing. Times of Operation School begins promptly at 8:10 a.m. and is dismissed at 3:00 p.m. Students are expected to be in classrooms and ready to begin the day by 8:10 a.m. Students should not arrive before 8:00 a.m. as teachers are not available to provide supervision. Morning Care is available for Lower School students beginning at 7:00 a.m. if a parent’s work schedule makes the 8:00 a.m. drop-off time inconvenient. Students should be dropped off at the Camp Gym. Students must be registered through the Extended Day programs for this service and payment will be made through the Business Office. All students who arrive for class after 8:10 a.m. will be considered tardy and a parent must sign in Lower School students in the Lower School Office. A student who has been marked “absent” can be documented instead as “tardy” when this sign-in occurs; the Office will keep the official attendance records for Lower School. Dress Code NSA asks students to dress in a manner that is neat in appearance and appropriate for school and school-sponsored functions. Due to frequent changes in fashion, it is impossible to specifically describe all clothing styles that might be considered unacceptable to wear to school. NSA reserves the right to determine whether clothing conforms to the dress code. When parents support the dress code, a clear statement is made to students that there is support of the policies and standards of our school. Both students and parents are expected to abide by dress code expectations.
Boys • • • • • • • • • •
All boys’ shirts must be tucked into pants. Shirts may be worn with or without collars and should not have any writing or messages. Blue denim shorts and jeans are not permitted. Denim of other solid colors may be worn as long as it is not frayed, faded and/or stonewashed. No “Heelies,” “Crocs” or flip-flops of any type may be worn. Shoes must fit securely on feet. Pants must be worn at the appropriate waist level. Belt loops require a belt. Hats or other head coverings must be removed while in the buildings. Boys’ hair should be cut to stay out of eyes and should not exceed the bottom of the collar, with no radical hairstyles. Earrings or other adornments are prohibited for boys. Only NSA or college logos may be worn on sweatshirts with no hoods. All jackets and coats are considered outerwear and may not be worn in the buildings during the school day. Dress for the weather and the temperature.
Girls • Shirts for girls may not include any writing or messages. • Girls’ shirts must be tucked in unless designed to be worn on the outside of slacks, shorts or skirts. • Shirts or blouses must be of proper fit and condition. No “see through” material, low-cut necklines, bare shoulders or backs and/or backless tops, no tank tops and no undergarments visible. • Blue denim shorts, skirts, jeans and other blue denim attire are not permitted. Denim clothing of other solid colors may be worn as long as it is in good repair and is not frayed, faded and/or stonewashed. • Shoes must be safe and appropriate for school. Backless shoes are not permitted nor are shoes with heels over 2 inches in height. No “Heelies,” “Crocs” or flip-flops of any type may be worn. Shoes must fit securely on feet. • Shorts, skirts and skorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the top of the kneecap. • Skirts must be worn at the appropriate waist level. • Girls must keep their hair out of their eyes. • Hats and other head coverings must be removed while in the buildings. • Only NSA or college logo may be worn on sweatshirts with no hoods. • All jackets and coats are considered outerwear and may not be worn in the buildings during the school day. Dress for the weather and the temperature. Blue denim attire, any type of hooded sweatshirts including those with zippers during the school day inside buildings, athletic clothing and jerseys, camouflage prints including on jackets and tight, form-fitting clothing are not appropriate for school. Dress Code for Field Trips The expected dress for field trips is shirts and ties for boys and dresses and skirts or dress pants for girls, unless otherwise notified.
Spirit Days Periodically, Spirit Days will be celebrated in the Lower School or school-wide. Unless otherwise specified, attire for Spirit Day consists of blue jeans and blue/gold/white or NSA attire. NetClassroom NetClassroom is an internet-based communication tool used by NSA to stay in touch with our families. For returning NSA families, NetClassroom will replace Edline. Each family will be provided with an online access code to set up a personal account. This information will be emailed to parents using your family email account. For all NSA parents, NetClassroom is used as a way to communicate important information from the school and from teachers. All parents are expected to utilize this tool as a critical link between home and school. NSA Website and Communication The school’s website,, provides an abundance of valuable information regarding school life and activities. Current information on topics of interest for school families can be found on the website, as well as information about Athletics and other extracurricular activities. In addition, each family receives an email address and emails from the school will be sent to that address. This email address can be linked to your preferred email address, but since it will be used as the primary means of communication from NSA to you, it is critical that this account be checked frequently or forwarded. Extended Day Programs Before School: Realizing that some families require care for children earlier than our allowed 8:00 a.m. arrival, morning care will be available for Lower School students starting at 7:00 a.m. Morning Care will take place in the Camp Gym and parents must sign students in at the desk in the lobby. Participating students should enroll through the Extended Day program and the service will be billed through the Business Office. Students will be accompanied to classrooms by members of the Morning Care staff at 8:00 a.m. After School: Students are expected to be picked up or must depart campus by 3:10 p.m. unless they are engaged in other school-related activities. After 3:20 p.m., Lower School students will be assigned to the Extended Care program, an after-school program that serves children currently enrolled from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5. Activities include supervised playtime, snack time, quiet study time and planned activities. Hours are from 2:50 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on regular school days and from 12:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. on some scheduled half days. Extended Care is also available on some teacher in-service days. Parents should check the website for information on availability. The program is licensed through the Virginia Department of Social Services. Please contact the Business Office for financial information regarding the Extended Day programs. Parents will be billed through the Business Office for this service. All Lower School students must be directly supervised by an adult at all times when on campus. Extracurricular Activities Students may participate in a variety of after-school activities. Book Clubs meet throughout the year. In addition, selected clubs are available for Lower School students after the regular school day as a way of allowing students artistic, creative and exploratory activities here at 10
school rather than leaving campus for such endeavors. Club meetings last for 1-2 hours, depending on the activity and the participation fees vary depending on the expense involved to provide materials for activities. Some clubs last for most of a semester, while others last 68 weeks; most meet once a week. Information will be sent home regarding sign-ups in the Wednesday Saints folder and will be posted on the school’s website as well. Athletic activities are offered also. Students in Grades 3-5 have the option of participating in intramural sports that are offered seasonally. Information regarding these offerings will be made available to students in these grades. Dining Services SAGE Dining Services operates the school’s food services. Information regarding the SAGE program will be sent to each family in the summer back-to-school mailing. This information also explains that parents will have the opportunity to make deposits for students to participate in a declining balance plan. Students not purchasing lunch will be permitted to purchase beverages and/or `a la carte items. A pre-selected lunch is served for students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and First Grade. SAGE Dining Services information and menus can be found at Counseling Services The Lower School counselor oversees all guidance-related activities including classroom lessons, group counseling, parent-teacher conferences, individual counseling, as well as planning and implementing guidance programs. Parents are welcome to call or visit about problems or concerns related to their child(ren). Health Services Two nurses are on staff, with at least one nurse available at all times during school hours. The Student Information Form, accessed on the school’s website, must be completed and the Medical Release Form, which was included in the summer back-to-school packet, must be signed for each student by a parent and submitted to school for any medical assistance to be provided or for medication to be dispensed. Illnesses that occur during the school day will be reported to a parent if a student is unable to participate in normal classroom learning activities. Children who are ill should not be sent to school and must be picked up promptly when parents are called and asked to do so. Children who have been sick may not return to school until they have been fever-free and/or without upset stomach symptoms without medication for 24 hours. The Health Clinic is prepared to handle first aid situations. All critical emergencies are reported through 911 to emergency medical personnel with the student transported to Sentara Obici Hospital. Parents are notified immediately to dictate further medical care. All Kindergarten – Grade 3 students receive a Notice of Treatment Form to be taken home if they visit the Clinic for first aid or medical care. The school nurses must dispense all medications. Schedule II medications and all other prescription and non-prescription medications must be delivered, with the proper form(s), to the clinic by a parent for Lower School students. Lower School parents should consult
the NSA Health Clinic for detailed information regarding school health policies and the completion of the required forms. Becky Godwin Lower School Library Students are encouraged to check out books on a weekly basis. Students may use library materials to do research for class projects during a time scheduled by the teacher. Students may use the library during the school day from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. with permission from the teacher and librarian. Students are responsible for the proper care and timely return of library books and will not be allowed to check out any further materials until the overdue items are returned or replacement payment is made. Lost and Found Please mark all personal belongings. Articles that are found are turned in to the respective division office. The office staff makes every effort to return items whose owners who can be identified. Parents are welcome to check the Lost and Found collection. All unclaimed articles are given to local charitable causes at intervals throughout the school year. Parking Parents may park in available spaces and are discouraged from leaving vehicles unattended in the carpool loops and bus loading areas. Curbs that are painted yellow indicate fire lanes and are no parking areas at all times. Parents are requested to adhere to directional signs regarding parking on campus. Telephones/Cell Phones Students may use the Lower School Office or classroom phones with permission. Students are discouraged from calling to request that books, homework, projects, etc. left at home be brought to school by parents. Lower School students are encouraged to act responsibly. Health-related phone calls must be made from the Health Clinic. Early dismissals for health-related issues may be made through the Health Clinic ONLY. It is often very difficult to deliver telephone messages to students, especially in the afternoon. Please make every effort to confirm afternoon plans with your child before he or she leaves home in the morning. In the event that a change of plans is necessary, calls should be made to the office no later than 2:00 p.m. and every effort will be made to relay the message to teachers/children. Many Lower School children are at recess at the end of the day and it may be difficult to deliver late-arriving messages. Cell phones are permitted at school but are not to be used during the academic day. Cell phones should remain in the students’ backpacks and must be turned off. Transportation Bus Transportation: School bus transportation is provided to aid parents in transporting children to school. The bus driver is in charge of the bus and its occupants, and students riding the bus must comply with the requests of the driver. Student behavior that jeopardizes the safety of others is strictly prohibited. The Head of Lower School will address unacceptable behavior that continues after correction is made by the bus driver and may involve parents as needed. A student must ride the bus to which he is assigned. Any request for a change must be submitted in writing to the office. Glass containers and live animals are 12
not permitted on buses. IPods and individual game devices are acceptable provided they do not cause a distraction. Carpool Transportation: Carpool students should be delivered and picked up from the carpool area located on the west side of the Lower School building. Teachers are on duty from 7:55 a.m. until 8:10 a.m. to assist with arrivals and until 3:15 p.m. to assist with departures. Parents should pull forward as far as possible along the curb before discharging passengers. Both Middle and Lower School students must be picked up at the Lower School building entrance in the afternoons. In our effort to move many children quickly and safely, loading of students and their belongings is best done under the watchful eyes of staff members. Parents are encouraged to follow all directions given by staff members when using carpool for drop off or pick up. Parents desiring to park and walk a child into the building must park in the tennis courts area. Parking spaces in front of the Lower School are reserved for faculty and staff only. Right turns directly in front of the Lower School by the Office of Admissions entrance are permissible in the mornings and after the buses depart in the afternoons and will often facilitate leaving the school more efficiently. All vehicles are expected to yield to bus traffic. Left turns onto Rt. 460 are prohibited from school except at the light during a.m. and p.m. carpool hours. Students are not permitted to walk to cars without parents. Students should not be dropped off in front of the Office of Admissions entrance of the Lower School in the mornings. Buses unload and traffic turns right when exiting the carpool loop. This area becomes congested and could be unsafe for pedestrians.
Code of Conduct All students at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy are expected to abide by the school’s Code of Conduct. Students will become familiar with the Code and will be expected to recite and/or write it, depending on the grade level. I will be truthful in word and deed. I will not use profane, offensive or inappropriate language. I will respect the rights, beliefs and property of others. I will abide by school rules. I will strive to be helpful and kind to all.
Honor Code The Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Honor Code is based upon the belief that the absence of lying, cheating, and stealing is desirable within the school community in order to promote an atmosphere of mutual trust. NSA students are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining the Honor Code. It is up to each student to ensure that this trust is not abused. Article I: Student Statement As a responsible student at NSA, I understand that I must always be honest with others and myself. I will not lie, cheat or steal and will not accept these behaviors from others. I will always encourage and help my fellow students to adopt high standards. Article II: Pledge The following shall be written or understood on all written work: On my honor, I have not given nor received help on this assignment unless approved by my teacher. Article III: Explanation of Dishonorable Behaviors a. Cheating: involves using or attempting to use someone else’s work without the teacher’s permission. Allowing another student to use or attempt to use another’s work without permission, or the unauthorized electronic transfer of material with computers or calculators is also considered cheating. b. Lying: is creating or attempting to create a false impression intended to deceive. Lying to an administrator, teacher or member of the staff is considered a serious offense. c. Stealing: involves taking and withholding, or attempting to take, the property of another individual. This includes school and personal property. Article IV: Penalties Violations of the Honor Code will result in disciplinary action at the discretion of the Head of Lower School and the teacher. Parents will be notified. Technology Code of Ethics The use of technology at Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is an opportunity extended to students, faculty and staff to enhance learning, productivity and information processing. The computer hardware and software at NSA shall be used solely for educational purposes specified by the Academy. The Academy reserves the right to examine any material stored on the network or on any technology equipment. It is understood that all technology use is governed by the NSA Code of Conduct and the NSA Honor Code. Students are responsible for utilizing information technology only for educational purposes, including, but not limited to, the attainment of goals and objectives specified in the curriculum or otherwise indicated by teachers and administrators of the Academy. Students are expected to follow all instructions given by the NSA staff regarding use of technology. Students who fail to abide by the stated expectations may be banned from using NSA information technology. In addition, the Code of Conduct and the Honor Code also govern the use of any technology used by students during school hours and activities, on buses and on field trips. 14
Inappropriate use of any type of technology, whether school-owned or owned by students, will be dealt with by the administration. Student Responsibilities Each student at NSA is required to accept responsibility for his/her own conduct and, in so doing, accepts the responsibility for consequences of his/her choices. Disciplinary Procedures When rules are not followed or students are not responsible in making good choices, consequences will result. Parents are notified so that they may work with the school to assist students in being responsible for behavior. Most minor infractions of the rules will be dealt with by the classroom teacher. If circumstances warrant, the Lower School counselor may become involved. During early formative years, unless a student makes an inappropriate choice which is clearly egregious, an incident is used as an opportunity to learn and make better choices in the future. If a student continues to make choices that are not in keeping with the expectations of the school, the student will meet with the Head or Assistant Head of Lower School to develop a plan to correct the behavior. It is important that all members of the NSA community recognize that rules are created to insure the safety, well-being and protection of all. For the safety and well-being of all students, the following are strictly prohibited and will be dealt with by the administration: • Excessive rough play or fighting • Bullying, intimidation and/or any form of harassment • Weapons of any type, including those intended for play • Alcohol or illegal drugs Cafeteria Behavior Students will sit at assigned class tables and should remain in the cafeteria unless given permission to leave by their teacher or teaching assistant. Students are expected to display appropriate table manners during lunch. Each class should leave tables at least as clean as they were found upon arrival; students are responsible for returning trays and throwing away all trash from tables and the floor before leaving the cafeteria. Tables should also be cleaned with the cleaning supplies provided for that purpose. Manners Good manners indicate respect for others. Students are reminded to: 1. Greet others in a friendly and respectful manner and hold doors for those who follow. 2. Respond with a “yes, no” or “yes, ma’am/sir, or “no, ma’am/sir.” 3. Refrain from comments that are rude or unkind. 4. Use polite terms such as “please, thank you, excuse me, I’m sorry.” 5. Use appropriate manners in the cafeteria. 6. Refrain from unnecessary correction when others make mistakes. 7. Walk on the right side when traveling in the halls or entering doors.
ACADEMICS Curriculum Information and Policies Pre-Kindergarten Legal Requirements: Parents are required by state law to provide both a birth certificate number and a social security number for each child entering school. All children are required to have a physical examination by a licensed physician and submit a record of immunizations. In addition, parents must complete the Student Information Form online that includes a medical history and the Medical Release Form that gives permission to administer first aid. The Pre-Kindergarten program is licensed by the Virginia Department of Social Services and adheres to its regulations and guidelines. Materials: Most books and materials are furnished by the school at the beginning of the school year with the exception of specialized items that may be solicited for special projects. Children are encouraged to bring backpacks to school and parents are asked to mark ALL personal belongings with the child’s name. Each student is provided a cubby in which to store them. Daily Schedule: There are three sections of self-contained classrooms for Pre-Kindergarten students. Each class follows an established daily schedule alternating active and quiet times. Weather permitting, outside play occurs daily. Each class visits the library weekly for Story Time and attends assemblies when appropriate. Students also receive instruction in art, music and Spanish. Snacks: The school provides a nutritious snack each day. Special snacks for the class may also be sent by parents. Parents must consult with teachers before bringing classroom snacks. Children who stay in Afternoon Care are provided a hot lunch daily, supplied by SAGE Dining Services. The lunch may be supplemented from home if desired. Kindergarten Legal Requirements: Parents are required to provide a birth certificate and social security number for each child entering NSA for the first time. A medical form signed by a licensed physician must also be completed and returned to the school prior to entrance. An up-to-date immunization record is required. In addition, parents must complete the Student Information Form online that includes a medical history and the Medical Release Form that gives permission to administer first aid. Books and Materials: Most books and materials including workbooks and tablets are provided by the school at the beginning of the school year. Certain incidental school supplies must be provided from home. The supply list is placed on the school’s website so that materials can be purchased at the parents’ convenience. Lost books, workbooks or replacements must be purchased through the Lower School Office depending on the item(s). Students are encouraged to bring backpacks to school and parents are asked to mark ALL personal belongings with the child’s name. Daily Schedule: Kindergarten classes are self-contained. The weekly schedule will include art, music, technology education, physical education, Spanish and library in connection with
regular classroom activities. The campus is spacious and permits opportunities for recess and outdoor play each day. Snacks: Kindergarten students enjoy nutritious snacks brought from home daily. Teacher will make suggestions for “healthy” snacks; sweets and candy are not allowed. Please do not send soft drinks and bag drinks. Boxed or plastic bottled drinks are encouraged. In addition, teachers will advise of food allergies in the class as holiday and birthday parties are planned. Grades 1 – 4 Legal Requirements: Parents are required to provide a birth certificate and a social security number for each child entering NSA for the first time. A medical form signed by a licensed physician must also be completed and returned to school prior to entrance. An up-to-date immunization record is required. In addition, parents must complete the Student Information Form online that includes a medical history and the Medical Release Form that gives permission to administer first aid. Books and Materials: Most books and workbooks are provided by the school at the beginning of the school year. Certain personal and incidental supplies must be provided from home. The supply list is placed on the school’s website so that materials can be purchased at the parents’ convenience. Lost books, workbooks or replacements must be purchased through the Lower School Office depending on the item(s). ALL personal belongings must be labeled. Daily Schedule: Classes in Grades 1-4 are self-contained. The schedule also includes instruction in the following: art, music, library, technology education, Spanish and physical education. In addition, all students in Grades 1-4 receive keyboarding instruction. Our spacious campus permits opportunities for recess and outdoor play each day. Snacks: Students are permitted a snack period each day depending upon their designated lunchtime. Teacher will make suggestions for “healthy” snacks; sweets and candy are not allowed. Please do not send soft drinks and bag drinks. Boxed or plastic bottled drinks are encouraged. In addition, teachers will advise of food allergies in the class as holiday and birthday parties are planned. Grade 5: Legal Requirements: Parents are required to provide a birth certificate and a social security number for each child entering NSA for the first time. A medical form signed by a licensed physician must also be completed and returned to school prior to entrance. An up-to-date immunization record is required. In addition, parents must complete the Student Information Form online that includes a medical history and the Medical Release Form that gives permission to administer first aid. Daily Schedule: Each student in Grade 5 is assigned to an advisor. Students change classes for instruction in language arts, math and science/social studies. Students will also have Spanish, physical education, art, music (vocal or instrumental), library, guidance and technology education.
Books and Materials: Most textbooks and consumable materials will be provided by the school. The list of necessary student supplies is available on the school’s website and can be purchased in local stores; the school provides certain items as well. Those items that are provided by the school and are lost or damaged during the school year must be replaced and/or paid for by the student. Homework: It is compulsory that students use the homework pad required by the school. Homework is a vital part of education to reinforce and strengthen skills. Parents are asked to initial the homework pad each night to confirm that they are aware of the assignments made. Students who frequently do not do homework will be referred to the Lower School counselor or Head of Lower School. Personal Belongings: Because students change classes and share desks in each of the Fifth Grade classrooms, it is imperative that each individual respect the property of others and take particular care of his/her own personal belongings. ALL personal belongings must be labeled.
ADDITIONAL ACADEMIC INFORMATION Books and Materials Most textbooks and most consumable materials will be provided by the school. Students are provided with a list of required personal school items. Those items that are furnished by the school and are lost or damaged during the school year must be replaced and/or paid for by the student. Grading/Report Cards It is our belief that the education of students can best be accomplished through a joint effort between home and school. Regular communication is a key ingredient to a successful academic year. Graded papers are sent home in Grades K - 4 in Saints folders on Wednesdays. In Fourth and Fifth Grade, papers receiving a grade less than 76% must be signed by a parent and returned to the teacher. Students in Grades K - 5 will receive report cards every nine weeks. The first Kindergarten report cards will be sent to parents in January with progress reports sent at 4 ½ week intervals until then. Parents should sign the report card promptly and return it to school. Grading Scale for Grades K - 3 B – Beginning • indicating that the student routinely requires extra support and has difficulty working independently D – Developing • indicating that the student is developing appropriately but requires some extra support S – Secure • indicating that the skill is secure and the student requires little or no help Students in Grades K - 3 typically work at the “Developing” level. Grades 4 - 5 English/Reading/Language Arts
Mathematics Social Sciences or Science/Social Studies Grading Scale for Grades 4 - 5 A+ 100 – 97 C+ 79 – 77 A 96 – 93 C 76 – 73 A92 – 90 C72 – 70 B+ 89 – 87 D+ 69 – 67 B 86 – 83 D 66 – 63 B82 – 80 D62 – 60 F Any grade 59 or below Academic Recognition High Honors: Students in Grade 5 who earn averages in every class at the end of the year between 93 – 100 will earn High Honors. Merit Roll: Students in Grade 5 who earn averages in every class at the end of the year between 92 – 83 will earn Merit Roll. Homework Independent work is a valuable part of our total program as it serves to reinforce, expand and enrich classroom instruction. Amounts of homework are dependent upon the child’s needs and instructional level. Homework should be completed accurately, thoroughly and promptly. Parents should notify the teacher or counselor if excessive time is required. Habitual failure to complete homework may result in academic penalty. Promotion Policy Students who fail English, reading or mathematics at any grade level will not be promoted. A grade of “B,” for “Beginning,” in Kindergarten – Grade 3 indicates that a student is beginning to understand concepts, yet routinely requires extra support and experiences difficulty in the subject area. It does not indicate satisfactory progress and a student with a “B” average at the end of the year in reading or math cannot be promoted to the next grade. Students in Grades 4 and 5 who earn below 70 in English/Reading/Language Arts or math will not be promoted. Successful completion of a pre-approved summer school program or fifty hours of tutoring per subject failed may be undertaken to achieve promotion. In addition, if a student’s work has been consistently below average, and the classroom teacher, counselor and others who may work with the student determine that the student is not ready for the academic demands of the next grade, it is expected that the parents will follow the school’s recommendation to allow the student to repeat the current grade. While parental input is always important in the working relationship between home and school in the Lower School, in these two cases the child’s teacher, the Lower School counselor and Lower School administrators will make the final determination in a placement which best meets a child’s needs. Standardized Testing Each year, all students in Grades 4 and 5 are administered standardized tests to assess their academic performance and growth. In addition, test results assist in the process of 19
evaluating curriculum and instruction. Educational Records Bureau Comprehensive Testing Program 4 is used. Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher or the Lower School counselor for questions regarding testing results. Readmission Policy Any student who leaves the school for any reason, including but not limited to failure or expulsion, must reapply and successfully complete the full admissions procedure before being considered for readmission. Readmission is not guaranteed.
ATHLETICS Athletics are an integral part of student life at NSA. NSA believes that an educational curriculum should create sound bodies as well as sound minds. Through the athletic program and physical education classes, NSA develops students who are prepared for healthy competition and academic performance. The correlation between a physically fit body and outstanding academic performance has been demonstrated in research. NSA provides both opportunities. NSA Athletics also serves to unify the student body. NSA students come from such a widespread area of Hampton Roads and from such diverse backgrounds, it is often difficult for students to find many things in common. Our athletic teams provide that unity with students, parents, coaches and faculty joining together in support of our teams. Students in Grades 3 through 5 are offered after-school intramural athletics. These are noncompetitive and will be offered usually on a 6-week basis. Seasonal sign-ups will be held. Intramural sports may include tennis (boys and girls), co-ed softball, football (boys), field hockey/lacrosse (girls), basketball (boys and girls) and co-ed volleyball, dependent on the availability of coaches and field/gym space. Detailed Athletics Handbook information can be found on the Academy website under the “Athletics” tab at
ADDITIONAL PARENT INFORMATION Birthday Bookers Parents are invited to participate in the Birthday Bookers Program by making a donation to the Becky Godwin Lower School Library in recognition of their child’s birthday. A donation of $20.00 or more will purchase a book in their child’s name (a specified title or interest if desired) with an inscribed bookplate to honor the student. The birthday child has the privilege of being the first to check out the new book and will also receive a birthday card from the library. Classroom Parties/Out-of-School Parties Holiday parties are scheduled for specific dates and grades. It is critical that the parents in charge of organizing the party confirm plans with the teacher, especially checking to determine food allergies in a classroom. Students are requested not to distribute invitations to their own birthday parties outside of school during the school day unless invitations are given to all classmates. This will help to avoid hurt feelings.
Communication Effective communication is essential to the success and well-being of all students. Teachers communicate with parents through class newsletters as well as assignment pads, email, report cards and telephone calls about more specific matters. When a teacher sends a note or desires a conference, it is not necessarily an indication of a serious problem. Often, attending to minor situations can avoid future problems. Parents are asked to communicate any problems or concerns to the teacher. In addition, the Lower School counselor, the Assistant Head or Head of Lower School welcome any opportunity to assist in ensuring a positive educational experience for each child. Parents are asked to alert a child’s teacher when unusual circumstances are occurring in that child’s life that may affect behavior or work at school. Often children are unsettled when a parent is out of town, when a close family member or friend is seriously ill or when a family pet is not well. It is helpful for the school to be aware of such situations. It is also helpful for parents to communicate with the teacher whenever anyone other than the parents are responsible for students, especially when parents are out of town. This is necessary in the event of questions about after-school activities/transportation or if an illness/accident should occur. Appropriate and updated contact information should always be provided to the child’s teacher. Field Trips Activities outside of campus are utilized when they are an appropriate extension of classroom instruction. Specific information regarding a particular field trip will be provided to parents in advance. Parents will be advised of the departure and return times for the trip, the expected dress for students and parent chaperones and the requirements for snack/lunch. Students pay a Student Activity Free to cover the expense of these trips. Fundraising and Marketing Policy The Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Annual Fund is an important element in the school's operating budget that supports the mission of the school and is the key component to the school’s continued growth and success. In an effort to ensure that the Annual Fund receives top priority in the school’s fundraising efforts, to avoid conflicting fundraising practices and to standardize the look of all of NSA’s printed and branded materials, the Board of Trustees adopted a Fundraising and Marketing Policy in 2006. Any fundraising, marketing or special advertising activity sponsored by a NansemondSuffolk Academy club, class, athletic team, parent or alumni group must be approved in advance by the appropriate Division Head, Director of Athletics and the Office of Advancement. All items (baseball caps, tee shirts, uniforms, literature, invitations, handbooks, pamphlets, etc.) featuring the name, initials or logo of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy must be approved by the Office of Advancement prior to the order being placed. Applications for fundraising activities or marketing requests are to be completed at least two weeks in advance for each activity and must be filed on an annual basis, including previous
or recurring events, with the Director of Advancement before solicitation commences or orders for printing of materials are placed. To receive a list of official NSA approved colors and logos or to obtain a copy of the Fundraising, Marketing and Advertising Request Form, please contact the Office of Advancement at 539-8789 x 3234. Parent Conferences Parents are welcomed and encouraged to visit our campus. It is helpful to arrange appointments in advance, as it is difficult to talk with parents while children are arriving or leaving school. Official parent conference days are scheduled twice during the school year, in October and again at the end of the school year. Conferences may be scheduled at any time throughout the school year that parents or teachers feel would be beneficial to an individual student. Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Every parent is a member of the PTO. Participation on committees is voluntary and encouraged. The organization is active in sponsoring workshops and seminars for the school community, as well as providing volunteer assistance for many school projects. Room Parents The Student Information Form which parents are asked to fill out online for students at the beginning of the school year includes questions regarding assistance with various classroom and school-wide events during the year. While participation is encouraged, it is certainly not compulsory since we understand each parent has individual obligations. From parents indicating interest, a chairperson may be selected by the teacher. It is anticipated that all parents will be called upon by the chairperson during the school year to assist to the extent that they indicated availability.
EMERGENCY CLOSINGS Basic Procedures In the event of an emergency closing the following will be considered standard policy: 1. Every attempt will be made not to close until 12:00 noon once school is in session for the day. 2. Announcements will be made on radio and TV stations immediately (WTKR, WAVY, WVEC, WTAR). 3. Email will be sent from the school to each family’s email address. It is the family’s responsibility to forward this account to another preferred email account if the school account is not frequently checked. 4. In the event of closing for bad weather before school opens: a. An announcement will be made on the above stations by 6:45 a.m. b. An email will be sent to your family’s account by the school’s administration c. Information will be posted on the school’s website
SECURITY CAMERA POLICY Nansemond-Suffolk Academy has an obligation to provide a safe environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors. Nansemond-Suffolk Academy supports the use of video surveillance to promote the safety and security of students and staff, the protection of school property, deterrence and prevention of criminal activities and the enforcement of school rules. Camera Location, Operation and Control • The security camera system is installed in public areas only. These areas may include grounds, athletic areas, exterior entrances or exits to school buildings and large gathering spaces such as classroom corridors, cafeteria, lobby and main entries. Use of Video Recordings • The Head of School or his/her designee shall oversee video surveillance. • The security camera system will be in operation and may be monitored by school personnel throughout the year. • Video recordings of actions by students may be used by administrators as evidence in any disciplinary action brought against students arising out of the student's conduct in or about Nansemond-Suffolk Academy property. • In compliance with the law, recorded information will be available for use as necessary by appropriate school officials and/or law enforcement personnel. • Information obtained through video surveillance may only be used for disciplinary investigations, security or law enforcement purposes. Data Storage • All video recordings are stored in a secure place to avoid tampering and ensure confidentiality in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. • The Office of Technology shall be responsible for maintaining cameras, monitors, storage, computers used to store images and computer diskettes. • Any video recordings used for security purposes in school buildings or grounds are the sole property of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. Release of such videos will be made only as permissible pursuant to applicable law and with the permission of the Head of School or his/her designee. Notification • All staff, students and parents shall be made aware of the video surveillance guidelines and practices. • Appropriate signage will be posted at major entrances to school buildings that notify students, staff and the general public of the schools use of security cameras. Students and staff will receive additional notification at the beginning of the school year regarding the use of security cameras in the schools and on school grounds.