Pre-K Parent Handbook 2013-2014

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Helen B. Holland Early School Nansemond-Suffolk Academy Pre-Kindergarten Student and Parent Handbook 2013-2014

Telephone (757) 539-8789 Lower School Fax (757) 934-8353 Business Office Fax (757) 934-8363 3373 Pruden Boulevard Suffolk, Virginia 23434


Head of School Chief of Staff Executive Assistant to the Head of School

Edie Higinbotham ’85

Chief Financial Officer

To Be Announced

Director of Admissions

Kenda Council ’91

Director of Advancement

Betty Jean Riddick ’72

Director of Girls’ Athletics

T. W. Johnson, Jr. ’92

Director of Boys’ Athletics

Richard Hurd

Director of Risk Management

J. Michael King ’94

Head of Upper School

Michelle Horton ’89

Head of Middle School

Nancy Webb

Head of Lower School

Jean Mauck

Assistant Head of Lower School Director of Pre-Kindergarten

Carol Johnson Melinda Trostle

Lower School Counselor Lower School Office Manager

Mindy Webb ’96

Pre-K 4 Teacher

Linda Nash

Pre-K 4 Teacher

Pam Wentz

Pre-K 3 Teacher

Jeannette Baker, Teresa Daniel ’77, Virginia Elliott ’86, Lynne Garner, Marie McCormick

Pre-K Assistants


BOARD OF TRUSTEES R. Scott Carr, Chairman Rob J. Gies, Vice Chairman S. Jane Benton, Secretary Charles R. Birdsong ’88, Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair Patricia P. Hartman, Advancement Committee Chair Brian T. Rowe, Buildings and Grounds Committee Chair Deborah M. McHorney, Governance Committee Chair G. Robert Aston, Jr.

Crystal H. Jackson

Dr. I. A. “Dimi” Barot ’93

Robert W. Jones

Monica Y. Brothers

Dr. Anne E. Morgan ’90

Harry L. Cross III

Roy “Chip” Runyon III

Carlton L. Cutchin III

W. Douglas Russell ’80

Donald Z. Goldberg

Nancy M. Tuck ’82

William W. Hannah

Kenneth W. Wren, Jr.

J. Carney Hawks ’92

MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy is to provide an academically rigorous college preparatory education in an atmosphere fostering moral character, respect, responsibility and compassion. With a commitment to honor above all, the school seeks to develop and inspire leaders who value diversity, creativity, scholastic excellence and community service.

PHILOSOPHY OF OUR PROGRAM Nansemond-Suffolk Academy believes that a Pre-Kindergarten program for young children must take a child-centered approach. In every area of its operation, NSA considers the needs of the child first. To insure that those needs are well understood and appreciated, the school hires teachers who have degrees in Early Childhood Education or Child Development and


assistants with solid backgrounds in Early Childhood Education and/or experience working with young children. The Academy recognizes that the education of Pre-Kindergarten children cannot be broken down into “grade levels” or sectioned by traditional elementary subject areas. Areas of development in young children are interrelated. The curriculum is planned in an integrated way to address the needs of the “whole child” with equal emphasis on social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. The Academy values the uniqueness of the individual child and encourages his autonomy. The creativity and artistic expression of each child is encouraged. NSA accepts that young children do not all develop at the same rate and therefore puts no pressure on children to perform to any rigid requirements. Each child is accepted at his own level and encouraged in his growth and development in all areas. Nansemond-Suffolk Academy understands that young children learn by “doing.” They acquire knowledge through playful interaction with objects and people. Children, therefore, are allowed to be active and are given time to physically explore and manipulate their surroundings and to have meaningful exchanges with teachers and other children. Emphasis is also placed on developing children’s thinking skills and problem solving abilities. NSA believes these goals are best accomplished through exploration, play and informal academics.

DESCRIPTION OF OUR PROGRAM Nansemond-Suffolk Academy’s Pre-Kindergarten is a developmentally appropriate program for young children who are three, four or five years old. It is designed with a thorough understanding of the general capabilities of this age group, as well as with an appreciation of the needs and differences of the individual children enrolled. The teacher serves as a facilitator or guide and implements the curriculum, primarily by setting in place a classroom environment that will enhance the children’s growth and development in all areas. This environment has an emotional climate that is loving, nurturing and safe, as well as an educational climate that is stimulating and challenging. In this setting, the children can make relevant discoveries about their world. Because young children learn through interacting with others, it is an important part of the program. Children are given the opportunity daily to play individually and in small and large groups. A routine is followed each day with active times being alternated with quiet times. Children often initiate their own play as well as participate in teacher-directed activities. Math and reading activities, music, art, dramatic play, Spanish instruction, puzzles, stories, block building, learning and movement games, physical exercise, science and technology explorations, show and tell, outdoor play (weather permitting) and time for many conversations are all part of the Pre-Kindergarten experience.


DEVELOPMENTAL READINESS The term developmental readiness refers to that condition in a child’s life when sufficient growth and development has occurred (in physical, emotional, social and intellectual areas) as to enable him to successfully function in a more formal educational setting. There are varying degrees of readiness exhibited by children at different ages. Each child has his own unique timetable of growth and development. Developmental readiness does not always occur at the same age for each child. It is a very individual process based on many factors. Basically, readiness can be encouraged, but not taught. Developmental readiness is mentioned often in the early years of your child’s schooling. In our Pre-Kindergarten program, we may see a child who is not developmentally ready to come to school. He may not be able to successfully separate from his parents or may not be able to conform to certain basic classroom expectations. This child may benefit from extra time at home to grow and develop and would be encouraged to enroll at a later date. Another time that the factor of developmental readiness may come into play is when a child is entering Kindergarten. NSA administers a developmental screening to try to determine if the child is ready for Kindergarten. Pre-Kindergarten teachers are also consulted for their recommendations. Developmental readiness is not correlated to intelligence. Many very bright children benefit from extra time to grow and learn. NSA recognizes that this maturation process of children is vitally important. It provides a framework from which children’s learning proceeds. It is always the aim of the school to do what is in the best interest of its students.

PRE-KINDERGARTEN CURRICULAR OBJECTIVES Cognitive Development Language Arts Listening skills Increases knowledge through listening Listens to short stories Follows simple directions Speaking skills Expresses self clearly Answers questions Uses age-appropriate grammar in conversations and increasingly complex phrases and sentences Vocabulary skills Shows an understanding of words and their meanings Shows increased vocabulary to describe many objects, actions, and events Understands opposites Reading skills Comprehension 5


Tells stories from pictures Acts out stories Recalls objects from a picture Predicts missing word or outcome of a story Repeats simple phrases Enjoys books Phonetics and Mechanics Follows left-to-right progression Recognizes common sounds Recognizes rhyming words Recognizes alphabet letters and their sounds Reads own name Writing skills Shows motivation to engage in written expression Intentionally uses scribble writing to convey meaning Demonstrates age appropriate ability to write letters Writes own name Number sense skills Begins to understand one-to-one correspondence Understands spatial relationships and positions and direction words Shows understanding of how to count and construct sets Demonstrates the concept of ordinal position with concrete objects Shows understanding by participation in the comparison of quantities (more - less - equal) Begins to understand the concept of time (day - night, seasons, days of week) Patterns Understands characteristics of patterns and begins to reproduce patterns Begins to sort objects Begins to sequence objects Can match sets and patterns Number and numeration Counts orally (1-20) and knows the sequence of number names Recognizes numbers Geometry Begins to recognize shapes Data collection Begins to understand the concept of tallying Begins to measure

Social Studies

People and self-awareness Says name (first and last) Knows age


Knows address, phone number, parents’ names Begins to recognize and appreciate similarities and differences in people Begins to recognize family characteristics, roles, and functions Shows awareness of some jobs that people do Begins to understand and take on leadership roles


Physical Explores the physical properties and uses of objects Knows colors Life Identifies body parts Knows names of animals Explores growth and change of living things Identifies characteristics of living things Earth and space Explores the outdoor environment and begins to recognize the changes in the environment Discovers and explores objects that are naturally found in the environment Begins to develop environmental awareness and responsibility (reduce, reuse, recycle)

The Arts

Visual arts Explores visual arts Creates visual arts to communicate an idea Discusses and responds to the feelings caused by art Music Explores music Creates music to communicate an idea Discusses and responds to the feelings caused by music Creative movement and dance Explores creative movement and dance Creates creative music and dance to communicate an idea Discusses and responds to the feelings caused by creative movement and dance Drama Explores dramatic play Creates dramatic play to communicate an idea Discusses and responds to the feelings caused by dramatic play

Social Development Self-Regulation Behaviors Recognizes authority Shows increasing confidence in own abilities Cares for belongings Puts away toys 7

Works / plays independently Stays on task Uses good manners (common courtesies, good table manners, polite to classroom visitors) Practices good citizenship Works quietly when necessary Waits in line when necessary Walks quietly through halls Understands proper disposal of litter Helps to keep classroom neat Cooperates with teachers Adapts to transitions with increasing independence Practices personal discipline

Forming Relationships

Functions in a group Shows respect for other children Cooperates with other children Respects others’ personal space Makes friends Develops an awareness of others’ feelings Offers assistance to others

Social Problem-solving

Negotiates solutions to problems with others Shares Develops an initial understanding of bullying, with support from familiar adults

Emotional Development Self-Behaviors

Has a positive self-concept Takes pride in work Is becoming aware of uniqueness of self and others Is able to separate from parents without anxiety Likes coming to school Expresses thoughts, feelings, and needs

Group Behaviors

Interacts well with teachers and others Participates willingly in class activities Participates in group singing in front of audience

Physical Development Health and Wellness Behaviors

Takes care of toilet needs independently Keeps hands / objects out of mouth Washes hands at appropriate times Uses tissues or handkerchiefs appropriately 8

Understands basic nutrition Understands good dental hygiene Demonstrates visual abilities to facilitate learning and healthy growth and development Demonstrates auditory ability to facilitate learning and healthy growth and development

Safety Behaviors

Handles scissors, pencils, etc. carefully Keeps chair on floor Walks when inside the building Understands fire safety rules Understands limits on the playground (no throwing of rocks, sticks, sand) Understands swing safety Recognizes importance of seatbelts Looks both ways before crossing street Knows to say “no� to strangers

Gross Motor Skills

Is aware of own personal space Walks forward and backwards Walks a straight line Runs Jumps Gallops Hops Skips Marches Balances on one foot and on beam Bounces a ball Throws and catches a ball Pumps legs on swing Claps Pedals

Fine Motor Skills

Uses hand-eye coordination to perform fine motor tasks Demonstrates increasing control of small motor muscles to perform the following tasks: Controls pencil, crayon, marker (proper grip and pressure) Colors Draws Paints Cuts Glues Buttons, zips Works puzzles Copies shapes Writes name Balances blocks, stacks blocks, builds with blocks 9

SAMPLE SCHEDULE Each teacher will post her individual class routine.

8:30 a.m.

Children are welcomed into the classroom, store belongings in individual cubbies and initiate activities at different stations


Circle Time - Children participate in morning routines and opening exercises. They say the Pledge to the Flag, sing patriotic and NSA songs, discuss the weather and the calendar, sing and dance.


Yoga / movement exercises


Teacher presents academic lesson to the whole group. This lesson is usually an integrated one, including phonics instruction, math concepts, and/or science and social studies units. Children then divide into small groups for follow-up activities.


Children clean up and demonstrate healthy habit routines, such as visiting bathrooms, washing hands, eating snack and cleaning up after snack.


Children play outside (weather permitting).


Children do a craft activity, have a Spanish lesson, visit the Library, go to Music or Art class or continue with morning lesson.


Story time / “Show and tell�


Morning program ends. Students participating only in the morning program go home. Afternoon Care children use restrooms, clean up and prepare for lunch. A hot lunch, prepared in the school cafeteria, is delivered to the children in their classrooms.

12:30 p.m.

Children rest on cots.


Children play outside.


Children prepare for dismissal; day ends.


POLICIES ADMISSIONS There is no entry test for Pre-Kindergarten. All applicants and their parents are invited to attend a “Play Group” session prior to admission. During these play group sessions, a small group of applicants spends time playing with each other and interacting with a Pre-K teacher who presents a brief lesson while the parents meet with several members of the Lower School administration. Admission is later granted to those applicants who demonstrate readiness for NSA’s Pre-Kindergarten program. Special consideration is given to NSA families, alumni and past NSA families. The admissions process begins only upon receipt of a completed application and registration fee. For the three year-old program, children must be three years old as of the first day of school and must possess independent toileting habits. For the four year-old program, children must be age-appropriate (four years old) by September 30th of the year that they will be enrolled in NSA’s Pre-Kindergarten program and must possess independent toileting habits. Parents are required to submit a physical examination form, filled out by a physician, which lists appropriate immunizations for their child, as well as produce documentation confirming child’s age and identity (original, certified birth certificate). Enrollment in Pre-Kindergarten does not insure acceptance into Kindergarten at NSA, regardless of age. WITHDRAWAL FROM SCHOOL 1. The school reserves the right to request the withdrawal of a student from school for reasons that are considered to have a serious negative impact upon the health and/or welfare of that student and/or others. Such decisions will be made by the Director of the Pre-Kindergarten, in consultation with the teacher, the Head of Lower School, the Head of School and the child’s parents. 2. On some occasions, it may become evident that a child is not developmentally ready or has needs beyond the scope and service of the program. The teacher and/or Director of Pre-Kindergarten will be in very close communication with the parents during the first weeks of school. The parent would probably be asked to come in to conference with the teacher, the Director, the Head of Lower School and/or School Counselor to discuss the situation. Every attempt will be made to assist the child and family in the adjustment process. By the end of September, however, it usually becomes clear whether NSA’s Pre-Kindergarten is the appropriate setting for the child. If it is determined that the child is not ready to participate in the program, enrollment is usually deferred to a later date. (NSA does refund any advanced tuition payments in cases such as this.) 3. A child who lacks independent toileting habits would also be considered not developmentally ready for the program and enrollment would be deferred, as well. 4. Failure to meet financial contractual obligations with the school could also require the withdrawal of a student.


REFUND POLICY Parents are financially obligated for all tuition and fees at the time the contract is signed. Tuition insurance is offered for those who might be interested. If a child is determined not to be developmentally ready for the program by the school, tuition will be refunded for the remainder of the school year (calculated as of the date of withdrawal). Admission may be deferred for developmental reasons. If a child has to be withdrawn by the parent for extenuating circumstances at any time after the contract is signed, an appeal for release from the contract can be made to the Head of School. Forms are available in the Admissions Office. Please note that testing and registration fees are not refundable. DISCIPLINE POLICIES NSA expects and emphasizes the development of respect and responsibility in all students. It is the teacher’s responsibility to create an environment that will assist children to acquire and develop positive behaviors. No physical punishment is ever permitted as a means of correcting inappropriate behaviors, nor is psychological or emotional intimidation considered appropriate. A system of natural and/or logical consequences is used in molding the desired social behaviors. Finding ways to redirect children’s energies is also attempted. The use of “time-out” may occasionally be employed in an effort to change behavior. Parents will be notified should problems arise. Problems that do not respond to the usual strategies will be referred to the Director of Pre-Kindergarten. FOOD POLICIES The school provides a daily snack, which must meet the guidelines included in the Standards for Day Care Programs, issued by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Water and milk are usually offered and occasionally 100% fruit juice. “Special” snacks may be provided by parents for birthdays or other special occasions. Although birthday sweets are certainly allowed, we appreciate the inclusion of healthy items as well. (Suggestions: fruits, veggies, cheese, milk, etc.) A more thorough listing of special snack suggestions is available from the teacher. (Hard candy, excessive amounts of sweets and sweetened juices are discouraged.) Children remaining for Afternoon Care are provided a hot lunch from the cafeteria which is included in the afternoon program fees. All lunches meet Social Services standards as well. Menus will be sent home on a regular basis. Snack and lunch menus are posted in the rooms. (Please notify us of any food allergies.) HEALTH POLICIES All children entering NSA are required to have a physical examination by a physician and submit a record of immunizations, which is kept on file in the school infirmary. In addition, parents must submit student medical information including medical history and permission for first aid. These are also kept on file in the infirmary and in the classroom.


Any student indicating symptoms of illness will be taken to the school nurse who is on duty in the infirmary from 8:00 a.m. until 3:20 p.m. daily. Parents will be called by the nurse to pick up any child who has a fever or other symptoms that could be contagious or otherwise interfere with the class routine. It is typically not one symptom alone, but several, that suggest a child is ill and needs to go home. The nurses generally look for one or more of the following: • Temperature of 100 degrees or above • Vomiting/persistent nausea • Persistent/recurring diarrhea • Migraine/unresolved headache • Cold with nasal congestion • Coughing with chest congestion • Persistent sore throat • Earache/infection The infirmary has strict guidelines in regards to children returning to school once sent home from the clinic with a fever of 100 degrees or higher or after being diagnosed with a contagious illness. • Temperature of 100 degrees or higher: May return to school if without fever, for 24 hours or more without the use of analgesics, i.e. Tylenol/Advil. • Strep Throat: May return to school as soon as antibiotics have been administered for a full 24 hours and is without fever. • Conjunctivitis: May return to school as soon as antibiotics have been administered for a full 24 hours. • Chickenpox: May return to school after vesicles become dry, i.e. 5-7 days after eruptions first appear. Since NSA does not have sickbay facilities, children who are ill should not be sent to school and must be picked up promptly when parents are called. All accidents will be reported to the school nurse. All medication must be supplied by the parent and requires a signed and dated authorization from the parent in order to be administered. All medications will be stored in the clinic with the exception of emergency medications as per parent request and physician’s orders, which may then be kept in the classroom, in locked storage. The school nurse will perform the administration of all medications, emergency or otherwise, unless it becomes absolutely necessary for trained personnel, other than the school nurse, to intervene. Sunscreen and/or insect repellent are to be applied in the home (if the parent so desires). As required by the Virginia Department of Social Services, any suspected child abuse or neglect will be reported by the teacher to the Director of Pre-Kindergarten, Head of Lower School and Social Services. TRANSPORTATION Children enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten are eligible for bus transportation. It is recommended that the parent arrange for an older child (sibling or friend) to sit with and look out for the Pre-Kindergarten children on the bus. The children who ride the bus will be met at the bus by NSA staff and supervised as they walk to their classroom. 13

AFTERNOON CARE Teaching assistants are responsible for the care and supervision of the children in the afternoon program. The maximum number of students in each of the sections is ten or less. Lunch is followed by rest time, then outside play. All children rest quietly on cots for at least 20-30 minutes. Those who do not fall asleep are then permitted to play quietly in the room or go outside with another assistant. We ask you to provide us with a crib-sized sheet from home for your child’s cot and a blanket for a cover. We will send them home weekly for laundering. The hours of the afternoon program are from 11:45 a.m. until 2:40 p.m. Dismissal in the Lower School is staggered. Pre-Kindergarten children are brought out first and you are strongly encouraged to pick up your child at that time. EXTENDED CARE Children enrolled in Pre-Kindergarten are eligible for the Extended Care program which is held daily from 2:45 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Program information is available in the Lower School office. Arrangements may be made for a full year, specific days or drop-in. ABSENCES Please call us when your child will not be in attendance. If you know in advance that your child will be absent, a note is appreciated. Please inform NSA of contagious illnesses. Children who have had fever, diarrhea or vomiting should remain at home for at least 24 hours, symptom-free. CLASS ROSTERS Parents will be provided with a list of students’ and parents’ names, addresses and phone numbers. If anyone has an objection to having a name or number listed in this way, please notify NSA as soon as possible. VISITATION BY PARENTS Parents are welcome to visit in Pre-Kindergarten. There are numerous ways to volunteer to help with class activities, parties and to share family and cultural customs. Teachers will provide information about this and opportunities to sign up. These parent visits are scheduled through the teacher. If you just want to drop in one day, a call or note is appreciated, but not required. You should always sign in at the Lower School Office and receive a visitor’s badge.

DAILY PROCEDURES ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL School hours for the morning program are from 8:30 a.m. until 11:40 a.m. daily. Teachers and assistants are on duty in the classrooms at 8:00 a.m. and students may arrive at that time. If at all possible, we request that all students arrive by 8:35 a.m. Morning Care is available for parents who may need to bring their child before 8:00 a.m. It is located in the Camp


Gym and is supervised by a Lower School assistant who will walk the child to his classroom at 8:00 a.m. Parents can sign up for daily participation or drop-in as needed. The program operates from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. It is NSA’s policy that Pre-Kindergarten students are always under adult supervision on school grounds. Your child may be dropped off at the carpool loop in front of the Lower School, where a staff member is on duty. A Pre-Kindergarten staff member will be located there or at the door from 8:00-8:35 a.m. and will ensure your child’s safe entry into school. We request that all children enter the building through the Pre-Kindergarten entrance, where they can be adequately supervised. After the first week of school, we encourage you to drop your child off at carpool and allow him to enter the building under our supervision. This helps to develop his independence. However, at 8:35 a.m. doors will be secured. If you arrive after this time, it will be necessary for you to walk your child to the classroom, entering through the Lower School carpool entrance. You should sign in at the Lower School Office. At dismissal time, children will be taken to the car pool area and will be left with the adult in charge. Teachers must have a signed form from parents indicating who is permitted to pick up their child. (When a staff member does not recognize a car pool driver, the driver will be asked to show an ID.) If parents are unavoidably detained, and will be extremely late for pick-up, please phone the school office as soon as possible. If you are running late for midday pick-up, your child will be taken to the Lower School office at approximately 11:50 a.m., and you can pick him or her up there. If your child stays for Afternoon Care and you are running late, your child will remain with the assistant until 3:15 p.m., at which time he or she will be taken to Extended Care, located in room 124 on the Pre-Kindergarten hall. PROMPT PICK-UP IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED! SUPPLIES NSA provides all supplies with the exception of a crib sheet for children in Afternoon Care and other specialized items that may be solicited for class projects. Also, a box of tissues is requested. Donations of toys in good condition, books, puzzles, etc. are always appreciated. A receipt for donations will be sent to contributors, when requested. Each child should have a backpack. (Very small ones and ones with difficult clasps are not recommended.) A backpack is very helpful in teaching your child responsibility for personal belongings as well as insuring that your child’s belongings, school papers, and/or notes from the teacher get home each day. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOUR CHILD BRING THE BACKPACK EACH DAY. Please label it and all other personal belongings with his name. DRESS CODE There is NO DRESS CODE for Pre-Kindergarten. However, camouflaged clothing items are discouraged. Children should be dressed comfortably in clothes and shoes suitable for play. Children go outside each day (weather permitting) and frequently get messy with arts and crafts activities.


COMMUNICATION Students will receive 6 progress reports during the school year. The first will come after about 3 weeks of school (to address your child’s adjustment to the classroom). The other reports come in October, November, January, March and May. Teachers send personal notes when needed and sometimes convey brief information at carpool pick- up time. It is also very important that you check your child’s backpack each day. It is checked every day at school and this helps to keep communication flowing. Do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher at any time if you have a question or concern. NetClassroom is an internet-based communication tool used by NSA to stay in touch with our families. For families returning to NSA, NetClassroom will replace Edline. Each family is provided with an online access code to set up a personal account. This information will be sent to parents via the family email prior to the beginning of school. For all NSA parents, NetClassroom is used as a way to communicate important information from the school and from teachers. All parents are expected to utilize this tool as a critical link between home and school. In addition, the school’s website,, provides an abundance of valuable information regarding school life and activities. Current information on topics of interest for school families can be found on the website, as well as information about Athletics and other extracurricular activities. Also, each family receives an email address and emails from the school will be sent to that address. This email address can be linked to your preferred email address, but since it will be used as the primary means of communication from NSA to you, it is critical that this account be checked frequently or forwarded. SHOW AND TELL Each classroom offers a “show and tell” time for the children. Children are encouraged to bring just one item at a time. Items should not be too large and will hopefully contribute to the educational process. PARTIES Special parties are held during the year and parents are asked to help with at least one. Birthdays may be celebrated at school. Please keep things simple. Summer birthdays may be celebrated as an “unbirthday ” on another day.

SAFETY AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES NSA and the staff in Pre-Kindergarten work very hard to insure the safety of the children at all times. We enlist your support of our safety procedures, as well as your ideas for improvement. We all recognize the tremendous importance of school safety and security. PLAYGROUND We strive to keep groups small on the playground and your child will always be within auditory or visual supervision of a staff member. Appropriate playground rules are taught and stressed to the children.


BUILDING SECURITY Exterior doors are locked after carpool and recess. Vigilance in keeping the building secure is maintained by all staff. Please help us with this by entering through the main entrance and getting a visitor’s badge when you come to school at any time other than drop-off or pickup. Also, if you leave by the Pre-Kindergarten entry door, you must pull the door closed to secure it. We appreciate your vigilance with this as well. EMERGENCY CLOSING In the event of an EMERGENCY CLOSING the following will be considered standard policy: 1. Every attempt will be made not to close until 12:00 noon once school is in session for the day. 2. Announcements will be made on radio and TV stations immediately. (WTKR, WAVY, WVEC, WTAR) 3. An email message will be sent from the school to each family’s email address. It is the family’s responsibility to forward mail to this account to a preferred account if the school account is not frequently checked. 4. In the event of closing for bad weather before school opens on the day, an announcement will be made on the above stations by 6:45 a.m., an email will be “pushed out” by the school’s administration and information will be posted on the school’s web site. Parents should familiarize themselves with the procedures for announcing an emergency closing of school. A staff member or other person designated by the parent will remain with the child until the parent arrives. BUS PROCEDURES Children who ride the bus in the mornings will be met by an NSA staff member and escorted to their classrooms. Please stress with your child the importance of appropriate bus behavior. FIRE, TORNADO AND SHELTER-IN-PLACE DRILLS Fire drills are held on a monthly basis to ensure a safe exit of the building in case of emergency. At least annually, a tornado drill and a shelter-in-place drill are conducted. CARPOOL Parents must specify who is authorized to pick up their child. If a staff member does not recognize the person picking up, that person will be asked to show an ID. IMPORTANT NUMBERS To reach a teacher during the day, please dial 539-8789. The number “4,” then “1” from the telephone menu will access the Lower School Office, and someone will assist you in reaching the teacher and/or classroom. Remember, when calls occur during program hours, the teacher or staff member is taken away from the supervision of the children. The best time to call during the school day is early morning, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., unless there is an emergency.


SECURITY CAMERA POLICY Nansemond-Suffolk Academy has an obligation to provide a safe environment for faculty, staff, students and visitors. Nansemond-Suffolk Academy supports the use of video surveillance to promote the safety and security of students and staff, the protection of school property, deterrence and prevention of criminal activities and the enforcement of school rules. Camera Location, Operation and Control • The security camera system is installed in public areas only. These areas may include grounds, athletic areas, exterior entrances or exits to school buildings and large gathering spaces such as classroom corridors, cafeteria, lobby and main entries. Use of Video Recordings • The Head of School or his/her designee shall oversee video surveillance. • The security camera system will be in operation and may be monitored by school personnel throughout the year. • Video recordings of actions by students may be used by administrators as evidence in any disciplinary action brought against students arising out of the student's conduct in or about Nansemond-Suffolk Academy property. • In compliance with the law, recorded information will be available for use as necessary by appropriate school officials and/or law enforcement personnel. • Information obtained through video surveillance may only be used for disciplinary investigations, security or law enforcement purposes. Data Storage • All video recordings are stored in a secure place to avoid tampering and ensure confidentiality in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. • The Office of Technology shall be responsible for maintaining cameras, monitors, storage, computers used to store images and computer diskettes. • Any video recordings used for security purposes in school buildings or grounds are the sole property of Nansemond-Suffolk Academy. Release of such videos will be made only as permissible pursuant to applicable law and with the permission of the Head of School or his/her designee. Notification • All staff, students and parents shall be made aware of the video surveillance guidelines and practices. • Appropriate signage will be posted at major entrances to school buildings that notify students, staff and the general public of the schools use of security cameras. Students and staff will receive additional notification at the beginning of the school year regarding the use of security cameras in the schools and on school grounds.


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