Escaping the hustle and bustle of daily life is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. While many opt for beach vacations or city getaways, there’s something uniquely rejuvenating about retreating to the mountains. Far from the noise and distractions of urban living, mountain retreats offer a sanctuary for introspection, connection with nature, and personal growth.
One of the most striking aspects of our Center is the profound sense of tranquility here. Surrounded by towering peaks, lush forests, and crisp mountain air, it’s easy to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life and immerse oneself in the present moment. Spending time outdoors—whether you’re exploring our trails, stargazing beneath the night sky, or simply sitting by a babbling brook—cultivates a deep appreciation for the beauty and wonder of the natural world. This reconnection with nature nourishes the mind, body, and soul.
Beyond the tranquility, our retreats offer ample opportunities for self-reflection and personal growth. Removed from familiar surroundings and routines, you’re encouraged to delve into your inner thoughts and emotions, gaining clarity and perspective on your lives. Whether through meditation, yoga, journaling, or engaging in meaningful conversations with fellow guests, we provide a fertile environment for self-discovery and personal
Whether you’re seeking solace, inspiration, or simply a break from the noise of the world, we invite you to take a hiatus from everyday life. You’ll return home deeply rested, reinvigorated, and enriched, continuing to experience the benefits long after you leave. ■
tart your journey toward optimal health and happiness with an Art of Living signature retreat. Our immersive programs give you the tools you need for more calm, clarity, and resiliency in your life.
THE SILENT RETREAT | OFFERED WEEKLY Our Silent Retreat combines the Happiness Retreat and several days of silent contemplation with unique guided meditations and advanced breathing techniques.
Our most popular program! Discover the empowering benefits of guided breathwork—life-transforming techniques for true peace and calm.
This advanced program is designed to provide an optimal environment to break free from a busy mind, dive deep within, and experience transformative shifts. Prerequisite Art of Living Part I.
THE MEDITATION RETREAT | OFFERED MONTHLY Work with a certified instructor to gain the confidence and skill you need to build a meditation practice and find greater clarity and ease each day. Also, acquire a personal mantra—a charged sound that makes meditation effortless.
Two powerful experiences in one! Learn Sudarshan Kriya, as taught in the Happiness Retreat, and acquire a personal mantra—a charged sound that makes meditation easier, introduced in the Meditation Retreat.
Learn more and register aolrc.org/signature
Take a much-needed vacation from the stress and distractions of daily life with an all-inclusive R&R Retreat. While you're here, enjoy a variety of daily classes and activities, including
• Daily meditation and all-levels yoga classes
• Ayurveda education workshops
• Cooking classes
• Evening Kirtan
• Creative experiences, and more.
You may also explore the beauty and abundance of our outdoor spaces and walking trails.
Add an Ayurveda treatment or two, and you’ll emerge completely rested, restored, and revived. ■
Learn more & see the activity scheduLe aolrc.org/rnr
xperience our award-winning Ayurveda health facility, Shankara Ayurveda Wellness, located deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We combine ancient Ayurveda with contemporary wellness to bring you the ultimate therapeutic experience.
Our team of Ayurvedic practitioners and therapists are dedicated to providing excellence in Ayurvedic health and well-being. We specialize in individualized holistic care for the whole mind-body complex and the management of health conditions.
Relax and rejuvenate in the deeply healing and restful setting of Shankara Ayurveda Wellness—your journey to health and vitality begins here. ■
Learn more about our spa offerings aolrc.org/shankara
A 4-week online program for women of all ages.
Are you on the verge of menopause, feeling uncertain, or even a bit apprehensive about what lies ahead? While societal views on menopause have often been negative, this transition can be a period of introspection and empowerment. Discover the art of graceful transition at our exclusive Ayurveda program, designed for women navigating perimenopause and menopause. ■
Program Highlights Includes
• Introduction to Ayurveda and the Chemistry of Your Body
• Introduction to Dinacharya and Other Self-Care Practices
• Common Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Imbalances and Remedies Using Diet, Lifestyle, and Herbs
• Yoga and Meditation for Easing Physical and Emotional Symptoms
• Discussions on Important Topics: Mental Health, Heart Disease, Hormone Replacement Therapy
• Weekly Pre-Recorded Education & Insights
• 1-hour Live Weekly Saturday Lectures, Cooking Demos, Experiential Practices, and Q&A
• Digital Workbook, Quizzes, & Handouts
• Personalized Ayurvedic Consultation
• Access to a Private Online Community & Six MonthlyLive Follow-up Sessions
Learn more & register aolrc.org/menopause
We specialize in Ayurveda-based programs, treatments, and therapies that reset the whole person, inside and out. Along with these treatments, our inspiring accommodations, nutritious meals, passionate staff, and breathtaking environment all greatly enhance the effectiveness of your experience.
From arrival to departure, you'll be nurtured back to a deep sense of peace and well-being that carries you throughout your days. All you have to do is show up—we’ll take care of the rest. ■
Your all-inclusive escape includes
• 2-night stay in Retreat or Hotel Room
• Ayurvedic Treatment(s)
• Access to R&R activities
• 3 delicious meals a day
• Daily yoga and meditation
• Access to all campus amenities
828.802.4025 | aolrc.org
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a humanitarian, spiritual leader and an ambassador of peace and human values. Gurudev has designed programs that provide techniques and tools to live a deeper, more joyous life and has established nonprofit organizations that recognize the human identity beyond the boundaries of gender, race, nationality, and religion. ■
This July, join us at the Center for enlightening master sessions with Gurudev.
This very special session of our Signature silent retreat includes live, in-person sessions with Gurudev. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunities to learn from Gurudev and grow alongside a community of fellow seekers.
Advanced programs for Art of Living graduates, teachers, volunteers, and their families—culminating in the Guru Purnima Celebration on July 21.
828.802.4025 | aolrc.org/2024
self-discovery, creativity, spirituality, relationships, and beyond— welcoming them to the Center to impart their expertise, perspectives, and inspiration to you. ■
New programs are being added daily, visit aolrc.org/calendar.
Self-DiScovery June 20–23
Healing tHrougH
feminine practiceS
An Immersion into the Ancient Wisdom of Womanhood
In a program unlike any other in the world, clinical psychologist and transformation coach Dr. Amanda Hanson promotes the mastery of feminine energy.
During this immersion into the ancient wisdom of womanhood, journey into the wilds of your feminine soul and discover the magic of vibrant and radiant selflove. Open to women age 21 and over.
Self-DiScovery Spirituality
June 21–23
sOpHie FrAbOttA
Embark on a profound journey of inner awakening and renewal with Sophie Frabotta, a soul-centered spiritual healer. By tapping into the frequencies within, you access your sacred vault of inner sight. It is here that you can begin to make a personal shift into higher consciousness. Treating yourself in the highest regard is our goal for this weekend.
Self-DiScovery fitneSS & outDoor minDfulneSS
June 26–30
Nourish Your Embodied Evolution with Movement and Ritual
rOcHelle scHieck
Join Rochelle Schieck, the creator of Qoya, for a 5-day retreat designed to embrace the beauty of accelerated change in both our individual lives and the world around us.
meDitation art of living minDfulneSS
July 10–14
A very special signature program opportunity! Participate in enlightening in-person master sessions with the Art of Living Founder, global humanitarian, and spiritual leader, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.
Spirituality meDitation Self-DiScovery
August 2–4
cOnnecting tO HOpe
AnD tHe lOve WitHin us Lorna Byrne
Angels are all around, helping us in a myriad of ways in every moment of our life—all its ups and downs, good times and bad—interacting with us, guiding us, and connecting us to that love that is within us.
Beloved Irish spiritual teacher and best-selling author Lorna Byrne guides you in connecting deeply to the spiritual support around you and the love of your soul.
Spirituality Self-DiScovery August 21–25 pAul selig's
Experience the Divine
Join award-winning author and channel Paul Selig as he leads you on a deeply transformational retreat where you will work directly with his Guides and experience a practical program for achieving personal growth and overcoming obstacles that are hindering you along the way.
creativity minDfulne August 23–25
Uncovering the Hidden Stories Inside of Us
JOHn rOeDelEmbark on a journey of self-discovery and authenticity at the HeartWrite retreat. Poet, writer, and comedian John Roedel guides an exploration of your untold stories with humor, honesty, and engaging activities, offering a space to celebrate imperfections and write with unguarded honesty—fostering camaraderie and creative expression in a supportive community environment.
AUG 30–SEPT 2, 2024
trAvis eliOt, lAuren eckstrOM, brent lAFFOOn, brittAny lynne, & MycHAl prietO
Inner Dimension TV is hosting this 3-night/4-day community celebration to help you understand WHY yoga works. Did you come to yoga or meditation and notice significant changes in your life but you still don’t really understand why? This summit answers your questions while supporting your ongoing practice and mental health.
Each day will be packed with yoga and meditation masterclasses, talks and panels, workshops and community gatherings to support your understanding of how these practices lead to transformation, not just at the level of your physical body, but your mind, heart and overall life. And, along the way, we’ll bond, connect and celebrate in person as a community!
September 20–22
BeyonD trauma
Dr. Arielle scHWArtz
Join clinical psychologist, EMDR consultant, somatic therapist, yoga teacher, and trauma survivor Dr. Arielle Schwartz for a weekend of healing aimed to guide you on the path to posttraumatic growth.
Dr. Schwartz has crafted a program that helps you move past trauma, liberate yourself from emotional burdens, and transform your life. Her integrative approach introduces science-backed techniques for trauma recovery and practical vagus nerve stimulation methods aimed at rewiring your resilience.
September 26–29
Martha Huggins and Molly Hollibaugh lead this experiential weekend of Zentangle philosophies, unique techniques, and carefully curated materials—woven together to create an extraordinary web of creativity.
Self-DiScovery creativity
September 27-29
Good Stories
Are you a writer yearning to turn your own life experiences into compelling narratives, but find yourself held back by fear and doubt? Join NYT best-selling author Brianna Madia in a transformative workshop designed for writers who are ready to embrace their lived experiences and transform them into powerful stories.
October 4–6
souL shift
Consider Your Response. Shift Your Habits. Love Your Life for Real. rAcHel MAcy stAFFOrD
Best-selling author and celebrated speaker Rachel Macy Stafford returns to the retreat center with her latest Soul Shift retreat. Dig into your soul to learn to uncover and face powerful truths, shift your responses, and replace self-defeating habits with practices rooted in self-awareness, healing, and compassion. Experience in joy, connection, fulfillment, and true transformation.
Self-DiScovery creativity minDfulneSS
October 4–6
the art of your high seLf
Inner Transformation Through Creative Expression
JAMes MccrAe & bunny MicHAel
Deepen your creative practice, combine purpose and play, connect with a welcoming and creative community, and transform your mess into your message, in a weekend of self-discovery, expression, transformation, and community.
Join renowned medium, healer, author, and spiritual teacher, MaryAnn DiMarco, for a powerful and interactive weekend retreat to explore your intuitive abilities. Through interactive exercises, guided practices, and MaryAnn’s readings throughout the program, learn how to meet your Spirit Guides and loved ones, and connect to the other side. Leave inspired and tuned into your own spiritual gifts to manifest your best life.
Sought-after therapist, relationship expert, and best-selling author Nedra Glover Tawwab leads this journey of delving deep into the art of setting boundaries—teaching powerful tools for everyone who wants to speak up for what they want and need and show up more authentically in the world. Join us for a retreat that transcends boundaries, paving the way for inner peace and harmonious relationships.
yoga Self-DiScovery meDitation
October 18–20
JeSSamyn Stanley
Jessamyn Stanley, acclaimed yoga teacher, author, body-positivity advocate, and founder of The Underbelly—a unique and digital wellness experience—invites you to practice wellness expanded, wellness your way, wellness for you, period.
You’ll discover the healing powers of yoga and meditation and learn to love your body. Open to everyone.
Self-DiScovery relationSHipS minDfulneSS
October 23–27
sacred activism
Weaving Nature, Culture, and Spirit deborah eden tuLL & nina simons
Embark on a profound journey that goes beyond conventional notions of activism and the sacred, fostering relational mindfulness, evolving leadership, and compassionate action.
Self-DiScovery minDfulneSS
October 25–27
Heal Trauma-Driven Dysregulation, Disconnection, and Triggers
AnnA runkle WitH speciAl guest pAtrick teAHAn
Spend a weekend with The Crappy Childhood Fairy
Anna Runkle in a nurturing space to delve into the core of your trauma, tackle the painful symptoms of Childhood PTSD, and learn practical strategies for sustainable healing.
HealtH & WellneSS October 24–27 tHe ultimate longevity WorkSHop
Prevent and Reverse Disease and Maintain Excellent Health Until 100 Joel fuHrman, mD
Dr. Joel Fuhrman—family physician, nutritional researcher, and bestselling author—offers this unique, intensive experience in using nutritional interventions for common health conditions by applying his 30 years of medical experience and exceptional insight into the science behind the effectiveness of diet to reverse disease and enhance longevity.
Food is truly the most effective medicine.—
Self-DiScovery relationSHipS
November 1–3
Dr. rAMAni DurvAsul A
November 7–10
transforming chiLdhood Wounds
linDA tHAi, MsW & MAriAH rOOney, MsW
Join Linda Thai and Mariah Rooney in a highly experiential, narrative-changing healing space where you get to address your family- and culture-of-origin wounds using psychodrama structures, a powerful modality for healing and transforming the wounds and stories we carry.
Celebrate Diwali with a purposeful focus on healing from narcissistic relationships, where the festival’s message of light overcoming darkness mirrors our journey towards reclaiming our inner radiance. This retreat serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that amidst the triumph of good over evil, healing from narcissistic relationships is not only possible but essential. Spirituality relationSHipS
November 8–10
a mother’s Journey to feeLing connected Reconnect with Your Teen and Yourself
Ali Flynn
Join the visionary behind Hang in There, Mama, for a weekend of transformation, empowerment, and heartfelt connection—an opportunity to reignite the connection with your teen and yourself and embark on a journey of personal growth and deeper family bonds.
Spirituality Self-DiScovery
November 8–10
connecting With spirit
Awakening Your Psychic Senses bill pHilipps
Psychic medium Bill Philipps connects you to the world of Spirit in this exploration of your own intuitive abilities. Learn to quiet the rational mind to gain a better understanding of yourself and those around you.
Spirituality Self-DiScovery
November 8–10
DOn Miguel ruiz, Jr. & DOn JOse ruiz
Toltec masters Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., and Don Jose Ruiz lead a life-changing experience to discover the pathway to personal freedom.
Experience firsthand the transformative power of the Toltec teachings with practical exercises and reflections designed to help you find peace and personal freedom in your own life—right now.
Self-DiScovery relationSHipS November 15–17
Let’s heaL together
MinAA b.
Escape to a sanctuary of self-discovery and relational growth with our transformative retreat led by author, mental health educator, and social worker, Minaa B. We are embarking on a journey of profound self-discovery— delving into the intricate art of cultivating healthy and nurturing relationships.
November 15–17
Explore what meditation teaches us about being human with Jeff Warren, meditation instructor, and award-winning co-author of the best-selling book, Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics.
Jeff guides a variety of adventurous practices as a way both to highlight the underlying skills and principles of meditation and to empower each person to learn what works for them. Excitement will be had, as well as peaceful sighing and a many terrible jokes.
A Note from Jeff
It’s funny, I never used to write like this. I preferred careful, secular-friendly language. I still enjoy speaking in this mode, but I’m also bored by it. You get blown apart enough, you watch the same stories of wonder and transformation … it’s like <hands in the air> ‘why hide it?’ Being human takes practice, and meditation is the practice of being human. It’s everything. So come get some!
Happiness is not just something that happens to you; it is a skill. —Jeff Warren
December 1–7
Dr. Angelo Dilullo leads this semi-silent retreat designed for those committed to an investigation into their deepest nature—that unnamable “something” that has been stirring inside.
During this experiential program, you explore the practices of
• Self-inquiry
• Daily guided and silent meditations
• Nature walks
• Work with thought and consciousness
• Emotional and direct sensory investigation.
• In addition, there are wisdom talks, sound meditations, and Q&A sessions—all in community with likeminded seekers.
You’ll be completely supported as you begin—or continue—your journey into waking up and creating a profound sense of liberation and enlightenment.
Awakening and realization are ultimately about living your life in uninterrupted peace. —Angelo Dilullo
In addition to incredible views and the peaceful, natural beauty of our surroundings, the Art of Living Retreat Center offers expert customized support and an atmosphere of community that insures an immersive experience for groups of almost any size.
From your first contact through the final day of your event, every moment is carefully crafted for your group’s goals—you can focus on what you do best, we’ll take care of the rest. Hosting your event with us means one-stop planning—from ticketing to housing to catering to activities.
We’ve hosted thousands of events here on the mountain and we love what we do. You’ll see that in the care and attention we put into your event and insuring your satisfaction. View our digital guide to Holistic Group Retreats & Conferences.
Everything from A–Z: Ticketing, accommodations and meals, tea & coffee, snacks, parking, daily workshops, and access to our entire campus and its amenities can be included in your package.
We provide yoga mats, blocks, straps, back jacks, and blankets, and have a variety of A/V equipment on site to accommodate any typical presentation.
You and your guests have access to our daily schedule of signature workshops in meditation, yoga, Ayurveda and more.
There is a serenity on this mountaintop that I have not found anywhere else. I feel like it’s the whole package for your well-being.
—Rachel Macy Stafford, 4-time program presenter
request A cOnsultAtiOn, schedule a site visit, and experience these serene mountains for yourself aolrc.org/events
828.802.4025 | aolrc.org/2024
The Sri Sri School of Yoga aims to provide a comprehensive and multidimensional yoga education offering programs that are deeply rooted in ancient yogic science and give you a unique experiential understanding of yoga in its purity.
Dive into authentic yoga with inspiring trainers in a serene mountain setting or online from home. Rooted in science, experience, and a lineage of yoga masters, SSYTT enables excellence in teaching through self–practice, service, and expansion of the true Self.
Our 95H Children’s Yoga Teacher Training provides a strong foundation in a broad spectrum of areas to confidently and compassionately teach yoga to kids aged 4-17 in a fun, safe, deeply rewarding, and beneficial way.
Empower expectant mothers with the wisdom of yoga when you diversify your yoga teaching career with this specialist training for every trimester of pregnancy.
+ LINEAGE + EXPERIENCE find out more about our teacher trainings aolrc.org/training
September 15–October 5 21-Day yoga teacHer training retreat
Our next on-campus YTT immersion begins in September—one of the most beautiful times to be on the mountain!
Learn to teach yoga, but more than that, learn to teach with confidence and authenticity. Nestled in the aweinspiring Blue Ridge Mountains, with the uplifting energy of the Art of Living Retreat Center to support you, the first steps on your yoga teaching journey will be remarkable.
Upon graduation, you join a global community of fellow graduates—your sangha—who are there to support and inspire you in the years to come.
internAtiOnAl FAculty kAMlesH bArWAl, ex-ceO sri sri yOgA, inDiA & FOrMer generAl secretAry OF inDiAn yOgA AssOciAtiOn
The most wonderful three weeks of my life. The personal growth, encouragement, nurturing, friendships, wisdom—I simply don’t have the words to express my gratitude to all who participated in making this program so magical. —Susan S., program graduate
Signature meDitation retreatS for those who want to start or deepen a meditation practice.
• The Happiness Retreat
• Silent Meditation Retreats
• The Meditation Retreat page 4 or aolrc.org/signature
reSt & relaxation retreatS for those who want a more self-guided experience.
• Flexible schedule—do it all, or do nothing
• Choose how long (2-night minimum)
page 6 or aolrc.org/rnr
ayurveDa WellneSS for those who want to experience the bliss of Ayurveda.
• Ayurveda Bodywork, Treatments, and Therapies
• Lifestyle Consultations
• Daily R&R workshops and Activities
Page 8 or aolrc.org/wellness
gueSt preSenter eventS for those looking for a more scheduled program on a topic of their interest—transformative programs with renowned teachers, thought leaders, and subject-matter experts.
Page 16 or aolrc.org/calendar
to regiSter
Go online aolrc.org
Get detailed program information, register for the experience of your choice, and chat with us. Call 828.802.4025
We are happy to answer your questions and help you choose a program that fits your interests.
Email info@aolrc.org Send us a message.
SHankara ayurveDa WellneSSAdd a healing arts treatment, therapy, or consultation to your stay—the perfect accompaniment to any program.
We highly recommend booking sessions at least two weeks prior to your arrival to ensure availability. aolrc.org/treatments
Your reservation includes your room, three vegetarian meals daily, and access to our gorgeous grounds and facilities. You may also participate in R&R activities, featuring a variety of meditation, yoga, healing arts, ancient wisdom, and creative arts workshops.
• Hotel Rooms—King or full beds, refrigerator, TV, private bath (Private and shared available.)
• Retreat Rooms—Comfortable, simply furnished, twin beds, private bath (Private and shared available.)
• Apartments—fully furnished, kitchenette, balcony, washer & dryer, TV
• Start with a nourishing breakfast in the Dining Hall.
• Stretch and find your center in morning yoga.
• Restore with an Ayurvedic treatment.
• Relax in late morning meditation.
• Meet up with new friends for lunch.
• Get creative with clay.
• Take an Ayurveda Cooking class.
• Immerse yourself in the great outdoors with a guided or solo nature walk.
• Try something new at dinner.
• Experience evening kirtan— meditative music and chant.
• We are a vegetarian kitchen.
• The ancient science of Ayurveda inspires us.
• Our menus are welcoming, inspiring, and accommodating.
• We have the utmost respect for our community and planet, and are mindful of the impact of our kitchen.
• Love is at the core of all we do in our kitchen.
find out more about dining at the Center and our food philosophy aolrc.org/dining
The Center is just a few miles from the towns of Boone and Blowing Rock in western North Carolina, and an easy 2-hour drive from the Charlotte airport, as well as surrounding east coast states. aolrc.org/directions
Renowned for its scenic beauty, the area is home to aweinspiring natural wonders and the stunning Blue Ridge Parkway that runs through the valley below, offering an inspiring arrival to this peaceful sanctuary for the soul.
No matter what your interest, we’ve got your heart-opening experience waiting! We are proud to offer programs and retreats led by world-renowned presenters, teachers, thought leaders, and wellness experts—with themes like selfdiscovery, creativity, fitness, relationships—each crafted to inspire, educate, and empower.